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Curriculum Vitae

Name : Mohammad Ali Syaifullah

Place/ Date of birth : Jakarta/ 6 November 1992
Nationality : Indonesia
Gender : Men
Religion : Moslem
Marital Status : Single
Permanent Address : Kalpataru Street number 44 Malang
Mobile : 085 635 643 43
Email :
Formal Education
1998-1999 TK Islam Sabilillah Malang (Kindergarten)
1999-2005 SD Islam Sabilillah Malang (Elementary School)
2005-2008 SMP Negeri 5 Malang (Junior High School)
2008-2011 SMA Negeri 5 Malang (Senior High School)
2011- Now Brawijaya University (College)

Organization Experience
Minister of Himpunan Mahasiswa Fisika UB 2014
Vice minister of Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa Fakultas MIPA Universitas Brawijaya 2013
Coordinator Public Relationship of Himpunan Mahasiswa Geofisika Indonesia Region IV
Member of Eksekutif Mahasiswa Universitas Brawijaya 2012
Member of Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa Fakultas MIPA Universitas Brawijaya 2012
Member of Ikatan Mahasiswa Geofisika UB 2012
Head of Paskibra Senior High School 5 Malang 2010
Seminar & Workshop as Participant in
Participant in One Day Short Course of General Batu Hijau Overview: Discovery to
Production Stage and General Geology and Geophysical Signature of Porphyry and
Epitermal Deposit and Implication in Exploration at Faculty of Mathematics and Natural
Science 2011

Participant in One Day Short Corse of Basic Geology, Geophysics and Geochemistry on
Petroleum Industry at Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science 2011

Participant in One Day Short Corse of prospect maturation and drilling at Faculty of
Mathematics and Natural Science 2013

Participant in One Day Short Corse of volcano and hazard mitigation at Faculty of
Mathematics and Natural Science 2013

Participant in One Day Short Corse of Aeromagnetic a driver for discovery and
development of earth source at Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science 2013

Participant in One Day Short Corse of integrated multi diciplines in geothermal energy
development and future career path oppertunity at Faculty of Mathematics and Natural
Science 2013

Participant in One Day Short Corse of shale gas shoul be repleacement energy of
Indoonesia at Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science 2014

Field coordinator of Pengenalan Kehidupan Kampus faculty of science UB 2013
Coordinator event of MIPA EXPO 2013 faculty of science UB 2013
Field coordinator of Pengenalan Kehidupan Kampus faculty of science UB 2012
Field coordinator of Pengenalan Kehidupan Kampus himpunan mahasiswa fisika UB
Staff event of MIPA EXPO 2012 faculty of science UB 2012
Third position futsal PORMABA faculty of science brawijaya university 2011
Third position tenis PORMABA faculty of science brawijaya university 2011
The winner homeband PORMABA faculty of science brawijaya university 2011
The winner acoustic PORMABA faculty of science brawijaya university 2011
Runner up Lomba Baris-berbaris PASKIBRA region malang 2010
Runner up Lomba Baris-berbaris PASKIBRA region east java 2009

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