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Table of Contents

Introduction 3

Main screen overview 5

How Do I? Instructions (Index of below techniques) 12
Basic Tasks 12
Charts and Files 13
Viewing 22
Setting Defaults 28

Techniques 30
Uranian 34
Harmonics 38
Siderealist Techniques 39
Heliocentric 44
Horary 46
Draconic 47
Asteroids 49
Advanced Techniques 51

Main Menu Pull-Downs 56

Making Charts 70
Enter Chart Data menu 70
Chart Database 74

Working with Charts 83
Technique Menus 83
Customizing Technique menu buttons (Select Chart Form menu) 83
Home 85
Chart Transformations Menu 87
Progressed Charts Menu 90
Returns Menu 96
Synastry Menu 100
Bi/Tri/Quad Wheels Menu 103
Search Techniques (menu explanations) 106
Search Menu 107
Search Options 109
Search Menu Features 121
Wheels Menu 127


Extra Menu 129

Other Win*Star Modules 140
Time Tables Ephemeris Generator 140
Win*Search Database Tool 148
Win*Search How Do Is? 149
Win*Search Menus 154
Time Tables Graphic Ephemeris Generator 160
Win*Star Publishers Assistant 165

Appendix A Atlas Information 167
Technical Support 170



Welcome to Win

Star 2.0

Welcome to Win

Star version 2.0, Matrix Softwares most powerful

Windows astrology program. As a Windows application, Win

Star is
self-contained; the screens are easy to learn and the steps in chart creation
are straightforward. The on-line Help file is designed to explain both the
astrological nature of specific program features as well as how to "make it
work." We hope that soon you will rarely need this manual however, you
will find descriptions provided for all program procedures.
Program Features

With WinStar you can quickly create charts and view them on screen.
Put a number of wheels on your screen at once and shrink them, enlarge
them, overlap them, and move them around as you work. Of course,
WinStar covers all the basics progressions, transits, returns, solar arcs,

Users can customize any chart form to include such favored items as the
asteroids or Uranian planets, Chiron, true or mean lunar node, parallax
moon and geocentric latitude. Alternatively, you can use our default form
You will also be able to analyze your chart using techniques never before
offered in an astrology software program techniques such as Lilly's
Planetary Strengths or geo/helio Chart Patterns. Choose from more than
200 chart forms that can be viewed in miniature before selecting. Drag-
and-drop color editing makes it simple to set up charts with your choice of
colors for aspects, planets, wheels, and backgrounds. WinStar's Dayscan
feature pops up an instant easy-to-read screen showing current planetary
WinStar is a complete astrological package that
applies the ease and elegance of the Windows environment to the
challenging world of chartmaking.

WinStar Plus Features
If you have purchased the WinStar Plus version, you will find
documentation for the additional Plus features in the rear of this manual:
Publisher's Assistant a desktop publishing chartwheel conversion tool;
Time Tables and the Matrix Graphic Ephemeris two powerful ephemeris
generators; the WinSearch research module, and Astro Kaleidoscope an
amazing new-age type wheel viewer and astral calculator (p. 150-177).


Using this manual
Learn by doing...
This is a task-orientated manual. Right now, we will show you the main
screen layout, give you a short tour using Bill Clinton's chart, and then
start right out with step-by-step "How Do I?" -type instructions for specific
astrological tasks. These instructions are grouped in subject categories,
starting with Basic Tasks. Each category has its own index listing the
procedures included in that category followed by a page number. Just scan
the list of topics, looking for the one you need and go directly to the page
listed. There you will find step-by-step program instructions.
If you run into a menu that confuses you, and feel you could use a detailed
explanation, refer to the menu list in the table of contents, p. iii, which will
cite a page number to full menu descriptions.
For those who prefer to start with a comprehensive overview, with a full
run-down of all menus etc., go directly to page 52.
On-line Help
These same instructional "How do I?" procedures appear in the on-line
Windows Help file. Just press F1 at any time to access the Help file. From
the main screen, you will be taken directly to the contents topic of the
Help file, which contains jumps to all of the step-by-step instructions as
well as jumps to each area of the program.
When in a particular menu, click the Help button (or press F1) and you
will go directly to the related Help topic. Any time you run into an
astrological term or concept that is new or needs some clarification, go
straight to the AstroTutor portion of the Help file and consult the "A-Z
Glossary of Astrological Terms" (press F1 and click the AstroTutor


Main Screen Overview
All program menus and features can be accessed from the Win

Star main
screen. Here is a picture of the main screen:

Main Menu "Pull-Downs"
The pull-down menus that span the top of the screen provide a variety of
functions from serving as an access point to all Technique menus to setting
defaults in various input menus.
Shortcut Buttons

These main screen buttons serve a variety of functions. Most are
one-click shortcuts to pull-down menu options.

Chart Wheel The large area in the center of the main screen is
where the selected chart displays for screen viewing. The Chart
Wheel button displays a chart wheel in this main viewing area
using the highlighted active chart.

Data View The next button opens the Dataview screen, which
uses the same highlighted chart, but displays that charts data in
your choice of views there are 40 to choose from. The default
view is the "Chart Data" view, which displays the birth data for the


highlighted active chart (displayed in the main screen), along with
the planets' positions in house and sign and their aspects by closest
orb. Other Data Views include Lilly Strengths, Midpoint Dials,
Chart Patterns, Aspect Sorts and much more

Print The Print button prints a hard copy of the displayed chart
form or wheel.

Expanded View This button presents the widest view of the
displayed form or chart wheel. Pressing the left-mouse button and
dragging the wheel can move this expanded view. The right-
mouse button will return to the smaller screen.

Toggle Techniques Menus This button toggles the Techniques
menus on and off the main screen, if the "Hide Techniques Bar"
option (View/Hide Techniques Bar) is selected,

Toggle Home Techniques Bar This button calls the Home
Techniques menu bar (at the right side of the main screen). If
another Techniques menu is on screen, this button replaces it with
the Home Techniques menu.

Chart Viewer This opens the Chart Viewer, a screen viewer
with a variety of tools designed to explore the chart wheel. There
are 10 viewing tools that focus on astrology areas such as Sabian
Symbols, interpretive text, solar-arc dials, and more. Refer to the
WinStar Help file for more information on the Wheel Viewer.
Chart Handling
On the left side of the main menu is the Chart handling section which
includes a list of the active charts (along with their attached forms) and
two rows of shortcut feature buttons
Active Charts - these are charts that have either been created (input) in
the Enter Chart Data screen or retrieved from a source of previously saved
Selected Chart - Highlighting an active chart makes it the Selected Chart
and its natal data will appear above the Chart Forms list on the left side of
the main screen. When in the Chart View mode, a chart wheel will
appear in the main view area of the screen.


Chart Forms -
The Chart Forms area displays the forms attached to each active
chart. Highlight a different chart and its attached forms will occupy
this area. Highlight any of these forms and it will display in the main
view area, using the selected chart. Click the Add Form button to
choose from the variety of chart forms available with WinStar.

Chart Handling buttons
These buttons provide one-click access to useful chart handling

New Chart accesses the Enter Chart Data screen, where data for
new charts is entered. Both the keyboard and mouse can be used
for manual entry with several input styles offered. Created charts
appear in the active charts at the bottom-left of the main screen.

Find Chart Save time locating charts with this chart-seeking
feature. Just type in the chart name (last name) and if it is in the
chart file it will be immediately located and selected

Select Folder Active charts are contained in folders, which are
classified by type (Family, Friends, Authors, etc.). This button
displays the list of folders by type. Select a folder to display its
contents in the active chart window. Options are provided to
move the chart to another folder, get a chart from another folder,
and create a new folder.

Repaint Active Chart Grid This feature re-draws (or "repaints")
the area of the main screen displaying the active charts. If that
grid ever becomes distorted or jumbled, click this button to
refresh the screen.

Chart Database This accesses the Chart Database, a columnar
table which displays charts from entire chart files (.mdb files).
Charts can be flagged by category (or by name, using a keyword)
for easy sorting. The charts can be imported from existing chart
files, exported to QuickCharts (Dos program) or exported to
ASCII delimited files. The displayed chart file can be filtered to
reduce it according to specified criteria or searched to by
astrological factors.

Delete Chart Click this button to delete the selected chart
from the displayed folder. You will be prompted to confirm
the deletion.


Technique Menus
The vertical column of buttons on the far-right of the main menu will access the
various astrological technique features of Win

Star. These are grouped according to

type as follows: Home, Charts, Progressed Charts, Returns, Synastry, Bi/Triwheels,
Search, Wheels, and Extra. Use the right and left arrows at the top of any button
column to select a new group. These technique menus can also be accessed from the
Techniques pull-down at the top of the screen, with the function keys, F2-F9,
Shift-F2, and by clicking the Tools button as stated above.
The concept here is: A calculated chart from the active chart list is highlighted and
then a technique button is clicked, which applies that technique to the highlighted
chart, using a chart form assigned to the button. The result is a displayed and
printable wheel. Wheels created this way will appear in the Chart Forms list along
with any others attached to the highlighted chart. The form and the form features
planets, aspects, etc. that each Technique menu button creates can be entirely
customized by the user.
These features, and many more will be described, both in the How Do I? step-by-
step instructions and in the detailed menu
descriptions that follow the How Do I?s.
Those are the major areas of the main menu. Next, we will take a short "Fastrak"
tour where you use a chart we have included (Bill Clinton's) and then make your
own chart. You will see several important areas of the program and start to get a
feel for its operation. After this brief tour, we will start right out with a collection of
step-by-step "How-Do I?" instructions, covering many basics and some specialized
astrological procedures. You can use the index accompanying each "How-
Do I?" category and go directly to step-by-step instructions for tasks that
you choose.


"Fastrak" follow these steps to quickly learn to use
Follow these directions to take a short intro-tour of WinStar, designed to
give you a "menu feel" for the program. We're not going to stop and say
much about the features we're touching upon, that can come later for
now, let's just take a quick look:
1. If you have not already done so, click the WinStar startup icon
from the Program Manager. (Start Menu / Programs / WinStar /
WinStar) The program will open with Bill Clinton's chart selected
in the active charts list located in the bottom-left corner of the
main screen. Click the Chart View button to pop up a chart
wheel for this chart. Click the Full Screen button to show a
larger view of the President's chart. Right-Click your mouse to
return to the "normal" main screen.

2. When you highlight Bill Clinton's name, you will see that
several chart form names appear in the Chart Forms box
above the Current Charts list. These chart forms are attached
to his chart with the Unequal Houses form the default. It is
the wheel showing onscreen. Click the Aries Wheel form and
President Clinton's chart will appear in that form. Try the
Zodiac Ring form. You can attach dozens of different chart
forms to this one chart and, to any other chart in the Current
Charts list. When in the "Wheel" mode, every time you
highlight a chart, its chart forms will appear listed any one
of which can be shown on
screen at a click of the mouse!

3. On the right side of the screen are the Techniques menus. They are
the colorful buttons stacked vertically. Click the sixth button down
the one with the Map of the USA on it. This is the Extra menu. Now
click this same "Maps" icon button from this Extra menu to pop up a
map of the World. If it is not already selected, choose the Local
Space mode by clicking the Local Space button at the top left of
the screen. This is the WinStar relocation maps module. Use the
map selector at the top-right (where it says "World") and change to
the United States. Shortly a United States map will appear with
planet-path lines arching from Arkansas. With Bill Clinton's chart
highlighted, the planet lines are radiating from his birthplace in
Arkansas. Click on the LS Lines button at the top-center of the
screen and then click any other location on the map to see what effect
relocation would have on the President's chart. You will see that a
whole new origin point is created with new "paths of destiny" for the
highlighted chart.


4. Close the Maps module (click the X to close the
window) and, while still in the Extra menu, click the "Rectify" technique
button. With the Rectify feature, you can easily see the effect made
upon the chart by a change in the birth time. Click the Hour button
three times to advance the birth time three hours. Now click Redraw.
The chart will now show the President's chart as if he had been born
three hours later.
5. Close the QWheel module (at the top-left corner, click the
Window Command Box and select Close or click the X at
the top-right of the QWheel), and now let's leave the
President's chart and make your own. Click the
New button at the top of the Current Charts list. The WinStar Enter
Chart Data menu will pop up. Go ahead and type your name in the
Name Field, followed by your birth data.
The Tab key will move you from field to field, or you can
use your mouse. In the "Place" field, type in your birth city, followed by
the two-letter postal abbreviation for your Birth State (or type in your
country name). Click the Atlas button to pop up the scrollable
WinAtlas and highlight your birth city (or country/city) and then click
Ok; the longitude and latitude info will transfer to the Enter Chart
Data menu. Fill in the rest of the input fields with your birth data. If
necessary, Press F1 to pop up a Help file describing every field in the
menu. When the fields are right, click Ok to close the Enter Chart Data
menu and return to the main screen. Now your chart will appear in the
list of active charts.

6. With your chart highlighted in the Current Charts list, click
the Dataview button beneath the "Wheel" button at the
top-left of the main screen. The left side of the main screen
(above the Current Charts list) will change from a "Chart
Forms" list to a "Data View" list. This list of forms has a scroll
bar on the right side. Click the small Down-Arrow at the
bottom of this scroll bar to move down the list to the "Chart
Patterns" form. Look in the View area of the main screen to
see the various chart patterns that exist in your own chart.
Click again on the Down-Arrow to move to the next-to-last
form, "Lilly's Strengths." This colorful bar graph shows the
planetary strengths in your chart as are depicted in the 17th-
Century method advanced by famed astrologer William Lilly.
Click on any of the Dataview forms to see your chart
7. Our last tour item brings us back to the "Wheel" mode of the main
screen (click the Wheel button, top-left). Make sure that your natal
chart is highlighted. We call this a radix, or root chart. Press the F5
function key (top of your keyboard) to switch the Technique menu at
screen-right to the "Returns" technique menu. Click the top icon-
button called "Returns," and a Returns version of the Enter Chart
Data menu will appear. Notice that your name will appear in the top-
right field with the current date entered in the rest of the fields. Below
your name are two fields under the words "Return Planet." Click the
Down-Arrow next to the first field and select "Jupiter Return."
Leave the second field set to "Geocentric." Now click the Next
button. The program will calculate for a few seconds and shortly a


new date and time will appear. This is the date and time of your next
Jupiter return the time when Jupiter will be in the same position as
when you were born.
Now click the Last button. This will show the time of your most
recent Jupiter return. You can continue clicking the Next or Last
buttons to see any of your Jupiter returns. Pick one return and click
the Ok button at the top of the menu. You will now return to the
main screen with the Jupiter Return chart calculated and appearing in
the View area, listed among the active charts, indented and beneath
your original birth, or radix chart. This second chart is called a
dependent chart and is linked to the original radix chart from which
it was calculated.

That is it for this quick Tour. Now it is your turn to take over and have
some fun EXPLORE!! You won't hurt anything. Examine the program
at your leisure. There are hundreds of possibilities. The next section
consists of individual How Do I? procedures giving you step-by-step
instructions for all sorts of astrological jobs.


Astrological "How Do Is Section Index
For instructions on... see page:
Basic Tasks............................................... 13
Uranian Astrology............................................. 34
Harmonics......................................... 38
Siderealist Techniques............................................ 39
Heliocentric.......................................... 44
Horary......................................... 46
Draconic......................................... 47
Asteroids......................................... 49
Advanced Techniques.......................................... 51

Section One Basic Astrology Tasks

Charts and Files

Creating a natal chart .......................................... 13
Delete individual charts .................................................. 14
Delete dependent charts................................................ 15
Delete a main chart without deleting its dependent chart(s).. 15
Edit saved chart...................................... 16
Changing aspect sets........................................ 16
Choosing which planets & points to include (or exclude) from chart calculations. 17-18
Importing chart files from other astrology programs 19-20
Using the Atlas.......................................... 20-21

Viewing several charts on screen at once.................................

View (or print) 2,3, or 4 charts in one wheel.. 22


Viewing one chart in several chart forms. 22-23
Assigning default forms to Technique menu buttons. 23
Using the Wheel
Getting natal text interpretations from your chart. 26-27
Setting Defaults
Changing the default browse wheel.....................................

Changing the default house systems.. 28
Creating new aspect sets.......................................... 29
Setting the default Here location............................................... 29
Associating a transit chart with a natal chart.

Creating hit lists showing when transiting planets are aspecting natal chart positions 30-31
Progressing a chart................................................ 31-32
Relocating a chart......................................... 32-33
Composite charts.......................................... 33
Doing solar charts when there is no known birth time.. 33

Charts and files
Creating a natal chart
1 Click the New Chart button (above the active charts list).
2 (In the Enter Chart Data Menu) Enter the natal data for the chart. This
includes the name, date, time zone, place (including the longitude and
latitude) and time for the chart. Either use the Tab key or your mouse to
move between fields.
3 If you want to create a chart for the current time, use the Now button; the
computer date and time will fill the input fields. The Here button will insert


the default place (usually your city of residence), however this default location
will already be on screen when you first enter the Enter Chart Data menu.
4 Use the Atlas button to pop up the atlas where you can scroll to the desired
City/State (or City/Country). For Atlas instructions, see Using the Atlas, p.
5 The default House System is Placidus. If you prefer a different system, click
the Down-Arrow and choose one from the list provided.
6 Click the Ok button at the top of the menu and this chart will calculate and
you will return to the main menu with it added to the list of active charts. It
will display on the View screen in the default chart wheel style, which is the
chart form attached to the "New" technique button (in the "Home" menu).
For instructions on changing this default form, see p. 20, Assigning default
forms to Technique menu buttons.
7 Input as many charts as you wish; click the More button after each one.
Click the Ok button and you will return to the main menu with all of the
charts calculated and listed in the active charts in the order in which they
were created.
8 Note: Most input fields of the Enter Chart Data menu provides your choice of
input method. You can type directly into most fields; some have increment
buttons (as in the Date field) that can be clicked to increase or decrease the
value. The on-line Help file has a full-sized reproduction of the input menu
with context-sensitive pop-ups describing every button.

Delete individual charts
1 Highlight the active chart you wish to delete.
2 Click the Delete Chart button.

3 Click Yes when asked to confirm this deletion.

Delete dependent charts
1 If the dependent chart is not showing, click the + mark at the left side of the
root chart.
2 Highlight the Dependent Chart you wish to delete.


3 Click the Delete button.

4 Confirm the deletion when prompted.

Delete a root chart without deleting its dependent chart(s)
To delete a root chart without deleting its dependent charts, the dependent charts
must first be changed to root charts themselves:
1 Access the Input tab of the WinStar Options menu (Options Pull-
Down/WinStar Options/Input tab) In the last section of the Input tab, switch
from "Current Data" to "Selected Chart Data."
2 Highlight the dependent chart you wish to keep.
3 Click the New button. The dependent chart's information will be in the Enter
Chart Data menu.
4 Click Ok. The dependent chart is now saved as a root, or radix chart.
5 Repeat for any other dependent charts that you wish to save.
6 Highlight the original root chart that you want deleted. Click the Delete
Chart button and then Yes (at the prompt) to confirm this deletion. That
chart will be deleted along with its original dependent charts, which are now
listed as radix charts.
Note: You may find that it is a good idea to rename the dependent charts when in the
Enter Chart Data menu, so they will be identifiable on their own when listed in
the Current Charts. Also: If you leave "Selected Chart Data" selected in the
Input Options menu, the Enter Chart Data menu will open showing data from
the currently highlighted chart. New charts can still be calculated by changing
the data entry fields.

Edit saved charts
1 Access the Input tab of the WinStar Options menu (Options Pull-
Down/WinStar Options/Input tab) In the last section of the Input tab,
switch from "Current Data" to "Selected Chart Data, and close the menu (by
clicking Ok)."


2 Now highlight the active chart you wish to edit and click the New Chart
button. That chart will display in the Enter Chart Data menu. Make any
changes to the chart information and click Ok.
3 The edited chart will be added to the active chart list. It will not replace the
previous version. If you have not changed its name, it will appear beneath the
unedited version.

Changing aspect sets
WinStar contains eight aspect sets, which can be used in calculating any chart
form. The set used is determined in the Chart Form Options menu. This menu
can be accessed three ways:
1 (From) the Chart Forms tab of the WinStar Options menu (Options pull-
down/WinStar Options/Chart Forms tab). This method sets the main default
settings for new charts.
2 (From) the Add Form above the Chart Forms list (to set options on a chart-
by-chart basis.)
3 (From) the wheel-producing icon buttons in the Technique menus. (Each
wheel-producing button accesses the Select Chart Form menu)
Changing the Aspect set used as the Main Default
1 Access the Chart Forms tab of the WinStar Options menu (Options pull-
down/WinStar Options/Chart Forms tab). This menu controls options for all
chart forms.
2 You will find the New button (from the Home Technique menu) is selected
and the form showing on the right is the form attached to this button. The
shipped default form is the Unequal Wheel (a fixed wheel).
3 Click the Form Options button to open the Chart Form Options menu.
Locate the Aspect Set list (top-right) and click the Down Arrow to highlight
an aspect set.
4 Click Ok. This will be the default aspect set used when calculating charts
(unless over-ridden on a chart-by-chart basis).
Changing the Aspect set on a chart-by-chart basis
Specific chart forms can be attached to any active chart by using the Add Form
button above the Chart Forms list. These forms can be set up to use any of the
eight aspect sets:
1 Highlight any chart. Click the Add Form button to open the Select Chart
Form menu.
2 (From the Select Chart Form menu) select a chart form to attach to this chart
and click this button (top-right) to open the Chart Form Options menu.


3 Locate the aspect list (right-center) and click the Down-Arrow to highlight
an aspect set and click Ok, closing the Chart Form Options menu.
4 Click Ok. to close the Select Chart Forms menu. This aspect set will now be
used to calculate this chart form using the selected chart, overriding the main
default aspect set. If you access this form again, it will return to the default
aspect set.
Changing the Aspect set used by Technique icon buttons
Any wheel-generating button can be set up to calculate using your choice of chart
form. That chart form can then be set up to use a specific aspect set. As an
example, to change the aspect set used by the form attached to the "360 Whl"
button of the Wheels menu:
1 First, access the Wheels Techniques menu (press F9).
2 Press the Ctrl button while clicking the 360 Whl icon button. The Select
Chart Form menu will display showing the wheel form currently attached to
the "360 Whl" button.
3 Click this button (top-right) and the Chart Form Options menu will
display. Settings made in this menu will effect only the chart form (the "360
Whl" in this case) showing in the Select Chart Form menu. Select any aspect set
from the aspect set list (lower left corner) and click Ok.
4 Click Ok from Select Chart Form menu. The selected aspect set will now be
used when the "360 Whl" chart form is calculated, and it will remain the
default aspect set for that button until this procedure is used to choose a new
aspect set.

Choosing which planets & points to include (or exclude) in the
displayed chart
The planets and points displayed in a chart are determined either by the
Technique button used to create the chart (each Technique icon button accesses
its own Chart Form Options menu and settings are made for that chart when
accessed by that button) or they are determined chart by chart when using the
Add Form button.
New charts created in the Enter Chart Data menu (by clicking the New Chart
button) display the planets and points settings of the form attached to the New
Chart button.


Specific chart forms can be "attached" to the Technique menu buttons so that
when you click that button, the chosen form(s) will display using the selected
Setting the default planets & points
1 Access the Chart Forms tab of the WinStar Options menu (Options pull-
down/WinStar Options/Chart Forms tab). This menu controls options for all
chart forms.
You will find the New button (from the Home Technique menu) is selected
and the form showing on the right is the form attached to this button. This
form contains the default settings for new charts created in the Enter Chart
Data menu. The shipped default form is the Unequal Wheel (a fixed
2 Click the Form Options and the Chart Form Options menu will display.
3 This menu has two boxes (among other items) called Planets Included and
Planets Aspected. Listed within these boxes are the planets & points that
can be calculated in the chart. Choose the points you wish set as the defaults
by clicking on the individual abbreviations for the planets and points click
one and it will turn red, meaning it will be included. Click it again to
4 A shortcut method of planet/point selection is offered as well: the Select
Planets menu. This can be accessed by clicking the tall vertical button in each
of the Planets Included and Aspected Planets sections. The Select Planets menu
offers several pre-set selection buttons that eliminate the need to individually
click items. For example, clicking the Asteroids button will select all the
asteroids, etc
5 Click Ok from both the Select Planets and Chart Form Options menus when you
have completed making choices. These planets and points will be the ones
calculated in future charts (unless specific forms are set up with other
planet/point selections).
Important: Although there are many ways to access this Chart Form Options
menu such as when selecting custom settings for individual buttons and
forms, etc. the settings selected here, as previously described (from the
WinStar Options menu) are the main defaults.
Setting up the Chart Forms
Planet & Point selections can be made for individual forms, either when the forms
are attached to individual charts or to the forms that are attached to Technique
menu icon buttons. Forms attached to individual charts can be considered a one-
time "on the fly" event. Technique menu icons will repeat their attached form
chart after chart.
Setting up chart forms to individual charts
1 Highlight an active chart to which you want to attach a specific form using a
custom set of planets and points. Click the Add Form button located in the
Chart Forms area of the main screen. The Select Chart Form menu will pop up.


2 Select the chart form desired for this chart and click the Select Chart
Options button (the third-from-left button at the top-right of the menu) to
open the Chart Form Options menu. Go ahead and pick the planets and points
desired for this chart. Close both the Chart Form Options menu and the Select
Chart Form menus (by clicking Ok). This chart form will calculate for the
highlighted chart, using the new planet/point selections.
Setting up chart forms attached to icon buttons
All the wheel-producing icon buttons in the Technique menus (the buttons
aligned vertically on the right side of the Winstar screen)can be custom-set to
generate any chart form or forms from the highlighted active chart. These forms
can be custom-set to include any combination of planets & points. These buttons
are all the buttons in the Chart Transformations, Progressed Charts, Returns, Synastry,
Bi/Tri/QuadWheels, and Wheels menus and the "New" and "Auto" buttons from
the Home menu.
Here's how:
1 Press the Ctrl button on the keyboard while you left-click a wheel-producing
Technique menu icon.
2 The Select Chart Form menu will pop up. Pick the form(s) you want generated
by this Technique icon button. Customize each form by clicking the Select
Chart Options button, and a version of the Chart Form Options menu
specific to this form will display where you can select the planets and points.
3 Click Ok to close both menus. Now, with an active chart highlighted, when
that icon button is clicked the chosen form will display using the selected
planets and points.

Importing chart files from other astrology programs
Chart files are imported via the Import Chart menu which can be accessed from
three locations, the File pull-down, the Enter Chart Data screen, and the Chart
Database. The Import Chart menu has a pull-down selector that will access chart
files saved from QuickCharts, BlueStar, Compact Data, PRIMA, Nova, CCRS
'92, and Kepler v 2.5 programs. (Solar Fire files can be exported as Nova files and
then imported to WinStar.)
From the File pull-down:
Access the Import Charts dialog by clicking the File pull-down, Import Charts.
Any chart files on your computer can be accessed from here. The scrollable list at
top center selects the chart file type and the New File button selects which file of
that type to display in the Chart Database. Here is how the two buttons work
1 (From the Import Charts dialog) Click the Down-Arrow to select the type of
file you wish to import. The actual file path displays above the chart list. The
charts in the selected file will display in the list window. To choose another
chart file, click the New File button, which displays your path\file directory


and shows any other files of that type on your system. Highlight a different
file and click Ok to display that file in the Import Chart dialog. All charts in
the file will appear listed.
2 Any (or all) of these charts can be returned to the Current Charts list of the
main screen (or to the Chart Database, or to both) simply by highlighting
the chart and clicking Ok.
3 Select one of these charts. To select a chart, move your cursor to the far-left of
the chart name until the cursor turns into a checkmark. Now, if you click on
the chart name the entire line will turn blue, signifying that chart is selected
for importing.
If you wish to select all of the charts, click the Select All button. If you
want the imported charts to have chart wheels calculated, fill the checkbox
beside Add Chart Wheel. (This, however, will increase the calculation time
required to import the charts.) Click Ok to return the chart(s) to the active
chart list on the main screen.
From the Enter Chart Data menu:
1 If you are in the Enter Chart Data menu, click the Import button which will
also access the Import Charts dialog. The procedure for retrieving chart files
is identical to the explanation just given, except the imported chart will now
be brought into the Enter Chart Data menu where it can be edited, if
2 Click Ok from the Enter Chart Data menu and the imported chart will be
added to the active charts list on the main screen.

From the Chart Database:
1 Go into the Chart Database (click the chart database button ) and access
the Import Chart dialog from the Chart Database File pull-downs Import
Charts From selection. This will also pop up the Import Charts dialog. Follow
the steps described above for that dialog.

Using the Atlas

The Atlas button (accessed from the Enter Chart Data screen) provides instant
access to any installed and selected atlas (Matrix Win-Atlas, Matrix ACS Atlas,
ACS PC Atlas, ACS PC Atlas for Windows).
How to use: (for U.S.A. cities)
1 Click the Atlas button.
2 If not already selected, use the radio button to select USA.


3 Type in the two-letter state abbreviation in the Find State: box.
(In the Find City input box) type the first letters of the City name (or use the
Down-Arrow to scroll to the desired city. Click the Show button if you
wish to check the selected city's data. Click Ok to close the menu and return
to the Enter Chart Data screen with the proper atlas information.
If the birth occurred in a hospital and you know the hospital's name, click the
Show button and then click the Hospitals button and select the correct
hospital. Listed will be many hospitals within 25 miles of the selected city.
Close both menus by clicking Ok.
How to use: (for International cities)
1 If not already selected, use the radio button to select International.
2 In the Find State input box type in the country name, or use the alphabetical
scroll to select the desired country.
3 Type the city name in the Find City input box or type just the first letters of
the city to seek that area of the list (or use the Down-Arrow to scroll to the
desired city). Click Ok to close the menu with the proper location
information transferred to the Enter Chart Data menu.

Viewing (basic tasks, cont.)

Viewing several charts on screen at once
Up to four charts can be viewed on screen at once, each in its own sizable window.
This is handled from the Windows pull-down.
1 Several active charts can be selected for viewing. First, click the multiple-
chart button (see graphic, left). Four spaces for charts will appear.At the left
of the charts' spaces, there are the numbers 1-4. Click the number 2 for two
chart spaces, the number 3 for three chart spaces, etc.
2 Use your mouse to drag and drop individual charts into the desired chart


3 Now access the Windows pull-down menu and select Show 2 Selected Charts
(or Show 3 Selected Charts, etc.) and the selected charts will each appear on
screen in their own sizable window for simultaneous viewing.

View (or print) 2, 3, or 4 charts in one wheel
BiWheels, TriWheels, and QuadWheels are created in the Bi/TriWheel menu.
First select the charts that will appear in the Bi- Tri- or QuadWheel.

1 Click the multiple-chart button (see graphic, left). Four spaces for charts will

2 At the left of the charts' spaces, there are the numbers 1-4. If creating
a tri-wheel, click the #3, which opens three chart name spaces. Now
use your mouse to drag and drop the desired charts into the three spaces.
The innermost chart (in the tri-wheel) uses the chart in the Chart 1
position; the second ring of the wheel uses the chart in the Chart 2
position, etc.
3 Press the F7 button to reveal the BiWheel Techniques menu (at menu-
right) and click either the "BiWheel," "TriWheel," or "Quadwhl" buttons,
depending upon which type of multiple-chart wheel you wish to calculate.
4 The wheel will calculate and display on the View screen and will appear
in the Chart Forms list. It is connected to the active chart placed in the Chart 1
Viewing one chart using several wheel styles (chart forms)
Important: Each chart can be viewed (or printed) using various chart forms that
have been chosen and attached to that chart. Each new chart form becomes
attached to its source chart and appears in the Chart Forms list when the source
chart is selected. Highlight a chart and then highlight one of its attached forms to
display that form in the Viewing area.
Using Technique icon buttons:
1 Select an active chart. (If you are going to generate a BiWheel, TriWheel, or
Synastry grid, etc., select more than one chart, using the multiple-chart
method described in the previous two How Do Is?)
2 Choose a Technique button that generates a certain wheel form. Choices are:
all the "Charts," "Progress," "Returns," "Synastry," "BiWheel," technique
menu options; and the New and Auto buttons from "Home" menu.
3 Click one of the above Technique menu buttons. The chart form(s) assigned
to that button will calculate and its name will appear in the Chart Forms list,
at screen left. Every time it is highlighted (with your chart selected), it will
display on screen.


Using the Add Form button
1 Highlight a chart and click the Add Form button to pop up the Select
Chart Form menu.
2 Choose from the available chart forms. Highlight any form (or forms) and
click Ok to close the menu. Now these forms will appear in the Chart Forms
list above active charts, attached to the highlighted active chart. Click any
form and it will display in the View area.

Assigning default forms to Technique menu buttons
Remember: All of the technique icon buttons can be set to use any chart form(s)
that you want. They will attach to that icon button and will calculate each time it
is clicked.
1 Press the Ctrl key when clicking the icon button and the Select Chart Form
menu will appear where you can choose the desired format. A full description
of the Select Chart Form menu is provided at the start of the Technique menu
section, on page 74.
2 Choose between Screen, Printer, or Fixed wheels. Each has its own list which
is selected with one of these buttons:
Screen - best for multiple-wheel viewing (several wheels on screen at once)
because they use scaleable fonts, which stay the clearest when wheels are
Printer - has wheels with fonts designed for printing. They will look fine on
screen and will print better than Screen or Fixed wheels.
Fixed - wheels with a large font that provides the very clearest full-screen
wheels without scaleable fonts (not for resizing).
3 Highlight a wheel style in the scrollable list. A "thumbnail" representation of
that wheel will appear on the left side of the menu with a brief description
beneath it, to aid in wheel selection.
4 Click the Ok button (at the bottom-right of the Select Chart Form menu) to
return to the main screen. The selected chart form will now be attached to
the icon button previously Ctrl + Clicked. It will calculate and display in
the Chart Forms list whenever that icon button is clicked, using any selected
active chart.
To select several new wheels:
1 Access the Select Chart Form menu as described above. At the
top-right of the menu, click the Edit Chart Sets button.
2 This opens the Edit Chart Form Sets menu. The existing Chart
Sets will appear listed in the top-right Chart Sets box. Highlight a Chart
Set name (or create a new Chart Set by clicking the New button and naming
the Set). The forms in the highlighted set will appear listed in the bottom-
right of the menu. Use the Add and Delete buttons in this menu to add or


delete chart forms from this set. Note that charts in a set must be of the same
type (screen, printer, or fixed).
3 Repeat this procedure to include any other chart forms.. [Any of these forms
can be individually customized by clicking the Options... button and
making selections in the Chart Form Options menu selections that apply
only to that chart form.) When ready, click the Save button and save the set
of forms with a .set extension.
4 Click Ok and these chart forms will now be attached to the icon button
previously Shift+Clicked, ready to be implemented whenever you click
that icon button.


Using the Chart Viewer

The Chart Form Viewer will load any of the wheels (or grids) into a
screen viewer with several viewing options. A full wheel will be
shown on screen next to a panel of viewing tools. Access the Wheel
Viewer by clicking the Chart Viewer button from the main
- Two Views and more
Some attached chart forms (particularly Aspect Grids) contain
several areas that can be displayed individually. If the highlighted
chart form has these components, they will list in the "Zoom" area.
Highlighting any one of these Zoom options displays just that
zoomed-in portion of the chart. Some forms have both a wheel and
aspect boxes in the form. The Wheel view isolates just the wheel
portion of the chart form; Fullpage shows the entire form, including
any aspect grids and tables that may surround the wheel. This way
you can get a quick, easy-to-read, zoom of specific areas of a chart
The active chart list appears at the bottom of the Wheel Viewer
button panel. Click on any name in the list and the forms attached
to that name will appear in the "Forms:" list and any zoom views of
that form will show in the "Zoom:" list.
- Tools for Viewing
The grid of tool icons provides several viewing helps. Here are brief
descriptions of the various viewing tools:
The arrow pointer serves as the cursor for selecting menu features and, when
clicked on a wheel displayed in Fullpage mode, it will return to the Wheel mode.
Hand Gripper
Click the "hand" icon button and then click the left mouse button with the hand
cursor positioned over the wheel. You will now have "seized" the wheel so it can be
repositioned on screen. This can be an
easy way to change the viewable portion of the chart page.
Click on the magnifier button and the cursor will become a magnifying glass that,
when held over an area of the wheel and clicked, will zoom in and enlarge that
area. Horizontal and vertical scroll bars will also appear on the screen for
maneuvering the wheel.

Planet Data


Click the Planet Data button and the cursor will change to a capital "P." Now
click on any planet glyph on the chart wheel and the planetary position data for
that planet will pop up on screen. The data included are the geocentric longitude,
latitude, and daily motion; right ascension; declination; and distance value, and
Heliocentric longitude and latitude.
Aspect Dial
This one presents the chart wheel with an aspect dial located in the hub of the
wheel with which you can set the zero point (conjunction) by simply clicking on
the planet. This finder includes major & minor aspect and degree tics for orbs.
Pop-up text
This provides pop-up interpretative text for current chart. Text included: aspects,
planet-in-house, and planet-in-sign. Just select a planet from the scrollable list and
then click on any other planet in the chart to receive pop-up information telling
you if an aspect exists and, if so, interpretive text for that aspect. [See the following
procedure, for more information on text interpretations.]
Sabian Symbols
With this option active, clicking on the planets and major points will pop up the
Sabian Symbol for that degree of the zodiac. Sabian Symbols are brief psychic
images aimed at depicting the essential significance of the individual degrees of the
zodiac. Astrologers have often noted how useful the Sabian symbols are in chart
interpretation. They give meaning to every degree of the zodiac.
Chart Patterns
50 chart patterns that can be overlaid and dialed on the chart to easily tell which
chart patterns are found in the selected chart. Included are such chart patterns as
the Grand Trines, Wedges, Mystic Rectangles,
Kites, and many more.
Angular Separation Dial
Place an angular separation dial in the middle of the wheel and then click on
individual planets to quickly find the amount of separation between the other
Solar Arc Dial
Place a 100-year solar arc dial on the chart showing both Direct & Converse solar
arcs which will quickly allow you to find aspects and
ingresses affecting the natal chart.
Note that the Aspect Dial, Chart Patterns, Angular Separation Dial, and the
Solar Arc Dial tools will not activate on non-wheel forms (such as aspect grids).
They will not print overlaid forms e.g. they will not print a dial, but will print a
standard wheel instead.
Getting natal text interpretations from your chart
1 Access the Wheel Viewer by clicking the Chart Viewer button, and from the
Wheel Viewer, click the text interpretation icon button.
2 This pops up the Interpretations dialog offering three choices of natal
interpretative text: Aspects, Planet-in-House, and Planet-in-Sign. Click the
radio button before the one you want. With the Planet-in-House and Planet-


in-Sign selections, your mouse cursor becomes the P1 pointer and you simply
click on any planet to receive an interpretation for either its House or Sign

3 For aspect interpretations, click the "Aspects" radio button. The cursor will
become a P2 pointer, representing the second planet in the aspect. The first
planet is the one listed in the left planet pull-down (show above with Mars
selected). Now click on any planet in the chart to find if Mars is in aspect to
that planet. If so, the aspect type will be shown, along with interpretative
text for the aspect. The second planet (the P2 planet) will appear selected in
the right planet pull-down (shown above with Uranus selected). You can
change the cursor to a P1 pointer by pressing the Ctrl key and clicking on a
planet. This will alter the left planet box. By using both the planet pull-
downs and by clicking on the chart's planets, it is easy to read aspect
interpretations for the entire chart.


Setting defaults (basic tasks, cont.)
Change the default wheel for new chart input

1 With the "Home" technique menu showing (press F2 to get it), press the
Ctrl key while clicking the New button.
2 The Select Chart Form menu will appear where you can choose any chart form
to use as the default wheel style. Make the selection and click Ok to close the
menu and this will be the chart form used when calculating new charts and it
will appear when WinStar is first booted. Refer to page 74 for a complete
description of the Select Chart Form menu.

Changing the default house system
1 Go to the Calculation tab of the WinStar Options menu (Options pull-
down/WinStar Options / Calculation.
2 Select the desired house system in the first pull-down (top-left) and click Ok.
Chart calculations will be based upon this house system until another system
is selected from this menu.
Note that the default house system can be temporarily overridden in the
Enter Chart Data menu by using the Chart Options tab on the right side of
the Enter Chart Data menu.

Changing aspect sets
WinStar is shipped with eight aspect sets, any of which can be chosen as the set
used in any form. Aspect sets are selected in the Chart Form Options menu for
that form.
Chart by chart:
1 If setting the aspect set for a specific form on a chart-by-chart basis, click the
Add Form button (from the main screen Chart Forms area) to access the
Select Chart Form.
2 Choose the desired form and click this button to access the
Chart Form Options menu for that form. Make the aspect
set selection from the Aspect Set pull-down (right middle of
menu) and close both menus (by clicking Ok).
Technique Icon button defaults


3 If setting the aspect set for a form-generating button, press the Ctrl key while
clicking the Technique button to access the Select Chart Form.
4 Choose the desired form and click this button to access the
Chart Form Options menu for that form. Make the aspect
set selection from the Aspect Set pull-down (right middle of
menu) and close both menus (by clicking Ok).
5 That aspect set will now be used in the form displayed from the Technique
icon button.

Creating new aspect sets
1 Go to the Aspects tab of the WinStar Options menu (Options pull-
down/WinStar Options / Aspects.
2 Press the New Set... button and enter a name for the new aspect set. Click
Ok. This will create a new aspect set containing the default set of aspects.
3 Now use the Add Aspect and Delete Aspect buttons to build the aspect set
to your satisfaction. Double-click in the individual columns to enter orb
values for the planets and angles, if necessary.
4 Click the Save Set button when the set is completed and the new aspect set
will be added to the programs list of aspect sets.

Setting the default "Here" location
1 Go to the Current Place tab of the WinStar Options menu (Options pull-
down/WinStar Options / Current Place.
2 Fill in the new location fields and click Ok to close the menu. This will now
be the default "Here" location filling the location fields of the Enter Chart
Data menu. Clicking the Here button at any time when in the Enter Chart
Data menu will place these location fields into the menu.


Associating a transit chart with a natal chart
1 Select any natal chart from the list of active charts.
2 Select the Progressed Charts menu (Techniques pull-down, Progressed Charts
or F4) and click the "Transit" button to access the "Transits" Enter Chart
Data menu. It is identical to the Enter Chart Data menu except the Calc
Options portion displays the message: "Transit Chart for:" followed by the
active chart list. This list is there so you can attach the transit chart to an
existing chart. It will become a dependent chart based upon the root chart.
This is a handy way to keep connected charts together. Select a chart from
this list.
3 Name In the name field, type in a name for the transit chart: "My
Wedding," for example.
4 Date In the date field, type in a transit date. This will be the time used in
calculating the transits for this chart. For current transits, simply click the
Now button.
5 Change the Zone, Place, Longitude and Latitude fields, if necessary.
6 Click the Ok button and this transit chart will calculate and be added to the
existing charts. Notice that it will appear beneath and indented from the
current chart connected to it.

Creating a "hit list" showing when transiting planets are aspecting natal
chart positions
1 Select your natal chart from the Current Charts list.
2 Access the Searches menu (Techniques pull-down, Searches or F8) and click
the Transit icon.
3 The Searches menu will appear. Click an X to the left of "Transit - Natal."
Click the button to the right of "Transit - Natal" to pop up the Search Options

In a Transit-to-Natal search, the Search Planets are the transiting planets
that will aspect your natal planets during the search and the Target planets
are the natal planets.
4 Make any selections in the Search Options menu that you want included in the
search. The default setting includes all planets. The Search Options menu is
described in detail on page 106.


5 When you have completed making selections, click Ok to return to the
Searches menu and select the starting and ending dates for the search. Refer
to the detailed description of the Searches menu (pages 104, 105) to make any
other changes to selections in that menu.
6 Take a last look at the settings in the Searches menu. If they are correct, and
you are not adding additional searches, click Ok and a searching status bar
will appear. When the search is completed, the Search Show table will display
on screen with the results of the search.
7 The search results from the Search Show table can be printed (click Print) or
saved to file for future reference. To save the hits to a file, go to the Search
Show table's File pull-down, Save Search option. This pops up the Save Search
Hits dialog where you can type in a file name with a .mdb extension. Click Ok
to save the hits file. The program suggests saving to the \WSTAR20\HITS

Progressing a Chart
1 Select a chart from the active chart list.
2 Access the Progressed Charts menu ( Techniques pull-down, Progressed Charts or
F4). Click the Progress icon. This will pop up the "Progressed Charts"
version of the Enter Chart Data menu.
3 Name In the name field, type in a name for the chart: "Bill Smith,
progressed," for example. If you know the method of progression that you
will use (the next menu choice) you could refer to that: "Bill Smith, minor
progression" as the name of the chart. This would help distinguish that chart
name when you are scrolling through a list of charts.
4 Date Type in a progression date in the date field. To progress from your
birth date to the present, simply click the Now button.
5 Location Enter the location for the progression. Changing the location to
the current location (rather than the place of birth) will affect the position of
the house cusps in the progressed chart.

Progression Methods
6 Next, you will choose the method of progression. The Secondary is the most
popular. Refer to the pop-up Help file for a description of each method.


7 Finally, choose the method to progress or direct the angles of the progression.
There are seven methods in the pull-down menu. Again, refer to pop-up
Help file for a description of each method.

8 Now click the Ok button and this progressed chart will calculate and be
added to the list of active charts. It will appear beneath and indented from
the chart connected to it.

Relocating a chart
1 Select any chart from the active chart list.
2 Access the Charts techniques menu (Techniques pull-down, Charts or F3)
and click the "Relocate" button.
3 Enter the name of the new location and use the Atlas button to quickly
access the proper coordinates and Time Zone (or type in the longitude and
latitude of the new location). If you wish to relocate the chart to your current
location, just click the Here button.
4 Click Ok, and a relocated chart will appear indented and beneath its primary
chart. The relocated chart wheel will appear in the view area.

Composite charts

1 A Composite Chart requires two charts. Access the Synastry
techniques menu (Techniques pull-down, Synastry or F6)
and the Selected Chart area will change to the two-chart


2 Highlight one of the two charts from which the composite
chart is being derived. This will automatically fill the Chart
1: position. Click on the words Chart 2:; they will turn red.
Now click the second Current Chart. It will snap into the
Chart 2: position. (Or you can use the drag & drop method
to move charts to the chart spaces.)
3 Click the "Compos" button from vertical Synastry techniques menu. A
Yes/No prompt will ask to verify your request to create a composite chart.
Click Yes.
4 The name of the new Composite chart will appear in the Chart Forms: list of
the main screen as a dependent chart, indented and beneath the first of the
two charts and it will display on screen.

Doing solar charts when there is no known birth time
1 Access the Enter Chart Data menu from the main screen by clicking New
2 Go ahead and create the new chart by inputting the appropriate information.
Leave the time fields blank.
3 From the Calc Options portion of the menu (right side) click the Down-Arrow
beneath "House Systems:" and highlight the Solar Houses selection.
4 Click Ok and a Solar chart will calculate using the Sun position in the chart
as the Ascendant. This is the most common method used when creating charts
without the specific birth time.


Section Two Uranian Astrology

Finding natal midpoints.............................

Including Uranians in charts..........................................

Chart forms useful to Uranian astrologers.......................................................

Midpoint trees, viewing and printing..

Getting transits to
Getting transit from



Finding natal midpoints
1 Select the chart you wish to use.
2 Click on the Data View button (top-left, 2
3 Using the Down-Arrow in the Data Views list, scroll down to the following
chart forms, each of which will display in the view area when selected. These
forms are of particular interest to those using midpoints:
Midpoints: 360 Dial Midpoint Trees: 45
Midpoints: 90 Dial Midpoint Trees: 22
Midpoints: 45 Dial Graph: Midpoints 360
Midpoints: 22 Dial Graph Midpoints 180
Midpoint Trees: 90

Note: A variety of midpoint selections can also be selected from the forms lists in
the Select Chart Form menu.
4 Although Data View is primarily a viewing tool, the screen contents can be
printed by clicking the Print button at the top of the View area.

Including Uranians in charts
The Uranian planets are included in all calculations and their display in a form is
set using the same method with which all planets are chosen. Displaying them in
charts and forms is simply a matter of selecting them in the Chart Form Options
menu for the desired form. The button sequence is:
1 Click the Add Form button from the main screen.


2 Access the Select Chart Form menu (click this button: ).
3 Make the Uranian selections in the Chart Form Options menu. (You can
access the shortcut Select Planets menu for batch selection by pressing the
tall, vertical buttons in either the Planets in Wheel and Aspected Planets
selection areas.)
Note: Remember that there are four chart positions in the Chart Form Options
menu. If you are using a form with more than one chart (BiWheels, TriWheels,
etc.) be sure to make planet display selections for each chart position. This is
accomplished by clicking any of the #1,#2,#3, or #4 buttons at the top-left of
the menu.


Chart Forms useful to Uranian Astrologers

The following chart forms are particularly useful to Uranian Astrologers. They are
found in the "Screen" and "Printer" wheel columns of the Select Chart Form menu:

Cusp Wheel 4 Euro 45 Wheel
Dial 360 Euro 90 Wheel
Dial 45 Midpoint 22.5
Euro 22 Wheel Midpoint Chart
Euro 360 Wheel

Midpoint trees - viewing and printing

1 Click the Data View button (top-left, 2
2 Click the Down-Arrow in the Data Views forms list. Among these forms are
three midpoint tree forms. They are named: Midpoint Trees: 90,
Midpoint Trees: 45 and Midpoint Trees: 22. Scroll to any of these three
midpoint forms and click on it with the mouse.
3 The highlighted midpoint tree will display in the View area of the main
screen. Click the Print button for a hard copy of the tree.

Getting transits to Uranians
1 Select any active chart.
2 Access the Search menu (Techniques pull-down, Searches or F8) and click the
"Transit" button.
3 The Searches menu will appear with "Transit - Natal" selected. Leave this
selected or de-select it by clicking on the "x" (to remove it) and click an "x"
in front of the "Transit - Transit" or "Transit-to-Progressed, depending on the
transiting method desired.
4 Click the button (in the Searches menu) to the right of "Transit - Natal" (or
"Transit - Transit", "Transit - Progressed", depending) to pop up the Search
Options menu.


5 In the Target Planets area, click the tall, vertical button to access the Select
Planets menu where the Uranians can all be selected at once by clicking the
Uranians button. Close both the Select Planets and Search Options menus
(by clicking Ok ). From the Searches menu, you have the option of saving
these settings as the default used by the "Transit" icon button. This can be
done by clicking the Save Defaults button.
6 Click Ok to close the Searches menu and the search will begin. Shortly the
Show Search table will appear with the search results which can be printed
(click Print) or saved to file for future reference (from the File pull-down,
Save Search or Save Search As... selections).

Getting transits from Uranians
1 To create a search with the Uranians as the transiting planets, repeat the
previous procedure except this time, turn the Uranians on in the "Search
Planets" area of the menu (rather than the "Target Planets" area.
Note: To calculate transits to the Uranians and by the Uranians, you would select
them in both the Search Planets and Target Planets areas.


Section Three Harmonics

Calculating Harmonic charts............................

Arc-transform charts..................................................

Calculating Harmonic charts
1 Select a chart from the list of active charts.
2 Access the Chart Transformations techniques menu (Techniques pull-down/
Chart Transformations or F3) and click the "Harmonic" button.
3 The Harmonic Input screen will pop up. It has a Harmonic pull-down with a
scrollable list of harmonic values [2nd-12th harmonics, plus several special
harmonic values, Golden Mean (and its inverse, Golden Mean2) Pi, and "e"].
4 Select a value or type your own value in the field provided, and click Ok and
the Harmonic chart will appear indented and beneath its radix chart in the
active charts list. The Harmonic chart wheel will appear in the View area.

Arc-transform charts
1 Select a chart from the active chart list.
2 Access the Chart Transformations techniques menu (Techniques, Chart
Transformations or F3) and click the "ArcTrans" (Arc Transform) button.
3 The Create Arc Transform Chart dialog will pop up. It has two Planets pull-
down selectors, Planet 1 and Planet 2. Choose a planet from each of these and
click Ok.
4 This arc-transform chart will calculate and appear on screen. It will also
appear in the active chart list as a dependent chart, indented and beneath the
originally selected chart.


Section Four Siderealist Techniques

Changing to Sidereal...............................

Sidereal lunar returns.......................................

Sidereal solar returns...................................................................

Demi-Lunar (or Demi-Solar) returns

Comparing a return chart with a natal chart..

Solar (or lunar) ingresses




Change to the Sidereal zodiac
To change the default zodiac setting to Sidereal:
1 Go to the Calculation tab of the WinStar Options menu (Options pull-
down/WinStar Options / Calculation.
2 Note the radio button selectors beneath the House System choices. Click the
button before Sidereal.
3 Select the Fagan/Bradley technique from the pull-down choices, unless you
prefer another method.
4 Future charts will calculate using the Sidereal Zodiac.
Temporarily switching from Tropical to Sidereal:
1 When creating a chart in the Enter Chart Data menu, click the radio button
before Sidereal and select Fagan-Bradley.
2 This will switch this chart (and any others calculated during this session in
the Enter Chart Data menu) to the Sidereal zodiac.


Sidereal Lunar Returns
1 Calculate a chart using the sidereal zodiac.
2 Highlight this calculated chart menu and access the Returns techniques menu
(Techniques pull-down, Returns or F5). Click the "Returns" button and the
Returns version of the Enter Chart Data menu will display using the
highlighted chart.
3 The Lunar Return is the default setting and will be showing in the "Return
Planet" field of this menu.
4 Change the location field if you wish. Most astrologers use the birthplace or
residence. Manually type in the location (access the Atlas button for quicker
input of longitude & latitude).
5 Leave the coordinate system set to Geocentric.
6 Type a date in the date field. The program will pinpoint the lunar return
closest to that date. Click the Last button and the last return to occur before
that date will calculate and appear on the input screen. Click the Next
button and the next return will appear.
7 As each return is calculated, it can be saved and added to the active chart list
by clicking the More button. It will appear as a dependent chart, indented
and beneath the radix chart from which it was calculated. Click Ok to return
to the main screen with all the added lunar return charts appearing in the
chart list.

Sidereal Solar Returns
1 Calculate a chart using the sidereal zodiac.
2 Highlight this calculated chart and access the Returns techniques menu
(Techniques pull-down, Returns or F5). Click the "Returns" button and the
Returns version of the Enter Chart Data menu will display using the
highlighted chart.
3 Click the Down-Arrow in the "Return Planet" field and highlight Solar
4 Change the location field if you wish. Most astrologers use the birthplace or
residence. Manually type in the location (access the Atlas button for quicker
longitude & latitude input).
5 Leave the coordinate system set to Geocentric.
6 In the date field, you may type in any date. The program will pinpoint the
solar return closest to the date showing. Click the Last button and the last


solar return to occur before that date will calculate and appear on the input
screen. Click the Next button and the next return will appear.
7 As each return is calculated it can be saved and added to the active chart list
by clicking the More button. It will appear as a dependent chart, indented
and beneath the radix chart from which it was calculated. Click Ok to return
to the main screen with all the added solar return charts.

Demi-Lunar (or Demi-Solar Returns)
Here are instructions for calculating a Demi-lunar return; for a Demi-solar return,
substitute solar return for lunar return in Step #3:
1 Select any chart.
2 Access the Returns techniques menu (Techniques pull-down, Returns or F5).
Click the "Increm" button and the Incremental Returns version of the Enter
Chart Data menu will display using the selected chart.
3 Click the Down-Arrow in the "Return Planet" field and highlight Moon (or
another planet).
4 Choose the "DemiReturn (180)" selection in the next pull-down.
5 Leave the coordinate system set to Geocentric.
6 Change the location field if you wish. Most astrologers use the birthplace or
residence. Manually type in the location (access the Atlas button for quicker
longitude & latitude).
7 In the date field, you may type in any date. The program will pinpoint the
Demi-lunar return closest to the date showing. Click the Last button and
the last lunar return to occur before that date will calculate and appear on the
input screen. Click the Next button and the next return will appear.
8 As each Demi-return is calculated it can be saved and added to the active
chart list by clicking the More button. It will appear as a dependent chart,
indented and beneath the radix chart from which it was calculated. Click Ok
to return to the main screen with all the added lunar return charts.

Comparing a return chart with a natal chart
1 Highlight a return chart from the list of charts (or create one if there are
2 Access the BiWheels techniques menu (click the "Add Bi-
Triwheels" button).The Chart name area will now accept
up to four charts.


3 Place the return chart in the Chart 1: position and place
the natal chart to the Chart 2: position. (See p. 28, which
explains this procedure.)
4 Now click the "BiWheel" icon button on the BiWheels
Technique menu. The BiWheel will calculate and display
on screen. It will appear in the Chart Forms list, attached
to the return chart placed in the Chart 1 position.
5 To view this chart at any time, highlight the return chart
(the one used as Chart 1) and then highlight the
connected BiWheel form from the Chart Forms list.

Solar (or Lunar) Ingresses
1 Select a chart. (Tropical charts will yield a tropical ingress; sidereal will yield a
sidereal ingress.)
2 Access the Returns techniques menu (Techniques pull-down, Returns or F5).
Click the "Point" button and the Point version of the Enter Chart Data menu
will display using the selected chart.
3 In the left side of the menu, enter/select the date, time and place being
covered by the return.
4 In the right side select the Sun as the planet (for a solar ingress; select Moon
if doing a Lunar Ingress) and leave the coordinate system Geocentric.
5 In the bottom box, To Point:, type in the longitude of the ingress point. You
can type in the longitude in either 360 notation or in degree-sign-minute-
second notation.. For example, if you were calculating an ingress into Cancer,
you would type:.
9000'00" or 00CA 00'00"
6 Click Last and WinStar will calculate the sidereal solar ingress into the
Sign Cancer (using this example). Click More to make more Return charts
or Ok to return to the main screen with the calculated solar or lunar ingress
chart(s) now listed in the active charts list.

Quotidian Progressions
To make a Quotidian #1 (one tropical year=one Sidereal Day):
1 Select any natal chart.
2 Access the Progressed Charts menu (Techniques pull-down, Progressed
Charts, or F4) and click the "Progress" button.


3 In the Progress version of the Enter Chart Data menu that displays, make
any necessary changes to the date, time, and place sections. In the
"Progression Method" section (right side), select Quotidian #1 in the first
pull-down field. In the second pull-down field, select Daily Houses.
4 Click Ok.
To make a Quotidian 2 (one tropical year=one Civil Day)
1 Repeat the above procedure, except select Quotidian #2 (instead of
Quotidian #1) in Step 3.
1 Select any chart from the active chart list.
2 Access the Returns techniques menu (Techniques pull-down, Returns or F5).
Click the "Increm." (Increment) button and the Incremental Returns version
of the Enter Chart Data menu will display using the selected chart.
3 In the left side of the menu, enter/select the date, time and place being
covered by the return.
4 The right side of this menu has three input boxes. In the top box, use the
Down-Arrow to scroll-select the desired type of planetary return (usually the
Sun for an Ennead if so, select Sun).
5 In the next input box, click the Down-Arrow and scroll to Enneads (40).
Leave the third input box set to "Geocentric."
6 Click Last and WinStar will calculate the Ennead covering the event. Click
More to make more Return charts or Ok to return to the main screen with
the calculated Ennead chart(s) listed in as an active chart.


Section Five Heliocentric Astrology

Getting Helio charts............................

Getting Helio transits................................................

Comparing Geo/Helio........................................................

Getting Helio charts

As the default setting:
1 To switch from Geocentric to Heliocentric calculation, access the Chart Forms
tab of the WinStar Options menu (Options pull-down/WinStar
Options/Chart Forms tab). Click the Form Options button. At the
right side of the Chart Form Options menu that opens, are two radio buttons,
Geocentric and Heliocentric; click on Heliocentric.
Note that there are four chart positions in this menu. The changes just made
affected the Chart 1 position (of the Selected Charts: box in the main screen)
which deals with single charts. To calculate heliocentrically in chart forms
using more than one chart (such as BiWheels, TriWheels, and QuadWheels),
click each of the other chart positions (Chart 2, Chart 3, and Chart 4) in the
Chart Form Options menu (top left of menu) and switch to Helio in each.
2 Click Ok to close this menu. This change from Geo to Helio will now
become the default setting for each of these chart positions.
For a particular icon button:
1 Select a chart.
2 Use the "Ctrl + Click" routine on the desired Techniques icon button to pop
up the Select Chart Form menu. Choose a form to be attached to this icon
button. Now click the button to access the Chart Form Options menu for
that icon button.
3 At the right side of the menu are two radio buttons, Geocentric and
Heliocentric; click on Heliocentric.
4 Click the Ok button in both the Chart Form Options and the Select Chart Form
menus. Charts calculated via that icon button would use the Heliocentric
With the Add button:


1 Select a chart from the chart list. Click the Add Form button. This also pops
up the Select Chart Form menu, from which you can choose any chart form for
displaying (or printing) the highlighted chart. The button can be used
to customize the chart.
2 Close these menus (by clicking Ok) and this form will appear in the Chart
Forms list attached to the selected chart. With that chart highlighted,
selecting this form will display it in the main screen viewing area.

Getting Helio transits
1 Select a chart from the active chart list.
2 Access the Search techniques menu (Techniques pull-down, Searches or F8)
and click the "Transit" button.
3 The Searches menu will appear. Click an "X" before the "Transit - Natal"
selection (if it is not already selected). If there are other search types selected
in the Searches menu, you can leave them on or de-select them to run only a
Transit-to-Natal search.
4 Locate the coordinate system section (bottom-center) of the menu, click the
Down-Arrow, and scroll to Heliocentric or Hel. Precessed. Select one.
5 Make any other changes necessary, including any planet selections that you
want in the search (refer to any of the Search explanations previously given
for details on the Search Options menu).
6 Clicking the Save Defaults button (Searches menu) accesses a prompt that
will make this Helio (or Helio Precessed) selection the default for future
7 Initiate the search by clicking Ok in each menu. Shortly the Search Show table
will appear with the search results which can be printed (click Print) or saved
to file for future reference (from the File pull-down, Save Search or Save Search
As... selections).

Comparing Geo/Helio
1 Calculate a chart Geocentrically and select it from the active chart list.
2 Click the Add Form button to pop up the Select Chart Form menu.
Click the Screen Wheel button to select the list of screen wheel.


3 Find the GEO/HELIO wheel form and select it; click Ok.
4 You will return to the main screen with this special comparison BiWheel
(GEOHELIO) displayed on screen showing the chart in both Geo- and
Heliocentric modes (inner=geo; outer=helio).
5 This "Geo/Helio BiWheel" will appear listed in the Chart Forms list and
will be attached to the chart selected in Step #1.

Section Six Horary

Viewing Lillys Planetary Strength........................

Essential dignities....................................................



Viewing Lilly's Planetary Strengths

1 Click the Data View button (if not already in the Data View mode) and use
the scroll bar from the Data View list to scroll to Lilly Strengths (2
the bottom of the list). Click on it with the mouse.
2 The fascinating table depicting Lilly planetary strengths will display in the
View area of the main screen, using the selected Current Chart.
3 Examine any of the active charts through the Lilly Strengths table. Click the
Print button for a hard copy.

Essential dignities

1 Click the Data View button (if not already in the Data View mode) and use
the scroll bar from the Data View to scroll to Ptolemaic Dignities; click on
it with the mouse (it's third from last in the list).
2 The Ptolemaic Dignities table will display based upon the selected Current


3 Examine any chart using this table. Click the Print button for a hard copy.

1 Click the Data View button (if not already in the Data View mode) and use
the scroll bar from the Data View to scroll to Ptolemaic Dignities and click
on it with the mouse.
2 The Rulers - Almutens section of this form is located at the bottom-right
corner. It is a planet/house display of the rulers and almutens for each planet.
3 Click the Print button to generate a hard copy.

Section Seven Draconic

Making Draconic charts............................

Draconic planetary returns.......................................................

Comparing Draconic to Tropical...................................................................


Making Draconic charts
1 Select a chart from the active chart list.
2 Access the Chart Transformations techniques menu (Techniques pull-down,
Chart Transformations or F3).
3 Click the "Draconic" button. A draconic chart will immediately calculate and
will list as a dependent chart, indented and beneath the root chart. It will
appear in the View area.

Draconic planetary returns
1 Select a chart from the list of charts.
2 Access the Returns menu (Techniques pull-down, Returns or F5) and click
the "PhasAng" (Phase Angle) button to pop up the "Phase-Angle" version of
the Enter Chart Data menu.


3 In the "Phase Planets" section (three pull-downs), click the top pull-down box
and select Node. In the second pull-down box, select the planet whose
Draconic Return you are looking for. Leave the third pull-down box at
4 Check the rest of the Enter Chart Data screen to be sure information is
correct. Use the Last and Next buttons to find the Draconic return before
and after your selected date.
5 Click Ok to return to the main screen with this calculated Draconic return a
dependent chart, indented and beneath the radix chart and displayed in the
View area.

Comparing Draconic to Tropical/Sidereal
1 Select a chart calculated with either the Tropical or Sidereal Zodiac and
then create a dependent Draconic chart.
2 Click the "Add Bi- Triwheels" button in the multiple chart area
which will create space for up to four names and it will switch
to the BiWheels techniques menu.
3 Highlight the chart that you want as the inner wheel. That
chart name will appear in the Chart 1 position. Place the
second chart in the Chart 2 position. (Either drag and drop it
into place or double-click on the words Chart 2 until they turn
red, then click on a second chart.)
4 If you have a third chart, repeat the procedure for the Chart 3
5 Now click the "BiWheel" (or "TriWheel") icon button from
the BiWheel menu.
6 The two (or three) charts will display with their 0 Aries lined


Section Eight: Asteroids
Getting transits to asteroids......................................................

Getting transits from asteroids......................................................................

Choosing asteroids chart forms..................................................................


Getting transits to asteroids
1 Select any chart from the active list that has been calculated including the
Asteroid planets.
2 Access the Search menu (Techniques pull-down, Searches or F8) and click the
"Transit" button.
3 The Searches menu will appear with "Transit - Natal" selected. Leave this
selected or de-select it by clicking on the "x" (to remove it) and click an "x" in
front of the "Transit - Transit" or "Transit-to-Progressed, depending on the
transiting method desired.
4 Click the button (in the Searches menu) to the right of "Transit - Natal" (or
"Transit - Transit", "Transit - Progressed", depending) to pop up the Search
Options menu.
5 In the "Target Planets" area, click on the tall, vertical button to access the
Select Planets menu where the Asteroids can all be selected at once by clicking
the Asteroids button.
6 Close all menus (by clicking Ok) and the search will begin. Shortly the Show
Search table will appear with the search results, which can be printed (click
Print) or saved to file for future reference (click Save Hits and type in a
path\file name).

Getting transits from asteroids
1 To create a search with the Asteroids as the transiting planets, repeat the
previous procedure except this time, turn the Asteroids on in the "Search
Planets" area of the menu (rather than the "Target Planets" area.
Note: To calculate transits to the Asteroids and by the Asteroids, you would select
them in both the Search Planets and Target Planets areas.
Asteroid chart forms


1 These chart forms are designed especially for asteroid work. They are accessed
from the "Screen" or "Printer" wheel form lists of the Select Chart Form menu:

Asteroid grid
Chart Service A Wheel
Extra Points Wheel


Section Nine Advanced Techniques
Including True Node, Geocentric Latitude, or Parallax Moon...............................

Chiron and Transpluto..........................................................................

Using Local Space.....................................................................................

Campanus Mundoscopes...........................................................................

Right Ascension charts..........................................................................

Transits in Right Ascension..........................................................................

Returns in Right Ascension........................................................................

Geocentric Latitude vs. Geographic Latitude....................................................

Converse Progressed hit lists.......................................................


Including True Node, Geocentric Latitude, or Parallax Moon
To include them as a default (automatically included):
1 Go to the Calculation tab of the WinStar Options menu (Options pull-
down / WinStar Options / Calculation tab).
2 Use your mouse to click an "x" in the box each item (True Node, Geocentric
Latitude, or Parallax Moon) that you wish to include in all chart calculations.
3 Click Ok.
To include them in specific charts:
1 When creating the chart in the Enter Chart Data screen, you will see the
same choices within the Calc Opts tab on the right side of the menu. Click an
"x" before any item you wish included in the calculation of that chart.
2 These will apply only to the charts created during this session using the Enter
Chart Data screen.

Chiron and Transpluto
To include them as a default (automatically included):


1 Go to the Chart Forms tab of the WinStar Options menu (Options pull-
down / WinStar Options / Chart Forms tab).
2 Click the Form Options button and in the Chart Form Options menu that
appears, select each item (Chiron or Transpluto) that you wish to include in
all chart calculations.
3 Click Ok.
To include them in specific charts:
1 When adding specific forms to charts (and you wish to include Chiron or
Transpluto) click the Add Form button from the main screen. Choose the
desired form from the Select Chart Form menu that appears. Then, click that
menus Select Chart Options button (hand pointing at wheel icon).
2 This opens the Chart Form Options menu. Select each item (Chiron or
Transpluto) that you wish to include in all chart calculations
3 These will apply only to the charts created during this session in the Enter
Chart Data menu.

Using Local Space
1 Select any active chart.
2 Click the Add Form button to open the Select Chart Form menu and choose
the list of Printer wheels.
3 Scroll through the list and select either the Local Map Wheel or the Local
Space Wheel and click Ok to return to the main screen with the calculated
locality wheel displayed on screen and with that wheel name listed in the
Chart Forms list for the selected chart.

Campanus Mundoscopes
1 Select any active chart.
2 Click the Add Form button to open the Select Chart Form menu and choose
the list of Printer wheels.


3 Select either the Mundoscope or the Prime Vertical chart forms and click
Ok to return to the main screen with the calculated wheel displayed on screen
and with the wheel name listed in the Chart Forms list as a dependent under
for the selected radix chart.

Right Ascension Charts
1 Select any active chart.
2 Click the Add Form button to open the Select Chart Form menu and choose
the list of Printer wheels.
3 Scroll through the list and select one of the following three wheels:
Equatorial A Wheel, Equatorial Wheel, or Equatorial X Wheel and
click Ok to return to the main screen with the calculated wheel displayed on
screen. The wheel name will appear listed in the Chart Forms list, attached to
the selected radix chart.

Transits in Right Ascension
1 Select a chart from the chart list.
2 Access the Search techniques menu (Techniques pull-down, Searches or F8)
and click the "Transit" button.
3 The Searches menu will appear with "Transit - Natal" selected. Leave this
selected or de-select it by clicking on the "x" (to remove it) and click an "x"
in front of the "Transit - Transit" or "Transit-to-Progressed, depending on the
transiting method desired. (Transit-to-Natal is normally used.)
4 In the Searches menu locate the Coordinate System section (middle-left) and
click the Down-Arrow to scroll through the list of coordinate systems to
"Right Ascen."
5 Make any other changes necessary, including any planet selections that you
want in the search (refer to any of the Search explanations previously given
for details on the Search Options menu).
6 Clicking the Save Default button (Searches menu) will make this "Right
Ascension" selection the default for future sessions.
7 Close all menus (by clicking Ok) and the search will begin. Shortly the Search
Show table will appear with the search results which can be printed (click
Print) or saved to file for future reference (from the File pull-down, Save
Search or Save Search As... options.
Note: P1 & P2 are represented in this table in a pseudo-zodiacal notation e.g., a
planet with a Right Ascension of 148 will be shown as being at 28 Leo,
even though its true zodiacal longitude is 26 Leo.


Returns in Right Ascension
1 Select a chart from the chart list.
2 Access the Returns techniques menu (Techniques pull-down, Returns or F5)
and click the "Returns" button.
3 The Returns version of the Enter Chart Data menu will appear. In the "Return
Planet" section, choose the desired planet-return type.
4 In the next box click the Down-Arrow and scroll to Equatorial.
5 Click the Last or Next buttons to calculate the last or next return from the
date entered.
6 Click Ok and the chosen Return in Right Ascension will calculate. It will be
added as a dependent chart indented and beneath the selected active chart.

Geocentric Latitude vs. Geographic Latitude
As the default setting:
1 To switch from Geographic Latitude to Geocentric Latitude calculation, go to
the Calculation tab of the WinStar Options menu and click an "x" before
Geocentric Latitude: and close the menu (click Ok).
2 Future charts will be calculated using Geocentric Latitude.
One chart at a time:
1 When creating a chart in the Enter Chart Data menu, the Calc Opts tab on the
right side of the menu also has a selection for Geocentric Latitude (Geoc.
Lat.). Click an "x" before it to apply Geocentric Latitude calculation to the
new chart. The default will remain Geographic Latitude.

Converse Progressed hit lists
1 Select any chart from the active chart list.
2 Access the Search menu (Techniques pull-down, Searches or F8) and click the
"Progress" button.
3 The Progressed version of the Searches menu will appear with "Progress -
Natal" and "Progress - Progress" selected. Leave both of these selected if you
want both types of progression included in the search.
4 Click the button (in the Search Options menu) to the right of either technique
to pop up the Search Options menu for that technique. In a Progressed-to-


Natal search, the Search Planets are your progressed planets and the Target
planets are your natal planets.
5 Make any selections in the Search Options menu that you want included in the
search. The default setting includes all planets. See the detailed Search Options
menu instructions for greater detail.
6 Click an "x" before the Converse feature in the bottom-middle of the Search
Options menu.
7 When you have completed making selections, click Ok to return to the
Searches menu.
8 Take a last look at the settings in the Searches menu. If they are correct, and
you are not adding additional searches, click Ok and a searching status bar
will appear. When the search is completed, the Search Show table will display
on screen with the results of the search.
9 The search results from the Search Show table can be printed (click Print) or
saved to file for future reference (from the File pull-down, Save Search or Save
Search As... selections).


Program Description

Main Menu Pull-Downs

The pull-down menus across the top of the screen can be accessed with the
mouse. Click on one and the menu will open. Highlight and click any
menu item to go directly to that menu feature.
Keyboard use for Menu Options
Pull-down menus (and most menu options) can also be accessed from the
keyboard by pressing a combination of the Alt-key and the underlined
letter of the title of the menu pull-down. For example, the File menu can
be accessed by typing the Alt-key + the F-key. Mouse instructions will be
the only ones given in this manual, however if you prefer using your
keyboard, keystroke combinations are included in the program menus.
File Pull-Down

The File pull down covers chart manipulation adding
charts, deleting charts plus importing previously saved
charts to the chart database.
Add New Chart
Accesses the Enter Chart Data menu where new charts are
Find Chart Input
Opens a chart locator input box above the list of active
charts, where you can type in the chart name and it will seek,
find, and highlight that chart in the active chart list.
Browse Chart Database
Access the Chart Database, where you can manipulate the
database, delete charts, select any number of charts to
transfer to the active charts list, and more.
Current Database
Use this dialog to select saved chart database files (.mdb files) in the
\wstar20\charts20 folder.
Backup Chart Database
This opens a dialog for saving charts two ways: either as backup database
files (.mdb files) or as "QuickChart" files (.qck files).
The default path\file is: \wstar20\charts20\backup.mdb (or .qck)
When saving, you can choose to copy all charts or just selected charts and
when backing up to the database (.mdb file) you can select to include


Secondary Charts and Metafiles along with the primary charts.
Import Charts
The Import Chart menu provides access to most astrological software file
formats. It alphabetically lists the stored chart data by file type. You can
import chart data from QuickCharts, BlueStar, Compact Data, PRIMA,
Nova, CCRS '92, and Kepler v 2.5, and save this data in the WinStar
Import WinStar v1 active charts
Use this option to import saved chart files (.tmp format). These files reside
in the \wstar20 directory. The two pre-shipped files the "mxcharts.tmp"
(the default, shipped charts from the "Temporary" folder that display upon
startup) and "mxchtkey.tmp".
Import WinStar v1 Database
Use this option to import saved database chart files (.mdb format). These
files reside in the \wstar20 directory.
Print & Printer Setup
Print a copy of the highlighted chart in the mode selected (Dataview or
Wheel) by selecting Print. Print Setup will pop up the standard Windows
"Print Setup" dialog for setting the default printer, etc.
Add to print queue
When clicked, this feature pops up the "Print Queue" dialog, which can hold
a list of print jobs, waiting to be printed. Using this feature, you can print as
many charts at one time as are desired.
Here's how:
1 Highlight any active chart and one of its attached chart forms.
2 Click the Add to Print Queue feature from the main menu's File pull-
down, to open the Print Queue dialog. Now highlight any other
active chart and one of its attached chart forms.
3 Click the Add button in the "Print Queue" dialog and highlighted
chart form (for the selected active chart) will be appear in the "Print
Queue" dialog. Use this method to build a list of print jobs. List as
many print jobs as you want you are only limited by available hard-
drive space.
4 Note that you can also use this same method to add DataView forms
(for the highlighted active chart) to your "Print Queue" list.
5 Click the Print button (from the "Print Queue" dialog) to print the
selected forms.

Show Print Queue
The Print Queue feature can be minimized and kept open in the
background. Use Show Print Queue to recall it when needed.


Edit Pull-down
Cut Chart
The highlighted active chart can be cut from the list
with this pull-down option. A "Yes/No?" prompt will
verify your intention to remove the chart. The chart will
be removed from the active charts list, but be retained
in the clipboard for possible pasting into the Enter
Chart Data menu.(Perhaps you have created a chart and
then see that the latitude, for example, is wrong this
will place the entire chart back into the Enter Chart
Data menu where you can correct the error.)
Copy Chart
This option will copy the selected active chart to the clipboard. You can
then use the Paste command to place the chart into the Enter Chart Data
menu where it could be altered and saved. This can be handy when you are
making several variations of the same chart; you will not need to repeat
much of the data input of the chart.
Paste chart
This will reverse the previous Copy (or Cut) procedure and paste the chart
into the Enter Chart Data menu, for possible editing.
Delete Chart
This option will delete the selected chart from the active chart list. This
removes the chart. (Paste Chart will not paste it back.)
Copy Image to Clipboard (BMP)
Use this selection to copy the chart wheel showing in the View area. It will
be copied to the Clipboard and held there until you execute the Paste
command from another Windows application. In this way, charts can be
copied directly into a word processor, for example, to appear along with
text. This "BMP" selection creates a bitmap graphic, which is best used
when you do not wish to resize the image, and it works well with the
Fixed-type chart wheels. (See page 75 for more discussion re: the best wheel types
for printing, copying, viewing, etc.)
Copy Chart Data to Clipboard
This copy procedure captures just the data from the chart in ASCII format
this means there is no wheel, just the planet/sign positions, etc., arranged
in columns.

Copy Wheel to Clipboard (Meta)
This copy feature creates a metafile graphic of the chart wheel, which will
resize after being pasted. Copy charts that have been displayed using either
the Screen or Printer wheel styles, when using this method. (See page 75 for
more discussion re: the best wheel types for printing, copying, viewing, etc.)

View Pull-Down


Several main screen-viewing features are set from the View pull-down
menu. Menu selections are:
View Status Bar
The Status Bar is the strip at the bottom of the screen with today's
date and time and the current Midheaven and Ascendant positions.
This menu selection toggles this feature on/off.
Hide Techniques Bar (Enable Tech Bar Hide)
When the "Enable Tech Bar Hide" feature (at
the bottom of the menu) is checked, the
Techniques Bar can be toggled on/off here (and
by using this button from the main screen).
Techniques Bar Captions
The Techniques Bar can be wordless or it can have caption descriptions for
its buttons. This View menu selection toggles between the two options.
Reset Left Widths
"Reset Left Widths returns" the wheel to a left-justified position.

Techniques Pull-Down

The Technique menus are the columns of buttons on the right side of
the main screen. (They can be removed from the screen from the
Options pull-down: Hide Techniques Bar.) There are nine menu
categories and each can be accessed from this Techniques Pull-Down.
Just click on one of the categories and the column of buttons will
change to that category. These technique categories can also be
changed by clicking on the left or right arrows at the top of each


Options Pull-Down
The Options pull-down has two selections: WinStar Options and Current
Place. The first opens the WinStar Options menu, a 10-tabbed menu that
governs program defaults for logo editing, aspect colors, input options (for
the data entry menu), aspect sets, and more. Current Place opens a dialog
that determines the default location used by the Here button in
the Enter Chart Data menu.
WinStar Options menu
Here are the tabs that make up the WinStar Options menu. Beneath this
graphic are descriptions for each Options menu tab:


The following chart options can be set as defaults by using this Calculation
Options menu. This chart options selector is also part of the Enter Chart
Data menu, however selections made here will appear selected in the Enter
Chart Data menu and will remain the default until changed here.
House System
Choose from 14 House Systems.
Choose between Tropical and Sidereal zodiacs. A Sidereal choice provides a
choice of 10 Ayanamas, which can be selected from the pull-down menu
Advanced Options
Click in the appropriate checkbox to apply True Node, Geocentric
Latitude, Parallax Moon, or Day/Night Part of Fortune.

Input Options
The Input tab is where you choose certain formats used in the Enter Chart
Data Menu. Included are such items as name entry Last name, First or
First name, Last, etc.), toggles for 12- or 24-hour time, longitude and
latitude defaults (East or West, North or South), and so forth. Selections
made here will be reflected in the Enter Chart Data menu and will remain
the defaults until changed in this Set Options menu.
Note: By selecting "Selected Chart Data" from this menu (in the last
option, New Chart Data) you can enter the Enter Chart Data menu and
make changes to existing charts, without re-entering other data. See: Edit
Saved Charts, p. 13.


Chart Form Options
From the Chart Forms tab chart forms can be selected, assigned to menu
buttons, edited, and combined into chart form sets and folders.

The arrow buttons switch from the various Technique menus, displaying
at the left each menus buttons. Click on the button and a thumbnail
graphic of the chart form attached to that button, displays on the right,
under the form name. This way you can check to see which forms are
attached to the form-generating buttons.
Using the Select Form button you can choose from the form lists to
assign different form(s) to the icon button. Using the Form Options
button you can access the Chart Form Options menu which sets individual
display attributes for each chart form. These display attributes include
settings such as: the aspect set used; the planets and points included in
calculations; and whether to draw aspect lines in the wheel hub.
The Edit Folders and Edit Sets buttons access the Edit Chart
Folders and Edit Chart Sets menus, respectively. Chart folders are a way to
organize chart forms into useful groupings to make it easier to access
certain chart types. For instance, you may have six favorite wheels that you
find you frequently use. Placing them into a folder simplifies the process of
selecting and using them. Alternatively, you may wish to organize them
by classification aspect grids in one folder, BiWheels in another, etc.
Chart folders must contain chart forms of the same type screen, printer,
or fixed.
Chart sets are collections of charts grouped together for "batch processing."
For example, a chart set with three charts could be assigned to a
Technique icon button so that, rather than generating just one chart form
when clicked, the icon button could generate the entire set of forms. This


is handy for chart service work when several forms are created and sold to
the customer.
Refer to the context-sensitive Help file for further descriptions of these
very useful chart form-handling sub-menus. Graphics with pop-up
descriptions are provided.

Current Place
This tab sets the location for the default Here button used in the Enter
Chart Data menu. The selected location will automatically be used when
the Here button is pressed. The menu can access the chosen Atlas
(determined from the Atlas Setup tab, this menu) for ease in determining
longitudes and latitudes. [The Current Place can also be accessed directly
from the main screen Options pull-down menu (without going to the
WinStar Options menu).]

Use the Colors tab to load color palettes and associations which affect the
color of glyphs, houses, and aspect lines in certain chart wheels. Custom
colors can be added to current color palettes or new palettes can be
created. Win

Star is shipped with several color palettes created according

to traditional astrological color symbolism.
WinStar provides several menus making it possible to adjust the colors
appearing in the chart wheels. Although several color schemes come
shipped with the program, users may wish to set up their own color
defaults. Definitions of terms used in this Colors tab description:
Glyphs - these are the symbols used to represent the planets, aspects and
signs (for example).
Color Associations - these are the connections between certain colors and
the glyphs. Associations can be saved to a file (with a .clr extension) for
Palette - palettes are groups of colors saved to a file (with a .pal extension)
for easy access when associating colors to glyphs.
Color Scheme - you will likely use color schemes most often. They include
specific colors and their associations to the various glyphs. They can be
created from a certain palette, but they are not the palette. The colors and
their associations are saved to a file (with a .cky extension). You can use
WinStar's pre-made color schemes or make your own. WinStar will
always boot up with a color scheme selected (default.cky) and in effect.


Aspect Lines
Aspect lines are the lines drawn in the hub of the wheel showing the
aspects. Click an "x" in the box to have them appear in color or black and
Planets in Wheel
The planet glyphs can be colored (according to the color scheme used) in
two ways:
1) Glyph - This turns the glyphs ( to the color assigned to that planet (in the
color scheme).
2) On Colored Circle - This draws solid background circles
of color behind each planet glyph.
Signs on Cusp Positions
These are the sign glyphs appearing on the outside of the wheel at each
cusp position. Click an " x " in the box and they will appear in color.

Signs in Zodiac Rings
In wheels such as the Ascendant Wheel or the Aries Wheel, there are large
zodiac glyphs in the outside ring of the wheel. Click an " x " in the box and
they will appear in color.
Signs in Wheel Positions
These are the sign glyphs inside the wheel, designating the planet position
(degree, minute position: in sign). Click an "x" in the box and they will
appear in color.
Accent Colors
Some wheels have certain areas that will highlight with selected accent
colors. These may be background areas of the wheel or data boxes. Click
an " x " in the box if you want these areas accented when printed.
Designating Colors


To change colors:
1 Select a chart item for color associations from the pull-down items list
provided (Planets, Signs, Aspects, Houses, and Misc.).
2 Dragging one color onto another can change colors. Example: If
Gemini (Signs) is purple and you would like Sagittarius the same color,
just click and drag the purple from Gemini to Sagittarius.
Alternatively, click in one of the palette colors (at the bottom) and
drag that color to one of the items.
3 To create a new color, double-click on any color either an item or a
palette color to open the Color selection menu. This menu provides
practically limitless color choices (dependent upon your graphics card),
any of which can be added to the color palette below the items list.
Heres a look at the Color selection menu, followed by descriptions of
its components:

Here are descriptions of each Color Palette menu item
or term:
Basic Colors Basic ColorsBasic ColorsBasic
ColorsBasic ColorsBasic ColorsBasic ColorsBasic
These are the basic Windows screen colors
determined in Windows Set-up. The number of
colors that you can use for foreground objects (the
glyphs for aspects and signs) depends upon the
color board in your computer. Users with 16- or
256-color boards will have fewer choices than
users with unlimited boards. If your system can
not present a selected color, it will substitute the
nearest one.
Custom Colors Custom colorsCustom
Color/Solid Box
This box shows the changes you make to the hue,
saturation, and luminosity of a color. As you
make changes, the new non-solid color is
displayed on the left side of the box. The right
side of the box shows the solid color closest to the
selected color. The solid color will be presented to
the screen.
Double-click the right side of the box to select
the solid color. When the desired color is in the
Color/Solid Box, click Ok to transfer that color
back to the Select Colors menu, where it can be
added to the palette on screen.


colorsCustom colorsCustom colorsCustom
colorsCustom colorsCustom colors
Custom Colors are a Windows color palette
feature not used in WinStar.
Color/Refiner Box
This box shows all the non-solid colors (colors
that are produced by a pattern of dots that
simulate the desired colors) available for your
system. Drag the color refiner cursor to the area
of the box that shows the color you want. If you
are using the keyboard, adjust the values for Hue
and Sat. The color is shown on the left side of the
Color/Solid box. The closest solid color appears
on the right.

Hue, Sat, and Lum
These are the number values for the hue,
saturation, and luminosity of the selected color.
Red, Green, and Blue
These options show the numbers for the red,
green, and blue values of the selected color.


Adding New Colors:

Access the color palette by double-clicking any colored box -- either the
square palette colors at bottom, or an item color (planets, signs, aspects
1 Use the mouse to highlight a desired color in the larger Color Refiner
box. (The narrow, vertical refiner box can also be used by clicking the
tiny pointer-triangle (at the right side of the narrow box) and
dragging up or down.) Experiment with the relation between these
two color refiner boxes to see how a color is pinpointed.
2 The Color/Solid box will show the selected color with the left side
showing the color and the right side showing the closest solid color
that your hardware (video board) can present to screen. The solid color
will appear as a foreground object in a chart wheel (a glyph). The
dithered color can appear as a background or as an accent color.
3 Click OK. Now this color will replace the color you initially double-
4 At any time you can click the Save button and save the current color
scheme with a .CKY extension.

Edit Aspect Sets

Star provides a choice of ten aspect sets. >From the Aspects tab
sets can be created or altered to suit your needs. They can also be saved
as files for easy retrieval. Orb sizes can be changed instantly. Heres
Change settings:
Click twice within any field in a table column and that field is
highlighted (it turns blue), making it editable. Simply type in the new
value (or use the pull-down selectors that appear in most fields).
Click the Save Set button to save new or altered sets. Use the Copy
button to transfer an aspect with all its settings from one set to another.
Some sets Conjunctions, Conjunctions & Oppositions, and Ptolemy do
not permit adding aspects, but most do. Of course, you can always create
your own set using any combination of aspects.

Aspects tab columns:
Aspect Name - gives the full name of the aspect
Angle - shows the size of the aspect, in degree-minute notation
Fract - shows the size of the aspect as a fraction of a whole circle


Abr. - shows the three-letter abbreviations used for each aspect
Sun - shows the size orb used for Sun aspects
Moon - shows the size orb used for Moon aspects
Planets - shows the orb size used for the planetary aspects
Enter/Leave - shows the size (degree-minute) of the entering and leaving
values that will be used when doing transits and progressions.
Glyph - shows the glyph assigned to the aspect

Chart Logo / Report Logo
Your custom user logo will print on most chart forms. The Chart Logo and
Report Logo tabs provide input boxes where you type in your custom logo.
The Chart Logo permits 6 lines (each with up to 22 characters). The logo
can be centered, or right/left justified. A single-line logo option (up to 96
characters) is also provided.
The Report Logo permits an 8-line logo with (approximately) up to 62
characters per line. This logo, too, can be centered, or right/left justified.

Atlas Setup
With Atlas Setup you tell the program which atlas to use (WinStar is
shipped with the WinAtlas installed in the \Winstar directory).
To select an atlas, click the radio button before the desired atlas. The
program will look to the \WSTAR20 directory for the Matrix Win-Atlas
and to the \TMATLAS directory for the Matrix ACS Atlas. If you have
either of the ACS atlases (PC Atlas DOS or PC Atlas Windows), use the
Browse button to select the atlas.

The Misc. tab offers four language choices for the pop-up tool tips that
appear when the mouse cursor is held over various menu items. Tool tips
can be set to English (the default), French, German and Spanish. This
option also changes the labels of the buttons on the Techniques Menu.


Window Pull-Down - View several charts at once!
Up to four calculated charts can each be presented in its own sizable
window at one time. Options in this pull-down menu govern the number
of chart windows displayed and provide for organizing them on screen.
[Note: Opening charts from the Window pull-down will close any
previously opened, sizable charts created from the "Clone" feature of the
Home menu.]
Before you view charts you must first select the charts for viewing and
place them in the active chart area of the main menu:
Selecting Charts for Multiple Viewing
Using the Window pull-down menu (at the top of the main menu), you
can opt for viewing two, three, or four charts at once. The charts viewed
are those selected and placed in the active chart area.

Heres how:
1 To View any of the active charts, click the Bi-TriWheel button at the top-
right of the Chart-Forms area (see graphic, left). Four spaces for charts will
2. To place multiple charts in the active charts box, click on the words Chart
1, Chart 2, Chart 3, etc. and they will turn red. Now click on any of the
active charts and it will pop into the space. Up to four charts can be
selected in this manner. (You can also drag and drop charts into position.)
Now lets take a look at the Window Pull-down menu:
Chart Window
Click Chart Window and the selected chart will pop up in its own
sizable window. Double-click the window to remove it from view.
Click the maximum button for a full-screen view. This view can be
enlarged. Position the mouse pointer over the
top-left corner of a rectangular area that would
contain the portion of the wheel you wish
enlarged. Press the left-mouse button and drag
the mouse in any direction: A red rectangular box will appear that will
expand to any size. Release the mouse when the rectangle suits you and
that area will fill the window. Click the right-mouse button and the full-
screen wheel will reappear. Practice with this expandable box until you
gain confidence in your ability to present the desired view.
Show All Windows \ Close All Windows
Show all presents all the chart windows that are currently active and open.
This will be the active charts (up to four) that have been opened from the
Windows pull-down menu. Close All closes all of the currently open chart
windows. This will also close any charts opened by the "Clone" feature
from the Home menu.
Show Chart's Views


Show Charts Views relates to the chart selected to the Chart #1 position.
Show Charts Views will show that chart in as many as four different chart
forms on screen at once, each in its own window. (You will need to have
first added forms to this active chart via the Select Chart Form menu).
Show 2, 3, 4 active charts
These three choices will pop up sizable windows, each with a chart from
the active chart area; i.e., Show 4 Charts will open four separate sizable
windows. Each will have one chart from one of the four chart spaces
designated in the active chart area.
Tile Windows
This will arrange all open chart windows on screen at one time in the
familiar Windows "Tile" format where they are sized to evenly fill the
entire screen.
Cascade windows
Shown here are the names of charts currently accessed and open in this
Window viewing module.

Open charts
Listed at the bottom of this Window Pull-Down menu are the names of
the charts currently open. Clicking on a name will bring that open chart
window to the top of the screen.

Help Pull-Down
The WinStar Help focuses on several areas. One is a general
introduction to the menu layout and the program features. This is a
"browser's" approach to learning the program, with many descriptive
pop-ups leading you on a tour of the program. This Help sequence is
accessed by highlighting Contents from this main menu Help pull-down.
A second and more selective method of getting specific information is by
clicking a Help button in any major menu or
by pressing the F1 key at any time. This pops up information pertaining
to that screen or routine. Major menus and routines are connected to their
help topics and the F1 key brings you directly to the Help needed. Help is
designed to pop up and stay on the top of the application. Resizing it to a
smaller window that can be set off to a corner of the screen is helpful when
you are likely to re-access it.
A third way to access Help is by using the Search feature (the second
selection in the Help menu. Search is an alphabetical listing of every topic
in the WinStar program. You type in a word, and related topics will list.
Choose from these related topics by clicking one; you will go directly to
that topic. Included within the Help is Astro

Tutor, a database of
astrological terms and techniques.


Making Charts

Enter Chart Data Screen

It is easy to enter data for chart calculation. Start by clicking the New
button to access the Enter Chart Data menu. There are two methods for
supplying chart data:
1) Manually, with either the keyboard or the mouse
2) Importing previously entered chart data by accessing astrological chart
files (or atlases, for coordinate and time zone information.)
Each field (data input box) of this screen provides for selecting or inputting
the components needed in chart calculation.
Manual Input
There are several options when manually inputting chart data. Let us move
through the Enter Chart Data Screen and take a look at the input fields.
Either type in the name for the chart (if entering a new chart) or access
previously input chart data by clicking the Down-Arrow button to scroll
through an alphabetical listing of uncalculated charts (the Quick Names
list). The charts listed are saved to a file that stays with your program for
easy reference. Try to keep this list to a manageable number of files
(probably less than 50).
Add (or Delete) Chart Buttons (or Delete) Chart Buttons(or Delete)
Chart Buttons(or Delete) Chart Buttons(or Delete) Chart Buttons(or
Delete) Chart Buttons(or Delete) Chart Buttons(or Delete) Chart
Use these buttons to add or delete the chart now showing in the input
menu from the Quick Names list just described.
There are two methods for entering the date:
1) Type directly into the Date input box in either of these formats:
10-24-86 or Oct 24, 1986.
2) Click the left/right arrow buttons to arrive at the desired month
and year. [The inner buttons move in single increments; the outer
arrow buttons jump in blocks (e.g., the double-arrow years
buttons jump in 10-year increments, while the single-arrow moves
1 year at a time)]. Then click the appropriate calendar day box.

Note: To input years in the first century AD, type a "+" before the
year; for BC years, use a "-." For example, the date October 14, 37 AD
would be input: Oct 14, +37 (without any spaces between the + and the
37). The date October 15, 65 BC would be typed with a "-" sign, i.e.


October 15, -64. (Not -65, because with BC dates there was no year zero,
and all BC dates must be adjusted by one.
The Time Zone can be selected by either of the Zone boxes. Choose either
from the three-letter zone selection (the first choice), or pick the proper
time zone name (Central Standard Time, etc.) and the proper three-letter
time zone will also be
The third input box (in the Zone section) selects from the time
zone adjustment methods. Choices are: Std (Standard Time),
Day (Daylight Time), War (War Time), Lmt (Local Mean Time),
and Lat (Local Apparent Time).
When using the Atlas button the correct time zone and the correct
time zone adjustment method are automatically entered.

Type in the City, State or City, Country using abbreviations for
the State and Country entries. (e.g. Big Rapids, MI or San Juan,
PR) Be sure to add a comma after the city name.

Note: Tables displaying proper state and country abbreviations can be
found in the Atlas Appendix, p. 167. A quicker way to fill the place field
(as well as the longitude & latitude and time zone fields ) is by clicking the
Atlas button to access your installed atlas.
Add/Delete Location
Place data (including longitude, latitude, and time zone) can be saved to
the screen-scrollable list simply by pressing the "+"
button to the right of the Place field. The "-" button will delete the
current Place data from this list.
Longitude and Latitude
For longitude and latitude, either type in the proper coordinates
or use the Atlas to automatically retrieve the proper longitude
and latitude settings.

The time can be typed directly into the Time data entry box or you can
use the selector buttons in the time-input box accessed by clicking the
Down-Arrow at the right of the time field.


Auto Input

You can access the atlas to quickly supply information for the Zone,
Longitude, and Latitude input boxes. Simply click on the Atlas button
after typing in the City and the two-letter State (or country) abbreviation
in the Place field. You will find that a scrollable alphabetical listing of
cities in that state will appear with your city highlighted. Press Enter to
return with that city's longitude, latitude and time zone entered in the
Enter Chart Data screen. (For information on using the Atlas, see page 18,
Using the Atlas.)
Here and Now
If you are creating a chart for the default city (probably your own) that
automatically displays upon boot-up, simply click on the Here button to
display that city's input data. The Now button will set the Date and Time
to the current (computer) date and time.
The Here default can be set by selecting the Current Place... selection from
the Options pull-down menu. This opens the Input Place Data dialog which
contains that portion of the Enter Chart Data menu used when inputting
the chart location. Simply input the location that you prefer to use as the
Here is a shortcut method of setting this Here button default:
Get Button
This will access the Chart Database where you can select existing charts to
add to the active chart list of the main screen. The Chart Database is fully
described in the following section.
Import Button
The Import Chart menu provides access to major astrological software file
formats. It alphabetically lists the stored chart
data per file type. You can import chart data from QuickCharts!,

Star, Compact Data, PRIMA, Nova, CCRS '92, and Kepler v 2.5 ,
and save this data in Win

Star format. Please refer to the step-by-step

instructions for importing charts as described in the following section,
Chart Database - Import Charts to Database (page 71).
Help Button
Click the Help button to pop up a full-sized replica of the Enter Chart
Data menu with pop-ups describing every menu feature. This
Help button (and all others) will access the WinStar Help file with
information on all program features.

More Button
Click the More button to add the chart to the list of active charts in the
main menu. Using the More button you can do all


data input at once; just keep inputting as many charts as you need
consecutively and when you click More, they each will be calculated and
listed in the active charts list.
Press the Ok button to close the Enter Chart Data menu and return to the
main menu with all newly added charts calculated and listed
in the active charts list.

Calc Options
Use the Calc Opts Tab (right side of screen) to choose the house
system, zodiac system, extra points, and calculation options to be
applied to the active chart(s) being run. If you have previously set
these chart options and like them as they are, you need not alter
them here. Chart Options changes made from this menu do not
become defaults, and will not remain as options settings when
you next access this Enter Chart Data menu. Defaults are set
from the Calculation tab of the WinStar Options menu
(Options pull-down, WinStar Options/Calculation tab).
House System Selection
Choose from 14 House Systems. Use your mouse to click on the
Down-Arrow to scroll these systems. Whichever you select will be
used in this chart's calculation.
Choose between Tropical and Sidereal zodiacs. There are ten
different Sidereal zodiacs.
Advanced Options
Click on/off to include True Node, Geocentric Latitude, Parallax Moon, or
Day/Night Part of Fortune in the active chart calculation.

Database Tab
The Database tab serves as a window into the Chart Database, listing all of
the chart Folders, Attributes, Notes and data sources for any given chart.
From this tab, newly created charts can be logged in to any Chart
Database Folder. Data entered appears from within the Chart Database as
you browse the Database charts.


Chart Database

Database Menu Features
The Chart Database is a versatile database of charts where you can flag
charts by category, keyword, and attributes for easy sorting and filtering.
All charts reside in a folder and all folders make up a database file. With
the Chart Database, you can view charts of all folders or just charts of one
folder. You can add messages and notes to individual charts. The database
can hold as many charts as hard drive permits, making a convenient and
easy way to access a large selection of charts from the main menu.
Access the Chart Database by clicking this button (above the active chart
Moving Charts to Folders
To select charts to the active chart folder, move the mouse pointer to the
left side of the database screen. Either to the far left, or just to the right
of the thick, black vertical line (that borders the First Name column)
entry until it changes to a mark, and then click the chart name. The
database entry will turn blue, signifying that it is selected and ready to be
moved to any folder. Use the Charts pull-down menu/Move Chart(s) to
Folder option to move the selected chart to any chart folder, including
the folder currently displayed in the main screen. (The Select Folder
window will open, displaying all available chart folders.)

The following menu features combine to provide a reliable chart storage
Database shortcut buttons
The icon buttons above the main database table serves as shortcuts to
frequently used features:

QuickWheel - Press this button to open the
highlighted chart in the QWheel dialog, as a sizable
chart opened in its own window. It will remain open,
even if you close WinStar.


Show Chart Data - The Chart Data dialog is a bare
bones, scrollable window, showing the properties in
effect for the highlighted chart [geo- and helio
longitude and latitude, cusp positions, input data (the
natal data as entered in the input menu), extra option
selections (whether True Node, Parallax Moon, etc.
options are on/off), etc].

Show Secondaries - Click this button and the
calculated secondary charts will display indented,
beneath their root charts.

Find Chart - Save time locating charts with this
"locate chart" feature. This immediately selects the
chart name that you input (if it is in the database file).

Repaint Database Chart Grid - This feature re-
draws (or "repaints") the database grid. If the database
table ever becomes distorted or jumbled, click this
button to refresh the screen.

Recalculate Chart - Using the highlighted chart's
data, this button calls the Enter Chart Data Menu to
recalculate the chart.

Select Visible Folders - This button displays the
"Select Folders" dialog which list all the folders.
Clicking on a folder name selects it. All selected
folders are displayed in the database. Use this tool to
reduce the database to only the desired folders.

Clear Filters - This option clears any filtering that
may be in effect, returning to a complete, unfiltered

Sort on Column - Highlight a column (click its
header, turning it blue) and then click this button and
the database sorts according to that column. (If it is a
text column, it will sort alphabetically, top-to-bottom;
if it is astrological information such as a planet
zodiac position it will sort according to sign, starting
with Aries, etc.).

Set Attributes - Attributes distinguish charts,
serving to classify and group them. Attributes are
assigned to the highlighted chart by clicking the Next
button or by clicking Ok. When you click Next, the
next chart is highlighted and the previous one retains
the attribute assigned to it. This way you can move
right through a series of charts, assigning attributes as
necessary. If you do not want to assign an attribute,
click Clear All.

Show All folders - This is a quick way to display all
chart folders in the database.


File pull-down
The File pull-down provides an access point for importing previously
saved charts to the Chart Database. These saved charts can be
WinStar charts or charts from other astrology software programs.
New Database
This opens a filename directory tree where you can input a new
database file name (.mdb files). The default path for chart database
files is: \wstar20\charts20
Open Database
This opens a file directory tree where you can select a different
database file (.mdb file). The default path for chart database files is:
Import Charts from
This selection offers four options for importing chart into the current
database. Simply browse to the particular directory where the files reside.
The choices are:
Astrological Programs - presents File/Open dialog for .mdb files in the
\wstar20\ directory.
WinStar 1.x Current Charts - - presents File/Open dialog (in the
\wstar20\ directory) for .tmp files, which are "Current Charts" files from
WinStar v. 1 & v.1.5
WinStar 1.x Database - - presents File/Open dialog for .mdb files in the
\wstar20\ directory
ASCII Delimited files - - presents File/Open dialog for .txt files in the
\wstar20\charts20 directory
Export Charts
This option offers two methods of exporting charts from the database, into
either a QuickCharts file (.QCK) or an ASCII Delimited (.txt) file.
In the first option (QuickCharts file), the "Chart Backup" dialog is
presented, defaulted to copying to the \WSTAR20\Charts20\Backup.QCK
file. It will copy all displayed charts in the database to QuickCharts
The ASCII option presents the "Export Charts" dialog, defaulted to
copying to the \WSTAR20\Charts20\Export.txt file. You can choose
which database fields you wish to export.
Copy/Backup Database
This option also opens the "Chart Backup" dialog, defaulted to copy all
charts in the database to the \WSTAR20\Charts20\Backup.mdb file.
You can use the Browse button to copy the charts to any location on
your system.
Clear Database
This option presents verification prompt that will delete all the charts in
the current database.
Compact database


This feature is provided to save hard-disk space. It can be useful if you
have been working with the database for a period of time during which
you may have deleted various charts from the database. Actions, which
can take up disk, space because databases necessarily retain portions of
deleted charts, etc. This feature will "clean up" the ephemeris file,
economizing disk space.
Repair database
A database can corrupt in various ways (power outages, etc.) resulting in
obvious errors, miscalculated data, etc. The Repair Database feature can
correct minor problems and should be accessed before attempting to
recreate the database.
The database can be printed at any time. You can print the entire screen
or select only those columns desired

Charts pull-down
Show Quick Wheel - This option opens the highlighted chart in
the QWheel dialog, as a sizable chart opened in its own window.
It will remain open, even if you close WinStar.
Show Chart Data - The Chart Properties dialog is a bare bones,
scrollable window showing the properties in effect for the
highlighted chart [geo- and helio longitude and latitude, cusp
positions, input data (the natal data as entered in the input
menu), extra option selections (whether True Node, Parallax
Moon, etc. options are on/off), etc].
Edit Chart Data - This opens the Enter Chart Data menu,
loaded with the highlighted chart's data. Make any desired
changes and click Ok to recalculate the chart.
Select Current Chart / Select All Charts / Clear All
Use these selection options to select one chart, all charts, or to
de-select all charts.
Delete Charts - Delete Chart(s) deletes the selected charts. A
verification prompt is displayed.
Move Charts to Folder - The Move Charts feature presents the list of
chart folders so that the selected chart can be moved to a different chart

Edit Charts Notes / Edit Charts Attributes
The Edit Notes option opens a small text editor where you can edit the
Notes memo field for any chart. It has Next and Last buttons for moving
through consecutive charts.
Edit Attributes opens the "Chart Attributes" dialog where you can assign
attributes to a given chart.


Create Group Composite Chart - With this feature, you can select any
charts from the open database to be included in a "group composite chart."
This chart totals the data from the selected charts, and then creates a
composite chart. The Group Composite chart is created as a secondary
chart to one of the group charts and you can select a location from which
the chart is created.
Find Chart by Name - Save time locating charts with this "locate chart"
feature. This immediately selects the chart name that you input (if it is in
the database file).
Edit pull-down
The Edit pull-down provides a variety of database editing features. Click
each menu item for a description:
Edit Attribute List - Use the Edit Attributes dialog to create,
rename, delete, and re-assign attributes that can be used to classify charts.
A handy feature allows you to choose an attribute and change it (in all
charts) to another, different attribute.
Edit Folders - Use the Edit Folders dialog to add, rename, delete,
Folders. A handy feature allows you to move charts between Folders.
Filter Attributes - With this feature, you can select attributes
used as a filter when searching through the database. The
database will immediately pare down, showing only the charts containing
the selected attributes.
Add New Client / Edit Client Data / Delete Client
Many WinStar users running chart service businesses have realized the
need to jot notes and keep track of particulars pertaining to their clients.
The "Client Data" screen provides for adding clients' names and their
address information along with notes about the client. With these options
new clients can be added, client data can be edited, and clients can be
deleted from the Clients list.
Write Changes Warning - With this option active (highlight it, close the
Edit pull-down, and a checkmark appears), when you attempt to edit a
database field, a warning prompt pops up requiring verification that you
wish to alter the record. Click "Yes" to make the change; "No" to cancel.

Search pull-down Filtering Tools:
Filter by Name - filters either by Last or First Name


Filter by Date - - enter a beginning and an ending date and this filter finds all charts in that range; choose
from the charts currently displayed in the database, charts in selected
folders, or all the charts in the database
Filter by Attributes - selected Attributes can be used as the criteria;
all charts in the current database with the selected Attribute(s) will
Filter by Client - selected Clients can be used as the filtering criteria;
all charts tagged with the selected Client(s) will display
Note: To return the database to display all records, filter by Name
without entering a name.
Search to Chart - This search option references a selected database
chart and looks for aspects between that chart and other charts in the
database. Aspects or aspect sets can be selected and the search can
involve single planets and points. In addition, you can choose to search
only the currently displayed charts, charts in certain folders, or all of the
charts in the database.
Example: "I want to search all charts in the database that have Mercury
Conjunct or Opposite my natal Sun."
Search to Today - This search option references the current day's chart
and looks for aspects between it and other charts in the database. Aspects
or aspect sets can be selected and the search can involve single planets and
points. In addition, you can choose to search only the currently displayed
charts, charts in certain folders, or all of the charts in the database.
Example: "Which charts in my "Friends" and "Relatives" folders have hard
aspects to today's Sun?"
Search to Lunation - With this feature, you can search through the
database to find lunations (new moon, full moon and eclipses) for the
selected chart. The menu provides for selective searches (whole database or
selected folders). In addition, you can also search for aspects between the
selected chart and the lunation chart.
Filter for Zodiac Positions - With this option you can select a planet (or
planets) and a zodiac span (degree, minute sign position of the zodiac) and
then filter through the database to gather charts with the specified
planet(s)/sign relationship. As in all of these database search options, you
can choose to search only the currently displayed charts, charts in certain
folders, or all of the charts in the database.
Example: "I'd like to see who else in this database have Venus and Saturn
in Virgo."
Filter for Aspects - This filter examines all specified charts looking for
aspects between planets and points. You can choose the aspect type and
the scope of the search (displayed charts, selected folders, all charts in
Example: "I'd like to see all the charts in the database with Jupiter
Conjunct or Opposite the Sun."
Filter by AstroQuery
View pull-down
The View pull-down is an instant-sorting tool built into the Chart
Database. Up to 16 View categories can be created or selected here. We


ship WinStar with the following categories (Collections): Family,
Friends, Relatives, Celebrities, Politicians, Workmates, Mundane, Misc.,
Astrologers, Authors, Temporary, Horary, Musicians, Test folder, Old
friends, Events and View All.
Here is how it works:
As you select from the categories, the Chart Database pares down to just
the charts from the selected category. When you select another category,
charts from that category combine with the first group. This way you can
instantly reduce a very large list of charts of many categories to just the
ones you need to see.
Note that you must categorize the charts to include them in a category! This is
done by double-clicking the category field of the chosen chart. A pull-
down scroll selector showing the various categories will appear. Just choose
one and verify the change when prompted.

Sort pull-down
You can sort by the following database fields: Last Name, First Name,
Date, Birthday, Place, Longitude, Latitude, and Keyword and Planet.
Sorting rearranges the database records according to the sort factor. In
addition, you can do an Advanced Sort, where you create any sorting order
combination, based upon the fields.
Example: "I'd like to sort the database by Longitude, Date, Last Name, First

Layout pull-down
Offered here are eight layout selections which present different
combinations of using certain database fields. These layouts can be altered
(columns can be rearranged) and then saved as a new layout file (extension:
.fmt). [You cannot change the type of fields included in any of the eight
layout selections, but you can change their order.]. You can create new
layouts by using Select Columns, creating a layout, and then saving it
Select Columns - Use this option to create a new layout. You can choose
from all the database fields and build just the layout you need. When you
click Ok the database will display using the new layout. If you wish to save
the layout, use the Save Layout menu option.
Load Layout - To load a saved layout, click the Load Layout option,
another File dialog will pop up where you can highlight the saved layout
name, click Ok, and the database will display using that layout.
Save Layout - If you rearrange a layout and want to save it, click the Save
Layout option and a File Save As dialog will pop up where you can type in
a new layout name.
Chart Data - Here's the "Chart Data" layout: (the underlined portion
has a scroll bar)
Name // Date / Time / Place / Chart Type / Lat / Long / Folder / Data
Quality / Data Source / Keyword / Client / Notes
AstroQuery Results - Here's the "AstroQuery" layout: (the
underlined portion has a scroll bar)
Name // Date / Result / Folder / Keyword / Notes / User


Major Planets - Here's the "Major Planets" layout: (the underlined
portion has a scroll bar)
Name // Date / Moon / Sun / Mercury / Venus / Mars / Jupiter/ Saturn /
Uranus / Neptune / Node / Midheaven / Ascendant / Vertex / Equator /
All Planets - Here's the "All Planets" layout: (the underlined portion has
a scroll bar)
Name // Date / Moon / Sun / Mercury / Venus / Mars / Jupiter/ Saturn /
Uranus / Neptune / Pluto / Node / Midheaven / Ascendant / Vertex /
Equatorial Ascendant / Part of Fortune / Chiron / Ceres / Pallas / Juno /
Vesta / Trans-Pluto - Cupido / Hades / Zeus / Kronos / Apollon / Admetos
/ Vulcanus / Poseidon
Data & Planets - Here's the "Data & Planets" layout: (the underlined
portion has a scroll bar)
Name // Date / Time / Place / Country / Longitude / Latitude / Chart Type
/ Folder / Notes / Data Quality / Data Source / Keyword / Client / User /
Moon / Sun / Mercury / Venus / Mars / Jupiter/ Saturn / Uranus / Neptune
/ Pluto / Node / Midheaven / Ascendant / Vertex / Equatorial Ascendant /
Part of Fortune / Chiron / Ceres / Pallas / Juno / Vesta / Trans-Pluto -
Cupido / Hades / Zeus / Kronos / Apollon / Admetos / Vulcanus / Poseidon
Primary - Secondary - Here's the "Primary - Secondary" layout: (the
underlined portion has a scroll bar)
Name // Primary Name / Secondary Name / Chart Type / Date / Time /
Place / Longitude / Latitude / Folder / Notes / Data Quality / Data Source /
Keyword / Client / User
Month, Day, Year - Here's the "Month, Day, Year" layout: (the
underlined portion has a scroll bar)
Name // Month / Day / Year / Date / Place / Longitude / Latitude / Chart
Type / Folder / Notes / Data Quality / Data Source / Keyword / Client /
First Name, Last Name - Here's the "First Name - Last Name" layout:
(the underlined portion has a scroll bar)
Name // Last Name / First Name / Name / Time / Place / Long / Lat /
Chart Type / Folder / Notes / Data Quality / Data Source / Keyword /
Client / User / Data / Keyword

General Chart Database
Moving columns and changing their size

When you left-click the mouse arrow on a vertical column line you will "seize"
that column and will be able to widen or decrease its width.
If you left-click inside the solid-colored bar at the top of each column, the
column will change color and you will be able to "drag" it left or right to a new
position in the table.


Saving annotations to individual charts
Double-click on one of the message fields of the Chart Database (Notes,
User Data, and Keyword). The field will turn blue and become a scrollable
field where you can type messages which will be saved with their chart file.
The Keyword field can be used as a way of identifying records in further
categories and then sorted by the keyword.


Working with Charts: The Technique Menus

All charts created in the Enter Chart Data menu or imported into WinStar can use
the many astrology techniques offered. The techniques are divided into nine
categories that display, one category at a time, on the right side of the main menu.
These can be accessed through the Option pull-down at the top of the main menu
or by clicking the arrow buttons at the top of each technique column to advance to
the next technique.

Customizing WinStar Technique buttons
Most Technique menu buttons can be customized to apply the technique
to just the chart form(s) you choose for that button. This means, for
example, when using the Wheels menu and you click the "Helio" button,
the heliocentric chart(s) can calculate using a form that you select and
"attach" to that button. The options included in that chart form
calculation can be pre-set as well. This gives you complete control over the
program. We ship the program with our suggested choice of wheels using
standard aspects and planet combinations. Chart form selection is handled
in the Select Chart Form menu. Here is a complete description of this very
important menu:

Customizing Technique buttons and using the Select Chart Form menu

Most WinStar Technique menu buttons can be customized. You can
select forms and calculation options used by the forms and then apply
them to individual Technique menu buttons.
Here's How:
1 Using the "Helio" button from the Wheels technique menu as an
example, press the Ctrl button while left-clicking the mouse on the
Helio button.
2 The Select Chart Form menu will display. This menu provides for
selecting the form(s) used in calculations as well as the actual
calculations performed,


Chart Forms List
The bottom-right portion of the Select Chart Form menu has a
scrollable list of the wheel and grid forms available in WinStar.
Select any item in the list and a "thumbnail" graphic of that wheel
will appear in a viewing box in the middle, left side of the menu.
Below the graphic is a short description of that wheel. Click Ok to
return to the main screen with this form attached to the "Helio"
button of the Wheels menu.

Three types of wheels are offered. Select Screen if you intend only
to view chart wheels. Select Printer if you will be printing the
wheels. Wheels found in the printer selection were designed for
printing. Wheels in the screen selection will not always present the
clearest glyphs when printed, but they are quite good. Screen
wheels are best for viewing because they use scaleable fonts, which
re-size well. Fixed wheels are non-scaleable they are not made to
expand or shrink and they present the very clearest screen wheel.

Note on copying wheels: If you are copying the wheels
for pasting in another application, you should use either Screen or
Printer wheels when you know that you will need to re-size the
wheels. Use the Edit pull-down's Copy Wheel to Clipboard (Meta)
selection to create a metafile graphic, which re-sizes.

Use Fixed, Screen or Printer wheels when copying and pasting wheels using
the Edit pull-down's Copy Wheel to Clipboard (BMP) selection. Fixed wheels
will create the finest bitmap. This option is best for 1-1 wheel copying
when the wheel remains the same size as is shown in the WinStar screen.
The choice as to which one of these three wheel types is the default
selection (so each time you enter the menu it is the selected type), is
determined by the set up of the New button. Use the Ctrl + Click setup
procedure on the Home menu's New button to choose your preferred
wheel type.
Chart Form Options
You can customize a chart form as you are picking it from the Select Chart
Form menu. Maybe you wish to change the aspect set in just this wheel.
You can do this by clicking the Options... button. This will access the
same Chart Form Options menu that was introduced in the Options pull-
down. You will sort of "borrow" this menu to make changes to the
individual wheels. The changes made will pertain to that wheel only. The
actual Chart Form Options defaults will still be in effect. To restore them,
just click the Defaults button at the bottom of the menu. For a complete
description of the Chart Form Options menu, refer to its presentation in the
Input Options section, page 56.
Chart Form Sets

Charts of the same type (Screen, Printer, or Fixed) can be combined
into sets which can be quite useful for tasks such as batch processing.
For example, a chart set with three charts could be assigned to a


Technique icon button so that, rather than generating just one chart form
when clicked, the icon button could generate the entire set of forms. This
is handy for chart service work when several forms are created and sold to
the customer.

To do this:

First, click the Edit Chart Sets button (shown at left) to open the Edit
Chart Form Sets menu. From this menu you can create chart form sets
and edit existing sets.
See: How Do I Create Chart Form Sets?, p. ??
The Technique Menus
The following pages contain descriptions of each of the seven technique

Home Menu

The "Home" menu serves as a springboard to a variety of program areas by
accessing some of the basic Technique menus as well as providing several instant-
wheel buttons. Here are descriptions for each button:
This button accesses the Enter Chart Data menu for creating new charts. Data
entered from the input menu is used to calculate charts, which are then included in
the active chart list. The form used when calculating a chart from the Enter Chart
Data menu is determined here. This form is selected by pressing the Ctrl key and
clicking this New icon button. The Select Chart Forms menu will appear where a
form can be chosen. The STANDARD WHEEL (of the "Fixed" type) is the form
shipped with the program as the default here.
Program this button to calculate any wheel style that you prefer probably one that you
use frequently. With any active chart highlighted, just click the Auto button and the
wheel will calculate and display on screen, attached to the highlighted chart.

Here is how you set up this button:
1 While pressing the keyboard Ctrl key, click on the Auto button to pop up the
Select Chart Form menu with its wide variety of chart forms. Scroll through the
various forms and pick the style you prefer, and click Ok.
2 Now when you highlight a active chart and click the Auto button, that chart
will calculate using the assigned chart form and will be attached to the selected
active chart. You will see it in the Chart Forms list on the main screen along
with any other chart forms that may be attached to that active chart.


Note: We ship WinStar with three wheels attached to the Auto button using a Fixed
font style, good for full-screen viewing. The decision as to which type of wheel
to choose (Screen, Printer, or Fixed) will depend upon how you will be using
that wheel as a sizable window wheel, for printed output, or for full-screen
viewing. See page 75 for a description of WinStar wheel styles.

Positions: (the Chart Data Tables)
This pops up a choice of two columnar grids: one showing the calculated chart
data arranged in columns, including such items as the planets' geo- and
heliocentric longitudes and latitudes, right ascensions, declinations, geocentric
motion, and house positions. The other table is an aspect grid where the
planets are listed vertically along the left- and right-hand sides of the table and
again across the top. Aspects between planets are shown by glyph as either
applying (becoming exact: "a" ) or separating (moving from exact aspect "s")
along with the degrees between planets.
The formats of the tables can be rearranged and saved to file; you can build
your own selection of table formats for your purposes. Use the File pull-down
and select either Load Layout... or Save Layout... to load or save customized
layouts. Files are saved to the \WSTAR20\User directory as either .pos files (for
the Positions grid) or .asp files (for the Aspects grid). Tables can be printed.
Rearranging Columns
Columns can be moved left or right and their size can be increased or
decreased. To move a column, select the column title box at top by clicking
and pressing down the left mouse button. The column will turn black. It can
now be dragged left or right with the mouse. When you release the mouse
button, the column will occupy the new position in the table.

To increase or decrease the width of a column select the right-hand,
vertical column, borderline with the mouse pointer and the pointer will
become a double-arrow, pointing left and right. Now you can drag
that column wider or narrower by clicking and pressing the left mouse
The Clone button calculates an instant copy of the wheel or form currently
showing on screen and presents it in its own sizable window. Click outside of
this window and it will leave the screen, but still be open. It can be re-accessed
from the Window pull-down menu at the top of the main screen. Open this
menu and you will see this chart listed at the bottom of the pull-down menu.
Highlight it to place it back on top of the main screen.
Note: Charts opened by this Clone feature can be displaced if you use the
Window pull-down (from the main screen), create several viewable charts, and
then select the Show 2,3, or 4 Charts options. Window pull-down charts will
take precedence over the Cloned charts.
Click this button to access the Extra menu which contains a series of modules
that, when activated, operate independently from the WinStar program.
These modules include the on-screen ephemerides, DayScan and TimeScan, the


WinStar Locality-mapping module, the Uranian astrologer's favorite, QWheel,
90 Dial, Rectify, and AstroClock.
Wheels & Search
These two are shortcut buttons leading to two frequently accessed technique
menus, the Wheels menu and the Search menu. Click either one to go directly
to that menu.
Progress & Returns
Here are two more shortcut buttons leading to technique menus, the Progressed
Charts menu and the Returns menu. Click either one to go directly to that menu.

Chart Transformations Menu

This menu is a collection of "derived" chart techniques those that change
the natal chart by using other calculation techniques, altered house cusp
systems, etc.
Harmonic Charts
English astrologer John Addey is credited for the development and popularity of
harmonics. This, or similar techniques, are used in Cosmobiology, Uranian, and
Hindu astrology through both charts and dials.
How to use:
1 Select any active chart.
2 Access the Charts Transformations menu (Techniques pull-down,
Charts or F3) and click the "Charts" icon button.
3 Click the Harmonic button to pop up the Create Harmonic Charts dialog
that has a scrollable list of harmonic values (2nd-12th harmonics, plus
several special harmonic values, Golden Mean and its Inverse, Pi and
4 Select a value or type your own value in the field provided, and click
The harmonic chart will calculate and appear in the active chart list,
indented and beneath its primary chart. The Harmonic wheel will appear
in the View area.
Draconic Charts

There is a growing interest in this technique for astrologers who are interested in
soul-centered delineation. Popularized by English astrologer Pamela Crane, the


Draconic chart transformation begins at the north node of the moon. This node (the
ascending node) becomes the zero point or "draconic equinox." The north node is
sometimes called the dragon's head, derived from the Latin draco.
WinStar allows the draconic chart to be calculated from whichever node the
natal chart has either true or mean. Pamela Crane uses the true node.

How to use:
1 Select any chart from the active chart list.
2 Access the Charts Transformations menu (Techniques pull-down,
Charts or F3) and click the "Draconic" icon button.
3 A draconic chart will immediately calculate and will appear in the
active chart list indented beneath its primary chart. The Draconic
wheel will appear in the View area.
Geodetic Charts
A geodetic chart is one whose house cusps are calculated with respect to
the longitude and latitude of the birthplace, but not the actual birth time.
Each degree of geographic longitude is understood to correspond to a
specific degree of the zodiac, which in turn serves as the midheaven of the
chart calculated for that degree of longitude. >From that midheaven, the
ascendant and intermediate house cusps of the chart are then derived.
Charts relocated geodetically are used in mundane astrology and figure
prominently in current earthquake research.
How to use:
1 Select a chart from the active chart list
2 Access the Charts Transformations menu (Techniques pull-down,
Charts or F3) and click the "Geodetic" icon button.
3 A Geodetic Chart dialog will pop up with longitude and latitude fields
and a pull-down offering three options for relating the zodiac to
geographic longitude. Select one option:
Johndro Precessed -This is L.E. Johndro's point, which, due to
precession, shifts westward approximately 1 every 90 years
Fixed Meridian (0) - Equates 0 longitude with 0 Aries.
Fixed User Meridian - Not a standard technique; good for user
experimentation. When selected, a "User Meridian" input field will
appear where you can type in a longitude to replace 0 Greenwich as
the fixed meridian.
4 Click Ok, and a relocated chart will appear indented and beneath its
primary chart in the active charts list. The relocated chart wheel will
appear in the view area.

Relocated Charts
Relocation is based on the concept that the planets orientation to the house
cusps is based upon geographical location. Though zodiacal positions of the
relocated planets are the same as their original positions, the new house


cusps can differ dramatically. A relocation chart is calculated by simply
casting house cusps for the new location, using the GMT of birth.
The planet-cusp orientations for places other than the birthplace indicate
the type of events and different spheres of life that would be in high focus
at these locations.
How to use:
1 Select a chart from the active chart list.
2 Access the Charts Transformations menu (Techniques pull-down,
Charts or F3) and click the "Relocate" icon button.
3 The Input Place Data dialog will pop up where you can type in the
longitude and latitude of the new location (or click the Down-Arrow
to scroll through your saved locations). If you wish to relocate the
chart to your current location, click the Here button. The Atlas
button is also provided to quickly access proper coordinates.
4 Click Ok, and a relocated chart will appear indented and beneath its
primary chart in the active charts list. The relocated chart wheel will
appear in the view area.
Arc Transform Charts
An arc transform chart is a type of harmonic chart determined by the angular
separation between any two planets in the chart. The way the chart is read depends
upon the nature of the two planets chosen. For example, a Venus-Saturn arc would be
read differently than that of one calculated from the arc of Venus- Neptune or

How to use:
1 Select a chart from the active chart list.
2 Access the Charts Transformations menu (Techniques pull-down,
Charts or F3) and click the "ArcTrans" icon button.
3 The Create Arc-Transform Chart dialog will pop up with two pull-downs
containing the planets, points, Asteroids, and Uranians. Select one
item from each pull-down menu to determine the two planets used in
the Arc-Transform chart.
4 Click Ok, and the new Arc-Transform chart will appear on screen in
the view area and it will be listed beneath and indented from its radix
chart in the active charts list.
Planet Cusp Charts
The planet-on-the-cusp option allows a chart to be calculated placing any planet
on one of the angles or house cups. The most common example of this type of
chart is a solar chart often used if no accurate birth time is available.
However, many astrologers use a solar chart along with a natal chart calculated
with the accurate birth time, to enhance a session with a client.

How to use:
1 Select a chart from the active chart list.
2 Access the Charts Transformations menu (Techniques pull-down,
Charts or F3) and click the "PlanCusp" icon button.


3 The Create Cusp-Transform Chart dialog will pop up with two pull-
downs, one containing the planets, points, Asteroids, and Uranians
and the other with the twelve house cusps. Select one item from each
pull-down menu to determine the planet/point and house-cusp
combination used in the Planet Cusp chart.
4 Click Ok, and the new Planet-Cusp chart will appear on screen in the
view area and it will be listed beneath and indented from its radix
chart in the active charts list.

Progressed Charts Menu

WinStar has three chart casting methods for anticipating future
conditions. They are: transits, progressions, and directions. With the
Progressed Charts menu, you can create chart wheels using these
The Transit feature calculates a transit chart for the date entered. It can be
useful as an event chart when used to check planetary positions. Suppose
you know that you will be married on December 21, 1994. This feature
will quickly calculate that date (and time)'s transits.
Clicking the "Transit" button will access the Transits Data
Input menu. It is identical to the Enter Chart Data menu except the Chart
Options portion simply displays the message: "Transit Chart for:" followed
by the active chart list. This list is there so you can attach the transit chart
to an active chart. The transit chart becomes a secondary chart to the
primary active chart. Once calculated, the transit chart will appear in the
list indented beneath the active chart that you select. This is a handy way
to keep connected charts together.
How to use:
1 Select a chart from the active chart list.
2 Access the Progressed Charts menu (Techniques pull-down, Charts or
F4) and click the "Transit" icon button.
3 In the name field of the Transits input menu, type in a name for the
transit chart: "My Wedding," for example.
4 Now type in a transit date in the date field. This will be the time used
in calculating the transits for this chart. For current transits, simply
click the Now button.
5 Click the Ok button, this transit chart will calculate and be added to the
active chart list. Again, notice that the chart will appear beneath and


indented from the active chart. The relocated chart wheel will appear
in the view area.
Note: The active chart (the primary chart) will have a + or a - sign
before it. This signals that there is a secondary chart connected to
that active chart. The + sign, when double clicked, will open the
active chart and reveal the indented secondary charts. Double click
on the - sign and the secondary chart will retract, leaving just the
primary active chart.
In progressed charts, the positions of the planets' ascendant and midheaven
are moved forward and/or backward in time according to a given formula.
For example, in secondary progressions (the system used most widely by
astrologers) the formula is "a day for a year."
Progressions are based on the actual orbital motions of the planets along
the ecliptic.
How to use:
1 Select a chart from the active charts list and access the Progressed
Charts menu (Techniques pull-down, Charts or F4). Click the
"Progress" icon button.
2 In the name field of the Progressed Charts input menu, type in a name
for the chart: "Bill Smith, progressed," for example. If you know the
method of progression that you will use (the next menu choice), you
could rename it as "Bill Smith, minor progression." This way you can
distinguish that chart name when scrolling through the list of charts.
3 Now type in a progression date in the date field. To progress from
your birth date to the present, simply click the Now button.
4 Enter the location for the progression. Changing the location to the
current location (rather than the place of birth) will affect the position
of the house cusps in the progressed chart. The decision to progress a
chart to one's current location and not one's birthplace is a matter of
debate among astrologers. Some astrologers will locate the natal chart
to the new location and then progress.
Progression Methods
5 Next you will choose the method of progression and the method
of progressing or directing the angles. When you have made these
selections, simply click the Ok button, the progressed chart will
calculate and be added to the active chart list. Again, notice that it
will appear beneath and indented from the active chart. The
progressed chart will appear in the View area.
The following descriptions will help when choosing the progression
and angle direction/progression methods:
Of all progression techniques, Secondaries are the most popular.
Secondaries are based on the idea that a specified year of life is equivalent
to one day of planetary motion. If you have an event on your fortieth
birthday, secondary progressed positions (with the exception of the Moon)
would be the positions of the planets 40 days after birth.


Minor progressions are based on the idea that a year in your life is made
equivalent to one lunar month. If you have an event on your fortieth
birthday, minor progressed positions would be positions of the planets
about 40 months after birth. (Mean lunar cycles used.)
This is a method of progression whereby one day is equal to one lunar
month. Thus, one lunar month of life is equivalent to one day of planetary
motion. If you have an event on your fortieth birthday, Tertiary
progressed positions would be positions of the planets 520 days after birth.
(40 years multiplied by 13 lunar returns per year.)
User Progression
With the user-defined option, you decide the ratio used to define the
progression. All progressions are based on the concept that some number
of days of progressed time is equal to some number of days of life, or real
time. A rate is established based upon the following formula:
User Rate = Progressed Time / Real Time
This means that you select a number of days of progressed time and a
number of days of real time, which you want to make it equal. Divide the
progressed time by the real time to produce a constant, which will be used
to compute the progressions.
For example, although the secondary method of progression is a pre-
defined WinStar option, we can look at it using this formula. Secondary
progressions are based on a rate where a day of progressed time (1) is equal
to one year of life or real time (365.24219879). Our formula will look like

User Rate = 1/365.24219879 = .002737909

It is the number .002737909 that would be entered at the user prompt.
Experiment with any number of possible progression rates. This User-
Defined progressed option is included for more advanced students and may
be ignored by those not requiring this kind of special progression.
Quotidians #1 & #2
Quotidians are sidereal techniques. They require that the natal be
calculated in the sidereal zodiac. Quotidian #1 is a secondary progressed
chart calculated for the sidereal day (366.242 days per year) in the sidereal
zodiac. Quotidian #2 differs in that the chart is computed using a tropical
day (365.242 days per year) in the sidereal zodiac.
Angle progression methods
A number of methods have evolved that are used to progress or direct
the angles of the progression. Here is a list of these angle-direction
Solar Arc MC
With Solar Arc MC, the midheaven is directed by solar arc.


The resulting midheaven is then reduced to its equivalent RAMC (sidereal
time) and that RAMC value is used to calculate the new set of angles using
the radix geographic latitude. This method is standard for the different
forms of direction (Solar Arc, Naibod Arc, Degree/year Arc, User Arc,
Daily Houses
This progressed angle method is used with secondary, tertiary, and minor
progressions. The exact time of the progressed chart is used to determine
the corresponding RAMC (sidereal time) and this RAMC is then used to
derive a set of chart angles using the radix geographic latitude.
Naibod MC
Naibod arc direction equates one year of life to the mean daily motion of
the Sun (59'08" per day). This arc is then added to the MC, from which the
ascendant and houses are derived.
Secondary MC, Secondary MC, Secondary MC, Secondary MC,
Secondary MC, Secondary MC, Secondary MC, Secondary MC,
Secondary MC, Secondary MC, Secondary MC
In this technique the natal midheaven is symbolically moved forward using
the day-for-a-year formula. Astrologers most commonly use this method
with a secondary chart.
All Solar Arc
In Solar Arcs, one year of life = one day of solar motion. The arc distance
in longitude between the natal and secondary progressed Sun position is
calculated and then added to all relevant natal positions: in this case, to all
the progressed angle positions.
Naibod Arc
Naibod arc direction equates one year of life to the mean daily motion of
the Sun (59'08" per day). This arc is then added to all relevant natal
positions to find their directed positions. Here it would be added to all the
progressed angle positions.
User Arc
The user arc is dependent upon a user-defined arc of direction. This arc is
then added to all relevant natal positions to find their directed positions.
(See User-Defined Progressions) The arc you choose is added once for each
year of life. For example, if you are 30 years old and you choose an arc of
10 degrees, WinStar will add 300 degrees to the position of each planet.
More typically, astrologers will experiment with the daily motion of a
planet other than the Sun (a day corresponding to a year).
The User-Defined arc option allows a user to enter their own ratio of
directions based on defining a particular arc section in degrees, minutes,
and seconds to be added to all natal planets. The user rate should be
defined and entered as follows:

User Rate = DDD MM SS


Simply define the arc you require and enter it into the window. Any
number of possible direction values can be used for experiment.
Directions are a predictive tool by which one planet is "directed" to another
planet or point. Thus evolves a symbolic method of forecasting based on
adding a fixed arc to the natal planets and comparing the directed
positions to the radix positions to evaluate the occurrence of aspects.
How to use:
1 Select a chart from the active charts list and access the Progressed
Charts menu (Techniques pull-down, Charts or F4). Click the "Direct"
icon button.
2 In the name field of the input menu (way over on the left top of the
menu), type in a name for the chart: "Bill Smith, direct," for example. If
you know the method of direction that you will use (the next menu
choice), you could name the chart, "Bill Smith, Solar Arc direction". This
way, you can distinguish that chart when scrolling through the list of
3 Now type in a direction date in the date field. To direct the chart from
your birth date to the present, simply click the Now button.
4 Enter the location for the progression. Changing the location to the
current location (rather than the place of birth) will affect the position of
the house cusps in the directed chart. Click the Atlas button for easy
access to the proper city/state or city/country atlas information.
5 Finally, choose the direction method for this calculation. Choose
from the six methods described below. When you have made these
selections, simply click the Add button. The directed chart will
calculate and be added to the active chart list. Again, notice that it will
appear beneath and indented from the active chart. The arc wheel will
appear in the View area.
Direction Methods
Here are descriptions of the arc-direction methods:
Solar Arc
In the scheme of solar arc directions, one year of life is equivalent to one
day of solar motion. The arc distance in longitude between the natal and
secondary progressed Sun position is calculated and then added to all
relevant natal positions. Among contemporary methods of direction, solar
arc is one of the most popular.
Naibod Arc
Naibod arc direction equates one year of life to the mean daily motion of
the Sun (59'08" per day). This arc is then added to the MC, from which the
ascendant and houses are derived.
With degree-for-a-year arc directions, one degree of arc is represented for
each year of life. This arc is then added to all relevant natal positions to
find their directed positions.


Ascendant Arc
In the Ascendant Arc method of direction the midheaven is progressed by
the Solar Arc, reduced to an equivalent RAMC (sidereal time), and using
the radix geographic latitude, a new set of angles is derived. Thus, the
Ascendant Arc is the difference between the natal ascendant and the
ascendant calculated above. The ascendant arc is then added to all natal
planets (not the angles) to produce their directed positions.
Note: Ascendant arc uses only the radix geographic latitude. The relocated
latitude is never used.
Vertical Arc
The Vertical Arc method of direction is similar to Ascendant Arc
directions. The only exception is that the Vertex is used in the calculation
rather than the ascendant.
User Arc
Please refer to the User Arc description given on the previous page (for
Progression Methods).
Though not strictly a progressed technique, lunations and
eclipses are often used in predictive work.
Pressing the Lunations button will open the "Lunation
version" of the Enter Chart Data menu, which displays the
highlighted active chart. This chart is used if the bottom
pull-down is set to "Save as Secondary" (thus saving the
lunation chart as a secondary chart to the above primary
chart). If the bottom combo box is set to "Save as Primary"
the chart at top is ignored and the new lunation chart will
be saved as a new primary chart of its own.
The middle combo box allows you to select the type of
lunation: New Moon, Full Moon, Solar Eclipse, Lunar
Eclipse, New or Full Moon, Solar or Lunar Eclipse. When
you press OK, WinStar will find the occurrence for the
type of event selected and create a chart for it. Use the Last
and Next buttons to jump between events and find the one
you want.
The Save Default button will save the settings of the bottom two combo
boxes and use them when opening this form on future occasions.


Returns Menu

A Return Chart is an astrological chart calculated for the moment a given
body "returns" to the exact position in the zodiac that it occupied in a
radical chart (typically, the natal chart). Returns are most often applied to
the Sun and Moon, but are also used in the sense of a planetary return. For
example, the Saturn return occurs on the date Saturn returns to the
zodiacal position it occupied at the time of the person's birth. The Solar
return occurs on or about the birth date; Lunar Returns will occur
approximately 13 times each year.
With WinStar, it is possible to calculate multiple return charts at one
time without the necessity of re-entering natal or return data. This means
that you may request any number of Solar Return charts to be calculated
and printed at a single WinStar session, for example.
First, select the Returns Techniques menu at the right side of the main
menu. Either use the menu-advance arrows at the top of the techniques
column or click the Techniques pull-down (top middle of the main menu)
and highlight Returns or press F5.
The WinStar Returns Menu contains six ways to work with returns:
The Returns options will calculate a standard return for the selected
planet. It will pinpoint when that planet was, or will be, in the same
position in the zodiac as it occupied in the natal chart.
How to Use:
Click the "Returns" button to pop up a modified Enter Chart Data menu
containing the active charts list and a pull-down selector with the Sun,
Moon, planets, Asteroids, Uranians, and node. The return chart will be
calculated from the natal chart and will be a secondary chart. The returns
most frequently calculated are the individuals solar (their birthday) and
lunar returns.
1 First, select a natal or event chart from those listed under "Return
Chart for:". This is the active chart list the same as is found on the
main menu.
2 Click the Down-Arrow next to the scroll field titled "Return Planet"
and a list of all the planets, asteroids, and Uranians will display.
Highlight any item in the list. This will be the return planet.
3 The location field may be changed if desired. Most astrologers use the
birthplace or residence. If you wish to change the location as it appears
on the screen, manually type in the location fields (or access the atlas
for quicker input).


4 The menu also offers a choice of coordinate systems for the return
chart. Choose from among Geocentric, Heliocentric, Equatorial,
Geocentric Precessed, and Heliocentric Precessed. If you are uncertain
as to which system to use in your return, select Geocentric (See:
Coordinate Systems in the Astrology Techniques Help File.
5 In the date field, you may type in any date. The program will pinpoint
the return closest to that date (for the planet selected). Use the Here
and Now buttons to change to the current date and time or type
directly in the date and time fields for any date and time. Click the
Last button and the last return to occur before that date will calculate
and appear on the input screen. Click the Next button and the next
return for that planet will appear.
As each return is calculated it can be saved and added to the active chart list
by clicking the More button. It will appear as a secondary chart, indented
and beneath the primary chart from which it was calculated. Click the Ok
button to return to the main menu with all the added charts now on the
active chart list.
Phase Angle Return
Phase angle charts are calculated for the time that an angle between any
two transiting planets repeats as exists in the natal chart. This is especially
useful in researching mundane events such as weather, floods, etc., as well
as financial astrology and
business trends. Phase-Angle returns may be calculated for any
combination of Sun, Moon, planets, asteroids, Uranians or node.
How to Use:
The Phase-Angle selection pops up a version of the familiar Enter Chart
Data Menu. In the "Return Chart for:" portion of this menu is the
scrollable active charts list and two planet pull-downs for selecting the two
planets for the phase-angle search.
1 Select any natal or event chart for the Phase-Angle search from the
scrollable list under "Phase Angle Return for."
2 Select a planet from each planet pull-down.
3 Choose the coordinate system you wish to use; the default is
4 The date showing will be the date of the active chart. To calculate
from a different date, go to the Date field and type a date. The
program will locate the time closest to that date when the two
selected planets repeat their angle as in the natal chart.
5 Press the Next button and the program will display (in the Enter Chart
Data Menu fields) the date and time when the selected planets will
repeat their natal angle. Press the Last button and the previous
occurrence of the natal relationship of the two planets will appear.
6 After each selection click the More button and the phase-angle chart
will be added to the active charts list. It will appear as a secondary
chart, indented and beneath the primary chart from which it was
calculated. Click the Ok button to return to the main menu.
Incremental Return


Normally, return charts are calculated for the exact moment that the Sun,
Moon, or a given planet "returns" or makes an exact conjunction to its
radix position. With WinStar's incremental (or harmonic) return option,
returns may be calculated for angles other than the conjunction.
How to Use:
Click "Increm" and another version of the Enter Chart Data menu will
pop up.
1 Select any natal or event from the scrollable list under the
"Incremental Return for:"
2 The Date will be the date from the active chart. Use the Here and
Now buttons to change to the current date and time or type directly
in the date and time fields for any date and time.
3 The menu also offers a choice of coordinate systems for the return
chart. Choose from among Geocentric, Heliocentric, Equatorial,
Geocentric Precessed, and Heliocentric Precessed. If you are uncertain
as to which system to use in your return, select Geocentric.
4 Click the Down-Arrow, next to the first scroll field under "Return
Planet" and a list of all the planets, asteroids, and Uranians will
display. Highlight your choice for calculating this incremental return.
5 Click the Down-Arrow next to the second scroll field. Select from the
three default incremental returns. The most popular harmonic
returns: Demi-Return, (calculated for the opposition, 180 point);
Quarti-Returns (calculated for the squares, 90 points); and the
Enneads (points which are multiples of 40 distant from the
placement. Note that there is also a selection called "Increments,"
included where you can type in any harmonic value by degree,
minute, and second. (Example: 18022'30").
6 Click the Last and Next buttons at the bottom of the menu to
quickly see the last and next times, according to the date entered,
that that incremental return occurs. To create a chart wheel for any
return, click More. Click Ok to calculate one wheel and return to the
main screen.
With this feature you can select a planet and then specify a particular
point on the 360 zodiac when that planet will occupy that position. This
could be useful in predictive or mundane astrology. For example, to fine-
tune the timing of events and planetary ingresses.
How to Use:
Click the "Point" button to pop up the Point version of the Enter Chart Data menu.
1 Select a chart for the Point search from the "Point Search for:" pull-down.
2 Select a planet from the "Return Planet" pull-down.
3 Choose the coordinate system you wish to use; the default is Geocentric.
4 Type in a degree position, using 360 notation. If you want to break up a whole
degree, use decimal notation. Example: 22.5 = 22 30' Aries (the program
will convert the degree notation to the degree of the sign).
5 In the date field, you may type in any date. The program will pinpoint the
return closest to that date (for the planet selected). Click the Last button and


the last return to occur before that date will calculate and appear on the input
screen. Click the Next button and the next return for that planet will appear.
6 To create a chart wheel for any return, click More. Click Ok to calculate one
wheel and return to the main screen.
User Angle
With the User-Angle feature you can pick two planets and specify the
amount, in degrees, of angular separation between them.
How to Use:
Click the "UsrAngl" button to pop up the user-angle version of the Enter
Chart Data menu.
1 Select a chart for the user-angle search from the "Angle
Return for:" menu.
2 Name this user-angle chart by typing in the name field of the input
3 The Date will be the date from the active chart. Use the Here and Now
buttons to change to the current date and time or type directly in the
date and time fields for any date and time.
4 Pick a planet from the first scrollable list under "Angle Planets."
5 Pick a different planet from the second scrollable list.
6 Select the coordinate system. Geocentric is the default.
7 Type in an angle in degrees, minutes, and seconds. Use spaces for the
degree (), minute ('), and second (") characters. Example: 30 (space)
22 (space) 30 (space). Now you can use the Next and Last buttons to
locate the next and last times (from the date entered in the date field)
that the angle will exist between the two selected planets.
8 To calculate just one return chart, click the Ok button; to do a
number of charts, click the More button and then repeat the same
procedure for as many point charts as are desired. When through,
click the Ok button, and the calculated user-angle charts will be
added to the active chart list. They will appear as secondary charts,
indented and beneath the primary chart from which they were


Synastry Menu

Synastry refers to the comparison of two natal charts to establish the
potential nature of the relationship between two individuals. WinStar
offers two basic methods of synastry comparison. The Composite chart
and the Relationship chart.
Working with the Synastry menu
All Synastry methods require two charts. They are placed in the active
chart area (top-left) of the main screen as follows:

1 Access the Synastry techniques menu (Techniques pull-down,
Synastry or F6). The active chart area will change to a multiple-chart
version. Click any active chart and it will occupy the Chart 1
position. (Or you can drag and drop the chart into position.)
2 Now click the Chart 2 space (of the active chart area)
and it will turn red. Highlight the second chart and that chart will
pop to the Chart 2 position.
The SynGrid (Synastry Aspect Grid) often accompanies a
synastry chart. It provides a comprehensive analysis of the planet and
sensitive point aspects that exist between the two sets of chart data. A
study of this information helps determine the nature of a relationship or
prospects for a relationship. Both charts' planets are compared on 30 and
90-degree dials as well as house columns.
How to Use:
1 Access the Synastry techniques menu and place two charts in the active
chart area.
3 Now click the "SynGrid" (the top icon button in the Synastry menu,
screen right) and a grid containing the planet and aspect data of these
two charts will display in the View area.
4 If you want a hard copy, simply click the Print button.

A composite chart is a comparison method using midpoints
between two charts, to establish positions in a third chart. For example, in
creating a composite chart, the zodiac position for Mars in each chart is
found and the midpoint between them determined. This midpoint is then
entered into the composite chart as the position for Mars. This procedure is
followed for all planets. The resulting chart is the composite chart for the
two individuals. Astrologers use this composite chart as a tool to


supplement the much older technique of synastry in studying human
How to Use:
1 Access the Synastry techniques menu and place two charts in the active
chart area.
2 Click the "Compos" button. A composite chart will immediately
calculate and will appear indented and beneath the chart that
occupied the "Chart 1" position (in the active chart: area).
Composite, derived
This option will create a Composite chart with "derived cusps." The
Midheaven of each chart is used to determine a midpoint. Then the
angles are derived from that point (as the new chart's midpoint). The
latitude of the current city of residence is normally used in the calculation
of the composite chart.
How to Use:
1 Access the Synastry techniques menu and place two charts in the active
chart area.
2 Click the "Compos2" button. An atlas-input dialog will pop up where
you can enter a new location for calculating this chart. A composite
chart will immediately calculate and will appear indented and beneath
the chart that occupied the "Chart 1" position (in the active chart: area).
Davison Charts
Astrologer Ron Davison of Great Britain is credited with developing the
technique for calculating a relationship chart. It differs from the composite
chart in that it is calculated for the midpoint in space and time between
two sets of birth data.
Because a new time and location are established, the chart can be used as a
basis for progressions, transits and solar arcs in order to follow stages and
events in the development of the relationship.
The date and time used in the calculation of the relationship chart is the
exact midpoint in time between the two charts. The space coordinate is the
midpoint in space between the two birthplaces. WinStar offers two
methods of calculating the space coordinate used in relationship charts.
The first is this Davison method, where geographical longitudes and
latitudes are calculated based upon a strict mathematical mean of the data.
How to Use:
1 Access the Synastry techniques menu and place two charts in the active
chart area.
2 Click the "Davison" button. A relationship chart using the Davison
method will immediately calculate and will appear indented and
beneath the chart that occupied the "Chart 1" position (in the active
chart: area).
Relationship Charts


The second method uses the trigonometry of great circles as the basis of
calculating the geographic longitude and latitude from which are
calculated the angles of the chart.
How to Use:
1 Access the Synastry techniques menu and place two charts in the active
chart area.
2 Click the "Relation" button. A relationship chart using the
trigonometry method of great circles (in calculating the new space
coordinate) will immediately calculate and will appear indented and
beneath the chart that occupied the "Chart 1" position (in the active
chart: area).
Coalescent Charts
Lawrence Grinnell (Dhruva) is credited for Coalescent charts, which are
similar to composite charts, except that they are based on harmonics
rather than midpoints. Each planet in the coalescent chart is calculated
from a different harmonic, which is a result of the angular difference of the
two positions of that
planet in the two charts being compared. The resultant harmonic number
is multiplied by the degree number of either person's planet (the result
will be the same) to arrive at the degree of the coalescent planet.
These charts reportedly show unusual sensitivity to transits. They can be
used to gain information about the dynamics involved in a relationship
between two people, or for a person and an event.
How to Use:
1 Access the Synastry techniques menu and place two charts in the active
chart area. You will be prompted in an Option Test dialog to choose
between Meridian cusps (which use the Meridian to determine house
cusp positions) or Derived cusps (which require a location to
determine the cusps).
2 Click the "Coalescent" button. An atlas-input dialog will pop where you can
enter a new location, if necessary, for calculating this chart this method uses
the latitude in determining the house cusp positions. A coalescent chart will
immediately calculate and will appear indented and beneath the chart that
occupied the "Chart 1" position (in the active chart: area).

Coalescent 2 Option
The Coalescent 2 chart option uses derived cusps.
How to Use:
1 Access the Synastry techniques menu and place two charts
in the active chart area.
2 Click the "Coalesc2" button. A coalescent chart using derived cusps
will calculate and display in the View area. It will appear indented and
beneath the chart that occupied the "Chart 1" position (in the active
chart: area).


Bi/Tri/QuadWheels Menu

Comparing two, three, or even four charts is often easier when the data can
be viewed together in concentric horoscopes. The Bi/Tri/QuadWheel
menus provide for up to four concentric horoscopes on a single page.

How it Works:
Click the "BiWheels" button (see graphic at left or press F7) and an
enhanced "active chart" area appears with spaces for up to four selected charts.
Click on any chart in the active chart list and it will fill the space named Chart
To add other charts, click a chart position (Chart 2, 3, or 4) and the word
Chart will turn red. Now double-click on another active chart and the chart
will snap into the Chart 2 position. In this way, you can fill any chart
position. The Chart 1 position relates to the innermost chart in a Bi-, Tri-, or
QuadWheel. Chart 2 will be the second chart out, with Chart 1 always at the
hub, etc.
Note: You can also use the "drag & drop" method to move charts from the
active chart list to the active chart spaces. Just click the left-mouse button
with the mouse pointer on the chart name and continue pressing on the
button as you drag it over any Chart position. When you release the
mouse button, it will snap into that space.
How to:
The SynGrid (Synastry Aspect Grid) is included in the Bi/TriWheel menu
(you will find it in the Synastry menu, too). It is often printed as a
companion sheet to a BiWheel. It provides an analysis of the planet and
sensitive point aspects existing between the two sets of BiWheel chart
data. A study of this information helps determine the nature of a
relationship or prospects for a relationship. The planets of both charts are
compared on 30- and 90-degree dials as well as house columns.
1 Choose two charts to compare: Click an active chart and hold the
mouse button down as you drag it up to the second (Chart #2)
position of the "active chart" area. When it is over the #2 position,
release the mouse button and it will snap into the #2 position.
2 Now click on a second chart and it will automatically snap to the Chart
#1 position.
3 Click "SynGrid" and a grid containing the planet and aspect data of
these two charts will display in the View area.
4 If you want a hard copy, simply click the Print button.


One chart around another, this wheel allows for the comparison of all the
planets and important points of two different sets of data. Some
astrologers prefer to use a grid.

Making a BiWheel
1 Choose two charts to compare. Click the small "BiWheel" button (as
shown at the start of this section) to open the active chart area. Follow
the previous instructions to place the two charts in the first two chart
spaces. "Chart 1" will be the BiWheels inner chart and "Chart 2" will
be the second ring of the wheel.
2 Click the "BiWheel" icon button in the BiWheel technique menu at
screen right and the wheel will calculate using the two selected charts
and display on the View screen. It will appear in the active charts list
indented and beneath the radix chart used in the Chart 1 position.
3 To print the chart, click Print.
Three charts in one wheel. The TriWheel allows comparison of
planets and important points among three sets of data. Astrologers use
this tool in synastry, mundane, and financial work as well as in research.
Making a TriWheel
1 Follow the above instructions (for BiWheels), but use the TriWheel
icon button. Choose three charts to compare. "Chart 1" will be the
BiWheels inner chart, "Chart 2" the middle ring, and "Chart 3" will
be the outer ring of the wheel.
2 To print the chart, click Print.
Four charts in one wheel, the QuadWheel allows comparison of planets
and important points among four sets of data. Some ways astrologers use
this tool are in synastry, mundane, and
financial work.
Making a QuadWheel
1 Follow the above instructions (for BiWheels and TriWheels), but use
the QuadWheel icon button. "Chart 1" will again be the
QuadWheels inner chart, "Chart 2" the middle ring, and so on to the
outer ring of the wheel.
2 To print the chart, click Print.

This one presents two House wheels on one form, using the charts placed
in the Chart 1 and Chart 2 positions of the active chart area.


How to use
1 Place the two charts in the Chart 1 and Chart 2 positions, then click
the "Two" button.
2 A chart form containing both chart wheels will calculate and display
on screen. The chart will attach to the active chart placed in the Chart
1 position and will appear in the Chart Forms list along with any other
forms attached to that chart.
Two 360
This selection presents two open 360 wheels on one chart form, using the
charts placed in the Chart 1 and Chart 2 positions of the active chart area.
How to use
1 Place the two charts in the Chart 1 and Chart 2 positions, then click
the "Two360" button.
2 A chart form containing both chart wheels will calculate and display
on screen (The TWO OPEN WHEELS form is the default.) and will
appear in the active charts list.
This selection presents a second variation of TriWheel, using the charts
placed in the Chart 1, Chart 2, and Chart 3 positions of the active chart
How to use
1 Place the three charts in the Chart 1, Chart 2, and Chart 3 positions,
then click the TriRing button.
2 A three-ring chart form with all three charts will calculate and display
on screen. (The TRI-Ring wheel is the default.) The chart will attach
to the active chart placed in the Chart 1 position and will appear in
the Chart Forms list along with any other forms attached to that
chart. To print the chart, click Print.


Searches Menu

Search Options menu


Search Menu

Searches reveal the relationships between the moving planets and points
either now (or at any point in time) to their position at another point in
time. In astrological searches, this other point in time is usually the natal,
or birth chart of a person or event. You would perform a Transit-to-Natal
search for the current month to see what aspects exist between the present
motion of the planets to your own birth positions.
Searches produce "hit lists" chronological lists of aspects or events
resulting from specific types of searches. Win

Star can search for up to

1800 hits. After running a search, these lists will appear in a full-screen
table (the "Search Show" table)
where they can be viewed, saved, rearranged, and printed.
There are several ways to access the Search technique menu. You can: press the
F8 function key; highlight Searches from the Techniques pull-down; click the
Search button from the "Home" menu; or use the menu-advance arrows to
click to the Search menu.
All search menu options (except LastSrch) pop up the Searches menu, where you
choose the type of search(es) for the selected chart. Let us look at the Searches
menu before exploring the individual search techniques. Pop up the Searches
menu by clicking any of the Search Techniques menu icon buttons. You can
refer to the full menu graphic on the
previous page as we look at different sections:

Searches Menu
Search Start
Here you type in the starting date for the search using the format
shown or click on one of the pre-set starting times. If you click the
1st Month, for example, it will automatically input the current
month, starting with the first of the month. [You can select "Input"
and type in any starting date.] Here are the "Search Start" options:
Today - the current day
1st Month - the first day of the current month
1st Year - goes back to the 1st of the current year
Birthday - your birthday, this year
Birthdate - your birth date

Month-1 - goes back to the 1st of the current month
Month-3 - three months before the current month
Year-1 - goes back to the beginning of the year


Input - you type in any starting date
Search End
The next field has a list of lengths of time for the search, starting with the
current date. The "Search End" field calculates from the date entered in the
"Search Start:" field. Click on any of the listed time lengths and the "Search
End" fills in accordingly. [You can select "Input" and type in any ending
Zodiac & Coordinate System
Before running the search you may want to change the zodiac or the
coordinate system used in the search. Use the mouse to click the "radio
button" before the desired zodiac (choose between Tropical and Sidereal)
and highlight a coordinate system (choose from five systems) from the
pull-down menu provided.
Natal Chart
This actually the active charts list. It is placed here to provide a second
location to select a chart for the search. Click the Down-Arrow to scroll
through the list of calculated charts and highlight any chart.
Search Type
The remaining section of the Searches menu lists the six search methods.
Each has its own rectangular button which, when clicked, will pop up the
Search Options menu. This is where you determine all planets and points
included for that search. You can set up all search types at once just
click an "x" in every search-type box. With each, you will need to click the
rectangular button that accesses the Search Options menu to set the
parameters of the search unless you wish to use the default settings of the
Search Options menu. (There is a Search Type button from within the
Search Options menu, from which you can select any of these six search
types eliminating the need to bounce back and forth between the
Searches and Search Options menus.)
When you click the Ok button from the Searches menu, the search will
calculate and the results will appear in the Search Show table.
Get Defaults/Save Defaults
All settings made in the Searches menu (along with those made in the
accompanying Search Options menu) can be saved as default settings that
will be in effect every time the menu is accessed. Just click the Save
Defaults button and a Yes/No prompt will appear verifying that you
wish to save the current settings as the defaults. The Get Defaults
button can be clicked any time you wish to revert to these default settings.
(Perhaps you have altered the menus, and then wish to return to your
defaults, etc.)

Get Job/Save Job
Individual searches can also be saved and re-accessed. You can save any
individual search including all selections made in both the Search and


Search Options menus to the \Winstar\hits directory by naming it with
a .job extension. Just set up the search as you wish, click the Save Job
button and type a name for the search in the Save Search Job Options dialog
(a standard Windows File Save-As dialog). Now click Ok to save the file
In the future, this search can be re-accessed at any time, just by clicking
the Get Job button. You will not have to alter your regular defaults and
complicated search setups can be instantly employed.
Note: To include a specific date range with a saved job, you must select
"Input" from the Search Start portion of the Searches menu. Then enter the
starting date along with any ending date from the Search End selections.
You can select "Input" from the Search End portion as well, allowing you to
type a new ending date (or use the time increment radio buttons, to select
the Search End date).

Search Options Menu

Searches can be tailor-made. With the Search Options menu
(displayed in full on page 102), you can quickly set the search
parameters. Choose the planets and points included in the search (the
Search and Target planets) and the aspect set used during the search.
Additional options such as user values, and aspects in orb can also be
selected from the Search Options menu.
Search Type
Choose from six types of searches. They are: Transit-Natal, Transit-to-
Transit, Transit-to-Progressed, Progressed-to-Natal, Progressed-to-
Progressed, and Arc-to-Natal. Access the on-line Help file, Search Types, for
a description of each.
Search Planets
The Search planets are the transiting planets. The ones moving in the
selected time period. The Search Planets portion of this menu lists these
planets and points so they can be added to the search. Click on one and it
will turn red, meaning it has been selected for the search. You can click
them individually or use a shortcut menu made for selecting these points.
Click the tall button (at the right of the Search Planets section) to access
the Select Planets menu.

Select Planets Menu (from the Search Options Menu)
Planets and points can be clicked individually from the Search Options


menu, but the Select Planets menu is a shortcut. This menu serves the
Search Options menu as an alternate method of selecting groups of
planets, points, angles, Asteroids, and Uranians included in the search.
Selections made here will transfer to the Search Options Menu.

Use the tall rectangular buttons to toggle on/off the entire set of each
planets/points, which are grouped by planets, angles, asteroids, and
Uranians (plus Lilith and the South Node).
Note: The grayed boxes of the Select Planets menu mean those points are
not available for the search type you have selected.

(Search Options menu) Target Planets
Target Planets (and points) are those to which the transiting planets are
referring. In a Transit-to-Natal search, the target planets are your natal
planet positions; the search planets are the moving or "transiting" planets
that are aspecting the stationary natal or event planets. The Target Planets
section of this menu also accesses the Select Planets menu for choosing the
planets, points, angles, Asteroids, and Uranians to be included in the
search. Click the tall button (at the right side of the Target Planets section)
to access the Select Planets menu and make selections for the target planets.

Aspect Set
Choose from a variety of aspect sets which can be edited (and created) with
the Aspect Editor Module. The Standard aspect set includes Squares,
Conjunctions, Oppositions, Trines, Sextiles, Semi-sextiles, Semi-squares,


Quincunxes, Quintiles, Sesquiquadrates, Septiles, Noviles, and Bi-
quintiles. Refer to the pop-ups in the program operation Help File for brief
descriptions of each aspect set.

Search Options:

Choose from the following options, which add "Special Events" to the
current search:
Events Only
Selecting Events Only excludes planet aspects from the search and includes
just the special events selected. By not selecting this, the aspect search is
done and any special events selected are added to the aspects.
Enter/Leave will include the dates and times when planets enter and leave
certain aspects. The orbs determining these beginning/ending points are
defined in the aspect set used in the search.
Parallels (Declination)
Parallels of Declination include aspects formed when two planets have the
same distance, north or south, from the celestial equator, within an orb of
Parallels (Latitude)
Parallels of Latitude occur when parallel aspects are formed by two planets
having the same angular distance, north or south, from the Ecliptic, within
an orb of 1.
Sign Ingress
This is the moment that a transiting body enters a Sidereal or Tropical sign
of the zodiac. The zodiac used will depend upon which zodiac was selected
in the searches menu.
House Ingress
This is the moment that a transiting body enters a particular House in the
natal (radix) chart. The house cusps will depend on the house system being
used in the calculation of the radix chart.
Stations are those points in the apparent path of a planet where it becomes
either retrograde or direct. The first station is where it becomes retrograde;
the second is when it returns to direct motion.
The Moon is "void of course" between completion of its last major
Ptolemaic aspect while in one sign and its entry into the next sign. In
Horary Astrology this event is thought to make the chart unreadable; i.e.,
the question asked will come to nothing often translated to frustration,


unforeseen delays, etc. Void of Course timing will vary greatly between
the tropical and sidereal zodiacs.
Select Midpoints
Midpoints can be calculated and included with either Search or Target
planets. You can quickly build a list of midpoints for the search and even
save them to a file for quick retrieval at a later session.
Here's How:
1) From the midpoints section of the Search Options menu (the lower-left
corner), click either the Search or Target "radio buttons" this will be
the first set of midpoints selected. Click the square button (under the
word Target,) to pop up the Select Midpoints menu.
2) To include a midpoint, for example the Jupiter/Neptune midpoint, just
click Jupiter in the left column and Neptune in the right (of course,
you could do the reverse, Neptune in the left and Jupiter in the right).
Then click Add. This midpoint pair will now appear in the list at the
right side of this menu. Use the Range button to include any
midpoint combinations that may exist between two planets. For
example, if you add the midpoint pair Jupiter and Uranus and then
click Range, the midpoint Jupiter/Saturn and Saturn/Uranus will also
be added, because they fall in the range between Jupiter and Uranus.
3) Continue in this manner, selecting and adding any midpoints you wish
included in the search, or...
4) Click the Load button to load a previously saved set of midpoints.
They can be added to either the search or the target planets. A
Windows file dialog will show the saved midpoint set files. They have a
.mpt file extension and are stored in the \WSTAR20\User sub-
directory. Select one, and click Ok to return with that midpoint set (in
the Select Midpoints menu).
5) Click Ok to close the Select Midpoints menu and those midpoints will
be included in the search.
6) Now return to step #1 above and complete the same procedure for the
other radio button. (If you wish to include midpoints with both the
Search and Target planets --they can be included in either, both, or not
at all).

Advanced Options
Certain "advanced" options can be added to the search. These are located
at the bottom-middle of the Search Options menu.
Converse Directions provide for symbolically "reversing" the celestial
rotation. A converse direction refers to a configuration occurring before
User Progressed
Define your own ratio of progression based on a ratio of some number of
days of progressed time equal to some number of days of life, or real time.
The user rate should be calculated according to the following formula:
User Rate = Progressed Time / Real Time


User Arc
This form of Direction allows a user to enter their own ratio of Directions
based upon defining a particular arc in degrees, minutes, and seconds to be
added to all natal planets.
Complete the Search
When you are ready to accept the options for each search, click Ok to close
the Search Options menu, and then click Ok from the Searches menu. Now
the search will be calculated and displayed on screen. The calculation time
will be depend upon the number of planets (points, aspects, etc.) being
searched, the duration of the search, and the speed of your computer. The
search results will appear in the Search Show table.

Search Show Table
The Search Show table is a columnar display of all the search results. The
Search events those aspects, egresses, etc. occurring during the search
period are highlighted by a yellow background. Several layouts are
included (plus you can make your own). This highly versatile menu offers
filtering and sorting features making it easy to pare down long hit lists to
display search information in manageable pieces. Here are the menus:

ile pull-down
View Chart
This displays the highlighted search hit as a wheel in the QuickWheel
Create Chart
Make a chart for any of the hits in the Search Show table. Just click on any
of the hits to pop open the Create Event Chart window, which can be
used to create a chart for that hit. The chart will calculate and appear in
the active chart list.
Delete Hit Record
To delete any of the search hits, highlight any the hit and select this
options. You will be prompted to confirm the hit deletion.
Load Search
Load a search that has been run previously and saved. Click on this feature
and the Open Search Hits dialog will pop up providing file\path access to
any saved .mdb files. The default path is \WSTAR20\hits. Highlight the
saved .mdb file and it will display in the Search Show table.
Save Search


Click Save Search and the Save Search Hits dialog will pop up where you can
type in name for the current search results, using a .mdb extension. The
default path is \WSTAR20\hits. Click Ok to close the dialog with the
search results saved to the name file.
Save Search As
Save the current search results to any file name with a .mdb extension.
Here's how:
1 Click the File pull-down menu, Save Search As which pops up the Save
Search Hits dialog where you can type a file name for the current
search results. The default path is \WSTAR20\hits and search files are
save with a .mdb file extension.
3 Click Ok to close the dialog with the current hit results saved to that
Print Search
Print a hard copy of the current search results.
Include Job Descriptions
Click this option to include the search job descriptions in your Search Hits
printout. This will print the type of events (Transits, Progressions, and
Arcs), planets and points used in the search.

View pull-down
New Search
Here is a shortcut to the Searches menu if you want to run another search.
The results of this new search will replace any previous results; if you want
to keep previous search results either choose the Merge feature, or save
those results to a file (File Save Search As).

Merge Search
This combines your new search with any search results currently in the
Search Show table. Again, the Searches menu pops up, but this time the
search results will be added to those already gathered.
Show Search Data
This expands the top of the Search Show table, revealing a scrollable
readout of the search data for each search currently in the table. Shown are
the selections made in both the Searches and Search Options menus the
zodiac, whether geo- or heliocentric, aspect set, etc.
Date Format
Choose from six formats for displaying the date in the table (month-day-
year; day-month-year, etc.).
Time Format


This option provides three options for displaying time (in the time column
of the Search Show table).
Choices are: hh:mm am (or pm) 10:25 pm
hh:mm 22:25
hh:mm:ss 10:25:21
Set Time Zone
This feature makes it easy to switch to a different time zone all Search
Show data will be effected. The time zone in effect is shown in red letters in
the top header of the Search Show table. Click Set time zone... and the Enter
Place dialog will pop up which is hooked into your atlas. Just scroll
through the list of time zones and select the desired time zone (if known).
Otherwise, type the city and state information (or city, country) in the
atlas-input fields provided. This method will let the program pick the
right time zone for that location.
Note: Clicking on the red three-letter time zone abbreviation (at the top-
right of the Search Show table) serves as a second method of accessing this
Enter Place dialog.
Enable Database Options
WinStar can present search results as a fully functioning database,
offering filtering and sorting capabilities or it can present the same hits in a
simpler table, with most options disabled. The default (the way the
program is shipped) is in the enabled, fully functioning mode. This can be
verified by clicking the View pull-down. There will be a check mark before
the Always enable database option.
Disabling the database will shorten the calculation time needed to
complete the search. Users with smaller machines may find this option
faster when just the search results are needed.
Note: The Search menu's "Last Search" button will not recall searches run
with the database disabled.
If by chance a table does not display properly, click this feature and the
table will be redrawn, correcting any screen problems.
Font Size
Choose from three point sizes 8 pt, 10 pt, and 12pt. for the characters
in the Search Show table.
Font Bold
This feature toggles between bold or normal type formatting for the
tables field data.

Filter pull-down

With the Filters pull-down, you can groom the search results, showing the
data that you want. Filter options greatly simplify the analysis of search


data. (Many of the filter options of this menu are duplicated via the teal-
colored shortcut push buttons located at the top of the Search Show table.)
Show all
This default shows all the hits resulting from the search as ordered.
This filter can pare down the viewable hits by date. Just type in new
beginning and ending dates to decrease (or increase) the hits shown.
Aspecting Planet
This selection will display a list of all transiting bodies in the search (the
"P1" planetary position in the table). Click any planet and the Search Show
list will pare down to include only aspects with that planet in the P1
Target planets
These are the P2 (Position 2) planets. In a transit-to-natal search, these are
your natal planets. When selected, this feature will display all planets in a
list. Click one and the search results will only display aspects to that target
planet. Show All will return to the full array of aspects which can then
again be reduced to any specific target planet.
Click Aspects to display a list of aspect types. Now click one of the aspects
from this list (a check mark will appear meaning it is selected). Notice that
now the Search Show contains only the hits with this aspect.
Search type
When there are several search results present in the Search Show table
(maybe a Transit-to-Natal, a Transit-to-Transit, and an Arc Transform
search), you can easily cull them to one or two types by clicking them from
this list.
Sign ingresses
This feature will pare the Search Show list to just the sign ingresses (0 of
each sign).
House ingresses
This feature will pare the Search Show list to just the House ingresses (the
cusp of each house).
The lunation feature will filter the results to show the sun/moon
conjunctions and oppositions.
This filter shows the stations - the points when the planets go into
retrograde or return to direct motion.
Hide Lunar aspects


All lunar aspects can be filtered out with this option.
Hide Inner planets
This filter will remove aspects to the Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Venus.
Exact/Enter Only
Use either of these options to filter for (either) only exact hits or for only
entering hits.
Sort pull-down
The search results can be sorted in seven different ways. Select one and the
Search Show data will display, sorted accordingly. When you select any
sort type, it will remain in effect (until changed) for the remainder of that
WinStar session. When you re-open WinStar, the default (chronological
order) sort will display.
All hits are organized solely by date and time (JD).

Planet Pairs & Planet Time sorts
The "Planet Pairs" sort starts by pairing the Moon with itself (transit-
transit) and then moves outward in planetary order (Moon-Sun, Moon-
Merc, etc), showing all occurring hits (as found in the search) grouped by
that pair. The sort order is: Planet1, Planet2, and Date.
The "Planets Time" sort shows all aspects for each planet (again starting
with the Moon and moving outward in planetary order) as grouped by
chronological order time sequence the primary organizer, planet-by-
planet. The sort order is: Planet1, Date.
All hits are organized solely by aspect type all conjunctions, all
oppositions, all trines, etc.
Here hits are sorted by event type (Aspects, sign ingress, house ingress,
Search Type
All of the search hits are grouped by search type transit-transit, transit-
natal, progressed-progressed, etc.
Enter, Exact, Leaving
This sorts hits by the Enter Date, Exact Date, and the Leave Date.
Exact, Enter, Leaving
This sorts hits by the Exact Date, Enter Date, and the Leave Date.


Planet 1s Position
This sorts the hits in zodiacal order starting with the Planet 1 position.
Planet 2s Position
This sorts the hits in zodiacal order starting with the Planet 2 position.

Layouts pull-down
WinStar is shipped with a variety of Search Show layouts. The last layout
used will remain the default until you select a new one. (Then that layout
will become the default.).
Load & Save Layouts
With these options you can either load an existing layout or save the
current one. Window File dialogs will pop up showing your directory
Load Layout:
To load a layout, use your mouse to double-click on the layout name or
highlight it and click Ok. The layout will load and fill the Search Show
Save Layout:
To save a current layout, just type in a name (with a .hft extension) and
click Ok. The layout will be saved, along with the current search
This "nuts & bolts" layout contains the QuickScan, Aspect,
Date, Time, Event, Type, P1 Pos. and P2 Pos. and E/X/L columns.
QuickScan is the aspect column with the slower, longer-ranged planets
set to the left with hyphens. This arrangement is created to make it easier
to pick out the long-range planet hits.

House Positions
House Positions includes the date, Time, Event, Type, E/X/L, P1 Pos, P2
Pos, Eclipse, H1 and H2 (the House Positions for each aspect body)
P1Angle, P2 Angle, Chart Name, and Job.
Multiple Searches
With several searches available to the Search Show table, Multiple Searches
will present them all together. Different type colors are automatically
assigned to each chart name to make it easy to keep charts apart. Here are
the default components of Multiple Searches: QuickScan, Date, Time,
Event, Type, Name, Pos1, and Pos2.


This simple layout adds a notes field into which can be typed a memo or
message of any length for every aspect in the table.
Universal Time
This layout adds a Universal Time column to the table. The layout columns
are: Universal Time, Event, Date, Time, Type, E/X/L, P1 Pos, P2 Pos, and

If you have included the Sun and Moon in your search and would like to
look for eclipse data, use this layout. The components of this layout are:
Date, Time, Event, Eclipse, and P1 Pos.
Search Descriptions
This layout includes the natal chart name, the search type, and the
coordinate system used. The layout columns are: QuickScan, Date, Time
Event, Coordinates, Search Type, Name, and P1 Pos, P2 Pos.
Enter-Exact-Leave Times
This layout option presents enter-exact-leave columns along with the time,
in date, hours and minutes of the event. Columns included are: Quick
Enter-Exact-Leave Times
This layout option presents enter-exact-leave columns along with the time,
in date, hours and minutes of the event. Columns included are:
QuickScan, Enter Date and Time, Exact Date and Time, Leave Date and
Time, Type, P1 Pos., and P2 Pos.
Scan, Enter Date and Time, Exact Date and Time, Leave Date and Time,
Type, P1 Pos., and P2 Pos.
Exact - Enter - Leave
This layout present these three columns, side-by-side, sorted by the
"Exact" date and time. Layout columns are QuickScan, Exact, Enter,
Leave, Type, and P1 Pos, and P2 Pos.
Planet Colors
This layout option displays the transiting planets assigned color in the
background of each hit. This is provided as an aid in quickly picking out
hits of a particular planet. Columns included in this layout: Date, Time,
Event, Type, P1 Pos, and P2 Pos.
Show All
This extensive layout includes everything 22 data columns plus
individual columns for every planet, body, and point.
Here is a list of all the data categories that appear in the Show All layout:
E/X/L - E=Entering aspect; X=Exact aspect; L=Leaving aspect


H1H2 - These columns show the house that the P1 and P2 planets
P1,P2 Positions - the planetary positions for each planet in the aspect.
Date & Time - The time and date of the hit are shown in these columns.
Event - These are the hits found in the search
Type - This shows the type of search that has been calculated (Transit-to-
Natal, Progressed-to-Natal, etc.)
A (Aspect) - "A" stands for aspect. The standard aspect glyphs are used to
denote the aspects. The aspect column is generally located between the P1
and P2 columns.
Jb # - each search is given a job # to make it easier to keep track of them
Universal Time - here the hits are shown in Universal Time (Greenwich
Mean Time).
Aspect - This is the same as the Event column; these are the "hits" in the
search, and are shown in several columns: with glyphs, written out, and
P1, P2 Suc, Ang, Cad - These two columns show the status of the P1 and
P2 planets regarding their being Succedent, Angular, or Cadent.
Eclipse - If eclipses occurred in the search results, they will be shown in
this column.
Notes - Here you can jot down notes to go with each aspect, if necessary.

Searches pull-down
This pull-down shows the available searches. These have been run during
the current session, either from one multi-search or by using the Merge
button. The checkmark before the search means that search is now merged
into the Search Show table. To temporarily remove any of these searches
from those displayed onscreen, just click on the search with the mouse.
"Show All" selects them all and places them all in the Search Show table.
Screen Buttons
The top portion of the Search Show table has sort shortcut buttons as well
as several others described below. The sort-shortcut buttons make it easy
to just click a button and instantly pare down the hit list. For example,
included are buttons to present just the Sun and Moon hits, just the Moon
hits, the inner planets Sun through Mars, just oppositions, etc. The Help
file has pop-ups describing all buttons on the table. Other buttons you will
find are:
The QWheel button opens the QuickWheel, which can display a wheel
for any selected hit. The first QuickWheel presented is a BiWheel which
opens with the active chart in the center and the hit chart (transit or
progressed hit, etc.) occupying the outer position. You can then load the
natal chart in the center, if you like, thus presenting the natal with the


transits around it. If you continue to select transits in this same search, the
natal will stay in the inner position with transits outside.
Note: When Progressions or Arcs are selected, you get transits for that
date, not the actual Progressions.
Click Chart to immediately calculate a chart wheel for the selected aspect.
The chart will appear in the active chart list identified by its aspect
abbreviations (Chart, Mo CNJ Su) and will display on screen.
Highlight any hit in the list (just click anywhere in a line) and click the
Interp button the table will expand revealing interpretive text for the
Transit-to-Natal and Transit-to-Transit aspects. [The interpretive text
does not cover aspects to or from Asteroids or Uranians.]
Time Zone
Click this time zone abbreviation to pop up the Enter Place dialog where
the time zone can be changed. This will recalculate all the hits according
to the new time zone. (This feature is the same as the Set Time Zone...
option found in the View pull-down.)

Search Menu Features

Look at the Search menu features. Each feature (except LastSrch) will
access the Searches and Search Options menus to set up the search
Transit Search
Transits are the actual positions of planets. Aspects occur when transiting
planets form geometric relationships to other planets or to positions in
radix and progressed charts. Aspects vary in intensity. They are the basic
timing and prediction tools used by astrologers.
How to use
First, select the chart you wish to use by clicking on it in the active chart
list and click the "Transit" button to pop up the Searches menu. The
Transit-to-Natal search will be selected (with an "x" in the box). Menu
selections in the Searches menu
are described in detail at the beginning of this Search menu section (page
103). Briefly, you will:
1 Select the type of transit search
2 Choose a starting and ending date, defining the duration of the search
3 Choose between tropical and sidereal zodiacs
4 Select the desired coordinate system (geocentric is the default)
5 Possibly change the location from the default zone and place to a new


There are three Transit searches: Transit-to-Natal, Transit-to-Transit, and

The Transit-to-Natal search is an aspect search of the transiting planets to
the active chart.

1 Click the button (in the Searches menu) to the right of
"Transit - Natal" to pop up the Search Options menu. In a Transit-to-
Natal search, the Search Planets are the transiting planets that will
aspect your natal planets during the search and the Target planets are
the natal planets.
2 Make any selections in the Search Options menu that you want
included in the search. The default setting includes all planets. Please
refer to the previous explanation of the Search Options menu, for
information on the additional options.
3 When you have completed your selections, click Ok to return to the
Searches menu.
4 Take a last look at the settings in the Searches menu. If they are
correct, and you are not adding additional transit searches, click Ok
and a searching status bar will appear, showing the calculation time
needed. When the search is completed, the Show Search table will
display on screen with the results of the search.
A Transit-to-Transit search shows the aspects made or among transiting
planets themselves. These are meaningful if they
correlate to an important point in a natal chart. They are used
in mundane and financial astrology, as well.
1 Click the button (in the Searches menu) to the right of "Transit -
Transit" to pop up the Search Options menu. In a Transit-to-Transit
search, the Search Planets and the Target Planets are transiting
2 Make any selections in the Search Options menu that you want
included in the search. The default setting includes all planets. Please
refer to the previous explanation of the Search Options menu for
information on the additional options.
3 When you have completed your selections, click Ok to return to the
Searches menu.
4 Take a last look at the settings in the Searches menu. If they are
correct, and you are not adding additional transit searches, click Ok
and a searching status bar will appear, showing the calculation time
needed. When the search is completed, the Show Search table will
display on screen with the results of the search.

A Transit-to-Progressed search generates a hit list showing aspects made
by transiting planets to progressed planets for a particular chart.


1 Click the button (in the Searches menu) to the right of "Transit -
Progress" to pop up the Search Options menu. In a Transit-to-Progress
search, the Search Planets are the transiting planets. The Target
Planets are the progressed positions of the planets progressed from
their position in the natal chart according to the progression method
selected. In a Transit-to-Progressed search, the Search Options menu
adds two selections the method of progression and the method of
progressing/directing the angles. These are the same as were described
in the Progressed Charts menu (page 84).
2 Make any selections in the Search Options menu that you want
included in the search. The default setting includes all planets, plus
the Moon's node. Please refer to the previous explanation of the Search
Options menu for information on the additional options.
3 When you have completed your selections, click Ok to return to the
Searches menu.
4 Take a last look at the settings in the Searches menu. If they are
correct, and you are not adding additional transit searches, click Ok
and a searching status bar will appear, showing the calculation time
needed. When the search is completed, the Show Search table will
display on screen with the results of the search.

Saving Defaults
When you have completed making search selections, and feel that the
selections made will likely be ones you will often need, you can establish
them as Default settings. This means they will be in effect whenever you
enter the Search menu. Here's how:
At the bottom of the Searches menu are two buttons, Save Default and
Default. Save Default will save all the selections made in the current
session, from the Searches menu and Search Options menu. These will
become the default settings for future searches. You may create other
searches with any combination of settings and always return to these
default settings by clicking the Default button.
Progressed Searches
Progressions are systems in which real time is symbolically equated with
shorter periods of time. The positions of the planets, Ascendant and
Midheaven in the natal chart are symbolically moved forward (or
backward) in time according to one of several formulas. Progressions
usually relate to moving forward in time from the radix (natal) positions.
Converse progressions are done backward in time from the radix positions.
See the Help AstroTutor section for detailed descriptions on progressions.
How to use:
Click the Progress button to pop up the Searches menu.
Menu selections in the Searches menu are as described at the beginning of
this Search menu section (page 103). Briefly, you will:
1 Pick the search type (and its duration),
2 Choose between tropical or sidereal zodiacs,
3 Select the desired coordinate system (geocentric is the default), and,...
4 Possibly change the location from the default zone & place to a new


There are three Progressed searches: Transit-to-Progressed, Progressed-to-
Natal, and Progressed-to-Progressed. Select one or all three from the
Searches menu. Each has a pop-up button that accesses the Search Options
menu. Selections are as described earlier (Search Options Menu, page 101).
However, with progressed searches, the Search Options also include
choosing the progression method and the way of progressing the angles.
There are six progression methods and three ways to progress the angles.
(These are described in the Progressed Charts menu description, pages 84-
Here are the three progressed search methods:
A Transit-to-Progressed search reveals a hit list showing aspects made by
transiting planets to progressed planets for a particular chart used by
astrologers to further refine timing of events and prediction.
(Instructions are the same as given on the previous page.)
In the Progressed-to-Natal search, the Search Planets are the
progressed planets (as determined by the method of progression
selected) and the Target Planets are your natal planets. The default
setting includes all planets, midheaven, and the ascendant. If you wish,
add any other points offered in the menu for this search.
1 Click the button (in the Searches menu) to the right of "Progressed-to-
Natal" to pop up the Search Options menu.
2 Make any selections in the Search Options menu that you want
included in the search. The default setting includes all planets. Please
refer to the previous explanation of the Search Options menu for
information on the additional options.
3 When you have completed your selections, press Ok to return to the
Searches menu.
4 Take a last look at the settings in the Searches menu. If they are
correct, and you are not adding additional searches, click Ok. A
searching status bar will appear, showing the calculation time needed.
When the search is completed, the Show Search table will display on
screen with the results of the search.
In the Progressed-to-Progressed search, the Search Planets and the Target
Planets are the Progressed planets (as determined by the method of
progression selected).

The default setting includes all planets. Add any other points offered in
the menu for this search.
1 Click the button (in the Searches menu) to the right of "Progressed-to-
Progressed " to pop up the Search Options menu.
2 Make any selections in the Search Options menu that you want
included in the search. The default setting includes all planets. Please


refer to the previous explanation of the Search Options menu for
information on the additional options.
3 When you have completed your selections, press Ok to return to the
Searches menu.
4 Take a last look at the settings in the Searches menu. If they are
correct, and you are not adding additional searches, click Ok. A
searching status bar will appear, showing the calculation time needed.
When the search is completed, the Show Search table will display on
screen with the results of the search.

Saving Defaults
When you have completed making search selections, and feel that the
selections made will likely be ones you will often need, you can establish
them as Default settings. This means they will be in effect whenever you
enter the Search menu. Here's how:
At the bottom of the Searches menu are two buttons, Save Default and
Get Default. Save Default will save all the selections made in the
current session, from the Searches menu and Search Options menu. These
will become the default settings for future searches. You may create other
searches with any combination of settings and always return to these
default settings by clicking the Default button.
Directed Search
Directions are a system for timing events in which one planet is
symbolically moved or directed using arcs. This forecasting method is
based on adding a fixed arc to the natal planets and comparing the
directed positions to the radix positions to evaluate the occurrence of
How to use:
Select the "Direct" button to pop up the Searches menu and click an
"x" in the Arc-to-Natal box.
Menu selections in the Searches menu are as described at the
beginning of this Search menu section (page 104). Briefly, you will:
1 Pick the search start date and its duration.
2 Choose between tropical or sidereal zodiacs.
3 Select the desired coordinate system (geocentric is the default), and
4 Possibly change the location from the default zone & place to a new
5 Click the button to the right of the Arc-to-Natal selection to pop up
the Search Options menu.
You will notice that in this Arc-Natal version of the Search Options menu,
there is a new field called "Arc Type." There are six methods for setting the
arc in an Arc-to-Natal search. Select from these methods. They are
explained on page 88 (Progressed Charts menu, Directed Charts).
Select from any of the Search Options menu features. Leave the Search
Type field set to Arc-Natal. Refer to the previous explanation of the Search
Options menu for information on the additional options.


When you have completed the Search Options selections, click Ok to
return to the Searches menu.
Click Ok and a searching status bar will appear, showing the calculation
time needed. When the search is completed, the Search Show table will
display on screen with the results of the search.
This "TrnProg" button is a shortcut method of creating a Transit-to-
Progressed search. (The same search could be created by clicking the
"Transit" button and selecting "Transit - Progress"). This selection skips
the Searches and Search Options menus. The "TrnProg" button accesses
pre-set defaults for the settings normally selected in the Searches and
Search Options menus.
How to use:
1 Click TrnProg and the calculations will begin for a Transit-to-
Progressed chart based upon the active chart in the main menu.
Shortly the Search Show table will appear with the results of the search.
Create search combinations using a variety of the search methods offered in
the Searches menu. When you click the "Combo" button, your preset
searches will calculate and display in the Search Show table.
Here's how:
1 Click the "Combo" button to open the Searches menu.
2 Click the desired search options. Go ahead and set up each search as
previously described in this section.
3 Click the Save Defaults button to retain this search
combination. Answer Yes to the prompt, verifying that you wish
these settings become the new defaults for this button. Now, when
this Combo feature is re-accessed, the same settings will be recalled.
4 When all searches to be included in this "Combo" option are set up,
click Ok and the search will begin. A message will display advising the
possible length of time needed for the Search searches with
progressions will take longest.
5 When calculations are completed, the Search Show table will display the
results of this search.
1 Year
Set up this button to create a full-year search. We ship WinStar
with two searches (Transit-to-Natal and Transit-to-Transit). We
have turned off the Moon in the Search Planets and we use Ptolemy
aspects. You can set it up any way you wish. [WinStar will calculate
up to 2600 hits; removing the Moon from the transiting planets will
cut down the hits appreciably you will need to experiment.]
1 Click the "1 Year" button to open the Searches menu.
2 Click the desired search options then go ahead and set up each search.
3 Click the Save Defaults button to retain this search combination.
Answer Yes to the prompt, verifying that you wish these settings


become the new defaults for this button. Now, when this "1 Year"
feature is re-accessed, the same settings will be recalled.
4 When all searches to be included in this "1 Year" option are set up,
click Ok and the search will begin. A message will display advising
the possible length of time needed for the Search searches with
progressions will take longest.
5 When calculations are completed, the Search Show table will display the
results of this search.
Last Search
Re-access the last search results without having saved them to file. Click
this button and the Search Show table will display, showing the most
recent search. These same search results will "survive" closing and re-
opening the program. They will stay
available from this "Last Search" button, until a new search is run.
Note, however, that this "Last Search" button will not recall searches run
with the database disabled. (The database is enabled\disabled from the
Search Show View pull-down, Always Enable Database option.)

Wheels Menu

The Wheels menu provides a series of access points to be used for a variety
of chart wheel styles. Each button can be customized.
Remember: All technique icon buttons can be customized to use any chart
form. Simply press Ctrl and Click the icon to pop up the Select Chart
Form menu to select any chart form as the default. Make any choices in
that Select Chart Form menu to customize the form to suit your needs, and
click Ok to save them. That form will then be automatically used when
you click the appropriate icon button. It will calculate using the selected
active chart.
This selection will pop up your choice of house wheels. The default wheel
is a Chart 2 wheel.
360 Wheel
Use this selection to pop up a 360 wheel, calculated using the selected
active chart.


Helio Wheel
Use this selection to pop up a Heliocentric chart wheel. The wheel will
calculate using the selected active chart.
Euro Wheel
Use this selection to pop up an Euro-style chart wheel. The wheel will
calculate using the selected active chart.
Geo\Helio Wheel
Use this selection to pop up a two-wheel chart with both a geo- and a
heliocentric chart wheel. The wheels will calculate using the selected active
90 Dial
Use this selection to pop up a 90 Dial chart wheel. The wheel will
calculate using the selected active chart.

This button is included to provide location for grouping a customized set
of chart forms. When this icon button is clicked, all forms chosen will
calculate using the selected active chart.
Remember: All technique icon buttons can be customized to use any chart
form. Simply press Ctrl and Click the icon to pop up the Select Chart
Form menu to select any chart forms as the default. They will calculate
using the selected active chart.


Extra menu

The Extra menu contains a series of modules that, when activated, operate
independently from the WinStar program. You can open the "QWheel"
module, for example, and then exit WinStar. You will be able to access
QWheel from the File Manager as an open application.

DayScan contains a wealth of easily accessed information displayed in a
horizontal timeline. It pops up showing the Moon's sign position, its phases, and
Void-of-Course periods. A click of the mouse will pop up this additional

Degree, minute, second zodiacal position of each planet and major point;
House cusp positions, to the minute of arc; Planet/House ingresses; major
aspects for both Transit-to-Transit and Transit-to-Natal; Moon Void-of-
Course periods; a "Day\Night" mode showing the Sun's four major angles;
Planetary Hours.
Before looking at the DayScan pull-down menus, notice the yellow ruler
that spans the screen. This ruler is divided into time segments, the smallest
of which are 15-minute increments. You may click the mouse pointer on
any ruler increment to pop up a scrollable list of planet/point and house-
cusp positions calculated for the selected point of the search. Additionally,
click the Time Line button to pop up a movable, fine red vertical line. At
the top of this line is a small hour:minute digital readout which shows the
time position of the line.
DayScan default information
These default features will appear when you first open the DayScan screen,
shown in the main area beneath the yellow time bar. When clicked with
the mouse, all of these items will pop up a small box with their precise
time and zodiac position.
Aspect Glyphs
Major planetary aspects, both Transit-to-Natal and Transit-to-Transit.
The Transit-to-Transit aspects are black; the Transit-to-Natal aspects will
show as a reddish-brown on most monitors.

Parallels of Declination ( ) include aspects formed when two planets have
the same angular distance from the celestial equator (Contra-Parallels ( )
occur when the two planets have the same angular distance from the


celestial equator, within an orb of 1. However, one is north and one
south of the equator, In the DayScan view, the parallels appear as glyphs,
along with the aspect glyphs.
Planetary retrograde motion is shown by SD and SR symbols.
House Ingresses
House ingresses, that point when a planet enters a new house, are shown
with the conjunction symbol ( ).
This default information will appear in the next colored area, beneath the glyphs:
Void of Course
The first horizontal bar beneath the aspect glyphs shows the void-of-course
periods of the Moon. The void-of-course periods are labeled and shaded
gray. Click and press on the bar to pop up a brief message stating the time
the moon next goes void of course or, if during a void-of-course period, the
duration of that period.
Moons Sign
The next horizontal bar shows the Moon sign position. The view bar
changes color as the Moon passes through the signs. The color displayed is
governed by the sign-color selection made from the Color Options menu.
Click and press on the view bar to pop up a brief message telling Moon
sign, date, and last aspect formed in the sign.
Moons Phase
Next is shown a horizontal bar with the phases (first, second, third, &
fourth quarters) through which the Moon passes. Click and hold anywhere
in a quarter-segment to pop up the starting time for that quarter.
Changing the DayScan default time zone
The time zone (which displays in the top-center of the DayScan screen) is
defined by the Current Place feature found in the main screen's Options
pull-down menu; changes made there will be reflected in DayScan.
These Dayscan pull-down menus provide additional features:

File pull-down
This menu provides for creating a new scan as well as printing a hard copy
of the screen.
New Scan
This feature provides the option of starting a new DayScan search. An
input dialog will pop up where you can input a new starting date and
duration for the search. Five time periods, ranging from one to five days
are offered.
Print Form
This option will output the DayScan screen to the printer.


Extra pull-down
The Extra menu provides access to three toggles that will add viewable
features to the DayScan screen. They are:
Dayscan Save and Clear Defaults
Save Defaults saves the current Dayscan settings as the default and new
scans will display the same configuration.
Clear Defaults erases the saved default settings, returning to the original,
shipped defaults.

With this feature, you can add planet-in-sign horizontal bars (like the default
Moon bar) to the DayScan view area. Click on "Degrees" and a menu pops up
listing the planets and major points. Highlight a planet or point in the list and
a new bar for that planet or point will display on the DayScan screen showing
its degree and sign position. The bar color is determined by the planet color as
defined in the Color Options menu.
Day/Night adds a bar showing when the Sun conjuncts the Ascendant, Nadir,
Descendant, and Midheaven. Use the Time Line to pinpoint the time.
Planetary Hours
This feature will toggle on colored, segmented "Planetary Hour" divisions.
Planetary hours are not measured like clock hours, but are measured from
sunrise to sunset, and from sunset to sunrise again. The span of time
between sunrise and sunset is divided by twelve; each twelfth part is one
"planetary hour." The hours between sunrise and sunset are called "day
hours" and the hours between sunset and sunrise are "night hours." A
planetary day begins, not at 12:00 AM, but at sunrise.
In the Planetary Hours system, each day of the week is governed by a
planet (see Planet Days, below). The first hour of that day is ruled by that
planet. Succeeding hours are appointed to planets according to their
motion, starting with Saturn (the slowest) and moving through Jupiter,
Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, and to the fastest, the Moon. Therefore the
first hour on a Sunday is a Sun hour and the next is a Saturn hour, and so
on. This application of seven planets to the 24 hours of the day works
perfectly, so that the proper planet always "arrives" at its appointed hour of
its ruling day.
- Planet Days:
Sunday - ruled by the Sun; Monday - ruled by the Moon
Tuesday - ruled by Mars; Wednesday - ruled by Mercury
Thursday - ruled by Jupiter; Friday - ruled by Venus
Saturday - ruled by Saturn
Angle Crossings
This feature displays the four cardinal points -- rising, zenith, setting, and
nadir -- for the selected planet. Click the displayed point segment to pop
up precise times.


With the Houses option you select a planet and its house entry/exit times
display across the Day*Scan screen, showing exactly when that planet
enters and leaves succeeding houses. Click in one of the house sections to
pop up precise enter/exit times.

With the WinStar Maps module you can investigate a horoscope using
two popular mapping techniques: Local Space and Mundane Maps.
Choose from 19 maps covering major world areas as well as maps covering
smaller areas such as individual countries and states
The screen includes the active chart list, so you can easily switch from your
important charts, viewing their effect in various locations. Click the
Local Space button and planet-path lines will generate from your
birthplace, radiating in their directions unique to your birth. Click the
Mundane Maps button and two sets of lines based upon the planets
rising/setting paths and projected midheavens will display on the map,
based upon your birth.

What these locational techniques show
Local Space - This technique, views the chart as a map of the 360
degrees of the horizon surrounding an event such as birth, with the
positions of the various planets plotted on it. It describes the horizon of a
place, much as turning around on one spot we might look toward the East,
South, West, and North. The planets are projected onto the horizon using
the coordinates, azimuth and altitude (instead of the longitude and ecliptic
latitude) of the zodiac.
Local space is mainly used to show a direction that would be empowering
(according to specific planetary meaning) to the individual. Distance of a
change is not as relevant as the directional change as regards the
orientation of the planets. Astrologers might use the technique to see
where they could prefer to live; for example, they may wish to go to an
area with a more pronounced Mars activity level, according to their birth
chart. Alternatively, the concept can be applied to changes in your
immediate vicinity, such as where to plant a garden when using your home
as the reference point. [Local Space was pioneered in the 1970s by Michael
Erlewine, Director of Matrix Software. For an interesting book describing the Local
Space concept, see Steve Cozzi's Planets in Locality, published by Llewellyn Publ.,
St. Paul, MN.]

Mundane Maps - This method is based upon the idea that when one
changes location, even though the planets in the chart remain in the same
degree and minute, the house cusps, including the horizon and meridian,
change position. In a new location, there is a new ascendant and


midheaven. In specific places, these may coincide with a planet, marking a
particularly meaningful location. Two selector buttons are offered in the
Mundane Map mode: "Meridian Lines" and "Rising Lines."
Meridian Lines These show the points on the map where each planet
was directly on the Midheaven at the time of your birth. These points are
shown as meridian lines creating a circle passing through both poles and
are calculated from right ascension only, i.e. the north/south meridians'
intersections with the equator. The Mundane Maps view shows two
meridian lines (since the Earth is a flattened projection) for each planet. In
WinStar, these are seen as the vertical lines marked with planet glyphs.
Rising/Set The curved lines (they are easier to notice when viewing the
World map) mark the spots where the planet was rising (or setting) at the
moment of your birth. Although you cannot change your birthplace, you
can alter the house position of any planet by moving toward or away from
these rise/set lines. Thus, although the Moon may have been on your
Ascendant from birth, moving East or West would have the effect of
taking it off the Ascendant.
With the Measure button you can use the mouse to drag from point to
point anywhere on the displayed map to obtain a mileage readout for the
area spanned. Longitude and latitude for the areas in question are also
included in the display.
Using the Local Space feature
When you first open the Maps module and click the Local Space
button, the planet-path lines showing will be generated from the
birthplace of the highlighted active chart. To experiment with other
locations, simply click the LS_Lines button and then click anywhere else
on the map. A new set of planet-path lines will generate from that
location. To accurately choose alternate locations, highlight Longitude &
Latitude from the View pull-down menu. This pops up a small movable
readout box that displays the longitude and latitude of the cursor arrow as
you move it across the screen. Click the Chart button and then click any
point on the map. A sizable QWheel chart will pop up for the selected
location. As you click other locations of the map, this chart will
immediately recalculate, presenting a chart wheel for that location. This
way, you can "tour" any area of the world and view your chart as cast from
that location!
Another View pull-down feature adds the Ascendant and Midheaven
positions to the on-screen readout, linked to the mouse arrow. Roll the
mouse across the map to instantly see how the locational change affects
these important points.
Using the Mundane Maps technique
Click Mundane Maps and the meridian and rise/set lines will calculate
based upon the selected active chart. These lines, when based upon one's
natal chart, remain relevant throughout the lifetime. Another reason to use
this technique would be, for example, when you are going on summer
vacation and want to know where to go. Create a Solar Chart for your
current residence and then pop that up with Mundane Maps. Check out


these mundane map lines for planet emphasis in various possible locations.
The same View pull-down features provide a means of accurately
pinpointing locations on the map and the Chart button will place your
relocated chart on screen.
With the TimeScan feature, entire search results can be presented on
screen in a graphic timeline. Whereas DayScan presents a relatively short
span of time (five days), TimeScan will load a file of saved search results
that may cover a decade (or more). Then, they are displayed on screen, in
an easily read and colorful format.
The TimeScan screen is a planet-by-planet display of all aspects between
each search planet and its contacts. For example, if your search was to find
all aspects between transiting Jupiter and Saturn to your natal planets, the
TimeScan screen will first list each Jupiter aspect. It will start with the
Moon and Sun then moving outward through each natal planet. It will
then list each Saturn aspect. If you included the "House Ingress" or
"Stations" options in the search, they will also appear on screen, after the
Accessing TimeScan screen information
The search hits spread across the screen laterally in line with their
aspecting planets. These hits will appear in aspect glyph form. Click the
Time Line button and a vertical red-line will appear which can be
dragged left or right to pinpoint any time in the scan. Click on any aspect
appearing in the timeline display and a data dialog box will pop up
showing the date and time of the aspect (including enter/exact/leave dates
and times, if they were also included). Click on any point in the horizontal
yellow banner and a TimeScan Chart dialog will pop up with planetary
longitudes and declinations as well as house cusp positions.
TimeScan Menus
File pull-down
Load Search
Here you can access the Open Search Hits dialog showing your directory
structure. Highlight any .hts file that you have saved (from previous
searches) and click Ok. That file's search results
will load and display in the TimeScan screen. The default path is
Highlighting "Print.." will send the TimeScan screen to your printer (the
same as clicking the Print button from the top of the TimeScan screen).
Print Setup
The standard printer setup dialog can be conveniently should you want to
switch printers when printing a TimeScan screen.
Printer Gray Scale


The "Grayscale" selection is preferable for most black and white printers,
providing greater contrast when printing the colored screen images.
Highlight this feature in the pull-down menu to turn it on a checkmark
() will appear in the list, signifying the selection is active.

Options pull-down
Time Zone EST
The time zone can be changed at any time from this option. The Select
Time Zone dialog will appear where a different time zone can easily be
entered. [After changing time zones, use the Redraw TimeScan feature to
replace the TimeScan screen with the recalculated display.]
Sign & House Ingresses
If the search presented included sign and houses ingresses (they would
have been turned on in the Search Options menu when creating the search)
they will display when turned on via these two menu options. A check
mark () will appear at the left of the item, signifying they are to be
shown on screen.
Void of Course
If yours was a Transit-Transit search and you included Void of Course
(Moon) in the Search Options setup, checking this Void of Course option
here includes Moon Void of Course positions in the TimeScan screen.
Redraw TimeScan
If you have altered the screen (by adding the house or sign ingresses, for
example) and you wish to return to the unaltered version, highlight this
feature and the screen will redraw the original version. Use this feature
after changing the time zone of the search.



The QWheel module combines a variety of easily accessed chart wheels
with several techniques. QWheel can be operated apart from WinStar
(saving memory). It will still access the WinStar active chart list.
QWheel can be accessed from the Extra Menu, TimeTables, Maps, and
from the Search Show menu.
You will find QWheel is a handy way to have a chart open as you
operate other applications. Some features included in the QWheel are:
WinStar's Rectification tool, the 90 Dial, and AstroClock.
Maximized QWheels use WinStar's larger Fixed fonts, presenting a
clean, easily read, portable wheel. From QWheel you can save, print and
copy charts to the clipboard. You can even choose planets and points
"on the fly" for instant viewing. Below are the QWheel menu buttons.
There are two columns of buttons. You select between button columns
by clicking either of these:

Notes on using QWheel:
Wheel style
The four top-left buttons (here) select the wheel style. If you choose
Unequal, and then click BiWheel you will present an Unequal BiWheel
(or if the Aries Wheel is selected and then the Rectification method is used,
an Aries Wheel will appear in the Rectification dialog, etc.)
BiWheel Toggle
This switches the inner and outer charts presented in the BiWheel. These
are active charts, which you select by clicking the Load
Charts button.


QWheel includes a copy-to-clipboard feature. This captures the displayed
wheel as a bitmap (.bmp) graphic that can then be pasted into another
Chart Data
This presents the geocentric longitudes and house cusp positions for the
selected chart. With the Local Space QWheel option selected, the data
lists with the Azimuth and Altitude positions. With Geo/Helio toggled to
"Helio," the list contains the geocentric and heliocentric latitude and
longitude positions.
Note: when using this Chart Data feature, be sure to click the to hide the
tool bar so that the entire data display is visible.
90 Dial

The 90 Dial overrides your wheel style selection using its own 90 Dial
Select Planets
Note that by using the Select Planets feature, you can alter the chosen chart
(without recalculating). You choose which planets or points to display.
Any chart can then be saved.
Remove QWheel menus
Click the arrow to remove the QWheel menus from the screen and
click the arrow to restore them.
90 Dial

The QWheels 90 Dial is used to apply directed arcs to a natal chart. The
dial has a 360 wheel in the center, which shows the normal planet
placements. The outer two rings are divided into 90. One ring has red
glyphs and one ring black, to make it easier to distinguish them. Each
degree of the outer ring represents one year of time. Clicking in the outer
ring will rotate the red planet glyphs to their position at that time. For
example, click on the 15-degree mark in the outer ring (which represents
the native's 15th year) and see that the planets are directed accordingly.
There are several ways to direct the planets:
Directing planets on a 90 wheel:
Planets can be moved or directed in five ways. In each case, the degree of
the arc and date will be displayed.
1 With the mouse, drag and drop a red or black planet to a black planet
in the 90 dial.
2 Manually key in the desired degree of arc and press Enter. The
planet placement and date will change accordingly.


3 Manually key in the date and press Enter. The planet placement
and arc will change accordingly.
4 Click on the outer ring to move or direct red planets back or forward.
Again, date and arc will change.
5 Hold down the Ctrl key and press the left-mouse button, and
move the mouse to rotate the outer planet ring.
Finding midpoints:
The dial can also be used to quickly find midpoints:
1 Click on the "Pointer" box and the dial will change to a midpoint
2 Drag and drop either the red, directed planets or the black, natal
planets into the boxes under "Pointer" and the arrow in the center of
the wheel will point to the midpoint between the two selected planets.
The degree/minute readout will accurately show the position of the
4 Click on the midpoint and the QWheel will return to the 90 Dial.
With WinStar's Rectify feature you can manipulate the on-screen wheel
by advancing (or retracting) the planets in the chart by time increments.
By clicking increment buttons the planets will advance accordingly,
immediately altering the chart wheel.

You can make rectification changes two ways, by time or by altering the
midheaven position. Here's how:
GMT" is highlighted as the default. Highlight Hour, Minute, or
Second and then click the Up or Down Arrows to advance or retract the
calculation that amount. You will see the planets move accordingly (if the
Redraw feature is active).
With "GMT" highlighted, the increments become degree,
minute, and second (rather than Hour, Minute, Second). Again,
highlight one of these and then click the Up or Down Arrows to advance
or retract the midheaven position that amount. The planets will recalculate
using the new midheaven position.
Redraw & Reset Buttons
Click an "X" in the box beside the Redraw button and the calculation
changes will immediately register on the screen wheel. Without this
option active, click the Redraw button to cause the screen wheel to
redraw, showing the effect of new time/degree changes. Reset will
return the screen wheel to the original values of the active chart being


Save offers the choice of substituting the rectified chart for the original
active chart used to display the wheel. Click Yes at the verification
prompt and a Save Chart window appears allowing the rectified chart to
be saved in the active chart list, replacing its original version or adding it
as a secondary chart. All dependent charts calculated from the original
active chart, will be erased. Note that when you save a rectified chart, it is
saved to the active charts with a modified Julian Date. Saving this chart
again to the Chart Database could lose some of the rectification changes
because the Chart Database stores charts only to the second of time any
adjustment finer than that will be lost.

With the AstroClock, you can take a quick astrological look at the
current moment. It presents a sizable chart wheel based upon the
computer current date and time. The wheel automatically recalculates on
screen based upon the selected time increment. Nine time increments
ranging from 1 second to 15 minutes are offered.

To change the default form used in AstroClock:
1 Click the small gray button at the top-left of the QuickWheel screen
to access the QWheel menu. The first item, Wheel Selection, offers
the six wheel forms available from QWheel.
2 Choose any of the available wheel styles and the AstroClock will then
appear in that style.


Other WinStar Modules

Time Tables Ephemeris Generator (WinStar Plus feature)

TimeTables is the ephemeris generator of your dreams! It can generate
ephemerides in almost any combination you can think of. You can choose
from the many built-in ephemerides or create your own using any
combination of planets, houses, asteroids, Chiron, Uranian planets, et al.
Here's a feature list:
- Choose the coordinate systems that you want: geocentric longitude,
latitude and motion, right ascension, declination, distance value,
azimuth, altitude, heliocentric longitude, latitude and motion.
- Pick any time frame that interests you: a week, a month, a hundred
years and any interval you want, every 4 minutes, every 2 hours, every
ten days.
- Set up an ephemeris for any location and watch the changing house
cusps (in any one of 14 available house systems) or moving Part of
- Naturally, you can create any set of aspects you want or use those built
into WinStar.
- Scroll down an ephemeris page while watching a chart wheel show the
moving planets at the same time!
- Calculate planetary positions to a precision of one second of arc and
display them as such or to the nearest degree or minute of arc.
- View the results in three different font sizes and, of course, output to
your printer for a paper copy.
How to use TimeTables:
To Create a Pre-defined Ephemeris
1 Access the TimeTables module from the Plus pull-down/Time Tables.
2 Highlight one of the 9 pre-defined ephemerides listed on the
TimeTables front tab, "Ephemeris Definitions."
3 Click Select.
4 Select the appropriate starting and ending dates and times for your
5 Use the other tabs (Options, Columns, Zone/Place & Aspects) to make
additional changes.
6 Click Ok.
To Create Your Own Ephemeris:


A custom ephemeris can be created by combining settings from the
various menus accessible by clicking these tabs in the Times Tables
Options menu. Changes can be made as you design your ephemeris until
you click Ok. (When Ok is clicked, the ephemeris will generate.)
Here's how:
1 Access the Time Tables module from the Plus pull-down/Time
Tables.[If already in Time Tables, go to the File pull-down/New
>From the front (TimeTables) tab, double-click in the top "Ephemeris
Definitions" input box and type in a name for your ephemeris. Go
ahead and choose a Start and End time for this ephemeris by clicking
the appropriate "radio" buttons and by typing in the input boxes
2 From the "Options" tab you can begin to fashion your ephemeris
using these options:
"Interval Between Positions" - this determines whether the
ephemeris will generate positions for every hour, every two hours,
every day, every week, etc.
"Ephemeris Length" - Choose the time period the ephemeris will
span. This can be set in increments of 1-60, covering time quantities
from seconds to years.
"Date Format" - indicates how the date will appear, such as "dd" for
the day only (i.e., 28, for the 28th day of the month) or "mm dd
Wkdy," which gives Nov 22 Thursday, etc. (Wkdy means Mon., Tue.,
"Time Format" - choose a time format (hh:mm:ss etc.) from the six
options provided.
"Precision" - Use to indicate whether you want the positions to
Degrees, Minutes or Seconds of arc (position).
"Calculation Options" - Choose your house system and zodiac
(Tropical or Sidereal). Click an x next to "True Node," "Geocentric
Latitude," "Parallax Moon," or Day/Night Part of Fortune to include
any of these calculation options157
3 Use the "Columns" tab to add columns (other than Geocentric
Longitude) for the planets and Moon's North Node. As you access the
following menus to add various columns, they will appear in the
displayed list on this Columns tab. When you finally click Ok (after
making all ephemeris specifications), all columns in this displayed list
will be included in your ephemeris.
Click Add Planets to reveal a menu that has:
- "Planets Included" - here you can add planets and points to the
ephemeris being defined. The tall vertical bars at the left of the
groups are provided for easy group selection.


- "Coordinate Columns:" - for adding other coordinates such as
Declination, Helio Longitude and so forth under the "Coordinate
Columns:" heading.
- "Special Columns:" - here you will find Transit and Natal house
positions and Transit information. (The Natal positions are from
the highlighted active chart); the aspect information is determined
by settings made in the menu presented by clicking the Aspect
Click Add Midpoints to reveal a menu for defining midpoints:
- "Planet/Point Lists" - from the two scrollable lists (at the left) you
can create midpoint pairs. As you choose them, click Add and they
will appear in the "Selected Midpoints" area. Use the shortcut
Range button to select the possible midpoint combinations
occurring between the selected pair. The menu provides for saving
and loading midpoint lists as files, preventing the need to re-invent
Click Add Planetary Pictures for a menu designed to create
Planetary Pictures for inclusion in the ephemeris. You can create
Planetary Picture combinations from three scrollable Planet/Point lists.
Again, these can be loaded and saved as files.
The Add Misc. options allows you to add house cusps, the Moon's
phases and other data, including a Notes column all of which will
appear in the calculated ephemeris.
4 Use the "Zone/Place" tab to choose the time zone and location for the
5 The "Aspects" tab lets you choose the Aspect Set, the Aspected Natal
Chart, Aspect Searches, and the Aspecting and Aspected Planets.
Note: "Aspecting Planets" are those moving in the selected time period.
They are called the "Search Planets" in the Search Options menu. The
"Aspected Planets" are the planets (and points) to which the Aspecting
Planets are referring (the "Target Planets" in the Search Options menu
p. 106,107).
6 When all selections are made, click Ok and the ephemeris will
calculate and display. Now you are ready to learn how to use the

How to use this Ephemeris
Your ephemeris will calculate and appear on screen looking something like


Here are some of the things you can do:
View Aspect hits:
View allows you to change the font size on screen (but not the printer
fonts) and the precision of the data. Use the vertical scrollbar or the two
big arrow buttons (on the right) to change your view of this area. Most
important, though, is that View allows you to see aspect data. The Show
Aspect Data feature opens a yellow area on the ephemeris, where all aspect
hits display. This gives you a chance to see aspects even if you have not
chosen columns in which to show them. The aspects shown are for
whichever date is highlighted in the ephemeris. To see aspects for another
date, simply click your mouse on that date or use the arrow keys to move
up and down the ephemeris page. (Aspects from transiting midpoints will
not be displayed in the yellow box they can only be seen by creating
columns in the ephemeris itself.)
Interpretive Text:
TimeTables include interpretations for Transiting conjunctions, sextiles,
squares, trines and oppositions. To read these, click the Interp button on
the upper right of your screen. Then click directly on the aspect listed in
the yellow box (Transit-to-Transit or Transit-to-Natal) and an
interpretation box will pop up. By default, the interpretation box will
open "Sun Conjunct Moon," but will quickly shift to the aspect you have
chosen. You can print the file by choosing "Open Printer for Output" then
choosing "Print to Printer." You can also save the output to a file by
choosing "Open Output File." Options allows you to search through
WinStar's interpretation database.
QuickWheel, too!
The Wheel button will bring up WinStar's QuickWheel. (Note: If
Quick Wheel is already open, you will need to close it for use with
TimeTables.) As you use the arrow keys or mouse to select different dates
in the ephemeris, the QuickWheel will show the planets moving as well.
It is great to reduce the size of the QuickWheel so you can see it and the


ephemeris page at the same time. Move up and down the page with the
arrow keys and watch the planets move in the wheel. This is a very useful
way to visualize the motion of the planets over a given time period.
Move Columns:
You can change the order of columns by clicking on the header (place with
the planet's name and coordinate system) then dragging and dropping it.
You can change the size of a column by putting your cursor on the edge of
the header until a double- headed arrow appears. You can then drag and
enlarge or shrink the column by double clicking, holding the mouse
button and dragging. If you create a new Layout in this way, you can save
it for future use by opening Layout and saving as a new layout.

Printing an Aspectarian
You can view aspects, both transit-natal and transit-transit (if you have
included them in your ephemeris build), but they will not appear in the
ephemeris printout. To include aspects in a printout (called an
1 Select File/New Ephemeris and click the "Columns" tab.
2 Select Add Planets
3 Go to "Special Columns"
4 Select Aspects: Tran-Tran Geo (or Helio) and/or Tran-Natal Geo (or
Helio) and click Ok.
5 When your ephemeris is generated, go to File/Print Aspectarian and
click on your choice of calculated aspects.
Note: These aspectarians work very well with a one-month ephemeris.
You can have a whole month of transits (to transit or natal), that
usually fit on one sheet of paper.

Now, here is a closer look at the ephemeris pull-down menus:

File Pull-down
New Ephemeris
This opens the five-tabbed TimeTables Options menu, provided so you
can create or alter an ephemeris to suit your needs.
Load Ephemeris
Accesses a standard File-Open dialog where you can open any previously
saved ephemeris file. These files are saved as .mdb files and the default
path is:
Save Ephemeris


This option accesses a standard File-Save dialog for saving calculated
ephemerides to a chosen sub-directory. These files are saved as .mdb files
and the default path is:
\WSTAR20\tmtbl\ filename.mdb
These saved files can be loaded at any time via the Load Ephemeris option.
Compact Ephemeris Database
This feature is provided to save hard-disk space. It can be useful if you
have created and used an ephemeris for a period of time during which you
may have added or deleted various charts from the database. These actions
take up disk space because databases necessarily retain portions of deleted
charts, etc. This feature will "clean up" the ephemeris file, economizing
disk space.
Repair Ephemeris Database
A database can corrupt in various ways, resulting in obvious errors,
miscalculated data, etc. The Repair Ephemeris feature can correct minor
problems. It should be used before attempting to recreate the database. It
is not likely that this feature will be needed, as the TimeTables database is
extremely stable.
Print Ephemeris
This file-print option prints the current ephemeris.
Print Aspectarian
This File-Print option prints the calculated aspectarian created with the
current ephemeris.
Printer Setup...
This accesses a standard printer setup dialog for possibly changing the
designated printer and making standard printer setup adjustments.
Edit Pull-down
Use the Edit pull-down options to edit the current ephemeris. The first
four features (Add planet..., Add midpoint..., Add Planet Picture, and
Add Misc. ) access the same menus previously described for the
Columns tab (p 149,150). With them, you can continue to alter the
ephemeris "on the fly."
Add natal chart...
This one presents the Add Natal Chart window. Click the Add button to
open the WSTAR20 charts database. Select a chart and click Ok, and the
chart will be added to the list of selected charts. Click Ok again and the
new ephemeris will be calculated.
Delete Natal chart
With a natal chart (from the ephemeris) selected, this option will pop up a
"Yes/No" prompt inquiring if you wish to delete the selected chart. A
"Yes" response will immediately delete that chart.
Delete Column


Click in any of the hit fields in the ephemeris columns. That position will
turn blue. Now click this Delete Column option, to delete that column.
View Pull-down
These options effect the way the ephemeris displays:
Show aspect data
This is how you expand the upper portion of the ephemeris, revealing any
aspect "hits" that have been calculated. The yellow portion in the demo
graphic is this aspect area. The aspect hits are shown in blue, grouped in
Transit-to-Transit and Transit-to-Natal hits.
Precision choices are Degree, Minute, and Second.
Date format
Choose from the extensive array of date format options. Just mouse-click
the format of your choice and it will be applied in the ephemeris Date

Time format
Choose from the extensive array of time format options. Just mouse-click
the format of your choice and it will be applied in the ephemeris Time
Font size
Choose from 8.25-point, 10-point, and 12-point font sizes for displaying
the data in the ephemeris.
A standard redraw feature is included which can be used to re-present the
screen presentation. (Sometimes the monitor can break up or become
disturbed and this feature refreshes the screen, creating a new image
Layout Pull-Down
Save Current Layout
This option pops up a File/Save dialog, which you can use to save the
existing layout and all settings currently selected. Just type in a Layout
name and click Ok.
Save As New Layout
This creates an entirely new layout with a new name.
This presents the layout shipped with the program.
Last Layout


This presents the layout last calculated.


WinSearch Database Tool

The WinSearch program provides the ability to search and examine the
records (charts) in the WinStar chart database files. With it you can
create database files and copy charts between files. Extensive astrological
search parameters can be set and applied to any size database file, making
research simple and swift. Charts can be displayed in both graphs and
chart wheels.

Save those .mdb files!
Important: WinStar database files do not contain the calculations for
the planets' positions; rather, just the natal information needed to
calculate a chart (time, date, and
place of birth) are included. When you first open a
database file you will see this promptwarning,
asking if you wish to calculate the database charts at
this time. Choosing to calculate them means faster
searches otherwise each search calculates the
charts needed on a "per-search" basis. This means
slower searches but less disk space used by the
database file. [100 calculated charts use about 640k
vs. about 220k without calculations]
If you can afford the disk space, we suggest you
click Yes at the prompt, to add the
calculations; however we also suggest that
you make copies of your database files before
calculating, so you have the option of returning to
the uncalculated "naked" database files. [It is always
a good idea to make backup copies of any database files.]
Also, if WinStar has added charts since the last time you've run
WinSearch, you should calculate all charts again. [Use the Options
menu, Calculation Options, setting the checkbox for "Calculate All Charts."
WinSearch Start-up
Start WinSearch from the Plus pull-down menu at the top of the main
WinStar screen.


WinSearch How Do Is?

The following are step-by-step instructions for basic WinSearch tasks.
You may wish to start with these tasks to quickly familiarize yourself with
the program. In addition, this same information is included in the
WinSearch Help file. Following these How Do I? instructions are detailed
descriptions for each WinSearch menu (starting on page 165).

How do I make a database to use with WinSearch?. p. 149
How do I make a graph of specific planet combinations p. 150
How do I return from a select portion of the database to the full database?... p. 150
How do I view chart data? . p. 150
How do I search a single category of a database? . p. 151
How do I search for 2 or more different factors in a chart? .. p. 151
How do I search for aspects in natal charts? . p. 152
How do I search for planets in specific degrees? .. p. 152
How do I export chart data from a database?. p. 152

How do I make a database to use with WinSearch?
Databases are either made in WinStar (p. 71-72) from the Chart Database or in
WinSearch from the File pull-down.
Here's how:
1 From the WinSearch File Pull-down, select Create New Database.
2 Type in a new database file name in the Winstar\chartsdb\ subdirectory and
click Ok.
3 Now open another database file [File pull-down/Open(Change) Database] to use
as a chart source. Use the Edit pull-down/Select Current feature to select files
from this database (or any other) to be added to your new database.
4 Now use the Edit pull-down/Copy to DB... feature to copy the selected charts
to your new database.
5 From WinStar you can also create new active charts and then use the Copy
or Move buttons to transfer them to your new database file.


How do I graph for specific planet combinations?
1 Click the Graph button to open a graph of the displayed charts.
2 There are two pull-down menus at the top of the graph screen. The left menu
describes the quality being displayed in the graph. For example, Signs,
Houses, Aspects, etc.
The right-hand menu shows which planet or point is being graphed.
Immediately to the right of that box is a check mark ( ). Click it and a box
will open which allows you to choose combinations of planets and points to
put in the graph.
3 With the desired points selected (in the right pull-down) you can choose any
of the qualities from the left one to quickly display graphs of the data.

How do I return to the full database?
You can always return to the complete database by using the View pull-
down/View All features.
1. Click the View pull-down menu.
2. Click View All.

How do I view chart data?
There are two ways: you can click the Chartdata button and see the data in list
form, or you can click on QWheel and see the data in a chart wheel.
Note: QWheel takes a moment to open with the first chart you choose,
but if you keep it open and select other charts, it will give you the
information very quickly.
1. Highlight any chart in the database.
2 Click the Chartdata button to pop up the chart calculations.
3 Click the QWheel button to open the wheel.
Click the Down Arrow button to open the
QWheel tools bar and then click the Chart Data
button (shown at right).


How do I search from a single category of a database?
You can instantly pare down the displayed database records to just a single
category, and then search just that category's records. In addition, you can add
other categories to the single category, "building up" the database as you go.
Here's how:
1 Open a database in WinSearch (File Pull-down, /Open(Change) Database).
2 Click the View pull-down and select any category (Family, Friends, Workmates,
3 Click Search to open the WinSearch Options screen. At the bottom of the
screen is a box with "Search All" and "Search Showing." Select Search
Showing, select your search criteria, and click Search. The search results will
be from the category (or categories you can select several categories and
they will build) you have selected.
Note: You could also use this method to do a second search based upon the
results of the previous search. For example, you search an entire database to
find everyone with the Moon in Capricorn. You can then search from just
this list (Moon in Capricorn) by selecting "Search Showing" for your next
search. Search Showing indicates that only the charts that are currently
available in the database grid will be searched. Note that "Search All" is the
default setting. All records in the current database will be searched, even if
none are visible in the database grid. To see all records, click View pull-
down/View All.

How do I search for 2 or more different factors in a chart?
WinSearch allows searches with "And" or "Or." "And" means that the chart
must have both factors requested; "Or" means it has either.
For example, Mars in Capricorn in the 6th house. If you use And, the resulting
charts must have Mars in Capricorn and in the 6th house. If you use Or, the
resulting charts must have either Mars in Capricorn or Mars in the 6th house.
1 From the main WinSearch screen, click the Search button to open the
WinSearch Options menu. Here you can create the search parameters. For
example, to find charts with Mars in Capricorn and in the 6th house, select
Mars in the planets list, Capricorn in the signs and 06 in the houses.
2 In the upper-right corner of the screen select And, then Add, then Search.
3 To find charts with Mars in Capricorn or in the 6th house select Or in the
upper right corner of the screen, then Add, then Search.


How do I search for aspects in natal charts?

1 From the main WinSearch screen, click the Search button to open the
WinSearch Options menu.
2 Select one planet from the Planets list (at the left) and the other planet from
the planets listed in the Aspects portion of the menu (at center). At least one
planet must be selected in each planet list for any aspects to be found.
3 Choose your aspect or aspects (you can ask for more than one aspect at a
4 Set the orb value by clicking the Down Arrow in the Orb area of the
WinSearch Options menu and choosing a value.
5 Click Search and you will get the search results.

How do I search for planets in specific degrees?
1 Click the Search button to open the WinSearch Options menu.
2 Click the Zodiac box so that it is highlighted. Enter the range of degrees to
search with the starting degree in the first box and the ending degree in the
second. You can type in the degrees by sign using the first two letters of the
name as an abbreviation (4AR=4 , etc.) or in 360 notation where
each sign adds 30 Aries is 0, Taurus 30, etc. (For example, 22 Leo
would be entered as 142). If you type 142 in the input box and then click
anywhere outside that box, the box automatically changes to 22 , etc.
3 Select the planet (or planets) that you want the program to locate. Clicking
on the horizontal bar below the Planets and Aspect lists allows you to select
groups of planets easily, rather than clicking one at a time.
4 Click Search and you will get the search results.

How do I export chart data from a database?
This feature allows you to export data from the selected chart database (the one
showing on the WSearch screen) a .txt file (text file) for spreadsheet analysis or use
in another database program. It provides the means to choose the specific fields
(there are 43 fields) to be exported. You can also choose that the selected field
information be restricted to specific planets. Planets' positions will be exported in
360 notation, i.e. 15 Aries as 15, 15 Taurus as 45, 15 Gemini as 75, etc.
How to use:
1 From the File menu of the main WinSearch screen, choose Export Charts from
Databasewhich opens the Export Chart Data dialog.


2 The default filename for export is export.txt. Use the Browse button to select
the path/file to save to. (You can type in any filename.txt)
3 From the scrollable fields list at left select those fields you would like
included in the saved file. Click the Add button to transfer selected fields
from the left list to the "Export File" list on the right-hand side. If you wish
to restrict the data to particular planets, click the Planets button and choose
those planets.
The check box labeled "Field Names" indicates whether the first row in the
file should contain the field names. Many programs my expect this. If this
box is not checked, the first row will contain the data for the first chart.
4 When you have completed selecting fields for this export procedure, click the
Begin button to save the data to the selected file.


The WinSearch Menus

A look at the WinSearch menus:
The following pages describe the WinSearch screen and its menus. This
same information is included in the on-line Help file. Either source serves
as a reference to the various menu features and will help until they become
File pull-down
Here is where you can work with the WinStar database files.
Export Charts from Database
This feature allows you to export data from the selected chart database
(the one showing on the WSearch screen) as a .txt file (text file) for
spreadsheet analysis or use in another database program. The data is
exported in 360 notation. It provides the means to choose the specific
fields (there are 43 fields) to be exported. You can also choose that the
selected field information be restricted to specific planets.
Open (Change) Database
This opens a standard Windows File\Open dialog defaulted to your
WinStar\chartsdb subdirectory. This is where your Chart Database files
are located. The default database file is mxcharts.mdb (a sample database file
containing several notable charts). WinStar Plus was shipped with one
additional database file: chartsdb.mdb (Circle Book of Charts). Select any
database file and click Ok to open that database into WinSearch.
Create New Database
This opens the "Create New Database" dialog with the currently selected
database file. Use your mouse to click in the file name (filename.mdb) and
type in a new name for a database file.
Click Ok and the new (empty) database will open, ready to
receive imported charts, etc.
Compact Database
This feature is provided to save hard-disk space. It can be useful if you
have been working with the database for a period of time, during which
you may have deleted various charts from the database. These actions can
take up disk space because databases necessarily retain portions of deleted
charts, etc. This feature will "clean up" the file, economizing disk space.

Repair Database
A database can corrupt in various ways (power outages, etc.) resulting in
obvious errors, miscalculated data, etc. The Repair Database feature can
correct minor problems. It should be used before attempting to recreate
the database.
Edit pull-down


Here you can work with database records:
Delete Record (Ctrl+D)
To delete any record from the current database, highlight the record and
select this option. A "Yes/No" prompt will pop up to confirm the deletion.
Click Yes to remove that record from the database.
Copy to DB... (Ctrl+C)
Use this Edit menu feature to transfer any record in the current database
to another database. Highlight the record and select Edit/Copy to DB... to
open the "Copy to Chart Database" dialog, where you can select (or type
in) a different existing database file. Click Ok and this record will be
written to that database.
Find Name (Ctrl+F)
This opens the "Find Chart" dialog where you can type in any chart name
in Last Name, First Initial format: ( Hemmingway, E ) and the chart will be
located (highlighted).
Note: You can type just the first few letters of the last name and it will
seek that record. Of course, if there are more records containing those
same letters the program will take you to the first one, alphabetically.
Select Current (Ctrl+S)
This feature puts a "selected" status to the highlighted chart (the
background of the chart turns blue). This chart will then be included in
Search operations, such as graphing, record deletion, and copying records
between databases.
Select All
This feature places all database records in a "selected" status.
Clear All
This feature "de-selects" all selected records.
Write Changes Warning
When you edit any database field a "Yes/No" prompt requires that you
confirm the change before it is written to the database file. This serves to
reduce the chance of inadvertent record changes.
View pull-down
The View pull-down is an instant-sorting tool built into the WinSearch
database. The program ship with 16 categories and you can create up to ??
more. The Create New Category option opens an input box where a new
category can be created (up to 16 characters). With the Change or Delete
Category option categories can be deleted or renamed, so that all charts
assigned one category can be changed to another category name.
How to use:
Click in the "Category" field (of the Category column) of any record in the
database. A pull-down menu will appear from which you can select the
appropriate category for the record. When individual records (charts) are


assigned a category you can then use the View pull-down to instantly pare
the database records to all records in that category. Select another category
and charts from that category combine with the first group. This way you
can instantly reduce a very large list of charts of many categories to just
the ones you want to see.
Sort pull-down
You can sort by the following database fields: Last Name, First Name, Date,
Birthday, Place, Longitude, Latitude, and Keyword. Click a file and the
database will rearrange on screen, newly sorted by that field.
Layout pull-down
Offered here are five layout selections, which present different
combinations of certain database fields. These layouts can be altered
(columns can be rearranged) and then saved as a new layout file (extension:
.fmt). [You cannot change the type of fields included in any of the five
layout selections, but you can change their order.]
Here are the five layout selections with the fields included in each (the
underlined portions mean there is a horizontal scroll bar under those
Last Name:
Last Name / First Name // Date / Time / Place / Category / Notes / User
Data / Keyword
First Name:
First Name / Last Name // Date / Time / Place / Category / Notes / User
Data / Keyword

Date / Last / First // Time / Place / Category / Notes / User Data /
Name | All:
Here is the "Name / All" layout: (the underlined portion has a scroll bar)
Last Name / First Name // Date / Time / Yr / Mn / Dy / Hr / Mn / Sc /
Typ / ZHr / ZMn / Shft / Zon / Eg / EW / Mn / Sc / Dg / NS / Min / Sc /
Place / St-Ctry / Lon. / Lat. / Keyw / Notes / Category / User D / Events /
Here's the "All" layout: (All of these items are included in the layout and
will appear as you scroll horizontally.)
Last Name / First Name / Date / Time / Yr / Mn / Dy / Hr / Mn / Sc / Typ
/ ZHr / ZMn / Shft / Zon / Eg / EW / Mn / Sc / Dg / NS / Min / Sc / Place
/ St-Ctry / Lon. / Lat. / Keyw / Notes / Category / User D / Events / Hits
Options pull-down
This accesses the Calculations Options menu, which offers additional
planet and point calculation possibilities. Included are such options as a
variety of House Systems, Aspect Sets, Tropical or Sidereal zodiac, and
extra points. Selections made will affect the selected charts, only.
Alternatively, by placing an "x" in the "Calculate All Now" box, you can


re-calculate all of the database records with the additional calculation

Menu Buttons
Now, a quick look at the buttons above the database records:
This calculates the selected chart (if all charts have not yet been calculated)
and presents it on screen in the WinStar QWheel format.
Chartdata button
This displays the calculated chart data in tabular form similar to
"Positions" button on the WinStar Home technique bar.
This accesses the WinSearch Options menu where database search
parameters are set. See: How Do I Search for 2 or more different factors in a
Condit. button
This opens the Search Conditions window, which shows the elements of
the search in process. As you add conditions to the search, you can verify
their inclusion by clicking this button and viewing the Search Conditions
Graph button
Any chart (or all charts) can be graphed. Just highlight a chart and click
the Graph button to display that chart in the WinSearch Graph format
for analysis. If you highlight several charts, their data will combine into the
results displayed in the graph; i.e. the graph displays the combined planets,
aspects, etc. of all selected charts.
Here is a look at a WinSearch Graph. This graph drawn from 8 charts
uses "Aspects" as the quality and Mercury as the selected point. The tall
column above "Cnj" shows that the most frequent aspect (between
Mercury and another body) occurring in the combined 8 charts is the
conjunction. Clicking the Data button reveals that there are 12 Mercury
conjunctions in this batch of 8 charts, and 6 squares, etc.


Here are the various graph features:

Data button
This displays the counts of the data "quality" being displayed. For
example, if you have one chart in the graph, selected Houses as the graph
quality and "All Points" as the points being considered, the Data button
displays the number of points in each house. If there are 5 charts in the
graph, the Data button adds and displays the combined number of points
in each house (for all 5 charts), etc.
Graph qualities
Next to the Data button is a pull-down menu (showing
"Aspects" in the sample, above) These are the various astrological
components, or qualities, found in a chart. By selecting one of these
qualities for example, houses a graph can be drawn displaying
occurrences of a chosen point -
- the planet Jupiter, for example in the selected chart (or charts). Select a
different quality to redraw the graph, focused now upon that factor (with
respect to a chosen point).
Point Selector
The next pull-down lists the planets and points to be included in the
graph. The default is "All Points." Make a point selection and the graph
will draw accordingly. Click the check mark and the Select Planets
menu opens so you can pick
additional planets or points, making combinations of them to be graphed.
# of charts
This option shows the quantity of charts included in the graph, which are
those charts currently displayed in the graph.

Graph menus


With the two graph menus provided, you can choose between a number of
graph styles, save graph data, copy and save graph images, and print the
File pull-down menu
This menu offers choices of loading/saving the graph data and of
capturing/saving the graph image, itself:
Load Graph Data...
This option opens a file dialog defaulted to the \Winstar directory. Graphs
have .grh extensions ( filename.grh). You select a graph file, click Ok to
load and display that graph file.
Save Graph Data...
This option saves the calculated graph data to the \Winstar directory with
a .grh extension (\filename.grh). This file can then be opened via the "Load
Graph Data..." option and displayed as a graph.
Graph to Clipboard (bmp or meta)
These features capture the displayed graph to your clipboard in either .bmp
or .wmf graphic file format. Use the standard Paste command from any
graphics package to paste and display the captured image.
Save Graph as either a .bmp or .meta file
These features open a standard File Save dialog where you can save the
displayed graph in either .bmp or .wmf file format to the \Winstar directory.
Print Graph
This outputs the current graph to your default printer. You can choose
between Monochrome and Color printing formats.
Graphs pull-down menu
Here you can choose between seven graph styles. Simply make a selection
and the graph will redraw in the selected style. Here are three of the
graphs styles offered (there are 7):


Time Tables Graphic Ephemeris (WinStar Plus feature)

The Graphic Ephemeris in WinStar Plus is both powerful and
elegant. You can generate graphs in an incredible combination of
coordinate systems, harmonics, planet and point sets, and more.
Then you explore them on-screen or print them out for further
reference and study. Here is a list of features you will find in the
TimeTables Graphic Ephemeris.

- Select from many graph styles. The program comes with 15
graph formats, but you can create others, name them, and
save them to disk.
- WinStar's full array of planets, asteroids, midpoints, Lilith
and Uranian points are included.
- Select time periods and start dates for graphs. This
information is also saved with your form.
- Display options. You can decide how the graph should look
with or without grid lines, color choices and more.
- Printing options; Choose a standard graph or bitmap files.
- Include a natal chart in the graph; select angles to include in
the graph
- Select angles and cusps to include in the graph
- Select the zodiac and coordinate system
- Select the type of ephemeris transit, solar arc, secondary
progressed, Naibod or degree-for-a-year
- Time Lines: Click on the Time Line clock to get movable date
and degree line "cross-hairs" which, when moved to any
position, tell you the date and the degree of that astrological
How to:
Create a Pre-defined Ephemeris

1 Highlight one of the "Ephemeris Definitions" listed on the
from Ephemeris Tab of the Graphic Ephemeris Options
2 Click Select.
3 Select the appropriate starting and ending dates and times for
your ephemeris. Realize that long time spans require more
calculation time. For the start date you can either type in any
beginning date or click one of the six radio buttons, using one
of the supplied starting points.
For the ending date, either type in a date or use the two
selectors offered to create an ending date based on a number
of days, months, years, etc.
4 Use the other tabs (Planets, Style, Calc. Options & Natal) to
make additional changes.


5 Click Ok. The ephemeris will calculate and display on screen.
Refer to "How to Use the Ephemeris" for further tips.

Create Your Own Ephemeris:

A custom graphic ephemeris can be created by combining settings
from the various menus accessible by clicking these tabs in the
Graphic Ephemeris Options menu. Changes can be made as you
design your ephemeris until you click Ok. (When Ok is clicked,
the ephemeris will generate.)

Here's how:
1 (You're going to build an ephemeris from scratch.) You can
do this by starting with an existing ephemeris definition
(highlight one, and click Select) and edit it to your
specifications. Alternatively, you can start with the first
"Ephemeris" tab, make your selections, and continue from tab
to tab, until you have fashioned the ephemeris as you want it.
Either way, you will be making all the decisions the start
and end times (from the "Ephemeris" tab); the planets &
points included, the coordinate system and the Dial type (the
"Planets" tab), and so forth.
2 You will want to type in a new name for your ephemeris
definition. Just click in the ephemeris name box, delete the
existing name, and type a new one.
3 When you have made all selections, click the Save button
and your newly created ephemeris will appear added to the
"Ephemeris Definitions" list.
4 Click Ok to calculate your ephemeris and display it on screen.
How to use the Graphic Ephemeris
After you have created an ephemeris, it will appear something like
the graphic shown on the next page. To examine the details of
your graph on the screen more easily there are two steps you can

1 Maximize the graph to fill the screen for greater visibility.
2 Click on the Time Line clock and then click within the graph
area to obtain cross-hair lines. The vertical line identifies the
date. The horizontal line has a button on the left, which
shows degrees and minutes.
Using this set of lines, you can zero in on important intersection
on your graph. Because it is not easy to track vertically with all
the sloping lines in a graph, this set of red lines allows you to
instantly identify the date and degree of a contact without
straining your eyes. You can click and drag either of these Time
Lines or you can click right in the graph and they will align with
that point.


(Note: In some long-term ephemerides there may be a slight
deviation between the date scale on top of the graph and the date
indicated by the Time Line. Rely on the Time Line for the most
accurate reading. However, in a long-term ephemeris graph the
width of one dot can cover weeks of time. Pinpoint work is easier
using graphs covering days, weeks or months, not decades.)

Here are some user tips:
1 You can make selections, which would result in an unreadable
graph. Fortunately, many of these choices are automatically
avoided by the program. For example, if you call for Moon
transits (which could generate a solid black graph) the
program will not draw those lines. If you find you have
generated a graph on screen and it takes many minutes to
print, it may be that the printer is attempting to print such a
line. You can cancel the graph, simplify it, then run it again.
2 Use the "Natal" tab to select a natal chart to incorporate into
your graph. You can also identify the natal planets and points
you wish to see on the graph. By selecting a natal chart to
incorporate into your graph, click an "x" in the "Plot Natal
Positions" box, and the natal planets (and points) will appear
at the far right of the graph. They will be aligned with the
horizontal dot/dash lines, making it easier to track contacts
with the transit, progressed or solar arc lines.
The points of intersection between transits, progressions and
directed planets and these dotted lines will indicate
conjunctions (in a 360 dial) or all hard aspects in 22.5, 45 and
90 degree dials.
3 Do Not try to use fast-moving planets in long time ranges.
The logic: In 90 years the Sun will cross from top to bottom


(of the graph) 90 times by transit, hence 90 lines will be
presented on screen. The same is true for Mercury and Venus,
half-so for Mars, and over 1000 lines for the Moon!
4 The program will only allow you to select up to 30 midpoints
at a time. If you select more, the program will calculate up to
its limit and omit the rest. You have the flexibility to select
midpoints one at a time or in groups, or ranges. If you want
midpoints of the inner planets, use shorter time periods. For
longer-term graphs, (a year or more) use outer planet
midpoints instead.
5 Experiment with the variables to obtain the kind of graph you
want. When you find a new arrangement that you like,
remember to name it and save it for use again later.
6 A graphic ephemeris makes serious demands on a printer. If
you are having problems printing graphs, you can try several
things. See the "Planets" tab for ways to reduce the amount of
material in your graph by removing vertical or horizontal grid
lines. Printing a bit map (using Print Form rather than Print)
will solve printer limitation problems, but will produce an
image with less detail. If your printer is set up in Landscape
format (preferable for wide forms like these graphs), and you
cannot print the entire page, select the Portrait format in
Print Setup, which should resolve this problem. This results
in a smaller graph, but it will print more easily. You can also
use Print Setup (Options pull-down) and select a lower dpi
(dots per inch) to give your printer more breathing room.
Each item in the graph is a separate object, so the program is
sending dozens of objects to the printer, not just one big
picture. Because of this, you may need to apply some of these
strategies if your printer is not printing the entire graph
7 When calculating many transiting points in a graph, the
glyphs for them along the left side of the graph may not line
up with their actual positions, due to crowding. They do
match by color, however. The lines of the planet are the same
color as the planet. This way, even if the glyphs are rather far
from the lines, you can match them in order, starting with a
planet line you recognize by color. This can be particularly
useful with midpoints. You may notice that the
Venus/Jupiter midpoint is listed just below Mars on the left.
Therefore, the horizontal line below that of Mars will indicate
the Venus/Jupiter position.
8 A daily graph with transiting house cusps can be used for
timing events. For people who watch daily cycles for
purposes of speculation, electional charts, etc., this is a
fantastic tool! You know precisely when a planet changes
house during the day. Try this with known events and several
house systems to see which one works best for you.
9 You probably want to set up the graphic ephemeris for your
locality and time zone. The location portion of the Calc
Options tab is very similar to the location input area of the
Enter Chart Data screen in WinStar.


10 If you use life diagrams or would like to see your progressions
unfold over long time periods, the Graphic Ephemeris is your
tool. Detailed directions for each piece of the process follow.
Generally, you choose the Dial on the Planets page for
the kind of sort you want. Then, choose the kind of
progressions under the Positions option and choose the
graph details on the Ephemeris page. You can save the
graph form for future use.
11 Choosing Print Form under the File menu of your finished
graph will produce a bitmapped image that may be less
detailed than one directly printed (Print), but that this can
resolve problems with printers that lack sufficient memory.
(If you have an inkjet printer, this should not apply to you.)
12 Dots on the map indicate ingress points where planets are
changing signs.
13 Three special points are included as options in the Graphic
Ephemeris: the Solar Node, Solar Apex and Galactic Center.
The Solar Nodes symbol is that of the Sun (circle with the
dot in the middle) with a horizontal conjunction symbol
below it. The symbol for the Solar Apex is the Sun followed
by a vertical v. The Galactic Center is symbolized by an
oval with a cross through it. These three points are used in
the graphs produced by the Cosmobiology school of
14 Should you encounter a "STOP STATEMENT" message at
any time while creating your ephemeris, simply close the
program (and WinStar, if it is open) and re-boot your
The Ephemeris File
Pulldown menu

New Ephemeris
Access the "Ephemeris" tab (to create a new ephemeris ).
This option is used for opening a saved ephemeris file.
Save As
For saving the current ephemeris file to

This prints ephemeris as shown on the screen. This is the clearest
printing choice, but can cause memory problems in some printers.
Print Form
This option prints a bitmap (graphic) image of the form shown on
the screen. This feature works for desktop publishing and as a
printing alternative when memory constraints cause printing


Print Setup
This option allows the user to change printers or make standard
printer setup choices.

WinStar's "Publisher's Assistant" (WinStar Plus feature)

WinStar Publisher's Assistant serves as a reliable tool to use when
saving individual WinStar chart wheels in a variety of graphic
file formats. Wheels can be easily re-sized for cut & paste or file
insertion using your favorite word processor or publishing
program. Publisher's Assistant can be operated away from
WinStar (saving memory) or with WinStar open. Either way, it
accesses your active chart files, and their associated chart forms
(those appearing in the Chart Forms list).
How to use:

1 To access the Publisher's Assistant, click the Plus pull-down
menu (at the top of the main WinStar menu) and highlight
"Publisher's Assistant."
2 Highlight the chart form that you wish saved as a file. (This
will be one of your previously calculated charts, attached to
any of your active charts.)
3 The highlighted wheel will appear in the view area in its
original size as designed to fit on an 8" x 11" sheet of
paper. It can be saved to file as is. The Publisher's Assistant
screen has three push buttons for quick and easy file saving.
Each accesses a standard Windows File-Save dialog,
presenting your hard drive directories:

- The Save Meta button does the same for quick saving as a
meta file type (filename.WMF).
- The Save BMP button will present this dialog with Bitmap
Files (filename.BMP) already selected in the "Save file as
type:" section of the dialog.
- The Save As button pops up the normal file-save dialog.
Choose between a variety of graphic file formats (18
offered) for saving charts.
Both the Save BMP and Save As features can also be
accessed from the File pull-down menu. The Clip pull-
down menu is for copying the image to the your clipboard.
You can copy in either bitmap or metafile format.

To re-size:
1 The "Output Size in Inches:" portion of the menu shows the
width and height of the current wheel. You can type in your
desired measurements and the wheel will re-size to those


dimensions (in the Auto Adjustment menu area; the "None"
Auto Adjustment radio button will remain selected.)
2 With "Adjust to Width" selected, you can type in a width and
the wheel will re-size using that width while creating the
appropriate length to maintain the original wheel
3 With "Adjust to Length" selected, you can type in any length
and the wheel will re-size using that length while creating
the appropriate width to maintain the original wheel
You will find the wheels will generally remain more legible
and proportionate when re-sized using an auto adjustment
setting (either length or width).


Appendix A - Atlas Information

State Abbreviations

AL Alabama
AK Alaska
AZ Arizona
AR Arkansas
CA California
CO Colorado
CT Connecticut
DE Delaware
DC Dist. of Columbia
FL Florida
GA Georgia
HI Hawaii
ID Idaho
IL Illinois
IN Indiana
IA Iowa
KS Kansas

KY Kentucky
LA Louisiana
ME Maine
MD Maryland
MA Massachusetts
MI Michigan
MN Minnesota
MS Mississippi
MO Missouri
MT Montana
NE Nebraska
NV Nevada
NH New Hampshire
NJ New Jersey
NM New Mexico
NY New York
NC North Carolina
ND North Dakota

OH Ohio
OK Oklahoma
OR Oregon
PA Pennsylvania
PR Puerto Rico
RI Rhode Island
SC South Carolina
SD South Dakota
TN Tennessee
TX Texas
UT Utah
VT Vermont
VA Virginia
WA Washington
WV West Virginia
WI Wisconsin
WY Wyoming

Country/State Abbreviations

AB Alberta
AFG Afghanistan
ALB Albania
ALG Algeria
AND Andorra
ANG Angola
ANGU Anguilla
ARG Argentina
ASAM American Samoa
ATB Antigua
AUS Austria
AUSTL Australia
BA Bahamas
BAHR Bahrain
BANG Bangladesh
BARB Barbados
BC British Columbia
BDI Burundi
BEL Belgium
BER Bermuda
BHU Bhutan
CV Cape Verde Islands
CYP Cyprus
BKF Burkina Fasso
BLZ Belize
BOL Bolivia
BOPH Bophuthatswana
BOTS Botswana
BRU Brunei
BRZ Brazil
BULG Bulgaria
CAM Cameroon
CAMB Cambodia
CAR Central African Rep.
CAYI Cayman Islands
CISK Ciskei
CKIS Cook Islands
COL Columbia
COMI Comoro Islands
CR Costa Rica
JAM Jamaica
JER Jersey


CZEC Czechoslovakia
DEN Denmark
DOM Dominica
DR Dominican Republic
EC Ecuador
ELS El Salvador
ENG England
EQGU Equatorial Guinea
ETH Ethiopia
FIN Finland
FLI Falkland Islands
FR France
FRGU French Guiana
FRI Faeroe Islands
FRPO French Polynesia
GAM Gambia
GER Germany
GIB Gibraltar
GRC Greece
GREN Grenada
GRNL Greenland
GUAD Guadeloupe
GUAT Guatemala
GUBI Guinea-Bissau
GUER Guernsey
GUIN Guinea
GUY Guyana
HK Hong Kong
HON Honduras
HUN Hungary
ICE Iceland
IMAN Isle of Man
INDSA Indonesia
IRE Ireland
IRE_N Ireland North
ISRL Israel
IVC Ivory Coast

JIB Djibouti
JOR Jordan
KIRI Kiribati
KOR_N Korea North
KOR_S Korea South
KUW Kuwait
LEB Lebanon
LESO Lesotho
LIBR Liberia
LICT Liechtenstein
LUX Luxembourg
MADA Madagascar
MALD Maldive Islands
MALW Malawi
MART Martinique
MAUR Mauritania
MAUS Mauritius
MAYT Mayotte
MB Manitoba
MEX Mexico
MIDW Midway Islands
MLYS Malaysia
MNTS Montserrat
MONG Mongolia
MOR Morocco
MOZ Mozambique
NAM Namibia
NANT Netherlands Antilles
NB New Brunswick
NETH Netherlands
NF Newfoundland
NIC Nicaragua
NIG Nigeria
NOR Norway
NORF Norfolk Island
NS Nova Scotia

Country Abbreviations (cont.)

NT Northwest Territory
NZ New Zealand
SWED Sweden
SWTZ Switzerland


ON Ontario
PAK Pakistan
PAN Panama
PAR Paraguay
PE Prince Edward Island
PHIL Philippines
PIT Pitcairn
PITT Pacific Islands Trust Territory
POL Poland
PORT Portugal
PR Puerto Rico
REU Reunion
ROM Romania
RW Rwanda
SAFR South Africa
SAOT Sao Tome & Principe
SAUDI Saudi Arabia
SCOT Scotland
SEN Senegal
SEY Seychelles
SGEO South Georgia
SING Singapore
SK Saskatchewan
SL Sierra Leone
SLAN Sri Lanka
SMAR San Marino
SOLIS Solomon Islands
SOM Somalia
STHEL St. Helena
STKN St. Kitts-Nevis
STLU St. Lucia
STPM St. Pierre & Miquelon
STVI St. Vincent
SUR Surinam
SWAZ Swaziland

TAIW Taiwan
TANZ Tanzania
TCI Turks & Caicos Islands
THAI Thailand
TOK Tokelau Islands
TRIN Trinidad & Tobago
TRNSK Transkei
TUN Tunisia
TUR Turkey
TUV Tuvalu Islands
UAE United Arab Emirates
UG Uganda
UR Uruguay
VANU Vanuatu
VEN Venezuela
VI Virgin Islands
VIET Vietnam
WAKE Wake Island
WALF Wallis & Futuna
WSAM Western Samoa
YEM_N Yemen North
YEM_S Yemen South
YK Yukon Territory
YUG Yugoslavia
ZAM Zambia
ZIM Zimbabwe


Technical Support

Matrix provides full-time Technical Support lines (231-527-2602)
Monday-Friday, 8-5 (EST) and Saturday 8-5 PM. We realize that
our users are astrologers, not computer experts. We know that
sometimes things can get quite confusing in a hurry. However,
most problems can be solved in a matter of minutes. Please be
sure to first check this manual and the Help file before calling. If
you do call, please try to be in front of your computer with the
program running. It is helpful if you know the following
information regarding your computer system:
Type of Computer: 386, 486, Pentium, etc.
Version of Windows
Video Card
Printer type

When you receive an error message, be sure to write it down so
you can refer to it when calling. This will usually help us go
directly to the source of the problem.

Matrix Tech Support Team

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