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Good demonstration is good communication



DEMONSTRATION is showing how thing is done.
Lesson 11: Making the Most of Community Resources and Field Trips
Field Trips offer an excellent bridge between the work of the school
and the work of the world outside


Lesson 12: The Power of Film, Video, and Television in the
Next to the home and school, I believed television to have a more
profound influence on the human race than any other medium of
communication - Edgar Dale

- darken the room
- students should not
be seated too near nor
too far from the tv.
- set goals and expectations
-link the tv lesson with post
-set the rules while viewing
-put the file in context
-dont't interrupt viewing by
inserting cautions and
announcement you forgot to
give during pre-viewing.
-just make sure sights
and sounds are clear
-to make them feel the
following questions:
-what do you like best in
the film?
-what part of the film
makes you wonder?
Basic Procedures in the Use of
Television as a Supplementary
Lesson 13: Teaching with Visual Symbols
Visual Symbols will be made meaningful if we can use them as
summaries of our direct experiences or our own rich indirect
experiences.A little can stand for a lot!

may not be the real thing but better to have a
concrete visual aid than nothing.
can bring novelty to our teachings.
also called comics or comic strips.
any line drawing that shows arrangement and
relations as of parts to the whole.
types of diagram: Affinity diagram, Tree diagram
and Fishbone diagram.
diagrammatic representation of relationships
among individuals within an organization.
types of charts: Time chart, Tree or stream chart,
Flow chart, Organizational chart, comparison and
contrast chart, pareto chart and gannt chart.

several types of graphs: pie or circle graphs, bar
graph, pictorial graph and line graph
representation of the surface of the earth or
some part of it.
kinds of map: physical map, relief map,
commercial or economic map and political map.
Visual Symbols
Lesson 14: Maximizing the Use of the Overhead Projection and the

Sharpen your chalk to get
good line quality
Stand with your elbow
high. Move along as you
Use dots as "aiming
Make all writing or
printing between 2 to 4
inches high for legibility
When using color
chalk, use soft chalk so
that it can be erased
Stand off to the
Don't talk to the
Avoid large tables
of figures
Don't read the
text on your slide
Avoid too much
Techniques and Effective

Lesson 15: Project-based Learning and Multimedia:
What it is?

Lesson 16: Using the Project-based Learning Multimedia as a
Teaching-learning Strategy

Lesson 17: Assessment in a Constructivist, Technology- Supported
Complex learning cannot be assessed or evaluated using any single
measure. We must examine both the processes and products of student
learning Edgar Dale

measures collective abilities,
written and oral expression skills,
analytical skills, manipulative skills,
integration, creativity and ability to
work collaborately.
students perform real world tasks.
it includes performance or product
Perfomance is a realiable measure
of skills learned.
Product is a proof of the acquisition
of skills.
it is a direct assessment.
do not test their computer and
creative skills, their analytical and
integrative skills by way of multiple
choice-type of test nor test their
computer skills alone.
measure their computer skills directly
in an authentic or real-life setting.
Lesson 18: Roles and Functions of an Educational Media Center
We have said that the best ideas in the world are to be found in a
modern library. But the modern educational media center must include
excellence in varied media not merely in printed materials Edgar

Selection of print and non-print materials
Organization of print and non-print materials
Circulation of print and non-print materials
Bibliograpic Service
Media Instruction Program
Class Supervise Research
Escade Level Newspaper
Photocopying Service
Video and Sound Production
Multi-media Services
Educational Media

Educational Media Center is a facility designed for the housing and utilization
of all educational media within the school.

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