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Paschal Mystery: Christs Mission of Salvation

2011 by Saint Marys Press

Living in Christ Series Document #: TX002333

__________________ is a word that in Hebrew
means dirt or "human being".

In the story of the Fall, Adam and Eve's realization
that they were naked is a symbolic way of saying
that they __________________.

Why did the author of the symbolic Genesis
account have Adam and Eve cover themselves
with fig leaves?

What symbolizes Adam and Eve's
loss of their original holiness and
justice __________________.

In the story of Adam and Eve, what is a symbolic
way of saying, "We don't need God; we can be
gods ourselves"?

Not accepting our own goodness and a lack of
trust in God are __________________.

What are temptations?

In what prayer do we ask God to help us avoid

Since the fall of Adam and Eve, the human race
has been involved in a spiritual battle between

Christ has won his victory over Satan through his

The pain and suffering in the world are caused by

Which of the following statements is not true
about Satan?

Creation stories of other ancient cultures claimed
__________________ as reasons why the gods
created the earth and human beings.

The first two chapters of Genesis contain _____?
The seven days of Creation teach us that God
created the world __________________.

The creation of Adam and Eve, as man and
woman to be "one flesh," is reflected in the _

God created the world to __________________.

The creatures who exist in the heavenly realm are

The __________________ are angels who serve
God and proclaim his message.

At our death our soul will __________________.

The __________________ is the first form of
communion between persons, reflecting the
perfect union of the Holy Trinity.

God has given us __________________;
because of this we have a dignity that surpasses
all other creatures.

Adam and Eve started out not only in a perfect
place but also __________________.

God's intention that the first human beings would
share in his life, to be in direct communion with
him is called __________________.

The serpent was considered an unclean animal
because it __________________.

Religious truth and __________________ will
ultimately never contradict each other.

Unit 1 Test Bank Questions and Answers Page | 2

2011 by Saint Marys Press
Living in Christ Series Document #: TX002333

__________________ means that these are symbolic accounts about things that happened before we
have any historical records.

The __________________ joyfully proclaim that Creation is evidence for the power of God.

Under the inspiration of the __________________, stories were told, refined, and edited into the text
we have today.

__________________ makes it clear that creation is the work of all three Divine Persons of the Holy

Another name for the visible reality that we see around us is the __________________.

__________________ is the scientific study of the remains of past human life.

The __________________ is our spiritual principle; it is immortal and makes us most like God.

In __________________ God even shares with us his creative power to bring new life into the world.

__________________ uses symbolic images, stories, and names to point to a deeper truth.

The __________________ were angels close to God, serving him.

Jesus Christ announced the __________________ and made it present through his life, suffering,
death, and Resurrection.

In Genesis, God is presented __________________, in that he is depicted in a very human way.

The state of complete harmony between Adam and Eve and the rest of creation is called

__________________ is a word that in Hebrew sounds like "living.

. The greatest testimony to human dignity is the __________________.

The biblical Revelation about the origins of sin and evil in the world.

A story that explains something's cause or origin.

Committed a sin that affected the human nature of their descendants.

A mystery that we cannot fully understand.

The tendency of all human beings toward sin.

The only two people who have never sinned.
Unit 1 Test Bank Questions and Answers Page | 3

2011 by Saint Marys Press
Living in Christ Series Document #: TX002333

Said, "I do not do what I want, but I do what I hate.

A fallen angel who rejects God and God's Reign and who tempts us to do the same.

An inner voice that summons us to love good and avoid evil.

Contains the figurative account of Adam and Eve's Fall from grace.

Christ's second coming and the time of his Final Judgment.

What is grace? Why does all humanity need God's redemptive grace? Illustrate your answer with at
least one example from current events, film, or your own life.

As Catholics, we believe that we are made in the image of God. Explain what this belief means to you.

What do you think Saint Paul meant when he said, "Where sin increased, grace overflowed all the
more" (Romans 5:20)?

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