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YOU NEED: suitable for completes natural or mixed suit fabric of

150 cm width; 1 zipper of 22 cm length; 1 button.

1. Front one-piece part with facing 2 pieces
2. !ac" one-piece part with facing 2 pieces
#. !elt loop $ pieces
$. !utton catch 1 piece
Fusing: facing details.
1. %ppl& the fusing to wrong side of one-piece facings.

2. 'ew darts. (ress darts towards the center.

#. 'ew side seams. 'ew leg inside seams. (ress allowances apart.
'ew front and bac" middle seams) lea*ing zipper hole unsewn.
(ress allowances apart from the top to place
whereroundings begin.

$. +,((-.: (ress one-piece facing for zipper into wrong side.
'titch the zipper under the closure allowance edge /left side0 along
the edge. 'titch zipper free braid to right side) to one-piece facing.
Fold the button catch along) o*erstitch it along upper and lower
short ends.
1opstitch the zipper closure one-piece facing on the button catch
on the left part of the trousers.
'titch along the garment right edge) catching the facing.

5. 1.23'-.' 3((-. (%.1: 1urn one-piece facing into wrong
side) then press the upper edge. 1urn the facing from
inside) then sew on the zipper braid. %dditionall&: sew facings
lower edges to seam allowances and darts depths.

4. 1opstitch belt loops on the parts of trousers.

5. 6a"e the buttonhole into the right part) sew
the button on the left one.

7. 8-6': turn hem allowances into wrong side) then sew b& hand.

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