Gunung Tangga (15th-1jjjj7th August 2014)

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OGKL has stepped its foot into another adventure and this time around it was in

Cameron Highland. The trip on the 15

ugust was OGKL!s se"ond visit to
Gunung Tangga after the #ear of $%%7. &evertheless' the adrenaline of $(
parti"ipants in"luding ) "ommittee mem*ers rushed through the veins as this trip
was the +rst' for some of us.
August 2014
The venue *efore the ,ourne# started was set at L-T Gom*a.. The eager
parti"ipants have started to swirl around L-T Gom*a. sin"e 1%pm and some' even
earlier than that.
August 2014
1$.%%am The e/pedition *egan with 7 "ars all together. ll drivers have sti0ened
up their e#e lids to sta# awa.e and drove safel#' while most of the
other mem*ers slept soundlessl#.
$.%%am $ o!"lo". in the morning sharp1 2e have rea"hed our +rst pit
stop' whi"h was -TC 3impang 4ulai to *oost up and some of us
were .ind of starving. 3o' we headed up to the "af5 and +lled up our
"ran.# *ellies.
$.5%am 2ithout an# dela#' we heated up the engine and left to our ne/t
pit stop' 6as,id Keputeraan Lo,ing.
7.%%am lhamdulillah' the road ,ourne# was perfe"tl# +ne and we
arrived at 6as,id Keputeraan Lo,ing safel#. Than.s to all the
drivers1 8ou gu#s were the *est1 fter a while' we hoo.ed up with
another $ "ars at the mos9ue' as the# drove dire"tl# from 4enang and
Kuantan. ll of us were free:ing with the fresh *ree:e and hurried ourselves
into the mos9ue to warm ourselves up and ta.e a nap.
).%%am The ad:an was "alled out not long after our deep naps. That
parti"ular morning' the s"ener# was splendid1 One *# one started to
wa.e up' perform pra#er' had * and get read# to forward
ourselves to the adventure of Gunung Tangga.
;.%%am 2e left to the Lo,ing 4oli"e 3tation to inform the poli"e regarding
the duration and sum of parti"ipants of our e/pedition to Gunung
;.(%am ll the assigned drivers par.ed their "ars at 4a. Kassim!s house
<The Guider= and wal.ed to the starting point' where all the other
parti"ipants have *een dropped o0 earlier.
>.%%am ?ver#one started to gather around and *egan the warm up
session whi"h was led *# one of OGKL mem*ers' @erhad. -ight after
that' all the parti"ipants were given *rief reminders *# the leader
of the e/pedition' Aan -o". and pra#ers were re"ited *# 3#amil to
ease the ,ourne#.
>.(%am The adventure *egan1 @or an hour or so' we had to wal. on 75
degrees tim*er trail and *a". into the woods. ?ver# step was full of
e/"itement and things ,ust got *etter when we had to "ross over (
rivers. 3ense of *alan"e was on trial1 &o dou*t a*out it1 @rom
*alan"ing #our steps on river stones' wo**l# *ridge' to wal. on a huge long
log. The log fell perfe"tl# as a lin. from one side to another' as if it
.new people would use it as a *ridge.
11.%%am 2e have rea"hed the $
last water point' put aside all of our *ags and
dashed to the area where the Bourished -aCesias were found.
There were onl# $ -aCesias and a""ording to the guider'
-aCesia should not *e tou"hed and its lifespan is onl# around $ wee.s
*efore it de"a#s. Hen"e' we were lu".# enough to en,o# the *eaut# of -aCesia.
Dut' we were not the onl# lu".# ones' there were some students
who "ame to do some resear"h on it and there were also 9uite a
num*er of ?uropean tourists who shared the same e/"itement as we
1$.(%pm fter several photo sessions with the -aCesias' we headed *a". to the
water point to have our lun"h and some of us managed to have a
short *ath at the water point. The water was 9uiet "old and totall#
$.%%pm ?ver#one was "ontented after en,o#ing the *eaut# of -aCesia
and read# to pull up their an"hors and get moving to the +rst "amp site. The
tra". was .ind of ramp for onl# a*out $% minutes *efore it got steep right
until the +rst "amp site.
).(%pm This ver# +rst "amp site was named after 4a. Kassim and it was
the last water point at Gunung Tangga. The water was not as lavish
as the previous one' *ut it was enough to ma.e use as
water and " purposes. Later that night' after the
shelter were set' OGKL "ommittees started preparing the dinner with the help
of some parti"ipants and some other ma.e used of the serenit# to
get some rest and get to .now one another.
August 2014
5.%%am -ise and shine1 There was a wa.eup "all from our sous "hef
<-a:man=. He was up earlier than an# one of us' as he has started
to prepare the * Et too. around two and a half hour for
ever#one to perform @a,r pra#er' * and get read# to hi.e up
to the pea..
7.(%am dventure "ontinued.
;.(%am 2e have rea"hed FKem 3penda! or FDo/er Camp! as told *# 4a.
Kassim. 2e too. a *rea. for few minutes and "ontinued our wa#' up to
the pea. of Gunung Tangga.
>.5%am 2e have made it1 2e started to "hange our sport attires to FDa,u
-a#a! and ta.e out all -a#a @oods that were *rought up *# some of
us. 2hile waiting for the other parti"ipants and "ommittees' we have
"aptured tons of photos and it ,ust got e/"iting when
ever#one else arrived. The last person rea"hed the top was around 11.%%am.
1$.(%pm The pea. area was not that spa"ious' however' it managed to o""up#
$> of us with all sorts of "hara"ters and it was the *est feeling #ou
"ould ever as.ed for at that parti"ular moment. 2e started to des"end
to our "amp site. Et went smoothl#' even though' there were few
minor in,uries en"ountered.
$.%%pm -ight after we have rea"hed the "amp site' we started to pa".
our *ags. Clear the "amp site area' espe"iall# from plasti"s.
sure we leave nothing' *ut foot prints. 2e also had our lun"h *efore
des"ended to the starting point. 3o' we went through again all the routes
that we stum*led upon when we were as"ending.
7.%%pm @inall#1 2e were *a". at where we started our e/pedition.

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