Outline Fungsi SDM

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Outline Rencana Organsasi & SDM

1. Tujuan dan Sasaran SDM

1.1. Tujuan SDM.
1.2. Sasaran SDM.
2. Budaya Perusahaan (What, Why, How to Inculcate Them, Budet !or
Inculcat"on etc#.
$. Stru%tur &ran"sas" ' Baan &ran"sas".
(. Prencanaan Sum)er Daya Manus"a (!rom year * u+ to year n# "n
sourc"n ,s outsourc"n, j"%a outsourc"n +erlu d"jelas%an strate"
(+em"l"han +erusahaan ds)# dan alasannya.
-. Penadaan ' recru"tment, select"on, "nduct"on.
.. Pelat"han dan Penem)anan.
/. 0enjan 1areer (hor"2ontal ,s ,ert"cal#
3. S"stem %om+ensas" (salary +ol"cy e. 45u"ty e6ternal (salary sur,ey7
)enchmar%"n# ,s "nternal (jo) analys"s7 jo) +r"c"n#, salary
"ncreasement, )onus (+ol"cy#, "n,ent",es, allowances, 8M9, etc#.
1ons"der mot",at"on theor"es.
:. Manajemen %"nerja (P;' what "s measured, why, how, when, who the
raters are etc#.
1*. Hu)unan "ndustr"al < +emutusan hu)unan %erja (D"scuss
)r"e=y> ;t least, you must com+ly w"th the o,ernment reulat"ons#.
11. ;s+e% ?euanan 9encana SDM7 ;naran SDM (recru"tment <
select"on, tra"n"n, salar"es, )onus, "ncent",es, allowances, etc#. Put "t
"n the a++end"6.
12. 0o) descr"+t"on7 man s+ec. +ut th"s "n the a++end"6

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