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Theseus: In Theseus` story he murders a Minotaur (half bull half man)

which is still murder which sadly occurs in todays world too. In the Theseus link is
another example of murder where a complete stranger (Julio Blanco Garcia) killed
a girl (Vanessa Pham) for no reason, kind of like Theseus and how he killed the
Minotaur who was just trying to eat and doing what he was taught to do and
Theseus killed him for it.

Hercules: In the Hercules myth Hercules kills his whole family committing a
horrible crime called Filicide. Sadly Filicide is a crime that still occurs today. In the
second link example number 8 a middle aged woman named Andrea Yates kills
her family due to a nervous breakdown which in other words is the same thing
that happened to Hercules when he did the same to his family.

Perseus: In the Perseus myth many crimes are committed such as murder
and rape etc. These crimes are also committed in todays in todays society. In the
third link Franc Cano and Steven Dean Gordon raped and killed 4 female civilians
for no reason. The murder back then was committed by Perseus who killed
medusa to save his mom but the motives behind why these men killed Jarrae
Nykkole Estepp, and 3 other women is unknown. Also the rape committed by
these horrible men in todays present was like the terrible sex crazed Gods in the
myths when Zeus raped Perseus mother.

Expert References:
1. Mr. Deleon
There can be many possible links between evil in society and psychological issues.

1. Psychosis - defined as a "loss of touch with reality". Usually accompanied by a diagnosis of
schizophrenia. Hallucinatory voices may tell subjects to commit such acts. Some delusions may also
be religious/spiritual in nature (Satan told me to do it, etc.)

2. As a society we are becoming more and more desensitized to violent acts of evil aggression. There
is a strong correlation between violence portrayed in the media (movies, video games) and people
who commit violent acts - especially in youth.

3. Evil acts may also be a result of other forms of mental illness including but not limited to bi-polar
disorder, depression, and personality disorders such as anti-social disorder.

Hope that helps,


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