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Lesson Three Review Your Kingdom Come

Name: _____________________________ Date: ___________ __ /20 pts

1. John the Baptists question in Matthew 11:13, Are You the Epe!te" #ne, or sha$$ we $oo% &or so'eone e$se()
shows that he "i" not &u$$* un"erstan" Jesus 'ission+ ,hat was John $oo%in- &or in a Messiah( .ow is this
si'i$ar to or "i&&erent &ro' the epe!tations that peop$e have re-ar"in- Jesus to"a*( (3 pts)
2. Ep$ain how pra*er !an /e un"erstoo" as re/e$$ion a-ainst the status quo+ ,h* is this e'phasis si-ni&i!ant &or
'ission( (2 pts)
3. ,hat "oes Matthew 01:11 state 'ust happen /e&ore the en" o& the a-e( 2n *our opinion, how "oes this -ive hope
an" &o!us to the 3hur!h &or !o'p$etin- wor$" evan-e$i4ation( (3 pts)
4. Ep$ain the '*ster* o& the 5in-"o') in ter's o& 3hrists two !o'in-s an" 6o"s "esire &or a ti'e o& 'er!* &or
the nations+ (3 pts)
5. 3hoose one o& the three "ire!tions o& 6o"s purpose 7a-ainst evi$, &or peop$e, towar" 6o"8 an" "es!ri/e in one or
two senten!es how the %in-"o' o& 6o" he$ps us un"erstan" that part o& 6o"s purpose+ (1 pt)
6. 999 ,hat "oes La"" 'ean /* the phrase the -ospe$ o& the 5in-"o')( (1 pt)
a. That God gives ete!a" "i#e i! $is ete!a" %i!gdom.
&. That God has de#eated the e!emies o# death' si! a!d (ata!.
). That *es+s e!t+sts $is #o""o,es ,ith the tas% o# p+tti!g a #i!a" e!d to i!-+sti)e a!d s+##ei!g.
d. That o!e da. God ,i"" desto. a"" evi" a!d esta&"ish $is ighteo+s +"e o! eath.
e. a a!d )
#. a' & a!d d
/. 2"enti&* the !orre!t point on the "ia-ra' /e$ow &or ea!h o& the &o$$owin-+ (4 pts' 0 pt ea)h)
___ the pese!t evi" age
___ God1s e!emies disempo,eed &. 2hist1s death
___ p+gi!g o# a"" si! a!d evi" #om the eath
___ the age to )ome
___ 345 Da. )ompaiso!
___ D4Da. )ompaiso!
___ ,i!!i!g a""egia!)e to *es+s as 6i!g
___ a time o# me). #o the !atio!s
7. Ro// sa*s two !o'p$ees, i"o$atr* an" stron-ho$"s, o&ten "o'inate in $east evan-e$i4e" settin-s+ Mat!h the
!o'p$ees with the phrases /e$ow /* 'ar%in- 2) &or i"o$atr* an" :) &or stron-ho$"s+ (3 pts' 0 pt ea)h)
___ e!ta!g"ed ,ith #a"se gods
___ pepet+ates despai a!d #ata"ism
Perspectives on the World Christian Movement 1
8 2op.ight 2007 4
___ "o)%ed a""egia!)e
___ &o%e! &. God sho,i!g $imse"# geate
___ de!ies that 2hist )a! &e o&e.ed
___ tho+ght patte!s
Perspectives on the World Christian Movement 2
8 2op.ight 2007 4

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