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Rifqi Afriandy SA NIM 102310101006
Jember is one of the main cities in the province of East Java . Jember city is very
famous for tobacco town because most of the agricultural products are tobacco. most of the
population of Jember city is derived from Madura. Jember city culture is very diverse. Jember
has a distinctive motif is illustrated leaf tobacco. Besides that, Jember also have a traditional
dance called dance lahbako . !his dance tells the story of life tobacco farmers, and how to
cultivate tobacco. Besides dance and batik , Jember also famous for tourism. Jember city
appeal also famous with the natural beauty. Jember located in the mountains and southern
ocean. !he most famous beach tourism in Jeember city is "apuma. Many domestic tourist
coming from various cities came to the Jember to en#oy the beauty of the beach. Beside that,
now Jember already beginning to be seen by other countries because of cultural arts. Jember
have a arts festival called J$%. J$% festivals are held once a year. Many foreign tourists
visited to Jember for en#oy the art festival.
&iding a motorcycle is much more likely to result in serious in#ury or death. &eaction
time at '(mph on a '( lb bicycle is much more effective than the same reaction time on a ())
pound motorcycle traveling at () mph. Even if the motorcycle is traveling at bicycle speeds,
it is harder to maneuver out of trouble than a bicycle.
* have commuted and lived by bike for four years now. *+ve also ridden motorcycles in
the past so * have e,perience living with both. My -uestion stems from a discussion with my
girlfriend after she freaked to the notion of me maybe getting a motorcycle again for longer
rides across the state and such. .he is of the opinion that they are way to dangerous, and *
countered with the fact that safety wise *+m already running the same risk.

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