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Africa in the Imperialistic Age
European countries started to dominate African
regions, in order to increase wealth and power.
France took a place in Northwest Africa and
developed the area.
Great Britain had regions in the Northeastern,
Eastern, and Southern part of Africa.
Belgium took regions in Central Africa.
Other countries took the crumps of what was left,
like Italy and Spain, who had few involvement.
The French in Africa
The French took control of
Algiers, an important region.
Later on, they took control of
In order to expand their sphere
of influence, they got Morocco
and some area surrounding it,
as well.
Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Chad,
Central African Republic,
Congo, Gabon, Burkina Faso,
Bunin, Cte dIvoire, Guinea,
and Senegal.
The British in Africa
The British took possession of Southern Africa, some
territory in East Africa, the Sudan, and Egypt.
The Suez Canal meant an improvement in British trade
and communication.
The Cape Town to Cairo project.
All of these strategic movements led to a conflict between
French and British known as Fashoda crisis.
The Belgians in Africa
The colonization of the Congo.
Leopold II used Congo to gather
and sell ivory, rubber, and
minerals in the upper Congo
It earned, eventually, infamy due
to mistreatment of its people and
plunder of local resources.
In time, it was abolished and
annexed to Belgium, and became
known as Belgian Congo.
Other countries involved in Africa
Germany: they got Namibia, Tanganyika, Cameroon,
and Togoland.
Portugal: they got Angola, Mozambique, Port. Guinea,
Madeira, and Cape Verde.
Spain: they got Spanish North Africa, Spanish West
Africa, and Spanish Guinea (Equatorial Guinea).
Italy: they got Libya, Eritrea, Somaliland, and Ethiopia.
The Europeans need for power and money.
The desire they had to get the best regions.
The organization, distribution of the regions.
The resources found truly satisfied Europeans.

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