CM 1 Eagles

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ESL (English as a Second Language) CM1 EAGLES

Dear Parents,
In order to gain an overview of the organisation and curriculum for English as a Second Language in the
Primary School, I invite you to attend an information meeting in the Jardines Looout auditorium on !onday,
#cto$er, at "%&&'m% (or those who are una$le to attend this meeting, the PowerPoint 'resentation will $e
'osted on the schools we$site shortly after the meeting%
(ollow the lin) htt')**www%fis%edu%h*we$*Default%as'+,r-./lang-fr0fr/e-.1.2/h-&3&3&
4he children are settling down well to their routine of English classes three times a wee% 5our child is in the
E67LES grou', which is woring at the low0intermediate*$eginner level%
4he children will $e involved in activities which develo' all four language sills) listening, s'eaing, reading
and writing% 8e will $e using ESL 0 ada'ted reading $oos, as well as the 9Pro:ect ;< English course $oo
which teaches at the 6;*=. level of the >E( (>ommon Euro'ean (ramewor for Languages)% 8e will also $e
reinforcing the childrens nowledge of vowel sounds, consonants and sim'le consonant $lends to hel' them
with reading and s'elling%
4uesday .?%.? @ ."%&& S'elling * Aoca$ulary e+tension* 7rammar and writing structures
8ednesday .&%1? @ ..%B& #ral language*Pro:ect ;
(riday .;%.? @ .B%&& Ceading * >om'rehension
In addition to regular s'elling revision and reading, homewor will $e assigned occasionally% Domewor will $e
recorded in the cahier de texte%
Reading 0 8e will $e reading a variety of $oos during the year which will generate discussion in class%
Ceading and 're'aration for the lesson will $e e+'ected% 6t this level, it is im'ortant that children read at least
'art of the $oo with an adult%
Spelling / ocabular! @ 5our child will $ring home a list of words and sentences on 4uesday to learn for the
s'elling test on the following 4uesday% >hildren should relearn any incorrect words from the tests and write
corrections in green in the s'elling $oo every wee% Parents must sign the s'elling $oo every wee%
"EE#L$0 Information a$out our class activities, homewor and s'elling lists will $e 'osted on the ESL teams
8EE=L5 'age% 4here is also a lin to 9Learn the Eews<, a child friendly, weely online news'a'er the school
has su$scri$ed to%
(ollow the lin) htt')**myeslclassroom%fis%h*cm.000eagles%html (Password) %i&parent&)
Engli&' report
4he first English re'ort will a''ear on the second term $ulletin in January*(e$ruary ;&.?, and the second
English re'ort will a''ear at the end of the school year%
Please contact us via 8ee$ly or at the email address $elow if you have any Fuestions, or if youd lie to meet
with us to discuss your childs 'rogress in English%
5ours sincerely,

7a$rielle Pe'ino Eoh (ESL 4eacher) Phili''ine >am'ion (>hai 8an ESL >oordinator)
gno'(l%i&)edu)'k pcampion(l%i&)edu)'k

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