Geography Assignment

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Geography Assignment

A new planet has been discovered in another solar system that is a replica of
the planet Earth. Your task is to map and plan a country from the continent that
your group has been allocated. The council that have appointed you need a
brochure for each country to give to possible migrants. You must include the
A. The name of your country and which continent it is located on
B. A map that indicates the geographical features of your country (including
a key)
C. The latitude and longitude of any places of significance
a. The time zone
b. Influence on the climate
D. A plan for the capital city of your country including
a. Recreational facilities
b. Business
c. Hospitals and health care
d. Shops
e. Power supply
f. Transport
g. Educational Facilities
h. Effluent/sewage
E. Access to housing, food and water
a. Farming Agriculture
b. Manufacturing
c. Lakes, rivers, reservoirs
F. An outline of the sustainability of the resources available
G. The forecasted population of the country and the capital
*Due Date Wednesday 27 November 2013.

Possible Websites


achievement of
what is expected at
this year level (0)
Partial achievement of
what is expected at
this year level
achievement of what
is expected at this
year level (2)
Good achievement of
what is expected at this
year level
Excellent achievement of
what is expected at this
year level
Physical mapping of
You have not included
a map of your country
Your map has very limited
geographical information
Your map shows some
geographical features
and reflects some
understanding of basic
mapping skills
A detailed map including a
range of features reflecting
good mapping skills
An excellent and detailed map
including a wide range of
features and appropriate scale.
Well developed mapping skills
are clearly evident
Capital city plan No plan of city included Plan shows some basic
elements of a city with
basic skills evident
Plan shows the outline
for a city with most of the
required elements and
some understanding of
the interconnection
between people and
Plan shows the city with all the
required elements and reflects
a good understanding of the
interconnection between
people and places.
An excellent and detailed plan
of a city reflecting an excellent
understanding of the
interconnection between
people with the place they live.
Climate and
No reference to
latitude, longitude,
climate or time zone
The latitude and longitude
of your country do not
match the climate or time
zone of your country
Your latitude and
longitude are reflected in
your reference to the
climate and time zone of
the country
The latitude and longitude of
your country are accurately
reflected in the climate and
time zone of your country
You have shown an excellent
and detailed understanding of
the influence of latitude and
longitude on the climate and
time zone of your country
Use of ICT Minimal skill using ICT
Some skill using ICT
Good use of ICT skill to
produce an informative
Good range of skills displayed
to produce an informative and
interesting brochure
Excellent range of ICT skills
displayed to produce an
informative and interesting
Teacher comment ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
................................................................................................................................................................................................................... /16
Assessment Guide Name................................

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