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Dear Parents,

This year we will be using a clip chart positive behavior system to monitor
behavior. Your child will have a clip that they will move up or down the chart,
depending on their choices. If your child maes good choices they will either
stay at ready to start or move up. In order to move up, students must go
above and beyond in their behavior choices. If a child moves down it is
because of a poor choice. If a child moves up it is because of a good choice.
!tudents always have a chance to "# their behavior if they have moved
down. If they change their behavior the teacher may have them move their
clip bac up. The chart below e#plains how the clip system wors. !tudents
will receive a slip if they move up on the chart stating where they landed on
the chart at the end of the day. If a student moves down on the chart it will
be written in their behavior folder $green% where they parent is ased to sign.
& If a student beings nothing home at the end of the day it simply means
that they had a great day, but did not move their clip up.
'utstanding( $This is
the highest you can
!tudents who reach 'utstanding will be rewarded for
behavior by choosing a small pri)e from the pri)e bo#.
!tudents will also bring an 'utstanding slip home.
Parents please give a lot of praise for this((
*aing +ood ,hoices
!tudents who continue to mae positive choices move up
to *aing +ood ,hoices. !tudents receive a +reat &ob
slip. Parents please give a lot of praise for this(
-eady to !tart(
.veryone starts the day on -eady to !tart( !tudents
can move up or down throughout the day depending on
their behavior choices. If your child does not move up or
down they still made great choices and were well
behaved /00 day(
Thin /bout It $This is
a warning. Please
don1t mae too big of
a deal about this%
!tudents will receive a warning for their behavior and the
teacher will as them to move their clip to Thin /bout
It. If their behavior changes, the teacher may as them
to move bac up to -eady to !tart. 2If a student lands
here and does not move bac up it will be written in their
folder and a parent will need to sign it.
Thin /bout It $*iss 3
*inutes of -ecess%
!tudents will miss 3 minutes of their 43 minute recess.
This means that they made 5 poor choices. This will be
written in their folder and a parent will need to sign it.
!tudent will call their
If a student maes it to this level, they have moved their
clip down 6 times $6 poor choices%. The teacher will tal
with the parent and may also have the child tell their
parent what they have done.
Than you for supporting my classroom behavior system( 7eing
rewarded for positive behavior encourages the students to mae good
*rs. 8ing
7ehavior ,hart9
If there is a note below, your child moved their clip down. The level
they moved to
will be circled below. Please sign to note that you are aware of your
child1s behavior that day. It is also helpful if you tal to your child about
their behavior and come up with ways to change their behavior to
positive behavior.
2This stays in your child1s green folder for the whole year for
teacher:parent communication. Please D' ;'T remove2 Thans((
Date:Problem 0evel on 7ehavior ,hart
Thin /bout It
*iss 3 *inutes of -ecess *iss
<hole -ecess Parent Phone ,all
Thin /bout It
*iss 3 *inutes of -ecess *iss
<hole -ecess Parent Phone ,all
Thin /bout It
*iss 3 *inutes of -ecess *iss
<hole -ecess Parent Phone ,all
Thin /bout It
*iss 3 *inutes of -ecess *iss
<hole -ecess Parent Phone ,all
Thin /bout It
*iss 3 *inutes of -ecess *iss
<hole -ecess
Parent Phone ,all

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