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created by Shihab MS on Jun 27, 2012 10:09 AM, last modified by Shihab MS on Jul 18, 2012 1:53 PM
Drilldown Reports

Copy form

You can copy an existing for form for creating a form for drilldown reports . Use T code FSI4 for creating

Edit Form

Use T code FSI5 for editing the Form we have created

Drilldown Reports
Version 3
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Select the Column and Double click on that , You can add different characteristics values in that table. You
can also add new columns to current form , point the cursor and insert element , either you can add a
characteristics value or you can define a formula ie for calculating Variants like that

Tick the Variable box then you will get a screen , there you can select the variable such as "Fiscal year,
Fiscal year (6 mo.) etc.

Enter the text in the following format to separate the text in to two lines , in this case the year will display
in the second line

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Insert Row

Point the curser in the row for inserting an Element in the row

You can either enter a formula or select Characteristics value from the Financial Statement Version

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Use Reversal sign option to specify Credit item in the Profit and loss A/C and Balance sheet(Incomes,
Liabilities etc,)

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Dividing Lines
You can create a dividing line to separate each line items

Column Width

you can adjust the width of the Colum

Hide Colum or Row

Hiding is a good tool to Hide those rows or column that you dont want to show in the report , but you
wanted the values of the Column/row for some calculation Purpose

Here we have an option to enter a formula for a particular item in the report ,. Fist you have to select those
line items that you wanted to include in the Formula

Double Click on the item there you have different options.

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Report Creation

Create the report with the form that you created , you can specify the name for the Report . Use Tcode
FSI1 for report Creation

You can make the selection of characteristics values for the Reports . Drag those items wanted to include in
the report

Select the Classical Drilldown for report out put type. If you wanted to include any Header for |Footer in
the report that you can mention in the Layout.
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You can edit the report from Tcode FSI2 and also you can execute report

The main important feature of this drilldown report is that we can drill down the report in to line item level

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Here in the main report we can add many sub report . These Sub report will help the user to drilldown in to
Line item level.

Create Sub Report

You have to create a separate form and a report this purpose as main report . You can use the same tools that we used in the Main
report. The important difference between main report and the sub report is the Report type , Here we are using separate ABAP
report for line item display

You can create elements for the report in this way

Report Creation
Create sub reports using FSI1

Select those characteristics you wish to include in the report

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Select the classical Drilldown report as output Type , you can create header/footers or copy from the
existing header created for the main report

Here in the option tab we can mention the report Type used , Select the REPORT ASSIGNMENT ' push
button and select Other Report Type
You can select the ABAP Report from the list available and Enter the Report Program" RFGLRE_ITEMS"

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Assigning Sub reports in to main reports

select the report that you wanted to assign the sub reports

Select the Report assignment Push Button and add new report and select the report from the report list .

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Area Menu Creation

You can create Area Menu for easy access to the report. These reports are created to meet the
requirement of Top Management most of the time , so the wanted to access easily to the report . To fulfill
this requirement we can crate a Area Manu

Use T code SE43- Area Menu Creation

Create area menu with a Name Starting with Z and add new entry to the list . You have to select the Report
to add a report to the area menu

Select the Drilldown Report in the screen and select the Balance sheet key Figure in the selection. There u
will have option to select the report you have already created

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Average User Rating
(4 ratings)

I hope now you can able to view the report in the area menu and able to execute the report
2703 Views Products: sap_erp_financials Topics: enterprise_resource_planning Tags: reports, drilldown
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Krali Marko Jun 30, 2012 11:25 PM
Am I the only one who can not see the print screens ?
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Anto Kang Jul 2, 2012 4:01 AM
Some images can be seen, but some are not..
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Krali Marko Jul 2, 2012 11:27 AM (in response to Anto Kang)
Maybe these are Pay-per-view images
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Shihab MS Jul 2, 2012 11:47 AM (in response to Krali Marko)
HI Friends

Actually i wanted to hide some details in those images, that is y i first copied it into
paint and after making some changes attached these images in to the sites from
Paint , that is the reason some images are seems blurred.
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Krali Marko Jul 18, 2012 1:00 PM (in response to Shihab MS)
Hi shihab,
Thanks for ur reply,
First I was looking such document (Drilldown) for long time,
I don't know how u can see the images in this document, but on my
computer (I tried on all browsers) images are not blurred but completely
blank, i see only the framework of the image.
I can see only 6 images,
- First image of 2 Edit Form
- First image of 4 Reversal Sign
- And the last four images of (C) Assigning Sub reports in to main
I would really appreciate if I send this document by email or re-upload
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Shihab MS Jul 18, 2012 1:59 PM (in response to Krali Marko)
HI Friend

I have checked in my ID it is working fine, anyway i have updated
the images again . Please check once again and please let me
know the result
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Krali Marko Jul 18, 2012 8:04 PM (in response to Shihab MS)
Perfect, now i can see all images, thanks.
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Pranav gupta Nov 29, 2012 9:39 AM (in response to Shihab
Thanku so Much Shihab,

I will configure accordingly screen shot. a lot of thanks.

Mr. Shihab,
Right now i facing Foreign Currency calcuation...

i will send u the settings n all.
Please let me ...

Plzze yr quick action will be highly apprecited..

SAP FICO Consultant.
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Rejoice Mututsa Aug 2, 2013 10:47 AM (in
response to Pranav gupta)
Hi guys

I am having a challenge here . i want to
change the despricption of the form title but
after changing it is not showing the header in
full it seems like it is picking the short text and
not long text.e.g the HEADER for the existing
form is ZDCO financial statement version after
changing instead of showing NGSC finamcial
statement version it shows NGSC FIN.

Regards Rejoice
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Eli Klovski Sep 19, 2013 5:11 PM
Nice outlook
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Shihab MS Sep 20, 2013 8:02 AM (in response to Eli Klovski)
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Rejoice Mututsa Sep 20, 2013 12:22 PM (in response to Shihab MS)
Hi Shihab
I am trying to design a Cashflow report.Can you educate me on how to come up
with a formulate which calculate increase or decrease in inventory,trade
receivables,paybles etc.
I understand it sgould be current yr -previous year in this form trade receivablesl
/FY;&1FY. I dont know where you get these parameters .Please help am stuck.
Apart from this on the increase in cash and cash equivalents.....BALANce at the
beginning of the year which figuream i supposed to pick then Balance at end of year
how is it computed.

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Pranav gupta Sep 25, 2013 12:20 PM (in response to Rejoice Mututsa)
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Shihab MS Sep 26, 2013 6:43 AM (in response to Rejoice Mututsa)

You can use two hidden column for a current period and previous period,
and formula can be used for calculating the changes in inventory
Pranav gupta Sep 26, 2013 7:59 AM (in response to Shihab MS)
HI Shihab Sir,
Very good morning sir,
based on that we have prepared Report painter for P&L account
but FS item not display, plzze plzze help me in this regard, its
urgent... User wants for MIS report
purpose P&L report.

we have configred through FSI4 and FSI1 , value coming after
execute FSI0, but FS ITEM not showing as per client

see the screen shot i have made to meet requirement for client
but still problm ..
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Pranav gupta Sep 26, 2013 8:10 AM (in response to Pranav
Dear Sir,

See the below format, client want accordingly below
format , we have made but still not meet requirement
from customer kindly tell me where i ve assign add FS
item in KSI4 , KSI1 report..

Budget Main Head
311200 SALES EXP-
311400 SALES EXP- Deemed
312100 SALES DOM-
312200 SALES DOM-
312400 SALE OF WIP
Sales Total
Scrap Sale 321130 SALE OF MFG.SCRAP
Scrap Sale Total
Other Operating Income
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Mat Cost 411010
Mat Cost Total
Man Power
Man Power Total
Power & Diesel
Power & Diesel Total
Fuel & Oil
Fuel & Oil Total
Stores & Consumables
Operation Support
Stores & Consumables Total
Oth Mfg Exp & Maint Exp
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Operation Support
Operation Support
Oth Mfg Exp & Maint Exp
Maintenace Expenses
Maintenace Expenses Total
Admin Exp
Its urgent sir
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Ranu Eugene Sep 25, 2013 1:59 PM
Hi Shihab,
Nice Document and thanks for sharing.

Keep up the good work.

Best of Luck.

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Nishu Shah Sep 26, 2013 8:04 AM

Appreciate your effort ! Thanks

I have a query, we have a situation where a single gl is used for operating exp and non operating exp.
It is generally bifurcated by CO Account assignment i.e. of it is operating then it is assigned to CS
Order and if it is non operating, then it is assigned to Cost center

How to make bifurcation of cost element on CO account assignment level in report painted

Thank You
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Shihab MS Sep 26, 2013 8:33 AM (in response to Nishu Shah)
Hi all.

It is better to use FGI0, FGI1 for repor creation and FGI4 for form creation instead of using
the oldest method FSI1 and FSI4.
Pranav gupta Sep 26, 2013 9:29 AM (in response to Shihab MS)
Thanks for quick reply..
we have already prepared but when i go for Execute FGI0 getting Error
The drilldown report must be selected using one ledger
Message no. GH113
Drilldown reports must be selected using precisely one ledger. Here, the drilldown
report called up has no ledger selections or more than one ledger has been used for
System Response
Execution of the report is terminated.
Maintain the form accordingly.
Message No.
Message no. GH113
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Note : Sir,
Kindly Send me Screen shot for the same like FSI4 and FSI1 , i m new one but as
per business scenario i have configured as per your an idea.
see the config settings below

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Shihab MS Sep 26, 2013 9:38 AM (in response to Pranav gupta)

Use Report Type 002 ie FAGLFLEXT ,

there will be some standard reports are available, if u wanted to created ur
own , either you can copy or use FGI4 to create form and then use FGI1 to
create report with this form
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Pranav gupta Sep 26, 2013 9:43 AM (in response to Shihab MS)
Thanks sir,

sir, but FAGLFLEXT for new GL or ECC6 EHP4, coz still New GL
not activated,, kindly confirm sir.

Thanks a lot for quick reply...
Shihab MS Sep 26, 2013 10:35 AM (in response to Pranav
When you activate new General Ledger Accounting, the
totals records in General Ledger Accounting are
updated in the standard totals table FAGLFLEXT. This
totals table is deployed in functions such as planning
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and reporting.
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Pranav gupta Sep 26, 2013 10:46 PM (in response
to Shihab MS)
Thanks a lot sir...
Sir finally , i have made as you given advice to
go for FSI4 and FSI1 ... sir , kindly i requested
to you see the screen shot below, i have one
issues after executing april'13, may june data
flow but i dont know july'13 , Aug and Sept'13
no data found showing in exist report i have
seen in FS10N report in all sales account till
septeber;13 data was there, kindly correct me
where i have done mistake to config... all most
out of 100 99.9% covered.. but from July no
in this regard , we have activate COPA report
.. for your information might be from July.13..
that's why not showing or somthing wrong
config... kindly correct me as soon as
possible... i am still stuck till now since
morning.... plzzze.
Your action will be highly appreciated...
note : See the report below
Kind regards
Pranav kr Gupta
SAP FICO Consultant.
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Shihab MS Sep 27, 2013 1:40 PM (in
response to Pranav gupta)

Please check the characteristic you
have defined for the July period
Pranav gupta Sep 27, 2013
1:52 PM (in response to
Shihab MS)
Hi, Shihab,
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Good Evening,

Thanks a lot....
yes u are right, actually
what happened, Period
April is 1, but FSI4 format
Following calender year,
thats why... showing in
July..instead of April...
finally... resolved the
thanku so much... for
upto marks out of 100 100..
from side...
Note : one more issues in
Copa... plzze help me in
this regard
in KE30 Report Material
Cost not updated... only
COGS GL updated and
showing in KE30... coz
condition type in KE4I
VPRS... based on Material
Master data system
calculate Material Cost...
but we want actual material
cost n fetch in KE30
report... tell me step with
screen shot... its urgent...

Kind regards
Pranav Kr.Gupta
SAP FICO Consultant
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Pranav gupta Dec 30, 2013
10:34 AM (in response to
Pranav gupta)
Hi Shihab,

We have made Drill Down
Report in KE30... but when
i select the component Like
sales, or any other and go
to Line Item from Menu
Bar... Line Item Button is
not active... Customer want
to see Line item as well in
KE30 Report.

Kindly Help me ... in KE30
for Line Item Wise..

Kind ragards
Pranav Kr. Gupta
SAP FICO Consultant
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Shihab MS Dec 30, 2013
10:49 AM (in response to
Pranav gupta)
Hi Friend

You have to assign the
report in Option> Report
Thease are the available
report Type. You have to
choose the report type and
enter report program
BB Report Portfolio
BW BW Query
QU SAP Query
RE Drilldown Reporting
RT ABAP Report
RW Report Writer
TR Transaction
Pranav gupta Dec 30, 2013
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11:16 AM (in response to
Shihab MS)
Hi Shihab

Thanks for Quick Reply...

But where we have to
configuration ... for the
same ..kindly send me the
step-step details... actually,
today we want to close this
issues ASAP.. Kindly help
so .. we can give the report
to Customer as well.

Plz help Shihab.

Kind regards

Like (1)
Shihab MS Dec 30, 2013
11:51 AM (in response to
Pranav gupta)
Hi Friend

You have to assign the
Report in KE32
in"Options" tab.under
Extras >Report
There you have to choose
Insert Row(F6). Other
Report Type. There you
have to choose the report
type. If we select
Transaction you have to
enter T Code KE24 for Line
item display.
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Pranav gupta Dec 30, 2013
12:21 PM (in response to
Shihab MS)
Thanku sir...

Thanks a lott...

Right Now i am configuring
assignment .. once
complete we will let you
sir, in Report assignment
which one we have to
select for Line Item
like as you said report
name : i.e RE - Drilldown
report... RW- For Report
Painter so every report
which showing in system or
either one of them.. and
application : EC Profit
Center Accounting...

Kindly Guide me we are
very alomost achieve the
Issues resolve ... i think...

Plzze Shihab..

Kind regards
Pranav gupta Dec 30, 2013
12:25 PM (in response to
Pranav gupta)
Hi Shihab,

But we have made KE80
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to create KE84 then KE81.
to Execute KE80..

i have seen same thing is
i am waiting for your reply

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Shihab MS Dec 30, 2013 2:32
PM (in response to Pranav
Hi Friend

Whether in KE32, KE82,
FSI2 or in FGI2 assignment
of Report is same
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Pranav gupta Jan 6, 2014
10:00 AM (in response to
Shihab MS)
Hi Shihab,

Good Afternoon ,

SIr, all most we achieve as
you given advice to do but
in Option Tab. Report
Assignment m stuk.. if
possible or free kindly send
me the step by step.. m
trying four five times.. but
Line Item Button still
showing inactive.
see the sreen shot.

Kind regards
Pranav Kr. Gupta
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Pranav gupta Jan 6, 2014
11:01 AM (in response to
Pranav gupta)
Hi Shihab,

For yr Information.

We have ECC6.. but we
didnt activate NEW GL
Document Splitting..kindly
tell me.. we can do in
Classic GL As well.. kindly

Kind regards
Pranav Kr.Gupta
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Sridevi P Oct 18, 2013 7:32 AM
Detailed steps and thanks for sharing
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Shihab MS Oct 18, 2013 8:11 AM (in response to Sridevi P)
Thanks sridevi
narin kamuni Jan 6, 2014 7:13 AM
Nice Document - Thanks for Sharing...

Narin Kamuni
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Subhadeep Das Feb 22, 2014 1:50 PM
very good. It helped me a lot. thank you.

best regds
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Sudeep A Feb 24, 2014 5:36 AM
Good information. Thank you.

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Erwin Leitner Jun 27, 2014 10:59 PM

Thank you very much.

all the best

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