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Chocolate Waffles

A morning treat gains all-day appeal with these cakey chocolate cookies.
Like breakfast waffles, the cookies are prepared on a waffle Iron. For best
results, make sure the surface Is nice and hot before you pour the batter.
3 ounces unsweetened
chocolate, coarsely chopped
18 tablespoons (274 sticks)
unsalted butter
4 large eggs
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
V/2 cups granulated sugar
72 teaspoon coarse salt
172 teaspoons ground cinnamon
72 cup plus 2 tablespoons
unsweetened Dutch-process
cocoa powder
172 cups all-purpose flour
74 cup confectioners' sugar, plus
more for dusting
172 tablespoons whole milk
Vegetable oil cooking spray
214 cakey tender
1. Melt chocolate with 1 cup but
ter (2 sticks) in a saucepan over
medium-high heat, stirring con
stantly. Let cool slightly.
2. Put eggs, vanilla, and granulated
sugar in the bowl of an electric
mixer fitted with the paddle at
tachment. Mix on medium speed
until pale, 4 to 5 minutes. Mix in
chocolate mixture, salt, cinna
mon, 72 cup cocoa powder, and
the flour.
3. Heat a waffle iron until hot.
Lightly coat grids with cooking
spray. Spoon about 1 tablespoon
batter onto center of each waffle-
iron square to make 1Ti-inch
rounds. Close cover; cook until set,
about 1 72 minutes. Transfer to a
wire rack, bottom sides up. Let cool
completely. Repeat with remaining
batter, coating grids with cooking
spray after each batch.
4. Melt remaining 2 tablespoons
butter in a small saucepan over low
heat. Add confectioners' sugar and
remaining 2 tablespoons cocoa
powder; stir until smooth. Stir in
5. Gently dip one surface of each
cookie in icing so that just the
waffle lines (not gaps) are coated.
Repeat with remaining cookies
and icing.Transferto wire racks;let
stand until set, about 10 minutes.
Dust iced surfaces of cookies with
confectioners' sugar. Cookies can
be stored in single layers in airtight
containers at room temperature up
to 2 days.

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