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Literacy Homework, Friday 3

October 2014 Blue Literacy Group
Here are some pronouns to elp you wit te task
Find the pronouns in the story below. Circle them.
Blue Table and Ronnie
!onnie te !abbit is miscie"ous because e is always sneakin# around$
Last %ednesday was a day Blue table won&t 'or#et because tey ad to
rescue im$ (t all started wen is owner, )r *elwick, ad le't te utc
open and !onnie snuck back into te ouse and ten climbed is owner&s
ba#$ He went to scool in is owner&s ba# and popped out durin# assembly$
(t was durin# break, wen all o' te Blues were 'inisin# some +umeracy,
tat tey noticed !onnie$
,(s tat !onnie-., asked Harriett, ,(t can&t be/., se added$
,( don&t tink it is., replied 0delaide, ,(t must be a stu''ed toy, e
wouldn&t come and see us., se added$
!onnie be#an to mo"e and opped o"er to %illiam and 1osep, were e
leapt onto tem$
,Hello boy, (&m %illiam, you don&t know me or us, wat are you doin#
ere-. e asked$
,Like e&s #oin# to answer., added 1osep, sarcastically$
,%e need to #et im back in te ba#. Hayden e2plained, worriedly$ ,)r
*elwick will not know about im, will e-.
,( a"e a plan. wispered Harriett$ ,+o one says anytin# to anyone, it
will be up to us$ Our secret$ %e will see )rs %ood and se can take im
,3at&s a #ood plan, we can&t let te class know e&s ere$ 4ou know wat
tey are like. %illiam replied$
,%e&ll all #o and see )rs %ood and e2plain to er
wat&s appened. said 0delaide, as se stroked
te !abbit$ 3ey all went to see )rs %ood, alon#
wit !onnie wo was wri##lin# in 1osep&s arms,
and e2plained wat appened$ 5e was "ery
pleased wit tem all as tey&d kept it a secret
'rom )r *elwick$
( me you it e se im er tey tem us our

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