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The Lumire brothers are a good example of pioneers of animation they were two brothers born on

the 19
of October 1862 and 10
of April 1954, they were extremely important to the development
of cinema as they are credited as being the very first people to create a film which they named
Workers leaving the Lumire factory this was a basic film but is considered to be the first real
motion picture in history. They also patented the cinematograph, this was the first ever motion
picture projector which in comparison to Edisons kinescope it allowed viewing of the motion picture
by multiple people at once. They are well known for having patented many processes for creating
moving images, an example of one of these processes is film perforations which was originally
implemented by Emile Reynard this was the small holes placed in the film stock during the
manufacturing of the stock they are used for transporting the reel across the projector. They then
went into colour photography and patented the auto chrome Lumire this was an early way to
colour photos and was use until the mid-1930s this was done via a mosaic in the cameras so when
the light of the picture was captured it would be projected through the mosaic picking up the
colours and then making the photo. An interesting thing about the Lumire brothers is that they
would not sell their movie camera to any other film makers as they did not think the invention had a
real future, meaning they did not make many films. They showed that when pictures were taken one
after another it would create a frame rate although a slow one, for the time this was quick and the
pictures where being shown at a low frame rate.

Of course, William Horner is a good example of another Pioneer. William Horner was born 1786 in
England, He was a mathematician and a headmaster. His invention the zoetrope was a device that
improved on the phenakistoscope. The device itself is a hollow cylinder where images would be
placed on the inside and when spun the slits would rotate for example it could be a horse galloping
or a couple dancing. The device consisted of a small cylinder which had vertical slits in the side, with
pictures drawn on the inside of the device, and then when spun and looked through the slits the
pictures would appear to be moving. He was also well known for the mathematical formula he
created known as Horners method. He was a massive boost to modern cinema and was one of the
reasons we can create the media we can today, he showed that persistence of vision when the
images would blur together and seem to move.

Raymond Harryhuasen was an American well known for the creation of a unique stop motion style
known as Dynamation his most well-known animation he has created was the mighty Joe young this
was a stop motion film and won the award for best special effects when it was released, this was a
great example of some classic stop motion film as it was one of the first really popular stop motion
films. He used figures made for the film to create the characters in the film and would have them
move after each frame slightly so as to create the image that they were moving when the frames
where played in rapid succession.
Well two current animators I think are great examples of how certain techniques in animation have
progressed over time are Mikey Please and Tim Burton, Mikey please makes a lot of award winning
music videos using stop motion animation and made an extremely well known short film named
The Eagleman Stag which won a BAFTA and was made completely out of paper using stop motion
animation, he has also done a lot of work for companies such as Nike showing that stop motion is
used for a lot of media forms. His work often uses stop motion animation of paper which he uses to
create the sculptures he makes the animations from, for example in The Eagleman Stag he creates
all of the people out of paper and moves them to create the animation.
Tim Burton is a massively well-known animator known for a gothic style of animation his most well-
known piece is of course a nightmare before Christmas which has become a classic in cinema, he has
also done videos that where not stop motion but is more known for his stop motion. He makes a lot
of work that would not be possible to create using real people and became possible through the use
of stop motion animation, this is how he made some of the iconic visuals for films he is well known
for, such as Nightmare before Christmas and others.
Stop motion has been used for other purposes than film and TV for example stop motion is quite
popular for some music videos in particular when a group wants to give a message with the video
there are many examples such as Mikey Please he has made music videos using stop motion, other
groups have used stop motion such as bands using it to create a creepy effect as when people move
in stop motion as it makes the people look creepy as they move in an inhuman way so when bands
use a video made entirely of stop motion they may have a creepy message in mind, there are also
examples of when a group have puppets made to look like then and then have the video with the
puppets in stop motion an example of this is Slipknots video for wait and bleed which featured the
band as puppets using stop motion animation to make them look like they were moving.
Stop motion is also used for a lot of channel indents such as for channels like BBC channel 4 and
others they will often feature the logo of the channel in a situation that would be impossible to
capture with a camera such as the bbc logo with all of the hippos swimming around it or the channel
4 logo made out of hay bales on fire. This uses stop motion animation to create an interesting way to
promote the channel for example an image of the logo with some sort of effect around it is more
eye catching than the logo on its own.

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