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English slang


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ab*abs Noun. Terror, the frights, nerves. Often heard as the screaming abdabs. [1940s]
absobloo*ylu+,ly Adv. Absolutely.
Abysinnia- Exclam. A jocular and intentional is!ronunciation of "#$ll be seeing you%"
acci*,n+ally.on./ur/os, Phrs. &eeingly accidental but 'ith veiled alice or har.
AC0DC Adj. (ise)ual.
ac, 1-2 Adj. *)cellent, 'onderful.
Exclam. *)cellent%
aci* Noun. The drug +&,. +ysergic acid diethylaide. [Orig. -.&. 19.0s]
aci* hous, Noun. The dance usic scene that !re/e!ted $rave$ in (ritain, and began the long association of $house$ usic and
ac3,rs Noun. 0oney. 1ro the *gy!tian akka.
ac+ion 4an Noun. A an 'ho !artici!ates in acho activities.
A*a4 an* Ev, Verb. (elieve. 2oc3ney rhying slang. *.g."# don$t Ada and *ve it, it$s not true%"
a,ra+,* Adj. Over/e)cited. (ecoing obsolete, although still heard used by older generations. Often is!ronounced as
a5+y Noun. Afternoon. *.g."Are you going to 'atch the gae this afty4" [5orth/'est use]
agony aun+ Noun. A 'oan 'ho !rovides ans'ers to readers letters in a !ublication$s agony colun. 6#nforal7
aggro Noun. Aggressive troublea3ing, violence, aggression. Abb. of aggravation.
airh,a* Noun. A stu!id !erson. [Orig. -.&.]
airloc3,* Adj. ,run3, into)icated. [5. #reland use]
airy.5airy Adj. +ac3ing in strength, insubstantial. 6#nforal7
air gui+ar Noun. An iaginary guitar !layed by roc3 usic fans 'hilst listening to their favourite tunes.
a3s Verb. To as3. *.g."# a3sed hi to ove his car fro the drive'ay." [dialect]
Alan &hic3,rs Noun. 8nic3ers, under'ear. 9hying slang, often shortened to Alans.
alco/o/ Noun. &'eet, ready/i)ed fruit drin3s containing alcohol. 2f. $tart fuel$. 6#nforal7
al,* 1u/2 Adj. ,run3, into)icated by alcohol, usually beer :ale;.
al3i, Noun. An alcoholic. Also s!elt alky.
all 4o* cons Noun. All the fi)tures and fittings necessary and e)!ected / an abb. of all modern conveniences
all 4ou+h an* 1no2 +rous,rs Phrs. (oastful and 'ithout just reason. *.g."<ou shouldn$t !ay any attention to hi, he$s all outh and no
all.nigh+,r Noun. A club night or event that goes on all night.
all ov,r +h, sho/ Phrs. 1. #n a ess, out of order, disorgani=ed.
>. *very'here. *.g."#$ve been all over the sho! this orning and # can$t find her any'here."
allo6 1i+2 Verb. 1orget it, don$t bother. [+ondon use]
all +i4, los,r Noun. A !ublic house, a bar. 9hying slang on $boo=er$. &ee $boo=er$.
all +o coc3 Phrs. 0essed u!, useless, 'rong.
all +o /o+ Phrs. ?rong, essed u!. *.g."Our 'hole holiday 'ent all to !ot 'hen ,ad got arrested for being drun3."
al4on* roc3s
Noun. &oc3s. 2oc3ney rhying slang, often shortened to almonds.
alrigh+- Exclam. @ello. A greeting. 5o ans'er is e)!ected to 'hat is inherently a Auestion. 5orthern dialect has created the
!honetic corru!tion awreet.
a4b,r n,c+ar Noun. +ager. [Orig. Aust.]
anchors Noun. (ra3es. *.g."# slaed the anchors on and hit y head on the steering 'heel."
an, Noun. Abb. of anus.
an3l,.bi+,rs Noun. 2hildren, !articularly cra'ling babies. [Orig. Aust.]
anora3 Noun. An often socially ine!t !erson, having an obsessive interest in a hobby or subject. -sually has little or no
fashion sense, and errs to'ards eccentricity. Originates fro the $trains!otter$ loo3, of 'earing anora3sB s!ending so
uch tie at the end of station !latfors in all 'eathersnecessitates the 'earing of such attire. 2f. $trains!otter$.
an+6ac3y Adj. Old fashioned. Cossibly fro antiAue:y;. *.g."Oh no 'ay% #$ not 'earing those shoes, they$re so ant'ac3y."
[0erseysideD?est +ancashire use]
any co/ Phrs. Of value, of any 'orth. *.g."@ave you heard their ne' 2,4 # heard it 'as rubbish but do you thin3 it$s any
co!4" &ee $co!$ :adj;. 2f. $no co!$.
any roa* Adv. Any'ay. Also s!elt anyroad. [5orthern use]
a/,shi+ &ee $go a!eshit$.
a/,+h Noun. A !et nae for a silly !erson. A shortening of daft apeth. A!eth, derived fro
worth; but !ronounced haporth.
a//l,s an* /,ars Noun. &tairs. Cossibly the ost coonly e)!ressed !iece of 2oc3ney rhying slang that is used as an e)a!le of
such, or used in jocular iicry. The ter is infreAuently heard used in genuine daily use.
A/ril Noun. (otto, buttoc3s, $arse$. 9hying slang fro April in Paris rhying 'ith
Arch,r Noun. E>000. 1ro the aount of oney given by !effrey Archer to a !rostitute :0onica 2oughlan; to enable her
to leave the country, and in order to buy her silence over services rendered. Feffrey Archer, e)/eber of
Carliaent and best selling author, served a !rison sentence for !erjury and !erverting the course of justice.
argu, +h, +oss Vrb phrs. To argue or dis!ute loudly and at length.
argy.bargy Noun. Trouble, noisy Auarrelling, arguing. 6#nforal7.
arris Noun. (uttoc3s, $arse$. 2onvoluted 2oc3ney rhying slang for $arse$B Arris, an abbreviation of
'ith bottle, and thereafter leading to bottle and glass rhying 'ith $arse$. Also
arro6s Noun. ,arts, the eAui!ent and the gae itself.
ars, Noun. 1. The buttoc3s. The siilar $ass$ isn$t used as freAuently, reaining ore of an Aericanis. &.e. fro
1.00s until id 1G00s.
>. An objectionable !erson.
H. A ista3e, a !oor job. *.g."@e ade such an arse of that !lastering that 'e 'ill need to redo it."
Exclam. *)!ressing anger or frustration.
ars, abou+ 0aroun* Verb. To ess around, to 'aste tie.
ars, abou+ 5ac, Phrs. (ac3 to front.
ars, abou+ +i+ Phrs. (ac3 to front.
ars,.ban*i+ Noun. A hoose)ual ale. ,erog.
ars,* Adj. 2oncerned, bothered. -sually heard in the negative sense of cant be arsed
today, it$s too daned hot."
ars,5ac, Noun. 1. An ugly !erson.
>. A conte!tible !erson.
Noun. 1. An idiot, conte!tible !erson.
>. The anus.
I Also s!elt arsehole.
ars,hol,* Adj. Jery drun3.
ars,.lic3 Verb. To grovel, ingratiate oneself.
ars,.lic3,r Noun. A syco!hant.
ars,.lic3ing Adj. &yco!hantic behaviour.
ars, loa* Noun. #n large Auantities, a lot of, a great aount. *.g." &he$s given e arse loads of !a!er'or3 to co!lete before
ars, ov,r 3,++l, Phrs. 1all over. Also arse over tea kettle.
ars, ov,r +i+ Phrs. 1all over, head over heels. *.g."&he 'ent arse over tit on the ice outside."
ars,.on Noun. A bad ood. *.g."8ee! out of Andy$s 'ay, he$s got a the arse/on."
ars,.u/ Noun. A shables, a $coc3/u!$.
Verb. To a3e a $coc3/u!$. *.g."<ou 'ouldn$t have arsed it u! if you$d revised for your e)a li3e everyone else."
ars,6i/, Noun. 1. Toilet !a!er.
>. A conte!tible !erson.
ars,y Adj. 0oody.
ar+icl, Noun. An objectionable !erson. *.g."2oe on, go and tidy your bedroo you la=y article."
arvo Noun. Afternoon. &ee $this arvo$. [Orig. Aust.]
as 5uc3 Phrs. An intensifier. *.g."#t 'as rusty as fuc3, so 'asn$t 'orth re!airing."
as rar, as h,n7s +,,+h Phrs. Jery rare, non e)istent. 1ro hens not having teeth.
as rar, as roc3ing hors,
Phrs. Jery rare, non e)istent.
as righ+ as rain Phrs. &atisfactory, cofortable, 'ell.
ass Noun. &ee $arse$.
asshol, Noun. &ee $arsehole$.
ass lic3 0 ass lic3,r D ass
Verb. &ee $arse lic3$ and associated e)!ressions.
ass6i/, Noun. 0eaning the sae as $arse'i!e$. [Orig. -.&.]
as +h, ac+r,ss sai* +o +h,
Phrs. A jocular catch !hrase that dra's attention to an other'ise innocent stateent by ibuing se)ual innuendo.
Other variations include "as the istress said to the gardener".
Aun+i, Noun. Affectionate and dated !et nae for the ((2 :The (ritish (roadcasting 2or!oration;.
Aussi, 3iss Noun. 2unnilingus, fro the fact that its the same a "rench #iss$ but given down under
a6ay an* shi+, 1-2 Vrb phrs. Ko a'ay% [5orth/east use]
7av, i+ Verb. Ko for it. &ee $have it$
avia+ion blon*, Noun. A feale 'ith hair dyed blonde. 1ro blonde hair$ black box / blac3 bo) being an aero!lane flight recorder
and $bo)$ also being slang for vagina.
avvy Noun. Afternoon. &ee $this avvy$.
a6ay 6i+h +h, 4i8,r Phrs. 5ot Auite in touch 'ith reality, in a dreay state. [0erseyside use]
a6,so4,- Adj. Kreat% *)cellent% [Orig. -.&.]
a6lars, Noun. A conte!tible !erson. Also auldarse, allarse. Cossibly fro old arse. [0erseyside use]
a6righ+ 1-2 Adj.%Adv.%Exclam. An alternative s!elling and !ronunciation of alright :all right;.
a8, Noun. A guitar.
a8, 6oun* Noun. Jagina. 2f. $hairy a)e 'ound$.
Ayr+on Noun. Ten !ounds :onetary;. 9hying slang for tenner$ on Ayrton &enna, the otor racing driver.
ay.u/- Exclam. A greeting, hello. [0idlandsD5orth use. ,ialect]

Verb. To defecate. [<or3sD@ullD5otts use]
Noun. 1. 1aeces. [<or3sD@ullD5otts use]
>. Ter of affectionate address, such as dear or friend. [?.
0idlands use]
baba 9 Jerb. To defecate. [<or3sD@ullD5otts use]
Noun. 1aeces. [<or3sD@ullD5otts use]
I Also s!elt babber.
babby Noun. A baby, child. [northern dialectD#rish]
bab, Noun. -sually a!!lied to a young attractive feale but also said
'ith reference to ales. [Orig. -.&.]
bab, 4agn,+ Noun. An attractive or se)ually desirable ale. [Orig. -.&.]
baboon Noun. An oaf, a fool.
baby gravy Noun. &een.
bac3*oor Noun. A eu!heis for the anus. [Orig. -.&.]
bac3han*,r Noun. A bribe.
bac3i, Noun. A !illion ride on a bycycle.
bac3 /assag, Noun. The rectu. 6#nforal7
bac3 scu++l, Noun. Anal intercourse.
Verb. To have anal intercourse.
bac3s +o +h,
6all Phrs. A hoo!hobic coent and 'arning to fello' heterose)uals
that contact 'ith a gay ale is li3ely or ha!!ening. 1ro the
isconce!tion that all gay ales 'ill endevour, or 'ant to have
anal intercourse 'ith any ale. ,erog.
bac3y Noun. Abb. of tobacco. Another variation is 'acko.
bacon sarni, Noun. Ca3istani. 9hying slang. &ee $sarnie$.
ba* Adj. Kood, e)cellent. [Orig. -.&.]
ba* ,gg Noun. A iscreant, a corru!t !erson, an untrust'orthy !erson. 2f.
$good egg$.
ba*g,r Verb. To bother incessantly. *.g."&to! badgering her, she$s not
interested in buying another !air of your chea! trainers."
ba* hair *ay Noun. 1. A day 'hen one is unable to arrange one$s hair into a
satisfactory and !leasing style.
>. -sed figuratively for a !robleatic and difficult day.
ba*ly /ac3,*
Noun. The feale genitals. [1990s]
ba* 4ou+h Verb. To insult or denigrate. [Orig. -.&.]
ba* n,6s Noun. A troublesoe !erson.
ba55i,s Noun. &li!!ers. [&cottish use]
bag Noun. 1. An ugly 'oan. 2f. $old bag$. ,erog.
>. An objectionable and un!leasant !erson.
H. 0eaning that 'hich interests. *.g."?hat$s your bag 4 0ine is
dance usic." [Orig. -.&. 19.0s]
4. The scrotu.
&uffix. A suffi) that e!hasises the essential undesirable nature of a
!erson in !erjorative nouns such as $tossbag$, $shitbag$, $ratbag$ etc.
bag 1o5 san*2 Noun. E1000, a thousand !ounds sterling. 9hying slang on a
$grand$. Often shortened to bag.
baggin1g2 Noun. A snac3 or food ta3en bet'een eals. @eard !ronounced as
baggin. [+ancsD<or3s use]
bag la*y Noun. A hoeless 'oan 'ho carries her 'orldly !ossessions in
bag o5 bon,s Noun. A very thin or eaciated !erson or anial.
bag o55 Verb. To coune 'ith soeone se)ually desirable, occasionally
in so uch as having se). *.g."&he bagged off 'ith that"
bags Verb. To clai as one$s o'n due to being the first to a3e such a
clai. *.g."(ags # go first." 6#nforal7
Noun. Trousers. 6#nforal7
bagsy Verb. A variation on $bags$ :verb;. (asically eaning bags (.
bahoo3i, Noun. The bac3side, $arse$. [Klasgo' use]
ball.ach, Noun. A troublesoe and inconvenient tas3. Also ballache. *.g."#
'ish # hadn$t sold the car, 'al3ing L iles to 'or3 is a real ball/
ball an* chain Noun. A 'ife or girlfriend. ,erog.
ball.bag Noun. The scrotu.
balloc3s 1-2 Noun. 1. The testicles. A variation on $bolloc3s$. &.*. fro 1>00s,
slang fro id 1G00s. 2f. $bolloc3s$.
>. 9ubbish, nonsense.
Exclam. An e)claation of annoyance, disbelief or disagreeent.
balls 1-2 Noun. 1. Testicles. -sually in !lural.
>. 2ourage, in for e)a!le, "&he hasn$t got the balls to tell hi the
H. 9ubbish, nonsense.
Exclam. *)!ressing annoyance.
balls,*.u/ Adj. 9uined, in a ess.
1so4,+hing2 u/
Verb. To a3e a ess of a situation.
balls +o +h, 6all Phrs. Muic3ly.
balls.u/ Noun. A ess u!, a $coc3/u!$. *.g."#$ve ade a right balls/u! of y
Verb. To a3e a ess of a situation.
bal4 Noun. A bread bun or roll. 2f. $balca3e$.
bal4y Adj. #nsane, cra=y. A derivative of the earlier $bary.$
balon,y Noun. 5onsense. Also s!elt boloney. [Orig. -.&.]
bal+ic Adj. Jery cold, 'ith res!ect to the 'eather or air te!erature. [Orig.
ba4 Noun. A foolish and objectionable !erson. Abbreviated for of
$ba!ot$. ,erog. [&cottish use]
ba4boo:l, Verb. To confuse, to ystify.
ba4/o+ Noun. A foolish and objectionable !erson. 2f. $ba$ and $bastic3$.
,erog. [&cottish use]
ba4s+ic3 Noun. A foolish and objectionable !erson. 2f. $ba$ and $ba!ot$.
,erog. [&cottish use]
banana Noun. A !enis.
bananas Adj. #nsane, ad, hysterical. [Orig. -.&.]
bang Verb. 1. To co!ulate. A !articularly aggressive ter.
>. To !ut or !lace, the i!lication being 'ith nonchalence. *.g."#$ll
bang those in an envelo!e and send the off first !ost in the
Noun. An act of co!ulation.
bang,r Noun. 1. A sausage. The *nglish eal of sausages and ashed
!otato is traditionally called bangers and mash.
>. A dela!idated car.
H. A sall fire'or3 that is e)!losively loud but visually
banging Adj. *)citing, energetic, 'onderful, e)cellent. -sually !ronounced
bang on Adj.%Adv. *)actly, correct. 6#nforal7.
bang on abou+
Vrb phrs. To tal3 incessantly and uninterestingly, to nag.
*.g."<ou$re not going to change y ind by banging on about it%"
bang on, ou+ Vrb phrs. To asturbate. *.g."# 'atched 0iss ?orld on TJ and
banged one out before y u cae hoe."
bang ou+ o5
Phrs. Totally unacce!table.
bang +o righ+s Phrs. 2aught red/handed. ColiceDcriinal vernacular often heard
used jocularly.
bang 1so4,on,2
Verb. 1. To !ut :soeone; in !rison. 6#nforal7.
>. To a3e :soeone; !regnant.
ban;a8 Verb. To ruin. [0ainly #rish use.]
ban;a8,* Adj. 1. 9uined, defeated. Originally Anglo/#rish use, !o!ulari=ed by
the -8 radioDTJ !resenter Terry ?ogan 'ith his boo3 of the sae
>. ,run3, by e)tension of eaning 1.
ban;o Verb. To hit or !unch. [&cottish use]
ban;o7* Adj. ,run3, into)icated.
ban;o s+ring Noun. The frenulu of the !enis.
ban3o Noun. Abb. of ban3 holiday, :a national holiday;.
ba/s Noun. (reasts.
barbi, Noun. Abb. of barbecue. [Orig. Aust.]
barbs Noun. Abb. of barbituates.
Barclay7s Noun. An act of asturbation. 1ro the rhying slang for $'an3$.
bar, Adj. A lot of, significant aount. *.g."#t$s just bare hy!e, the fil$s
just faous faces and no !lot." [+ondon use]
Adv. &ignificantly. [+ondon use]
bar5 Verb. To voit, !robably onoata!oeic in origin. *.g."@e$s feeling
'oo=y, # thin3 he$s gonna barf his dinner u!." [1940DL0s -.&.]
bar3ing Adj. #nsane. &hort for barking mad.
bar4ca3, Noun. 1. A lighthearted ter for a fool or idiot.
>. A bread bun. Also barm cake. [5orth/'est use]
bar4/o+ Noun. A silly !erson. A lighted/hearted e)!ression.
bar4y Adj. 0ad, cra=y, insane. 2f. $baly$. [1.00s]
barn,+ Noun. @air. 1ro the 2oc3ney rhying slang barnet fair. [0id
barn,y Noun. An arguent. [+ate 1G00s] 6#nforal7
barn,y 1rubbl,2 Adj. Trouble. 9hying slang. [19.0s]
barry Adj. Kood, nice. [*dinburgh use]
Barry &hi+, Noun. 1. 9ubbish, nonsense.
>. An act of defecation.
I (oth uses are rhying slang on $shite$ :shit;. &ee $shite$. (arry
?hite, -.&. soul singer 'ho cae to the fore in the 19N0s.
bars, Noun. The !erineu. 1ro the area bet'een the balls and the arse.
bar s+,6ar* Noun. A !un on $bastard$.
bash Noun. 1. An event, a !arty. *.g."#$ having a bash at a club for y
>. An atte!t. *.g."Try having a bash at the ne)t Auestion if you
can$t ans'er the first."
bash +h, bisho/ Vrb phrs. To asturbate. Focular ale terinology. ,erived fro
the siilarity of the head of the !enis 'ith a bisho!$s itre.
bas3,+ Noun. A eu!heis for $bastard$.
bas3,+ cas, Noun. A lunatic, an eotionally unstable !erson, a dysfunctional
!erson. [Orig. -.&.]
bas+ar* 1-2 Noun. 1. A conte!tible !erson. ,erived fro the original
eaning, an illegitiate !erson, 'hen to be born out of 'edloc3
'as vie'ed as objectionable.
>. A !itiable !erson. *.g."That !oor bastard never stood a chance
once the avalanche started."
Adj. -sed as an negative intensifier. *.g."0y bastard car 'ont start
Exclam. *)claation of anger.
bas+ar*ing Adj. An intensifier. *.g."#$ sorry for being late, # issed the
bastarding bus again%"
ba+ 5or bo+h
Vrb phrs. To be bise)ual.
ba+ 5or +h,
o+h,r +,a4
Vrb phrs. To be hoose)ual.
ba+ 5or +h,
Vrb phrs. To be hoose)ual.
ba+h,rs Noun. &'iingDbathing costue. [Orig. Aust.D5.O.] 6#nforal7
ba+ in +h, cav, Noun. 5asal ucus that is visible u! a nostril.
ba+ on a s+ic3y
Vrb phrs. To !ut oneself in a difficult and unfavourable !osition.
ba++,r,* Adj. Jery into)icated by drin3 or drugs.
Noun. A vibrator, se) toy. 2f. $bob$.
ba++l, cruis,r Noun. A !ub, bar. 1ro rhying slang for $boo=er$. &ee $boo=er$
:noun 1;.
ba++y Adj. 2ra=y, eccentric.
Noun. (uttoc3s, botto. [Orig. ?.#.]
ba++y boy Noun. A hoose)ual ale. 1ro batty eaning buttocks. Also
battyboy$ battyman. ,erog. [Orig. ?est #ndies]
ba++y b6oy Noun. &ee $batty boy$. Also batty)bway.
ba++y 4an Noun. &ee $batty boy$. Also battyman.
ba++y ri*,r Noun. &3i!y shorts that $ride$ u! to e)!ose the 'earers botto
:$batty$; chee3s, usually feale attire. [?est #ndiesD(lac3 -84]
ba6.bag Noun. 1. The scrotu. 1ro $ball/bag$. [&cottish use]
>. A conte!tible !erson. [&cottish use]
ba::in7 Adj. *)cellent. *.g."That 'as a ba==in cric3et atch."
[0idlandsD5orth use4]
b,ach.bu4 Noun. A !erson devoted to s!ending as uch tie as available on
the beach.
b,a3i, Noun. The dirt or bodily secretions that accuulate at the corner of
the eyes or bet'een the toes. [&cottish use.]
b,an Noun. An ecstasy !ill.
b,an5,as+ Noun. A !arty, celebratory event. 6#nforal7
b,an.5lic3,r Noun. A lesbian. The bean refers to the clitoris.
b,ano Noun. A !arty. Abbreviated for of $beanfeast$. 6#nforal7
b,ar Noun. A gay ter for a large hairy ale.
b,ar* Noun. A 'oan 'ho is seen to be roantically lin3ed 'ith a gay
an, so !rotecting his true se)uality fro !ublic scrutiny / often
associated 'ith celebrities. [Orig -.&.]
b,ar*,* cla4 Noun. The feale genitals, inclusive of !ubic hair.
b,as+ 6i+h +6o
Noun. &e)ual intercourse. The iaginatively naed figure that
re!resents a cou!le during se). Focular usage.
b,a+ s,v,n
sha*,s o5 shi+
ou+ o5 so4,on,
Vrb phrs. To thoroughly beat u!. Also beat * kinds of shit out of
b,av,r Noun. The feale genitals, i!lying the inclusion of !ubic hair.
[Orig. -.&.]
Verb To 'or3 hard. 6#nforal7
b,av,r cl,av,r Noun. Cenis. &ee $beaver$ :noun;.
b,av,r l,av,r Noun. A hoose)ual ale. ,ue to not being interested in $beaver$.
&ee $beaver$ :noun;.
b,av,r l,v,r Noun. Cenis. &ee $beaver$ :noun;.
b,**abl, Adj. &e)ually desirable, fro being good enough to ta3e to bed.
B,*5or*shir, Noun. (ed or bedtie. [1N00s]
b,*si+ Noun. Abb. of bed/sitter or bed/sitting roo. A sall a!artent
'hereby the bedroo also serves as a sitting roo :living roo;.
1+h,2 B,,b Noun. The coonly used nic3nae for the ((2 :(ritish
(roadcasting 2or!oration;, the nationally o'ned television
!roduction and broadcasting co!any. 6#nforal7.
b,,5 Noun. 1. 0uscly, strong loo3ing ales. 6#nforal7
>. A co!laint. *.g."#f you$ve got a beef about the decision, then fill
in the a!!ro!riate fors."
b,,5 bayon,+ Noun. The !enis.
b,,5 cur+ains Noun. The feale genitals. [Orig. -.&.]
1so4,+hing2 u/
Vrb phrs. To increase in si=e or volueB basically to a3e stronger.
b,,4,r Noun. A (0? autoobile. 2f. $bier$.
b,,r goggl,s Noun. The iaginary s!ectaclesDglasses :goggles; that one 'ears
after an over/indulgence in alcohol :beer;, and that a3e an
other'ise una!!ealing !erson see se)ually desirable. *.g."# 'as
obviously 'earing beer goggles last nightB 'hen # a'o3e and sa'
'ho #$d brought hoe the !reviousnight # nearly thre' u!... she had
H eyes, a beard and no nose."
b,,r +i+s Noun. 1atty de!osits on the breasts of a ale, arising through
e)cessive beer drin3ing. 2f. $bitch tits$.
b,,r +o3,ns Noun. 0oney.
b,,7s 3n,,s Noun. The best. This ter originates fro the !rolific slang of the
1la!!ers along 'ith the siilar $cats 'his3ers$. 2f. $dogs bolloc3s$.
[Orig. -.&. 19>0s]
b,, s+ings Noun. &all breasts. ,erog.
b,,+l, Verb. To hurry about. *.g."#$ just s!ent > hours beetling around the
sho!!ing !recinct loo3ing for a gift for 0ic3." 6#nforal7
b,ggar Noun. *u!heis for $bugger$.
b,gging 5or i+ Vrb phrs. A general coent on a !erson$s su!!osed, if not actual,
yearning for se)ual intiacies. *.g."2or, loo3 at her% &he$s begging
for it."
b,;,sus- Exclam. An Anglo/#rish corru!tion of the e)claation by !esus+
*)!ressing sur!rise or annoyance.
b,ll Verb. To tele!hone :soeone;. *.g."#$ll bell you tonight 'ith the
b,ll.,n* Noun. 1. The head of the !enis, being vaguely bell sha!ed. Also
>. A conte!tible !erson, an idiot.
b,lly.ach, Noun. A co!laint. 6#nforal7
Verb. To co!lain !ersistently.
b,lly +i4b,r Noun. 1ood. [*arly 1N00s]
b,lly.u/ Adj. 1. ,ead.
>. 1ailed, ban3ru!t.
b,l+ Verb. To hit.
Noun. 1. A hit. *.g."#f you don$t shut u! oaning #$ll give you a belt
$round the head."
>. A drin3, by e)tension of eaning 1. *.g."@ave a belt of that
brandy, it$ll 'ar you u!."
b,l+,r Noun. An e)cellent thing or event. [Orig. 5orthern dialect]
b,l+ing Adj. Outstanding, 'onderful. 6#nforal7
b,l+ u/- Verb. (e Auiet% &hut u!%
b,n*,r Noun. 1. An e)cessive bout of drin3ing, but ore recently also
inclusive of a drug ta3ing s!ree. [Orig. -.&.]
>. A hoose)ual. Cossibly derived fro gender bender, or fro
being the !assive !artner, bending over to receive se), as o!!osed
to being the thruster. ,erog.
b,n* on,7s
Vrb phrs. To have an alcoholic drin3.
b,n* so4,on,7s
Vrb phrs. To tal3 incessantly and tediously.
b,n+ Adj. 1. @oose)ual, as o!!osed to $straight$. ,erog. [0id 1900s]
>. 2riinal, corru!t. *.g."<ou can usually buy your freedoB the
co!s are bent and !aid !oorly." [*arly 1900s]
H. #llegal, stolen. *.g."#$ not touching that video, it$s bent." [*arly
b,n+ as a bo++l,
o5 chi/s
Chrs. 1. @oose)ual.
>. 2roo3ed, dishonest. &ee $bottle of chi!s$.
b,n+ as a nin, Phrs. 1. @oose)ual. &ee $bent$.
bob no+, >. 2roo3ed, dishonest.
A catch/!hrase 'hose original eaning 'as version >, but 'ith the
onset of $bent$ referring to hoose)ually has coe to be heard ore
'ith regard to version 1. #n (ritish currency, a bob 'as a slang
e)!ression for a shilling :five !ence; but 'ith deciali=ation in
19N1 becae obsolete.There 'as never any such thing as a nine
bob note, hence the siile. 2f. $Aueer as a nine bob note$ and $ca!
as a ro' of tents$.
b,r3 Noun. #diot, objectionable !erson. ,erived fro the rhying slang
'erkshire ,unt or 'erkeley ,unt, eaning $cunt$. 5orally
'erkshire and 'erkeley 'ould be !ronounced 'arkshire and
'arkeley. This e)!ression is generally acce!ted as inoffensive
des!iteits source. Also s!elled $bur3$.
1+h,2 b,rri,s Noun. The best. Also $the berrys$. [&cottish use]
b,s+ o5 Bri+ish- Phrs. Kood luc3%
1+h,2 b,s+ +hing
sinc, slic,*
Phrs. Absolutely the best thing ever.
b,++,r hal5 Noun. One$s 'ife, husband or !artner.
b,++,r +han a
3ic3 in +h,
+,,+h 0 balls
Phrs. 2atch/!hrase e)!ressing that one should be ha!!y 'ith the
situation, as it could be uch 'orse.
b,++,r +han a
/o3, in +h, ,y,
6i+h a blun+
Phrs. A catch/!hrase that e)!resses that a situation could be uch
'orse, hence one should be grateful. Also $better than a !o3e in the
eye 'ith a sharp stic3$.
b,++,r +han a
sla/ in +h, 5ac,
6i+h a 6,+
3i//,r 0 5ish
Phrs. *)!resses that a situation could be considerably 'orse, hence
one should be grateful.
B,++y "6ollo8 Noun. Cers!iring, uncofortable or itchy testicles. A s!ooneris
and literally sweaty bollocks. Also s!elt 'etty &wallocks and 'etty
b,vvi,* u/ Adj. ,run3. Occasionally shortened to bevvied.
b,vvy Noun. A general ter for an alcoholic drin3. Ta3en fro the 'ord
beverage. 2f. $bevvied u!$.
b,::y 4a+,s Noun. (est friends. *.g."They$ve been be==y ates since they 'ere
at nursery together."
bi Noun. Abb. of bise)ual.
Adj. (ise)ual.
bia+ch Noun. A conte!tible !erson, usually 'oan. Alternative for of
$bitch$. [Orig. -.&. 1990s]
bibl, bash,r Noun. A fanatical !reacher of religion. ,erog.
bibl, +hu4/,r Noun. 0eaning the sae as $bible basher$.
bic3y Noun. A biscuit.
bi**y Noun. A 'oan, usually referring to an elderly 'oan and often
reinforced 'ith the 'ord old.
Adj. &all.
bi5 Verb. To hit.
bi55a Noun. An ugly !erson, often assued to be over'eight, but also
heard as fat biffa. ,erog.
bi55in7s bri*g, Noun. The !erineuB the area bet'een the anus and the vulva, or
scrotu. 2f. $biffon$
bi55on Noun. The !erineu. The !lace 'here the an$s testicles 'ould hit
:see biff; during vigorous se)ual intercourse. 2f. $biffin$s bridge$.
bi5+ah 9
Noun. 1. A cigarette.
>. A arijuana or cannabis cigarette.
I Also bifta
big ch,,s, Noun. A very i!ortant !erson.
big *,al- Exclam. A sarcastic e)claation for not being very i!ressed.
1+h,2 big E 5oun. ,isissal, rejection. 1ro the eta!horical use of elbow
:*;, in rejecting soeone. &ee $give soeone the elbo'$.
big girl7s blous, Noun. A feeble and ineffectual !erson. ,erog.
big i+ u/ Verb. &ee $big u!$.
big s+yl, Adj. Kreatly. *.g."<eah she$s into hi big/style."
big +i4, Noun. The u!!er levels of !o'er, success. *.g."&he$s hit the big
tie 'ith getting that fifty thousand !ound contract." [-.&.]
Adv. Kreatly, very uch.
big u/ Verb. To !raise, to acclai. Also to big oneself up or to big it up.
[Orig ?.#.]
big 6hi+,
Noun. The toilet :not the roo;. -sually cobined 'ith various
ters to e)!ress the action of voiting, i.e.$tal3ing do'n the big
'hite tele!hone$ etc
bi3, Noun. A !roiscuous 'oan, often 'ith res!ect to the iediate
district or locality. 2f. $to'n bi3e$. ,erog.
bilg, 16a+,r2 Noun. 5onsense, rubbish. *.g."<ou are tal3ing absolute bilge%"
1+h,2 Bill Noun. The !olice. 2f. $old bill$.
billy Noun. A!hetaine &ul!hate. Abb. of $(illy ?hi==$, a cartoon
character fro the children$s aga=ine (eanoB (illy ?hi== does
everything 'ith e)ce!tional s!eed and energy. 2f. $'hi==$.
billy goa+ Noun. A coat. 9hying slang.
Billy no 4a+,s Noun. A !erson 'ho a!!ears to have no friends. ,erog.
bi4bl, Noun. An abling 'al3. *.g."#$ just going for a bible to the
sho!s, bac3 in >0 inutes."
Verb. To 'ander ailessly, to able.
bi4bo Noun. A young attractive e!ty headed 'oan. ,erog.
bi44,r Noun. A (0? car. 2f. $beeer$. [Orig. ?.#. D (lac3]
bin Verb. To thro' a'ay, to discard.
bin.bag Verb. To terinate a relationshi!. 1ro the returning of !ossessions
in a big bag, a dis!osable bag ade of blac3 !olythene. *.g."# didnt
coe hoe until the ne)t orning, and 'ith li!stic3 on y shirt
collar, # 'as !ro!tly bin/bagged." [0erseyside use]
bing, Noun. A s!ree, often involving food or alcohol.
Verb. To go on a s!ree.
bingo 6ings Noun. 1atty, folds of flesh on the underars of over'eight 'oen,
'ho ight coonly be seen at (ingo nights. [1990s]
bin li* Noun. An adolescent. 9hying slang for kid.
binni, Noun. A refuse collector. A variation on $binan$. Also binno.
bin4an Noun. A refuse collector, a dustbin an.
bin o55 9 Verb. 1. To discard, thro' a'ay.
>. To terinate a relationshi!.
I (oth are 5orth/'est *ngland usage.
bins Noun. &!ectacles.
bin+ Noun. A 'oan. 1ro the Arabic $bint$ eaning girl or daughter.
bir* Noun. 1. A feale. -se can be ta3en as offensive. *.g.",id you see
that bird at the bac3 of the bus%"
>. A girlfiend, 'hen used in conjunction 'ith a !ossessive !ronoun,
such as my bird.
bir*brain,* Adj. &tu!id, lac3ing coonsense. 6#nforal7
Noun. A haer.
bi+ Noun. A 'oan. Abb. of $bit of fluff$ or $bit of s3irt$, generally a
!erson vie'ed se)ually. ,erog.
Noun. 1. A conte!tible 'oan. -sed on the gay scene to describe
an eAually des!ised ale.
>. A 'oan. ,erogDOffens.
H. A girlfriend. ,erogDOffens. [0ainly blac3 use]
4. &oething difficult or un!leasant. *.g."#t$s such a bitch, having
no'here 'ar and dry to slee!."
L. A co!laint or dis!araging tirade. *.g."@ave you been having a
bitch about e behind y bac34"
Verb. To s!ea3 dis!aragingly, co!lain.
bi+chin 1-2 9 Exclam. *)cellent% ?onderful% 2ool%
Adj. *)cellent, cool. *.g."&he 'as 'earing a bitchin !air of shoes,
but that hat 'as just a'ful."
I Also bitching.
bi+ch /iss Noun. &'eet, ready/i)ed fruit and alcohol drin3. 2f. $alco!o!$ and
$tart fuel$.$
bi+ch +i+s Noun. 1. Overly develo!ed fatty de!osits on the ale breasts, the
edical condition of gynecoastia. Ter can be heard on the
bodybuilding scene, the condition being one of the conseAuences of
steroid abuse.
>. As the above, having fatty breast tissue, but due to e)cessive
drin3ing of beer. 2f. $beer tits$
bi+ o5 all righ+ Noun. &oething e)cellent. Often heard used 'ith reference to a
se)ually attractive !erson. *.g."&he$s a bit of alright% #$ going to
as3 her for a date."
bi+ o5 5lu55 Noun. A se)ual !artner.
bi+ o5 rough Noun. A se)ual !artner belo' one$s noral standards or believed
bi+ o5 s3ir+ Noun. A 'oan or 'oen. A ale e)!ression for feales vie'ed
se)ually. Also abbreviated to $s3irt$. ,erog.
bi+ o5 s/ar, Noun. A se)ually available !erson.
bi+ o5 s+u55 Noun. A se)ually desirable !erson or !ersons.
bi+ on +h, si*, Noun. 1. A se)ual relationshi! e)tra to one$s usual !artner, an affair.
>. The other !erson in a se)ual affair.
bi+s Noun. A eu!heis for the genitals, ale or feale.
bi+s an* ba+s Noun. 0iscellaneous ites. :5orth/*astD Tyneside use;
bi: Adj. 9ubbish, nonsense. *.g.",on$t go and see that ne' aateur
!lay at the theatre, it 'as bi=."
Noun. Abb. of business. &ee $:the; business$
bi::i,s Noun. The !olice. Cossibly derived fro the e)!ression busy body.
[5orth/'est use]
BJ Noun. Oral se). An abb. of $blo' job$.
blabb,r4ou+h Noun. A !erson 'ho reveals too uch in conversation, a gossi!.
blac3 ov,r
Bill7s 4o+h,rs
Phrs. #t loo3s as though it$s going to rain. [*. 0idlands use]
blac3 as
Phrs. Jery blac3.
bla**,r,* Adj. ,run3.
blag Verb. To lie, or use clever tal3 'ith !rofit as an objective, to
'heedle or !ersuade for gain. *.g."# blagged a lift to 'or3 'ith y
sister but had to get the bus hoe."
Noun. 1. A con, a $sca$.
>. A violent robbery or raid.
blag ar+is+ Noun. A !erson 'ith a re!utation for using clever tal3 for self gain.
blagg,r 5oun. &ee $blag artist$.
blan3 Verb. To rudely ignore. *.g.",es!ite being introduced L inutes
earlier, he just blan3ed e and continued tal3ing.."
bla/s Noun. ,iarrhoea, the illness.
blar+ Verb. To cry. [0idlands use]
blas+ 1-2 Noun. 1. An inhalation of a cigarette or $joint$. *.g."Kive us a blast
on your cigarette, #$ve just run out."
>. An enjoyable e)!erience. [-.&.] *.g."?asn$t the !arty last night a
H. A fast run in a vehicle. *.g."?e$re going for a blast u! to the
coast to get soe fresh air."
Exclam. An e)claation of annoyance.
bla++s Noun. ,iarrhoea, the illness. *.g."# daren$t leave the house, #$ve got
the blatts."
bla:, Verb. To set alight. -sually 'ith res!ect to the lighting of cigarettes
and $joints$.
bl,,*,r Noun. An objectionable !erson.
bl,,*ing Adv. -sed as an intensive. *.g."That bleeding idiot fro ne)t door
is drun3 again."
bl,,* li3, a
s+uc3 /ig
Vrb phrs. To bleed !rofusely.
bligh+,r Noun. An insignificant or objectionable !erson. 6#nforal7.
*.g."This blighter a!!roaches e and as3s for a cigaretteB sure #
say, and then he has the gall to !ut it in his !oc3et and says he$ll
so3e that later and then as3s for another to have no'."
Bligh+y Noun. Affectionate nae for *ngland as one$s hoe, often used
jocularly. Orig. used by colonial #ndian Ary, fro the @industani
bilyati, eaning foreign. [*arly 1900s]
Bli4,y- Exclam. An e)claation of sur!rise. An abbreviated for of blind
me. 2f. $cor bliey$.
Exclam. An e)claation of sur!rise.
bli4/s Noun. The red hot fragents of cannabis that occasionally fall fro
alight $joints$, causing burns to s3in, clothing and furnishings.
blin*,r Noun. An e)cellent achieveent. *.g."Ti$s !layed another
blinder." 6#nforal7.
blin*ing Adj. *)cellent, 'onderful. *.g."?e had a blinding tie last night."
bling bling Noun. 1. Fe'ellery. 1ro the sound of je'ellery 3noc3ing against
je'ellery, as often seen 'orn by ra!!ers. [Orig. (lac3 -&]
>. Obvious and a!!ealing 'ealth, by e)tension of eaning 1.
blin3ing Adj.%Adv. -sed as an intensifier, but a !articularly ild e)!ression.
*.g."<our blin3in$ 'ashing achine has bro3en do'n again." or
"#t$s blin3in$ heavy, this 'ashing achine".
blin3in7 h,c3- Exclam. An old fashioned inoffensive e)claation of sur!rise, often
e)!ressed 'ithout the $h$. Also $hec3$ can be re!laced 'ith $hell$.
bli+h,ring Adj. 1. An intensifier such as $bloody$. *.g."@o' can # have toast
'hen that blithering idiot has just eaten all the bread%"
>. &enseless and e)cessive tal3ing. 6#nforal7.
bli+h,r on Verb. To tal3 incessently and boringly. 6#nforal7. (lither is a
varient s!elling of the s.e.blather.
bli+:,* Adj. Jery into)icated, drun3.
bloa+,r Noun. A fat and unnattractive !erson. ,erog.
blo3, Noun. A an.
bloo* Noun. A friendly ter of address. Orig. (lac3 use for addressing a
fello' (lac3.
bloo* an*
Exclam. An e)claation of sur!rise or anger. A ild and antiAuated
bloo*y Adj. *)!ressing annoyance as an intensifier. *.g."That bloody idiot
needs a good thu!ing."
Adv. As an intensifier. *.g."#$ll bloody thu! that idiot."
bloo*y h,ll- Exclam. An e)claation of sur!rise or frustration.
bloo*y.Nora- Exclam. An e)claation of sur!rise or anger. 2f. $flaing/5ora%$
and $ruddy/5ora%$
bloo4,r Noun. A ista3e. 6#nforal7.
bloo4ing Adj.%Adv. An intensifier. *.g."#t$s blooing cold outside%"
bloo+,r Verb. To 3ic3 a ball forcefully, often i!lying 'ithout good control.
[&cottish use]
bloo+,r,* Adj. ,run3. [&cottish use]
blo++o Adj. Jery drun3. [*arly 1900s]
blo6 Noun. 2annabis or arijuana. #t$s interesting to note that in the -.&.
it refers to cocaine. [19.0s]
blo6 a 5us, 0
Vrb phrs. To be very angry.
blo6 a6ay Verb. 1. To 3ill.
>. To aa=e. 2f. $blo' one$s ind.$
blo6bac3 Noun. A ethod of sharing a $joint$ bet'een t'o !eo!le, 'ith one
!erson blo'ing and the other inhaling.
blo6 chun3s Verb. To voit.
blo6,r Noun. The tele!hone. 1ro the $s!ea3ing tube$, do'n 'hich one
ble' to attract a !erson$s attention !rior to having a conversation
through it. 6#nforal7.
blo6 i+- Exclam. A disissive e)claation of frustration and anger.
blo6 ;ob Noun. 1ellatio or cunnilingus. [Orig. -.&.]
blo6 i+- Exclam. An e)claation of anger or frustration.
blo6.o55 Verb. To brea3 'ind, but not belching.
blo6 on,7s
Vrb phrs. To cause to be utterly confused or aa=ed, originally
'hen on hallucinogens. *.g."That tri! 'as too uch, it just ble'
y ind." [19.0s]
blo6 on,7s +o/ Vrb phrs. To e)!lode 'ith fury.
blo6 on,7s 6a* Vrb phrs. To ejaculate seen.
blo6 ou+ Noun. An e)cessive s!ree of drin3ing, eating, s!ending or se).
Verb. To cancel an arranged eeting 'ith soeone, or an !lanned
event, unreasonably or 'ithout due notification. *.g."#$ going to
blo' out y brother$s birthday !arty and go to that ne' club night
blo6 +h, ga55 Vrb phrs. To reveal a !lot or secret. 6#nforal7.
blo6 +h,
6his+l, on
Vrb phrs. To infor on.
blub Verb. To sob. Cossibly onoato!oeic. [0id 1G00s]
blu, ars,* 5ly Noun. &ee $li3e a blue arsed fly$.
blu, rins,r Noun. An elderly lady, a lady !ensioner. 1ro the habit of soe of
this !articular age grou! having their hair died 'ith a hint of blue.
blun+ Noun. A arijuanaDcannabis cigarette. 0ore s!ecifically, es!ecially
in the -.&., a blunt is arijuana rolled in the outer leaves of a cigar.
blun+,* Adj. #nto)icated by arijuana. 1ro the ter $blunt$, .
boaby Noun. Cenis. [Klasgo' use]
boa3 Verb. To voit. [0ainly 5. *nglandD&cottish use]
boa+ Noun. 1ace. 1ro the rhying slang boat race.
bob Verb. To visit briefly. *.g."#$ just gonna bob do'n to the corner
sho! for soe fags, do you 'ant anything4"
Noun. 1. A shilling in !re/decial currency 'hich no' aounts to
L !ence.
>. A se) toy, a vibrator. An abbreviation of battery operated
bobbins Noun. 9ubbish, nonsense, useless. 0anchester rhying slang for
rotten, fro bobbins of cotton. *.g."That eal 'as bobbins, ne)t
tie 'e$ll eat at hoe."
bobbins,* Adj. ,run3, into)icated. [0anchester use]
Bobby Noun. A !oliceanD'oan. The nae derives fro the !et for of
the 2hristian nae of &ir 9obert Ceel, 'ho established the !resent
(ritish !olice organisation. 6#nforal7
bobby.*a::l,r Noun. A aa=ing thing or !erson. 6#nforal7
bob5oc Acronym. A facially unattractive feale, 'ho !ossesses a se)ually
desirable body. 1ro body off 'aywatch$ face off -rimewatch. both
TJ !rograes.
Bob 1Ho/,2 Noun. 0arijuana or cannabis. 9hying slang for $do!e$ :noun >;.,s Noun. &lee!. Kenerally a children$s e)!ression.
Bobs your
Phrs. There you have itB a catch !hrase e)!ressing satisfactory
co!letion. *.g."0a3e sure you have !ried and undercoated the
'ood. Then a!!ly the gloss !aint and (ob$s your uncle% The 'ood
'ill stay !rotected and loo3 good for another cou!le of years."
bo* Noun. A !erson. 6#nforal7
bo*g, Verb. 1. To do a !oor job or re!air.
>. To cobble :soething together;. *.g."# bodged together that
furniture out of drift'ood and old egg bo)es."
I 2o!are 'ith $botch$.
bo*g, ;ob Noun. A job done !oorly, soething cobbled together, a a3eshift
I 2o!are 'ith $botch job$.
bo5 Noun. A conte!tible, old !erson. Acrony of boring old fart.
bo55 Verb. 1. To brea3 'ind, $fart$.
>. To have se) :'ith;.
bo55in Noun. 1. A !erson involved in scientificDtechnical research, usually
associated 'ith the 'earing of 'hite laboratory coats, glasses, and
carrying a cli!board. ,erog. 6#nforal7
>. An intellectual.
bog Noun. A toilet. [1G00s]
bog all Noun. 5othing, or a total lac3 of. *.g."?e$ve bog all chance of
'inning 'ithout our ca!tain and best !layer."
bogar+ Verb. To selfishly hold on to :soething;. Focular usage, heard
aongst so3ers of cannabisDarijuana. *.g."2oe on Ti, don$t
bogart that joint, 'e all 'ant to get stoned soetie tonight."
bog,y Noun. A tiny ball of nasal ucus.
boggin Adj. -n!leasant, vile, ugly. [Orig. &cottish]
bog o55 1-2 Verb. Ko a'ay.
Exclam. Ko a'ay% $1uc3 off%$
bog.roll Noun. Toilet !a!er. &ee $bog$.
bog.s+an*ar* Adj. 5oral, average, usual. *.g."#t 'as just a bog/standard
2hristas, too uch food, too uch boo=e and not enough slee!."
bog+ro++,r Noun. An #rish !erson. ,erogDoffens.
boil,r Noun. An unattractive 'oan. Often !hrased as old boiler for
added derogatory e!hasis. ,erog.
Noun. 2ocaine. @uourous use.
bolli8 Noun. Alternative s!elling of $bolloc3s$.
bolloc3 Verb. To re!riand. *.g."0y dad bolloc3ed e for stealing oney
fro his 'allet% # 'as only borro'ing it."
Noun. A testicle.
bolloc3bag Noun. The scrotu and testicles.
bolloc3.brain Noun. #diot, ibecile. ,erog.
bolloc3ing Noun. A severe re!riand.
1+h,2 bolloc3s Noun. The best, a thing or situation of e)cellence. Abb of $dog$s
bolloc3s 1-2 9 Noun. 1. Testicles. &.e. until id 1G00s.
>. 9ubbish, nonsense, drivel. *.g."That fil 'as bolloc3s."
Exclam. An e)!ression of anger, frustration, or defiance.
I Also 'ritten as bollo) or bolli).
bolloc3s,* Adj. 1. ?orn out, ruined, tired.
>. Jery into)icated.
<<<bolloc3s o55 Phrs. &uffi)al use e)!ressing the e)tree or e)cessive nature of an
action. 1or e)a!le, "# ran y bolloc3s off but still cae last."
1so4,+hing2 u/
Vrb phrs. To a3e a ista3e, to ess soething u!.
bolloc3s +o
Exclam. A defiant e)claation.
bollo8 Noun. Alternative s!elling of $bolloc3s$.
bolshi, Adj. Angrily !rovocative. Originating fro the socialist
revolutionaries the 'olsheviks.
bo4b Noun. 1. Another nae for burning cannabis fragents. &ee
$bli!s$ for a fuller e)!lanation. Jariations include bombies and
>. A sall Auantity of illicit drugs 'ra!!ed in a handrolling
cigarette !a!er, foring a !ill li3e ball. 0ade either for easier
consu!tion at a later date or to avoid the bitter taste of the drugs
'hen loose.
H. As, the bob, eaning e)cellent, the best. [Orig. -.&.]
Verb. To travel or ove Auic3ly. *.g."?ill you bob round to the
corner sho! and get a !int of il34" 6#nforal7
bo4b,* ou+ Adj. #nca!acitated by drin3 or drugs. Also shortened to $bobed$.
bo44i, nigh+ Noun. (onfire night, see $bonnie night$. Cossibly s!elt bombie night
fro the use of fire'or3s. [*ast +ancashireD0erseyside use]
bonc, Noun. The head.
bon, Verb. To have se)ual intercourse.
Noun. The act of having se)ual intercourse.
bon,h,a* Noun. 1. A stu!id !erson.
>. A !erson 'ith all their head hair shaved off.
bon,r Noun. An erect !enis.
bon, u/ Verb. To study hard. *.g."#$ve been boning u! on y high'ay code
/ y driving e)a is ne)t 'ee3." [Orig. -&]
bong Noun. A 'ater !i!e used for so3ing cannabis or arijuana.
bon3 Verb. To fornicate. An inoffensive e)!ression, generally used ore
by adolescents.
Noun. A se)ual act.
bon3,rs Adj. 1. 2ra=y, insane. *.g."@e ust be bon3ers% #agine going out
and getting drun3 before eeting his girlfriend$s !arents for the first
tie." [*arly 1900s]
>. *ager for, cra=y for.
bonni, Noun. A bonfire.
bonni, nigh+ Noun. (onfire 5ight. An annual celebration of the foiling of an
atte!t to blo' u! The @ouses of Carliaent in 1.0L.
boob Noun. 1. A ista3e. 2f. $booboo$.
>. A breast. &ee $boobs$.
boobi,s Noun. (reasts. @uorous usage.
boob ;ob Noun. (reast enhanceent by !lastic surgery.
booboo Noun. A ista3e. 2f. $boob$. *.g."Oh no% #$ve just ade a classic
boob +ub, Noun. 1. The television. [Orig. -.&. 19L0s]
>. A tight, stra!less to! 'orn by feales that is a basic tube of
aterial. 6#nforal7
boobs Noun. (reasts. 2an be used singularly, as boob. [0id 1900s]
boogi, Noun. A dance, usually to !o! usic.
Verb. To dance.
boo4- Exclam. A for of verbal a!!reciation, sounding ore li3e boo+.
Also s!elt booom+ Originally fro the (lac3 -8 garage scene4
booni,s Noun. 9ural areas, the countryside. Abb. of boondocks. [Orig. -.&.]
boo+ Noun. 1. An unattractive !erson.
>. As the boot, eaning the $sac3$, terination of e!loyent. &ee
$give one the boot.$
boo+y Noun. The buttoc3s. 0ainly blac3 use. [Orig. -.&.D(lac3]
boo+y call Noun. A call to arrange a se)ual rende=vous. 0ainly blac3 use.
[Orig. -.&.D(lac3]
boo+ylicious 9 Adj. 1. Of a 'oan, se)ually attractive. [Orig. -.&.D(lac3]
>. @aving a se)ually desirable botto, usually full and 'ell
rounded. [Orig. -.&.D(lac3]
boo:, Noun. Alcoholic drin3. 6#nforal7
boo:, cruis, Noun. A boat tri! :usually just one day; to ainland *uro!e, in
order to !urchase the considerably chea!er alcohol :and cigarettes;
than is available in (ritain.
boo:,r Noun. 1. A !ublic house, a bar. 6#nforal7
>. A !erson 'ho enjoys regularly drin3ing alcohol. 6#nforal7
H. An alcoholic. 6#nforal7
boo:,.u/ Noun. A drin3ing s!ree.
boracic Adj. Coor, having no oney. 9hying slang for $s3int$, fro
boracic lint, an ointent, !ronounced borrassic. Also heard as
brassick. *.g."# can$t coe out for a drin3, #$ boracic until # get
!aid ne)t 1riday."
bor,* ou+ o5
on,7s s3ull
Phrs. *)treely bored.
bor, rigi* Verb. To utterly bore. *.g."@e bores e rigid 'ith his tales of
'ealth, fae, and his se)ual conAuests."
bor, shi+l,ss Verb. (ore co!letely. *.g."# 'as bored shitless by her tal3ing non/
sto! about her faily."
bor, s+i55 Verb. (ore co!letely.
bor, +h, /an+s
o55 1so4,on,2
Vrb phrs. To bore soeone greatly. *.g."That G hour seinar on
nuclear !hysics bored the !ants off e." The suffi)al ..the pants off
is often used as an negative intensifier, e.g."@e just ithered the
!ants off e all orning." &iilar idioatic intensifiers are $..the
tits off$and $..the arse off$.
bor, +h, +i+s o55 Vrb phrs. 0eaning the sae as $bore the !ants off :soeone;$.
bosh Noun. 5onsense, rubbish.
boss Adj. *)cellent, good. [Orig. -.&.]
boss.,y,* Adj. 2ross/eyed or having a sAuint. 6#nforal7
bossyboo+s Noun. A !erson 'ho bosses others around, a doineering !erson.
bos+ Adj. (ro3en. Crobably fro bust. [?. 0idlands use]
bos+in Adj. Kreat, good, enjoyable. *.g."&he had a bostin figure." [?.
0idlands use]
bo+ch ;ob Noun. 1. A a3eshift construction or re!air. 2f. $bodge$.
>. A thing done badly. 2f. $bodge$.
bo+ch 1u/2 Verb. 1. To build or re!air in a a3eshift anner.
>. To do soething badly.
Noun. 1. A a3eshift construction or re!air.
>. A thing done badly.
I All the eanings and uses of $botch$ are inforal. 2f. $bodge$.
bo++l, Noun. 2ourage, confidence. *.g."Fohnny$s scared, he$s lost his
Verb. To sash a bottle into a !erson$s face, very often a beer bottle
after a drin3ing s!ree.
bo++l, i+ Verb. 1. To lose courage. Also bottle out. &ee $bottle$.
>. &hut u!% -sually i!er.
bo++l, o5 chi/s Phrs. An unli3ely thing. -sed in e)!ressions to add e!hasis, such
as in $bent as a bottle of chi!s$, $Aueer as a bottle of chi!s$, $ad as a
bottle of chi!s$ etc
bo++l,r Noun. A !erson 'ho easily gives u!, or loses the courage to
co!lete a tas3. ,erog.
bo++o4 bur/ Noun. ?ind fro the anus, a $fart$. Also abbreviated to botty burp.
bo++o4l,ss /i+ Noun. A !erson 'ith an insatiable a!!etite for food.
bo++y Noun. The buttoc3s. Also abbreviated to bot. 2hildren$s e)!ression.
Noun. A brassiere. Focular ale usage. 2f. $over the shoulder
boulder holder$. [19L0s]
bounc,r Noun. A !erson e!loyed to eject troublea3ers fro clubs or
events. These days they !refer the title of security.
5oun. Anus. A (ritish eAuivalent of the -& slang hershey highway.
Often heard in !hrases such as "ta3e a strollDtri! do'n bournville
boulevard", eaning to engage in anal intercourse. 2oonly
is!elt as bourneville boulevard. [1990s]
bovv,r Noun. Trouble. A corru!tion of bother, derived fro coc3ney
bovv,rboo+s Noun. &turdy heavy boots.
bo65in Adj. ,isgusting, un!leasant. [&cottish use]
bo8 Noun. 1. Anus.
>. Jagina.
bo8 cl,v,r Verb. To act shre'dly or in a anner so as to out'it soeone.
bo8,* Adj. #nto)icated by drugs. 2f. $off one$s bo)$.
boy*,4 Noun. A !olice officer. [0ainly blac3 use]
boy5 Noun. Abb. of boyfriend.
boy rac,r Noun. A young an 'ho has a !enchant for fast cars and rec3less
bo:o Noun. An objectionable !erson, an idiot. ,erog.
bra** /i++ Noun. An act of defecation. 9hying slang on $shit$. [1990s]
brain Verb. To hit on the head. *.g."#f you don$t tidy your roo no', #$ll
brain you."
brain,* Adj. *)tree drug into)ication, affecting the ental faculties.
bran n,6 Adj. *)cellent, res!ectable. [&cottishDKlasgo' use]
brass Noun. 1. 0oney.
>. Crostitute. &hort for brass nail, rhying slang for tail, 'hich is
itself slang for, aongst other things, a 'oan and !rostitute.
brass,* o55 Adj. 1ed/u!, annoyed. *.g."#$ brassed off all this bad 'eather."
brassic3 Adj. &ee $boracic$
brass 4on3,y
Noun. Jery cold 'eather. 1ro the !hrase, cold enough to free/e
the balls off a brass monkey. Also abbreviated to brass monkeys.
2f. $brassy$.
brass.n,c3 Noun. #!udence, chee3, nerve. Also brass)necked :adj;. [Orig.
5orthern dialect]
brassy Adj. Jery cold. 1ro the !hrase, cold enough to free/e the balls off
a brass monkey. 2f. $brass on3ey 'eather$
bras+ Verb. To burst. [+ancsD<or3s use]
bray Verb. To beat u!, thrash. [5orth/east use]
br,a* Noun. 0oney.
br,a3b,a+ Noun. 1. A style of dru !atterns originating fro ja==.
>. A dance usic genre e!itoised by s!eedy $sa!les$ of
brea3beats. Originally $rave$ s!ecific but develo!ed into $jungle$ and
$dru and bass.$
br,a3 on,7s
Vrb phrs. To 'or3 very hard. [Orig. -.&.]
br,*rin Noun. 1riend, brother. 1ro the archaic s.e. brethren. [0ainly
(lac3 use]
br,,*,r Noun. A heterose)ual. 1ro the fact that heterose)uals actively
!rocreate, or breed. ,erog. [Kay use] [Orig. -.&.]
br,33y Noun. Abb. of brea3fast. Also the variant, brekkers.
br,r Noun. A ter of address, for a friend. 1ro brother. [0ainly (lac3
br,6 Noun. 1. A cu! of tea, or ore generally a 'ar drin3.
>. Alcoholic drin3, usually beer or lager.
br,6,rs *roo/ Noun. An inability to achieve or aintain a !enile erection due to
e)cessive consu!tion of alcohol.
br,6.u/ Verb. To a3e a cu! or !ot of tea. 6#nforal7
bric3 Noun. A hel!ful and reliable !erson. 6#nforal7
bric3i, Noun. Abb. of bric3layer.
bric3.i+ Verb. To be very scared, terrified. 2f. $shit bric3s$.
bri,5 Noun. A solicitor or barrister. 6#nforal7
brill Adj. *)cellent. An abbreviation of $brilliant$. Also used as an
e)claation. 6#nforal7
brillian+ 1-2
Adj.%Exclam. *)cellent, arvellous. 6#nforal7
bring o55 Verb. To hel! achieve orgas.
bris+ols Noun. (reasts. 1ro the rhying slang 'ristol -ity ) titty. &ee $tit$.
bri+n,ys Noun. (eers. 9hying slang on (ritney &!ears. Jery !o!ular and
recent e)!ression. [+ate 1990s]
Bri+/o/ Noun. Abb. of (ritish Co!ular usic. The sound e!itoised by
guitar based tunes of bands such as Oasis, (lur and Cul!. [0id
bro Noun. Abb. of brother.
brolly Noun. An ubrella. 6#nforal7
Broo3y Noun. An abbreviated nae freAuently used for the (ritish TJ soa!
o!era $(roo3side$. 2f. $2orry$ and $&tenders$.
bro6n br,a* Adj. ,ead. 2oc3ney rhying slang.
bro6n,* o55 Adj. -!set, fed u!.
bro6n,y, Noun. The anus.
bro6n ha++,r Noun. A hoose)ual ale. ,erog.
bro6ni, /oin+ Noun. A hy!othetical a'ard for achieveent, usually given as a
bac3handed co!lient for syco!hantic behaviour.
bro6n.nos, Verb. To overly !raise or behave syco!hantically, i.e. to $arse/lic3$.
*.g."To$s in the anager$s office bro'n/nosing / ho!ing to get
that !rootion."
bro6n.nos,r Noun. A syco!hant.
bro6ns Noun. 2igarette:s;. *.g."?ill you !ass e a bro'ns, #$ gas!ing for
a so3e." [+ondon use]
bro6n +rou+ Noun. A lu! of e)creent.
Bruc, L,,s Noun. *rect and !roinent ni!!les. A !lay on 'ords, fro 'ruce
0ee :the actor faous for his 0artial Arts s3illsDfils; being a hard
Nip :a tough and unyielding !erson fro Fa!an, or rather oriental,
being as (ruce +ee 'as Aerican born and 'hose !arents 'ere
fro @ong 8ong;. &ee $hard$ and $5i!$.
Bru4 Noun. The 2ity of (iringha. 1ro the 'ord brummagem, a ter
fro the 1N00s eaning fa3e or chea!ly ade.
Bru44i, Noun. A native of (iringha. 6#nforal7
bruv Noun. A ter of address, usually for a friend. A corru!tion of
brother. [0ainly &outh/east use]
bubbi,s Noun. 1eale breasts.
bubbl, Verb. To infor. 1ro the rhying slang bubble and s1ueak
eaning speak. *.g."#f you bubble e to the boss, #$ll lose y job."
Noun. A !erson fro Kreece. 1ro bubble and s1ueak$ coc3ney
rhying slang on 2reek.
bubbl, 1ba+h2 Noun. A laugh. 9hying slang. *.g."<ou$re having a bubble Faes,
if you thin3 #$ going to give you t'enty notes."
bubbl,* Adj. 1ound out, discovered. *.g."# can$t get any ore of those chea!
9eebo3 trainers, # 'as bubbled hiding ten !airs in y car so lost y
bubbl,h,a* Noun. An e!ty headed and stu!id !erson. [Orig. -.&.]
buc3,+ *o6n Verb. To rain heavily. The !ast tense is bucketing down.
buc3 na3,* Adj. Totally na3ed. 2f. $butt na3ed$
buc3sh,, Adj. 1ree, 'ithout charge. [#nforal]
buc3 u/ Verb. To a3e ha!!y or ore cheerful.
bu* Noun. 0arijuana, or occasionally cannabis. &!ecifically the !art of
the arijuana !lant that is so3ed.
bu*g, u/ Verb. To ove, in order to a3e roo for soeone. *.g."(udge u!
and let (ob sit do'n."
bu55 Adj. Kood loo3ing, attractive.
bu5+i, Noun. A hoose)ual ale. Also bufty. [&cottish use]
bug Verb. 1. To annoy, to bother.
>. To s!y on via a concealed icro!hone.
bug.,y,* Adj. @aving large bulbous eyes.
bugg,r 1-2 Noun. 1. An objectionable !erson.
>. A !erson. Also used in a sense of !ity, see $sod$.
H. A situation or event that is difficult or distressing. *.g."#t$s a real
bugger Cete catching the flu on his suer holidays."
Exclam. *)!ressing annoyance or frustration.
Verb. To ruin, daage, brea3. *.g."#f # find out it 'as you that
buggered y ,J, !layer, then you can forget borro'ing oney
fro us to go on holiday."
bugg,r abou+ 0
Verb. To ess around, 'aste tie.
bugg,r.all Noun. Absolutely nothing at all. *.g."There$s bugger/all 'e can do
about it no', the !olice are here and 'e$re tra!!ed."
bugg,ra+ion- Exclam. An e)claation of annoyance or sur!rise.
bugg,r,* Adj. ?orn out, bro3en, ruined.
bugg,r1,*2 i5<<< Phrs. (eginning a !hrase 'ill ean $there$s no 'ay$, such as
"bugger if #$ going to volunteer 'hen it$ll ean issing the !arty".
#t is an abbreviated for of $#$ll be buggered if...$.
bugg,r i+- Exclam. *)claation of frustration.
bugg,rlugs Noun. A ter of address, usually affectionate use. [+ate 1G00s]
bugg,r 4,- Exclam. An e)claation of sur!rise.
bugg,r.o55 Verb. Ket lost, clear off. -sually said in annoyance and in the i!er.
bugg,r +ha+ 5or
a ga4, o5
Vrb phrs. A e)!ression of resignation / i.e. theres no way that (m
doing that% &iilar sentients to the e)!ression screw it.
*.g."(ugger that for a gae of soldiers, # dont care ho' safe you
say it is, #$ not ju!ing out of a !lane at H,000 feet 'ith or 'ithout
a !arachute." 2f. $sod that for a gae of soldiers$.
bugg,r.u/ Verb. To ess u!, to get 'rong. *.g."#t$s no good, 'e ay as'ell go
hoe, he$s buggered u! the evening by getting drun3."
bugg,ry Adj. -sed as an intensifier in denials such as did ( buggery+ or like
buggery she did.
bugg,r you Verb. An e)claation of annoyance.
bugl, Noun. 2ocaine.
buil*,r7s bu4 Noun. ,escribing the to! of the buttoc3s being in sight above the
'aistline of trousers 'hen 3neeling or bending. &tereoty!ical iage
of builders.
buil+ li3, a
bric3 shi+hous,
Phrs. +arge, sturdy, strong. Often said of a !erson.
bulg, Noun. A eu!heis for the ale genitals usually fro being
a!!arent through clothing.
bull Noun. 5onsense. A odification of $bullshit$. [1.00s]
Verb. To !olish, clean. [0ilitary use]
bull *y3, Noun. A asculine lesbian. Ty!ifies the heterose)ual necessity to
i!art ale traits in a derogatory fashion, ho'ever the ter is used
and acce!ted 'ithin the scene.
bullshi+ Noun. 5onsense, rubbish, egocentric boasting. 2f. $bull$.
Verb. To lie, fib.
bullshi++,r Noun. An egocentric boaster, a teller of untruths.
bu4 Noun. 1. The buttoc3s or anus.
>. A objectionable !erson.
H. A beggar, hoeless !erson. ,erog. [Orig. -.&.]
Verb. 1. To beg. *.g."2an # bu a cigarette off you until # buy soe
>. To bugger, sodoi=e.
bu4 aroun* Verb. To ess about, to la=e about.
bu4baclo+ Noun. An idiot, an objectionable !erson. Also occasionally s!elt
bumbaclat or bumbaclut. [Orig. ?.#.]
bu4.bag Noun. A sall !ouch 'orn around the 'aist or hi!s, held in !lace
by a stra! or belt, and used to hold valuables and oney. The -.&.
eAuivalent is a fanny pack.
bu4 ban*i+ Noun. A hoose)ual ale. 2f $arse bandit$. ,erog.
bu4.boy Noun. A hoose)ual ale. ,erog.
bu4.chu4 Noun. A !erson 'ith an a!!arently overly close friendshi! 'ith
another !erson. Although the underlying i!lication is of
hoose)uality, the e)!ression is ainly used by children, 'ith little
true a'areness of the se)ual slur they ay be ibuing. ,erog.
bu4 cl,avag, Noun. The area bet'een the buttoc3s.
bu45lu55 Noun. Adolescent facial hair gro'th.
bu4.5r,,:,r Noun. A short jac3et, that doesn$t cover one$s botto :bu;.
bu44,r Noun. A bad tie, a bad e)!erience, a disa!!ointent. [Orig. -.&.]
bu4/h Noun. Ca!ers or docuents usually of little interest. Also s!elt
bumf. &hort for bum fodder, eaning toilet !a!er. 6#nforal7.
bu4/ in+o
Verb. To fortuitously eet 'ith soeone.
bu4/ o55 Verb. To urder.
bu4/ s+ar+ Verb. To hel! otivate, assist in !rooting action. *.g."# thin3 'e
need to bu! start the !roject 'ith an ideas session."
bu4/ +u44i,s Verb. To have se)ual intercourse.
1+h,2 bu47s
Noun. 1orced ejection or disissal. [Orig. -.&.]
bu4 s+,,r Noun. An i!arting of false inforation.
bu4+ag Noun. A faecal de!osit that has adhered to the anal hairs of a !erson
or anial.
bu46a* Noun. Toilet !a!er.
bun Noun. A so3e, !articularly arijuana. 1ro burn. [Orig ?.#.]
bunc, Noun. 0oney.
bun*l, Noun. A large Auantity of oney.
bung Verb. To give or thro'. *.g."Ko on, bung her an e)tra tenner for
Noun. A bribe.
bungalo6 Noun. An idiot. 1ro not having uch u! u!stairs. ,erog.
bun in +h, ov,n &ee $have a bun in the oven$.
bun3 o55 Verb. To shir3 one$s duties. A coon adolescent$s ter for
avoiding school lessons.
bun3 u/ Noun. &e)ual intercourse. *.g."# thought if # brought her drin3s all
night #$d at least get a bun3 u!."
bunny boil,r Noun. An obsessive and !sychotic 'oan. Ta3en fro a scene in
the fil "atal Attraction. ,erog. [Orig. -.&.]
bunny hugg,r Noun. An anial lover. ,erog.
bu//i, Noun. (read and butter. -sually a children$s e)!ression.
bur3 Noun. &ee $ber3$.
burn rubb,r Verb. To de!art Auic3ly. ,erived fro burning tyre rubber fro
e)cessive acceleration 'ith a otor vehicle.
bur/ +h, 6or4 Verb. To asturbate, of ales.
Bur+on Noun. &ee $go for a burton$.
bush Noun. 1. The feale genitals, but alluding to the !ubic hair.
>. 0arijuana.
1+h,2 busin,ss Noun. 1. The best. *.g."That ne' 0ini 2oo!er fro (0? is the
>. &e)ual intercourse. *.g."# 'as doing the business 'ith her all
bus+ Noun. A !olice raid on a !erson andDor !ro!erty.
Verb. To raid as in a bust.
bus+in Adj. *ager. Crobably a corru!tion of bursting. *.g."#$ bustin for a
!int and a so3e."
bus+ on,7s gu+s Vrb phrs. To 'or3 'ith great effort.
bu+ch Adj. 1. Tough loo3ing, asculine.
>. A asculine lesbian.
bu+ch,rs Noun. A loo3. 1ro the 2oc3ney rhying slang butchers hook.
*.g."+et$s have a butchers at it before you !ut it bac3."
bu++ Noun. The buttoc3s. &.e fro 1400s until 1.00s.
bu++,rs Adj. 1. -gly. [Orig. ?.#.]
>. 9ubbish, useless, of no value. [Orig. ?.#.]
bu++ na3,* Adj. 5a3ed. 2f. $buc3 na3ed$.
bu++ ou+ Verb. An i!olite reAuest to 3ee! one$s nose out of soething.
*.g."(utt out Fohn, it$s none of your business." [Orig. -.&.]
bu++ /ira+, Noun. A hoose)ual ale. ,erog. [Orig. -.&.]
bu++ /lug Noun. A !lug, usually ade of rubber, for insertion in the anus
during se).
bu++ ugly Adj. Jery ugly.
bu++y Noun. A sand'ich. The ter originates in the 5orth of *ngland but
has gained national use. Also s!elt buttie. 6#nforal7
bu:: Noun. 1. A tele!hone call. *.g. "#$ll give you a bu== 'ith the details
in the orning."
>. A thrill. *.g. "&he gets a bu== fro being !rovocative and
causing arguents."
bu:: along Verb. A cheery reAuest to hurry off. Noun. A short haircut using electric cli!!ers.
bu::in7 Adj. Thrilled and full of energy, often as a result of !arta3ing in
illicit drugs.
bu:: o55 1-2
Verb. To go a'ay, to leave.
Exclam. Ko a'ay%
By gu4- Exclam. An e)claation of sur!rise or aa=eent. [5orthern
By 1h2,c3 - Exclam. An e)claation of sur!rise. ,ialectically the h is dro!!ed.
[5orthern *nglish use]

Noun. 1. A !erson in a catatonic state or seeingly brain dead.
>. The feale genitals.
cabbag,* Adj. #nto)icated to a state of uselessness. 1ro being in a vegetative state.
cac3 Noun. 1. 9ubbish, nonsense.
>. *)creent.
I 2f. $3a3$.
cac3.han*,* Adj. 2lusy, 'ithout anual de)terity.
cac3han*,r Noun. A left handed !erson.
cac3 i+ 0 on,s,l5 Verb. To be terrified.&ee $cac3$. *.g."# cac3ed yself 'hen # loo3ed over the edge of the cliff."
cac3y Adj. ,irty, rubbishy.
ca55 Noun. A cafe.
ca3,.hol, Noun. The outh. *.g."&hut your ca3e/hole and get on 'ith your 'or3." 2f. $!ie/hole$.
call 1so4,on,2 Verb. To insult :soeone;. [5orth/'est use]
ca4,l7s hoo5 Noun. An i!ression of the feale genitalsDvulva as seen through tightly 'orn clothing. 2f. $cael toes$.
ca4,l +o,s Noun. An i!ression of the feale genitalsDvulva as seen through tightly 'orn clothing. 2f. $cael$s hoof$. [Orig
ca4/ Adj. An effeinate style and anneris affected ainly by $gays$, ho'ever anyone can $ca! it u!.$
ca4/ as a ro6 o5 +,n+s Phrs. A catch !hrase i!lying very $ca!$ or gay.
ca4/ i+ u/ Verb. To overact in an affected anner. &ee $ca!$.
canc,r s+ic3 Noun. A cigarette. 2f. $coffin nail$.
can,* Adj. #nto)icated.
can,r Noun. A !erson 'ho indulges in e)cessive bouts of drug or alcohol use.
can, 1i+2 Verb. 1. To travel at great s!eed. *.g."# caned it do'n the otor'ay and got there in record tie."
>. To overindulge in drugs or alcohol. *.g."#$ve been caning 'hi== :a!hetaine sul!hate; all 'ee3end and had no
slee! for H days."
can3 Verb. To tal3, chat or gossi!. [0idlands useD,ialect]
cans Noun. @ead!hones.
can+ Verb. 1. To tal3, to s!ea3. [0idlands useD,ialect]
>. To tell tales, to lie. [0idlands useD,ialect]
can7+ b, ars,* Phrs. 2an$t be bothered. &ee $arsed$.
car*i, Noun. A cardigan. 6#nforal7
car/,+ 4unch,r Noun. 1. A lesbian.
>. A !erson 'ho !erfors cunnilingus.
car/,+ 4unching Verb. Cerforing cunnilingus.
carro+ +o/ Noun. 5ic3nae for a !erson 'ith redDginger hair.
carry ou+ Noun. Alcohol brought fro a bar 'ith the intention of ta3ing it hoe or a'ay. [5orthern use4]
carry +h, can Vrb phrs. To ta3e res!onsibility for a ista3e. *.g."#$ not carrying the can for your inability to control your 3ids."
cas,y Noun. A leather football.
cas+ nas+ur+iu4s Verb. To sully a !erson$s re!utation. A !un on $cast as!ersions$.
ca+ch 5li,s Vrb phrs. To loo3 blan3ly 'ith one$s outh o!en.
ca+ch so4, :7s Noun. Ket soe slee!. Cronounced catch some /eds. Original -.&. version is !ronounced catch soe Oees.
ca+ch you la+,r- Exclam. Koodbye%
ca+7s /y;a4as Noun. The best. 2f. $cat$s 'his3ers$.
ca+7s 6his3,rs Noun. The best, ost sublie thing or !erson. 2f. $dog$s bolloc3s$ and $bee$s 3nees$.
Cavali,r Noun. An uncircucised !enis and conseAuently a ale 'ith such. 2f. $9oundhead$.
chal5on+s Noun. @aeorrhoids. 9hying slang. 1ro -halfont &t 2iles :a to'n in (uc3inghashire;, rhying 'ith
chal3 15ar42 Noun. Ar. 9hying slang.
cha4/ion Adj.%Adv. *)cellent. Also used as an e)claation. [0ainly 5orthern use] 6#nforal7
chann,l sur5ing Noun. &'itching fro one television channel to another in search of an interesting !rograe. [Orig. -.&.]
cha/ Noun. 1. A an. *.g."This cha! cae u! to e and told e to shut y outh." 6#nforal7
>. A for of address. -sually associated 'ith the s!eech of the u!!er classes. *.g."# say old cha!, fancy joining us
for a gin and tonic4" 6#nforal7
cha/,l ha+ /,gs Noun. *rect and !roinent feale ni!!les.
char Noun. Tea. 1ro the 2hinese cha.
charg,* Adj. @igh on drugs. [Orig. -.&.]
chari+y.cas, Noun. A !erson deeed rightly or 'rongly to be in need of charity, 'hether !oor or handica!!ed in soe anner.
Charli, Noun. 1. 2ocaine. Crobably the ost coonly used slang ter for cocaine.
>. A fool, an idiot.
charli,s Noun. ?oen$s breasts.
charli,7s *,a*- Exclam. A eu!heistic 'arning for your petticoat or slip is showing. An e)!ression ra!idly becoing obsolete
'ith the changing of fashion a'ay fro 'earing such ites.
charv,r Noun. 1. A boy, or adolescent ale.
>. A close friend, a $ate$. [5orthern use4]
H. An unruly, young !erson, ty!ically 'earing casual, brand/nae s!orts'ear, such as 5i3e, Adidas and 9eebo3.
-sually ore associated 'ith !oorer, urban environents. Also $charva$. ,erog. [0ainly 5orth/east use]
chas, +h, *ragon Vrb phrs. To so3e heroin by burning the drug on foil and inhaling the so3e through a tube.
cha+ u/ Verb. To tal3 'ith soeone 'ith an ulterior otive in ind, such as !rocuring !hysical intiacies or se).
chav 5oun. A !erson of 'or3ing class origin, generally !oorly educated, often very casually dressed in s!orts'ear.
chavvy Noun. A child. [Colari]
ch,a/ as chi/s Phrs. *)treely chea!. 2hi!s, referring to 1rench 1ries, and fro the !eriod 'hen they 'ere considered an
ine)!ensive eal.
ch,bs Noun. 1eale breasts.
ch,,3y cha//y Noun. Affectionate nae for an attractively i!udent !erson or anial, one 'ho ay a3e one readily sile.
ch,,3y 4on3,y Noun. A light/hearted nae for a verbally i!ertinent !erson.
ch,,rio- Exclam. Koodbye% 6#nforal7
ch,,rs- Exclam. 1.Koodbye%, a !arting salutation. 6#nforal7.
>. Than3 you%, an e)!ression of gratitude. This is the globally acce!ted and ost understood of the uses of
ch,,s, Noun. &ega. Alluding to the loo3 of this ale bodily secretion and !erha!s the sell.
ch,,s,* o55 Adj. 1ed u!, angry.
ch,,s,log 5oun. A 'oodlouse. [(er3shire use]
ch,,sy Adj. 2orny, chea! and hac3neyed.
ch,,sy 1=uav,r2
Noun. 1. A favour. *.g."Oh Kod% ,o y a cheesey Auaver, 'ill you4 ,ont a3e e get u! early toorro'
>. A raver, a !erson into the lifestyle and usic of hardcore house and techno. [1990s]
I (oth definitions fro rhying slang. 3uavers$ -heese "lavour / a !otato snac3 anufactured by ?al3ers &nac3
1oods +td.
ch,l/ Noun. #!udence, chee3, es!ecially by a child to an adult. *.g." # 'ant you on your best behaviour 'hen the vicar
callsB any of your chel! and you$ll be grounded for the 'ee3." [0idlandsD5orthern use. ,ialect]
ch,4icals Noun. A eu!heis for cheically anufactured illicit drugs, such as 0,0A, A!hetaine &ul!hate or +&,, as
o!!osed to 2annabis etc.
ch,rry Noun. Jirginity as in to lose ones cherry. Creviously a!!lied to the hyen but no' the ter is used by both se)es.
One is also able to lose ones anal cherry. 2f. $!o! soeone$s cherry$.
ch,vy 1chas,2 Noun. The face. 2oc3ney rhying slang. [0id 1G00s]
ch,6 +h, 5a+ Vrb phrs. To chat. *.g."<eah coe round and join us, 'e$re just che'ing the fat over a glass or t'o of 'ine."
chib 9
Noun. A 3nife or blade. 1ro the 9oany chiv, or chive, eaning 3nife
Verb. 1. To slash, stab or cut off.
>. To sash soeone on the face 'ith a bottle and slash 'ith the bro3en shards.
I Also chiv.
chic3,n Noun. 1. A young !erson. Jery coon on the gay scene for an attractive young ale.
>. A gae of courage in 'hich co!etitors dare one another to co!lete a given tas3. -sually a gae of
Adj. 2o'ardly. 6#nforal7.
chic3 5lic3 Noun. A fil :flic3;, often roantic and 'ith a ha!!y ending, and ty!ically enjoyed by feales :chic3;.
chic3s 6i+h *ic3s Noun. Transe)uals.
chi,5 Noun. 1. A general ter of address.
>. A conte!tible !erson. *.g."#$ not sitting ne)t hi, he$s a fuc3in$ chief and #$ll li3ely !unch hi before the
eeting$s finished." [+ondon use]
chi,5+ain 1+an32 Noun. An act of asturbation. 9hying slang on $'an3$. [0ainly +ondon use]
chill Verb. To rela), ta3e tie out. Abb. of $chill/out$. *.g."@ey cal do'n% <ou$ll have a heart attac3 unless you learn to
chill a little."
Noun. A tie of rela)ation. *.g."Are 'e having a chill tonight4 ?atch soe TJ, drin3 a little 'ine, and go out
clubbing toorro' night4"
chilla8 Verb. To rela), to ta3e tie out. A cobination of the 'ords chill and relax.
chill,* Adj. 9ela)ed.
chill.ou+ Verb. To rela).
Noun. A tie or !lace 'here !eo!le chill/out, often 'hilst on drugs or in a hot s'eaty club.
chill /ill Noun. &oething that reduces an)iety and stress, and !rootes rela)ation. 0ainly used figuratively in !hrases such
"ta3e a chill !ill."
chin 1so4,on,2 Verb. To hit soeone on the chin. *.g."#$ going to chin that idiot if he doesn$t shut u!."
china Noun. A ter of address, usually friendly. ,erived fro the coc3ney rhying slang
*.g."Alright china% @o'$s it going then4"
ching Noun. 2ocaine.
chinglish Noun. Cigeon *nglish, a i)ture of 2hinese and *nglish.
Chin3y Noun. 1. A 2hinese !erson. Offens.
>. A 2hinese restaurant or ta3ea'ay. Offens.
H. 2hinese food, often a ta3ea'ay eal. Offens.
Adj. 2hinese in nature. Offens.
chinl,ss 6on*,r Noun. A !erson of the 'ealthy u!!er classes, 'ho lac3s de!th of character andDor intelligence. ,erog.
chin.6ag Noun. A conversation or chat.
Verb. To chat, tal3.
chi/ Verb. To leave, go. *.g."#$ve just had a call fro Ale)B he$s 'aiting for us at the station / 'e$d better chi!." [Orig.
(lac3 use]
chi//y Noun. 1. A chi!sho!. 6#nforal7
>. A car!enter. 6#nforal7
choc3,r Noun. 2hocolate. Also chocko or the ore childli3e ter chockies.
Adj. Jery cro'ded, busy. Also !hrased as chocko. 1ro the e)!ression chock)a)block
chocola+, *ro/ Noun. A blac3 !erson. Offens.
chocola+, 5ir,guar* Noun. A useless thing. -sually heard in !hrases such as "as useless as a chocolate fireguard." 2f. $chocolate tea!ot$
chocola+, s+ar5ish Noun. The anus.
chocola+, +,a/o+ Noun. A useless thing. -sually heard in !hrases such as "as useful as a chocolate tea!ot." *.g. "A car 'ithout
'heels is as useful as a chocolate tea!ot." 2f. $chocolate fireguard$
choic, Adj. The best, e)cellent. *.g."<our ne' boyfriend is choiceB 'e get on really 'ell."
cho3, +h, chic3,n Vrb Phrs. To asturbate. *.g."#t$s no 'onder you$re tired, s!ending every 'a3ing hour cho3ing the chic3en%"
cho3,y Noun. Crison.
chong i+ Verb. To so3e arijuanaDcannabis constantly. Cossibly fro the series of ovies featuring the characters
and -hong, both heavy arijuana so3ers. [5orth ?est use4]
choochi, 5ac, Noun. Affectionate ter of address, often used 'ith res!ect to children and babies.
cho//,r Noun. The !enis.
cho//,rs Noun. Teeth.
cho/s Noun. The outh.
cho/sing Verb. 2hatting. *.g."?e s!ent the night cho!sing in the bar and didn$t get to see the fil." [&to3e use]
cho/sy Adj. 2hatty. [&to3e use]
chor* Noun. A bad ood. *.g."&arah$s in a right chord after sudging her li!stic3 just before the !hotogra!h 'as ta3en."
[?idnesD0erseyside use]
chor*y Adj. 0oody. &ee $chord$. [?idnesD0erseyside use]
chor, Verb. To steal. 1ro the 9oany cor, to steal. *.g."<ou can$t go choring senior citi=en$s !ension boo3s, it$s
unethical, even for a thief."
cho6 Noun. 1ood.
Verb. 1. To eat.
>. To re!riand, tell off. [@ullD<or3shire use]
Chri4bl, Noun. 2hristas. 2f. $2ribo$.
chro4, *o4, Noun. 1. A bald head.
>. A an 'ith a bald head. ,erog.
chubby chas,r Noun. A !erson 'ho finds fat !eo!le attractive. 0ore coonly used on the Kay scene.
chubbycho/s Noun. Focular and affectionate ter of address for a !odgy !erson.
chuc3 Noun. An ter of endearent. *.g."2oe on chuc3, let$s go out."
Verb. 1. To voit.
>. To terinate a relationshi!. *.g."#$ going to chuc3 her at the 'ee3end, she$s really annoying e 'ith her
chuc3ing ou+ +i4, Phrs. The tie 'hen !ublic houses close and as3 its custoers to leave.
chuc3 i+ *o6n Vrb phrs. To rain, often heavily. *.g."# thin3 'e should stay in and order a ta3ea'ay, it$s chuc3ing it do'n."
chuc3 on,7s gu+s u/ Vrb phrs. To voit.
chuc3 on,7s 4uc3 Vrb phrs. To ejaculate seen. *.g."@e chuc3ed his uc3 and stained the sofa."
chuc3 u/ Verb. To voit. *.g."# can$t coe to 'or3, #$ve been chuc3ing u! all night."
chu**y Noun. 2he'ing/gu.
chu55 Noun. 1. 9ubbish, nonsense. *.g."That fil 'as a load of chuff."
>. The anus. [Aust.]
H. The vagina.
4. A !assing of 'ind fro the anus, a $fart$.
Also used as a eu!heis for $fuc3$ in e)!ressions such as the denial / ",id # chuff%"
chu55,* Adj. Cleased, delighted. 2o!are 'ith $dischuffed$ and $chuffed to buggery$. *.g."#$ 'ell chuffed at the result."
chu55,* as nu+s Adj. *)treely !leased.
chu55,* +o bugg,ry 0 5uc3 Adj. Jery !leased. *.g."&he$s chuffed to buggery that they are arrying before the baby is born."
chu55,r Noun. 1. A conte!tible !erson.
>. An annoying, difficult or disa!!ointing occurrence. *.g."#t$s a right chuffer, brea3ing y leg just before the
football season starts."
2huffer is a eu!heis for $fuc3er$.
chu55ing Adj. A eu!heis for $fuc3ing$. *.g."That chuffing idiot has scratched y fave record."
chu55in 7,ll- Exclam. *u!heis for $fuc3in hell$.
Noun. A !erson !aid to collect for charity by signing u! !eo!le to a3e regular donations, often by direct debit.
?or3ing on busy sho!!ing streets chuggers are often young !eo!le and 'ill usually be seen carrying cli!boards.
The ter is a cross bet'een charity and mugger. [>00>]
chuggy Noun. 2he'ing gu. [&cottish use]
chu4/ Noun. 1. A fool, a disli3ed !erson. 6#nforal7. ,erog.
>. The head.
chun*,r 9 Noun. Joit.
Verb. To voit.
I [Orig. Aust.]
chunn,r Verb. To utter, gruble, tal3 incessantly.
chun+,r Verb. 0eaning the sae as $chunner$. 6#nforal7.
chu+n,y 5,rr,+ Noun. A hoose)ual ale. ,erog.
ciggy Noun. A cigarette. Also shortened to cig. 6#nforal7.
clagnu+s Noun. 1aecal renants adhering to the anal hairs or fur.
clang,r Noun. A ista3e or blunder. 2f. $dro! a clanger$.
cla/ Noun. Konorrhoea. [1L00s.]
cla/ ,y,s on Phrs. To notice.
cla//,* ou+ Adj. ?orn out, usually a!!lied to achinery. *.g."That car$s just a cla!!ed out hea! of jun3."
Clair, !ayn,rs Noun. Trainers :the foot'ear;. 9hying slang. [1990s]
clar,+ Noun. (lood. 1ro its colour.
clar+y Adj. 1. &tic3y, gooey, essy.
>. ,irty. [&cottish use]
class Noun. Of distinction, high Auality, e)cellent. *.g."?e 'ent to the bo)ing last night / it 'as class fight that 'ent the
full distance."
clayh,a* Noun. A !erson fro &to3e on Trent. &to3e, in the 0idlands of *ngland, is coonly called the Cotteries.
cl,an Adj. @aving no drugs, 'ea!ons or illicit goods on one$s !erson. *.g."<ou can$t arrest e officer, #$ clean%"
cl,44,* Adj. @ungry. Also s!elt $3le!t$. [?igan use. ,ialect]
cl,v,r.clogs Noun. A !erson 'ho is or clais to be clever or have greater 3no'ledge. Also
cli4b +h, 6alls Vrb phrs. To reach a state of severe agitation through stress or 'orry. *.g."@e$s been clibing the 'alls 'aiting for
his e)a results."
clingin Adj. -n!leasant, disgusting. [&cottish use]
cling.ons Noun. *)creent that adheres to anal hairs, or fur on anials.
clin3 Noun. Crison. #t is derived either fro the nae of 2lin3 &treet, +ondon, on 'hich a !rison 'as situated, or fro
the sound of doors loc3ing.
clin3,rs Noun. *)creent that adheres to anal hairs, or fur, on an anial.
cli//i, Noun. A bus conductor. The e!loyee, e)tra to the driver, 'ho chec3s and su!!lies tic3ets 'hilst on the bus. 1ro
their cli!!ing of tic3ets. 6#nforal7.
cli+ Noun. Abb. of clitoris.
clobb,r Noun. 2lothes and !ersonal belongings. 6#nforal7
Verb. To hit.
cloc3 Verb. 1. To notice. *.g."Once # cloc3ed hi loo3ing sus!icious, he left the sho! 'ithout stealing anything."
>. To hit or !unch. *.g."#$ going to end u! cloc3ing that idiot if he doesn$t shut his big outh%"
Noun. The face.
clo*ho//,r Noun. A large heavy shoe. 6#nforal7 [1GH0s]
clon, Noun. A distinct ty!e of $gay$ iage, being stereoty!ically asculine and e!itoi=ed by short hair, bristle
oustaches, jeans or leathers. A good e)a!le being the 19N0s $gay$ icons, The Jillage Ceo!le.
clos,+ Noun. The condition 'here one$s hoose)uality is concealed. $2oing out of the closet$ i!lying living true to
one$s se)uality.
clo+ Noun. An idiot, fool. ,erog. 6#nforal7
clo+h.,ars Noun. &oeone 'ho has !oor hearing or doesn$t !ay attention to i!arted inforation. 1ro the 6#nforal7uial
adjective cloth)eared / deaf.
clou+ Noun. Jagina.
clo6n7s /oc3,+ Noun. A large or s!acious vagina.
clu*gi, Noun. A lavatory. Also shortened to cludge.
clu, u/ Verb. To infor.
clu,* u/ Adj. 8no'ledgeable, infored. *.g."@e$s 'ell clued u! about the local usic scene."
clung, Noun. The anus.
cobbl,rs 1-2 Exclam. An e)claation of disagreeent. ,erived fro the noun.
Noun. 9ubbish, nonsense. 1ro the rhying slang cobblers awls, eaning $balls$.
cob Verb. To thro'. [5orthern use]
Noun. A bread bun or loaf. 6#nforal7
cob on Noun. A te!er. *.g."&he had a right cob/on 'hen # told her #$d s!ent all our holiday oney."
coc3 Noun. 1. The !enis. [1400s]
>. A ter of address, usually affectionate. *.g."9ight coc3, that$ll be 4. !ence !lease. ?ould you li3e it in a bag4"
H. 9ubbish, nonsense.
coc3 a snoo30snoo+ Vrb phrs. To o!enly sho' conte!t or disres!ect. 1ro the action of !lacing one$s hand infront of the face 'ith
thub touching the nose and fingers s!read and e)tended, used to e)!ress conte!t. 6#nforal7
coc3suc3,r Noun. A conte!tible !erson.
coc3+,as,r Noun. A !erson 'ho se)ually teases ales.
coc3.u/ Noun. A ess, a shables.
Verb. To a3e a ista3e, to ruin. *.g."#$ve coc3ed u! again and y 'ife$s left 'ith the 3ids."
co* Verb. To hoa), to jo3e. *.g."&to! codding e and tell e the truth."
co*g,r Noun. An elderly ale. -sually !refi)ed 'ith $old$. 6#nforal7
co*h,a* Noun. A !erson fro 1leet'ood. A traditional fishing !ort in the county of +ancashire.
co*s Noun. Testicles.
co*s6allo/ Noun. 5onsense.
co55in *o*g,r Noun. An elderly !erson. ,erog.
co55in nail Noun. A cigarette.
coggy Noun. &ee $croggy$. [5* 0idlandsD5orthern use]
coin i+ 1in2 Verb. To a3e large aounts of oney, to !rofit. *.g."@e$s coining it no' he$s o!ened a sho! on the high street."
co3, Noun. 2ocaine.
co3,* u/ Adj. To be into)icated 'ith cocaine.
col*,r +han a 6i+ch7s +i+ Phrs. Jery cold, 'hen a!!lied to the 'eather, or air te!erature.
col*5ish Noun. A !erson 'ho is uneotional or insensitive.
1+h,2 col* shoul*,r Noun. The act of deliberately ignoring. ,erived fro the s.e. verb / to cold shoulder
but # gave her the cold shoulder."
col* +ur3,y Noun. ?ithdra'al fro addictive drugs and the conseAuential !ains and discofort, including goose!i!les, hence
the nae.
colly6obbl,s Noun. A feeling of nervousness or !ain in the stoach. 6#nforal7.
co4, Verb. To orgas. The coon slang convention of is!elling 'ords also gives us the variation $cu$.
Noun. &e)ually ejaculated fluid, usually a!!lied to seen and regularly s!elt $cu$.
co4, a cro//,r Vrb phrs. 1. To fall heavily.
>. To fail.
co4,*o6n Noun. The de!ression and tiredness after the cessation of a bout of drug ta3ing.
co4, i+ Verb. To act in an i!udent anner. *.g.",on$t coe it 'ith e% # said you can$t have any ore oney."
co4, on Noun. An enticeent, often !otentiating a relationshi!.
Verb. To begin enstruating. A coonly used eu!heis.
co4, on+o Verb. To $chat u!$.
co4, ou+ Verb. To o!enly reveal one$s hoose)uality. 2f. $out$ and $closet$.
co44an*o Noun. ?ithout under'ear. &ee $go coando$.
Co44i, Noun. Abbreviation of 2ounist. -sually derog.
co44on Noun. Abb. of common sense.
co44on as 4uc3 Adj. Jery coon, usually a!!lied to an unso!histicated and uncultured !erson. ,erog. 6#nforal7
co44on or gar*,n Phrs. Ordinary, !lain. 6#nforal7.
co4/l,+, an* u++,r Adj. Total. -sually !refi)ing derogatory ters such as $bastard$ or $t'at$.
con ar+is+ Noun. A confidence tric3ster.
con5lab Noun. A chat, conversation. Also the variation confab. 1ro confabulation. *.g."(efore 'e set off, let$s have a
conflab about 'hich route 'e should ta3e." [#nforal]
con3 Noun. The nose. 6#nforal7
con3,rs Noun. Testicles. A -onker :(ritish; is the hard shiny nut of the horse chestnut tree.
con3 ou+ Verb. 1. To brea3do'n, often of achinery. *.g."# ay be late, y car$s con3ed out so #$ getting the bus to 'or3."
>. To becoe unconscious.
coo3ing 6i+h gas Vrb phrs. To succeed, to !roceed 'ell. *.g."After a beer, the 'or3 'ent 'ell. ?e 'ere coo3ing 'ith gas."
cool 1-2 Adj. 1. *)cellent, great. [Orig. -.&.]
>. O8. [Orig. -.&.]
coon Noun. A blac3 !erson. ,erogDOffens.
co/ Verb. 1. To coune 'ith soeone se)ually desirable, occasionally in so uch as having se). An abbreviation of
$co! off.$
>. To ta3e. *.g."2o! hold of this haer 'hilst # get the s!anner." Also -op this+
iediately !rior to an aggressive act.
H. A !oliceanD'oan. Abb. of $co!!er$. [0id 1G00sDOrig. -.&.]
Adj. Jalue, 'orth. @eard in e)!ressions such as $no co!$ or $any co!$.
co/ a 5,,l Vrb phrs. Ket a feel of soething, often a!!lied to a gro!e of a se)ual nature. *.g."#s it any 'onder that she
re!orted hi for se)ual harrassent, he al'ays co!!ed a feel of her botto 'henever she 'al3ed !ast his des3."
co/ a /l,a Vrb phrs. Clead guilty to a reduced charge.
co/.i+ Vrb phrs. To get into trouble.
co/ o55 Verb. To coune 'ith soeone se)ually desirable, occasionally in so uch as having se). *.g."# co!!ed off 'ith
a gorgeous girl last night." [Orig. 5orth *ngland]
co/.ou+ Noun. An e)cuse, an avoidance of guilt. [Orig. -.&.]
Verb. To 'ithdra' fro !artici!ation. *.g."9uour has it that Fohnny$s co!!ed/out."
co//,r Noun. A !oliceanD'oan. [Orig. -.&. 0id 1G00s]
co/.sho/ Noun. A Colice &tation.
co/ so4, :,*s Phrs. To slee!.
cor bli4,y- Exclam. This ild e)claation of sur!rise is a corru!tion of the oath god blind me
cor3,r Noun. An e)cellent thing or !erson.
cor3ing Adj. *)cellent, s!lendid.
corn b,,5 l,gs Noun. +egs 'ith ottled, blotchy s3in, reiniscent of the eat, corn beef.
corn,* b,,5 Adj. ,eaf. 9hying slang for deef$ a &cottish !ronunciation of deaf. [Klasgo' use]
cor/ora+ion /o/ Noun. ?ater. ,ated e)!ression. &ee $!o!$. [5orthern use]
Corry Noun. Abb of -oronation &treet, the (ritish $soa!$. &ee $(roo3y$ and $&tenders$.
cosh Noun. A heavy stic3 or bar used as a 'ea!on. 6#nforal7
Verb. To hit over the head 'ith a cosh :see noun;. 6#nforal7
cos+ a bo4b Verb phrs. To be very e)!ensive.
co+ch Verb. To rela). [+ondon useD Orig ?.#.]
co++ag, Verb. The act of soliciting illicit and anonyous se) in a !ublic !lace by ale hoose)uals. The $cottage$ 'ill often
be a !ublic lavatoryB ta3ing its nae fro 'hen such -8 conveniences loo3ed cottage li3e.
co++on on Verb. To becoe a'are, to notice. *.g."# cottoned on to the sca :tric3; 'hen # sa' hi 'in3 at that 'oan."
couch co44an*o Noun. The !erson at hoe 'ho has control of the TJ reote controller. Also
couch /o+a+o Noun. A la=y !erson 'ho idles a'ay tie, usually 'atching the television. [Orig. -.&.]
cough 1u/2 Verb. To hand over soething, or reveal soe inforation, often reluctantly. *.g. "#$ve already coughed u! a
onth$s 'ages, and can$t afford any ore."
coul*n7+ organis, a /iss.u/
in a br,6,ry
Phrs. Totally inco!etent.
coul*n7+ s+o/ a /ig in an
Phrs. @aving bo' legs. Occasionally heard as couldnt stop a pig in a ginnel$
'hereby ginnel is dialect for alleyway.
council gri++,r Noun. Anus. 1ro the rhying slang on $shitter$. &ee $shitter$.
cou/on Noun. The face. [&cottishD#rish use]
co6 Noun. A conte!tible 'oan, a $bitch$. ,erogatory, but often used less aggressively, as an affectionate aside, as in
$silly co'$, see also $oo$.
co6boy Noun. A !erson 'ho is unscru!ulous and unAualified in business. Often 'ith regard to $co'boy$ builders.
co6boy ou+5i+ Noun. A grou! of !eo!le, unscru!ulous and unAualified in business, 'or3ing under the guise of a res!ectable
co6ing Adj. *u!h. for $fuc3ing$, 'hen used as an intensifier. *.g."That co'ing bastard fro the sales tea got the
!rootion to anager."
co6 ;uic, Noun. 0il3.
co::i, Noun. A s'iing costue.
crabby Adj. 0oody or short te!ered.
crabs Noun. Cubic lice.
Noun. 1. 1reebased cocaine. The nae derives fro the sound ade during its anufacture. [Orig. -.&.]
>. The vagina.
H. (et'een the buttoc3s.
4. As the crack$ the situation, ne's, gossi!. *.g."&o 'hat$s the crac3 'ith this arguent that you and &onya have
been having4" [Orig. #rish]
L. Cleasure, fun. 1ro the #rish craic. *.g."+ast night 'as a crac3, es!ecially 'ith 0andy doing that drun3en
stri!tease." &ee $good crac3$. [Orig. #rish]
.. ?oen, vie'ed as se)ual objects. Offens.
crac3,r Noun. 1. A thing that is e)cellent. *.g."That ?est *nd sho' 'as a crac3er." 6#nforal7
>. An attractive !erson, !articularly a 'oan. 6#nforal7
crac3,rs Adj. 2ra=y.
crac3h,a* Noun. An addict of $crac3$ :freebased cocaine;.
crac3ing Adj. (rilliant, 'onderful. *.g."They gave a crac3ing !erforance last night."
Adv. An intensifier such as e)treely, outstandingly. *.g."?e had a crac3ing good tie last night."
crac3ing 1+h,2 5lags Phrs. 1. Jery hot 'eather.
>. 9aining heavily.
crac3ling Noun. A se)ually desirable 'oan or 'oen. Offens.
1+h,2 crac3 o5 s/arro67s
Noun. ,a'n, or s!ecifically the crack of dawn. *.g."# 'as out of bed at the crac3 of s!arro'$s fart this orning."
crac3 on Verb. To !rogress, to go Auic3ly. *.g."?e$ll crac3 on 'ith the eeting after lunch."
crac3 on, o55 Verb. To asturbate, 'ith reference to the ale. *.g."As soon as he has a s!are > inutes, he$s off to the toilet and
crac3ing one off."
crac3 on +o Vrb Phrs. To coe onto soebody, to a3e se)ual advances. *.g."&he 'as crac3ing on to e all night, and every
other blo3e at the club."
crac3/o+ Noun. An insane or eccentric !erson.
Adj. 0ad, eccentric, un'or3able. *.g."#$ not going along 'ith &u=anne$s crac3!ot ideas."
crac3 u/ Verb. 1. To brea3do'n 'ith laughter.
>. To entally brea3do'n. 6#nforal7
cra*l, sna+ch,r Noun. A !erson 'ho dates or arries soeone considerably younger than theselves. ,erog.
cra5+y bu+ch,r Noun. A hoose)ual ale. 1ro delivering eat via the $bac3door$.
cran3 u/ Verb. 1. To increase, often 'ith reference to the volue of usic.
>. To inject drugs. *.g."@e cran3ed u! soe ore sac3 :heroin; and !assed out on the floor."
cra/ 1-2 Noun. 1. 5onsense, rubbish, soething useless or not good.
>. An act of defecation.
H. 1aeces.
Exclam. An e)claation of disbelief, annoyance.
Verb. To defecate. ,efecate is infact a eu!heis eaning to !urify or cleanse. *.g."@e cra!!ed behind a tree and
'i!ed his arse :anus; 'ith a huge leaf."
Adj. 9ubbishy, of no 'orth.
cra//,r Noun. A toilet.
cra//y Adj. 9ubbishy, useless, of !oor Auality.
crash Verb. 1. To share, loan or borro'. *.g."That$s the third cigarette you$ve crashed off e in the last hour%"
>. To te!orarily stay over or slee! at a !lace other than at one$s o'n usual abode. *.g."2an # crash at yours
tonight4 #t$ll cost too uch for a ta)i hoe."
Noun. The situation of crashing :&ee $crash$ verb;. *.g."2oe on, get your cigarettes out, it$s your crash."
crash ou+ Verb. To !ass out due to into)ication or tiredness.
cra+, Noun. A dela!idated vehicle. ,erog.
cra+,r 5ac, Noun. A face 'ith !oc3 ar3ed s3in or the !erson 'ith such a face.
crav,n Adj. Kreedy. [Orig ?.#.D(lac3 use]
cra6l Verb. To be obseAuious. 6#nforal7.
cr,a4 Verb. 1. To ejaculate. To cream oneself i!lies great se)ual e)citeent, but often used figuratively.
>. To succeed. *.g."# thought #$d creaed y e)as but # failed all but one."
cr,a4 crac3,r,* Adj. Tired out, e)hausted. 9hying slang on $3nac3ered$.
cr,a4 on,7s ;,ans 0 /an+s 0
Vrb phrs. To be very e)cited, so uch so that one figuratively ejaculates. 5ot al'ays necessarily se)ual e)citeent.
*.g."Kod, she$s gorgeous. # thin3 #$ve just creaed y !ants."
cr,a4/i, Noun. The vie' of recently de!osited seen oo=ing fro a vagina or anus. An e)!ression originating in the !orn
industry. [Orig -.&.]
cr,as, Noun. The anus.
cr,as, u/ Verb. To laugh heartily. *.g."# creased u! 'hen he s!illed coffee on his suit, the ne)t day he gave e the sac3."
cr,a+, Verb. To a3e a fuss, to co!lain. *.g."#f she$s going to create all night, then #$ going hoe to get soe !eace
and Auiet." 6#nforal7
cr,* Adj. That 'hich is acce!tably fashionable, abb. of credible. &ee $street cred.$
cr,,/ Noun. A conte!tible !erson, in !articular, one 'ho is fa'ning.
Verb. To act obseAuiously. 6#nforal7
cr,,/y.cra6ly Noun. An insect, or s!ider, usually vie'ed distastefully. *.g.",on$t go in the cellar, it$s da! and full of cree!y/
cra'lies." 6#nforal7
crib Verb. 1. To co!y, usually in an underhand or unfair anner. 6#nforal7
>. To co!lain, gruble. -ncoon usage.
cri3,y- Exclam. -sed to e)!ress sur!rise or astonishent.
Cri4bo Noun. 2hristas. Also s!elt -hrimbo. 2f. $2hrible$. 6#nforal7 [19G0s]
cri4/ o55 a l,ng+h Vrb phrs. To defecate.
cri4/ on, o55 Vrb phrs. To defecate.
cring,6or+hy Adj. +i3ely to !roote ebarrassent or a!!rehension.
crin3ly Noun. A geriatric !erson. 1ro the a!!earence of their aging s3in. ,erog.
croa3 Verb. 1. To die.
>. To 3ill. *.g."#$ going to croa3 that idiot if he doesn$t shut u! soon."
croc3 o5 shi+ Noun. 9ubbish, a 'orthless ite, of !oor Auality. *.g."?hy not buy a ne' car4 <ours is ancient, it$s a croc3 of
croggy Noun. A !illion ride on a single seat bicycle. 2f. $bac3ie$ and $coggy$$. [5* 0idlandsD5orthern use]
cro6n Verb. To hit on the head. *.g."2an you see a lu! on y head4 #$ve just cro'ned yself getting u!."
cro::l, Verb. To dry out and becoe cris!y due to burning or heat. *.g."#$ve thro'n out last night$s !i==a, it 'as all
cro==led." [<or3shire use]
crucial Adj. Kreat, e)cellent, essential. *.g."That tune is crucial an."
cruc3l, Verb. To t'ist one$s an3le, to fall over on one$s an3le. [9ochdale useD,ialect4]
cru* 1-2 Noun. 9ubbish, soething useless.
Exclam. An e)claation of disagreeent.
cru**y Adj. -seless, un!leasant, chea! and nasty.
cruis, Verb. To search for a se)ual encounter. Originates fro 'hen -.&. teenagers 'ould $cruise$ around in cars loo3ing
to !ic3 u! soe co!any. The e)!ression is ainly used on the $gay$ scene. [Orig. -.&. 19L0s]
cruising 5or a bruising Vrb phrs. Acting in a anner that 'ill get one into trouble, or a fight. [Orig. -.&.]
cru4bs - Exclam. A ild e)claation of sur!rise or aa=eent.
cru4/,+ Noun. &e)ually desirable !erson. *.g."The club 'as bursting its 'alls 'ith cru!et." 6#nforal7.
crus+i, Noun. A !erson 'hose loo3s share that of the $hi!!ie$ travellers of the 1990s and being stereoty!ically scruffy, 'ith
long dredded hair, 'earing boots and blac3 clothesB generally having the a!!earance of being hoeless. -sually
cry on 1abou+ so4,+hing2 Vrb phrs. To co!lain :about soething;. *.g."&he 'ont sto! crying on about y bad language, but she s'ears
ore than anyone # 3no'."
culchi, Noun. A rural d'eller, a bu!3in, a yo3el. 0ainly derog. [#rish use]
cul+ur, vul+ur, Noun. A !erson 3een to acAuire culture. 6#nforal7
cu4 Noun%Verb. &ee $coe$.
cunning s+un+ Noun. A s!ooneris on stunning cunt, and ado!ted by users for its coic abiguity and nuerous eanings,
ranging fro an i!ressive feale to an objectionable !erson.
cunny Noun. The feale genitals. ,erived fro $cunt$.
cun+ 1-2 Noun. 1. The feale genitals.I
>. ?oen fro a se)ual vie'!oint. Offensive.
H. A des!icable !erson. ,erog. and coarse, and 'ith its associated eanings is conseAuently !articularly offensive.
4. A very failiar ter of address. *.g."@ello you old cunt, ho' are you4 <ou$re loo3ing 'ell."
Exclam. An e)claation of anger, sur!rise, frustration, disa!!ointent.
I -ndoubtedly the ost offensive and taboo of all vulgariss, and !articularly so to 'oen, ho'ever its use is
becoing ore freAuent. 2onseAuently it is gradually losing its offensiveness and !erha!s 'ill in due course
becoe as acce!ted as $fuc3$ in its use. The 'ord goes bac3 to 0iddle *nglish,
s!eculated u!on, ho'ever soe believe its origins lie 'ith the +atin, cuneus, eaning
cun+,* Adj. Jery into)icated by drin3 or drugs.
cun+.5ac, Noun. A conte!tible !erson. Also cuntface.
cun+.5ac,* Adj. Jery into)icated.
cun+ing Adj. An intensifier. *.g."#f this cunting 'eather doesn$t i!rove 'ithin the ne)t >4 hours 'e$ll have to cancel the
'hole tri!."
cun+o8 Noun. A conte!tible !erson.
cun+y Noun. A conte!tible !erson.
cun+yba6s 9 Noun. 1. An objectionable !erson. [&cottish use]
>. Occasionally used as a ter of address. [&cottish use]
I 1ro cuntyballs.
cu//a Noun. A cu! of tea or lately also referring to coffee. The ter is a contraction of
curl on, o55 0 *o6n Verb. To defecate.
curran+ bun Noun. 1. The sun. 2oc3ney rhying slang.
>. The &un ne's!a!er. A tabloid ne's!a!er that ado!ted the rhying slang e)!ression for its o'n use.
H. &on. 9hying slang.
curry.4il, Noun. The nae given to an area in 0anchester called 9ushole, 'hich has a high density of asian restaurants and
food ta3ea'ays !ositioned along its ain street.
curry =u,,n Noun. A gay ale 'ho is attracted to asian hoose)uals. 2f. $dinge Aueen$ and $scat Aueen$. Offens.
cur+ains Noun. The end. *.g."#f he doesn$t a3e this ju!, it$s curtains for the 'hole tea."
cushy Adj. Of an easy nature. Originates fro the @industani khush eaning !leasant. 6#nforal7
cushy nu4b,r Noun. A situation that is easy and 'ithout stress.
cush+y Adj. *)cellent, fine, O8. Also s!elt cushdy, and kushty.
cus+ar* chuc3,r Noun. The !enis. Often !refi)ed 'ith blue veined, or purple headed.
cu+ Noun. A canal. [0idlandsD5orth use]
cu+ +h, cra/- Exclam. &to! tal3ing nonsense%
C.6or* Noun. A coy eu!heis for $cunt$. 2f. $f/'ord$.
cyb,r/un3 Noun. A nonconforist advocate of odern technology, es!ecially such a user of the #nternet.
cyb,rs/ac, Noun. The iaginary !lace that e)ists bet'een co!uters and their users, !articularly on the #nternet and in virtual
reality. The ter 'as coined by the author ?illia Kibson in the boo3 Neuromancer

*ab han* Noun. A !erson highly s3illed at a given tas3. *.g."@e$s a dab hand at !rograing and 'eb design."
*a bo4b Noun. The best. [Orig. -.&.D(lac3 1990s]
*abs Noun. 1inger!rints. Kenerally !olice and criinal vernacular.
*ab on Noun. A s'eat on. &ee $have a dab on$.
*a5+ Noun. &illy, foolish. 6#nforal7.
*a5+ as a brush Phrs. Jery silly.
*a5+i, Noun. A fool, an idiot.
*ago Noun. A foreigner, usually a!!lied to #talians, &!anish and Cortugese. ,erog and offensive.
*aisi,s Noun. (oots. 9hying slang on daisy roots.
*aisy chain Noun. A se)ual act involving H or ore !eo!le, during 'hich each !erson siultaneously has se) 'ith the !erson
beside the in the grou!, thus foring a chain.
*a4ag, Noun. The cost, e)!ense. *.g."?hat$s the daage for the eal, 'ithout the drin3s4"
*anc,rs Noun. &tairs. [0anchester use]
*angl,b,rri,s Noun. 1aecal renants adherring to anal hairs.
* Noun. The ale genitals.
*anni,s Noun. @ands. [&outh <or3shire use]
Danny 1La !u,2 Noun. A clue, an idea. 9hying slang. The nae of a feale i!ersonator, ,anny +a 9ue, real nae ,aniel
Catric3 2arroll.
*a/s Noun. Clisolls, trainers :foot'ear;. [?elsh use]
*ar3 Adj. *)cellent. [Orig. -.&. 1990s]
Davi* Go6,r Noun. A sho'er. 9hying slang. [19G0s]
D,acon Noun. An ibecile, idiot. ,erived fro the nae Foey ,eacon, see $Foey$. ,erog.
*,a* Adv. Jery, e)treely. *.g."Our holiday 'as dead good."
*,a* c,r+ Noun. A sure thing. *.g."#t$s a dead cert that the favourite 'ill 'in."
*,a* 5ro4 +h, n,c3 u/ Phrs. -nintelligent, stu!id.
*,a* h,a+ in a ),//,lin
Noun. ,escribing very large breasts on a 'oan. *.g."?o'% +oo3 at her, loo3s li3e a dead heat in a Oe!!elin
D,ar John Noun. A letter, usually fro a feale, terinating a relationshi!.
*,.bag Verb. To reove a !ersons trousers, usually 'ithout their consent. -sually adolescents behaviour. &ee $bags$ :noun;.
*,c3 Verb. To !hysically 3noc3 do'n, onto the deck.
D,, Dah Noun. A !erson fro &heffield. ,erogatory ter, ta3en fro the 'ay they s!ea3 in &heffield. [<or3sD,erbyshire
*,,3 Noun. A loo3, a glance. *.g."Kive e a dee3 at your aga=ine." [<or3shire useD 5orth/east use4]
*,,/ s,a *iv,r Noun. A five !ound onetary note :EL;. 9hying slang for fiver.
*,,/ shi+ Noun. &erious trouble.
*,,/ +hroa+ Noun. 1ellatio involving the envelo!ent of the !enis using the de!th of the throat.
Verb. To fellate as in the anner of the noun.
*,55o Adj. An abb. of definitely. [0ainly +iver!ool use.]
*,5 1so4,on,2 ou+ Verb. To ignore :soeone;. Cossibly originally deaf out, so therefore to ignore by not listening. *.g."# hate the 'ay
that she al'ays defs e out 'hen # say soething." [0idlands use]
*,33o Noun. A loo3 or glance. 1ro the @industani, dekho. [1G90s]
D,lhi b,lly Noun. A severe stoach u!set. A coon occurrence for ?estern travellers visiting countries of the *ast, such as
#ndia, hence the e)!ression.
*,4ic Noun. 1. A thing that is 'orn out or bro3en.
>. A derogatory ter for a !erson 'ho is constantly sic3, a hy!ochondriac, soeone in obviously less than !erfect
*,s4on* Noun. 1. A jac3et. 9hying slang on ,esond @ac3ett, the reno'ned ,aily *)!ress s!orts re!orter.
>. A university degree, grade >.>. Abbreviation of 9everend ,esond Tutu, 'inner of the 5obel Ceace Cri=e.
*,vil *o*g,r Noun. A eber of the church, or a strong believer in religion. [0ore coonly 5avy use]
*hoby Verb. To 'ash, clean. Originally to do laundry, and fro @indu $dhob$ / 'ashing. [&ervices slang, ainly 5avy use]
*ial Noun. A !erson$s face.
*ia4on* Noun. ?onderful, e)cellent. The ter originates in +ondon.
*ia4on* g,,:,r Noun. A really 'onderful an, hel!ful and reliableB a ge of a an. A coonly heard e)tension to $diaond$.
[0ainly +ondon use]
Dibbl, Noun. A !oliceanD'oan. The nae ta3en fro the -.&. cartoon 4op -at, 'here the local !olicean is called
5fficer 6ibble. [5.?. *ngland use.]
*ibs Noun. A clai. *.g."# !ut dibs on tasting it first."
Verb. To !ut a !ersonal clai on soething. *.g."# ade the coc3tail so # dibs first taste."
*ic,y Adj. 9is3y.
*ic3 Noun. 1. The !enis.
>. A conte!tible !erson.
*ic3 aroun* 0 abou+
Verb. 0ess around, idle a'ay tie. *.g."Ti$s been dic3ing around in the bac3 yard 'ith that bloody football
*ic3h,a* Noun. A stu!id !erson, a conte!tible !erson.
*ic3s/lash Noun. A conte!tible !erson. 2f. $dic3s!lat$.
*ic3s/la+ Noun. A des!icable !erson. 2f. $dic3s!lash$.
*ic36a* Noun. A conte!tible !erson, idiot. [Orig. -.&.]
*ic3y Adj. -nsound, li3ely to fail, unhealthy. Also s!elt dickey and dickie. *.g."<ou can$t seriously e)!ect e to lift that
bo) 'hen you 3no' #$ve got a dic3y heart."
*ic3y.bir* Noun. 9hying slang for word. -sually heard in a negative sense. *.g."?e$ve not heard a dic3y/bird fro Andy
since he oved."
*i**icoy Noun. A gy!sy. Also s!elt diddicoi and didicoi. Orig. 9oanyDdialect.
*i**i,s Noun. ?oen$s breasts. [&cottish use]
*i**l, Verb. 1. To have se) 'ith, and often used 'ith reference to asturbation of the feale genitals.
>. To s'indle. 6#nforal7.
*i**ly Noun. 5othing. *.g."There$s diddly 'rong 'ith it." [Orig. -.&.]
*i**ly *i**ly 4usic Noun. Onoato!oeic nae for #rish fol3 usic.
*i**ly.s=ua+ Noun. 5othing, =ero. *.g."#$ve earnt diddly sAuat this onth." [Orig. -.&.]
*i**y Adj. &all.
*i**yri*, Noun. A asturbatory act involving the rubbing of the !enis bet'een a 'oan$s breasts. 2f. &ausage sand'ich :>;.
[5.#rish use]
*i,s,l 1*y3,2 Noun. A butch lesbian. A little less derogatory than $bull/dy3e$.
*ig 1+h, grav,2 5oun. A shave. 9hying slang. *.g."2an you give e 10 inutes, # need to have a dig and clean y teeth."
*il*o Noun. 1. A substitute !enis used for se). [Orig. -.&.]
>. An objectionable or ibecilic !erson.
*illy.*ally Verb. To da'dle, linger, loiter. 6#nforal7
*i4bo Noun. An ibecile, idiot.
*i4/ Noun. The filter renants of a so3ed cigarette.
*in.*ins Noun. ,inner. Originally a children$s e)!ression.
*ing.a.ling Noun. Cenis. Also dingaling. [Orig (lac3D-&]
*ing.*ong Noun. An arguent, cootion, fight. 6#nforal7
*ing, =u,,n Noun. A gay ale attracted to blac3 hoose)uals. *ssentially offensive ter due to the use of $dinge$, eaning
blac3. 2f. $curry Aueen$, $scat Aueen$.
*ingl,b,rri,s Noun. 1aecal renants attached to one$s anal hairs. 2f. $dangleberries$
*in3y Adj. &all, cute, neat. 6#nforal7
*inlo Noun. An idiot, a conte!tible !erson. [Cortsouth use4]
*i/ on,7s 6ic3 Vrb phrs. To have se). 0ale usage.
*i//y Adj. &illy, e!ty/headed.
*i/shi+ Noun. A des!icable !erson. ,erog. [Orig. -.&]
*i/so Noun. A drun3, an alcoholic. Abb. of di!soaniac. ,erog. [1940s] 6#nforal7
*i/s+ic3 Noun. A fool. ,erog. [Orig. -.&.]
*ir+bag Noun. A 'orthless, conte!tible !erson.
*ir+bo8 Noun. The anus.
*ir+y Adv. A general intensifier. *.g."There 'as a dirty great big s!ot on the end of his nose."
*ir+y.4ac Noun. A 'orn or decre!id long raincoat or ac3intosh, the sort stereoty!ically 'orn by en 'ith a !rediliction for
e)!osing their genitals in !ublic.
*ir+y /illo6s Noun. ?oen$s breasts.
*ir+y s+o/.ou+ Noun. A !erson 'ho has stayed out enjoying theselves beyond the e)!ected tie of return. Focular usage.
*ir+y 6,,3,n* Noun. A liberating 'ee3end a'ay fro hoe for the indulgence in intiacies, either se)ual or other'ise, 'ith
one$s lover. 6#nforal7
*ischu55,* Adj. ,is!leased. 2f. $chuffed$.
*isco biscui+ Noun. An ecstasy :0,0A; !ill. ?ithin the -8 club scene it 'as originally a s!ecific ty!e of ecstasy !ill, ho'ever,
in the -.&. in the 19N0s disco biscuits 'ere Aualudes. [*arly 1990s]
*ish Noun. 1. A se)ually attractive !erson.
>. The buttoc3s. Kay use.
H. The face.
Verb. To sash, to brea3. *.g."&oeone has dished all y car 'indo's." [0erseyside use]
*ish +h, *ir+ Vrb phrs. To reveal the truth or gossi!.
*ish ou+ Verb. To hand out, distribute.
*ishy Adj. &e)ually attractive. 6#nforal7
*iss Verb. To disres!ect, ridicule, insult. *.g."5o he can$t coe 'ith us / he dissed e and y faily." [Orig. (lac3
*iv Noun. An idiot, a !itiable !erson, a conte!tible !erson. 2f. $divvy$.
*iv, Noun. A sAualid !lace.
*ivvy Noun. #diot. ,erog.
*ivvy u/ Verb. To share out, distribute. 6#nforal7
*i::y =u,,n Noun. A giddy and flaboyant gay ale.
*o Noun. A !arty or event. 6#nforal7
Verb. 1. To !hysically assault, to beat u!. *.g."#$ll do hi if he calls e an idiot again."
>. To have se). *.g."# rec3on #$ll do her if # can get her drun3 enough."
*o a bun3 Vrb phrs. To leave hurriedly, esca!e. *.g."@e did a bun3, out of the bedroo 'indo', 'hen his !arents cae hoe
*o a runn,r Vrb phrs. 0eaning the sae as $do a bun3$, but often i!lying a de!arture 'ithout !aying for a received service.
*ob Verb. To infor on, betray. [Orig. Aust.]
*obb,r Noun. 1. A !enis.
>. An idiot, a conte!tible !erson.
H. &oething very large. *.g."#$ve never seen a !i==a so big, it 'as a real dobber, and 'e could only eat half of it
bet'een si) of us." [5orthern use]
*obbing Adj. A general intensifier. *.g."This dobbing great idiot s!ilt y drin3 and didn$t a!ologise, so # hit hi."
*oc3ing Adv. *)treely. *.g. "#t 'as a doc3ing big car the si=e of a bus."
*oc3y Noun. A snac3. [5orfol3D2abridgeshireD+incs use]
*oc3y +i4, Noun. 0id orning brea3. &ee $doc3y$. [5orfol3D2abridgeshireD+incs use]
*o**l, Noun. An easy tas3. 6#nforal7
*o*gy Adj. 9is3y, sus!icious, dubious. 6#nforal7
*og Noun. 1. A se)ually unattractive !erson. ,erog.
>. A foot, usually in !lural as dogs and often heard used in the e)!ression my dogs are barking
Verb. To !lay truant. Also doggin it. [&cottish use]
*og an* bon, Noun. Tele!hone. 2oc3ney rhying slang.
*,a+h Noun. 1. A !erson 'ith halitosis, bad selling breath.
>. A conte!tible !erson.
*og.,n* Noun. A cigarette end, the renants of a cigarette after so3ing.
*oggi, 5ashion Adj. An act of se) in the anner of dogs, that is, 'ith both !artners facing the sae direction and on one$s 3nees.
1on,7s2 *ogs ar, bar3ing Phrs. :One$s; feet are tired and aching. *.g.",o you ind if # sit do'n, y dogs are bar3ing%"
*ogsbo*y Noun. A !erson 'ho does the enial and boring tas3s. 6#nforal7
*og7s bolloc3s Noun. The best. *.g."This song is the dog$s bolloc3s." 2f. $cat$s 'his3ers$, $bee$s 3nees$ and $utt$s nuts$.
*og7s br,a35as+ Noun. A ess. *.g."#$ve ade a bit of a dog$s brea3fast of that essay, and 'ill !robably have to re'rite it." 2f.
$dog$s dinner$
*og7s *inn,r Noun. 1. A ess. 2f. $dog$s brea3fast$.
>. &ee $done u! li3e a dog$s dinner$.
*og7s ,gg Noun. A lu! of dog faeces.
*o in Verb. To beat u!, to 3ill.
*oings Noun. 5on/s!ecific ites, things one ay have te!orarily forgotten the nae for. *.g."Tony, 'ill you ove all
your, err... doings fro the 3itchen table4"
*ol, Noun. &ocial security benefits. 6#nforal7.
*oll Noun. 1. A young and es!ecially attractive 'oan.
>. &'eetheart. An e)!ression of endearent, e.g. "2oe on doll, it isn$t that bad."
*oll u/ Verb. To sarten u!, a3e attractive.
*ollybir* Noun. An attractive 'oan. -se is generally jocular and historical. [19.0s]
*on, in Adj. Tired out. 6#nforal7.
*on, u/ li3, a *og7s *inn,r Phrs. &artly or e)travantly dressed. -sually dis!araging use. 6#nforal7
*on, u/ li3, a 3i//,r Phrs. 1. 2aught in the act, caught red/handed.
>. Cut in a !osition of no ho!e.
*ong Noun. A !enis.
*ong,r Noun. A !enis.
*on3,y Noun. 1. A ale 'ho is genitally 'ell endo'ed, as in hung like a donkey. Also !hrased as
>. &oething that doesn$t coe u! to e)!ectations. *.g."# thin3 'e$ve been sold a don3ey."
*on3,y7s y,ars Noun. A long tie. 6#nforal7
*onu+ &ee $doughnut$.
*oobi, Noun. A arijuana cigarette. [Orig. -.&. 19.0s]
*oobri, Noun. &oething 'hose nae isn$t 3no'n or has been forgotten.
*oo *oo Noun. 2hildren$s e)!ression for faeces.
*oo5ah Noun. 0eaning the sae as $doobrie$. Also doofer.
*oolally Adj. 0ad, cra=y, insane. A shortening of doolally tap$ a adness that afflicted (ritish soldiers in ,eolali, #ndia.
There$s s!eculation as to 'hether the soldiers 'ent ad 'hilst stationed there, a'aiting the troo! shi! hoe, or that
they 'ere sent to the sanatoriu there after going ad. 2f $ta!!ed$. [+ate 1G00s]
*o on, Verb. To go a'ay. *.g."+isten, #$ going to do one and let you finish your 'or3. #$ll call you later."
*o on,7s 5rui+ Vrb phrs. To be e)treely annoyed. *.g."&haron$s going to do her fruit 'hen she finds ,avid$s stuc3 his bloody
nose into her business again."
*o on,7s h,a* in Vrb phrs. To entally disturb. *.g."?ill you sto! going on and on, you$re doing y head in."
*o on,7s nu+ Vrb phrs. To be very angry, to thro' a tantru.
*oor4a+ Noun. A !erson 'ho is easily e)!loited, soeone 'ho is 'al3ed on and readily used by others.
*o/, Noun. 1. A stu!id !erson. ,erived fro dopey. :s.e.;
>. Keneral ter for a narcotic drug.
Adj. *)cellent, great. [Orig. -.&.D(lac3]
*o/,h,a* Noun. An idiot.
*or3 Noun. An idiot, a conte!tible !erson. [Orig. -.&.]
*os, Noun. *u!heis for a venereal infection.
*osh Noun. 0oney.
*o 1so4,on,2 Vrb phrs. @ave se)ual intercourse 'ith soeone. *.g."<eah, Fohnny$s doing that blonde 'ho 'or3s in the ta)
*oss Verb. To slee! rough. 6#nforal7
Noun. An easy tas3. *.g."That aths e)a 'as a doss." 6#nforal7
*oss*o6n Verb. To slee! rough. 6#nforal7
*oss,r Noun. 1. A !erson 'ho slee!s rough, a hoeless !erson. ,erog.
>. A !erson 'ho lives by e)erting the least aount of !ersonal effort. ,erog.
*o +h, busin,ss Vrb phrs. ,o 'hat is necessary to achieve the reAuired result. *.g."#f you don$t do the business, 'e are going to
fail." 6#nforal7
*o +h, *ir+y on 1so4,on,2 Vrb phrs. To betray, to cheat on :soeone;.
*o++y Adj. *ccentric or slightly ad. *.g."0y dotty Auntie *thel is visiting this 'ee3end." 6#nforal7.
*oubl, bagg,r Noun. An ugly 'oan. &o called because t'o bags 'ould be needed to avoid having to see her during se), one to
cover her head, and one to cover ones o'n should her bag accidentally coe off or ri!.
*oubl,.bubbl, Noun. ,ouble tie. Overtie 'or3ed at a t'ice the usual rate of !ay.
*oubl, Du+ch Adj. 5onsense or inco!rehensible tal3. 6#nforal7.
*ough Noun. 0oney.
*oughnu+ Noun. 1. An idiot, a conte!tible !erson.
>. A s3illed anoeuvre in a otori=ed vehicle, 'hereby it is re!eatedly s!un on the s!ot through H.0P, resulting in
the tyres overheating and conseAuently leaving burnt rubber on the tarac / in the sha!e of a doughnut.
*ou+ Noun. A cigarette butt. [&cottish use, Klasgo'4]
*o6n,r Noun. 1. A tranAuilli=er.
>. &oething that entally de!resses. *.g."#t !ut e on a right do'ner, crashing the car, es!ecially no' 'hen #
have no oney."
*o6n in +h, *u4/s Phrs. 0iserable, de!ressed. *.g."#$ not coing out tonight, #$ feeling a little do'n in the du!s."
*o6n +h, /an Phrs. ?asted, lost, ruined. *.g."Oh 'ell, that$s another E1000 do'n the !an."
*o6n un*,r Noun. Australia. 6#nforal7
*o:y Adj. ,i'itted, stu!id, slo'. 6#nforal7
*rag Noun. 1. ,ressing in the o!!osite se)es clothes.
>. A dra' on a cigarette.
*rag =u,,n Noun. A ale hoose)ual 'ho dresses in 'oen$s clothes and affecting e)tree effeinate anneriss.
*rain +h, 4ain v,in Vrb phrs. Of ales, to urinate.
*ra4a =u,,n Noun. &oeone 'ho a3es an e)cessive fuss over a situation. Of the any 1ueen
regularly used by heterose)uals of heterose)uals.
*ra6 Noun. 2annabis or arijuana. Also !hrased as a draw. *.g."*re ate, have you got a dra'4 # need soething to
hel! e slee!."
*ra63 Verb. To soa3. [<or3sD5.* dialect and use]
1+h,2 *r,a*,* lurgy Noun. Any uns!ecified or indeterinate desease. Focular use.
*r,a4boa+ Noun. A se)ually attractive ale or feale.
*r,c3ly Adv. #ediately, straight a'ay, although des!ite its eaning can also i!ly $soon$ or $'hen ready$. 1ro
[&outh/'est use]
*r,ss,* 1u/2 +o +h, nin,s Phrs. ,ressed very 'ell and fashionably.
*rin3 5ro4 +h, 5urry cu/ Vrb phrs. To !erfor cunnilingus. &ee $furry cu!$.
*rin3y./oo Noun. A drin3. 0oc3 juvenile e)!ression.
*ri/ Noun. A feeble and boring !erson. ,erog.
*ri//ing 6i+h Phrs. @aving an e)cessive aount of, usually in the conte)t of 'ealth, such as je'ellery or oney.
*ri//y Adj. #neffectual, overly sentiental.
*riv,.by Noun. The shooting of guns at a !articular target fro inside a car. 2oon 'ith street gangs in -.&. and no'
occurring in (ritain.
*riv, +h, /orc,lain bus Vrb phrs. To voit. [Orig. -.&.]
*ro/ Verb. To ta3e drugs orally. The ter drop acid being coon.
*ro/ a bolloc3 Vrb phrs. To a3e a ista3e.
*ro/ a clang,r Vrb phrs. To a3e an obvious ista3e.
*ro/ anchor in /oo.bay Vrb phrs. To have anal intercourse. [1990s]
*ro/ *,a*- Verb. An e)claation of annoyance directed at a !erson. [Orig. -.&.]
*ro/*,a* gorg,ous Adj. &tunningly attractive.
*ro/ 1so4,on,2 in i+ Vrb phrs. To land :soeone; in trouble, to incriinate. A eu!heis for dropping someone in the shit
*ro/ on,7s gu+s Vrb phrs. To brea3 'ind. Occasionally shortened to just $dro! one$. *.g. "Fesus% ?hat a stin3, have you just dro!!ed
*ro/ +h, 3i*s o55 a+ +h, /ool Jrb !hrs. *u!heis for defecation.
*ruggi, Noun. A drug addict, or ore recently used 'ith reference to anyone 'ho uses drugs in e)cessB very uch a
subjective stateent. Also s!elt druggy. ,erog.
Adj. @aving a Auality associated 'ith that of recreational drugs and conseAuently the
*ru4 Noun. A house, hoe.
*ru4 an* bass Noun. Kenre of dance usic, li3e $jungle$, but ore inial.
*run3 as a s3un3 Phrs. Jery into)icated 'ith alcohol.
*ry sla/ Noun. A !unch. *)!ression su!!osedly invented by actor 0i3e 9ead, for the 1ran3 (utcher character he !layed in
a TJ soa!, *astenders. *.g."<ou$d better sho' hi soe res!ect before he gives you a dry sla!." [1990s4]
*ub Noun. Originally a style of $chilled$, dee!er reggae usic fro ?.#ndies 'ith added segents not dissiilar to
*ubby Adj. Affecting the style of $dub$, but reaining 'ithin its original genre. *.g."That ne' dance tune # brought is very
*uc3 Noun. A ter of address.
*uc3ars, Verb. To 'et the end of a cigarette, or joint, 'ith saliva, thus a3ing it difficult or un!leasant to so3e. [5orthern
*uc3in7 an* *iving Phrs. A non/coittal catch/!hrase re!ly to the Auestioning of one$s recent activities, usually as3ed at a reunion.
Occasionally e)!ression is co!leted 'ith finishing !hrase, fuckin and skiving
*u*s Noun. 2lothes.
*u55 Adj. 9ubbishy, useless.
*u55,r Noun. An inefficient or stu!id !erson. *.g. "?hat% <ou 'ent out 'ith that old duffer 4" ,erived fro $duff$. ,erog.
*u55 u/ Verb. To beat u!.
*ugs Noun. 1eale breasts.
*u3, Noun. A hoose)ual. 9hying slang on 6uke of #ent / $bent$.
*ull as *ish6a+,r Phrs. Jery une)citing, e)ceedingly !lain, boring. *.g."#$ not 'asting y tie 'atching another hour of this fil,
it$s dull as dish'ater." 2f. $dull as dish'ater$.
*ull as *i+ch6a+,r Phrs. Jery boring, une)citing. 2f. $dull as dish'ater$.
*u4b ass Noun. An idiot. [Orig. -.&.]
Adj. #diotic, stu!id.
*u4bnu+s Noun. An idiot.
*u4bo Noun. A stu!id, slo'/'itted !erson. ,erog.
*u4/ Noun. 1. An act of defecation.
>. A sAualid !lace. 6#nforal7
Verb. 1. To defecate.
>. To finish a relationshi! 'ith soeone.
*u4/ all ov,r 1so4,on,2 Vrb phrs. To istreat, critici=e soeone. [Orig. -.&.]
*un, coon Noun. An Arab, or often ore generally ofDfro the 0iddle *ast. ,erog.DOffens.
*un3y Noun. A condo. [&outh ?ales use]
*us+ bunni,s Noun. 2lu!s of dust,usuallyfound on the floor on the !eri!hery of a roo.
*u+ch ov,n Noun. The act of brea3ing 'ind in bed and holding one$s !artners head beneath the covers.
*6,,b Noun. An ibecile. [Orig. -.&.]
*6il, Noun. A dish cloth, a rag. Also, dwile flonking, a !ub gae !layed at village fetes, involving a beer soa3ed ragB
*y3, Noun. A lesbian. Creviously used as a derogatory e)!ression but no' used and acce!ted 'ithin the lesbian and gay
scene. 2o!are 'ith $bull dy3e$ and $diesel dy3e$.

E Noun. Abb. of ecstasy, see belo'.
,ag,r.b,av,r Noun. An enthusiastic !erson.
,arach, Noun. #ncessant co!laining or tal3ing.
,ar bash Verb. To tal3 unceasingly.
,ar bashing Noun. A severe re!riand. *.g."&he gave e a real ear bashing for ebarrassing her in front of her friends."
,ar5ul Noun. *nough of hearing soething or soeone. *.g."#$ve had an earful of you, oaning on about ho' !oor you
are 'hen # 3no' you$ve got oney saved in the ban3."
1i+7s2 ,arly *ays Phrs. Too soon to 3no' 'hether a situation is correct or ho' things 'ill turn out. *.g."#t$s early days. ?e can$t
!ossibly 3no' if the 'ar in #raA 'ill change the country for the better." [#nforal]
,arly *oors Adj. *arly, !reature.
,arn,r Noun. A !rofitable job or enter!rise.
Ear+ha 1Ki++2
Noun. 1. An act of defecation.
>. 1aeces.
I (oth rhying slang on $shit$.
,ar6ig Verb. To listen into a conversation not eant for one$s ears. *.g."#f you heard things said about you that you didn$t
li3e, then you shouldn$t ear'ig into conversations."
,a+ing irons Noun. 2utlery.
,asy Adj. &e)ually consenting 'ith little encourageent.
,asy./,asy Adj. Jery easy. -sually a children$s e)!ression.
,asy +ouch Noun. A !erson easily e)!loited financially.
,a+ Verb. A eu!heis for fellatio or cunnilingus.
,a+ ou+ Vrb phrs. To !erfor cunnilingus.
,a+ shi+- Verb. *)!ression of e)tree annoyance. A disissive and abusive ter as in $get to fuc3$ or $!iss off$. [Orig. -.&.]
,c3y Noun. The drug 0,0A, *cstasy.
,c3y +hu4/ - Exclam. An e)claation of sur!rise or shoc3. Often used in oc3 +ancashian dialect.
,co 6arrior Noun. An ecological activist.
,cs+asy Noun. The drug 0ethylenedio)yetha!hetaine, 0,0A. Co!ular in (ritain fro the late 19G0s and 'as
essential in the early develo!ent of the (ritish $@ouse$ and $Techno$ usic scene.
,**r,ss Noun. The e/ail eAuivalent of an address. [199.4]
E7* u/ Adj. #nto)icated by 0,0A.
,,;i+ Noun. An idiot. Originally Anglo/#rish !ronunciation of idiot.
,55 all 5oun. A eu!heis for $fuc3 all$. &ee $fuc3 all$.
,55ing Adj.%Adv. A eu!heis for $fuc3ing$.
,55ing an* blin*ing Noun. -sing obscenities such as e)!letives, usually in annoyance. &ee $effing$. *.g."#$ve never seen hi so angry,
effing and blinding des!ite being a vicar."
,55ing an* ;,55ing Noun. 0eaning the sae as $effing and blinding$.
,55 o55 *)cla. Ko a'ay. *u!heis for $fuc3 off%$ &ee $fuc3 off$.
,gg 1an* s/oon2 Noun. A blac3 !erson. 2oc3ney rhying slang on $coon$. Offens.
,gg ban;o Noun. A fried egg sand'ich. :Orig. ilitary use4;
,gg chas,rs Noun. 9ugby !layers. 1ro the egg sha!ed ball. ,erog.
,ggh,a* Noun. 1. An intelligent !erson, an intellectual !erson. 6#nforal7
>. A !erson 'ho is bald.
,gg on on,7s chin &ee $have egg on one$s chin$
,ggy Adj. &lightly annoyed, irritated.
,h u/- Exclam. @ello. An inforal greeting siilar to $hi$ or $alright.$ 2f. $ayu!$.
,lbo6 gr,as, Noun. 0anual hard 'or3. *.g."?e$ll never get this finished unless you !ut soe elbo' grease into that job%"
,l,/han+s Adj. ,run3, into)icated 'ith alcohol. 9hying slang on elephants trunk.
,l,v,ns,s Noun. A id to late orning drin3, a!!ro)iately ta3en at 11 o$cloc3. 6#nforal7
,44as Noun. @aeorrhoids. 1ro the rhying slang on Emma "reud, broadcaster, 'riter, and daughter of &ir 2leent
,44,+ Noun. A tourist. ,erogatory ter eaning ant. 2ornish use, e)!ressing their annoyance and frustration at the
nuerous visitors to the county, es!ecially during the suer onths 'hen their !resence is seen as a hinderence
to the locals.
,n*: Noun. Area, !lace. *.g."?hat end= you fro4" [+ondonD(lac3 use]
,//y Noun. &hort for epileptic fit, ho'ever used to ean a furious uncontrollable outrage in the e)!ressions $thro' an
e!!y$ or $have an e!!y$. Also s!elt eppie.
Ess,8 girl Noun. &tereoty!ically describing a feale fro the county of *sse), or a feale of the style of an $*sse) girl$.
2haracteristics ay include being 'or3ing class, se)ually !roiscuous, fashion conscious, heavily drin3ing,
confident and of lo' orals. ,erog.
,vils Noun. A hateful loo3. Co!ulari=ed by the character naed Jic3y Collard in the (ritish coedy TJ series
'ritain. *.g."&to! givin$ e the evils." [>00H]
,8/a+ Noun. An e)!atriate. 6#nforal7
,8+rac+ +h, Micha,l Vrb phrs. To tease or ridicule. A !lay on 'ords, derived fro $ta3e the ic3ey$. *.g."#f he doesn$t sto! e)tracting the
0ichael #$ll re!ort hi to the anager."
,8+rac+ +h, urin, Vrb phrs. 0eaning the sae as $e)tract the 0ichael$, it is a !un on $ta3e the !iss$.
,y,5ul Noun. A good long loo3. *.g."Ket an eyeful of that idiot on the dancefloor." 6#nforal7
,y,s li3, a shi+hous, ra+ Phrs. ,escribing a !erson 'ith very shar!, observant eyesight.
,y,s li3, /iss hol,s in +h,
Phrs. 1. Tired, dee! sun3en eyes.
>. &all eyes.
Ey,+i, Noun. An #talian. Offens.

> . ? Noun. &ee $five O$.
5ac,.ach, Noun. 0ildly offensive nae given for a iserable loo3ing !erson.
5ac,.5ungus Noun. 1acial hair, such as oustache or beard.
5ac, li3, a bag o5 s/ann,rs Phrs. 1. 2raggy faced.
>. -gly.
5ac, li3, a bull*og ch,6ing
a 6as/
Phrs. Jery unnattractive. Also less coonly heard, face like a bulldog chewing a thistle
her out, she$s not y ty!e and she$s got a face li3e a bulldog che'ing a 'as!."
5ac, li3, a bull*og lic3ing
/iss o55 a n,++l,
Phrs. Jery unnattractive. 2f. $face li3e a bulldog che'ing a 'as!$.
5ac, li3, a *ro//,* /i, Phrs. 1. Jery unnattractive.
>. 0iserable loo3ing.
5ac, li3, a sla//,* ars, Phrs. A iserable or sad face. Also heard used 'ith smacked instead of slapped
5ac, li3, a 6,+ 6,,3,n* Phrs. A iserable, sad a!!earence. *.g."?hat$s u! 'ith you4 <ou$ve got a face li3e a 'et 'ee3end."
5ac, li3, +h, bac3 ,n* o5 a
Phrs. -gly.
5acial Noun. The ejaculation of seen on a se)ual !artner$s face. Ter originated 'ithin !orn industry.
5a*g, Noun. The vagina. Cossibly a corru!tion of vadge, an abb. for of vagina.
5a55 Verb. To fuss. *.g."+et e finish doing this 'ill you, and sto! faffing." 6#nforal7
Noun. A fuss, bother. 6#nforal7.
5ag Noun. 1. A cigarette.
>. A hoose)ual ale. #ts use isn$t !revalent in (ritain. Abb. of $faggot$. ,erog. [Orig. -.&.]
H. A chore. *.g."#t 'as a fag having to drive all the 'ay bac3 hoe at night."
5agg,* 1ou+2 Adj. *)hausted, tired.
5agg,r,++, Noun. A cigarette. Adolescent usage. [1990s]
5aggo+ Noun. 1. A hoose)ual ale. ,erog.
>. On the gay scene eaning a $ca!$ effeinate ale hoose)ual. ,erog.
5ag.,n* Noun. A cigarette butt.
5ag.hag Noun. A 'oan 'ho !refers the co!any of $gay$ en over that of heterose)uals. 1ag/hags have also been 3no'n
to desire se)ual relations 'ith gay en.
5air co/ Noun. 1. A legitiate arrest. Often tongue in chee3 use in e)!ressions such as "it$s a fair co!, guv". [Orig.
-nder'orld. +ate 1G00s]
>. A situation or event that is seen as deserved or justified.
5air *os Exclam. An e)claation that a thing is reasonable or acce!ted. An e)tension of a
5airy Noun. 1. An effeinate !erson. ,erog.
>. A hoose)ual. ,erog.
5airy snu55 - Exclam. That$s reasonable% A !un on fair enough. 2f $furry uff$ and $$hairy uff$.
5.all Noun. A eu!heis for $fuc3 all$.
5all o55 +h, bac3 o5 a lorry Vrb phrs. A reference to goods that have been stolen. -sed ironically to avoid revealing the real origins of the
!ro!erty. *.g."(eing as they fell off a bac3 of a lorry #$ selling the at half the !rice they are in the sho!s."
5a4ily ;,6,ls Noun. A jocular eu!heis for the ale genitals, e!hasising their !ersonal i!ortance. 5ot heard very often and
occasionally shortened to $je'els$.
5ancy 1-2 Verb. To li3e, to desire. *.g."# fancy that ne' rece!tionist 'ho$s started in accounts." 6#nforal7
Exclam. &aid in ild sur!rise, often as fancy that+
5ancy 4an 0 6o4an Noun. ,is!araging ter for a ale or feale lover.
5ancy +h, ars, o55
Vrb phrs. To se)ually desire :soeone;.
5ancy +h, /an+s o55
Vrb phrs. To se)ually desire :soeone;.
5anny Noun. 1. The feale genitals. #ts use ay cause confusion in the -.&. 'here it eans buttoc3s.
>. A feale vie'ed as a se)ual object.
5anny abou+ 0 aroun* Verb. To ess around, or 'aste tie.
Fanny A*a4s Noun. 5othing at all. -sually heard !receded by sweet. Also acts as a eu!heis for $fuc3 all$. *.g."?hat$ve you
been u! to Ti 4", "&'eet fanny adas since # lost y job." 2f. $s'eet 1.A.$
5anny ba++,r Noun. Jaginal secretions.
5annyba6s Noun. An idiot, fool. [Klasgo' use4]
5anny 5ar+ Noun. A noise created by the genitals during se)ual intercourse 'ith the inta3e and e)!ulsion of air. &ee $fart$.
5anny 5la/s Noun. The feale genitals, !articularly the labia.
5anny 4agn,+ Noun. A thing that is believed to attract feales. *.g."@e 'ants a 1errari, cos he rec3ons it$s a sure fanny agnet."
&ee $fanny$.
5an:in, Noun. A chea!ly !roduced s!ecialist aga=ine. A cobinaton of the 'ords fanatic
5ar4,r gil,s 05ar4,rs Noun. @aeorrhoids. 9hying slang on piles. *.g.",octor, have you any soothing ointent for y farers."
[Orig. Aust.]
5ar.ou+ Adj. &!lendid, an e)claation of a!!roval. Fa== origins. [Orig. -.&.]
5ar+ Verb. To brea3 'ind fro the anus. Originally s.e. fro 1>L0s, but deeed slang fro 1G00s. 2f. $fanny fart$.
Noun. 1. The gas e)!elled due to anal flatulence.
>. An un!leasant and objectionable !erson. 2f. $old fart$.
5ar+ abou+ 0 aroun* Verb. To ess around, to 'aste tie.
5ar+ ars, abou+ Verb phrs. To ess around, to 'aste tie. *.g."&to! fart arsing about and get on 'ith your 'or3."
5ar+ in a s/ac,sui+ Phrs. -sed in e)!ressions to add e!hasis. @eard in !hrases such as, as welcome as a fart in a spacesuit
much use as a fart in a spacesuit.
5ar+l,b,rry Noun. *)creent that adheres to anal hairs or fur. *.g."<ou$re not bringing that dog bac3 in the house until you$ve
cleaned hi u!, he$s covered in fartleberries." [+ate 1G00s]
5ar+y Adj. #nsignificant. *.g."#$ not going bac3 to that restaurant, they serve farty si=ed !ortions and # al'ays leave still
feeling hungry."
5a+ chanc, 1-2 Noun. 5o li3elihood of soething ha!!ening. *.g."There$s fat chance of getting e to do a !arachute ju!%"
Exclam. 5o chance% *.g."Cersuade hi to do a !arachute ju!4 1at chance% <ou$ll never get hi to do it."
5a+.h,a* Noun. An idiot, ibecile. ,erog. 6#nforal7
5a+.slags Noun. -ncouth fat 'oen 'ho are and loo3 !roiscuous. An e)!ression derived fro a coic cartoon of the sae
nae in the adult and blatantly se)ist coic $Ji=$. The !o!ularity of the coic rose to !henoenal heights, hence
the use of the ter. [1990s]
5a+so Noun. A nae for soeone 'ho is over'eight or obese. ,erog.
5,c3 1-2 Exclam. An e)claation of anger or frustration, and in the -8, occasionally used as a eu!heis for $fuc3%$.
Acce!ted as a ild oath, eAuivalent to damn+. The ter 'as !o!ulari=ed in the -8 by the character 1ather Fac3 in
the (ritish TJ sit/co "ather 4ed. Although a coon !art of the vernacular of *ire the unfortunate death of
,erot 0organ in the lead role has !revented a ne' series and added to the deise in !o!ularity of the e)!ression
in ainland (ritain.
Verb. To ta3e or steal. [#rish use]
5,c3,r Noun. 1. A conte!tible !erson. [#rish use]
>. A !erson or thing. -sed loosely 'hen !erha!s the !ersonDthing is un3no'n to the user, and occasionally
affectionate use. *.g."The !oor fec3er had to stay in 'ith his 'ife 'hilst all his friends got drun3." [#rish use]
5,*s Noun. The !olice. 1ro federal police. [Orig. -.&.]
5,,l u/ Verb. To se)ually gro!e, or olest.
5,lch Verb. To lic3 or suc3 one$s recently de!osited seen fro the rectu, or ore recently the ter has a!!lied to such
actions involving the vagina. [19.0s]
5,lch,r Noun. A !erson 'ho $felches$.
5,nc, Noun. A !erson 'ho receives and sells stolen goods.
5,ss u/ Verb. To adit, to confess. Abb. of confess.
5,s+ Noun. 1estival. This abbreviated for is used less to ean a celebratory event, but ore an eventful over/
indulgence in e)!ressions such as drug fest or beer fest.
F<H<B< Abb. 1aily @old (ac3. A coded essage for faily ebers to delay hel!ing theselves until guests have an
adeAuate aount of that 'hich is on offer, usually because of shortages.
5i**l, Verb. To cheat.
Noun. A fraud or cheat. 6#nforal7.
5ill,4 Noun. A fil. This north/eastern !ronunciation of film is used else'here in a light/hearted anner. *.g.",o you
fancy going to see a fille tonight4" Verb. To severely beat u! :soeone;.
5ill your boo+s 1-2 Exclam. @el! yourself% *njoy yourself%
Vrb phrs. (e very scared.
5il+h Noun. The !olice. *.g."The filth are out in force tonight, so 'atch your behaviour and no drun3eness." [19L0s]
5il+hy Adj. *)treely :'ealthy;. *.g."&he$s filthy rich." 6#nforal7
5in Noun. A EL note.
5ing,r Verb. 1. To se)ually olest the genitals, usually a feales.
>. To infor.
Noun. 1. A easure of alcohol, usually s!irits. (ased on the breadth of a finger. 6#nforal7.
>. The gesture of !ointing one$s iddle finger u!'ards as an insult. ,erog. *.g."# didn$t bother to say a 'ord,
instead # just gave hi the finger and 'al3ed a'ay."
5ing,r.5uc3 Verb. To se)ually stiulate 'ith the fingers, either the vagina or anus.
5ing,r /i, Noun. The act of anually stiulating of the feale genitals.
5irs+ bas, Noun. #nitial success at achieving soe for of se)ual activity, usually 3issing and caressing above the 'aist.
&econd base is usually siilar to first, !erha!s 'ith touching of the breasts. Third base is usually touching of the
genitals. @oe is actual se) in soe for, to $score$. Although !riarily a -.&. set of e)!ressions and des!ite their
origins 'ith baseball they occasionally a!!ear in the vernacular of -.8. adolescents.
5ir+l, Verb. To a!!ear busy but 'ithout actually achieving anything, to tin3er, to do a tas3 'hich is seen as a 'aste of
tie. *.g."@e$s been firtling in the shed all orning." [5orthern use4]
Noun. The act of firtling. *.g."# 'as having a firtle in the 'ardrobe and found the flares # used to 'ear in the N0s."
[5orthern use4]
5ish Noun. ?oen. *)treely derogatory e)!ression for feales, usually heard used by hoose)ual ysogynists.
Alludes to an unsavoury vaginal sell. Cossibly the ost offensive e)!ression for 'oen4
5is+.5uc3 Verb. To insert the fist or hand u! the rectu or vagina for se)ual !leasure.
Noun. The act of a $fist/fuc3$ :verb;. 2f. $fisting$.
5is+icu55s Noun. A bra'l, a fist fight.
5is+ing Noun. The act of inserting one$s fist, or hand, u! the rectu or vagina, for the !ur!oses of se)ual !leasure. 2f. $fist/
5i+ Adj. 1. Attractive, often se)ually so. &aid of a !erson or of their body. *.g."&ee that guy at the bar4 @e$s fit. # thin3
#$ll as3 if he 'ants a dance."
>. 9eady, !re!ared. *.g."Are you fit4 The ta)i 'ill be here in five inutes."
5i+ as a bu+ch,r7s *og Phrs. Jery healthy and strong. [Orig. +ancs]
5i+ba Noun. 1ootball. &cottish !ronunciation. [&cottish use]
5i+ +o burs+ Phrs. 1ull, sated, re!lete.
5i+ u/ Verb. To incriinate by e!loying false evidence. *.g."# 'as fitted u! for that ban3 robbery in the high street."
5iv, 5ing,r *iscoun+ Noun. The act of sho!lifting, or occasionally stealing, and the !roceeds. [Orig. Aust.D5O4]
5iv, 3nuc3l, shu55l, Noun. An act of asturbation.
5iv, O Noun. The !olice. Ta3en fro the title of the -.&. TJ series, ,awaii "ive 5.
5iv,r Noun. A five/!ound onetary note. 6#nforal7
5i8 Noun. A dose of narcotics to 'hich one is addicted. @o'ever it is no' also used 'ith reference to any necessary
habit. *.g."+et$s call in this cafe and get a fi) of caffeine."
5i::og Noun. The face. 1ro physiognomy. 2f. $!hissog$.
5labb,rghas+ Verb. To confound, astonish, aa=e. 6#nforal7
5labb,rghas+,* Adj. Aa=ed, astonished. 6#nforal7
5la3, ou+ Verb. To colla!se fro e)haustion. 6#nforal7
5la4, Verb. To verbally attac3 soeone via an e/ail.
5la4ing Adj.%Adv. An intensifier such as and eu!heistic for $fuc3ing$.
Noun. A verbal attac3 sent via e/ail.
5la4ing Nora- Exclam. An e)claation of sur!rise or annoyance. 2f. $ruddy/5ora$.
5lang, Noun. The vagina.
5lann,l Noun. 5onsense. *.g."Oh shut u!% <ou$re tal3ing utter flannel."
Verb. To flatter.
5la/s 1-2 Noun. 1eale genitals. 2f. $!iss/fla!s$.
Exclam. An e)claation of annoyance.
5lash Adj. &ho'y, ostentatious. [#nforal]
5lash,r Noun. A !erson 'ho indecently e)!oses theselves in !ublic.
5lash gi+ 0g,+ Noun. An objectionably ostentatious !erson. ,erog.
5lash Harry Noun. A sho'y and over confident young an. ,ated e)!ression.
5lash +h, ash Vrb phrs. To offer a cigarette.
5lash +h, %7s Vrb phrs. An action of conte!t, an insulting gesture. #nvolves raising the hand and a3ing a J/sign 'ith the inde)
and forefinger, 'ith the bac3 of the hand facing a'ay fro the giver.
5la+ as a 6i+ch,s +i+ Phrs. 1. Jery flat, deflated. *.g."@ave you got a football 'e can use4 0ine$s as flat as a 'itch$s tit."
>. -ne)citing, unstiulating. *.g."The atos!here at the gig 'as as flat as a 'itch$s tit."
5l,a.bag Noun. &oeone 'ho is a host to fleas, or ore coonly an un'ashed !erson :derog.;, !articularly a!!lied to cats
and dogs.
5lic3s Noun. 1. The cinea. *.g."+et$s go to the flic3s and 'atch that ne' (ritish bloc3buster."
>. 1ils, ovies, videos.
5lic3 +h, b,an Verb. Of feales, to asturbate. The bean referring to the clitoris.
5li* Noun. An idiotic or objectionable !erson. An adolescents e)!ression derived fro
thalidomide, a drug 'hich caused deforaties in ne' born babies.
5li4/ Noun. A ta)i driver$s ter for an unboo3ed custoer or fare. Also flimping, the act of !ic3ing u! such a fare. *.g."#
!ic3ed u! a great EG0 fli! to *ast 0idlands air!ort, and they ti!!ed e E10 as'ell." [&outh
?alesD+eicestershireD0idlands use]
Verb. To !ic3/u! an unboo3ed fare. &ee noun, above. *.g."# fli!ed a cou!le of gorgeous girls on the @igh &treet."
5li/ 1-2 Exclam. An e)!ression of annoyance. A very ild eu!heis for $fuc3$.
Verb. To becoe entally unstable, or e)cited.
5li/ on,7s li* Vrb phrs. To lose self control, becoe angry.
5li//ing Adj. A eu!heis for $fuc3ing$ as an intensifier. *.g."That fli!!ing idiot just ignored e, li3e # 'asn$t there."
5li+ Verb. To secretly ove house or leave hoe in an atte!t to esca!e a !erson andDor a situation. . *.g."?e can$t
afford to !ay the +andlord the EL00 'e o'e hi so 'e$re flitting tonight." [0ainly 5. *nglandD&cottish use]
Noun. An act of flitting, see verb. 6#nforal7
5loa+,r Noun. A lu! of faeces that 'ont initially flush reains floating in the toilet bo'l.
5loa+ on,7s boa+ Vrb phrs. To e)cite, to interest. *.g."# don$t 3no' 'hat floats your boat, but # find na3ed nuns 'restling in a !ool of
custard very e)citing."
5lob Noun. &!it, !hleg.
Verb. To s!it.
5log Verb. 1. To sell.
>. To do 'ith great effort. *.g."# flogged it all night to get y 'or3 done."
5loo:i, Noun. A girlfriend or boyfriend. Orig. e)!ression referred to a girlfriend. 6#nforal7.
5lo/ Verb. To fail.
Noun. A failure.
5lu55 Verb. To a3e a ista3e during a !articular endevour, such as during a !erforance of a !lay. *.g."#$ve just fluffed
y lines."
5lu55,r Noun. A !erson e!loyed during the a3ing of a !orn ovie, to 3ee! the ale lead se)ually aroused and ready for
action in/bet'een fil scenes or shots.
5lu44o8 Verb. To confuse, confound, be'ilder. 6#nforal7.
5lu++,r Noun. A sall bet. *.g."#$ having a flutter on the horses this afternoon."
5lying 5uc3 Noun. -sed in a !hrase such as "# couldn$t give a flying fuc3", as a general negative stateent of nonchalance.
5ly lo6 Verb. To have one$s trouser =i!Dfly undone. *.g."#t 'as so ebarrassing, 'al3ing into a full conference hall, flying
5narrr 5narrr Exclam. A verbalised laugh. Another Vi/ism fro the coic, ta3en fro a character called
obsessive and sutty concern 'ith double entendres leads hi to e)!ress this e)claation.
5.o55 - Exclam. *u!heis for $fuc3 off%$
5ol*ing Noun. 0oney, in !articular higher denoination notes. &ee also $holding the folding$.
5ollically chall,ng,* Adj. (alding.
Noun. 1. A !erson 'ith a !articular interest in food and things culinary.
>. Of, or concerning food.
I Also foody.
5ool aroun* Verb. To act !roiscuously.
5oo+y Noun. The gae of football, or a football itself.
5or crying ou+ lou*- Exclam. An e)claation of anger or frustration. 6#nforal7
5or,ign,r Noun. A job or 'or3 done as e)tra to one$s usual e!loyent and 'ithout the !erission of one$s e!loyer.
5or 5uc3sa3,- Exclam. An e)claation of anger.
5or4 Noun. 1. A bench. An e)!ression fro the north/'estDnorth of *ngland, becoing less freAuently used.
>. A criinal record. 6#nforal7
5or P,+,7s sa3,- Exclam. An e)claation of anger, or frustration.
5or+y 6in3s Noun. A short slee!, a cat/na!. 6#nforal7
5oun*,r Verb. To free=e, to becoe chilled. [#rish use]
5our by +6o 5oun. A Fe'ish !erson. 2oc3ney rhying slang on !ew. 2an be offens. [19H0s]
5our.,y,s Noun. A 'earer of s!ectacles. ,erog.
5our l,++,r 6or*s Noun. All enco!assing eu!heis for e)!letives, such as $fuc3$ and $cunt$ etc.
5o8+ro+ oscar Verb. *u!heis for $fuc3 off$. A !un using the !honetic al!habet, therefore 1o)trot referring to the letter 1, and
Oscar to O, and conseAuently these letters as an abbreviation for $fuc3 off$.
5r,a3.ou+ Verb. To becoe agitated 'ith strong eotion, to trauati=e. Creviously 'hen having a $bad tri!$ on hallucinogens.
5r,a3 so4,on, ou+ Verb. To trauati=e soeone.
5r,,bi, Noun. &oething given free, a free sa!le. Originally for the !ur!oses of coerce and !ublicity, for e)a!le, a
!re/recorded ta!e given a'ay 'ith an edition of a usic aga=ine. [Orig. -.&.] 6#nforal7
5r,,loa* Verb. To ta3e or receive offered services and !leasures 'ithout reci!rocation.
5r,,loa*,r Noun. A !erson 'ho $freeloads$.
5r,,:, on,7s bolloc3s o55 Vrb phrs. To be !hysically very cold, 'hen a!!lied to a !erson. *.g."#$ not free=ing y bolloc3s off 'atching you
!lay football on &unday 'hen # can be do'n the !ub, 'ar, dry and drun3."
Fr,nch l,++,r Noun. A condo. ,ated e)!ression and rarely heard. 6#nforal7
5r,sh,r Noun. A first year undergraduate. 6#nforal7
5riar +uc3 Noun. 1. &e)ual intercourse. 9hying slang on $fuc3$.
>. 1uc3. As a general re!laceent for the 'ord $fuc3$ as an e)!letive in !hrases such as, "# don$t give friar tuc3%".
9hying slang on $fuc3$.
5ri,n* o5 Doro+hy Noun. A eu!heis on the gay scene for a hoose)ual. Alluding to the gay icon Fudy Karland, in the fil The
?i=ard of O=. [Orig. -.&.]
5rig 1-2 Verb. To asturbate. [+ate 1.00s]
Exclam. An e)claation of annoyance.
5rigging Adj.%Adv. *u!heis for $fuc3ing$, used as a general intensifier. *.g."There$s no frigging 'ay that #$ lending you
any oney."
5ri+ Adj. 1rightened. *.g."@e 'as too frit too co!lain." [,ialect4]
Frog Noun. A 1rench !erson. The ter is derived fro the late 1G00s 'hen the 1rench 'ere 3no'n as
5rog an* +oa* Noun. 9oad. 2oc3ney rhying slang.
5ron+ bo++o4 Noun. The feale genitals. A eu!heis used ainly by feales. [19G0s]
5ron+ 6h,,l s3i* Noun. A je'. 2oc3ney rhying slang. ,erog.DOffens.
5rui+ Noun. A ale hoose)ual. Only ildly offensive these days. ,erog. [Orig. -.&.]
5rui+ca3, Noun. A cra=y or eccentric !erson. ,erog.
5ubar Phrs. An acrony eaning fucked up beyond all recognition.
5ubar,* Phrs. Tired, e)hausted, ruined, into)icated, drun3. 1ro the acrony $fubar$. Also
5uc3 1-2 Verb. 1. To co!ulate. [1L00s]
>. To tire out, to brea3, to ruin. *.g."<ou$ll fuc3 it if you don$t ta3e ore care."
Exclam. An e)claation of annoyance, frustration or sur!rise.
Kenerally used as an intensive to a !hrase, such as "?hat the fuc3 do you thin3 you$re doing4"
Noun. 1. A se)ual !artner. *.g. "@e$s a good fuc3."
>. A des!icable !erson. ,erog.
H. An act of co!ulation.
5uc3abl, Adj. &e)ually desirable.
5uc3 abou+ 0 aroun* Verb. To ess around or idle a'ay tie. The about ay be substituted by around
5uc3 a *uc3 - Exclam. An e)claation of sur!rise.
5uc3.all Noun. 5othing. *.g."# had fuc3/all to do, so # 'atched that ne' ((2 sitco instead."
5uc3.all s=uar,* Noun. Absolutely nothing. [5orthern #reland use]
5uc3.boo3 Noun. A !ornogra!hic aga=ine or boo3.
5uc3 bu**y Noun. A friend 'ith 'ho one has se), but 'ithout any of the e)!ected or associated obligations such as se)ual
coitent. [Orig. -.&.]
5uc3,* o55 Adj. -tterly dejected, iserable or annoyed.
5uc3,* u/ Adj. 1. 9uined, bro3en.
>. ,istressed, entally disturbed.
5uc3,r Noun. 1. A conte!tible !erson.
>. A !erson or thing. -sed loosely 'hen !erha!s the !ersonDthing is un3no'n to the user, and occasionally
affectionate use.
H. An annoying or disa!!ointing occurrence. *.g."2rashing y car 'as a real fuc3er."
5uc3.5ac, Noun. A des!icable or conte!tible !erson.
5uc3ing Adj.%Adv. A general intensifier. *.g."That fuc3ing idiot deserves 'hat he got%"
Noun. An act of se)ual intercourse.
5uc3ing h,ll- Exclam. An e)claation siilar to $fuc3%$ :e)cla;. 0ost li3ely to be heard as
5uc3 i+ - Exclam. A general disissive e)claation.
5uc3 4, 1-2 Exclam. An e)claation of sur!rise or aa=eent.
Adj. #nviting se)ual attentionB usually said of clothes and occasionally eyes. *.g."&he loo3ed across the roo at e
'ith those fuc3 e eyes, ho' could # resist%"
5uc3nugg,+ Noun. An idiot, conte!tible !erson. Also fuck)nugget. [Orig. -.&.]
5uc3nu+ Noun. An idiot, a conte!tible !erson.
5uc3 o55 1-2 Verb. 1. To go a'ay, to leave. *.g."(ob felt sic3 and fuc3ed off hoe after the sho', but 'e 'ent on to a stri!
>. To disregard, to discard, to end. *.g."#$ definitely fuc3ing off y job ne)t 'ee3, . onths travelling in Asia
H. To anger or annoy. *.g."@e$s really fuc3ing e off 'ith his oaning."
Exclam. -sed either aggressively, in a sense of go away, or 'ith a lighthearted slant such as
Adj. Co'erful, i!osing. *.g."This big fuc3 off blo3e cae u! and !unched e, just for tal3ing to his girlfriend%"
5uc3/ig Noun. An conte!tible !erson. [Orig. -.&.]
5uc3soc3s - Exclam. *)!ressing sur!rise or anger.
5uc3 so4,on,7s brains ou+ Vrb phrs. To co!ulate vigorously and 'ith enthusias. *.g."&he 'as hot% # fuc3ed her brains out for H hours."
5uc3 +h, ars, o55 1so4,on,2 Vrb phrs. *ssentially eaning the sae as $fuc3 one$s brains out$. 5ot necessarily intiating anal intercourse. The
eleents ..the arse off are often added to verbs as a general intensifier, such as
$bore the !ants off$.
5uc3 +his 5or a ga4, o5
Exclam. &ee sod this for a gae of soldiers.
5uc3 +his 5or a lar3- Exclam. &ee sod this for a lar3.
5uc3 u/ Verb. To ess u!, or $to have fuc3ed u!$ eaning to have essed things u! severely. $To be fuc3ed u!$ 'ould
announce one$s !oor state of ental or !hysical health.
Noun. A shables. *.g."0y 'edding day 'as a total fuc3 u!, right fro 'hen # 'as found gro!ing one of the
5uc36i+ Noun. An idiot.
5uc3 you- Verb. An aggressive e)claation of anger and defiance.
5u* Noun. The feale genitals. [&cottish use]
5u*g, nu*g,r Noun. A hoose)ual ale. ,erog.
5u*g, /ac3,r Noun. A hoose)ual ale. ,erog.
5ugly Adj. Jery ugly. A cobination of the 'ords fucking ugly. [Orig. -.&.]
1+h,2 5ull 4on+y Noun. The co!lete aount. The 7onty is also s!elt 'ith a ca!ital 7. *.g."5o 'e didn$t do the full onty but #
thin3 ne)t tie # can !ersuade her." &ee associated article the full onty.
5ull o5 shi+ Phrs. 0ista3en, 'rong, s!ea3ing nonsense. *.g."#$ not listening to you anyore, you$re full of shit."
5ull 6hac3 Phrs. The a)iu !rice or rate. 2f $to! 'hac3$. 6#nforal7
5un.bags Noun. ?oen$s breasts.
5un*y Noun. A fundaentalist, a devout religious follo'er. Also s!elt fundi, and fundie
5un3 Noun. A ty!e of usic that is $fun3y$.
5un3y Adj. 1. Of usic, earthy, bluesy and very rhythic.
>. *)uberantly fashionable.
5unny busin,ss Noun. 0isbehaviour or dece!tion.
5unny.5ar4 Noun. A ental institution.
5ur.burg,r Noun. The feale genitals 'ith !articular allusion to !ubic hair.
5ur coa+ an* no 3nic3,rs Phrs. Of a 'oan, all a!!earance and nothing beneath, no substance. ,erog.
5ur /i, Noun. The feale genitals, inclusive of !ubic hair.
5urry cu/ Noun. The vagina.
5urry 4u55 - Exclam. That$s reasonable% A !un on fair enough. 2f. $fairy snuff$.
1+h,2 5u:: Noun. The !olice, as an organisation. [Orig. -.&. 19H0s]
5.6or* Noun. A eu!heis for $fuc3$. 2f. $c/'ord$.

g Noun. 1. A gra.
>. A thousand, fro $grand$ :noun;.
gab Verb. To chatter, tal3. 6#nforal7
gabba Noun. A variety of fast ,utch $ravey$ techno.
gabby Adj. Tal3ative. 6#nforal7
ga*g, Noun. A ale, often 'ith res!ect to older en. Jariations include gadgy and
ga55 Noun. 1. Clace of residence or 'or3. *.g."0y gaff is just around the corner." [19H0s]
>. Clace. *.g."#t 'as all over the gaff but at least # had a 'ee3 to clean it u!."
ga55,r Noun. The boss.
gaga Adj. #nsane, just a little cra=y.
gagging 15or so4,+hing2 Phrs. To have an e)tree desire for soething. *.g."#$ gagging for a night of vigorous, s'eaty, dancing."
gagging 5or i+ Phrs. *ager for se).
ga3 Noun. 2ocaine. [0ainly +ondon use]
gallo/ing Noun. &evere, uncontrolled venereal disease. 2f. $3nob/rot$.
galoo+ Noun. An ungainly and often unrefined !erson. -sually affectionate usage.
ga44y Adj. #njured, !ainful or se!tic. -sually a!!lied to a body/!art. *.g."0y leg$s gone gay since that fall last 'ee3."
gan Verb. Ko. *.g."Are you gannin$ do'n the !ub tonight4" [5.*.D2ubria use. ,ialect]
gan*,r Noun. A loo3. *.g."?ill you have a gander at y job a!!lication letter, and chec3 it for s!elling ista3es4"
Gan*hi7s r,v,ng, Noun. A stoach u!set, and subseAuent diarrhoea.
gang.bang Noun. 2o!ulation 'ith an individual by a grou!.
gan;a Noun. 0arijuana. [Orig. ?.#.]
gann,+ Noun. A greedy !erson.
gansi, Noun. A !ullover, ju!er, 'oollen s'eater, cardigan. A corru!tion of Kuernsey. Also s!elt
garag, Noun. ,ance usic not greatly dissiilar to $house$ but 'ith a natural vocalist and ore soulful. #t is far less
re!etitive than $house$. &ee also $s!eed garage$. [Orig. -.&.]
gar4 Noun. 2lothes. Abb. of garents. [0ainly blac3 use4]
gary Noun. A tablet, usually the drug 0,0A. A shortening of the rhying slang 2ary Ablet
*nglish footballer. [Orig. +iver!ool]
garyboy Noun. A ale 'ho drives a s!orty car. The vehicle is usually noticeable by its s!orty a!!earance and sou!ed u!
engine. 2f. 'ith $boy/racer$. [*.AngliaD5orfol3D*sse)D&uffol3 use]
Gary Gli++,r Noun. The anus. 9hying slang for $shitter$.
gas Verb. To chat, tal3 incessantly.
gash Noun. 1. The vagina.
>. ?oen vie'ed as se)ual objects. OffensDderog.
H. 5onsense. *.g.",on$t tal3 gash, it$s all lies."
4. 9ubbish, useless things.
L. &oething going s!are, e)tra, in e)cess of reAuireents. *.g. "#f that$s all gash, then #$ll have a second hel!ing,
#$ starving."
gas/,r Noun. A cigarette. [*arly 1900s]
gas/ing Verb. To be des!erate for soething. *.g."#$ gas!ing for a good night out, and a drun3en fe' hours dancing in a
club surrounded by gorgeous feales."
ga++,* Adj. ,run3, into)icated.
ga6/ Verb. To stare obtrusively. 6#nforal7.
gay Noun. A hoose)ual ale and occasionally used for such feales. The 'ord, once derogatory, has been reclaied
by the $gay$ counity and is an acce!ted ter for hoose)uals. @o'ever the ter is still heard used in a
!erjorative sense. $Kay$ is no' considered standard *nglish.
Adj. 1. @oose)ual in nature.
>. Keneral dis!araging ter.
gayars, Noun. 1. A hoose)ual ale. ,erog.
>. A conte!tible !erson.
gay as a goos, Phrase. Jery evidently hoose)ual.
gay.boy Noun. A hoose)ual ale. ,erog.
Gaych,s+,r Noun. 5ic3nae for 0anchester 'ith its ever/gro'ing and !o!ular gay scene. Along 'ith $Kunchester$ and
$0adchester$, these !uns tend to be journalistic !seudonys.
gay*ar Noun. The ability, intuitive or other'ise, of a !erson to 3no' 'hen another !erson is also hoose)ual. A !lay on
the 'ords gay and radar.
gaylor* Noun. A hoose)ual ale.
gayrag, Noun. ,erogatory ter for the -8 garage usic sceneB a !lay on the 'ords garage
ga:un*,r Noun. A chaber !ot. 5aed so because it goes under the bed. &oe'hat archaic due to hoes having internal
ga:ungas Noun. 1eale breasts.
GBH o5 +h, ,ar7ol, Phrs. *)cessive noise, often used 'ith reference to incessant co!laints or tal3. K(@, an abbreviation of the legal
ter, grevious bodily harm.
g,ar Noun. #llicit drugs. *.g."Andy said he$d bring over soe gear for the !arty, that$s if he hasn$t already ta3en it all."
g,, Noun. Jagina.
g,,.g,,s Noun. @orses. -sually children and gabler$s use. 6#nforal7
g,,3 Noun. An intelligent but socially ine!t !erson. ,erog.
Noun. 1. Keneral ter for a an, ho'ever the 'ord can i!ly ore s!ecific Aualities, see version >.
>. A confident an 'ith asculine Aualities, very uch $laddish$ in nature and res!ected.
I Also occasionally s!elt gee/a.
g,,:,rbir* Noun. 1. An androgynous loo3ing 'oan.
>. A toboy.
H. A 'oan 'ho enjoys ty!ically ale !asties.
g,n Noun. #nforation. *.g."?hat$s the gen on the econoic situation in (ra=il." 6#nforal7
g,n 1so4,on,2 u/ Verb. To give :soeone; all the inforation reAuired. 6#nforal7
g,n u/ on 1so4,+hing2 Verb phrs. To find out about :soething;. *.g."#$ve been genning u! on tro!ical fish." 6#nforal7
G,or*i, Noun. A !erson fro Tyneside or 5e'castle, and conseAuently the dialect of such a !erson.
G,r4an h,l4,+ Noun. The head of the !enis, fro its !hysical sha!e being vaguely siilar to that of the soldier$s head'ear.
g,+ Noun. An idiot, a conte!tible !erson. 2f. $git$.
g,+ a buil* on Vrb phrs. To roll a $joint$, a arijuanaDcannabis cigarette.
g,+ a li5,- Exclam. An instructional and adonishing stateent to sort oneself out. [Orig. -.&.]
g,+ a loa* o5 1so4,+hing2 Vrb phrs. A see or notice soething. *.g.",id you get a load of the arse on her, she$s a beauty."
g,+ a6ay- Exclam. 5o 3idding% &aid to e)!ress disbelief. 6#nforal7
g,+ a6ay 6i+h 4ur*,r Vrb phrs. To esca!e !unishent or to go unhared after a ris3y feat or isdeenour.
g,+ crac3ing Verb. @urry u!, get on 'ith one$s tas3.
g,+ hi+ch,* Verb. To get arried.
g,+ in+o so4,on,7s /an+s Vrb phrs. To achieve se)ual intiacies. *.g.",on$t trust hi, he$s only being nice to get into your !ants."
g,+ i+ u/ Verb. To achieve a !enile erection.
g,+ ;iggy Vrb phrs. 1. To be cool and 'ith 'hat$s ha!!ening that$s res!ected. A!!arently originates 'ith ?ill &ith, -.&.
ra!!er and ovie star, and cae to !roinence 'ith his song 2ettin !iggy 8it (t
>. To be active, often in a se)ual sense. An e)tended eaning fro version 1, above, !ossibly a isinter!retation of
ho' the original e)!ression 'as used.
g,+ 3no++,*- Verb. An e)claation of anger e)!ressed at soeone.
g,+ no6h,r, 5as+ Vrb phrs. To not !rogress at all, des!ite one$s efforts.
g,+ o55 a+ E*g,hill Vrb phrs. To !erfor coitus interru!tus. A catholic +iver!udlian e)!ression derived fro the sybolic use of the
rail'ay station before the 0ersey tunnel and the last sto!. Also heard !hrased as
cities also have their o'n variations, such as get off at Paisley, used in Klasgo'B
5e'castle/u!on/TyneB get off at ,aymarket$ used in *dinburgh.
g,+ o55 on Verb. To enjoy greatly, to be thrilled, often se)ually. *.g."&he loo3ed so hornyB # really got off on that s3in tight
rubber dress."
g,+ o55 6i+h 1so4,on,2 Verb. To achieve an intiate or se)ual couning 'ith :soeone;. *.g."# !resue you got off 'ith that blo3e last
night, being as you didn$t coe hoe4"
g,+ on,7s ac+ +og,+h,r Vrb phrs. To hurry u!, to get oneself together.
g,+ on,7s ars, in g,ar Vrb phrs. &ee $get one$s act together$.
g,+ on,7s ,n* a6ay Vrb phrs. @ave se)ual intercourse. 0ale e)!ression of obvious derivation.
g,+ on,7s goa+ Vrb phrs. To annoy soeone.
g,+ on,7s 3nic3,rs in a +6is+ Vrb phrs. To becoe u!set or bothered. Often used in the negative sense of dont get ones knickers in a twist
g,+ on,7s 3i+ o55 Vrb phrs. To ta3e one$s clothes off, usually heard as a se)ually otivated reAuest and has nothing to do 'ith
s!orts'ear. *.g."2or, # 'ouldn$t ind getting her 3it off...."
g,+ on,7s l,g ov,r Vrb phrs. @ave se)ual intercourse.
g,+ on,7s 4a* u/ Vrb phrs. To annoy. *.g."The 'ay he 3e!t ignoring e really got y ad u!." [0anchesterD 5? *ngland use]
g,+ on,7s roc3s o55 Vrb phrs. 1. To have se)ual intercourse.
>. To thoroughly enjoy.
g,+ on,7s shi+ +og,+h,r Vrb phrs. &ee $get one$s act together$.
g,+ on on,7s +i+s Vrb phrs. To annoy, to get on one$s nerves. The $tits$ in the !hrase are eta!horical hence the idio is used by both
se)es. *.g."Angie$s ne' boyfriend really gets on y tit$s."
g,+ on on,7s 6ic3 Vrb phrs. To annoy.
g,+ s+uc3 in Verb. Ket involved in, a!!ly oneself.
g,+ s+u55,*- Verb. An angry rebu3e.
g,+ +h, horn Vrb phrs. To be se)ually aroused.
g,+ +h, no* Vrb phrs. To get a!!roval or !erission. *.g."#$ve been given the nod by the 'ife, so 'ill you buy e a tic3et for
the atch on &aturday."
g,+ +o 5uc3- Exclam. An e)claation of disissive defiance or annoyance.
g,+ u/ on,7s nos, Vrb phrs. To irritate soeone. *.g."@e gets right u! y nose 'ith his constant co!laining."
gh,++o blas+,r Noun. A large !ortable stereo radioD2,Dcassette !layer.
ghos+,r Noun. A late night 'or3 shift, done iediately after a day shift. *.g."&orry 'e can$t coe out tonight, (ob$s too
tiredB 'e$re saving u! for a ne' car so he$s just done a ghoster at 'or3."
Gianluca 1%ialli2 Noun. 2ocaine. 9hying slang on Jialli, for $charlie$. Kianluca, a successful #talian football !layer, arrived in -8
in the id 1990s to !lay for, and subseAuently anage 2helsea 12.. ,e!arted in the year >000, eventually going on
to anage ?atford 12. &ee $charlie$. [1990s]
gi**y aun+ Noun. &ee the e)claation $oh y giddy aunt%$
gi**y 3i//,r Noun. An overe)citable !erson.
gi5+ o5 +h, gab Noun. The ability to tal3 incessantly, !ersuasively, to have the 3nac3 of conversation.
giggl, Noun. A good tie, a lar3.
Gilb,r+ Noun. A sall ball of nasal ucus.
gi4boi* Noun. An idiot, a fool.
gi44,r Noun. An elderly !erson. Originally the ter only a!!lied to 'oen. ,erog.
gi4/ Noun. 1. A conte!tible !erson, a fool.
>. A se) slave, !articularly one dressed in blac3 leather a!!arel of a se)ual nature, or siilar style.
ging,r Noun. 1. @oose)ual. 9hying slang, fro 2inger beer / $Aueer$.
>. A ginger or red haired !erson. Cronounced 'ith hard g$s as in goggles.
H. 2arbonated drin3, such as cola. [&cottish use]
ging,r 3nob 04ing, Noun. A !erson 'ith ginger hair. 0ale being ginger knob :also ginger nob;, and feale,
ginn,ll Noun. An alley'ay, a !assage at the rear of houses. Also s!elt ginnel. [5. *ngland useD ,ialect]
ginor4ous Adj.. @uge. A cobination of the 'ords gigantic and enormous.
gi/ Verb. To voit.
gi//o Noun. A gy!sy. Also $gy!o$. -sually derog.
gi//y Adj. &ic3ly. 2oonly heard in the !hrase gippy tummy / an u!set stoach. Also s!elt
gi/sy7s 13iss2 Noun. &ee $gy!sy$s$.
gira55, Noun. A laugh. 9hying slang. *.g."<ou$re having a giraffe if you thin3 #$ babysitting your little brother ate%"
girli, 4ag Noun. A !ornogra!hic aga=ine.
gis4 Noun. &een. +ess usual s!elling of $jis$.
gi+ Noun. An idiot or conte!tible !erson. Although ore coonly used, it is derived fro $get$.
gi++y Noun. An alley'ay. 2f. $jitty. [0idlands use]
giv, a 4on3,y Vrb phrs. To care, to be concerned 'ith. -sually heard in the negative sense in
giv, h,a* Verb. To !erfor fellatio or cunnilingus.
giv, hi4 0h,r on, Verb. To have se) :'ith soeone;. -sually a boastful !hrase, e.g."#$d love to give her one.", or "Kive her one for
giv, i+ a 6hirl Vrb phrs. To atte!t soething. *.g."Ko on, give it 'hirl, it can$t do any har." 6#nforal7
giv, i+ lal*y Vrb phrs. To be enthusiastic, to !ut in soe effort. :&cottish use;
giv, i+ so4, ric, Vrb phrs. Cut soe effort in.
giv, i+ so4, 6,lly Vrb phrs. Cut soe force into it. &ee also $'elly$.
giv, i+ +h,0so4, bi5+as Vrb phrs. To try hard, to !ut effort into a given tas3. [0erseyside use]
giv, i+ u/ Verb. To a!!laud, sho' one$s a!!reciation. *.g."Kive it u! for this 'ee3$s guest celebrity..." [Orig. -.&.]
giv, ou+ Verb. To co!lain. [Anglo/#rish use]
giv, ov,r - Exclam. &to! it % [0ainly 5orthern use]
giv, so4,on, a b,ll Vrb phrs. To tele!hone soeone. [Orig. -.&. 19L0s]
giv, so4,on, +h, big E Vrb phrs. To reject soeone, to disiss soeone, fro $give soeone the elbo'$ :*;. 6#nforal7
giv, so4,on, +h, boo+ Vrb phrs. To disiss soeone fro e!loyent or a relationshi!.
giv, so4,on, +h, ,lbo6 Vrb phrs. To reject soeone. Also shortened to $give soeone the big *$. 6#nforal7
giv, so4,on, +h,ir P@> Vrb phrs. To terinate a relationshi!. A C4L is the official for given to soeone on their disissal or de!arture
fro e!loyent and e)!lains ta) details that are needed by a future e!loyer.
giv, so4,on, +h, "/anish
Vrb phrs. To disiss, to sac3. A !un on the $&!anish archer$ being called El 'ow
:disiss soeone;. *.g."# found out she 'as having it a'ay 'ith the il3an, so # gave her the old s!anish
giv, so4,on, 6ha+ 5or Vrb phrs. A severe re!riand. *.g."#$ll give you 'hat for if you don$t shut your outh."
giv, so4,+hing0i+ a bash Vrb phrs. To atte!t or try soething. *.g."?hy don$t you give it a bash, and if you find you can$t do it or dont li3e
it, 'e$ll give you your oney bac3."
1+h,2 gla*.,y, Noun. A loo3 of desire cast at another !erson. *.g."# thin3 you$ve got an adirer, that an at the bac3 3ee!s giving
you the glad/eye." 6#nforal7
gla*.rags Noun. One$s finest and dressiest clothes.
glai3i+ Adj. &tu!id, idiotic, usually describing a loo3 on soeone$s face. [&cottish use]
glass Verb. To brea3 and sash a drin3ing glass into soeones face.
glass bac3 Noun. A fragile bac3 or s!inal area, !rone to injury.
glassbac3 Noun. A !erson 'ith a consistently bad bac3. &ee $glass bac3$.
gl,sga 3iss Noun. A headbutt. [Klasgo' use]
gloo/y Adj. Jiscous, stic3y, usually a!!lied to liAuids. 6#nforal7
glo/ Noun. 1. Thic3 viscous substance.
>. -na!!eti=ing slo!!y food.
Gloria Gaynors Noun. Trainers, s!orts foot'ear. 9hying slang.
glory hol, Noun. A sall hole in the dividing 'all bet'een t'o toilet cubiclesB used for voyeuris and se)ual encounters by
hoose)ual ales.
glug Noun. A drin3 of soething, !articularly a large outhful.
gna+7s /iss Noun. A !articularly 'ea3 and tasteless drin3. ,erog.
gna+7s 6his3,r Noun. Jery close, a sall aount. *.g."# issed the target by a gnat$s 'his3er."
go a bun*l, on Vrb phrs. +i3e, favour. -sually heard in a negative sense. *.g."# don$t go a bundle on lettuce, #$ll just have a cheese
and toato sand'ich."
go a/,0a/,shi+ Vrb phrs. (ecoe angry, furious.
go ars, ov,r +i+ Vrb phrs. To fall, to tri! u!.
gob Noun. 1. The outh. [1L00s]
>. Chleg that has been s!at out.
Verb. To s!it.
go ballis+ic Verb. To e)!lode 'ith fury.
gobbin Noun. An idiot. ,erog.
gobbl, Verb. To give oral se).
gobbl,*ygoo3 Noun. -nintelligible jargon, nonsense. 6#nforal7
gobby Adj. 0outhy, offensively outs!o3en.
gob iron Noun. A outh organ, haronica. &ee $gob$ :noun 1;.
gob o55 Verb. To tal3 in a o!inionated and loud anner.
gobshi+, Noun. A !erson 'ho tal3s nonsense or boasts to inflate their ego, a conte!tible !erson.
gobs4ac3,* Adj. Aa=ed, astounded. Originally 5orthern dialect but coon throughout (ritain fro the 19G0s.
gobs+ruc3 Adj. Aa=ed, shoc3ed. +ess coon than $gobsac3ed$.
go co44an*o Verb phrs. 5ot 'earing under'ear.
Go*.a65ul Adj. Carticularly un!leasant, horrible.
Go* bo+h,r,r Noun. A fanatical !reacher of religion, an evangelist. Also 2odbotherer.
go *o6n a bo4b Vrb phrs. To be very successful and !o!ular. *.g."The band$s ne' single has gone do'n a bob in the clubs".
go *o6n a +r,a+ Vrb phrs. To be 'elcoed and enjoyed. *.g."That cu! of coffee 'ent do'n a treat."
go *o6n on Verb. To !erfor oral se).
Go* s=ua* Noun. Organised religion, and its devotees, !articularly evangelical 2hristians.
go 5or a Bur+on Verb phrs. To brea3 or becoe ino!erative. Originally eaning dead or lost in action, fro the 9A1 during the
&econd ?orld ?ar. The etyology is un!roven although there are various s!eculations, including a connection
'ith an advertising !oster ca!aign for a beer of the !eriod, naely 'urtons. 0ost li3ely to be heard in the !ast
sense, as $gone for a burton$. *.g."#$ afraid 'e can$t 'atch the football atch tonight, y TJ$s gone for a burton."
go 5uc3 yours,l5- Exclam. An e)claation of anger at soeone, such as $get lost%$ The deand isn$t eant literally.
goggl,bo8 Noun. Television. [19L0s] 6#nforal7
goi+ Noun. An idiot, foolish !erson.
gol*,n sho6,r Noun. An act of urinating on another for se)ual !leasure. 2f. $'aters!orts$.
go li3, +h, cla//,rs Vrb phrs. To go s!eedily.
go 4,n+al Vrb phrs. To lose one$s te!er, go ad 'ith rage. *.g."&he 'ent ental 'hen she sa' the stain on her beige
car!et." [&cottishD5orthern use]
gon3 Noun. An idiot. ,erog.
goo* call- Exclam. Kood thin3ing% Kood decision% [Orig. -.&.]
goo* crac3 Noun. An enjoyable situation. 1ro the #rish craic, see $crac3$. *.g."Ti$s !arty last 'ee3 'as a good crac3."
goo* ,gg Noun. A li3ed and favoured !erson. 2f. $bad egg$.
goo*y.+6o.sho,s Noun. A virtuous !erson. 2hildish e)!ression. ,erog.
go o55 on on, Vrb phrs. To lose control. Often heard 'ith regard to a !erson verbally rabling on. *.g."@e had L gras of
a!hetaine and then 'ent off on one for the ne)t G hours."
goo5y Noun. A nae given to a !erson 'ith large !rotruding teeth. ,erog.
gooli,s Noun. The testicles. Originates fro the #ndian ary during the 1G00s and the @indi
goon Noun. A fool or objectionable !erson. Kenerally lighthearted use.
goon,r Noun. An Arsenal 1ootball 2lub su!!orter.
goos, Verb. To !o3e, !inch or feel a !erson$s botto, usually 'ithout their consent. [Orig. -.&.D2anada 1GG0s]
goos,b,rry Noun. A !erson 'ho is an un'anted e)tra, usually to a courting cou!le. 1ro the inforal e)!ression
gooseberry. *.g."#f you t'o are going to s!end the night 3issing and cuddling on the sofa a3ing e feel li3e a
gooseberry, then #$ off out to the !ub."
goos,gogs Noun. Kooseberries :the fruit;. 5ot heard freAuently due to gooseberries having lost !o!ularity. 6#nforal7.
goos,y Noun. A loo3. Abbreviated for of the title of the nursery rhye 2oosey 2oosey 2ander
$gander$, being slang for a loo3. &ee $gander$. *.g."+et$s have a goosey at the tietable and 'or3 out 'hich is the
best train to get to +ondon."
go /,ar sha/,* Vrb phrs. Ko 'rong. *.g."*verything 'ent !ear sha!ed for -nited after (ec3ha got sent off the !itch."
go /os+al Vrb phrs. To go cra=y, go insane. 2oined after nuerous incidents involving -.&. !ostal 'or3ers, 'ho deranged,
'ent on a hoicidal s!ree before 3illing theselves. *.g."@e 'ent !ostal 'hen that idiot sashed his car." [Orig.
-.&. 1990s]
go//in7 Adj. ,isgusting, ugly. Actually a shortening of gopping. [5orth/'est use4]
gor bli4,y- Exclam. An oath. A corru!tion of 2od blind me+. 2f. $cor bliey%$
Gor*on B,nn,++- Exclam. An e)claation of anger or sur!rise. @as as uch e!hasis as ost e)!letives des!ite its inoffensive
nature. &ee associated article Kordon (ennett for etyology.
gor4 Noun. An idiot, an ibecile. Abbreviation derived fro the adjective gormless
gor4l,ss Adj. +ac3ing sense, foolish. 6#nforal7
go s/ar, Verb. (ecoe very angry. *.g."&he$ll go s!are 'hen she finds her best vase bro3en." 6#nforal7
goss Noun. Abbreviation of gossip.
go s+raigh+ Verb. To renounce a life of crie.
go+h Noun. 1. A youth culture !henoenon, derivative of $!un3$, characteri=ed by blac3 clothes, long s!i3ey or straggly
hair and dour outloo3. Also descri!tive of their joyless style of usic. The 'ord derives fro
>. A !erson 'ho ado!ts the characteristics of the youth culture described in version 1.
go+hy Adj. #n the anner or style of a $goth$.
go +i+s.u/ Verb. 1. To go 'rong, to fail. *.g."5ic3$s devious !lan 'ent tits u! 'hen his colleagues discovered the facts."
>. To fall over. *.g."# 'ent tits u! on that ice on the !ath."
go +o /o+ Vrb phrs. To deteriorate.
go +o +h, *ogs Vrb phrs. To rot, deteriorate, 'orsen.
go +o +h, 5oo+ o5 our s+airs - Exclam. A e)claation of sur!rise.
gov,rnor Noun. 1. One$s e!loyer.
>. A ter of address, sir. Often seen s!elt guvner. 2f. $guv.$ 6#nforal7
go63 Verb. To stare obtrusively. [,ialect4]
Noun. A fool, idiot.
go:: Verb. To s!it.
Noun. Chleg.
gra*,l,y Adj. Kood, e)cellent. Old fashioned 5orthern use. *.g."That cu! of tea 'as gradely." [,ialect4]
gra5+ Verb. To 'or3 hard.
Noun. @ard 'or3.
gra5+,r Noun. 1. A hard 'or3er.
>. A criinal or drug dealer. An e)!ression used by such ebers of this fraternity. *.g."#t$s alright, you can trust
hi, he$s a grafter."
gran* Adj. *)cellent, lovely. 6#nforal7.
Noun. A thousand !ounds sterling. Orig. -.&. ter for one thousand dollars.
granny Verb. To defeat or be defeated co!rehensively. *.g."# grannied y brother in the first round of the co!etition,
but lost in the sei/final."
gra/,s Noun. @aeorrhoids, !iles.
grass Noun. 1. An inforer. Cossibly fro the rhying slang grass in the park / nark
Fohn about this, he$s a grass and # don$t 'ant to get into trouble."
>. 0arijuana.
Verb. To infor :on;, betray.
grassho//,r Noun. A !olicean. 1ro the rhying slang on $co!!er$.
grav,yar* shi5+ Noun. +ate night 'or3.
gr,asy s/oon Noun. An ine)!ensive and !oor Auality cafe. [Orig. -.&. *arly 1900s]
gr,b Noun. 1. A dirty, unsavoury or conte!tible !erson.
>. Chleg, often consisting of nasal ucus.
H. A young !erson 'ho li3es a !articular ty!e of usic, such as 5u 0etal, !un3, or roc3, and dresses in the
associated 'ay, such as blac3. 1ro $grebo$.
gr,bo Noun. 1. A lout. ,erog.
>. A leather jac3eted, long/haired lout, and follo'er of roc3 usic. ,ated. ,erog. [19N0s]
H. A !erson or follo'er of one of the roc3 usic genres, such as $goth$ or $etal$ :heavy, death, nu/ etc;, and 'ho
'ears the associated fashions. ,erived fro noun >, and generally derog.
I Also s!elt greebo.
gr,bby Adj. ,irty, unsavoury.
gr,,ni, Noun. 5asal ucus, or !hleg.
gr,,n 6,lly briga*, Noun. 0eber$s of the u!!er iddle/class 'ho !artici!ate in countryside !ursuits such as riding, fo) hunting and
shooting. They ay be distinguished by their 'a) jac3ets and green wellingtons
gr,,+ Verb. To cry, sob. *.g."?e didn$t get any slee! last night 'ith the bairn :baby; greetin$ until da'n." [&cottish use]
gr,gory Noun. 1. 5ec3.I
>. 2heAue.I
I (oth uses, rhying slang on Kregory Cec3, the actor.
gric,r Noun. A rail'ay, or train, enthusiast. Also grice :verb; and gricing :noun;.
gri*loc3 Noun. A total bloc3age, usually refers to a traffic ja. [Orig. -.&.]
gri,5 Noun. Trouble, hassle. *.g."+isten, it$s over% #$ve said sorry, so !lease sto! giving e grief%"
grin* Noun. A act of se)ual intercourse.
Verb. To have se)ual intercourse.
groc3l, Noun. A holidaya3er, tourist. ,erog.
grogan Noun. A lu! of faeces.
groovy Adj. *)cellent, 'onderful. Originates in 19H0s ja== s!ea3. [Orig. -.&.]
gro/, Verb. To feel a !erson in a se)ual anner. *.g."# don$t care if he is y boss, #$ not being gro!ed li3e that no atter
ho' drun3 # a%"
gro+ Noun. 1. ,irt, rubbish. *.g."&hall 'e clear out all the grot in the attic and convert it into a s!are bedroo."
>. A conte!tible !erson.
H. &'eets, confectionary. [9uncorn use]
gro+bag Noun. 1. A dirty or slea=y !erson. ,erog.
>. A conte!tible !erson.
gro+ 4ag Noun. A !ornogra!hic aga=ine. Occasionally abbreviated to grot.
gro++y Adj. -n!leasant, disgusting, shabby, of !oor Auality. 1ro grotes1ue. [19.0s]
grou/i, Noun. A !erson 'ho fanatically follo's a roc3D!o! band, or celebrity, around.
gro6l,r Noun. Jagina. 1ro the rhying slang growl and grunt eaning cunt.
grub Noun. 1ood. Originates fro the ,utch, grubbelen. 6#nforal7
gru4bl, 1an* grun+2
Noun. 1. Jagina. 1ro the rhying slang, eaning $cunt$. &ee $cunt$.
>. A conte!tible !erson.
grun*i,s Noun. -nder'ear, usually a!!lied to ale under!ants. 9hying slang for undies
grung, Noun. A ty!e of !un3DetalDthrash crossover usic 'ith its encuberent of scruffy fashions. [Orig. -.&.]
grung,y Adj. 1. &cruffy, selly, griy.
>. Of or in the anner of $grunge$.
grun+ Noun. Co'er, 'hen a!!lied to achines. *.g."@o' uch grunt has that ne' Corsche got4"
gubbins Noun. Cara!hernalia, iscellaneous ites. *.g."The inside of the television 'as full of gubbins, so # left the e)!ert
to fi) it." 6#nforal7.
gu55 Verb. To brea3 'ind, to $fart$.
Noun. 1. 5onsense. *.g."?hat absolute nonsense, you$re tal3ing guff %" [1G00s]
>. A $fart$.
gu45 Noun. 5onsense, rubbish. Cerha!s a cobination of $guff$ and $buf$.
gu4by Noun. A bu!3in, a yo3el, a $hic3$. ,erog.
Gunch,s+,r Noun. The sardonic nic3nae given to 0anchester during the early 1990s after a series of shootings involving
several local gangs. 2f. $0adchester$ and $Kaychester$.
gung, Noun. Thic3 stic3y liAuid. 6#nforal7
gungy Adj. Jiscous, stic3y. 6#nforal7
gun3 Noun. Thic3 gooey liAuid. [1900s]
gurn Verb. To a3e involuntary and unusual facial e)!ressions fro ibibing e)cessive Auantities of drugs such as
a!hetaine or 0,0AB it is often a!!arent at raves or technoDhouse clubs. Originally
co!etitive frea3sho' at 'hich toothless old en !ulled ugly faces.
gurn,r Noun. A !erson 'ho gurns, see above.
Adj.%Adv. 1. Jery, e)treely, as used for e!hasis.I
>. +arge.I
I (oth senses, also s!elt girt. [(ristol useD ,ialect] Noun. &toach ache. 6#nforal7
gu++,* Adj. Jery disa!!ointed.
gu++i,s Noun. 9ubber soled s!orts shoes, trainers. :Klasgo' use;
guv Noun. A ter of address for a an. ,erived fro $governor$.
gu::l,.gu+s Noun. A !erson 'ho drin3s greedily.
gy4 =u,,n Noun. A uscly hoose)ual ale, 'ho obviously 'or3s out in a gy.
gy/ Noun. @assle, bother. *.g."0y leg$s been giving e gy! since # got 3ic3ed during the gae." 6#nforal7
gy/o Noun. A gy!sy. Also $gi!!o$. -sually derog.
gy/sy7s 13iss2 Noun. An act of urination. 1ro the rhying slang gypsys kiss, eaning $!iss$. Also
# need a gy!sy."

hac3 1i+2 Verb. To anage, co!e. *.g."#$ giving u! y job ne)t 'ee3, # can$t hac3 the stress."
hac3,* o55 Adj. Annoyed, de!ressed.
hac3y Adj. ,irty, scuy. [5.*.DTyneside use]
ha ha- Exclam. A sarcastic verbally re!resented laugh e)claied at a !ersons atte!t at 'it.
hair o5 +h, *og Noun. An alcoholic chaser 'hich 'ill hel! relieve the sy!tos of a hangover, usually needed on the orning
after a drin3ing binge. 6#nforal7
hair /i, Noun. 1. The vagina. [Orig. -.&.] I
>. 2unnilingus. [Orig. -.&.] I
I Also hairy pie
hairy Adj. 1rightening, alaring.
hairy.ars,* Adj. 9ough, !riitive, unrefined, coarse. *.g."# can$t iagine going out for a night at the o!era 'ith that hairy/
arsed idiot."
hairy a8, 6oun* Noun. Jagina. 2f. $a)e 'ound$.
hairy 4u55- Exclam. O.8., that$s reasonable% A !un on fair enough. 2f $furry uff$, $fairy snuff$.
hal5.ars,* Adj. -nenthusiastic, feeble, inco!lete. Adj. Ti!sy, drun3 but not inca!acitated. [1G.0s]
hal5.inch Verb. To steal. 9hying slang for $!inch$. *.g."<eah, # didn$t have enough oney so # half/inched it fro y u$s
!urse." [19>0s]
hal5./iss,* Adj. ,run3, but not inca!acitated by alcohol.
hal5 soa3,*
Adj. &lo' 'itted or slo' in oveent, laid bac3. [&outh ?alesD?. 0idlands use]
ha4,s Noun. A ess, a shables. *.g."&he ade a co!lete haes of that eal, by overcoo3ing the beef and a3ing
lu!y gravy." [#rish use]
ha4.5is+,* Adj. 2lusy.
ha44,r Verb. To ta3e or do soething to e)cess. *.g."#$ going to haer the boo=e tonight."
ha44,r,* Adj. 1. Totally into)icated. [Orig. -.&.]
>. *)hausted, used to e)cess.
ha44y Adj. Over/theatrical. -sually a!!lied to an actor. 6#nforal7
Ha4/s+,a*s Noun. Teeth. 1ro the 2oc3ney rhying slang ,ampstead ,eath, a suburb of +ondon. -sually heard !ronounced
ampsteads. [0ainly +ondon use]
Ha4/+on 16ic32 Noun. Cenis. 9hying slang on $!ric3$. &ee $!ric3$.
Ha4s+,r*a4 Noun. An intentionally jocular is!ronunciation of Asterda.
han*bag Noun. &tyle of $house$ usic 'hich has a ore !o!!y and accessible Auality, often $cro'd/!leasing$. [1990s]
han*bags Noun. A harless altercation. Abb. of handbags at dawn, 'hich in itself is a !un on
duelling. *.g."?hen they discover 'e$ve s!ent the holiday oney it$s going to be handbags."
han*.;ob Noun. An act of asturbation. The e)!ression usually re!resents the activity given by another !erson. *.g."&he
'ouldn$t go all the 'ay so she gave e a Auic3 hand/job instead."
han*l, Noun. A nae, a nic3nae, a !seudony, an alias. 6#nforal7.
han*.4,.*o6ns Noun. #tes, usually clothes, !assed on to younger ebers of a faily 'hen they are outgro'n.
han*.shan*y Noun. An act of asturbation.
hang abou+- Exclam. ?ait a oent% @old on%
hang a l,5+ 0 righ+ Vrb phrs. Turn left D right.
hangin7 Adj. -nattractive, nasty, unsavoury. -sually !ronounced angin. [5.?. *ngland use]
hang ou+ Verb. To reside, to loiter, to !ass the tie.
hangou+ Noun. A !lace for !assing tie.
hang +ough Verb. To act tough and arrogant.
hang.u/ Noun. An eotional !roble, a !sychological disturbance. *.g."@e needs counselling to sort out his hang/u!s."
Han3 Marvin Adj. &tarving. 1ro the 2oc3ney rhying slang as starvin.
han3y./an3y Noun. &e)ual isbehaviour. [1900s]
ha//,n Adv. Cerha!s, aybe. *.g."@a!!en it$s going to rain this afternoon." [5orthern use. ,ialect]
ha//y as Larry Phrs. Jery ha!!y.
ha//y as /ig in shi+ Phrs. Jery contented. A catch!hrase.
ha//y bunny Noun. A contented !erson. -sually heard used in a negative conte)t 'hen referring to de!ressed or iserable
!erson. *.g."@e$s not a ha!!y bunny, since losing his job."
ha//y cla//y briga*, Noun. 2ollectively those 'ith a very strong religious faith, 'ho ight be seen as been !articularly !ublic in their
unity and !reaching, such as a sect.
ha//y har*cor, Noun. A ty!e of u!lifting $hardcore$ :noun >.; containing =any $sa!les$. [1990s]
ha//y sac3 Noun. The scrotuDtesticles.
har* Adj. Tough and unyielding, 'hen a!!lied to a !erson.
har* as 5uc3 Phrs. 1. *)ce!tionally tough and unyielding. 0ore e!hatic than $hard$, see above.
>. Jery difficult. *.g."That *nglish e)a !a!er 'as hard as fuc3."
har* as nails Noun. &ee $hard as fuc3$.
har*.ass Noun. A !articularly aggressive !erson.
har*bag Noun. #n a further atte!t to categori=e $house$ usic, this nae 'as a!!lied to $handbag$ tunes 'hich had the hard
Auality of *uro!ean $hardhouse$. [1990s]
har* ch,,s,- Exclam. @ard luc3% Often said cynically or sarcastically.
har*cor, Noun. 1. *)!licit !ornogra!hy.
>. A fast $techno$D$rave$ hybrid usic, usually not having the subtleties of $house$ usic.
H. A variety of $!un3$ roc3, characteri=ed by its e)trees.
Adj. &oething that is of an e)tree, coitted nature, such as any of the above descri!tions for the noun. An
obsessive follo'er of a band, for e)a!le, ay be called a hardcore fan.
har*h,a* Noun. An obstinate !erson.
har*hous, Noun. A heavier variety of $house$ usic 'hich errs to'ards $techno$ in its intensity and s!eed. [1990s]
har*.lin,s- Exclam. (ad luc3% &ee $hard cheese%$.
har*.nu+ Noun. An aggressive and tough !erson.
har*.on Noun. An erect !enis.
har*.shi+- Adj. (ad luc3, ho' unfortunate. *)!ressed 'ith irony or sarcas.
har*s+u55 Noun. Keneral nae for strong alcoholic drin3 such as s!irits :'his3ey, vod3a, brandy etc;.
harry hoo5+,r Noun. A hoose)ual ale. 9hying slang on $!oofter$. &ee $!oofter$. [Klasgo' use4]
harry 14on32 Noun. &een. 9hying slang on $s!un3$.
hash Noun. Abb. of hashish, the drug. 6#nforal7
hashca3, Noun. 2a3e ade 'ith the added ingredients of cannabis or arijuana.
hash.h,a* Noun. A !erson 'ho freAuently or habitually uses hashish or arijuana.
ha+, so4,on,7s gu+s Vrb phrs. To utterly detest soeone, to hate the very essence of soeone. 6#nforal7
hav, Verb. 1. To have se)ual intercourse 'ith. *.g.",id you have hi last night or not 4"
>. To get the better of. *.g."#$ll have hi for doing that to your sister", or "<our ne' car has had a res!ray, it$s all
rusted underneathB # rec3on you$ve been had."
hav, a ba+ in +h, cav, Vrb phrs. To have visible nasal ucus visible u! a nostril. -sed eu!heistically.
hav, a bog on Vrb phrs. To be in a bad ood. [*. 0idlands use4]
hav, a bun in +h, ov,n Vrb phrs. To be !regnant. *.g. "@er other$s got another bun in the ovenB she$s si) onths gone and 'ith N 3ids
hav, a *ab a+ so4,+hing Vrb phrs. To atte!t soething. *.g."# had a dab at the ary 'hen # 'as young, but hated the disci!line." [0ainly
5orth/'est use]
hav, a *ab on Vrb phrs. To be hot and !ers!iring, conseAuently needing to o! or dab at the e)cessive s'eat.
hav, a 5ac, li3,<<< Vrb phrs. There a nuerous !ejorative e)!ressions beginning 'ith $have a face li3e.., see $face li3e a...$
hav, an ,//y Vrb phrs. @ave a fit of fury. &ee $e!!y$.
hav, a 5ac, on Vrb phrs. To a!!ear iserable, or annoyed. *.g."# didn$t s!ea3 to ?endy all orning, she had a face on and # didn$t
'ant to be shouted out."
hav, a /o/ a+ 1so4,on,2 Vrb phrs. To verbally or !hysically attac3 :soeone;. 2f $ta3e a !o! at :soeone;$.
hav, ar4s Vrb phrs. To fight. *.g."Fohn$s still outside, having ars 'ith that scary loo3ing dooran 'ho refused hi entry."
[+ondon use]
hav, a scr,6 loos, Vrb phrs. To be a little insane.
hav, a sla+, loos, Vrb phrs. To be a little insane.
hav, a +or+ois, Vrb phrs. &ee $have a turtle$s head$.
hav, a +ur+l,7s h,a* Vrb phrs. @ave an urgent need to defecate. *.g."@urry u!% +et e in the toilet, #$ve got a turtle$s head%"
hav, a 6,,* on Vrb phrs. (e annoyed, angry. [0erseyside use]
hav, a 6hac3 a+ Vrb phrs. To atte!t. *.g."# had a 'hac3 at !lubing in the ne' 3itchen sin3 but # didn$t have the tools so !aid a
!rofessional to finish the job."
hav, ,gg on on,7s chin Vrb phrs. To have one$s trouser flies o!en. Often used to 'arn another of this !otentially ebarrassing situation.
hav, i+ Verb. Ko for it, in the sense of not holding bac3. *.g."?e 'ere having it last night, it 'as fantastic, but # can$t
reeber a bloody thing after Ha."
hav, i+ a6ay Verb. To have se)ual intercourse.
hav, i+ a6ay 1on on,7s +o,s2 Verb. To esca!e, to run a'ay.
hav, i+ larg, Verb. Total enthusias and coittent to enjoyent and hedonis. *.g."?e 'ere having it large last night in
to'n, li3e nobody$s business."
hav, i+ o55 Verb. To have se)ual intercourse.
hav, on, o55 +h, 6ris+ Vrb phrs. To asturbate. *.g."<ou 'ont believe 'ho # caught last night having one off the 'rist, 'hilst 'atching a
!orn video."
hav, on,7s gu+s 5or gar+,rs Vrb phrs. A threat said as a re!riand, usually to a youngster or child. *.g."#f you don$t tidy your roo no' #$ll
have your guts for garters."
hav, +h, /ain+,rs in Vrb phrs. To be enstruatingB a eu!heis.
having a laugh 1-2 Phrs.%Exclam. A !hrase e)!ressed to denote incredulity at a !erson$s stateent or behaviour. Often heard
!ronounced in oc3 2oc3ney as aving a larff. *.g."<ou$re having a laugh% There$s no 'ay #$ loaning you oney
'ith your re!utation 'ith not !aying debts."
h,a* Noun. Oral se). *.g."&he gives good head."
h,a*.bang,r Noun. A fan of roc3 usic, usually 'earing jeans and leathers. 1ro their habit of sha3ing their heads violently
'hilst dancing.
h,a*cas, Noun. A lunatic, a entally unstable !erson.
h,a*5uc3 Noun. &oething or soeone that is entally disturbing. *.g."#$ not inviting y sister$s boyfriend, he$s a
headfuc3 and he$d ruin the !arty."
h,a*.honcho Noun. (oss. The 'ord honcho derives fro the Fa!anese hancho eaning group leader
h,a*la4/s Noun. ?oen$s breasts.
h,a*.+h,.ball Noun. A lunatic, an idiot. [#rishD&cottish use]
h,a*+ri/ Noun. A !leasant e)!loration of a thought, a self/indulgent fantasy. [Orig. -.&.]
h,a/ Noun. A thing that is old and dela!idated. Often a vehicle.
h,avy Adj. 1. O8% 2ool% That$s very agreeable. [0ainly +ondon use]
>. *)cellent% [0ainly +ondon use]
h,avy 4,+al Noun. Kenerally, highly a!lified roc3 usic and its associated long hair and fashions.
h,avy 4ob Noun. A grou! of uscular or tough !eo!le gathered together to utili=e their collective strengths.
h,,bi,.;,,bi,s Noun. An uneasy or very nervous feeling.
h,i5,r 9 Noun. 1. A 'oan. ,erog.
>. A fat 'oan. ,erog.
I 1ro the s.e., a young co' 'ho hasn$t had a calf.
h,llhol, Noun. A thoroughly un!leasant !lace.
h,lls b,lls- Exclam. An e)claation of sur!rise.
h,l4,+ Noun. The head of the !enis, being siilar in sha!e.
h,n Noun. A for of address or a ter of endearent such as s'eetheart. [0ainly &cottish use]
h,n./,c3,* Adj. -nder the control of a doineering feale. A derogatory coent usually said of a husband.
H,nry Noun. ,rug !arlance for an eighth of an ounce of cannabisDarijuana. An abbreviation of @enry J### :@enry the
*ighth;, a (ritish onarch of the 1.00s.
H,rb,r+ Noun. An dull objectionable !erson. *.g."@e$s a real herbert, he 'atches the ne's and 'eather on TJ all day."
h,r,7s loo3ing a+ you- Exclam. A drin3ing toast.
h,r,7s 4u* in your ,y,- Exclam. A toast e)!ressed before a drin3. 6#nforal7.
hic3 Noun. A rustic, rural d'eller. ,erog. [Orig. -.&.]
hic3,y Noun. A love bite. Also hickie. [Orig. -.&.]
high Noun. A !leasantly into)icated state. -sually these days 'ith regard to drug ta3ing. 6#nforal7.
high as a 3i+, Phrs. Jery into)icated by alcohol or drugs.
hinny Noun. An affectionate for of address. $Keordie$ !ronunciation of honey. [5e'castle use]
hi/.ho/ Noun. ,ance usic genre 'ith ra!!ing, originating fro blac3 Aerican street culture.
hi//yish Adj. Of or li3e a hi!!y. *.g."# don$t li3e all those beads, they$re a bit hi!!yish."
hi//y Noun. A !erson 'ho ado!ts the characteristic style of 19.0s loo3 'ith long hair, 'orn jeans, etc., 'hose rejection
of conventional values is often ebellished 'ith drug ta3ing. Often derogatory use.
Adj. &ee $hi!!yish$.
his nibs Noun. A jocular and oc3ing title given to a self/i!ortant !erson. 6#nforal7.
hissy 5i+ Noun. A tantru. *.g."&he had a hissy fit 'hen # told her #$d s!ent all y 'ages on la! dancers."
hi+ Noun. 1. An injection of a drug.
>. A urder or violent crie. [Orig. -.&.]
Verb. To urder or rob. [Orig. -.&.]
hi+ 5or si8 Vrb phrs. To deal a severe blo', to vanAuish, to affect soeone severely. 1ro the gae of cric3et and iagery
associated 'ith it. 6#nforal7
hi+ lis+ Noun. A list of !ros!ective victis.
hi+ +h, hay Vrb phrs. Ko to bed. [1900s]
hi+ +h, roa* Vrb phrs. ,e!art.
hi+ +h, sac3 Vrb phrs. Ko to bed. [-.&.]
ho Noun. 1. A 'hore, a !rostitute. [Orig -.&.D (lac3.]
>. A conte!tible 'oan. -sed by e)tension of version 1., that !rostitution is generally thought of as disre!utable.
hoc3 Verb. To !a'n. 6#nforal7.
hog Noun. A !o'erful high handlebarred otorbi3e. -sually ridden by $bi3ers$ and $hells/angels$.
hol*ing +h, 5ol*ing Vrb phrs. @aving adeAuate cash on one$s !erson. The folding refers to onetary notes.
hol, Noun. A des!icable or undesirable !lace. *.g."<ou$re 'elcoe to coe over to ine, but it$s a bit of a hole."
hol, in +h, 6all Noun. A ban3$s e)ternally accessible cash dis!enser.
hols Noun. Abb. of holidays.
hon,y/o+ Noun. The vagina.
hon3 Noun. A bad sell. *.g."#t hon3s li3e shit in here, can # o!en a 'indo'4"
hon3 u/ Verb. An onoato!oeia for to voit. Occasionally shortened to honk.
hon3y Noun. A 'hite !erson. Kenerally obsolete in use, but 'hen heard, usually jocular. 2an be derogDoffens [Orig
hoo,y 1-2 Noun. 5onsense.
Exclam. 5onsense%
hoo5 Verb. To 3ic3.
hoo.ha Noun. A cootion, trouble, a ro'. *.g."There 'as a right hoo/ha at 'or3 yesterday 'hen the boss 'as caught
3issing the office cleaner."
hoolivan Noun. A !olice vehicle, a van, 'ith !rotective 'indscreen grills for use during riots and civil disobedience, against
Hooray 1H,nry2 Noun. A young ale of the u!!er classes. Often abbreviated to ,ooray. *.g."#$ not going in that bar again, it 'as
full of @oorays drin3ing cha!agne and tal3ing about ho' rich they are." ,erog.
hoo+,r Noun. 1. A nose.
>. A 'oan$s breast. -sually in the !lural. *.g."2or% +oo3 at the hooters on her."
Horlic3s Noun. A ess. Kenerally dated and not far fro obsolete.
horn Noun. 1. A !enile erection.
>. &e)ual interest or e)citeent. *.g."&he 'as so se)y, # had the horn for her all day."
Adj. 1. A feeling of se)ual e)citeent. The e)!ression originates fro the siilarity bet'een the erect !enis and a
horn, ho'ever it is no' firly unise)ual in usage.
>. &e)ually desirable. *.g.",on$t you thin3 she loo3s so horny in that dress4"
hos/i+al /ass Noun. A !ass in the gae of football :soccer;, to a tea ate 'hose close !ro)iity to a eber of the o!!osition
is li3ely to lead to that !layer receiving an iediate hard tac3le and subseAuent injuries.
ho+ air Noun. *!ty tal3, nonsense.
ho+ 3niv,s Noun. A ethod of so3ing cannabis 'ithout the aid of tobacco. A sall !iece of cannabis is !ressed and burnt
bet'een t'o $hot 3nives$ and the resulting so3e, after being caught in a rece!ticle, inhaled.
ho+ roc3s 5oun. The red hot !ieces of burning cannabis that occasionally fall fro a $joint$ during its so3ing.
1+h,2 ho+s Noun. A se)ual desire.
ho++i, Noun. 1. A hot 'aterbottle. 6#nforal7
>. A se)ually attractive !erson. [Orig. -.&. 1990s]
ho+ +o +ro+
Phrs. 1. *ager for se)ual intercourse.
>. 8een to ove on, to leave.
ho+.6ir, Verb. To start u! an engine 'ithout the aid of 3eys.
hous, Noun. A conte!orary dance usic e!itoised by its 4D4 beat and use of $sa!les$. Jocals and elodies tend not
follo' the verse D chorus tradition, as they are just $sa!les$ 'hich need to be fitted into the 4 bar re!etitive base
structure. #t is a descendant of disco usic born in 5orth Aerica. &ub/genres of house include tribal, dee!, #talian
hovis Adj. ,ead. A !rogression fro the rhying slang $ bro'n bread$, eaning deadB @ovis is a anufacturer of bread,
!articularly reno'ned for its !roduction of bro'n bread. *.g."@e$s hovis 'hen # catch hi."
ho6 ar, you *i**lingA Phrs. A greeting, such as ,ow do you do9
ho6ay Phrs. +et$s go, or coe on. [5orth *ast use]
ho6 go,s 1i+2A Phrs. A greeting.
ho67s i+ hangingA Exclam. @o' are you4 (elieved to be s!ecifically a ale greeting.
ho67s +ric3sA Exclam. @o' are you4 A greeting not necessarily reAuiring a direct ans'er.
ho67s your 5a+h,r Noun. &e)ual intercourse. *.g."They are in the front roo having a bit of ho'$s your father."
hoy Verb. To thro'. [2ubriaD5orthubriaDTyneside use]
hubbly 1bubbly2 Noun. A 'ater!i!e used for so3ing cannabis or arijuana.
hu55 Noun. A bad ood.
huggins Adj. 0any, a large aount. *.g."# got huggins of !resents for y birthday." [<or3shire use]
hu4 Verb. To sell un!leasant. *.g.",on$t eat that cheese, it$s starting to hu." 6#nforal7
hu4ongous Adj. Jery large, enorous. [Orig. -.&.]
hu4/ Verb. 1. To co!ulate. The 'ord i!lies a certain insensitive a'3'ardness, see verb >.
>. To shift soething a'3'ardly. *.g."?e need to hu! that big 'ardrobe u! to the attic before the ne' lodger
Noun. 1. &e)ual intercourse.
>. A bad ood. Al'ays !receded by the. *.g."&he$s got the hu! after being told she loo3s fat."
hu4/+y Adj. Annoyed, irritated. [0ainly &cottish use4]
hun Noun. A !rotestant and ore coonly a su!!orter of 9angers 12, as o!!osed to 2eltic 12 'ho have a 2atholic
fan base. [Klasgo' use]
hung li3, a hors, 0 *on3,y Phrs. @aving a large !enis.
hun3 Noun. A se)ually attractive and asculine ale. 6#nforal7
hun3y Adj. @aving the Aualities of a $hun3$. 6#nforal7
hun3y.*ory Adj. O.8., fine, erring on the side of 'onderful.
hurl Verb. To voit. Onoato!oeic as uch as very descri!tive of the uncontrollable force of voiting.
hu+ch u/ Verb. To ove u!, or along, thus creating s!ace. *.g."0ichael% ?ill you hutch u! and let e sit do'n4"
hy/,* u/ Verb. Over/e)cited, anic.
hy/,r Adj. Over/e)cited, nervous, agitated.

ic, Noun. ,iaonds or ore generally je'ellery. [Orig. -.&.]
ic3 Noun. A distasteful substance. Crobably derived fro the adjective icky.
ic3l, Adj. &all, little. A oc3 juvenile shortening of the 'ord $lic3le$. 2f. $lic3le$.
ic3y Adj. Kooey or stic3y, usually denoting un!leasantly so. 6#nforal7
i55y Adj. -nsound, incorrect, i!robable, sus!icious.
ignoran+ Adj. 5ot !olite, disres!ectful, rude. 6#nforal7
I7ll b, bugg,r,*- Exclam. An e)claation of sur!rise.
I7ll b, bugg,r,* i5<<< Exclam. There$s no 'ay. *.g."#$ll be buggered if #$ going to hel! hi after 'hat he said about y sister."
in a bi+- Exclam. Koodbye% &ee you later%
in bi+s Adj. 0entally confused. *.g."#t$s no 'onder he$s in bits, he$s had t'o tabs of acid, four gras of co3e and so3ed
an ounce of dra'."
in bul3 Phrs. +aughing. *.g."&arah 'as in bul3 all the 'ay through the fil." [0erseyside use]
in cahoo+s 6i+h Phrs. #n league 'ith, colluding.
in *,,/ shi+ Phrs. #n big trouble.
in*i, Noun. A ty!e of guitar orientated usic derived fro $!un3$. #ndie has generated its o'n fashions as 'ith ost
youth usic. Originally an abb. of inde!endent, being a record label not affiliated to a ajor label such as &ony or
in*i,.3i* Noun. A !erson 'ho is 3een on $#ndie$ usic and 'ears its fashions.
1+h,2 in5or4a+ion
Noun. The rather i!assioned and !reature title given to the ?orld ?ide ?eb. This e)!ression has already lost
!o!ularity and rarely used 'ithin the #nternet counity. [+ate 19G0s]
inni, Noun. A navel or belly button that doesn$t !rotrude, as is the case 'ith the ajority. 2f. $outtie$.
inni+- Exclam. A Auestioning stateent. *.g."That$s got to be the best goal ever, innit%"
insi*, Adj. #n !rison. *.g."#$ a bit out of touch, having being inside for the last t'o years"
insi*, ;ob Noun. A crie coitted against an organisation or !ro!erty, by a affiliated !erson. 6#nforal7.
in sh+oo3 Adj. #n trouble. @as various s!ellings such as in shtuk%stook%schtuk%schtook 'hich has been suggested coes fro
in +h, al+og,+h,r Phrs. 5a3ed.
in +h, bu55 Phrs. 5a3ed.
in +h, club Phrs. Cregnant. A contraction of in the pudding club.
in +h, *oghous, Phrs. Out of favour. &aid of a !erson. *.g."0y dad$s in the doghouse after getting drun3 last night."
in +h, nu**y Phrs. 5a3ed.
in+o Prep. #nterest, li3e whats your bag 9. *.g."?hat are you into4"
iron Noun. A hoose)ual. 9hying slang on iron hoof eaning $!oof$
I shoul* cocoa- Exclam. # should say so% A +ondon e)!ression used 'ith irony and often jocularly by those fro outside the city.
The cocoa or coco is rhying slang for say so.
i+,4 Noun. A cou!le in a steady relationshi!.

; Noun. A arijuanaDcannabis cigarette. Abb. of $joint$. [Orig. -.&.]
;ac3 Verb. To steal, often in relation to ugging. 1ro hijac3.
;ac3 an* *anny Noun. Jagina. 9hying slang on $fanny$, slang for vagina. *.g."?hat, 'ith her short s3irt, and no 3nic3ers, # had
great vie' of her jac3 and danny." &ee $fanny$.
;ac3 an* ;ill Noun. A !ill. 2oc3ney rhying slang. [0ainly +ondon use]
;ac3bi+ Noun. 1ood, or ore s!ecifically a !ac3ed lunch. [+ancs use]
;ac3 i+ in 1-2 Exclam. &to! it% &ee $jac3 :soething; in$.
Jac3 1Jon,s2 Noun. Alone. 9hying slang. -sually used in the e)!ression on your jack, or
;ac3 o55 Verb. To asturbate. A!!lied to ales.
;ac3si, Noun. (uttoc3s, or anus.
;ac3 in Verb. &to! doing :soething;. *.g."#$ going to jac3 in y college course after the vacation, it$s too uch li3e hard
Jac3son Polloc3s I Noun. 1. Testicles.
>. 5onsense, rubbish.
I 9hying slang on $bolloc3s$.
Jac3.+h,.la* Noun. A ale 'ho is Auic3 'itted, a rogue 'ho loo3s out for theselves.
;ac3.u/ Verb. To inject 'ith drugs.
;acobs Noun. Testicles. 9hying slang on !acobs -ream -rackers eaning $3nac3ers$.
savoury biscuit usually served 'ith cheese and !acobs being the anufacturer. &ee $crea crac3ered$.
;a55a Noun. An infertile ale. 1ro jaffa oranges being seedless. This ter either gained !roinence fro or 'as
invented for the (ritish TJ sitco 5nly "ools and ,orses in the 1990s. ,erog.
;ag Noun. An injection. [Klasgo' use]
Verb. To !ric3. [Klasgo' use]
;ailbai+ Noun. An attractive feale or ale 'ho, vie'ed se)ually, is younger than the legal age of se)ual consent. Also
bait. *.g."#$ll 'arn you no', dont get involved 'ith 0i3e$s sister, she$s jailbait."
;a3,0;a3,y Noun. 1. A drun3, a eths drin3er. ,erog. [&cottishDKlas'egian use4]
>. A down and out, a hoeless !erson. ,erog. [&cottishDKlas'egian use4]
;a4 ;ar Noun. A car. 9hying slang.
;a44y Adj. 1ortunate, luc3y. 6#nforal7
;a4 /ac3,* Adj. 1ull to ca!acity. 6#nforal7
;a4 rag Noun. A sanitory to'el, a ta!on.
;a4 roll 9 Noun. 1. An idiot.
>. Anus.
I 9hying slang on $arsehole$.
;a4 san*6ich Noun. A !olice car, s!ecifically the 'hite ones 'ith a bright red band running hori=ontally along the sides.
;angl, Verb. To gossi!. *.g."Are you t'o going to sit there jangling all night, or hel! e coo3 the eal4" :+iver!ool use;
Jann,r Noun. A !erson fro Clyouth.
Ja/7s ,y, Noun. The urethal o!ening on the head of the !enis. Offens.
;ar Noun. A glass of beer or lager, usually a !int.
;arr,* o55 Adj. -!set, fed/u!. [*. Anglia use.]
J< Ar+hur Noun. An act of asturbation. 9hying slang on !. Arthur :ank, 'ith $'an3$. &ee $'an3$.
;as/,r Noun. A 'as!.
;a:: 4ag Noun. A !ornogra!hic aga=ine.
J,,:- Exclam. A !rofane e)claation of sur!rise, frustration. A shortening of !esus.
;,lli,s Noun. 2hea! rubberD!lastic sandals ainly 'orn by children. Their trans!arent and brightly coloured a!!earence
resebles jelly, hence their nae.
;,lly Noun. Tea=e!a :a tranAuilli=er;. -sually in the !lural. *.g."#$ll need soe jellies if #$ going to get soe slee!
;,lly5ish Noun. A 'ea3 and ineffectual !erson. ,erog.
;,r3 Noun. #diot. [Orig -.&.]
;,r3.o55 Verb. To asturbate. *.g."@e$s in his roo, jer3ing off to that ne' adult fil he brought."
Noun. An idiot, a des!icable !erson. ,erog. [Orig. -.&.]
J,rry Noun. 1. A Keran, or fro Kerany, often in a ilitary conte)t. [1914/1G]
>. A chaber !ot. ,ated. 6#nforal7
;,ssi, Noun. A feeble, easily scared !erson, a softy. ,erog.
J,sus- Exclam. A !rofane e)claation of sur!rise, anger, frustration.
J,sus boo+s Noun. &andals.
J,sus cr,,/,rs Noun. &andals.
J,sus 5r,a3 Noun. A strong believer in 2hristianity. ,erog.
J,sus H Chris+- Exclam. An e)claation of sur!rise, annoyance.
J,sus su55,ring 5uc3- Exclam. *)!ressing sur!rise, or anger.
J,sus 6,/+- Exclam. An e)claation of annoyance or sur!rise.
;,+ Verb. To ove Auic3ly or de!art hurriedly. *.g."#$ just gonna jet into to'n to collect y holiday oney."
;,6,ls Noun. 0ale genitals. 2f. $faily je'els$.
;i55y Noun. A oent, a short tie. *.g. "?ait there a second, #$ll be bac3 in a jiffy." 6#nforal7
;igg,r Noun. An alley'ay, bac3 !assage. [+iver!ool use]
;igg,r,* Adj. 1. 2onfounded. @eard in the rather archaic e)claation, (ll be jiggered+ 6#nforal7
>. ?orn out, e)hausted.
;igg,ry /o3,ry Noun. ,ece!tion, tric3ery, dishonest behaviour. 6#nforal7
;iggy Adj. 2ool and in touch 'ith 'hat$s ha!!ening and res!ected. A!!arently originates 'ith ?ill &ith, -.&. ra!!er
and ovie star, and cae to !roinence 'ith his song 2ettin !iggy 8it (t. [Orig. -.&. 1990s]
Noun. &e). [Orig. -.&. 1990s]
;i4;a4s Noun. Cyjaas.
;i44y ri**l, Noun. An act of urination. The rhying slang for $!iddle$. Often used singularly as
;is4 Noun. &een. Also $gis$. [1G00s]
;i++,rs Noun. &evere nervousness. 6#nforal7
;i++y Noun. An alley'ay or !assage'ay bet'een buildings. Also gitty. [0idlands use]
;i:: Noun. &!er. Abb. of jism.
Joanna Noun. Ciano. 2oc3ney rhying slang.
;ob Verb. To hit, !unch, !hysically attac3. *.g."&to! shouting at e, or #$ll job you%" [5ottinghashire use]
;obby Noun. 1. A lu! of e)creent.
>. An act of defecation. *.g."Kive e L inutes, #$ve just got to have a jobby."
;obby ;abb,r Noun. @oose)ual ale. &ee $jobby$. ,erog. [0ainly &cottish use]
;ob7s a goo*7un- Exclam. *)!ressing a thing or situation is good.
;obs6or+h Noun. A !erson 'ho is very !edantic at 'or3 and strictly adheres to the rulesB so called because of their oft used
e)claation, "# can$t let you do that, it$s ore than y job$s 'orth." ,erog.
Joc3 Noun. A &cottish !erson. 2an be offensive.
;oc3,y7s 6hi/s Noun. 2hi!s, 1rench fries. 9hying slang fro the 5orth/'est.
Jo*r,ll Noun. An act of asturbation. 1ro the rhying slang !odrell 'ank ) wank. Fodrell (an3, a large radiotelesco!e
in 2heshire, 5orth/'est *ngland. &ee $'an3$.
Jo, Ba8i Noun. 9hying slang for ta)i.
Jo, Bloggs Noun. A fictitious nae for the average or un3no'n !erson. 6#nforal7
Jo,y Noun. 1. A friend or acAuaintence 'ho is regarded a fool or 'ea3ling, and often has to bear the brunt of jo3es.
(elieved to be derived fro the rhying slang !oe ,unt, eaning $cunt$.
>. An ibecile. ,erived fro the nae !oey 6eacon, a !hysically handica!!ed :cerebral !alsy; guest on a (ritish
children$s TJ !rograe called (lue Ceter in the 19N0sB conseAuently his nae 'as cruelly ado!ted by children as
an insult. ,erog.
John Noun. 1. Keneral ter of address for a ale. [+ondon use]
>. A client. Crostitute$s !arlance.
;ohnny Noun. A condo. ,erives fro the ter 1rench +etter via the archaic slang 1renchie and conseAuently Fohnny
John #ho4as Noun. The !enis. A 'ell established but aging eu!heis.
;oin+ Noun. A cannabis or arijuana cigarette.
;olli,s Noun. 1. Cleasure, thrills. *.g."@e al'ays gets his jollies fro hurting others."
>. @olidays, vacation. *.g."Are you going to ainland *uro!e again for your jollies4"
;olly Noun. A day tri!, !articularly one ta3en for !leasure and arranged fro ones !lace of 'or3. *.g."?or3 'as great
last 'ee3, 'e 'ent on a jolly to +ondon and got the boss drun3."
;osh Verb. To jest and jo3e 'ith soeone. *.g.",ad% &to! joshing e. &he$s not y girlfreind, just a ate."
;os3in Noun. A rural d'eller, a country bu!3in. [<or3shire use]
;oyri*, Noun. A ride in a stolen vehicle. 6#nforal7
Verb. To go on a joyride.
;ubbli,s Noun. ?oen$s breasts.
Ju*y Noun. A 'oan, or girlfriend. [+iver!ool use]
Ju*yscu55,r Noun. A !olice 'oan. &ee $judy$ and $scuffer$. [+iver!ool use]
;ug han*l,s Noun. *ars, usually i!lying large or e)cessively !rotruding.
;ugs Noun. (reasts.
;u4bly Noun. 1. A juble sale.
>. The un'anted goods and !ossessions 'hich are sold at a juble sale.
;u4/,* u/ Adj. Arrogant. 6#nforal7.
;ungl, Noun. A dance usic based around s!eedy $brea3beats$, $dubby$ bass and $sa!les$. #t originates fro rave and
hardcore dance usic.
;ungl, bunny Noun. A blac3 !erson. ,erog.DOffens.
;unglis+ Noun. A !erson interested and coitted to $jungle$ usic.
;un3i, Noun. 1. A heroin addict. Also s!elt junky.
>. 5o' ore freAuently used for anyone 'ith an addiction.

K Noun. 1. A thousand, a 3ilogra, a 3ilobyte.
>. 8etaine. An anial anaesthetic ta3en illicitly for its unusual sei/hallucinogenic Aualities.
3abishA Verb. -nderstand4 Also s!elt kapeesh, capeesh. An anglici=ation of the #talian
3a3 Noun. 1. 9ubbish, nonsense.
>. *)creent.
I 2f. $cac3$.
3ar:y Noun. A lavatory. The 'ord lavatory is in itself, a eu!heis for a !lace to 'ash. Also s!elt
3ayli,* Adj. Jery drun3. Also s!elt kalied.
3,c3s Noun. Trousers.
3,,n as 4us+ar* Phrs. Jery enthusiastic, eager.
3,,/ i+ :i//,* Vrb phrs. ,on$t tal3, stay Auiet. [Orig. -.&.]
3,,/ on,7s /,c3,r u/ Vrb phrs. 9eain cheerful. 6#nforal7
3,,/ +abs on Vrb phrs. To 3ee! infored about.
3,,/ your hair on- Exclam. 2al do'n% or reain cal% 6#nforal7
3,n Verb. To 3no'. [&cottish use]
3,rb cra6l,r Noun. A !erson 'ho drives slo'ly to vie' street !rostitutes, 'ith the intention of !rocuring their services.
3,r.ching- Exclam. The sound of a cash till ringing, e)!ressed to signify onetary !rofit.
3,r5u55l, Noun. A cootion or fuss. 6#nforal7
3,r4i+ Noun. The toilet. 9hying slang, fro #ermit the "rog, eaning $bog$. &ee $bog$.
3,+ Noun. &'eets, confectionary, candy. [5orth/east use]
3,++l, Noun. A 'atch or 'rist 'atch. Cossibly fro rhying slang kettle and hob, eaning
3,v Noun. A young !erson 'ho ty!ically 'ears branded s!orts'ear, baseball ca!s, trainers or 9oc3!ort boots, etc.
[0idlandsD5orth use]
3,v car Noun. A odified car, including such things as alloy 'heels, s!oilers, loud sound systes etc.
3,vv,* u/ Adj. Ty!ically 'ith reference to a car, echanically and !erforance enhanced, restyled to loo3 e)tra s!orty.
3,6l I
Adj. 1. *)cellent, 'onderful.
>. O8.
I An alternative s!elling of $cool$ that$s becoing ore evident on the ???.
3hyb,r 1/ass2 Noun. (uttoc3s, anus. 2oc3ney rhying slang on $arse$.
3ibosh Noun. To end, to terinate, to finish off. *.g."?e 'ere 3iboshed as soon as 'e set off." &ee $!ut the 3ibosh on$.
3ic3 1so4,+hing2 Verb. To give u! :soething;, usually referring to the giving u! of addictive drugs.
3ic3 in Verb. To begin. *.g."The drugs 3ic3ed in just as # 'as tal3ing to y boss. # ade a Auic3 e)it."
3ic3in7 Adj. 1ull of life and energy. *.g. " The club 'as 3ic3in last night."
3ic3 in +h,
Noun. (ad luc3, an unfortunate setbac3. *.g."@e had his !ass!ort and oney stolen 'hen he 'as at the ar3et,
'hich 'as a 3ic3 in the bolloc3s, es!ecially as # had to then !ay for everything for the rest of the holiday."
3ic3 i+ Verb. To die. A shortening of kick the bucket.
3ic3 o55 Verb. 1. To start trouble. *.g. "#f 'e don$t 3ee! the noise do'n he$s going to 3ic3/off again and call the !olice."
>. To begin. 6#nforal7
3ic3 so4, ars,0ass Vrb phrs. 1. To beat u! soeone.
>. To !ut all one$s effort into 'inning. *.g."O8 lads, let$s get out on the !itch and 3ic3 soe ass."
3ic3 so4,on,0so4,+hing
in+o +ouch
Vrb phrs. To reject, discard or finish 'ith soeoneDsoething. 1ro the gae of 9ugby, 'hereby a ball 3ic3ed into
touch is out of !lay. *.g."#$ going to 3ic3 it into touch after today, and start again toorro' orning."
3ic3 +h, buc3,+ Verb. To die.
3ic3 +h, s+u55ing ou+ o5
Vrb phrs. To beat u! severely. *.g."5e)t tie # see hi #$ gonna 3ic3 the stuffing out of hi."
3i**,r Noun. A ter of address, generally affectionate use, to'ards soeone younger. [0ainly +iver!ool use]
3i**i, 5i**l,r Noun. A !aedo!hile. ,erog.
3i**o Noun. A for of address, for a younger !erson than oneself. Often used affectionately.
3i*ology Noun. The !ersistent and intentional dece!tion and teasing of soeone for !leasure. 6#nforal7
3i3, Noun. A Fe'. ,erogDOffens.
Kinn,ll- Exclam. *)claation of anger or sur!rise. A contraction of $fucking hell$.
3i/ Noun. 1. &lee!.
>. The face. A shortening of $3i!!er$. [+iver!oolD5orth/'est use.]
Verb. To slee!.
3i//,r Noun. The face. *.g.",id you see the iserable 3i!!er on that idiot stood at the bac34" [+iver!oolD5orth/'est use.]
3iss ars,0ass Vrb phrs. To act obseAuiously.
3iss,r Noun. 0outh. Origins in bo)ing.
3i+ Noun. 2lothes. &ee $get one$s 3it off$.
3i+ an* caboo*l, Noun. &ee $'hole 3it and caboodle$.
3i+ch,n 1sin32 Noun. A chinese !erson. 1ro rhying slang on $chin3$. &ee $chin3$. Offens.
3i+, Verb. To fraudulently use dud or stolen cheAues. *.g."# got soe fantastic s!orts'ear this orning, 3iting in the
Noun. A !erson 'ho !asses dud or stolen cheAues.
3i+ 3a+ shu55l, Noun. 1eale asturbation.
3l,4/+ Adj. @ungry. Also $cleed$. [?igan use. ,ialect]
3l,/+o Noun. Abb. of 3le!toaniac. ,erog.
3lingon Noun. 1aecal renants that have adhered to anal hairs. -nusual and less coon s!elling of $clingon$.
3nac3,* Adj. 0eans the sae as $3nac3ered$.
3nac3,r Verb. To 'ear out, to e)haust, to ruin. *.g."8ee! hitting it 'ith that haer and you$ll 3nac3er it." [1G00s]
3nac3,r,* Adj. 1. Tired, 'orn out, e)hausted. *.g."# issed y bus, #$ve just 'al3ed hoe, #$ 3nac3ered, so #$ going to
bed. O84"
>. (ro3en. *.g."2an 'e coe around to 'atch TJ at yours tonight, our is 3nac3ered."
H. Th'arted, !revented fro succeeding at a tas3. *.g."?e 'ere 3nac3ered after our goal3ee!er left, id season.
The re!laceent let in an average of . goals each atch and 'e got relegated to a lo'er division."
I Also occasionally s!elt nackered.
3nac3,ring Adj. Tiring, e)hausting. *.g."2libing to the to! of the 0ount *verest 'as the ost 3nac3ering thing # have ever
3nac3,rs 1-2 Noun. The testicles.
Exclam. An e)claation of disagreeent or annoyance.
3n,,ca/ Verb. To cri!!le soeone by shooting or hitting their 3neeca!s as a eans of !unishent.
3n,, high +o a grassho//,r Phrs. Of a !erson, short in height.
3n,,s.u/ Noun. A lively !arty. 6#nforal7. *.g."There$s going to be a 3nees/u! at Fenny$s tonight, it$s her birthday."
3n,, +r,4bl,r Noun. &e)ual intercourse 'hilst standing. -sually hurried se) in an atte!t to grab the oent.
3nic3,r Noun. One !ound sterling. 2f. $nic3er$. *.g."The yacht cost us half a illion 3nic3er just as a de!osit."
3nic3,rs- Exclam. A e)claation of defiance or anger. 1ro being (ritish ter for feale under'ear, !anties.
3nob Noun. 1. The !enis.
>. An idiot, an objectionable !erson.
Verb. To have se) :'ith;. *.g."# 3nobbed her 'hen 'e 'ere younger, years before she 'as faous."
Also s!elt $nob$.
3nobb,r Noun. A conte!tible !erson, an idiot. Also nobber.
3nobbing Noun. &e)ual intercourse. Also $nobbing$.
3nob ch,,s, 1-2 I
Noun. &ega. 2f. $cheese$.
Exclam. An e)claation of annoyance.
I Also s!elt nob cheese.
3nob.,n* Noun. 1. The head of a !enis.
>. The very end of soething. *.g."O3, #$ll eat the 3nob/end of the bread."
3nob.h,a* Noun. An idiot, a conte!tible !erson. Also nobhead.
3nob ;oc3,y 9 Noun. 1. A hoose)ual ale. ,erog. 2f. $sausage joc3ey$
>. Keneral ter of abuse.
I Also $nob joc3ey$
3nob o55- Exclam. Ko a'ay% An e)claation of anger. Noun. 1. A se)ually transitted disease, s!ecifically one affecting ales. 2f. $gallo!ing 3nob/rot$.
>. 5onsense. *.g."<ou$ve been tal3ing utter 3nob/rot for the last > hours. This is 'hat actually ha!!ened."
3nob.shin,r Noun. A conte!tible !erson.
3noc3,rs Noun. (reasts. Cossibly naed due to the nature of their oveents during activity.
3noc3ing on 1a bi+2 Phrs. Aged, old, often i!lying !assed its best.
3noc3ing sho/ Noun. A brothel.
3noc3 i+ o55 1-2 Vrb phrs. &to! it. *.g."#f you don$t 3noc3 it off no' #$ll !hone your father and he$ll coe and ta3e you hoe."
Exclam. &to! it%
3noc3.o55 Verb. 1. To have se) 'ith :soeone;. *.g."&he$s just not y ty!e, but #$d definitely 3noc3 off her sister."
>. To steal.
H. To sto! 'or3. *.g."?e 3noc3ing off for lunch in 10 inutes, so finish 'hat you$re doing."
Noun. &tolen goods. *.g."#$ not having that ,J, !layer in y house, it$s 3noc3/off and y father$s a !olicean."
3noc3 on, ou+
Verb. -sually of ales, to asturbate. *.g."@e 3noc3ed one out 'hilst 'atching old e!isodes of (ay'atch."
3noc3 ou+ Verb. To !roduce, su!!ly or sell. *.g."@e$s been 3noc3ing out chea! s!orts'ear on &toc3!ort ar3et."
3noc3 1so4,on,2 bac3 Verb. To reject soeone or their suggestions. *.g."# as3ed her for a dance, but she 3noc3ed e bac3 and 'ent off
'ith y best friend."
3noc3 1so4,+hing2 on +h,
h,a* 1-2
Vrb phrs. To sto! doing :soething;. *.g."All his shouting is really annoying e. #f he doesn$t 3noc3 it on the head
soon, #$ going to thu! hi."
3noc3 +h, s/o+s o55 Vrb phrs. To outdo. 6#nforal7
3noc3 u/ Verb. To a3e !regnant. *.g." # 3noc3ed her u! and no' her brother$s after y hide."
3no6 on,7s onions Vrb phrs. 8no'ledgeable and co!etent in one$s tas3. *.g."#$ll say one thing for 2raig, he 3no's his onions 'hen
it coes to re!airing car engines."
3nuc3l, san*6ich Noun. A !unch in the outh. An aging ter that is still used in a light/hearted 'ay.
3oo3y Adj. 2ra=y, eccentric.
3osh,r Adj. 2orrect, legitiate. 6#nforal7 [<iddish]
Krau+ Noun. A Keran. A shortening of sauerkraut. Offens.
3ush+y Adj. *)cellent, fine, O8. Also s!elt cushty and kushti. A once !redoinantly 'or3ing class ter 'ith origins either
in the 0iddle *ast andDor 9oany.

la Noun. A for of address uniAue to +iver!ool. #ts !revalence is generally !er!etuated by stereoty!ical $scouse$
i!ersonations by outsidersB younger generations fro 0erseyside tend not to utili=e this e)!ression. Cronounced
labs Noun. Abbrev. of labia.
lac, in+o Verb. To attac3, either verbally or !hysically.
lac3y.ban* Noun. A corru!tion of the 'ords elastic band.
la* Noun. Cenis. Affectionate use. *.g."#$ going to the clinic this afternoon, y lad$s not been right after that shag
'ith your sister."
la**,++, Noun. A feale eAuivalent of a ale 'ho ight be considered $laddish$. &uch characteristics ight be confident,
brashness, loudness, se)is, enjoyent of drin3ing etc.
la**ish Adj. Of or li3e the characteristics of a young an or lad, often loud, acho, arrogant and se)ist.
la*yboy Noun. A ale to feale !art transe)ual. [Orig. use fro *ast Asia4]
La*y Go*iva Noun. A five !ound note. 9hying slang for fiver. [0ainly +ondon use]
La*y Muc3 Noun. The feale eAuivalent of $+ord 0uc3$.
lag,r boys Noun. <oung en 'ho over/indulge in alcohol and conseAuently becoe loutish.
lag,r,* 1u/2 Adj. ,run3, into)icated through the use of lager.
lag,r lou+ Noun. A young !erson 'hose anti/social behaviour is !riarily instigated by the e)cessive drin3ing of alcohol.
lagg,* 0lagg,r,* Adj. ,run3, into)icated 'ith alcohol. [+ondon use]
lai3 Verb. To !lay. *.g."Are your t'o brothers lai3ing out this afternoon, because #$ve got a ne' football for y
birthday4" [<or3shire use]
Adj. 1. 8no'ing, conceited.
>. 2hee3y or brash.
I Also s!elt leary.
H. 1lashily dressed. [Orig. Aust.]* Noun. The hy!othetical !lace 'here one is out of touch 'ith reality, often after the e)cesses of alcohol or drugs.
*.g.",on$t bother calling CeteB ever since his drug binge last night he$s in la/la/land". [Orig. -.&.]
la4bcho/s Noun. &ideburns. 1ro their sha!e4
la4/ Verb. To hit, to clout. *.g."# can$t believe she la!ed hi, just for coing hoe drun3."
lang,r 5oun. Cenis. [#rish use]
lang,r,* Adj. ,run3, into)icated.
Lan3y Noun. 1. The county of +ancashire.
>. The dialect of the county of +ancashire.
lan3y s+r,a3 o5 /iss Noun. A tall, thin !erson. ,erog. [5orthern use]
lar*ars, Noun. A fat !erson. 2f. $tub of lard$. ,erog. [Orig. -.&.]
larg, Adj. *)cellent. &ee $have it large$.
larg, i+ Verb. To be enthusiastic. &ee $have it large$.
lar3 Noun. An activity one considers a 'aste of tie. *.g."#$ not at all cofortable 'ith this abseiling lar3B the
clibing u! is alright but coing do'n bac3'ards, no' that$s stu!id%" 6#nforal7
Larry Ligh+6,igh+ Noun. 1. A !erson 'ho is easily into)icated by alcohol or drugs, having lo' tolerance to into)icants. ,erog.
>. A !erson, 'ho against the desires of others, has no ability or 'ishes to aintain an activity and gives u!
!reaturely. ,erog.
lash Verb. To discard, thro'a'ay. *.g."#$ going to lash those old boots, they$re letting in 'ater." [0erseyside use4]
lash,* 1u/2 Adj. ,run3.
La+,r1s2 - Exclam. Koodbye% ,erived fro see you later or catch you later. [1990s]
laughing boy Noun. A sardonic nic3nae for a ale 'ho loo3s iserable. *.g."2heer u! laughing boy, it$s not the end of the
laughing g,ar Noun. The outh.
lav Noun. A toilet. Abb. of lavatory. Also lavvy.
lay Verb. To have se) 'ith soeone.
lay on, on 1so4,on,2 Verb. To hit :soeone;.
la:y lob Noun. A sei/erect !enis. 2f. $lob on$.
la:: Verb. To !ass or thro'. 2f. $lu==$. [5orth/'estD0erseyside use]
l,a* u/ +h, gar*,n /a+h Vrb phrs. To islead. 6#nforal7
l,a3 Noun. An act of urination. *.g. "@old on a inute, # need to ta3e a lea3."
l,an Adj. #nto)icated 'ith alcohol or drugs. [0ainly +ondon use]
l,a+h,r,* Adj. ,run3.
l,a+h,ring Noun. A beating. Originates fro the use of a leather belt or thong to beat soeone. ,erived fro the verb / to
l,av, i+ ou+- Exclam. &to! it% &to! doing that%
l,ch Verb. To se)ually lust. Also s!elt letch. 6#nforal7
Noun. &oeone 'ho is lecherous and lustful. ,erog.
l,c3y Noun. *lectricity. Also $lec3o$. *.g. "#$ afraid 'e can$t invite you bac3, 'e$ve had the lec3y cut off."
L,, Marvin Adj. &tarvin$ :starving;, hungry. 9hying slang.
l,5+5i,l* Adj. Ta3ing an unconventional vie' or stance. [Orig. -.&.]
l,5+ 5oo+,r Noun. A 2atholic. ,erog.
l,5+y Noun. A socialist. ,erog.
l,g i+ Verb. To run hurriedly.
l,gi+ Adj. Abb. of legitiate.
l,gl,ss Adj. Jery drun3. Obvious derivation fro the conseAuences of e)cessive alcohol.
l,g.ov,r Noun. &e)ual intercourse, usually in !hrase $get one$s leg over$. *.g.",id you get your leg/over 'ith that girl last
l,4on s=u,,:y Adj. *asy, si!le. *ither fro the rhying slang or the juvenile rhye / easy peasy$ lemon s1uee/y
l,ng+h Noun. *u!heis for the !enis. &ee $sli! a length$.
L,o Noun. An all day drin3ing s!ree. 1ro the rhying slang 0eo &ayer ) all dayer
artist during the id 19N0s.
l,sbo Noun. A lesbian. ,erog.
l,+ o55 Verb. To brea3 'ind, to $fart$. &hortening of let off wind.
l,+ on, go Verb. To brea3 'ind, to fart. *.g."That$s disgusting% ?ho$s just let one go4"
l,+ 1on,2 ri/ Verb. To brea3 'ind, to fart.
l,::,r Noun. A lesbian. ,erog.
lic3 1ou+2 Verb. To !erfor cunnilingus.
lic3,+y.s/li+ Adv. 1ast, s!eedily. [Orig. -.&.]
lic3l, Adj. &all. A la=y or childli3e corru!tion of the 'ord little.
lic3 u/ Verb. To fa'n, be obseAuious as in $arse lic3ing$.
1+h,2 li5, o5 !il,y Noun. The good life. *.g."*ver since they 'on the lottery and have sto!!ing 'or3ing they$ve been living the life of
ligg,r Noun. A $freeloader$, a ta3er of things that are freely available, es!ecially in the 'orld of sho' business or usic.
ligh+s ar, on bu+ no.on,s
Phrs. Of a !erson, that they are alive but not in touch 'ith reality. A catch/!hrase cast at a !erson 'ho lac3s
coonsense or 'hose attention has 'andered.
li3, a bas+ar* Phrs. #n a hurried or agitated state. *.g."# raced around the sho!s li3e a bastard, loo3ing for a birthday !resent."
li3, a blu, ars,* 5ly Phrs. @urriedly and frantically. *.g."Kod, #$ so 3nac3ered, #$ve been racing around all day li3e a blue/arsed fly."
li3, a *og 6i+h +6o *ic3s Phrs. 1. &e)ually !roiscuous, 'ith the i!lication that the !erson cannot control their se)ual a!!etite, having
anial urges. A!!lied to ales. *.g.",id you see Ti oggling that 'oan$s breasts4 @e 'as all over her li3e a dog
'ith t'o dic3s."
>. &e)ually e)citable or e)cited.
H. Over e)cited.
li3, a 5ar+ in a colan*,r Phrs. -seless. #n e)!ressions such as, about as much use as a fart in a colander
li3, a ra+ u/ a *rain/i/, Phrs. Jery Auic3ly.
li3, a s/ar, /ric3 a+ a
Phrs. Totally useless, un'anted, and 'ith a hint of ebarrassent for being in that !redicaent. Often !receded
'ith the 'ords standing about. *.g."There # 'as, 'aiting for y date at the entrance of this !ac3ed restaurant on
Jalentines ,ay."
li3, 5li,s on shi+ Phrs. -sed as e!hasis to i!ly great nubers and enthusias, usually 'ith de!reciative undertones. *.g."&he$d
go into a bar and all the en 'ould be all over her, li3e flies on shit."
li3, 5uc3 1-2 Adj%adv. #ntensely, greatly, very uch, s!eedily. *.g."?e 'ent at the decorating li3e fuc3, and finished the 'hole
house in > days."
Exclam. An e)claation of denial. *.g."+i3e fuc3% #$ not running na3ed through the to'n centre."
li3, i+ or lu4/ i+ Phrs. An ultiatu / either li3e it or !ut u! 'ith it, but 'hatever, there is no choice. &ee $lu! it$.
li3, nobo*y7s busin,ss Phrs. Totally, Auic3ly, very 'ell.
li3, shi+ o55 a shov,l Phrs. Jery Auic3ly.
Lilly Noun. The !olice. 1ro Colari slang 0illy 0aw.
lils Noun. (reasts.
Li4,y Noun. An *nglish !erson. ,erived fro the habit, on long journeys, of su!!lying lie juice to *nglish sailors as a
!reventative against scurvy. [Orig. Aust. 1GG0s.]
li4/.6ris+,* Adj. 1eeble, effeinate, usually a!!lied to ales, and often i!lying hoose)uality. ,erog.
lin, Noun. A Auantity of !o'dered drug, such as cocaine, that is cho!!ed and !resented as a line to be snorted.
Lion,ls Noun. 1laired trousersDjeans. 9hying slang on +ionel (lair$s, eaning flairs. 1ro the (ritish dancerDentertainer,
+ionel (lair. [19N0s]
li/ Noun. Jerbal i!udence, chee3.
li//y Adj. #!ertinent, outhy, chee3y. 6#nforal7.
Noun. +i!stic3.
li/s Noun. The labias.
li/s+ic3 l,sbian Noun. A lesbian 'ho !refers to 'ear a3e/u! and loo3 conventionally feinine, as o!!osed to $bull/dy3e$ or
li=ui* lunch Noun. A lunch brea3 co!rising of alcohol instead of food.
li++l, boy7s0girl7s roo4 Noun. *u!heiss for a lavatory.
li++l, 5,lla Noun. Affectionate ter for an ectasy !ill. *.g."?e cant have a good night tonight until 'e get soe little fellas."
li++l, 4an in a boa+ Noun. A eu!heis for the clitoris.
li++l,s Noun. Cills, or ore coonly ectasy !ills.
loa* Noun. The Auantity of seen that is usually ejaculated. *.g."&he 'as so horny # shot y load just loo3ing at her."
&ee $shoot one$s load$.
loa*,* Adj. 1. ,run3, or drugged u!.
>. ?ealthy.
loa* o5 cra/ Noun. -tter nonsense, co!lete rubbish, 'orthless. The !refi)al eleent load of
as an intensifier in !erjorative e)!ressions such as a load of shit, a load of bollocks
'e 'ent to see 'as a load of cra!."
loa5 Noun. @ead. 9hying slang on loaf of bread. &ee $use one$s loaf$.
lob on Noun. An erect !enis.
lobs+,r Noun. A very sunburnt !erson. ,erog.
1+h,2 local Noun. One$s local drin3ing establishent, !ublic house, bar. 6#nforal7 Noun. The tie after a !ublic house has closed 'hen a chosen fe' are offered the chance to buy ore drin3s. An
illegal activity, hence the loc3ing of doors.
log Noun. A lu! of e)creent. 1ro its vague siilarity to a to a sa'n tree trun3.
lolly Noun. 0oney. Noun. A hi!!y. ,erog.
long s+r,a3 o5 /iss Noun. A tall thin !erson. ,erog.
loo Noun. A lavatory. 6#nforal7
loo3ah Noun. 0oney. #t is derived fro lucre, a derogatory ter for !rofit or gain. Also s!elt
loo3 a+ so4,on, gon, ou+ Phrs. *)!ressed at a !erson 'ho res!onds blan3ly at soething. *.g."+oo3 at you gone out% ?hat$s u!4 @aven$t
you understood a 'ord #$ve been saying." [0idlandsD&outh <or3shire use4]
loo3,r Noun. An attractive !erson.
loo3 li3, *,a+h 6ar4,* u/ Vrb phrs. To loo3 very !ale and sic3ly.
loo3 li3, so4,+hing +h, ca+
brough+ in
Vrb phrs. To loo3 scruffy, un3e!t, or in a !hysical ess.
loo3 li3, you7v, b,,n
*ragg,* +hrough a h,*g,
Vrb phrs. To have very un3e!t hair.
loo3s,, Noun. A loo3, an ins!ection. Also loo3sy. *.g."@ave a loo3sy at this brochure and tell e 'hich holiday a!!eals to
loon Noun. An insane !erson. Abb. of lunatic. ,erog.
loony Noun. An insane !erson. 1ro lunatic. ,erog.
Adj. 2ra=y.
loony.bin Noun. 0ental institution, a lunatic asylu.
loo/y Adj. 0ad, insane.
lo//y Adj. ,irty, filthy. [<or3s use]
Lor* Muc3 Noun. The de!reciatory nae for a !o!ous conceited an. The feale eAuivalent being +ady 0uc3.
los, i+ Verb. To becoe confused or out of control.
los, on,7s bo++l, Vrb phrs. To lose courage. 2f. $bottle$ and $bottle it$.
los, on,7s 4arbl,s Vrb phrs. To go cra=y, to lose control.
los, on,7s rag Vrb phrs. To lose control in a fit of fury, to be very angry. *.g."<ou should 3ee! out of Fill$s 'ay 'hen she loses her
ragB she$s got a lethal right hoo3."
los, +h, /lo+ Vrb phrs. (e confused, to go off direction, 'hether 'ith conversation or in one$s activities.
loung, li:ar* Noun. 1. An idle freAuenter of fashionable bars. 6#nforal7
>. &oeone 'ho is very la=y and unenergetic.
lous, Verb. To finish a job or tas3. [&cottish use]
lov, Noun. A ter of endearent. 6#nforal7
lov, a *uc3- Exclam. An e)claation of sur!rise.
lov, cus+ar* Noun. &een.
lov,* u/ Adj. 1. #n love.
>. @igh on drugs and feeling intiate and e!athetic, usually on 0,0A.
lov, han*l,s Noun. An area and build u! of fat on a !erson$s 'aistline.
lov,ly.;ubbly- Exclam. *)cellent% Kreat% A jocular e)!ression recently !o!ulari=ed in the 1990s, by the coc3ney character
in the (ritish sit/co 5nly "ools and ,orses. Originally fro a 19L0s advertiseent for an ice lolly, by the nae
of !ubbly.
lov, s/u*s Noun. Testicles.
lo6.li5, Noun. 2onte!tible and des!ised !erson or !ersons, often 'ith criinal leanings. *.g."#$ not going in that bar, it$s
full of lo'/life and # value y o'n life."
lug Noun. *ar. 6#nforal7
lug.hol, Noun. The ear hole. Also lughole. &ee $lug$.
lu3a Noun. &ee $loo3ah$.
lu4b,r Verb. To burden. *.g."?hat a #, a doctor4 ,on$t luber e 'ith all your edical !robles, go to the edical
centre." 6#nforal7
lu44o8 Noun. A clusy, stu!id !erson. Often used affectionately.
lu4/ i+ Verb. To suffer or endure soething. &ee $li3e it or lu! it$. *.g."<ou$ll just have to lu! itB being a !arent isn$t
easy and you$ll al'ays have no tie to yourself."
lunchbo8 Noun. 0ale genitals.
lungs Noun. ?oen$s breasts.
lurgy Noun. Any uns!ecified or indeterinate illness. Focular use. Also lurgee. &ee $dreaded lurgy$. 6#nforal7
lurv, Noun%Verb. +ove. @uourous and intentional is!ronunciation to suggest ore !assion and lust.
lush Adj. *)cellent, a!!ealing, attractive.
Noun. A habitual, heavy drin3er of alcohol. ,erog.
lus+y Adj. &e)ually e)cited. ,erived fro the s.e. lust and graatically correct adjective
luvvi, Noun. 1. An actor or actress, es!ecially one 'ith a flaboyant and affected theatrical anner. Also luvvy. Often
derog. 6#nforal7
>. A for of address. 1ro lovey. 6#nforal7
lu:: Verb. To !ass or thro'. *.g."?ill you lu== e that !en and !a!er, !lease4" 2f. $la==$. [&.*. *ngland use]
lych,,s Noun. Testicles.

Maccy D7s 0c,onalds, the fast food co!any. Also occasionally 7acky 6s. [Orig. -.&.]
Mac3,4 Noun. A !erson fro &underland. As used by Keordies :those born in 5e'castle -!on Tyne;, fro the vocal
!ronunciation of those fro &underland. Also s!elt 7akem. Occasionally derog.
4a* al,c3 Noun. A !erson acting cra=ily and energetically. -sually heard a!!lied to overenergetic children by !arents or
guardians. Also s!elt mad alec and mad alick.
Ma*ch,s+,r Noun. The original alternative !seudony for 0anchester fro the late 19G0s, early 1990s, 'ith the !roliferation
of the youth scene focused around the bands called @a!!y 0ondays and The &tone 9oses. 2oined by t'o
$Keordies$, Chil &hotton and 8eith Fobling, resident in 0anchester at the tie. 2f. $Kaychester$ and $Kunchester$.
4a*, u/ Adj. @a!!y, very satisfied. *.g."#$ ade u! about your good ne's."
4a* 5or i+ Phrs. *nthusiastic, eager. A nationally used ter since the id 1990s, originating fro the 0anchester district.
*.g."@e 'as ad for it... 'e couldn$t get hi to sto! dancing."
4a* ho+ Adj. *)treely hot. [0anchester use]
4a* 3,,n Adj. Jery enthusiastic. [0anchester use]
4a5+,* Adj. Of a !erson, hot and bothered, o!!ressed by heat. Also mafting$ !ronounced
'eather. [5.*.D<or3shire use]
4a5+in Adj. @ot and huid. *.g."Oh Kod% #t$s aftin. 2an 'e go s'iing today."
4aggo+ Noun. A des!icable, devious or obseAuious !erson.
4agic 1-2 Adj. *)cellent. Often heard as an e)claation of satisfaction. 6#nforal7.
4agic s/ong, Noun. The curative s!onge e!loyed by s!orts !hysios during events. The s!onge a!!arently dis!els sy!tos on
its a!!lication to an injured body!art, as if by agic% #ts agical Aualities brings into Auestion 'hether the s!orts
contestant 'as actually injured at all.
Maha+4a 1Ghan*i2
Noun. 1. &handy. 9hying slang.
>. (randy. 9hying slang.
4ahusiv, Adj. #ense, si=able, great. Crobably fro massive.
4a3, a 1co4/l,+,0+o+al2
bolloc3s o5 so4,+hing
Vrb phrs. To a3e a ess of soething, to a3e a ista3e. *.g."# don$t thin3 the job$s ine, # ade a co!lete
bolloc3s of y intervie'."
4a3, a 4ov, on so4,on, Vrb phrs. To a!!roach and chat to a !erson 'ith the objective of establishing a !hysical and se)ual relationshi!.
4a3, a ro6 Vrb phrs. To a3e a loud noise. *.g."#$ve got such a headache, the 3ids have being a3ing a ro' all afternoon."
&ee $ro'$. 6#nforal7
4a3, i+ sna//y1-2 Vrb phrs. @urry u!, do it Auic3ly. *.g."&teve, the fil starts in L inutes, so if you are going to 'ash your hair you
better a3e it sna!!y."
Exclam. @urry u!%
4a3, 4inc,4,a+ o5
Vrb phrs. To beat u! thoroughly, to utterly defeat.
4a3, +rac3s Verb. To begin a journey. *.g."O8, it$s G.H0 and 'e$ve got to get to +ondon by idday, let$s a3e trac3s."
4a4 Noun. 0other. A less coon variation on mum. [5orthern use.]
Manc Noun. A !erson fro 0anchester, *ngland. Abb. of 0ancunian.
M an* " Noun. The nic3nae for 0ar3s and &!encers. 2f. $0ar3s and &!ar3s$.
4an.5a+ Noun. &een.
4an in a boa+ Noun. 2litoris. 2f. $little an in a boat$.
4an3y Adj. &cruffy, dirty, distasteful, disgusting.
4an4uc3 Noun. &een.
4anor Noun. The hoe district felt to belong to a !erson or gang.
4an +i+s Noun. 0ale breasts.
4a/ o5 #assi, Noun. The vagina, inclusive of !ubic hair. 1ro the siilarity of the e)ternal feale genitals to Tasania.
Co!ulari=ed in the -8 by the coic Ji=. [Orig. Aust. 1990s]
4ar* Noun. 1. A 'ea3 'illed !erson, a softie. [5orthern use]
>. A bad ood or te!er. [5orthernD0idlands use]
4ar*ars, Noun. A 'ea3 'illed !erson, a softie. [5orthern use]
4ar*y Noun. &oeone 'ho is easily u!set, scared, or oans incessantly. 6#nforal7 [5orth and 0idlands use]
Adj. #n the anner of soeone 'ho is a $ardy$, see noun.
4ar, Noun. 1. A 'oan. *.g."<ou silly are% ?hy did you do that4" ,erog.
>. A terrible situation. Abb. of nightmare. *.g."?e had a are of a journey and got stuc3 in the traffic jas on the
Mar3s an* "/ar3s Noun. 0ar3s and &!encers, the de!artent store. Also shortened to just 7arks
4ar4i+, 4in,r Noun. A hoose)ual ale. 0arite is a yeast e)tract s!read. ,erog.
4ar4i+, 4o+or6ay Noun. The anus. The e)!ression, the (ritish eAuivalent of the -.&. slang hershey highway
in !hrases such as up the marmite motorway, eaning up the anus.
4arra Noun. A ate, friend, $!al$. [2ubrianD 5orth/east use]
Mars bar Noun. A scar. 9hying slang. *.g."@e 'as a really sensitive lad, des!ite that 0ars bar a3ing hi loo3 ean."
4ash Verb. To bre' a cu! of tea. 6#nforal7
4ash,* Verb. -tterly into)icated by drin3 or drugs to the e)tent of being in a ess and unable to function norally.
4assiv, Noun. A grou! of !eo!le closely united by counity and social interests and usually defined by geogra!hical
area, e.g. 0oss &ide 0assive. [Orig ?.#.D-.8.4]
4a+, Noun. 1. A friend. 6#nforal7
>. A for of address. 6#nforal7
4a:,* Adj. 0ad, insane. [,evon useD ,ialect4]
4,a+ Noun. &e)ual organs.
4,a+ an* +6o v,g Noun. The ale genitals.
4,a+.h,a* Noun. A ter of abuse, 'ith the i!lication that the reci!ient ay have ore bra'n than brains. ,erog.
4,a+ 4ar3,+ Noun. A !lace or event 'here the objective of a si=eable nuber of those freAuenting is to find se)ual !artners.
Often used 'ith regard to nightclubs.
4,a+ 6agon Noun. 1. A !olice van.
>. An abulance.
4, *uc3 Noun. A for of address. Actually my duck. [0idlands use]
4,, 4a6
Verb. To !ull faces. 1ro the e)agerrated e)!ressions ade on the faces of conversing ill 'or3ers, in an atte!t
to a3e theselves understood over the din of achinery. [+ancashire use. 1900s4]
4,55 Noun. A scruffy, un3e!t !erson, and conseAuently an objectionable !erson. [+iver!ool use]
4,ga Adj. 1antastic, 'onderful. [Orig. -.&. 19.0s]
4,gabuc3s Noun. A huge Auantity of oney. The ter is used des!ite the e)!ression $buc3s$ :oney; reaining firly an
Aericanis. [-.&.]
4,lons Noun. (reasts. The ter usually refers to large breasts.
4,lvin Noun. ?hen ones trousers becoe caught u! bet'een ones buttoc3s.
4,4b,r Noun. The !enis. Assued to be fro the latin membrum virile.
4,rchan+ 1ban3,r2 Noun. A conte!tible !erson. 9hying slang, eaning $'an3er$.
4,ssag,s Noun. Kroceries, usually heard in $do the essages$ :buy the groceries;. [Klasgo' use]
4,ss aroun* Vrb phrs. A eu!heis for noncoittal se)ual relations.
Micha,l Noun. &ee $ta3e the ichael$.
Mic3 Noun. An #rishan. 1ro the !o!ular #rish nae, 0ichael. Kenerally offensive.
Mic3,y Mous, Adj. 1. &tu!id loo3ing, coical. *.g."#$ not 'earing that in !ublic% #t$s a 0ic3ey 0ouse hat."
>. &econd rate, of !oor Auality, chea!ly ade.
Noun. A !erson fro +iver!ool. 9hying slang on $scouse$. Also 7ickey 7ouser
and $scouser$.
4i**l, 5or *i**l,- Exclam. An announceent at the beginning of a gae of darts to deterine 'ho should thro' first, the deciding
factor being the nearest to the bullseye.
4i**l, l,g Noun. The !enis.
4i55,* Adj. Annoyed, !eeved. 1ro the inforalDcolloAuial verb miff.
4il5 Noun. A se)ually desirable and ature 'oan. An acrony of 7om (d 0ike to
American Pie, then certainly !o!ulari=ed by it. [Orig. -.&. 1990s]
4il3,rs Noun. ?oen$s breasts.
4inc, /i,s Noun. *yes. 9hying slang. 2f. $incers$. [0id 1900s]
4inc,r Noun. A hoose)ual ale. 1ro the &.*. mince, an affected anner of 'al3ing.
4inc,rs Noun. *yes. 1ro the 2oc3ney rhying slang $ince !ies$.
4in*.blo6ing Adj. Totally astonishing or confusing. The ter is derived fro the drug culture of the 19.0s.
4in*5uc3 Noun. A situation or !erson 'ho gives one an entally over'heling and disorientating e)!erience.
Verb. To entally confuse and over'hel.
4in* li3, a s,6,r Phrs. A vulgar and se)ually obsessed ind. *.g."Fust ignore hi, he$s got a ind li3e a se'er and al'ays."
4in* - Exclam. ?atch out% *)cuse e% An abb. of $ind out$. [5orthD0idlands use]
4in* ou+ 1-2 Verb.%Exclam. ?atch out% *)cuse e% *.g."?ill you ind out, # nearly ran you over in y car." [5orthD0idlands
4ing Verb. To sell or loo3 un!leasant. *.g."<earghh, that$s disgusting% #t ings in here% ?hich one of you has farted4"
4ing, Noun. The feale genitals. ,erived fro dialect, 'hich ultiately ay have its roots in the 9oany,
4ing,bag Noun. 1. A des!icable !erson. ,erog.
>. A iser. ,erog.
4ing,r Noun. A !hysically undesirable, selly, or ugly !erson. Cronounced 'ith a hard K. *.g."#t 'asn$t $til 'e 'o3e, the
ne)t orning, that # realised Auite 'hat a inger she 'as. # left !retty dan shar!ish before she as3ed for y
!hone nuber."
4ingin1g2 Adj. 9ubbishy, un!leasant, selly, dirty, undesirable. -sually heard !ronounced as ingin$. [Orig &cottish]
4ingy Adj. 0iserly, stingy. *.g.",on$t be so ingy, share the chocolate 'ith your sister."
4in+ Adj. *)cellent, 'onderful.
4in+,* Adj. 1. ?ealthy. *.g."Fust because he$s inted doesn$t ean he$s u!!er/class."
>. *)cellent. [5orthern use4]
4in+y Adj. &cruffy, dirty.
4is, Noun. A 3illjoy. ,erog.
1+h,2 4issus Noun. The 'ife or girlfriend.
4i+ch Verb. To !lay truant. Also mitch off. *.g."#$ not itching off 'ith y e)as due ne)t 'ee3." :#rishD &outh ?est
4i+h,r Verb. To fuss, bother, !ester. Also occasionally s!elt moither. [5orth ?estD0idlands use]
Noun. A co!laining or !ersistently bothering !erson.
4i+s Noun. The hands. *.g."Ket your its off y sand'ich you thieving s'ine."
47la**o Phrs. A condescending for of address to a young ale. 1ro my lad.
4o Noun. Abb. of oent. *.g."Fust a o, 'ait there and #$ll be 'ith you in one inute."
4oaning Minni, Noun. A !erson 'ho !ersistently grubles. ,erog.
4ob.han*,* Adv. #n large nubers, en asse, 'ith res!ect to !eo!le. *.g."?e 'ent do'n there ob/handed and ade sure they
understood that it 'asnt 'orth starting a fight." 6#nforal7
4oby Noun. A obile !hone.
4o* cons Noun. Abb. of odern conveniences. Also all mod cons. *.g."The house 'as large and 'ell 3e!t, but it lac3ed od
cons such as a flushing toilet." 6#nforal7
4o5o Noun. A conte!tible !erson. Abb. of $otherfuc3er$. [Orig. -.&.]
4oggi, Noun. 1. A cat. Also s!elt oggy.
>. A ouse. [?. +ancs use]
H. A 0orris 0inor :car;.
4on,ybags Noun. &oeone 'ho freely dis!lays their current 'ealthy status. 6#nforal7.
4on,y 5or ol* ro/, Phrs. *asily attained !rofit or re'ard. 6#nforal7
4ong Noun. #becile, idiot. Offensive e)!ression alluding to soeone 'ith ,o'n &yndroe, being 0ongoloid.
Verb. To reach a drugged state 'here !hysical activity is inial and ental faculties are inca!acitated. -sed
freAuently 'ithin the $ecstasy$ fuelled $house$ scene. Obvious relationshi! to the derogatory version of the noun
$ong$. [1990s]
4ong.ou+ Verb. 0eaning the sae as $ong$ :verb;. *.g."Those !ills 'ere very strong, 'e only had one each but all onged
4oni3,r Noun. A nae. *.g."?hat$s your oni3er"
4on3,y Noun. EL00. Occasionally and confusingly also EL0.
4on3,yhang,r Noun. A !erson fro @artle!ool, in the 5orth *ast.
4on3,y+o6n Noun. 5ic3nae for the to'n of @ey'ood, +ancashire. ,erog.
4on3 on Noun. A bad ood, a te!er. :<or3shireD5ottinghashireD5* 0idlands use;
4oo Noun. An objectionable 'oan. ,erogatory but also jocular. *ssentially the sae as $co'$ but using the children$s
onoato!aeic nae for a co'. &ee $silly oo.$
4ooch Noun. 1. To idle a'ay tie, to loaf around.
>. To able along, to casually 'al3.
4oo*y Adj. &us!icious, not genuine. *.g.",on$t buy any 'atches of that croo3, they$re 'ell oody." [+ondon use]
4oo ;uic, Noun. 0il3. 1ro moo eaning cow.
4oolah Noun. 0oney. [Orig. -.&. 1940s]
4oon Verb. To reveal one$s na3ed buttoc3s, usually as an insult or ba'dy jest. Cresuably fro the siilarly rounded and
usually !ale a!!earence of the botto.
4oonra3,r Noun. A !erson fro the to'n of 0iddleton, 0anchester. ,erog.
4oos, Noun. A !hysically unattractive !erson. -sed freAuently fro 1990s.
4o//,r.u//,r Noun. A !erson or thing 'ith the job or tas3 of o!!ing u!.
4or,ish Adj. A!!eti=ing and tasty 'hen a!!lied to foods, but generally inducing a desire for
ba3e'ell tart is very oreish."
4or,so4, Noun. Krou! se), usually i!lying the nuber of !artici!ants being greater than H :threesoe;. [Orig. -.&.]
4or, something +han so5+
Phrs. @aving e)cess of soething. *.g."*ver since she 'on the lottery, Fayne$s got ore oney than soft ic3."
4orng, Noun. A 'hingey, feeble !erson. ,erog. [+ancsD<or3s use]
4orngy Adj. 0oany, 'hingey, feeble. Also morngie and mawngy. [+ancsD<or3s use]
4orning a5+,r +h, nigh+
Noun. The state of being in a hangover after the !revious night$s over/indulgence in drin3.
4orning glory Noun. A erection of the !enis on a'a3ing fro a night$s slee!.
4or/h Verb. To change sha!e or for, fro the 'ord etaor!hosis. Co!ulari=ed 'ith the !roliferation of digital fil
effects in horrorDsci/fi fils of the early 1990s, fils such as 4erminator ;.
4or+all,* Adj. ,run3, into)icated. [&cottishD5orthern use4]
4os,y Noun. A loo3 around. *.g."#$ just going to have a osey around the sho!s."
4osh/i+ Noun. An area iediately infront of the stage at gigs 'here $oshing$ occurs. [Orig. -.&.]
4oshing Adj. A very !hysical style of dancing enjoyed by $grunge$ and $thrash etal$ devotees. 2f. $sla dancing$. [-.&.]
4os=ui+o bi+,s Noun. &all breasts. ,erog.
4o+h,r5uc3,r Noun. A conte!tible !erson. Occasionally shortened to mother. [Orig. -.&.]
4o+oring Noun. Croceeding Auic3ly. *.g."5o' 'e have soe u! to date achinery 'e are otoring through the 'or3
4o++ Noun. Jagina.
4ous, Noun. A feale$s sanitary ta!on. 1ro the vague !hysical siilarities, i.e. having a body, tail, and fro being
4ou+h o55 Verb. To tal3 loudly and 'ithout thought.
4o::y Noun. 0osAuito. Also mo//ie.
4uc3 abou+ 0 aroun* Verb. 1. To ess around, or fool about. 6#nforal7
>. To idle a'ay tie.
4uc3 1so4,on,2 abou+ 0
Verb. To disru!t soeone$s !lans by one$s inconsiderate actions. 6#nforal7
4uc3,r Noun. 1riend. *.g."Alright y old uc3er." [1940s]
4uc3 in Verb. To join in and assist in an activity or tas3. 6#nforal7
4uc3 1so4,+hing2 u/ Verb. To ruin soething, to ess u!. *.g."<ou really uc3ed that u! didn$t you4"
4uc3.u/ Noun. A bungled event. *.g." That social around at (ill$s last 'ee3 'as a right uc3/u!."
4uc3y Adj. 9ude.
4uc3y /u/ Noun. A dirty !erson, affectionate use and often a!!lied to a child. *.g."+oo3 at the state of your clothes, you
uc3y !u!% <ou$ve been rolling around in the dirt 'ith (illy again, haven$t you4"
4u55 Noun. The feale genitals. The innuendo being inclusive of !ubic hair. [1.00s]
Verb. To s!oil or fail. *.g."&he uffed her chances of 'inning the race 'hen she stubled at the last hurdle."
4u55.*iv, Verb. To !erfor cunnilingus.
4u55 *iv,r Noun. 1. A !erson 'ho indulges in cunnilingus
>. A lesbian.
4u55in Noun. An idiot, fool. *.g."&he ade e loo3 li3e a right uffin telling her friends about y yello' !ol3adot
4ug Noun. 1. A stu!id or gullible !erson.
>. The face. *.g."Ket your ugly ug out of y house, no'%"
H. The outh.
4uggins Noun. A fool, soeone easily out'itted, usually said 'ith regard to oneself. *.g."That$s right, leave it to uggins
here, as usual #$ll do the 'ashing u!." 6#nforal7
4ugs a6ay- Exclam. +osers to start% An announceent to !ro!t the beginning of a ne' gae in 'hich the losers of the last
are given the chance to start. Originally a !hrase fro the gae of darts.
4ug7s ga4, Noun. A foolish activity. *.g."<ou 'on$t get a'ay 'ith stealing cars for long, it$s a ug$s gae." 6#nforal7
4ug.sho+ Noun. A !hotogra!hic !ortrait. Often 'ith regard to a !olice !hoto of a criinal or sus!ect.
4ug u/ Verb. To revise, learn. *.g."#$ve been staying in at the 'ee3ends, ugging u! for y e)as." 6#nforal7 [0id
4ull,r,* Adj. 1. ,run3, into)icated by alcohol.
>. Chysically beaten u!.
H. (eaten, in co!etition. *.g."?e got ullered in the football final."
4ull,+ Noun. A style of haircut, shorter at the to! and considerably longer at the sides and bac3.
4unch Noun. 1ood, a snac3. *.g."2an 'e sto! at the ne)t cafe and get a unch4" [&outh/east use]
4unchi,s Noun. 1. The urgent hunger e)!erienced after having so3ed cannabis or arijuana.
>. 1ood, usually for snac3ing.
4un+,* Adj. 1. 9uined.
>. Jery drun3 or into)icated 'ith drugs.
4un+,r Noun. An ugly !erson, usually a!!lied to 'oen. Also s!elt munta.
4u//,+ Noun. An idiot, an objectionable !erson.
4ur*,r Verb. *ager to consue. *.g."#$ so thirsty # could urder a cu! of tea."
4uscl, Noun. A collective ter for si=eable and strong !eo!le, gathered to utili=e their strengths.
4uscl, Mary Noun. A uscular, hoose)ual ale.
4ush Noun. 1. The outh. *.g."&hut your ush you noisy git%"
>. A ter of address, usually used to attract the attention of a stranger. ,erived fro the 9oany for an.
4ushi,s Noun. Abb. of ushroos.
4uso Noun. A usician or !erson !articularly interested in usic.
4u+an+ Noun. A foolish or objectionable !erson.
4u++ 7n7 ;,55 Adj. ,eaf. 2oc3ney rhying slang on the cartoon characters created by (ud 1ischer and !o!ular after the &econd
?orld ?ar. 2f. $utton$.
4u++on Adj. ,eaf. Abbreviated for of the rhying slang $utt$n$jeff$.
4u++on *agg,r Noun. A !enis.
4u++on *r,ss,* as la4b Noun. A 'oan 'ho dresses in fashions usually associated 'ith younger feales. ,erog.
4u++7s nu+s Noun. The best, ost e)cellent. 2f. $dog$s bolloc3s$.
4y ars,- Exclam. An e)claation of denial or disagreeent. Alternatively !hrased as $y ass%$. *.g."Coor y arse% @e earns
at least thirty thousand a year."
4y l,5+ 5oo+- Exclam. A disissive e)claation of denial or rejection.

nab Verb. 1. To steal.
>. To arrest. *.g."2harlie$s been nabbed 'ith his hand in the till again."
nab o55 16i+h so4,+hing2 Verb. To steal or ta3e :soething;. *.g."#$ not inviting 8ath round here again, she$s nabbed off 'ith y lighter."
nac3,r,* Adj. &ee $3nac3ered$.
na*g,rs Noun. Testicles.
na*s Noun. Testicles. ,erived fro gonads.
na55 Adj. 1. 9ubbishy, useless, of !oor Auality. [19.0s]
>. -nfashionable. [19.0s]
na55,* o55 Adj. Annoyed, de!ressed.
na55ing Adv.%Adj. -sed as an intensive, such as $fuc3ing$. *.g."That naffing cou!le ne)tdoor 'ere argueing again last night."
na55 o55 1-2 Exclam. Ket lost% +eave e alone% A eu!heis for $fuc3 off%$. [19L0s]
Verb. Ko a'ay. *.g."?ill you naff off and leave e to get on 'ith y 'or3." [19L0s]
nail Verb. 1. To have se)ual intercourse 'ith. *.g.",id you nail that girl you 'ere all over in the club last night4"
>. To seduce.
nan Noun. Krandother. 6#nforal7
nana Noun. 1. Abb. of banana.
>. A fool or idiot. Focular usage.
nancy Noun. 1. An effeinate ale. ,erog.
>. A hoose)ual. ,erog.
Adj. *ffeinate, 'ea3.
nancy.boy Noun. A hoose)ual ale. ,erog.
nang Adj. *)cellent, great. [+ondon use]
nar3 Noun. 1. An inforer, !articularly a !olice inforer. 1ro the 9oany nak, eaning nose, in the sense of sniffing
out inforation.
>. A bad ood.
nar3,* Adj. Annoyed, ill te!ered.
nar3y Adj. Annoyed, oody.
1a2 nas+y /i,c, o5 6or3 Noun. An un!leasant and devious !erson. ,erog. *.g.",on$t lend that 5ic3 2otton any oney, he$s a nasty !iece of
'or3, and you$ll never get it bac3."
na++y Adj. &artly and stylishly dressed.
naugh+y bi+s Noun. A coy eu!heis for the genitals.
naus, Noun. An annoying or irritating, !erson or thing.
naus, 1so4,+hing2 u/ Verb. 0ess u!, ruin. *.g."The gae 'as going 'ell until 9oger naused it u! and gave the a !enalty / 'e lost >/1."
n,a+ Adj. A general ter of a!!roval, such as e)cellent, $cool$. [Orig. -.&.]
n,b Noun. 5ose. [&cottishD5orth/east use]
n,bby Adj. 5osey :or nosy;. 1ro $neb$. [5orth/eastD&cottish use4]
n,c3 Verb. 1. To 3iss !assionately. 6#nforal7.
>. To s'allo' :soething;, ibibe, drin3. *.g."Oh Fesus% #$ 'ell hungoverB # nec3ed nine !ints last night."
Noun. A !erson of lo' orality and intelligence, 'hose !overty often leads the into crie. ,erog. [Orig.
n,,*l, Verb. To a3e jibes at, irritate. 6#nforal7.
n,,*l, *ic3 Noun. 1. A sall !enis.
>. A an 'ith a sall !enis. ,erog.
n,lli, Noun. 1. An effeinate or hoose)ual ale. ,erog.
>. A feeble, soft !erson. ,erog.
I Also s!elt nelly.
N,lson 1Man*,la2 Noun. A drin3 of &tella, a lager !roduced by &tella Artois. 9hying slang.
n,r* Noun. 1. An ibecile, conte!tible !erson. ,erog. [-.&. 19L0s.]
>. An intelligent, obsessive and often socially ine!t !erson. The e)!ression is often associated 'ith technically
inded co!uter users. ,erog. [Orig. -.&.]
n,r*y Adj. #n the anner of a $nerd$, see above.
n,sh Adj. 1. Over/sensitive to cold, 'hen a!!lied to a !erson. *.g."# su!!ose you 'ant e to turn the fire on, being so
>. 2old, 'ith res!ect to the 'eather. *.g."Cut your coat on (illy, it$s nesh outside."
H. (eing easily scared, overly tiid, feeble.
n,+.h,a* Noun. A !erson obsessed 'ith using the internet. [Orig. -.&. 1990s]
n,+h,rs Noun. A eu!heis for the genitals. An abbreviation of nether regions / under'orld. *.g."#f # hadn$t ste!!ed bac3
at the last oent he 'ould have 3ic3ed e in the nethers."
n,++i, Noun. A toilet. [5e'castleD5orth/*ast use]
N,6+ons Noun. Teeth. 0anchester rhying slang derived fro Newton ,eath, a district in 0anchester. 2f. $@a!steads$.
nic, on,- Exclam. A general e)!ression of a!!roval.
nic3 Verb. 1. To arrest. *.g."9ight 0r @all, !lease ste! out of the car, you$re nic3ed for s!eeding."
>. To steal.
H. To ta3e, have. *.g."2an # nic3 a cigarette until later4 #$ll buy a !ac3et 'hen # get y 'ages."
Noun. A !olice station.
Adj. Muality. -sually heard in the e)!ressions, good nick or bad nick. *.g. "1or that uch oney, you$d e)!ect it to
be in good nic3."
nic3,r Noun. One !ound sterling. Also s!elt $3nic3er$. 6#nforal7
ni55 Noun. A bad sell. 6#nforal7
ni5+y Adj. 1. &tylish. *.g."The car$s loo3ing loads ore nifty 'ith that rear s!oiler and go/faster stri!e." 6#nforal7
>. Muic3 and agile. 6#nforal7.
nigga Noun. A (lac3 !erson. [(lac3 use. Orig. -.&. 19G0s]
niggly Adj. Ceevish, bad te!ered.
ninny Noun. A foolish !erson. 6#nforal7
ni/ Verb. To go Auic3ly, often 'ith the i!lication of returning soon.
Noun. Abb. of ni!!le.
Ni/ Noun. A !erson fro Fa!an. Ta3en fro 5i!!onese Q Fa!anese. Offens.
ni//,r Noun. A child or young adolescent. 6#nforal7
nish Pron.%Adv. 5othing.
ni+ Noun. A stu!id !erson. ,erog.
ni+h,r,* Adj. 1eeling very cold, fro=en. [5orth/*ast and 5. <or3shire use.]
ni8 Adj.%Adv. 5o, not, none.
Noun. 1. A !enis.
>. An idiot, an objectionable !erson.
H. A !erson of 'ealth and high social standing, a eber of the u!!er/classes.
Verb. To have se)ual intercourse.
I Also, and ore coonly s!elt $3nob$.
nobbing Noun. An act of se)ual intercourse. Also $3nobbing$.
nobbl, Verb. To ta!er 'ith, to daage. *.g."?e 'ere nobbled before the race began and cae last."
nobh,a* Noun. An idiot, a conte!tible !erson. +ess coon s!elling of $3nobhead$.
nob ;oc3,y Noun. A hoose)ual ale. Also $3nob joc3ey$. ,erog. 2f. $sausage joc3ey$
no co/ Phrs. 5ot good, of no value. &ee $co!$ :adj;. 2f. $any co!$.
no**,r Noun. A condo. [5orth/?estD0erseyside use]
no* o55 Verb. To fall aslee!.
noggin Noun. The head. *.g." -se your noggin, and thin3 ne)t tie."
no gr,a+ sha3,s Phrs. 5ot very good.
no ;oy - Exclam. e)!ressing failure, or dissatisfaction. *.g."&o ho' 'as your driving e)a4" "5o joy%" 6#nforal7
no 3i**ing A0- Exclam. 1. #s that the truth4
>. That$s the absolute truth%
no 4ar3 Noun. A nonentity, a !erson of no 'orth. [+iver!ool use]
nonc, Noun. 1. A se)ual deviant, having been convicted of a se) crie against children.
>. An objectionable or conte!tible !erson, by e)tension of the definition in noun 1.
noo*l, Noun. 1. The head. *.g."1or Kod$s sa3e, use your noodle ne)t tie."
>. An idiot or ibecile. ,erog.
no oil /ain+ing Phrs. Of a !erson, not attractive.
noo3i, Noun. &e)ual intercourse or it can si!ly be se)ual activity in general. 2onsidered fairly inoffensive. Also s!elt
no /robs- Exclam. 5o !roble% That 'as no trouble at all%
nor3s Noun. 1eale breasts. :Orig. Aust4;
Nor4an 1no 4a+,s2 Noun. A socially ine!t !erson, and conseAuently one 'ithout friends. ,erog. 2f. $(illy no ates$.
nor+h Noun. 0outh. 9hying slang on North and &outh.
nor+h,rn 4on3,y Noun. A !erson fro the 5orth. Jaguely, any'here north of (iringha. ,erog.
nos,.bag Noun. 1ood or a eal. ,erived fro the ethod of feeding 'or3ing horses via a bag of hay strung fro its head
and nec3.
nos, blo6 Noun. A hander3erchief or tissue for the !ur!oses of 'i!ing one$s nose.
nos, can*y Noun. 2ocaine. [Orig. -.&.]
nos,.rag Noun. A hander3erchief.
nos, 6i/, Noun. A hander3erchief or tissue for the !ur!oses of 'i!ing one$s nose.
nos,y /ar3,r Noun. An overly inAuisitive !erson. 6#nforal7.
nosh Noun. 1ood. [Orig. KeranD<iddish. 1900s]
Verb. 1. To eat.
>. To fellate. &ee $nosh/off$.
nosh,ry Noun. An eating establishent, cafe, restaurant or snac3 bar.
no shi+B "h,rloc3- Exclam. *)claation of sur!rise, usually ironic or sarcastic. [Orig. -.&.]
nosh o55 Verb. To fellate. ,erived fro $nosh$ :verb; eaning to eat. *.g."&he al'ays noshed e off before # 'ent to 'or3B it
hel!ed e stic3 'ith that job for ore than L years." [1990s]
nosh.u/ Noun. A good eal or feast.
no+ a *ic3y bir* Phrs. Absolutely nothing.
no+ all +h,r, Phrs. A eu!heis for a little insane or eccentric. ,erog.
no+ a sausag, Phrs. Absolutely nothing. ,erived fro the 2oc3ney rhying slang sausage and mash
originally $not having a sausage$ indicated having no oney.
no+ bac36ar* a+ co4ing
Phrs. 2oing straight to the !oint, brash.
no+ ba++ing on a 5ull 6ic3,+ Phrs. *ccentric, insane, odd.
no+ cric3,+ Phrs. -nacce!table or unfair behaviour. 6#nforal7
no+ giv, a 5lying 5uc3 Vrb phrs. To not care one little bit. *.g."# don$t give a flying fuc3 if your other says 'e should save our oney,
'e$re going on holiday and 'e$re going to enjoy ourselves% ?e$ll 'orry about the bills later."
no+ giv, a 5uc3 Vrb phrs. To not care at all, the absolute nonchalance. The $fuc3$ can be re!laced 'ith any nuber of e)!letives,
such as $shit$, or as belo' 'ith $on3ey$ or $toss$.
no+ giv, a 3i//,r7s *ic3 Vrb phrs. To not be bothered, an e)!ression of indifference. *.g."# couldn$t give a 3i!!er$s dic3 'ho you arry, as
long as # get an invite to the 'edding." [Orig ?. 0idlands use4]
no+ giv, a 4on3,y7s Vrb phrs. To not care at all, an e)!ression of indifference. *.g."# don$t give a on3eys if # lose y job, it$s the ost
boring one # ever had."
no+ giv, a s+u55 Vrb phrs. 5ot care one little bit, usually e)!ressing co!lete indifference. *.g."# don$t give a stuff if you coe 'ith
us or not, # 'ont be tal3ing to you%"
no+ giv, a +oss Vrb phrs. To not care at all.
no+ hal5- Exclam. 2ertainly% absolutely% definitely%
no+ hav, +h, 5oggi,s+ Vrb phrs. To have no idea. A contraction of not have the foggiest notion. *.g."# haven$t the foggiest idea 'here she$s
going drin3ing tonight, 'hat a #, her social secretary4" 6#nforal7
no+hing +o 6ri+, ho4,
Phrs. -ne)citing, very average.
no+ 3no6 on,7s ars, 5ro4
on,7s ,lbo6
Vrb phrs. To be ignorant, naive or !lain stu!id.
no+ 4uch co/ Phrs. 5ot good, !oor Auality, 'orthless. *.g."?e 'ent to see that ne' (rad Citt ovie, but it 'asn$t uch co!."
no+ on,7s cu/ o5 +,a Phrs. 5ot really to one$s taste.
no+ on your N,lli,- Exclam. 5o 'ay% 5ot on your life% A shortening of the rhying slang not on your nellie duff
rhyes on puff 'hich refers to life, hence not on your life. [1940s]
no+ +h, brigh+,s+ crayon in
+h, bo8
Phrs. 5ot clever, of lo' intelligence.
no+ 6or+h a +oss Phrs. Absolutely 'orthless.
nous Noun. 2oon/sense. *.g."#f she had any nous, she 'ouldn$t have stayed out until La getting drun3 3no'ing she
had a driving test at 10.H0a." 6#nforal7
no 6ay- Exclam. 1. Absolutely not% A strong denial.
>. <ou ust be jo3ing%
no 6ay JosC- Exclam. 1. *)claation of sur!rise.
>. 5ot a chance% 5ever%
no6+ Noun. 5othing. *.g."There$s no't 'rong 'ith it, it 'or3s fine, honest%" [Orig. &cottishD5orthern dialect]
no6 +h,n- Exclam. A for of greeting. [5orth/eastD2ubrian use]
no6+y Adj. 0oody, angry.
nucl,ar sub Noun. A !ub :!ublic house;, a bar. 9hying slang.
nu**y Adj. 5a3ed. &ee $in the nuddy$.
nu55 Adv.%Adj. Abb. and is!elling of enough. [Orig. (lac3 ?.#.]
nu55 sai* Phrs. There is no need to say anyore, it is understood. An abbreviated for of
nugg,+ Noun. 1. A one !ound coin :one !ound sterling;.
>. An idiot, fool.
nu3, Verb. 1. To coo3 soething on a very high heat and Auic3ly.
>. To burn soething during coo3ing.
nu4b,r Noun. A cannabis or arijuana cigarette. [Orig. -.&.]
nu4b,r +6o1s2 Noun. A eu!heis for an act of defecation.
nu4bnu+s Noun. An idiot. ,erogatory but often jocular. [Orig. -.&.]
nu4,ro uno Noun. 1. The best.
>. The to! !erson, the ost i!ortant !erson, the boss.
nu4/+y Noun. A fool, idiot. Also s!elt numbty and numptie. [Orig. &cottish]
nu+ Verb. To headbutt.
Noun. An insane or eccentric !erson. ,erog.
nu+cas, Noun. A lunatic, an eccentric.
nu+;ob Noun. An idiot, cra=y !erson.
nu+4,g Noun. A s3ilful ove in football :soccer; 'here a !layer 'ith the ball gets !ast an o!!onent by 3ic3ing it bet'een
their legs.
Verb. To co!lete the action of the noun, nuteg, above.
nu+s 1-2 Noun. The testicles.
Adj. 1. 0ad, insane.
>. *nthusiastic, obsessed. *.g."(uys her flo'ers every 'ee3, a3es all her eals, he$s nuts about her,."
Exclam. An e)claation of defiance or annoyance.
nu++,r Noun. +unatic, idiot.
nu++y Adj. 0ad, eccentric or a little cra=y.

Noun. 1. &!er, 'ith regard to being seeds. -sed in !hrases such as sow ones oats
!rocreation but at its ost basic to having to se)ual intercourse.
>. &e). The inforal !hrase get ones oats eaning to have se). *.g."<ou loo3 ha!!y% ,id you get your oats last
o**.5ish Noun. An eccentric or unusual !erson.
o**s Noun. +oose change. Crobably short for odds and sods. [0erseyside use]
o**s an* so*s Noun. (its and !ieces, iscellaneous ites.
o55,r so4,on, ou+ Vrb phrs. To challenge soeone to a fight.
o55 i+ Phrs. &ee $off one$s head$.
o55 on,7s bo8 Phrs. 1. #nto)icated. The off can be substituted 'ith out of.
>. Out of one$s ind, cra=y.
o55 on,7s chu4/ Phrs. 1. #nto)icated
>. Out of one$s ind. &ee $chu!$.
o55 on,7s 5ac, Phrs. Jery into)icated by alcohol or drugs. The off can be substituted 'ith out of
o55 on,7s h,a* Phrs. 1. #nsane, ad.
>. To be e)treely into)icated by drin3 or drugs.
o55 on,7s roc3,r Phrs. #nsane, cra=y.
o55 on,7s +i+s Phrs. Jery drun3 or into)icated 'ith drugs.
o55 on,7s +r,, Phrs. &ee $off one$s head$. The off ay be substituted 'ith out of.
o55 on,7s +roll,y Phrs. 1. 2ra=y, insane. +ate 1G00s. [Orig. -.&.]
>. Jery into)icated.
o55y Noun. An off licence. Also s!elt offie.
oggin Noun. 1. &ea. [5avy use]
>. ?ater. [5avy use]
Oh 4y gi**y aun+- Exclam. A ild e)claation of sur!rise.
<<<oholic &uffix. A suffi) added to e!hasise the nature of a !erson 'ith regard to one of their obsessive or co!ulsive
Aualities, ta3en fro the coonly used alcoholic. Ters such as chocoholic
*.g."#t$s !ointless calling for Fi before idday, he$s a slee!oholic."
oi3 Noun. An unso!histicated, uncultured and objectionable !erson. ,erog.
oil /ain+ing Noun. An attractive thing. -sually in the negative as $no oil !ainting$. &ee $no oil !ainting$.
oily Noun. A cigarette. 1ro the rhying slang $oily rag$, eaning $5ag$.
oi oi savaloy - Exclam. A greeting or attention see3ing e)claation. 2oc3ney4 [+ondon use4]
o<;< Noun. Abb. of orange juice. [Orig. -.&.]
ol* bag Noun. An disagreeable, elderly 'oan. ,erog.
ol* bang,r Noun. A dela!idated old car.
ol* b,an Noun. A for of address. *.g."@ello old bean, ho' are you today4"
1+h,2 ol* bill Noun. The !olice. Often shortened to $the bill$. [19L0s]
ol* boil,r Noun. 1. An unnattractive 'oan. ,erog.
>. ?ife. ,erog.
ol* boo+ Noun. An objectionable, aging, unattractive 'oan. &ee $boot$. ,erog.
ol* cha/ Noun. Affectionate ter for one$s !enis. 2f $old fello'$, $old an$, $lad$.
ol* coc3 Noun. Affectionate ter of address for a an. Also old cocker.
ol* 5ar+ Noun. An elderly, old fashioned and tedious !erson. ,erog. &ee $fart$.
ol* 5,llo6 Noun. Affectionate ter for one$s !enis. 2f $old cha!$, $old an$, $lad$.
ol* 5rui+ Noun. A ter of address.
ol* ha+ Adj. Old fashioned.
ol* la*y Noun. 0other, girlfriend or 'ife.
ol* 4an Noun. 1. 1ather, boyfriend or husband.
>. Affectionate ter for one$s !enis. 2f $old cha!$, $old fello'$, $lad$.
Oliv,r 1#6is+2 Noun. 1ist. 9hying slang. *.g."Cut u! your Olivers and let$s sort this once and for all."
Adj. ,run3. 9hying slang for $!issed$. &ee $!issed$.
on Adj. *u!heis for the enstrual cycle. *.g."5o% # don$t 'ant se) tonight, #$ on. O84"
on a 4ission Phrs. &ee3ing a good tie.
on a /ro4is, Phrs. To have been !roised se)ual intercourse by soeone, usually one$s !artner.
onc,.ov,r Noun. An ins!ection, a Auic3 loo3 over soething or soeone. *.g. "# 'as giving it the once over 'hen the !hone
on,.,y,* +rous,r.sna3, Noun. The !enis. Often shortened to $trouser sna3e$.
on, 5or +h, roa* Noun. A final alcoholic drin3 before setting off on one$s journey.
on,.nigh+ s+an* Noun. A brief se)ual fling.
on,.o55 Adj. Occurring only once. *.g."This is a one/off odel, a conce!t car ade by the sae tea 'ho designed the
+otus *lite."
Noun. A singular occurrence of an activity, or !roduction of a thing. *.g."This !arty is a one/off, as 'e can$t afford
to have another one this year."
on, ov,r +h, ,igh+ Phrs. ,run3, into)icated by alcohol. *.g."2an soeone get a ta)i for Ale), he$s had one over the eight and needs to
go hoe no'."
on, san*6ich shor+ o5 a
Phrs. *ccentric, insane, odd. Also as two sandwiches short of a picnic.
<<<on,7s +i+s o55 Phrs. An addition to certain verbs to add e!hasis. *.g."# laughed y tits off 'hen # sa' his ne' haircut."
on on, Phrs. Acting in a slightly cra=ed 'ay. *.g."#$ going hoe. Andy$s on one and he$s annoying e."
on on,7s Jac3 Phrs. Alone. 9hying slang fro !ack !ones. &ee $Fac3 :Fones;$.
on on,7s +o* Phrs. Alone. 9hying slang fro 4od &loan, the nae of an Aerican joc3ey.
on +h, ba++,r Phrs. ,rin3ing alcohol, or having a drin3ing session. [Orig. #rish4]
on +h, blin3 Phrs. Of achinery, or technology, not 'or3ing efficiently or te!orarily out of order.
on +h, blob Phrs. 0enstruating.
on +h, burroo Phrs. -ne!loyed, or claiing une!loyent benefit. [&cottish use]
on +h, ca*g, Phrs. (egging. 6#nforal7
on +h, *ol, Phrs. 9eceiving social security benefits. 6#nforal7
on +h, *ri/ Phrs. Caying by installents, on hire !urchase. 2f. $on the never never$.
on +h, 5i**l, Phrs. #n the !rocess of cheating, or defrauding. &ee $fiddle$.
on +h, ga4, Phrs. ?or3ing as a !rostitute. [0id 1900s]
on +h, hoy Phrs. Out getting drun3 'ith friends. [5orth/east use]
on +h, ;ob Phrs. @aving se)ual intercourse.
on +h, lash Phrs. Out getting drun3. *.g."?e$re on the lash tonight lads, so bring !lenty of cash."
on +h, n,v,r n,v,r Phrs. Caying by installents, on hire !urchase. 2f. $on the dri!$.
on +h, /iss Phrs. 0a3ing an event out of getting drun3. *.g."@e$s got a hangover after going out on the !iss last night."
on +h, /ull Phrs. &ee3ing a !artner for se)ual intiacies. *.g." ?e$re off on the !ull tonight, so have a bath and 'ear your best
on +h, <#< Phrs. On the Auiet, secretly.
on +h, rag Phrs. 0enstruating.
on +h, ra:: 0 ra::l, Phrs. #ndulging in alcohol, !artying, generally having a good tie. A shortening of
buying a ne' shirtB 'e$re off out on the ra==le tonight."
on +h, rob Phrs. The act of thieving. *.g."<ou don$t 'ant to e!loy hi% @e$s just li3e his older brother, al'ays on the rob."
on +h, scroung, Phrs. &ee3ing to obtain soething at the e)!ense of or through the generosity of others. *.g."8ee! out of the 'ay
of &teve, he$s on the scrounge for soe cash." 6#nforal7
on +h, +a/ Phrs. 0eaning the sae as $on the !ull$. &ee also $ta! off$.
on +h, 6agon Phrs. Teetotal, abstaining fro alcohol.
on your bi3,- Exclam. Ko a'ay%
oo;ah Noun. A $'hat$s its nae 4$, a thing 'hose nae has been forgotten. Often e)tended 'ith other huorous additions,
e.g. "An oojah a bob", or "An oojah a thingy."
oos, Noun. 1luff. [&cottish use]
or*,r o5 +h, boo+ Noun. ,isissal. *.g."# can$t afford to go out tonight, y boss gave e the order of the boot yesterday."
oscar Adv. +ater. 9hying slang on Oscar &later. [Klasgo' use]
O<#<#< Phrs. Abb. of 5ver 4he 4op, eaning e)cessive, beyond that 'hich is acce!table.
our 3i* Noun. One$s younger brother or sister. 6#nforal7
ou+ Adj. O!enly living as a hoose)ual. &ee $closet.$
Verb. To declare !ublicly the hoose)uality of soeone. Jery !o!ular direct/action of the $Kay$ counity in the
1990s, in an atte!t to bring a higher !rofile to hoose)uality.
ou+ o5 i+ Phrs. Jery into)icated 'ith alcohol or drugs.
ou+ o5 on,7s h,a* Phrs. &ee $off one$s head$.
ou+ o5 on,7s bo8 0+r,, Phrs. &ee $off of one$s bo)$.
ou+ o5 or*,r Adj. Of a !erson or their behaviour, unfair, unacce!table, or 'rong. *.g.",id you see that girl screaing at her
u in the church4 &he 'as 'ell out of order."
ou+ o5 /u55 Phrs. Out of breath. 6#nforal7
ou+ on on,7s ars, Phrs. Thro'n out, discarded 'ithout further consideration. *.g."Any ore noise during the ballet !erforance and
you$ll all be out on your arse."
ou+ on +h, +o6n Phrs. An evening indulging in the nightlife of a to'n or city. 6#nforal7
ou++i, Noun. A navel, belly button, that !rotrudes. 2f. $innie$.
ou+ +o lunch Phrs. A eu!heis for insane, or cra=y. 6#nforal7
ov,r 4y *,a* bo*y- Exclam. There is no 'ay that # 'ill let that ha!!en% An e!hatic rejection.
ov,r +h, shoul*,r boul*,r
Noun. A brassiere, bra. Focular usage. 2f. $boulder holder$.
ov,r +h, +o/ Phrs. *)treely e)aggerated, outrageous, beyond a jo3e. 2f. O.T.T. 6#nforal7
o6+ Pron. Anything. *.g."#s there o't on TJ 'orth 'atching4" [5orthern dialect]
o8o 1cub,2 Noun. The +ondon underground trans!ort syste. 9hying slang on the underground$s coon nae, the Tube.
[+ondon use]
o8yg,n +hi,5 Noun. An elderly !erson. ,erog.

/ac3,* ou+ Adj. Jery cro'ded. *.g."The bar 'as so !ac3ed out, it too3 us H0 inutes to get served." 6#nforal7
/ac3,+ Noun. 1. The ale genitals.
>. A si=eable aount of oney. *.g."# earnt a !ac3et 'or3ing overtie last 'ee3end."
/ac3 u/ Verb. To brea3 do'n. -sually said of a achine, ho'ever ay on occasion be a!!lied to ones body!arts, such as,
"y bac3$s !ac3ed u!." 6#nforal7
Noun. A snac3, a !ac3ed lunch. [@ullD*.<or3shire use]
/a**y Noun. A rage, a tantru or an u!set. *.g "O.8., cal do'n, don$t get in a !addy." 6#nforal7
Pa**y Noun. An #rish !erson. ,erived fro the !o!ular and !et/for of the #rish nae
offensively. 6#nforal7
/a,*o Noun. Abb. of !aedo!hile.
/agga Noun. A fight. Also pagger. [&cottishD5.*. use]
Verb. To beat u!, fight. [&cottishD5.*. use4]
/ain in +h, ars, Noun. &oething or soeone 'ho is troublesoe or tedious.
/air Noun. A eu!heis for a 'oan$s breasts.
/a3i Noun. 1. A Ca3istani, but also used as a general and !articularly offensive ter for any !ersonDiigrant fro the
#ndian sub/continent, such as Ca3istan, #ndia, (engal, &ri +an3a etc. Offens.
>. A sho! or delicatessen run by asians. Offens.
/a3i.bashing Noun. 9acially otivated violence against the Asian counity. &ee $!a3i$.
/al Noun. 1. A friend. 6#nforal7.
>. A ter of address, not al'ays friendly des!ite its original eaning as noun 1.
/ala+ic Adj. ,run3, into)icated 'ith alcohol. Also s!elt pallatic and parlatic. Cossibly a corru!tion of $!aralytic$. [5.
*nglandD#reland use]
/alav,r Noun. A tedious fuss or discussion. *.g."?hat$s all this !alaver about you and y u having an arguent4"
/ally Adj. 1riendly. 6#nforal7.
/an Noun. The toilet :the roo and the bo'l itself;. *.g."#$ll get her to ring you bac3, she$s just in the !an."
/an*a 1car2 Noun. A !olicecar. Ta3en fro 'hen !olicecars 'ere blac3 and 'hite. 6#nforal7.
/an han*l, Noun. An erect !enis. 1ro the reseblance bet'een the t'o.
/an so4,on,7s h,a* in Vrb phrs. To thoroughly beat soeone u!. *.g. "# 'arned hi he$d get his head !anned in if he didn$t sto! essing
'ith that nutter."
/ansy Noun. 1. An effeinate, feeble, 'ea3/'illed ale.
>. A hoose)ual ale. ,erog.
/an+s 1-2 Noun%Adj. 5onsense, rubbish, bad. 1ro the standard (ritish *nglish of !ants, eaning under'earB also a variation
on $3nic3ers$. *.g."The first half 'as !ants but # stayed until the end and it 'as actually a great fil." [1990s]
Exclam. An e)claation of annoyance or frustration. 1ro the noun, :above;.
/a/ Noun. 1. 5onsense, rubbish.
>. 1aeces.
Verb. To defecate. *.g."@e 'as so scared he !a!!ed his !ants."
/a/s Noun. ?oen$s breasts.
/a/,rs Noun. 2igarette !a!ers.
/ara Adj. Caranoid.
/ara55in Noun. A tra!, vagrant. 9hying slang on paraffin lamp.
/araly+ic Adj. *)treely drun3.
/ar3 on,7s ars, Vrb phrs. To sit do'n. *.g."Car3 your arse there a oent 'hilst # find y 3eys."
/ar3y Adj. 2old, 'ith regard to the 'eather. 6#nforal7
/ar/ Noun. 1. To brea3 'ind, to fart.
>. 5onsense, rubbish.
/ar+y./oo/,r Noun. &oeone 'ho is iserable and a s!oils!ort, conseAuently !utting a da!er on the !leasures of others. [Orig.
-.&. 19L0s]
/ash Noun. An infatuation.
Verb. (e se)ually !assionate, to 3iss !assionately. Abb. of !assion. *.g."# found her having a !ash in the bac3
garden 'ith the ne)tdoor neighbour."
/assion 3ill,rs Noun. Jery unattractive under'ear and unli3ely to encourage se)ual advancesB infact so una!!ealing they 'ould
halt any such advances.
/as+, Verb. To beat u!.
/as+ing Noun. A beating. *.g. "@e gave e a right !asting 'hen he realised it 'as e that s!read that ruour."
Paul &,ll,r Noun. &tella Artois, a !o!ular brand of lager. 9hying slang on &tella. Caul ?eller, usician. [1990s]
/av,4,n+ /i::a Noun. Joit, 'hen lying on the street.
P<C< Adj. Abb. of !olitically correct. [1990s]
/<*<=<0 PD Adj. Jery Auic3ly, iediately. Abb of Pretty 6amned 3uick. *.g."<ou best tidy u! that ess !.d.A. before your
other gets hoe." 6#nforal7
/,ah,a* Noun. A !erson 'ith a co!aratively sall head. Also !ea head. ,erog.
/,anu+ s4uggl,r Noun. A 'oan 'ith erect ni!!les, evident through her clothing. &ee $!eanut suggling$.
/,anu+ s4uggling Noun. Of a 'oan, having !roinently erect ni!!les, visible through her clothing. 2f. $suggling !eanuts$.
/,arl harbour Adj. 2old 'eather. A !un on $there being a nasty nip in the air$... fro nip:!y; :cold; and
on your scarf and hat, it$s !earl harbour out there." [1990s]
/,arl n,c3lac, Noun. *jaculated seen that has landed around the vicinity of the nec3 and u!!er chest, iitative of a !earl
/,ar.sha/,* Adj. Out of sha!e, unorganised, 'rong. @eard in the e)!ression go pear)shaped
sha!ed after our funds 'ere cut by the finance de!artent."
/,asou/,r Noun. A very thic3 fog. 6#nforal7
/,c3,r Noun. The !enis. [Orig. -.&.]
/,c3ish Adj. @ungry. *.g."?hat tie is dinner4 #$ feeling a little !ec3ish." 6#nforal7
/,, Verb. To urinate. 6#nforal7.
Noun. 1. -rine.
>. An act of urination.
/,, i+ *o6n Vrb phrs. To rain heavily.
/,,li,.6ally Adj. Cale loo3ing, sic3ly. [&cottish use]
/,,/s Noun. 1. &lee!.
>. Ceo!le.
/,g.i+ Verb. 1. To run, usually i!lying a sense or urgency, such as hurriedly.
>. To die. [5orthernD&cottish use]
/,n an* in3 Noun. A stin3, a bad sell. 2oc3ney rhying slang.
/,ncil /ush,r Noun. A !erson 'ho 'or3s at a des3 and 'hose job involves a large aount of !a!er/'or3 or adinistration, such
as a cler3. ,erog.
1+h,2 /,nny *ro//,* Noun. -sed to signify that a !erson finally understands soething. *.g."Than3 Kod for that% The !enny$s finally
dro!!ed and 'e can all go hoe no'." 6#nforal7
/,rcy Noun. A !et nae for the !enis.
/,rishing Adj. 1. -sed as an intensifier. *.g."That !erishing dog 'as bar3ing all night".
>. Jery cold. 6#nforal7. *.g."<ou should !ut your hat and scarf on, it$s !erishing outside."
/,rv, Noun. Abb. of !ervert.
Verb. To loo3 lustfully or lecherously at soeone or soething. *.g."@e shouldn$t be allo'ed to 'or3 at the
s'iing !ool, he$s al'ays !erving over the ladies."
/,rvy Adj. Cerverted.
/,+ Noun. A ter of endearent. 6#nforal7
/,+al Noun. An affectionate ter of address.
P,+, #ong Adj. ?rong. 9hying slang. Cete Tong is a 'ell 3no'n and res!ected -.8. radio and club ,.F.
/ha+ Adj. 1. *)cellent, !leasing, desirable.
>. 1ashionable.
H. 0usically, describing a full, dee! and bassy sound originating fro hi! ho!. &iilarly, describing the fashion
Auality of hi! ho!.
/hi: Noun. 1ace. 1ro fro physiognomy. Also s!elt $vi=$. 2f. $!hi=og$. 6#nforal7
/hi:og Noun. 1ace. ,erived fro physiognomy. #ncludes a nuber of variations in s!elling
and phy/og.
/h6oah Exclam. -sed to e)!ress se)ual desire at the sight of an attractive !erson. #itative of the sound e)!ressed in such a
circustance. Also s!elt phwoar and phwoargh. [1990s]
/ic3l,* Adj. ,run3.
/i**l, Verb. To urinate. 2f. $riddle$ and $'iddle$. 6#nforal7
Noun. 1. -rine.
>. An act of urination.
/i**l, abou+ Verb. To ess around, 'aste tie.
/i**l, i+ *o6n Verb. To rain.
/i**ling Adj. Trivial, insignificant, sall. *.g."#$ starving. <ou should have seen the !iddling aount 'e had for dinner."
/i**ly Adj. &all, trivial, insignificant.
/i,c, Noun. 1. A eu!heis for a gun. [Orig. -.&. 19L0s]
>. A feale seen as a se)ual object. A shortening of $!iece of s3irt$. Offens.
H. A sand'ich. [&cottish use]
/i,c, o5 ca3, Noun. &oething very easy. *.g."# got full ar3s in that Aui=. #t 'as a !iece of ca3e."
/i,c, o5 /iss Noun. A thing that is very easy. *.g."#f you thin3 giving u! so3ing is a !iece of !iss, then you$ve never been a
!ro!er so3er." 2f. $!iss easy$.
/i,c, o5 shi+ Noun. A conte!tible !erson.
/i,c, o5 s3ir+ Noun. A feale seen as a se)ual object. Offens.
/i,.,a+,r Noun. 1. A si!leton. ,erog. [Orig. Aust.]
>. A !erson fro ?igan and surrounding area.
/i,.,y,* Adj. ,run3.
/i,.hol, Noun. 0outh. 2f. $ca3e/hole$.
/i55l, 1-2 Noun. 5onsense, drivel. 6#nforal7
Exclam. 5onsense% 6#nforal7
/i55ling Adj. 0eaning the sae as $!iddling$. 6#nforal7
/i55y on a roc3 bun Phrs. @eard in !hrases e)!ressing u!set that one has been ignored or left out of an activity. Often heard shortened
to "li3e !iffy on a roc3", and also just "li3e !iffy". *tyology un3no'n. *.g."&he forgot to tell e the eal had
been cancelled, and left e standing in the rain li3e !iffy."[5orth/'est use]
/ig Noun. 1. A !oliceanD'oan. ,erog. [*arly 1G00s]
>. A glutton, a greedy !erson.
H. A slob, an un!leasantly dirty !erson.
4. A difficult or un!leasant situation or tas3. *.g."2leaning all the 'indo's is a !ig of a job."
/igging Adj.%Adv. -sed as an intensifier, siilar to $fuc3ing$ and $!issing$, but 'ithout being as offensive. *.g."# hate !iggin$
ignorant custoers 'ho treat you li3e scu."
/ig.h,a*,* Adj. Obstinate.
/ig.i+ Verb. To act in an uncouth anner, to live belo' one$s noral standards, to $slob$.
/ig.ignoran+ Adj. Jery stu!id, due to ignorance.
/ig.ou+ Verb. To eat fully and enthusiastically.
Noun. A big eal.
/ig7s br,a35as+ Noun. A co!lete ess. 2f. $dog$s dinner$.
/ig7s ,ar Noun. 1. (eer. 2oc3ney rhying slang.
>. A ess, a disaster. *.g."# ade a !ig$s ear of that job intervie' 'hen # farted at the outset and couldn$t sto!
giggling." 6#nforal7
/igshi+ Noun. 9ubbish, nonsense. *.g."<ou$re tal3ing a load of !igshit%"
/i3,y Noun. 1. A gy!sy. [&outh/east *nglandD8ent use. ,ialect]
>. A vagabond, vagrant. ,erog. [&outh/east *nglandD8ent use. ,ialect]
/ilchar* Noun. An idiot.
/ill i+ Verb. To ta3e ecstasy :0,0A;. *.g."?hat else is there to at the 'ee3end, a!art fro !illing it and get off your
/ill.h,a* Noun. A freAuent abuserDuser of illicit drugs in !ill for, such as $ecstasy$ tablets.
/illoc3 Noun. #diot, fool. Originally a slang ter for the !enis but fairly inoffensive no' its this eaning has been
forgotten. ,erog.
/,r Noun. A hoose)ual ale. ,erog.
/in Noun. A leg. -sually !lural. *.g."That (ra=ilian odel has got a fine !air of !ins."
/inch Verb. 1. To steal. *.g."Kuess 'ho$s just lost his job for !inching fro 'or3 again4"
>. To arrest. *.g."@e got !inched 'hen he 'as clibing out of the 3itchen 'indo' 'ith the stolen TJ."
/inh,a* Noun. A !erson or creature 'ith an unusually sall head.
/in3 /oun* Noun. ,is!osable incoe that $gays$ ostensibly have through not having the financial e)!ense of children.
/,* Adj. &all and co!act.
/i/,*o6n- Exclam. (e Auiet% &hut u!% An e)claation. 6#nforal7.
/i/./i/- Exclam. Koodbye% A dated e)!ression that is often only heard used jocularly 'hen oc3ing the u!!er classes.
/i/s=u,,3 Noun. A feeble, ineffectual !erson. ,erog. 6#nforal7.
/ish Noun%Verb. $Ciss$. [&cottish use]
/ish,* Adj. ,run3, into)icated. &ee $!issed$. [&cottish use]
/iss 1-2 Verb. To urinate.
Noun. 1. -rine.
>. A 'ea3 drin3.
Exclam. An e)claation of anger, frustration.
/iss aroun* 0 abou+ Verb. 1. To ess about, to 'aste tie.
>. To 'aste soeone$s tie, to annoy soeone.
/iss all ov,r 1so4,on,2 Vrb phrs. To thoroughly defeat soeone. *.g."<ou should have seen 2helsea !lay on &aturday, they !issed all over
?est @a -td."
/iss.ars, Adj. #nsignificant, 'orthless.
/iss.ars, aroun* 0 abou+ Verb. To ess about, to 'aste tie, often to the annoyance of soeone else.
/ Noun. 1. A habitual drun3. ,erog.
>. A conte!tible tie 'aster.
/iss a6ay Verb. To 'aste through carelessness or neglect, to sAuander. *.g."Ta3e y advice son, dont !iss a'ay your
arriage just for the sa3e of a bit of fun."
/iss.ball aroun* Verb. To idle a'ay tie, to ess around. *.g."#sn$t it about tie you did soe 'or3, as you$ve been !iss/balling
around all orning."
/iss.*o6n Verb. To rain.
/iss ,asy Adj. Jery easy.
/iss,* Adj. ,run3.
/iss,* as a coo+ 05ar+ 0n,6+ Phrs. Jery drun3.
/iss,* o55 Adj. Angry, u!set or de!ressed.
/iss,* u/ Adj. Jery drun3.
/iss,r Noun. 1. An u!set. *.g."# can$t believe 'hat a !isser it 'as, losing y job just before 2hristas."
>. &oething very funny. Ta3en fro $!iss oneself laughing$.
/iss.5la/s 1-2 Noun. The feale genitals, !articularly the labia.
Exclam. An e)claation of annoyance.
/iss.h,a* Noun. A drun3ard, a habitual drin3er.
/isshol, Noun. 1. A lavatory, a toilet.
>. An un!leasant, dirty !lace.
/issing Adj.%Adv. An intensifier, such as $fuc3ing$.
/iss in +h, 6in* Vrb phrs. To do soething futile. *.g."<ou$re !issing in the 'ind if you thin3 8ristina$s going to slee! 'ith you."
/iss i+ Verb. To co!lete a tas3 easily, to 'in effortlessly.
/iss i+ *o6n Vrb phrs. To rain heavily.
/iss i+ u/ 1agains+2 +h, 6all Vrb phrs. To 'aste oney.
/iss o55 Verb. 1. To u!set, annoy
>. Ko a'ay. @eard freAuently as an e)claation as piss off+
/iss on,s,l5 Vrb phrs. 1. To laugh heartily. *.g."&he !issed herself 'hen # as3ed her out for a eal. Fust because #$ 1L years
younger than her."
>. To be terrified.
/iss on 1so4,on,2 Vrb phrs. To thoroughly defeat, or trounce. *.g."2ity !issed on -nited yesterday in their cu! atch."
/iss on so4,on,7s bon5ir, 0
Vrb phrs. To s!oil soeone$s enjoyent, to ruin a good situation. *.g.",on$t !iss on his chi!s just because he
ruined your !arty last 'ee3B that 'as an accident and he$s said sorry."
/iss./oor Adj. Terrible, of lo' Auality.
/iss./o+ Noun. The toilet or toilet bo'l. Orig referring to a chaber !ot.
/iss./rou* Adj. @aving a !enile erection on a'a3ing in the orningB a coon sy!to due to one$s bladder being full.
/iss.+a3, Noun. A jo3e, a tease. ,erived fro the !hrase $ta3e the !iss$.
/iss.u/ Noun. 1. A drun3en s!ree.
>. A ess u!, a bungled event.
/iss 6,+ Adj. Jery 'et, soa3ed.
/issy Adj. ?ea3, feeble, inferior. Often a!!lied to drin3s.
/issy.ars,* Adj. #nsignificant, inferior.
/issy =u,,n Noun. A fastidious over fussy gay ale. 2f. $!rissy Aueen$.
/i+ Noun. (ed. *.g."Oh, so you$ve finally got u! out of your !it then4 "
/i+ch a +,n+ Vrb phrs. To have an erection 'hilst 'earing clothing.
/i+s Noun. The 'orst iaginable situation, !lace or event. [Orig. -.&.]
/i+ ya33,r Noun. A coal iner. [5orth/east use]
/i::a5ac, Noun. A !erson 'ith bad s!ots, acne, or a generally very bad co!le)ion. ,erog.
/lac3y Noun. Clastic.
/lan3 Noun. An idiot. ,erog.
/lan+ on, on 1so4,on,2 Vrb phrs. To hit :soeone;.
/las+,r,* Adj. ,run3, into)icated.
/las+ic Noun. 2redit cards, cash!oint cards etc.
Adj. &ynthetic, false.
/las+ic scous,r Noun. A !erson fro outside of the 2ity of +iver!ool 'ho acAuires a strong +iver!udlian accent :scouse; in order
to a3e others believe heDshe is a true +iver!udlian. ,erog.
/la+, Verb. To give oral se), but ore coonly to fellate.
/la+,s 1o5 4,a+2 Noun. 1eet. 2oc3ney rhying slang.
/lay aroun* Verb. To be se)ually !roiscuous.
/lay goos,b,rry Vrb phrs. To be an un'anted, e)tra !erson, usually in the co!any of a courting cou!le. &ee $gooseberry$.
/lay i+ cool Vrb phrs. To act cally, to control ones eotions.
/lay 4,rry.h,ll Vrb phrs. To be very angry. *.g."<our father 'ill !lay erry/hell if he finds you$ve s!ent all your savings on a ne'
2, !layer."
/lay silly b,ggars0bugg,rs Vrb phrs. To ess about, be uncoo!erative. *.g." 1or fuc3s sa3e 2onnie% Are you going to !lay silly buggers all
day or get on 'ith the job 4"
/lay +h, /in3 obo, Vrb phrs. To !erfor fellatio.
/lay +h, s3in 5lu+, Vrb phrs. To !erfor fellatio.
/lay 6i+h on,s,l5 Vrb phrs. To asturbate.
/l,b Noun. An inferior, insignificant or coon !erson. Abb. of !lebeian. ,erog. 6#nforal7
/l,bby Adj. 2oon, ordinary. ,erog. 6#nforal7
/lo* Noun. A !oliceanD'oan. 1ro a character in Noddy, a series of children$s boo3s 'ritten by *nid (lyton in the
/lo* 4ag Noun. A !ornogra!hic aga=ine. [0erseyside use]
/lon3 Noun. 2hea! or inferior 'ine. 6#nforal7
/lon3,r Noun. 1. A !enis.
>. 1ool, idiot, a des!icable !erson.
/loo3 Noun. A s!ot, boil, $=it$. Also s!elt pluke. [0ainly &cottish use]
/lo/ Verb. To defecate. 2hildren$s onoato!oeic eu!heis.
Noun. 1aeces. 2hildren$s eu!heis.
/lug.ugly Adj. Jery ugly.
/lu4s Noun. Testicles.
/lur Acronym. A greeting or !arting salutation, used on the underground rave scene.
/oc3,+ billiar*s Noun. Of ales, auto/eroticis via their trouser !oc3ets. -sually an adolescent$s ter and !reoccu!ation.
/oc3,+ roc3,+ Noun. Cenis.
/o*g, Noun. An over'eight or obese !erson. ,erived fro the s.e. podgy. ,erog.
/o,+7s *ay Noun. *ssentially refers to 1riday, although the e)!ression sus u! the general feeling of 'or3ing on a 1riday and
the desire to leave 'or3 and get on 'ith one$s real life. Poets being an acrony of
/ogo Noun. A style of dancing born of (ritish !un3 roc3 in 19N.DNN, involves 3ee!ing a stiff body and legs 'hilst
ju!ing vertically u! and do'n.
Verb. To dance in the anner of the $!ogo$.
/oin+ P,rcy 1a+ +h,
Vrb phrs. Of ales, to urinate.
/oison Noun. Alcohol. -sually heard in Auestions such as "?hat$s your !oison4", eaning "?hat 'ould you li3e to
/oison *6ar5 Noun. An un!leasant, diinutive !erson.
/o3, Verb. To have se) 'ith. A ale e)!ression.
Noun. &!eed or !o'er, usually a!!lied to vehicles. *.g."@is ne' car has !lenty of !o3e."
/olon,y Noun. A girl, young 'oan. Also polone and polony. [Colari]
/ola8,* Adj. ,run3, into)icated. [#rish use]
Po4/,y Noun. The 2ity of Cortsouth.
/onc, Noun. 1. A conte!tible !erson.
>. An effeinate ale. ,erog.
H. An ostentatious ale. ,erog.
Verb. To beg or freeload. *.g."@e$s been !oncing off sho!!ers u! the high street, saying he$s hoeless."
/onc, abou+ 0aroun* Verb. To 'aste tie, to idle a'ay hours.
/onc,* u/ Adj. ,ressed u!, overdressed.
/onc,y I Adj. 1. *ffeinate, 'ith an i!lication of hoose)uality. ,erog.
>. &nobby, ostentatious.
I Also s!elt poncy.
+h, /on* Noun. The Atlantic Ocean. 6#nforal7
/ong Noun. An un!leasant sell. 6#nforal7
Verb. To stin3. 6#nforal7
/ony I Noun. 1. E>L sterling.
>. 9ubbish, nonsense. *.g."Our football tea are a load of old !ony."
H. An act of defecation. *.g."2an you 'ait for e4 # need to have a !ony."
I Jersions > and H are fro the rhying slang pony and trap eaning crap. &ee $cra!$.
/oo 1-2 I Noun. *)creent.
Verb. To defecate.
Exclam. An e)!ression of distaste, frustration, annoyance.
I Also s!elt !ooh.
/oo chu+, Noun. The anus. 2f. $!oo! chute$.
/oo5 Noun. &ee $!uff$.
/oo5+,r I Noun. 1. A hoose)ual, usually ale. ,erog.
>. A soft, feeble !erson. ,erog.
I Also s!elt pooftah and generally heard !ronounced as poofdah.
/oo.h,a* Noun. An objectionable !erson. -sually affectionate use, fro $shit/head$. &ee $!oo$.
/oo/ Noun. *)creent.
Verb. To eit 'ind fro the anus, to $fart$.
/oo/ chu+, Noun. The anus. Occasionally is!elled as poop shute. 2f. $!oo chute$
/oo+,r Noun. 2o!uter. Also !oota. [+ate 1990s]
/oo+l, Verb. To eander, or 'ander slo'ly. *.g."+et$s go into to'n and !ootle about the sho!s."
/o/ Noun. 1. A carbonated drin3, li3e cola. Originally fro 'hen such drin3s utili=ed cor3s, thus they 'ent
>. A !hysical or verbal attac3. &ee $have a !o! at :soeone;$.
Verb. 1. To !lace, !ut. *.g."2oe in, !lease. Co! your bag do'n there and 'e$ll have a nice cu!!a before # sho'
you to your roo."
>. To go. *.g."#$ just !o!!ing do'n to the sho!s to get a !int of il3."
/o/ on,7s clogs Vrb phrs. To die. *.g."#$ afraid old 1red has finally !o!!ed his clogs."
/o//,rs Noun. Ayl or butyl nitrate. A edicinal heart stiulant ta3en recreationally by selling its va!ours for its
!leasurable $rush$ and also its orgas enhancing Aualities. Jery coon on the gay scene and in the drug
stiulated club scene.
/o//y Noun. 0oney.
/o/ so4,on,7s ch,rry Vrb phrs. To lose or ta3e soeone$s se)ual virginity. Orig. a!!lied to deflo'ering :a 'oan;.
/orc,lain go* 0al+ar Noun. The toilet bo'l. &ee $!ray to the !orcelain god$.
/or3 Verb. To have se)ual intercourse.
/or3 *agg,r Noun. The !enis. 2f. $!or3 s'ord$.
/or3,r Noun. A fat !erson.
/or3i,s Noun. +ies, fro the rhying slang pork)pies.
/or3ing Noun. An act of se)ual intercourse.
/or3.ou+ Verb. To eat in e)cess.
/or3 s6or* Noun. The !enis. 2f. $!or3 dagger$, $utton dagger$.
/orri*g, Noun. A !eriod s!ent in !rison. *.g."&o 'hat$s ha!!ened in the outside 'orld since #$ve been doing y !orridge4"
/orri*g, 6og Noun. A &cottish !erson. Offens.
/osh Noun. 2ocaine. 5aed so, because this is the drug of choice for the 'ealthy,
Adj. Of or belonging to the u!!er classes. 6inforal7
/oss, Noun. A gang or grou! of close friends, usually young. 1ro the s.e. e)!ression for an ared band of en recruited
to aid a sheriff in enforcing la'. [Orig. -.&. (lac3D?.#.4]
/os+i, Noun. A !ostanD'oan. 6#nforal7 [1GN0s]
/o+.h,a* Noun. An freAuent user of arijuana or cannibis.
/o+l,ss Adj. Coor, having no ready cash.
/oun* Verb. To have vigorous se).
/our i+ on Vrb phrs. To e)aggerate. Also pour it on thick for added e!hasis.
/ovvy Adj. Coor, soething of !oor class or lo' Auality. 1ro poverty. ,erog. [&outh use]
/o6*,r on,7s nos, Vrb phrs. 1. *u!heis for going to the toilet, usually 'oen$s use.
>. *u!heis for snorting cocaine.
/o65agg,* Adj. *)hausted. [+ancashire dialect and use]
Adj. 1. 9ubbishy, crass, of !oor Auality.
>. A general negative intensifier. *.g."#$ not 'asting y tie and oney by going to the !o)y sho!s, just to 3ee!
her ha!!y."
I Occasionally s!elt poxey.
/rang Verb. To 3noc3 or daage, usually 'ith reference to having crashed a vehicle. Originally an 9A1 ter for a crash
landing. *.g."0y dad 'ill 3ill e, #$ve just !ranged his car on a la!ost."
Adj. Caranoid. *.g."# dont 3no' 'hy she has !in3 hair, $cos she gets so !rang that !eo!le are staring at her."
[+ondon use]
/rann,+ Noun. An idiot, an ibecile, or objectionable !erson. Cossibly derived fro $!ranny$.
/rannoc3 Noun. An idiot. A variation of $!rannet$.
/ranny Noun. An idiot, a fool. Originally a ale ter of conte!t eaning the feale genitals. [+ate 1900s]
/ra+ Noun. A fool, idiot or objectionable !erson. Originally eaning the buttoc3s.
/ra+ abou+ 0 aroun* Verb. 1. To idle a'ay tie.
>. To act foolishly and annoyingly.
/ra6n Noun. A sall, feeble and generally objectionable !erson.
/ray +o +h, /orc,lain go* Vrb phrs. To voit, in the toilet :the !orcelain god;. *.g."#$ not going in there, it stin3s% 9ob$s been !raying to the
!orcelain god." 2f. $'orshi! at the !orcelain altar$
/r,ggars Adj. A corru!tion of the 'ord !regnant.
/r,++y.boy Noun. An attractive young an, !retty as o!!osed to handsoe or anly. Occasionally derog. [Often Kay use]
/r,vious Noun. A criinal record. -sually !olice and criinal vernacular. *.g."(e careful if you decide to e!loy hi, he
has soe !revious."
/r,::i, Noun. A !resent, a gift. Also pressie. 6#nforal7
/ric3 Noun. 1. The !enis. [&.e. until 1N00s]
>. An idiot, conte!tible !erson.
/ric3.+,as,r Noun. &oeone 'ho 3no'ingly e)!loits the fact that they are se)ually alluring.
Princ, Alb,r+ Noun. A !ierced !enis, for body adornent or se)ual enhanceent. 5aed after Mueen Jictoria$s consort 'ho
allegedly had such a !iercing.
/rissy =u,,n Noun. A !ri and snooty gay ale. 2an ean the sae as $!issy Aueen$. 2f. $di==y Aueen$, $scat Aueen$, $curry
Aueen$ etc.
/riva+, /ar+s Noun. The genitals. Often shortened to privates.
/ri:, 1so4,+hing2 Noun. An absolute, utter :soething;. *.g."# haven$t got tie for hi, he$s a !ri=e idiot."
/ro Noun. Abb. of !rostitute.
/ro* 0 /ro**y Noun. A !rotestant. 0ainly used by 2atholics. [#rishD&cottish use]
/rol, Noun. Abb. of !roletariat. 6#nforal7
/ron+o Adv. 5o' or iediately. 6#nforal7 [Orig. &!ain]
/ro/,r Adj. -sed as an intensifier. *.g." # thin3 the cat has cra!!ed under the bed, as there$s a !ro!er stin3 in the bedroo."
1a2 /ro/,r *o Noun. A first class social event. *.g."#t 'as a !ro!er do 'ith tu)edos and ballgo'ns."
/ro::y Noun. A corru!tion of the 'ord !rostitute.
/ub cra6l Noun. A bout of drin3ing held by touring nuerous !ubs :!ublic houses;. 6#nforal7
/ub,s Noun. Cubic hair.
/u**ing Noun. 1. An unco!lientary but jocular and affectionate nae for soeone 'ho is !lu!. 6#nforal7
>. A ter of endearent.
/u**l, Noun. A ess, a confused state. *.g."&orry, #$ve been in a bit of !uddle since the !arty. # dran3 far too uch."
/u**l,* Adj. 1. 2onfused. &ee $!uddle$.
>. *ccentric, insane.
/u55 Noun. 1. A ale hoose)ual. Also poof and pouf. ,erog.
>. A feeble, des!icable !erson.
H. 2annabis or arijuana. A ter ore coon 'ith adolescents.
/uggl,* Adj. 2ra=y, ad.
/u3, Verb. To voit. [1.00s]
Noun. Joit.
/u33a Adj. *)cellent. ,erived fro the s.e., eaning genuine.
/ull Verb. 1. To seduce a desirable !erson, to se)ually attract soeone. Also coonly heard in the ale e)!ression
pull a bird eaning to attract a female. *.g."# !ulled this gorgeous student at the -nion bar."
>. To arrest. *.g."<eah, # 'as !ulled clibing out of the rear 'indo' of the ban3 and carrying E40,000 in cash."
/ull a 5as+ on, Vrb phrs. To deceive, to gain an unfair advantage. 6#nforal7
/ull a ;ob Vrb phrs. To coit a robbery. *.g."# !ulled a job at the local !ost office so #$ lying lo' for a fe' days."
/ull a /ig Vrb phrs. To seduce an ugly !erson. Also a cruel gae of the sae nae, !layed by friends on a night out, the
object being to seduce the ugliest !erson.
/ull so4,on,7s /lon3,r Vrb phrs. To tease soeone, to !ull soeone$s leg. *.g."#t$s true, he offered to !ay e for a brand ne' car. # thought
he 'as !ulling y !lon3er". 2f. $!lon3er$.
/ull on,7s /u* Vrb phrs. Of ales, to asturbate.
/ull +h, o+h,r on,
1i+7s go+ b,lls on2-
Exclam. <ou are jo3ing aren$t you4 -sed to e)!ress a sus!icion that one is being tric3ed or teased. *.g."# drove
round the corner and there 'as a !in3 ele!hant in the iddle of the road." "<eah sure, !ull the other one%"
/u4/ Verb. To brea3 'ind, to $fart$. *.g."#$ not sitting ne)t to +ouise, she$s al'ays !u!ing and # can$t concentrate on
y 'or3."
/u4/ing Adj. +ively, energetic, thrilling. *.g."?hat 'as that last tune the ,F !layed4 #t 'as !u!in$."
/unaani Noun. 1eale genitals. [Orig. (lac3D?#]
/unch so4,on,7s ligh+s ou+ Vrb phrs. To beat u! soeone.
/unch u/ Noun. A fist fight, a bra'l. 6#nforal7
/un3 Noun. 1. A ra' inial ty!e of roc3 usic born on the streets in 19N. and s!a'ning $thrash$, $indie$, and $grunge$.
The associated fashions evolving into a stereoty!ical brightly coloured ohican haircut, scruffy blac3 clothes,
etal studs, belts and boots.
>. A !erson of either se) 'ho 'ears the fashions of $!un3$ and enjoys listening to $!un3$ roc3. 2f. $!un3ette$.
/un3,++, Noun. A feale $!un3$ :noun >;.
/un+,r Noun. Kenerally a custoer of any business. 6#nforal7
/u//i,s Noun. 1eale breasts.
/u//y7s /riva+,s Noun. The best. +ess offensive variation on the $dog$s bolloc3s$. Occasionally also
/ur, b,a* I Adj. 1. ?ealthy. *.g."?ith a car li3e that, he$s got to be !ure bead."
>. *)!ensive.
I A street ter used ainly in &alfordD2heetha @ill in 0anchester.
/url,r Noun. 1. A forceful !unch or hit.
>. &oething that is e)cellent. *.g."#t 'as 'orth !aying t'ice the entry fee just to see that !urler of a goal." [Orig.
/ur/l,.h,a*,* 6arri,r Noun. Cenis.
/ushing u/ *aisi,s Phrs. ,ead.
/ussy Noun. 1. The feale genitals, alluding to the inclusion of the !ubic hairs. [1.00s]
>. ?oenD'oan, vie'ed as se)ual objects. ,erogDOffens.
H. A cat. 6#nforal7
4. A feeble or 'ea3 'illed !erson.
I The abiguity of the 'ord isn$t lost on coedians.
/ussy 6hi//,* Adj. Of a an, hen!ec3ed, doinated by a 'oan. [Orig. -.&.]
/u+ a soc3 in i+ Vrb phrs. Muieten do'n, sto! tal3ing.
/u+ i+ abou+ Vrb phrs. @ave freAuent se)ual liasons 'ith nuerous !artners.
/u+ l,a* in on,7s /,ncil Vrb phrs. To a3e virile or strong. *.g.",rin3 this lad, it$ll !ut lead in your !encil."
/u+ on, on 1so4,on,2 Noun. &ee $!lant one on :soeone;$.
/u+ on,7s 5ac, on Vrb phrs. To a!!ly cosetic a3e u!. *.g."# can$t !ut y face on until #$ve found y ne' li!stic3."
/u+ ou+ Verb. To readily agree to se). [Orig. -.&.]
/u+ +ha+ in your /i/, an*
s4o3, i+-
Exclam. A disissive and angry e)claation.
/u+ +h, 3ibosh on
Vrb phrs. To !ut an end to :soething;. *.g."?e all 'ent hoe after their !arents !ut the 3ibosh on the drin3ing."
/u+ +h, 4oc3,rs on
Vrb phrs. 1. To !ut a sto! to :soething;.
>. To bring bad luc3 to :soething;.
/u+ +h, 6oo* in+o +h, hol, Vrb phrs. &hut the door. A 5orthern !hrase that dialectically is e)!ressed as "!ut$ 'ood in$thole". The e)!ression is
soeties co!leted 'ith either "...or 'ere you born in a field4" and occasionally "...or 'ere you born in a barn4"

=u,,n Noun. A ale hoose)ual, !articularly one 'ho is effeinate.
=u,,r Noun. A hoose)ual. Once, only derogative, but no' the e)!ression is being reclaied by the gay counity.
Adj. @oose)ual in nature.
=u,,r as a nin, bob
Phrs. 1. Jery odd, unusual.
>. -ndoubtedly hoose)ual. 2f. $bent as a nine bob note$.
=u,,r bashing Noun. Crejudicial aggression or intiidation to'ard hoose)uals.
=uic3i, Noun. A brief se)ual liason. *.g."#$ off hoe during for y lunch brea3 for a Auic3ie 'ith the 'ife."
=ui* Noun. One !ound sterling.
=ui* Noun. #n !rofit. *.g."After the deduction of y e)!enses # 'as still Auids/in."
=uil+ Noun. A feeble or !athetic !erson. ,erog. :+iver!ool use;
=ui4 Noun. The vagina or ore generally the feale genitals. Cossibly fro the 2eltic

rabbi+ Verb. To tal3, often unceasingly. Abb. rhying slang, fro :abbit and Pork. *.g."&to! rabbitting and get on 'ith
your 'or3." 6#nforal7
ra* Noun. *)cellent, 'onderful. Often an e)claation of a!!roval. Cossibly fro
ra*g, Adj. #nsane, cra=y. Also radgey, or radgie. [&cottishD2ubriaD5orth/east use]
Noun An unscru!ulous, devious !erson. &ee 'egbie, a fictional character in the boo3, and fil,
'ritten by #rvine ?elsh. [&cottish use]
ra*gi, ga*gi, Noun. A cra=y an. &ee $gadge$.
ra*io r,n+al1s2 Adj. 0ental, cra=y, ad. 9hying slang.
rag Verb. To tease, annoy, torent.
rag h,a* Noun. An arab, &i3h, or other race or religion that traditionally 'ears cloth head'ear. Offens.
raging Adj. Kreat, iense, e)tree. A general intensifier. *.g."# had a raging headache last night".
rag i+ Verb. Cush to the liits. -sually a!!lied to driving a vehicle. *.g."@e al'ays rags it 'hen he$s in a hire car."
rainbo6 3iss Noun. 2unnilingus 'hen !erfored on a enstruating 'oan.
rain s+air ro*s Vrb phrs. To rain very heavily.
ral/h Verb. To voit.
ra44,* Adj. Jery cro'ded, busy. *.g."#t 'as an a'ful night, the club 'as so raed 'e couldn$t find s!ace to dance."
ra44y Adj. Jile, unsavoury, rotten.
ra4.rai* Noun. The use of a vehicle to sash into a !ro!erty so as to steal the goods, usually a sho!.
ran3 Adj. ,isgusting, ugly. *.g."@ave you seen (ill$s ne' girlfriend4 &he$s ran3%"
ra/ Noun. 1. A dance usic style originating fro blac3 street culture and having lyrics s!o3en to a co!lientary
beat and usic.
>. The blae. *.g. "#$ll not ta3e the ra! for everybody."
Verb. To tal3 in the anner associated 'ith $ra!$ usic.
ra//,r Noun. &oeone 'ho $ra!s$ :verb;.
rar, Adj. Kood, e)cellent. *.g."?e had a rare tie at the !arty last night. The best for a long tie."
rar, as h,n7s +,,+h Phrs. Jery uncoon, non/e)istent.
rar, as roc3ing hors, shi+ Phrs. Jery uncoon, non/e)istent.
rascla+ Noun. A conte!tible !erson. 0eaning arse cloth. Also ras clat. [Orig ?.#.. 0ainly (lac3 use]
ras/b,rry Noun. A flatulent iitative sound ade 'ith the li!s and tongue, either e)!ressing derision or used huourously
for its rude associated Aualities. 1ro the rhying slang raspberry tart eaning
ras/b,rry 1ri//l,2 Noun. 1. A cri!!le. 9hying slang. ,erog.
>. A ni!!le. 9hying slang.
ra+.ars,* Adj. Jery drun3.
ra+bag Noun. A conte!tible or objectionable !erson, a devious scheer. [Orig. Aust.D5.O.]
ra+.5ac,* Adj. 0eaning the sae as $rat/arsed$.
ra+5in3 Noun. An objectionable !erson. [Orig. -.&.]
ra+ on Verb. To infor on, betray.
ra+s 6i+h 6ings 5oun. Cigeons. 1ro being considered verin, li3e rats.
ra++,* Adj. ,run3.
ra++l, Noun. A bout of drug 'ithdra'al sy!tos. [5orthern use4]
ra++ling Adj. &uffering fro the !hysical effects of drug 'ithdra'al. Also $on the rattle$. [5orthern use4]
ra++y Adj. #rritable. 6#nforal7
rav, Noun. 1. A large dance usic !arty. The ter originated in the 19L0s and since the late 19G0s in (ritain has becoe
synonyous 'ith the $house$ and $techno$ dance scene. These raves are often illegal gatherings 'ith uch drug
ta3ing, es!ecially $ecstasy.$
>. The style of usic e!itoised by $rave$ :noun 1; 'hich enco!asses $house$, $techno$ and other hybrids of these
Verb. To !arty in the anner by 'hich $raves$ becae 3no'n.
raving Adj. The act of going to a $rave$.
rav,r Noun. A !erson 'ho freAuents $raves$ :noun 1; or !arties in the anner of a $rave$ :verb;.
rav,y Adj. #n the anner of a $rave$.
ra::l, Noun. A good tie, a !leasurable s!ree. An abbreviation of ra//le)da//le. 2f. $on the ra==$.
r,a*i,s Noun. 0oney. -sually cash as o!!osed to cheAues or credit cards.
r,cc, Noun. Abb. for of reconnaissance. 6#nforal7
Verb. Abb. for of reconnoitre. 6#nforal7
r,*n,c3 Noun. A bigoted narro' inded !erson. Originally an Aerican ter for a ruralised bigot.
r,,5,r Noun. A arijuana or cannabis cigarette. ,ated and rarely used seriously.
r,,+ Adj. Alright, correct, O8. (asically a is!ronounciation of right.
!,g 1%arn,y2 Noun. Ca3istani. 2oc3ney rhying slang. 9eg Jarney, actor and coedian, best 3no'n for his role as &tan (utler
in the -.8. sitco 5n 4he 'uses bet'een 19.9/19NH.
r,lli,s Noun. 9elatives. *.g."#$ afraid 'e can$t coe over this evening, +aura$s rellies are visiting."
r,n+.boy Noun. A ale !rostitute. 6#nforal7
r,sul+- Exclam. An e)claation e)!ressing a successful outcoe.
r,+ar* Noun. A conte!tible !erson. A ter usually used by adolescents.
riah Noun. @air. (ac3slang originating fro Colari, conseAuently heard ainly on the Kay scene.
rib Verb. To tease, a3e fun of. 6#nforal7
ric, =u,,n Noun. A gay ale 'ho !refers asian !artners.
!ichar* Noun. 1. A lu! of faecal atter. :ichard the 4hird, rhying slang on $turd$. &ee $turd$.
>. Third. A third class university degree Aualification.
ri**l, Noun. An act of urination. A shortening of $jiy riddle$, the rhying slang for $!iddle$. 2f. $'iddle$ and $!iddle$.
ri*, Noun. 1. An act of se)ual intercourse.
>. A 'oanDan vie'ed as a se)ual !artner. *.g."@e$s a good ride, even 'hen he$s drun3." [Orig. #rish]
Verb. To have se).
righ+ Adj. 9eal. *.g."# ade a right ess of that." 6#nforal7
Adv. Jery. *.g."#$ right glad to hear that you t'o are friends again." 6#nforal7
righ+ Charli, Noun. An idiot. 1ro the coc3ney rhying slang -harlie :once eaning $!once$. *.g."<ou ade e loo3 a right
2harlie 'hen you told everyone about e getting so drun3 last night."
1a2 righ+ on, Noun. A foolish or eccentric !erson. 6#nforal7
ri4 Verb. To stiulate a !ersons anus 'ith the tongue for se)ual !leasure.
ri4 ;ob Noun. The act of using one$s tongue to stiulate a !ersons anus, for se)ual !leasure.
ring Noun. The anus. 2f. $ring/!iece$.
ring,r Noun. 1. A second hand car ade to a!!ear in uch better Auality than it is.
>. A !erson 'ith high s3ills brought into a s!orts tea for a gae or co!etition.
ring./i,c, Noun. The anus. 2f. $ring$.
ring.s+ing Noun. &oreness of the anus, due to diarrhoea.
ring.s+ing,r Noun. A hot and s!icy curry. One, that on digestion, ay cause looseness of the bo'els and diarrhoea. &ee $ring$.
ring+u4 Noun. The anus.
rins, Verb. 1. To overdo, over!lay. *.g."#t ay be a classic but that tune$s been rinsed, !lay soething ne' 'ill you4"
[Orig ?.#.D(lac3 use]
>. As rinse it, to go for it, to enjoy, to !arty.
H. Of a ,.F., to rinse or rinse out, ay ean to !lay a good set. *.g."0agnus$ set at the club 'as rinsed out last
night" [Orig ?.#.D(lac3 use]
I A ter heard 'ithin the blac3 originated usic scene of the -8, such as $jungle$B sees to have ulti!le but
contradictory eanings and uses, any of 'hich are not yet listed. :A!ologies for the lac3 of clarity offered 'ith
this 'ord and any definition errorsB advice on use and eanings 'elcoe *dDAuthor;
ri/.o55 Verb. To con, to s'indle. 6#nforal7
Noun. 1. A contric3, a act of dece!tion. 6#nforal7
>. An illicit co!y. *.g.",ont buy any co!uter soft'are fro that ar3et stall, it$s all ri!!ed off."
H. An unreasonably !riced coodity or service. 1ro the feeling that one if being deceived. *.g."Those Jersace
jeans are a ri!/off. <ou should try buying clothes fro the ar3et."
ri//,* Adj. ,run3, into)icated. 2f. $ri!!ed to the tits$. [Orig. -.&.]
ri//,* +o +h, +i+s Adj. Jery drun3. 2f. $ri!!ed$.
ri/ +h, /iss Vrb phrs. 1. To ridicule, to tease, to a3e fun off. 2f. $ta3e the !iss$
>. To ta3e unfair advantage of, to e)!loit.
ris/,c3 Verb.%Exclam. To hold soeone or soething in high estee. An alternative s!elling of res!ect. Also
?.#.D-8 (lac3]
ris/,c3 *u, Phrs. An e)!ression that gives due notification of res!ect u!on soeone or soething. Also
[Orig ?.#.D-8 (lac3]
roach Noun. The filter of a cannabisDarijuana cigarette :a $joint$; ade fro 'aste cardboardB as o!!osed to in the -.&.
'here it refers !lainly to a butt of a $joint$.
Verb. To a3e a $joint$ filter. *.g."O'n u!, 'ho$s roached the cover of y ne' #ain (an3s novel."
roaring Adj. A general intensifier, e)treely, very. Often heard in the !hrase roaring drunk
roas+ing Noun. &e)ual intercourse bet'een at least t'o ales and a feale, although it could in theory involve all ales, in
'hat ay have traditionally being called an orgy. Crobably an abb. of spit roasting
roc3 Noun. 1reebased cocaine, $crac3$. 1ro its !hysical a!!earence.
roc3,+ sci,nc, Noun. &oething difficult to understand. -sually heard in the o!!osite conte)t of "it$s not roc3et science", eaning
soething is si!le and easily understood, or "you don$t need to be a roc3et scientist to understand". *.g."2oe
on, hurry u!% 2hanging a car tyre isn$t roc3et science."
roc3ing hors, shi+ Noun. A thing that is very uncoon or non/e)istent. -sually heard in the e)!ression $rare as roc3ing horse shit$.
roc37n7roll Noun. &ocial security benefits, coonly called $dole$ in -.8.. 2oc3ney rhying slang, see $dole$.
rog,r Verb. To have se)ual intercourse. 0ale usage. [0id 1.00s]
rog,ring Noun. An act of se)ual intercourse.
rois+,r *ois+,r Noun. 1. A cheery and boisterous !erson.
>. An affectionate ter of address. Co!ulari=ed by the -8 sitco 'lackadder
roll.u/ Verb. To a3e a cigarette by hand.
Noun. A handrolled cigarette.
rollic3 Verb. To re!riand, chastise. Often heard !ronounced as rollock.
rollic3ing Noun. A re!riand , a telling off. *.g."&he gave hi a good rollic3ing but he still carried on."
Adj.%Adv. *)treely, used as an intensifier. *.g."?e had a rollic3ing good tie at the !arty."
rolli, Noun. A handrolled cigarette.
ron3 Noun. A bad sell. [0ainly 5orthern use]
Verb. To sell badly. *.g."@old your nose 'hen you go in the boy$s bedroo, it ron3s in there." [0ainly 5orthern
ronson Noun. The anus. 9hying slang on ronson lighter, eaning $shiter$. &ee $shiter$.
ro/,y 9 Adj. 1. &us!icious, dubious. *.g."&he sees li3e such a nice girl, but she has soe really ro!ey loo3ing
>. Of !oor Auality, ediocre. 6#nforal7
I Also ropy.
!osi, L,, Noun. Tea :the drin3;. 2oc3ney rhying slang. Also s!elt :osy 0ee.
ro+ Noun. 5onsense. *.g.",on$t tal3 rot% ?hat you$ve just said is total nonsense."
rough Noun. A !erson for a bit of easy se) but belo' one$s usual standard.
Adj. -n!leasant, unsavoury. 6#nforal7
rough as a ba*g,r7s ars,
Phrs. Jery coarse, bristly. Also, 'hen a!!lied to a !erson, uncouth and objectionable. [+ate 1G00s]
rough.i+ Verb. To live 'ithout all the usual !leasures and aenities.
!oun*h,a* Noun. A circucised !enis and conseAuently a ale 'ith such. 2f. $2avalier$.
roun* +h, hous,s Noun. Trousers. 9hying slang.
roun* +h, +6is+ Phrs. #nsane, cra=y. 6#nforal7
roving ,y,s Noun. ?hen said of a !erson, having a !ro!ensity for vie'ing others se)ually 'hen in a stable se)ual relationshi!.
*.g."# don$t 3no' ho' she !uts u! 'ith hi, he$s got roving eyes."
ro6 Noun. 1. A noisy Auarrel. 6#nforal7
>. A loud noise. 6#nforal7
Verb. To have a noisy Auarrel. *.g."The neighbours have been ro'ing all night and # havent sle!t for the noise."
ro::,r Noun. A !oliceanD'oan. [1900s]
rub.a.*ub Noun. A !ublic house. 9hying slang, on pub.
rubb,r ch,=u, Noun. A onetary cheAue :chec3; that isn$t honoured by the 'riter$s ban3, conseAuently
rubb,r,* Adj. ,run3, into)icated. [#rish use4]
rubb,rn,c3 Verb. To stare inAuisitively, to ga'!. ,erived fro the rarely used noun rubbernecker
rub.o55 Verb. To se)ually e)cite by anual stiulation of the genitals.
rub.u/ Verb. 0eaning the sae as $rub/off$.
!uby 1Murray2 Noun. 2urry. 2oc3ney rhying slang. 9uby 0urray, (elfast born singer, !o!ular in 19L0s. *.g."#$ starving% +et$s
go for a 9uby."
ruc3 Noun. The heaving energetic ass of dancing bodies synonyous 'ith $!un3$ and $thrash etal$ gigs.
ruc3 Verb. 1. To dance in the anner of a $ruc3$ :noun;.
>. A fight or Auarrel. :#nforal;
ru*, boy Noun. A young ale, tough, style conscious and 'ith !lenty of attitude. [Orig. ?.#.]
ru*, girl 5oun. 1eale version of $rude boy$.
ru**y Adj.%Adv. An intensifier. *u!heis for $bloody.$ *.g."The ruddy car 'on$t start again%"
ru**y.h,ll- Exclam. An e)claation of sur!rise or frustration.
ru**y.Nora- Exclam. An e)claation of anger or sur!rise. 2f. $flaing/5ora%$
ru*, Adj.%Adv. &e)ual. &ee $rude bits$.
ru*, bi+s Noun. A eu!heis for genitals.
rug Noun. A 'ig.
rug 4unch,r Noun. A lesbian. ,erog.
rug ra+ Noun. A young child. [Orig. -.&.]
<<<rul,s 0rul,s OK Phrs. Acco!anying a nae, signifies that they are the best. *.g."1ran3ie rules O8"
ru4 Adj. &trange, odd, !eculiar. *.g."That ne' 3id$s a bit ru, he$s al'ays tal3ing to hiself." 6#nforal7
ru4bl, Verb. To discover, to find out. *.g."&he rubled e 'hen she overheard y conversation on the !hone."
ru4 go Noun. A sur!rising event. 6#nforal7
ru4/y./u4/y Noun. &e)ual intercourse. Focular use.
run o5 +h, 4ill Phrs. Ordinary. *.g."That boo3 you lent e 'as run of the ill but at least it 3e!t e busy for the day."
runs Noun. To have diarrhoea.
run+ Noun. A des!icable !erson.
rush Noun. 1. A surge of !leasurable feelings fro ta3ing drugs.
>. The surging onset of the effects of a drug, occasionally including Aueasiness.
Verb. To feel a $rush$ :noun;.
rus+.buc3,+ Noun. A dila!idated rusty old car, or vehicle.
rus+y bull,+ hol, Noun. The anus.

sab Noun. Abb. of saboteur. The $sab$D$sabbing$ ters gained !roinence during the 19G0s 'ith the increased activity in
anial rights and hunt saboteurs.
Verb. To sabotage.
sabbing Noun. An act of sabotage. *.g."?e$re off sabbing the #2# anial labs in 2heshire toorro' so bring your la'yers
!hone nuber."
sac3 Noun. (ed. *.g."+et$s hit the sac3, #$ e)hausted." &ee $hit the sac3$. [Orig. -.&.]
sac3 1so4,+hing2 o55 Verb. To !ut an end to soething.
sac3.i+ Verb. &to! it, !ut an end to soething.
sa* Adj. 1. -nfortunate, !itiful or !athetic. *.g."Keoff$s so sad, getting his tongue !ierced just because it$s fashionable."
>. Objectionable.
sa**o Noun. A !athetic or conte!tible !erson.
sa* sac3 Noun. A iserable, !athetic !erson. ,erog. [Orig -.&.]
sa5,- Exclam. 1. An e)!ression of agreeent, O8% Agreed%
>. Than3s%
H. A for of greeting.
sa5, as hous,s Phrs. Jery safe, secure, soething assured. 6#nforal7
sa5+ Adj. &tu!id, soft. [?est 0idlands use]
sala* *o*g,r Noun. A fat !erson. ,erog.
sal4on canyon Noun. The vagina.
sa4, +o you 6i+h brass
3nobs on-
Exclam. A disissive and conte!tuous retort.
sa4/l, Noun. A digitally co!ied segent of a tune, edited for use in one$s o'n usical !iece.
Verb. To co!y in the above anner.
"< an* M< Noun. &ado/asochis. Abb. of sadis and asochis. The se)ual !leasure derived fro inflicting and receiving
san* niggar Noun. An Arab, or !erson fro the 0iddle *ast. ,erogDOffens.
san*6ich Noun. A se)ual threesoe.
"a//hic Noun. Of or li3e a lesbian.
sang,r Noun. A sand'ich. [Orig. AustD#rish]
sar3y Adj. Abb. of sarcastic.
sarni, Noun. A sand'ich. 6#nforal7
sauc, Noun. Alcoholic drin3. *.g."@e$s going to feel bad in the orning, after 1> hours on the sauce."
sauc,/an 1li*2 Noun. 1. A child. 9hying slang on kid.
>. A Fe'. 9hying slang on yid. Offens
sausag, Noun. A !enis.
sausag, 5ing,rs Noun. 2lusy and i!recise fingers, usually a!!lied to 'hen isty!ing on co!uter 3eyboards. *.g."&orry about
the s!elling ista3esB # thin3 # ust have had sausage fingers that day."
sausag, ;oc3,y Noun. A hoose)ual ale. ,erog. [1990s]
sausag, san*6ich Noun. 1. A se)ual act involving one an and t'o 'oen.
>. A asturbatory act involving the !enis being sand'iched bet'een a 'oan$s breasts.
savvy Verb. To 3no', or understand.
"<B<D< Noun. A silent brea3ing of 'ind that is !articularly foul selling. Abb. of &ilent 'ut 6eadly
"<B<%< Noun. &ee $&.(.,.$ Abb. of &ilent 'ut Violent.
scabby Adj. -n!leasant, distasteful, rotten.
sca55y I Noun. A refuse collector, street cleaner. [&cottish use]
Adj. 2hea!, lo' value, undesirable. [&cottish use]
I Also, occasionally scaffie.
scag Noun. @eroin, the o!iate. Also s!elt $s3ag$.
scally I Noun. 1. A iscreant, an irres!onsible, self/assured lout, usually ale. Abb. of
been in !rolific use fro the early 1990s.
>. A !erson, usually young, 'ho ty!ically 'ears casual, brand/nae s!orts'ear, such as 5i3e, Addidas and 9eebo3
etc., baseball ca!s, and boots, often 9oc3!ort. -sually associated 'ith to'nDcity d'ellers.
I &cally 'as also a ter for a +iver!udlian youth, used in and around +iver!ool itself and 'as !ossibly the
forerunner of the current e)!ression, ho'ever the use of it in this for is no' rare.
sca4 Noun. A tric3 or con. [Orig. -.&.D1900s]
sca44,ls Noun. Croinent and erect feale ni!!les. An abbreviated for of scammel wheel nuts
of heavy and industrial vehicles.
scan+i,s Noun. 1eale under'ear. 1ro their often e)iguous nature.
scar,* shi+l,ss Adj. Jery frightened. &ee $shitless$.
scar, shi+l,ss Verb. To terrify. &ee $shitless$. *.g."# 'as scared shitless 'hen he ju!ed out at e 'earing a 1reddy 8ruegar
scar,* Noun. A !erson 'ho is frightened. 0ainly adolescent use, often e!loyed as a taunt. ,erog.
scar, +h, /an+s o55
Vrb phrs. To terrify :soeone;. *.g."?hen # sa' the uscles on hi it scared !ants off e."
scar, +h, shi+ ou+ o5
Vrb phrs. To terrify :soeone;.
scar/,r Verb. Ko, often hurriedly, esca!e. Abb. rhying slang fro &capa "low. *.g."&car!er lads, the !olice are coing%"
sca+ =u,,n Noun. A gay ale 'ho indulges in se)ual acts involving faeces. &cat is derived fro
Aueen$, $!issy Aueen$ and $dinge Aueen$.
sca++y Adj. Absent/inded. Cossibly fro scatterbrained. 6#nforal7
scav Noun. Abb of scavenger.
Verb. To scavenge.
sch,4i, Noun. A dis!araging ter for a !erson fro a &cottish council estate, called a schee. ,erog. [&cottish use]
schi::o Noun. Abb. of schi=o!hrenic but ore generally a!!lied to a !erson sho'ing ental !robles and inca!abilities.
Cronounced skit/o. ,erog.
schl,/ Verb. To tiresoely lug around, to do lots of leg 'or3. Also s!elt $shle!!$. The ter gained !o!ularity in (ritain
during the late 19G0s. 6#nforal7 [<iddish]
schlong Noun. Cenis. Also s!elt shlong. [<iddish]
sch4oo:, Verb. To chat intiately and in a flattering anner.
sch+u4 Adj. Muiet, silent. Also s!elt schtoo, stu. *.g. "8ee! schtu about it, 'e$ll get into trouble if the boss finds
out%" [<iddish]
sciv, 0sciv, o55 Verb. To evade doing one$s 'or3 or duties. +ess coon s!elling of $s3ive$.
sco55 Verb. To eat. 6#nforal7
Noun. 1ood. 6#nforal7
sconn,r Noun. A !erson 'ithout !ubic hair.
scooby Noun. 1. A clue. 9hying slang on $scooby doo$, the cartoon character. *.g."# haven$t got a scooby 'hy she 'ent
into a rage, # 'as only 1 hour late for dinner."
>. A &uburu car. 9hying slang fro $scooby doo$.
scoo/s Noun. Cints of beer, drin3s. [Orig. #rish]
scor, Verb. 1. To obtain illicit drugs. [Orig. -.&. 19H0s]
>. To achieve a liason 'ith a se)ually desirable !erson.
Noun. >0 !ounds sterling.
"cous, Adj. Of, or, fro +iver!ool. ,erived fro the nae of a local ste', an abb. of
"cous,r Noun. A !erson fro +iver!ool, a +iver!udlian.
scra4bl,* Adj. 2onfused. *.g."&tre'th, y head$s scrabled fro all those drugs."
Also a!!lies to one$s hearing, *.g."?hat did he say 4 0y ears 'ere on scrable."
scrag Verb. To handle roughly.
scran Noun. 1ood. [+ate 1G00s]
scra/ Noun. A fight or Auarrel. 6#nforal7
scra++,r Noun. 1. A slovenly dressed !erson, a dirty !erson, !erha!s of lo' intelligence and having little culture. ,erog.
>. A conte!tible !erson.
scr,a4 blu, 4ur*,r Vrb phrs. To a3e an outcry of anger or e)as!eration.
scr,a4ing ab*abs Noun. Terror, the frights, nerves. *.g."@e$s got the screaing abdabs since failing his driving e)a . ties." 2f.
$abdabs$ [1940s]
scr,6 Verb. To co!ulate. [1G00s]
Noun. A !rison officer.
scr,6 aroun* Verb. 1. (e se)ually !roiscuous. [Orig. -.&.]
>. To idle a'ay tie.
scr,6,* Adj. #n trouble, in a ho!eless situation, essed u!. *.g."?e need to thin3 ho' 'e can 3ee! hi Auiet, cos if he goes
to the !olice 'e$re scre'ed."
scr,6 loos, Noun. &ee $have a scre' loose$.
scr,6 +h, ars, o55 Vrb phrs. 1. To co!ulate vigorously and 'ith great enthusias. 2f. $fuc3 the arse off.$
>. To drive a car or vehicle aggressively or hard. *.g."# scre'ed the arse off the hire care for >00 iles and got
caught s!eeding H ties."
scr,6 u/ Verb. To ruin, ess u!. *.g.",on$t scre' u! your life 'ith jugs% 5o sorry, # eant drugs."
Noun. A failure, a $coc3/u!$.
scr,6 you- Verb. A rebu3e such as $get lost$ or $fuc3 you$.
scri3, Verb. To cry. Also skrike. *.g."&he scri3es that uch she actually ta3es a bo) of tissues to the cinea." [5orthern
scri3,y Adj. Tearful. [5orthern use]
scro+, Noun. 1. A conte!tible !erson.
>. An abb. of scrotu.
H. A young criinal. ,erog. [Colice use]
scro++y Adj. -n!leasant, dirty.
scrubb,r Noun. A coarse and se)ually aenable or !roiscuous 'oan. ,erog.
scrub roun* Verb. To avoid or disregard :soething;. *.g."#f you haven$t got the tie to co!lete the tas3, scrub round the latter
!art." 6#nforal7
scrub u/ 6,ll Vrb phrs. To dress u! sartly and clean, in co!arison to norally. *.g.",ont 'orry about e sho'ing you u!, #
scrub u! 'ell and 'on$t be 'earing y jeans."
scru55 Noun. An un3e!t or dirty !erson. 6#nforal7
scru55s Noun. +ess i!ortant clothes in 'hich one rela)es or co!letes tas3s li3ely to dirty or ruin the. *.g."# can$t coe
for a eal iediately, #$ still in y scruffs."
scru44y Adj. ,elicious, !leasant, occasionally se)ually a!!ealing. ,erived fro the inforal
scru4/ Verb. To steal fruit fro a garden or orchard. 6#nforal7
scu55,r Noun. A !olicean. [+iver!ool use]
scu4 Noun. A 'orthless !erson or grou!. ,erog. 6#nforal7
Noun. 1. A des!icable or objectionable !erson. ,erog.
>. A slea=y !erson. ,erog.
I Orig. scubag, eaning a condo, a contrace!tive sheath..
scu4buc3,+ Noun. 0eaning the sae as $scubag$.
scun*,r,* Adj. To be ebarrassed. *.g."# 'as totally scundered 'hen y girlfriend caught e !laying 'ith yself." [#rish
scu//,r Verb. To th'art, to !revent fro succeeding. *.g.",on$t scu!!er your chances of !assing your driving test by
having a beer first." 6#nforal7
scu+ Noun. A se)ually !roiscuous 'oan. [0erseyside use4]
scu+ch Verb. &ting or sart fro a sla!. [9uncornD5orth/'est use]
scu::buc3,+ Noun. 1. A des!icable or objectionable !erson. ,erog.
>. A slea=y !erson. ,erog.
scu::y Adj. 1ilthy, dirty, un3e!t.
s,con*s ou+ Phrs. -sually stated by a third !arty, and jocularly announcing the iinent onset of trouble bet'een to !arties.
1ro bo)ing.
s,, a 4an abou+ a *og Vrb phrs. An eu!heis to avoid telling of your true destination, often in re!ly to an a'3'ard Auestion. #s
coonly used as a eu!heis for going to the toilet.
s,,ing +o Noun. 1. A se)ual act. *.g."# 'ouldn$t ind giving her a good seeing to."
>. A beating.
s,,n- Exclam. O8% -nderstood% 9ight% [+ondon use]
s,, you n,8+ #u,s*ay Phrs. A veiled insult, 'or3ing on the a!!ro)iate creation of the acrony, 2-5T. 1ro
4uesday :T;.
s,4i Noun. A half erect !enisB abb. of sei/erection. [1990s]
s,n Pron. &elf. -sually in e)!ressions such as yoursen, yourself. *.g.",id you carry that huge bo) all by yoursen4"
[<or3s useDdialect]
s,/+ic Noun. A !erson fro the -.&.A.. 1ro the rhying slang septic tank ) <ank.
s,+ o5 6h,,ls Noun. A vehicle or a 'heeled eans of trans!ort.
s,v,n sha*,s o5 shi+ Noun. That 'hich can be beaten out of soeone / see $beat seven shades of shit out of soeone$.
s,8 on a s+ic3 Noun. A se)ually attractive, sli, 'oan.
s,8 on l,gs Noun. A se)ually desirable !erson, usually a!!lied to 'oen.
s,8 6,, Noun. *jaculate.
sha*, Adj. -nfair, Auestionable, disre!utable, dubious. Crobably fro shady.
sha5+ Verb. 1. To fornicate. 0ale terinology. [1940s]
>. To con, treat unfairly.
Noun. The !enis.
shag Verb. 1. To fornicate. +ess coarse than $fuc3$. [1G00s]
>. To 'ear out, to brea3. *.g."<ou$ll shag it u! if you 3ee! hitting it 'ith that haer."
Noun. 1. An act of fornication.
>. A hassle. *.g."#t$s such a shag, having to get the early trainB #$ not even usually a'a3e at that tie in the
H. A friendly ter of address. [&taffordshire use]
shagbag Noun. A se)ually aenable or available 'oan. ,erog.
shaggabili+y Noun. A easure of a !erson$s se)ual desirability. Also shagability. *.g."@e had a general air of shaggability about
hi. @e 'as hot%"
shaggabl, Adj. &e)ually desirable. Also shagable.
shagg,* Adj. ?orn out, $3nac3ered$. Also follo'ed by up or out.
sha3, a l,g - Exclam. @urry u!% 0ove% *.g."2oe on you t'o, sha3e a leg% ?e$ve got to arrive at the station before .!."
sha3, han*s 6i+h +h,
Vrb phrs. To urinate, ale usage.
sha4bolic Adj. #n a ess, disorganised, isanaged. 6#nforal7
shan Adj. -nfair. [5orth/east use]
shan+ Noun. A drin3, usually alcohol.
"haron an* #racy Noun. A dis!araging nae for feales considered to be 'or3ing class, unintelligent and vulgarly dressed, generally
belo' the social standards acce!table to the user of the !hrase. *ach nae can be heard used individually to i!ly
the sae. ,erog.
shar/ish Adj. Muic3ly. *.g."<ou had better hurry to sho!s !retty daned shar!ish, before they close"
sha+ Verb. To have defecated, the !ast tense of $shit$. *.g."# shat y !ants 'hen # sa' the si=e of hi, he 'as very
sha++,r,* Adj. ?orn out, e)hausted. 6#nforal7
"ha:0"ha::a Noun. A for of the nae &haron, see $&haron and Tracy$. 2an be derog.
sh,* Noun. &oething dila!idated. 2f. $shed on 'heels$.
sh,**,* Adj. Jery into)icated by alcohol or drugs.
sh,* loa* 1o5 so4,+hing2 Noun. A large Auantity of :soething;. *.g."#f you 'ant tunes, go do'n Oldha &treet, there$s a shed load of
record sho!s there."
sh,* on 6h,,ls Noun. A dila!idated vehicle. 2f. $shed$.
sh,,/shagg,r Noun. A ruralised !erson. ,erog.
sh,,+ Noun. Ca!er oney, onetary notes. *.g."0y ne' co!uter cost e G00 sheets."
sh,ll ou+ Verb. To !ay u!, to hand over. 6#nforal7
sh,rb,+ Noun. An alcoholic drin3. Also sherbert. *.g."# thin3 'e should go do'n to the bar, get in soe sherbets and then
hit a nightclub."
sh,rb,+ 1*ab2 Noun. A ta)i. 9hying slang on cab. :1990s4;
sh,r4an Noun. An act of asturbation. 2oc3ney rhying slang. &herman tank, rhying 'ith $'an3$. [1940s]
sh,ila Noun. A 'oan. &tereoty!ical but jocular use 'hen i!ersonating Australians and their vernacular. [Orig. Aust.]
shi5+ Verb. 1. To ove Auic3ly. *.g."<ou should have seen hi shift 'hen # told hi they 'ere giving a'ay free beer
do'nstairs." 6#nforal7
>. To consue large aounts of drin3 or food. 6#nforal7
shi5+ on,s,l5 Verb. A reAuest to ove oneself. -sed in i!er. *.g."?ill you shift yourself so # can vacuu the lounge."
shi5+ on,7s ars, Vrb phrs. To ove out of the 'ay or to hurry u!. *.g."2oe on, shift your arse and hel! e tidy u!, y !arents
'ill be here soon."
shir+ Noun. A ale nightclubber 'hose ideal night out 'ill be to drin3 e)cessively, a3e se)ual advances to'ards
'oen and co!lete the night 'ith a drun3en bra'l. #nvariably their attire includes a dressy shirt, often 'ithout a
shir+li5+,r Noun. A ale hoose)ual. ,erog.
shir+y Adj. #ll/te!ered. *.g."Cete got all shirty 'ith e 'hen # didn$t invite hi for dinner." 6#nforal7
shi+ 1-2 Noun. 1. 1aeces.
>. An act of defecation.
H. A conte!tible !erson.
4. 9ubbish, nonsense, bad.
L. 2annabis or arijuana.
.. 0iscellaneous ites. *.g."2oe on, get your shit together, the ta)i$s due in L inutes."
Verb. To defecate.
Exclam. An e)claation of frustration or anger.
shi+.a.bric3- Exclam. An e)claation of sur!rise or annoyance.
shi+.all Adj. 5othing at all. 2f. $fuc3/all$, $sod/all$.
shi+bag Noun. A conte!tible !erson.
shi+bo8 Noun. 1. The anus.
>. A conte!tible thing, !lace or !erson.
shi+ bric3s Vrb phrs. To be very scared. 2f. $shit one$s !ants$ and $bric3 it$.
shi+, Noun % Verb. &ee $shit$. [Orig. 5orthern use. 1G00s]
shi+,r Noun. The anus. A variation on $shitter$ :noun 1;.
shi+,y Adj. &ee $shitty$.
shi+,ha63 Noun. A des!icable !erson.
shi+.5ac, Noun. A conte!tible !erson.
shi+.5ac,* Adj. 1 ,run3, into)icated. [1940s]
>. #nto)icated 'ith drugs.
shi+ 5or brains Noun. A !articularly stu!id !erson, a conte!tible !erson.
shi+.h,a* Noun. An conte!tible !erson.
shi+ hi+s +h, 5an Phrs. As $'hen the shit hits the fan$, it 'arns that severe conseAuences 'ill be felt 'hen the results of actions are
discovered. Alternatively, in such !hrases as "the shit 'ill hit the fan 'hen she discovers the truth". &ee $'hen the
shit hits the fan$.
shi+.ho+ Adj. *)cellent, the best, e)treely good.
shi+hous, Noun. A essy or dirty doicile. Originally a shithouse 'as an e)ternally accessed toilet, before the advent of an
inside lavatory.
shi+l,ss Adj. Jery frightened. -sually !receded by the 'ord bored or scared. &ee $scared shitless$ and $bore shitless$.
shi+ loa* 1o5 so4,+hing2 Noun. 0any, a large nuber of. Also shitload. *.g."#t 'as a great 5e' <ear !arty / there 'as shitloads of free 'ine
and soe really lovely !eo!le."
shi+ on 1so4,on,2 Verb. To betray, to land soeone in trouble. *.g."# 3no' it 'as you 'ho shitted on hi, so don$t !retend you$re his
best friend"
shi+ on a s+ic3 1-2 Exclam. *)!ression of sur!rise.
Noun. &oething, or soeone, i!ortant or e)ce!tional. *.g."Ko buy that ne' tune, it really is shit on a stic3."
shi+ on,7s /an+s Vrb phrs. (e terrified. -sed eta!horically for 'hen in e)tree terror the bo'els are uncontrollably voided.
shi+s Noun. ,iarrhoea. *.g."# can$t coe out tonight, #$ve got the shits."
shi+.scar,* Adj. Jery frightened. 2f. $shit bric3s$.
shi+.s+abb,r Noun. A hoose)ual ale. ,erog.
shi+s+ain Noun. A conte!tible !erson. ,erog.
shi+ s+irr,r Noun. An insidious gossi!, a !erson 'hose alicious actions cause !robles for others.
shi++,r Noun. 1. The anus.
>. A toilet.
H. A conte!tible !erson.
shi+ +h, b,* - Exclam. An e)claation of sur!rise.
shi++ing h,ll - Exclam. An e)claation of sur!rise, annoyance or frustration. Alost invariably it$ll be heard !ronounced
shi++y Adj. 1. ?orthless, trashy.
>. 2overed in faeces.
H. ,irty, filthy.
shl,// Verb. &ee $schle!$.
shoc3 horror- Exclam. That$s not sur!rising. An ironic e)claation.
shoo+- Exclam. A eu!heis for $shit$. [Orig. -.&.]
shoo+ blan3s Verb. Of a an, to be sterile. Also !hrased as fire blanks.
shoo+ o55 Verb. To leave Auic3ly, to hurriedly go. *.g."#$ just going to shoot off do'n to the !ost office before it closes."
shoo+ on,7s loa* Vrb phrs. To ejaculate seen. [1G00s]
shoo+ on,7s 6a* Vrb phrs. To ejaculate seen. *.g."&he 'as furious% # shot y 'ad and fell aslee! on to! of her."
shoo+.u/ Verb. To inject a drug.
sho/ Verb. To tell or infor on. [1G90s]
sho//ing Noun. 1. A eu!heis for illicit drugs as brought fro a drug dealer.
>. &ho!lifting. [2riinal use]
shor+ an* curli,s Noun. (asically the ter refers to !ubic hairs, ho'ever it is used figuratively in having
and curlies / having co!lete !o'er over soeone. Orig ilitary use. [19H0s]
shor+.ars, Noun. A !erson 'ho is sall in stature. ,erog.
sho+ Adj. ?orn out, e)hausted. 6#nforal7.
sho+gun Verb. A 'ay of so3ing cannabisDarijuana bet'een t'o !eo!le, 'ith one !erson blo'ing and the other inhaling.
shou+ Noun. A round of drin3s. *.g."Ko on, get to the bar you la=y sod, it$s your shout."
shou+.ou+ Noun. A entioning of a !erson verbally or in 'riting, as a ethod of sho'ing res!ect. Often heard used on the
radio by ,F$s re!lacing the !reviously !o!ular re1uest. [1990s]
shov, i+- Exclam. A disissive e)claation of anger.
shov, i+ u/ your ars,- Exclam. An e)claation of conte!t.
shov, o55 1-2 Verb. Ko a'ay. Often heard as an i!erative e)claation.
sho6,r Noun. A derogatory and all enco!assing ter for a otley grou! of !eo!le.
sho6,r o5 shi+,0shi+ Noun. 2onte!tible !erson, !ersons or thing. *.g."#t has been said that this dictionary is a sho'er of shite."
shra/n,l Noun. 0oney in the for of loose change.
shr,**i,s Noun. -nder'ear.
shri4/ Verb. To lic3, suc3 and 3iss the toes for se)ual gratification.
Noun. A sall, thin, feeble and objectionable !erson. 2f. $!ra'n$.
shroo4s Noun. 0ushroos, often 'ith regard to $agic ushroos$, the hallucinogenic !silocybin. 2f. $ushies$.
shu55l,bu++ Noun. A fidgety, restless !erson.
shu5+y Noun. A loo3, a glance. Also shufti. *.g."@ave a shufty at the co!yright la's before you use this dictionary on your
o'n 'ebsite." 6#nforal7
shushy Adj. A $ca!$, e)travagant style. 0any s!elling alternatives including /hoosy,
shu+ your 5ac, 0 gob 0 +ra/ 0
ca3,.hol, 0 /i,.hol,
Exclam. &hut your outh% &hut u!% *.g."#f you don$t shut your gob #$ll shut it for you%"
sic3- Exclam. *)cellent% Kood%
sic3 as a /arro+ Phrs. ,e!ressed, u!set, very disa!!ointed.
sic3i, Noun. A !eriod a'ay fro 'or3 'ith illness, and usually 'ithout just edical cause. 2f. $thro' a sic3ie$.
6#nforal7. [Orig. Aust.D5.O.]
sic3o Noun. A disturbing and unsavoury !erson, a !ervert. ,erog.
sign on,7s /an+s Vrb phrs. To be in need of defecation. *.g."Muic3% +et e in the toilet 'ill you% #$ve just signed y !ants."
si3, Noun%Verb. Alternative s!elling of psyche, as in psyche out. *.g."@e 'as really si3ed out by y staring at hi all
sil, *o6n Verb. To rain heavily. 1ro sile eaning sieve. *.g."<ou$ll need an ubrella, it$s siling do'n out there."
[<or3sD+incs use]
sil,n+ bu+ *,a*ly Phrs. ,escribing the silent eision of 'ind fro the anus, a $fart$, that is !articularly bad selling. 2f. &.(.,.
sil,n+ bu+ viol,n+ Phrs. The sae as $silent but deadly$.
silly bugg,r Noun. An idiot, a fool. 2f. $!lay silly beggarsDbuggers$.
silly 4oo Noun. A idiotic or foolish 'oan. Often jocular use. 2f. $co'$.
silly sausag, Noun. A foolish !erson. Focular usage but ildly derog.
singl, 5ish Noun. An act of urination. 9hying slang on $!ish$, eaning $!iss$. &ee $!ish$. [&cottish use]
si/hon +h, /y+hon Vrb phrs. Of ales, to urinate. Also $sy!hon the !ython$.
sissy Noun. An effeinate, 'ea3, or co'ardly !erson. ,erog. 6#nforal7
si++,r Noun. #n s!ort, an easy catch or shot, that should result in !oints being scored. 6#nforal7
si8./ac3 Noun. &trong and evident abdoinal uscles. [Orig. -.&.]
si8+y.nin, 1DE2 Noun. A cou!les siultaneous oral stiulation of each others genitals during se). (eing re!resentative of the sha!e
t'o bodies attain in such a !osition.
si:, =u,,n Noun. A gay ale 'ith a se)ual !reference for !artners 'ith large genitalia.
s3ag Noun. @eroin. Also s!elt $scag$.
s3an3 Verb. To steal, thieve. *.g."&oeone$s s3an3ed y cigarettes and it 'as nearly a full !ac3et%"
Noun. &oeone or soething disgusting, or un!leasant. *.g."@e$s a bit of a s3an3, not 'ashing for L days and then
e)!ecting ,ebbie to slee! 'ith hi."
s3an3y Adj. ,irty, unnattractive, ugly, selly.
s3an3y /an+s Noun. ,irty, or disgusting, lingerie or under'ear. Also occasionally skanky panties
s3,*a**l, Verb. 0ove, go a'ay. 6#nforal7
s3,g Noun. A loo3 at. *.g."Kive us a s3eg at your !a!er, # need to chec3 the racing results." :@ullD<or3shire use;
s3,rr,+ Noun. A tiny aount. &uch as in given in the re!ly to the Auestion ",id you get anything 4" "5o not a s3erret." A
derivative of the slang skerrick.
s3,+ Noun. A !roiscuous 'oan. ,erog. :&outh/east use;
s3,6.6hi55 Adj. Out of alignent, incorrect. 6#nforal7
s3i*4ar3 Noun. A faecal sear or stain. -sually 'ith regard to one$s undergarents. [1900s]
Noun. 1. A s3inhead.
>. A sister. &ee $s3in and blister$
Verb. To roll u! a cannabisDarijuana cigarette. Abb. of $s3in u!$.
s3in an* blis+,r Noun. &ister. 2oc3ney rhying slang.
s3in 5lu+, Noun. The !enis.
s3in5ul Noun. A sufficient Auantity of alcohol to a3e one drun3. *.g."#$ not driving any'hereB #$ve had a s3inful and the
!olice are out in force." 6#nforal7
s3ins Noun. 2igarette !a!ers, but refers ore to those used in a $joint.$
s3in+ Adj. @aving no oney, !oor.
s3in u/ Verb. To roll or build a cannabisDarijuana cigarette :a joint;.
s3ir+ Noun. A 'oan or 'oen. 2f. $bit of s3irt$. ,erog.
s3i+ Verb. To a3e fun of, to tease. [0erseyside use]
1+h,2 s3i++,rs Noun. A bout of diarrhoea.
s3iv, Noun. An evasion of one$s tas3s, a !eriod of shir3ing.
Verb. To evade doing one$s 'or3 or duties, to truant.
s3iv, o55 Verb. 0eaning the sae as $s3ive$.
s3iv,r Noun. A shir3er, one 'ho evades doing their 'or3 or duties.
s3ivvi,s Noun. -nder'ear, !articularly 'ith reference to !ants. [Orig. -&]
s3ivvy Noun. A servant for enial tas3s. ,erog. 6#nforal7.
s3oosh Noun. 1. A sAuirt of crea fro an aerosol.
>. &oething very easy. *.g."That e)a 'as a s3oosh%"
H. A carbonated drin3.
I All uses are &cottish.
s3ri3, Verb. &ee $scri3e$.
s3un Verb. Cast tense of $s3in$ :verb;, i.e. s3inned. *.g."9ob s3un u! a joint last night that 'as 9 inches long%"
s3un3 Noun. 1. A !o!ular ty!e of very strong arijuana, characteri=ed by its !ungent sell, hence its nae.
>. A !erson fro 5e'castle/u!on/Tyne, and ore !articularly a su!!orter of 5e'castle football club. 1ro the
tea$s colours, blac3 and 'hite stri!es, and as a derogatory ter due to the fact that s3un3s $sell$. ,erog. [0ainly
&underland use]
s3un36,,* Noun. A ty!e of very strong arijuana. &ee $s3un3$.
s3y 1roc3,+2 Noun. Coc3et. 9hying slang.
s3y/ilo+ Noun. A !riest, vicar or siilar !reacher of religion.
slag Noun. 1. A !rostitute or !roiscuous 'oan. Also occasionally heard 'ith reference to such en. ,erog.
>. A conte!tible !erson. ,erog.
Verb To !ut do'n, verbally. 0eaning the sae as $slag off$.
slag 1so4,on,2 o55 Verb. To verbally !ut do'n soeone or soething. *.g."#f you are going to !ersistently slag off your friends you
soon 'on$t have any left to u!set."
sla4 *ancing Adj. An aggressive and !hysical dance style ado!ted by $thrash etal$ fans. 2f. $oshing$.
sla/ Noun. 2osetic a3e/u!. Originally fro theatrical usage. &ee $sla!/u!$ :verb;.
Verb. To beat/u!, hit, thu!. *.g."#$ going to sla! that bastard if he doesn$t shut u!."
sla/ an* +ic3l, Noun. A lighthearted se)ual liason. 6#nforal7.
sla/h,a* Noun. A balding !erson. ,erog.
sla//,r Noun. 1. A se)ually !roiscuous 'oan. ,erog.
>. A conte!tible 'oan.
sla//y Noun. A !ie sand'ich. -sually a eat !ie on a bread bun. [?igan use]
sla/ +h, 4on3,y Verb. To asturbate.
sla/.u/ Verb. To a!!ly cosetic a3e/u!.
Adj. *)travagent and su!tuous. -sually a!!lied to eals or dinner. *.g."#t$s y birthday so 'e$re off out for a
sla!/u! eal, and #$ !aying%" 6#nforal7
slash Verb. To urinate. Onoato!oeic.
Noun. An act of urination.
slaugh+,r,* Verb. Jery into)icated by drin3 or drugs.
sl,a:,bag Noun. A des!icable, slea=y, fa'ning !erson. ,erog. [Orig. -.&.]
sl,a:,ball Noun. 0eaning the sae as $slea=ebag$. ,erog.
sl,*g, Verb. To be inca!acitated entally, and conseAuently !hysically, fro ta3ing drugs. *.g."# just sat there sledging in
the corner, unable to dance." [1990s]
sli4,ball Noun. A re!ugnant !erson. Also shortened to slime. ,erog.
sling on,7s hoo3 Vrb phrs. Ko a'ay. A deand or order to leave. *.g."<ou$re not coing in here, sling your hoo3 before # call for
sli/ 1so4,on,2 a
Vrb phrs. Of ales, to have se).
sli+ Noun. The vagina. [1.00s]
slob Noun. A uncouth, unsavoury and la=y !erson. ,erog. 6#nforal7
Verb. To act in the anner of a slob. *.g."Are you going slob all day, or do soething useful for a change."
slob abou+ 0aroun* Verb. &ee $slob$ :verb;.
slobb,rcho/s Noun. A nae for a !erson 'ith a !articularly salivery outh.
slob ou+ Verb. &ee $slob$ :verb;.
slog on,7s gu+s ou+ Vrb phrs. To 'or3 very hard.
slo.4o Adj. &lo'ly. Abb. of slo'/otion.
slo//y s,con*s Noun. A subseAuent indulgence in an activity by a second !erson involving an e)change of bodily fluids. This ay
involve the sharing of drin3, or ore often it a!!lies to a se)ual nature. *.g."#$ not having slo!!y seconds, # 'ant
to shag her first."
slosh,* Adj. ,run3. [1900s]
slo+ Verb. @urt, injure, stab, shoot. *.g."# slotted that bastard last year, and he s!ent H 'ee3s in hos!ital." [0ainly Ary
slu4.i+ Verb. To live 'ithout the usual !leasures.
slu44oc3 Noun. A dirty, untidy or la=y !erson. 6#nforal7
Verb. To behave in a la=y and un3e!t fashion. 6#nforal7
slu44y Noun. +oose change. [+iver!ool use]
slu++y Adj. &luttish.
s4ac3 Noun. @eroin. ,erived fro the <iddish schmeck. [Orig. -.&. 0id 1940s]
s4ac3,r Noun. 1. A loud 3iss. 1ro the noise it ight a3e.
>. One !ound sterling, although usually in the !lural. *.g."&he still o'es e 40 sac3ers fro last 'ee3."
H. A strong !hysical blo'. *.g."# caught hi a right sac3er on his ja'."
s4ac3,roos Noun. 0eaning the sae as $sac3er$ :version >;, but 'ith a ore lighthearted slant. *.g."# can$t 'ait to get y
hands on all those lovely sac3eroos 'hen # collect y 'innings."
s4ac3h,a* Noun. A heroin addict, jun3ie. ,erog.
s4ac3i, Noun. @eroin addict. 1ro $sac3$, eaning heroin. *.g."#f # 'as you # 'ouldnt go in the !ar3 after dar3, it$s
usually full of sac3ies." [Orig. Aust.4]
s4all /o+a+o,s Noun. An insignificant aount, often 'ith regard to oney.
s4ar4y Adj. ObseAuious, condescendingly flattering. 6#nforal7
s4ar+.ars, Noun. A !erson 'ho suggly dis!lays their intelligence.
s4ar+y./an+s Noun. A 3no'/all. Also smartie)pants. 6#nforal7
s4ash,* Adj. Jery into)icated 'ith drin3 or drugs.
s4ashing Adj.%Adv. *)cellent, brilliant. 6#nforal7
s4ashingly Adv. Jery 'ell, 'ithout any !robles. *.g."<es 'e had a great tie, the holiday 'ent sashingly."
s4,g Noun. Abb. of sega.
Exclam. An e)claation of annoyance.
s4,ggy Adj. -nsavoury, horrible. The 'ord derives fro smegma.
s4,g.h,a* Noun. An ibecile, an objectionable !erson. ?atch :ed 6warf, a (ritish sit/co, for the huorous usage. ,erog.
s4,lli,s Noun. &cented toiletries and !erfues.
s4,lly Noun. A bi3er, usually un3e!t, long haired, and a listener of roc3 usic. ,erog.
s4,lly.bri*g, Noun. The !erineu. 1ro the area bridging one selly !lace to another :the genitals to the anus;.
s4i*g, Noun. A little, a sall aount. An abbreviated for of $sidgeon$.
s4i*g,on Noun. A little, a sall aount. 6#nforal7
s4oggy Noun. A !erson fro 0iddlesbrough. 1ro the area$s heavy industry and resulting !olution. 2f. $sog/onster$.
[0ainly 5orth/east use]
s4og.4ons+,r Noun. A !erson fro 0iddlesbrough. Ter not used by the locals of 0iddlesbrough. ,erog. 2f. $soggy$. [0ainly
5orth/east use]
s4o3, Noun. 1. A cigarette.
>. Also cannabis or arijuana. *.g."@ave you got any so3e for tonight."
H. +ondon. Al'ays !hrased as the so3e.
s4oo+hi, Noun. A !erson 'ho is over stylish and suave. 6#nforal7
s4uggling /,anu+s Phrs. Of a 'oan, having erect and !roinant ni!!les a!!arent through her clothing. 2f. $!eanut suggling$.
sna55l, Verb. To grab, sei=e or steal. 6#nforal7
"NAF$ Noun. A bad situation, a ista3e, a foul/u!. Acrony of situation normal all fucked up
snail.4ail Noun. Cost, surface ail. Focular e)!ression coined 'ith the advent of the uch s!eedier eail.
sna/ Noun. 1ood, es!ecially a snac3, occasionally a !ac3ed lunch. [5orthern and 0idlands useDdialect4]
sna//in Noun. 1ood. [&to3e/on/Trent use]
sna+ch Noun. The feale genitals.
sna::y Adj. &art or attractive in an ostentatious 'ay.
snic3,+ Noun. An alley'ay. [0ainly 5orthern use]
sni*,* Adj. Jery cro'ded, busy. *.g."#t 'as 5e' <ear$s *ve, the club 'as snided, and Fohn 'as Aueuing for the toilet once
again. @e 'ished he 'as at hoe in bed." [5orthern use]
sni5+,r Noun. A sall drin3 of alcohol, usually a shot of s!irits.
snig Noun. 5asal ucus. Often e)tended to sniggy.
sni+ch Verb. To infor on soebody.
Noun. &oeone 'ho snitches. [1N00s]
sni+ch,r Noun. An inforer.
snoc3,r,* Adj. ,run3, into)icated.
snog Verb. To 3iss lengthily, !assionately or lustfully.
Noun. A lengthy and !assionate 3iss.
snog so4,on,7s 5ac, o55 Vrb phrs. To 3iss soeone dee!ly and !assionately.
snoo3.coc3ing Adj. &ho'ing conte!t. 1ro $coc3 a snoo3$.
snoo3,r,* Adj. ,efeated, th'arted.
snor+ Verb. To inhale via the nose a sall Auantity of !o'dered drug, such as cocaine or a!hetane. [-.&.]
sno+ Noun. 5asal ucus. [s.e. fro 1400s, until 1G00s]
Verb. To e)!el nasal ucus. *.g."@e laughed so uch that he snotted do'n his chin."
sno+ rag Noun. A hand3erchief.
sno++,r Noun. 1. The nose.
>. @ander3erchief.
sno++y Adj. 1. Over !roud and conceited.
>. 1ull of nasal ucus, as 'ith having the ailent, a cold.
sno++y nos,* Adj. &ee $snotty$ :adj.1;.
snou+ Noun. Tobacco, or a cigarette. *.g."@ave you got a snout Fohn4 #$ gas!ing for a so3e."
snu55.i+ Verb. To die.
snu55 4ovi, Noun. A violent ovie sho'ing real urders or torture. &nuff eaning to urder or a urder.
snurg, Noun. A !erson 'ho sells bicycle seats for se)ual !leasure.
soa3 Noun. A drun3ard.*.so Noun. A conte!tible !erson. 0ildy offensive. 6#nforal7
soa/.*o*g,r Noun. An un3e!t, dirty !erson. ,erog.
soa/y +i+ 6an3 Noun. An act of asturbation bet'een a 'oan$s breasts 'ith the use of soe for of lubrication. 2f. $tit 'an3$.
sobs Noun. 0oney. A is!ronunciation of $sovs$ :sovereign, eaning E1 sterling;. *.g."@o' any sobs did that Arani
suit cost4"
so* Noun. 1. A conte!tible or objectionable !erson.
>. A !itiable !erson. *.g."@e$s just had his car stolen and his 'ife has just run off 'ith the il3an, the !oor sod."
This use is also be found 'ith the e)!ressions $!oor bastard$ and $!oor bugger$.
I Abb. of the 'ord sodomite.
so* abou+ 0 aroun* Verb. To 'aste tie.
so*.all Noun. 5othing. *.g."#$ve done sod/all this vacation, but # still feel li3e # need a holiday."
Adj. 5o. *.g."#$ve done sod/all 'or3 this vacation."
so**ing Adv.%Adj. -sed as an intensifier. *.g."#t$s al'ays that sodding idiot 'ho 'a3es everyone u! at a god a'ful hour."
so* i+- Exclam. A e)claation of conte!t or frustration. *.g."&od/it% #$ giving u!."
so* o55 Verb. Ko a'ay, leave. -sually used in the i!erative. *.g."#f he doesn$t sod off in the ne)t > inutes #$ going to
hit hi."
so* +his 5or a ga4, o5
sol*i,rs -
Exclam. # give u!% There$s no 'ay that #$ continuing 'ith this. Or sod that for a game of soldiers
a lar3$.
so* +his 5or a lar3 - Exclam. # give u!% An intolerant, i!atient e)claation. 2f. $sod this for a gae of soldiers$.
so* you - Exclam. Keneral e)claation of disissal, rejection, hostility.
so5+ in +h, h,a* Phrs. &tu!id, di'itted.* 0 lass Noun. Affectionate e)!ression for an ine!t or overly sentiental aleDfeale.
so5+y Noun. A 'ea3, feeble or overly sentiental !erson. 6#nforal7
soli* 1-2 Adj. *)cellent. Fa== origins. [Orig. -.&.]
Exclam. An a!!roving e)claation.
Noun. @ashish.
sonny Ji4 Noun. A condescending ter of address, usually to ales. Occasionally s!elt
soo/y Noun. A su!erar3et. -n3no'n s!ellings, !erha!s also supie or supey.
so//y Adj. 1eeble, sic3ly sentiental. 6#nforal7.
sor+ Noun. An attractive 'oan. [0ainly +ondonD&outh/east use]
sor+,* 1-2
Exclam. An a!!roving e)claation, brilliant, e)cellent.
Adj. An all !ur!ose e)!ression of satisfaction, contentent. 2oonly used to denote having the reAuired or
desired drugs. *.g."#$ve just been into to'n and got sorted for tonight$s !arty."
sor+ 1so4,on,2 ou+ Verb. To beat :soeone; u!.
soun* Adj. O.8., 'onderful, siilar to $sorted.$
soun* as a /oun* Phrs. ?onderful, e)cellent, correct. [0erseysideD5orth/'est use4]
soun*s Noun. Tunes or usic. *.g."@ave you brought any ne' sounds for tonight$s !arty."
sovs Noun. 0oney. Abb. of sovereign, E1 sterling.
so6 on,7s oa+s Vrb phrs. To have se)ual intercourse, usually during a !eriod of youthful se)ual !roiscuity.
so: Adj. &orry. 0ainly adolescent use.
so::l,* Adj. ,run3, but not inca!acitated. 6#nforal7
"P Abb. &tarting !rice. #n e)!ressions such a $'hat$s the &!4$ eaning whats happening9
s/ac Noun. An ibecile, objectionable !erson. 1ro spastic. Offens.
s/ac, ca*,+ Noun. An eccentric or cra=y !erson, soeone not thin3ing norally. ,erived fro $s!aced out$. ,erog. [Orig. -.&.]
s/ac,ca3, Noun. 2a3e ade 'ith the added ingredients of cannabis or arijuana.
s/ac,* ou+ Adj. A light/headed stu!ification resulting fro the use of drugs.
s/ac,y Adj. Abient, ethereal.
s/ac3h,a* Noun. An idiot, conte!tible !erson. ,erived fro spac. Offens.
s/ac3y Adj. #diotic, stu!id. Also spaccy. 1ro spac. Offens.
s/a*g,r Noun. A s!arro'. [dialect]
s/a55 Noun. &een.
Verb. To ejaculate, se)ually. *.g."# just had to thin3 about her na3ed and !laying 'ith herself and # s!affed."
s/ag Noun. An ibecile, socially ine!t !erson. 1ro spastic. 2f. $s!a=$.
s/a4 5ri++,r Noun. The anus. 9hying slang on $shitter$. [1990s]
s/a4 ;av,lin Noun. Cenis. &!a is a eat !roduct derived fro !or3.
s/ani,l7s ,ars Noun. &aggy, flat, droo!y breasts. 1ro their siilarity.
"/anish arch,r Noun. &ee $give the s!anish archer$.
s/an3ing Adj. 1. *)cellent.
>. 5e'. &hort for brand spanking new.
Noun. A beating.
s/an3 +h, 4on3,y Verb. To asturbate. A ter for ale asturbation.
s/ann,r Noun. An idiot, a conte!tible !erson.
s/ar, Noun. A se)ually available, unattached !erson. 2f. $bit of s!are$.
s/ar, /ric3 a+ a 6,**ing Noun. A useless or un'anted !erson. -sually heard in the e)!ression $li3e a s!are !ric3 at a 'edding$.
s/ar,.+yr, Noun. A roll of fat around one$s idrift. [19>0s] 6#nforal7
s/ar3 Noun. An electrician.
s/ar3 ou+ Verb. To !ass out, becoe unconscious.
s/ar3 u/ Verb. To light a cigarette, and often 'ith regards to a $joint$.
s/arro65ar+ Noun. ,a'n, orning brea3. 2f. $crac3 of s!arro'$s fart$.
s/a+chcoc3 Verb. To add a !hrase, clause or sentence in a conte)t that is ina!!ro!riate. 6#nforal7
s/a6ny Adj. +uc3y.
s/a: Noun. #becile, socially ine!t !erson, objectionable !erson. Also spas. ,erived fro
s/a: chario+ Noun. 1. An invalid$s car. &ee $s!a=$.
>. A 'heelchair.
s/a:4o Noun. #becile, objectionable !erson. ,erived fro spastic. Offens.
s/a:4obil, Noun. 1. A car for the disabled.
>. An objectionable, unstylish car.
s/a: ou+ Verb. To have a tantru, lose control, becoe e)treely eotional. *.g."&he totally s!a==ed out, sashed the TJ,
bro3e three 'indo's and then loc3ed herself in the bathroo until daybrea3."
s/a::y Adj. &tu!id,
>. -ncool, not fashionable.
s/,archuc3,r Noun. A blac3 !erson. Also s!ear/chuc3er. ,erogDOffens
s/,c Noun. A vie'ing !oint. Also speck. *.g."+et$s go u! to the to! tier, its a good s!ec to see the atch." [0erseyside
s/,cial K Noun. The drug 3etaine.
s/,c3y.5our.,y,s Noun. A juvenile nae for a !erson 'earing s!ectacles. ,erog.
s/,,* Noun. The drug a!hetaine sul!hate. [Orig. -.&. 19.0s]
s/,,* 5r,a3 Noun. 1. A co!ulsive user, or addict of a!hetaines.
>. A !erson 'ho loves driving fast.
s/,,* garag, Noun. A genre of dance usic 'hich enco!asses $garage$ styles 'ith $dubby$ basslines and $jungle$ ty!e $sa!les$.
Although in soe 'ays e)isting for soe tie, it has only recently been given its contentious nae by the usic
!ress. [199N]
s/,,*ing Adj. -nder the influence of a!hetaine sul!hate.
s/,ll Noun. A s!linter. [<or3shire useDdialect]
s/,n* a /,nny Vrb phrs. To urinate, to go to the lavatory. A eu!heis derived fro a fee charged in !ublic toilets, albeit usually
only in the 'oen$sB the saying is based on a !re/inflatatory figure. 6#nforal7.
s/,n*s Noun. 0oney to s!end on oneself, often 'ith res!ect to children$s !oc3et oney.
s/,sh Adj. Abbreviated for of special. *.g."+ast night 'as really s!esh%"
s/,6 Noun. Joit.
Verb. To voit.
s/,6 on,7s gu+s u/ Vrb phrs. To voit.
s/,6.u/ Verb. To voit.
s/ic I Noun. 1. A !erson fro Cuerto 9ico, 0e)ico and &!ain. ,erog. [Orig. -.&.]
>. Of &!ain and its languages. ,erog. [Orig. -.&.]
I Also s!elt spick.
s/ic, Noun. 2onfectionery. [<or3sD5otts use]
s/i*,r7s l,gs Noun. The !ubic hairs 'hich !rotrude fro beneath one$s under'ear.
s/i,l Noun. Cersuasive s!eech, sales !atter.
s/i55ing Adj. *)cellent, first rate. &oe'hat archaic e)!ression !er!etuated by huourous use 'hen iic3ing u!!er class
behaviour. *.g."?e had an absolutely s!iffing tie, than3s ainly to +ord Consonby$s generous gift of%"
s/iggy Noun. 2he'ing gu. 2f $s!oggy$. [*ast +ancs use]
s/ill on,7s gu+s Vrb phrs. 1. To confess or reveal the truth.
>. To voit. Crobably a isuse of version 1 due to its siilarity 'ith $s!e' one$s guts u!$.
s/i+ Noun. An e)act double, an identical iage. *.g."&he 'as the s!it of her 'hen she 'as Fane$s age, but no' she$s
dyed her hair and 'ears glasses."
s/i+ 1ou+2 on,7s *u44y Vrb phrs. To thro' a tantru. +i3e a child discarding its !acifier :a duy; in a fit of anger. *.g."#f you$re gonna
s!it out your duy over such a inor insult, then # thin3 you need soe anger anageent."
s/i+ roas+ Noun. &e)ual intercourse bet'een at least t'o ales and a third !arty, the reci!ient :either ale or feale;. The
active ales ta3ing !ositions at either end of the reci!ient, in the anner of a s!it roast. Also
s/i+ +ac3s Vrb Phrs. (e very angry. *.g."&he 'as s!itting tac3s after # stained her best table cloth 'ith 3etchu!."
s/i++ing 5,a+h,rs Adj. 1. Thirsty. *.g."+et$s sto! at the ne)t cafe, #$ s!itting feathers."
>. 1rantic, fretful, agitated. *.g."&he 'as s!itting feathers after those 3ids sashed her front 'indo'."
s/lash on,7s boo+s Vrb phrs. To urinate. 0ale usage.
s/lic3 Noun. ,istasteful or un!leasant viscous substances. [19G0s]
s/li55 Noun. A cannabis or arijuana cigarette. [Orig. ?.#.]
s/li+ ars, Noun. A 'oan. ,erog.
s/li+ b,av,r Noun. An e)!licit !ornogra!hic !ose fully revealing the feale genitals. 2f. $beaver$.
s/losh Noun. Tea :the drin3;. [0ainly +ondon use]
s/o* Noun. 1. A studious !erson. A $s'ot$. ,erog.
>. A conte!tible !erson. ,erived fro definition1. ,erog.
s/ogs Noun. 2onfectionary, any 3ind of s'eet. [<or3s use]
s/oggy Noun. 2he'ing gu. 2f $s!iggy$. [@ubersideD+incs use]
s/on*ulic3s Noun. 0oney. Also s!elt spondulics and spondulix. [1G00s]
s/oo5 Noun. &een.
s/oon Verb. 1. To nestle against one another in bed 'hilst both facing the sae 'ay. [0id 1G00s]
>. To iss hit a ball during a s!orting activity. *.g."@e only had the goal3ee!er to beat and he s!ooned it%"
Noun. An idiot, a foolish !erson.
s/o+ on Adj.%Adv. 2orrect, e)actly right. 6#nforal7
s/ra55 Verb. To chat, tal3. *.g.",on$t just stand there s!raffing, find soe 'or3 to do."
s/r,a* i+ on +hic3 Vrb phrs. To e)aggerate.
s/r,a+h,* Adj. &ore through e)!osure to cold 'eather, cha!!ed. [&outh ?ales use]
s/rog Noun. A child.
s/rogg,* u/ Adj. Cregnant. 1ro $s!rog$ eaning child.
s/u* Noun. 1. &oeone 'ho is ugly.
>. An affectionate ter of address for a friend. A !lay on the 'ord bud, an abbreviated for of buddy.
H. A !otato. 6#nforal7
s/u* ugly Adj. Jery ugly.
s/u*s Noun. The hands. 2hildren ight be heard to say "Cut your s!uds in", 'hen chanting a rhye to decide 'ho is
s/uggly Adj. Jery ugly. A contraction of $s!ud ugly$.
s/un3 Noun. &een.
s/un3 buc3,+ Noun. 1. A 'oan, !ossibly i!lying of easy orals. ,erog.
>. Jagina, as vie'ed as a rece!ticle for seen.
s/un3 *us+bin Noun. Jagina. As vie'ed as a rece!tacle for seen.
s/un3 1u/2 Verb. To ejaculate seen. *.g."@e s!un3ed u! just as his dad cae in the roo."
s=ua**i, Noun. A soldier.
s=uar, Noun. A !erson 'ho is reactionary, old fashioned and set in their 'ays. ,erog.
Adj. Old fashioned, conservative, conventional.
s=uar,.,y,s Noun. A huourous address for soeone 'ho 'atches too uch television.
s=uar,.go Noun. A fist fight, a !unch u!. [&cottish use]
s=uar, roo+ o5 5uc3.all Phrs. Absolutely nothing. 2f. $fuc3/all sAuared$.
s=ua+ Verb. 1. To defecate.
>. To urinate. 1eale e)!ression.
Noun. The act of defecation. Also, of feales, urination.
s=u,al Verb. To infor :on;. Often used in the siile, s1ueal like a pig.
s=uic3 Noun. &oething distasteful, vile, disgusting. &ee $sAuic3 soeone out$.
s=uic3 1so4,on,2 ou+ Vrb phrs. To disgust :soeone;. *.g."Ceo!le !ic3ing their noses in !ublic really sAuic3s e out." [Orig. -.&.4]
s=uic3y Adj. ,isgusting. [Orig. -.&.4]
s=ui* Noun. A jocular ter for one !ound sterling, derived fro $Auid$.
s=ui*g,y Adj. 1eeling soft, sAuashy or soggy. *.g. "# thin3 the ground$s a little too sAuidgey for cric3et today." 6#nforal7
s=ui55y Adj. 1. A little drun3. 6#nforal7
>. As3e', off centre, a'ry. 6#nforal7
s=uillion Noun. A very large indefinite aount.
s=uir, Noun. A ter of address. 6#nforal7
s=uir+ Noun. A diinutive and insignificant !erson. ,erog. 6#nforal7
s=ui+s Noun. ,iarrhoea. [1G40s]
s=ui+y Adj. Of or having the characteristics of diarrhoea. *.g."# not coing into 'or3 today, # have a sAuity botto."
s=ui: Noun. A loo3, a glance. *.g."@ave a sAui= at the !hotos and see if you can s!ot anyone you recognise."
s+ac3,* Adj. Of a 'oan, 'ell built or large breasted.
s+ag,.*iving Noun. The act of clibing onto the stage during a gig, to then lea! off and be caught by the audience. Originates
fro 19G0s !un3 but !roliferating during $thrash$ and $grunge$ era of the late 19G0s and 1990s.
s+al3 Noun. An erect !enis.
s+ar3 bolloc3 na3,* Adj. Totally na3ed.
s+ar3,rs Noun. 5a3ed. 1ro &tark naked. 2f. $star3 bolloc3 na3ed$.
s+arv,* Adj. Of a !erson, very cold, free=ing. [<or3s use]
s+ash Noun. #llicit drugs.
s+,a4boa+s Adj. ,run3.
s+,a4ing Adj. 1. ,run3. Abb. of steaming drunk.
>. 9acing, oving Auic3ly. *.g."?e 'ere steaing u! the otor'ay."
H. Jery angry.
Adj.%Adv. An intensifier, such as $blin3ing$, $bleeding$. *.g."That steaing idiot has s!ent all our holiday oney on a
ne' stereo."
s+,c3y Noun. A tantru, an fit of anger. Also throw a stecky, to have a tantru. [+ancsD2ubria use]
s+,nch.+r,nch Noun. Jagina.
"+,n*,rs Noun. Abb. of *astenders, the (ritish TJ soa!. 2f. $(roo3y$ and $2orry$.
"+,v, Mcu,,ns Noun. Feans. 9hying slang, often shortened to steves.
s+,6,* Adj. ,run3.
s+ic3 Noun. 1. @assle, e)cessive criticis, trouble. *.g."8ee! giving hi stic3 and he$ll !ac3 his bags and leave."
>. *ffort. *.g."Ko on, give it soe stic3."
Verb. &uffer, tolerate, abide. *.g."# can$t stic3 that sarcastic huour of his." 6#nforal7
s+ic3 in +h, 4u* Noun. A boring, unadventurous, old/fashioned !erson. ,erog. 6#nforal7
s+ic3 on, on so4,on, Vrb phrs. To hit or beat u! soeone. *.g."#$ going to stic3 one on hi if he sho's u! tonight."
s+ic3s Noun. 9ural, reote areas such as in the countryside. [Orig. -.&.]
s+ic3y biscui+ Noun. A se) gae 'hereby a biscuit :coo3ie; is !laced centrally bet'een a circle of asturbating ales. The last
ale to ejaculate, over the biscuit, is obliged to eat it.
s+ic3y.5ing,r,* Adj. +iable to steal. *vo3es interesting iagery of other !eo!le$s belongings adherring to the cul!rit$s fingers. 5ot
dissiilar to the s.e. light)fingered.
s+ic3y 6ic3,+ Noun. A difficult situation. 2f. $(at on a stic3y 'ic3et$.
s+i55 Noun. 1. A dead body.
>. A boring conventional !erson. ,erog.
s+i55y Noun. An erect !enis. 2rude but jocular. Also stiffie.
s+in3,r Noun. 1. A conte!tible !erson.
>. An a'3'ard, difficult tas3.
s+in3ing Adj. 1. *)treely objectionable. *.g."That stin3ing idiot deserves all he got."
>. ?ealthy. A shortening of stinking rich. *.g."&he can afford it, she$s stin3ing."
H. ,run3.
s+in3s Adj. &us!icious. *.g.",on$t lie to e, your e)cuse stin3s."
s+i+ch u/ Verb. To betray 'ith false evidence. Also !hrased to stitch someone up.
Noun. An act of betrayal 'ith the use of falsified evidence.
s+oa+,r Noun. &oething i!ressive or e)cellent. [&cottish use]
s+ocious Adj. #nto)icated. [#rishD&cottish use4]
s+o3,* Adj. *)cited, !leased, thrilled. *.g."0y dad 'as sto3ed 'hen # !assed y driving test."
"+o3, on #r,n+ Noun. 1. A ale hoose)ual.
>. 2riinal.
(oth eanings are rhying slang for $bent$, &to3e on Trent being a city in the idlands of *ngland.
s+o4/ on Verb. To !hysically assault :soeone;.
s+o4/ing Adj. +ively, energetic. *.g."That last tune 'as sto!ing."
s+on, bon3,r A sure thing, a certainty.
s+on,* Adj. #nto)icated 'ith drin3 or ore freAuently its conte!orary usage refers to cannabis or arijuana into)ication.
[Orig. -.&.]
s+on, 4,- Exclam. An e)claation of sur!rise.
s+on, +h, cro6s- Exclam. An e)claation of sur!rise.
s+on3,r Noun. 1. An erect !enis, usually i!lying great si=e.
>. &oething huge or i!ressive.
s+on3ing Adj. 1. #!ressively large.
>. An intensifier, *.g."<eah, 'e had a ston3ing good tie."
s+oo3i, Noun. A !laster cast on a bro3en lib. Also s!elt stooky. [&cottish use]
s+o//y bac3 Noun. An after hours drin3 at a !ublic house :bar;. [0acclesfield use]
s+or4ing Adj. 0arvellous, e)cellent. *.g."?e had a storing night out at the club, the best ever."
s+o++i, Noun. A flat coarse bread, ade fro the scra!s of dough leftover in ba3ing. [&cotlandDTynesideD5orthern use]
s+ov, in Verb. To sash u!. *.g."?hen # see that idiot again #$ gonna stove his head in"
s+o6,* ou+ Adj. 2ro'ded, !ac3ed out, full to ca!acity. [0ainly &cottish use]
s+raigh+ Noun. 1. A heterose)ual. [Orig. -.&.]
>. A conventional but boring !erson. ,erog.
H. A anufactured cigarette, as o!!osed to a roll/u!.
Adj. 1. @eterose)ual, as o!!osed to hoose)ual, being $bent$
>. +a' abiding.
s+raigh+ ,*g, Noun. A lifestyle choice based around the !hiloso!hy of abstention fro things that are considered harful, such as
alcohol, drugs and se)ual !roiscuity. 0ore coon in the -.&. fro 'here it originated.
s+raigh+.u/ Adj. True.
Adv. Truthfully, honestly. *.g."@onestly, # didn$t touch it &arah, straight u!."
s+ra/.on Noun. A substitute !enis that can be 'orn by feales to siulate ale to feale se)ual intercourse.
s+ra//,* Adj. 1. +ac3ing, short of. *.g."2an you give it soe thought4 #$ stra!!ed for ideas." 6#nforal7.
>. Coor, short of oney. *.g."# can$t coe out tonight, #$ stra!!ed."
s+ra/ u/ Verb. To a3e a cannabisDarijuana cigarette.
s+r,,+ Noun. @aving to do 'ith the street life of a city at the ost coon accessible level, urban subculture.
#h, "+r,,+ Noun. 5ic3nae and abbreviation for 2oronation &treet, a !o!ular -8 TJ soa!. 2f. $2orry$.
s+r,,+ cr,* Noun. @aving fashionable a'areness, acce!table on the $street$.
s+r,+ch Noun. A !eriod s!ent in !rison.
s+r,6+h- Exclam. An e)claation of sur!rise, annoyance or frustration. ,erived fro 2ods truth
s+ri*,s Noun. Trousers
s+ri3, a ligh+- Exclam. An e)claation of sur!rise.
s+ri3, 4, /in3- Exclam. An e)claation of sur!rise.
s+ringb,an Noun. A tall, thin !erson. 6#nforal7.
s+robing Adj. An effect siilar to seeing a series of stills as 'hen vie'ed under a strobosco!e, but 'hen under the influence
of +&, or another hallucinogen.
s+ro/ Noun. A bad ood, a fit of fury. *.g."# got in a stro! after that blo3e 3noc3ed over y !int of beer."
s+ro//y Adj. (ad te!ered. 6#nforal7
s+ru4 Noun. An act of feale asturbation.
s+rung ou+ Adj. *otionally stressed, in ental turoil.
s+ru+ on,s s+u55 Vrb phrs. To act !roudly, confidently and 'ithout inhibitionsB often heard in relation to dancing.
s+uc3.u/ Adj. 2onceited, snobbish. 6#nforal7
s+u*4u55in Noun. An attractive ale. [Orig. -.&. 1990s]
Verb. 1. To co!ulate. 0ale usage. [0id 1G00s]
>. To defeat thoroughly in a gae or co!etition. *.g."?ith our ne' signing fro -nited 'e$re going to stuff the
good and !ro!er."
H. -sed to e)clai indifference or rejection of :soething;. *.g."&tuff the conseAuences% #$ going to get drun3."
s+u55 an* nons,ns, Noun. ?orthless or foolish ideas, s!eech, or 'ritingB nonsense. Often as an e)claation. *.g."&tuff and nonsense%
<ou$re tal3ing rubbish."
s+u55,* Adj. 1. 2oncerned, bothered. -sually !hrased in the negative. *.g."#$ not stuffed 'ith going out drin3ing tonight."
>. #n a !osition of no ho!e.
s+u55ing Noun. &e)ual intercourse, fro a ale !oint of vie'. *.g."# gave her good stuffing then 'ent bac3 do'n to the
s+u55 i+ - Exclam. An e)claation of anger, conte!t or indifference.
Verb. *)!ressing conte!t. *.g."# don$t care, you can stuff it% #$ going hoe."
s+u55 on,7s 5ac, Vrb phrs. To eat greedily or fully.
s+u4/ u/ Verb. To !ay u!, to hand over 'hat is o'ed.
s+u/i* o7cloc3 Noun. At an unreasonable, early tie.
Verb. To be 'orthless, conte!tible or disgusting. *.g."The storyline in that boo3 is a little contrived and the
characters suc3."
Noun. &'eets, confectionary in general. A suck shop being a s'eet sho!. [?. 0idlands use]
suc3 o55 Verb. To give oral se) :to soeone;. *.g."# lay do'n on the sofa so she could suc3 e off."
suc3,r Noun. A gullible !erson. ,erog.
suc3ing *i,s,l Phrs. ,oing very 'ell, !rogressing 'ell. [Orig. #rish4]
suc3 shi+ Verb. To be 'orthless, conte!tible. *.g."@o' can you 'ear beige4 #t totally suc3s shit." [Orig -.&.]
suc3 u/ Verb. To flatter, be obseAuious.
sugar - Exclam. A eu!heis for $shit%$.
sui+ Noun. A 'hite/collar 'or3er, a business e)ecutive.
sui+,* an* boo+,* Adj. Jery sartly dressed. 1ro 'earing a suit and eAuivalently foral foot'ear.
su44a+ Pron. &oething. *.g."There$s suat u! 'ith the engine. *verytie 'e accelerate the e)haust blo's so3e."
[5orthern useDdialect]
sunshin, Noun. A for of address. *.g."Alright sunshine% &ho' us 'hat you$ve got." 6#nforal7
su/ Verb. To drin3. *.g."#t$s no 'onder you$ve got a headache, you$ve been su!!ing beer all day."
sur5 Verb. To bro'se different ?eb sites using the lin3s in a rela)ed alost rando anner. *.g."#$ve been surfing on
the net all night and found an e)cellent ne' usic !age."
sur5.bu4 Noun. &oeone 'hose life revolves around surfing and conseAuently s!end their tie on beaches.
suss Verb. To 'or3 soething out, to understand, to ascertain. Often follo'ed by $out$.
Adj. Abb. of sus!icious. *.g."# don$t li3e the loo3s of that blo3e, he$s suss."
suss,* Adj. 8no'ledgeable, 'ell/infored, able to loo3 after oneself.
s6ag Noun. 0oney or ites, as ta3en by a thief or burglar. 6#nforal7
s6ally Noun. Alcoholic drin3. [&cottish use]
s6a4/ *on3,y Noun. An ugly !erson. ,erog.
s6a/ s/i+ Verb. To 3iss dee!ly.
s6,a+ cobs Verb. To !ers!ire !rofusely, to s'eat e)cessively. *.g."?ith the roo te!erature at 9L degrees, # 'as s'eating
s6,a+y B,++y Noun. A jocular nae and insult for a 'oan suffering e)cess !ers!iration and conseAuently fro bad body odour.
s6,a+y soc3 Noun. A &cot. 1ro the rhying slang sweaty sock ) !ock. Offens.
s6,*g, Noun. A fight. [&cottish use]
s6,,+ Adj. *)cellent, a general ter of a!!roval.
s6,,+ as a nu+ Phrs. O.8., great, fine, satisfactory.
s6,,+ F<A< Phrs. 5othing at all. *u!heis for sweet fuck)all. 2f. $s'eet fanny adas$.
s6,,+ Fanny A*a4s Phrs. Absolutely nothing. *u!heis for sweet fuck)all. 2f. $fanny adas$.
s6,,+./,a Noun. A ter of affection.
s6ig Verb. To drin3 greedily. 6#nforal7
s6i4bo Acronym. One$s 'ife or girlfriend. &tanding for "he &ho Must Be Obeyed.
s6ing bo+h 6ays Vrb phrs. To be bise)ual. [Orig. -.&.]
s6ing,r Noun. A !erson 'ho indulges in !artner s'a!!ing for se)ual variety.
s6ing +h, l,a* Vrb phrs. To 'aste tie, to shir3 one$s duties. *.g."2oe on 0ar3, sto! s'inging the lead, there$s 'or3 to do."
s6i:: Noun. A s'indle. 6#nforal7
Noun. A !erson 'ho studies hard. 6#nforal7
Verb. To study hard. *.g."Tiy had been s'otting for H onths, but still failed his e)as." 6#nforal7
s6o++y Adj. &tudious. 6#nforal7
s6o+ u/ Verb. To study hard. 6#nforal7
sy/hon +h, /y+hon Vrb phrs. Of ales, to urinate. +ight/hearted e)!ression, also s!elt $si!hon the !ython$.
syru/ Noun. A 'ig. Abb. of the rhying slang &yrup of "igB a3ing a coebac3 into everyday usage.

F@0G Noun. All the tie. >4 hours a day, N days a 'ee3.
+a- Exclam. Than3 you% 6#nforal7
+ab Noun. 1. Abb. of tablet. ,rug culture e)!ression.
>. A cigarette.
H. *ar. &ee $tab/hang$. [dialect]
+ab.,n* Noun. A cigarette butt.
+ab.hang Verb. To eavesdro!. @eard as tabang. *.g."&to! tabhanging, and get on 'ith your hoe'or3." &ee $tab$. [5orthern
+abl,.,n*,r Noun. An act of co!ulation on or at a table.
+ac3l, Noun. The ale genitals. #!lying their usefulness as eAui!ent to co!lete a tas3. 2f. $'edding tac3le.$
+ac3y Adj. Of !oor taste, lac3ing style. 6#nforal7
+ac+ical chun*,r Noun. A bout of voiting, self/adinistered to enable one to drin3 ore alcohol. A !un on the e)!ression
blunder. &ee $chunder$.
+a*g,r Noun. A !enis. -sually affectionate usage. 2f. $todger$. [19L0s]
#a55y Noun. A ?elsh !erson. -sually offensive. ,erived fro the ?elsh 6afydd, an eAuivalent nae for ,avid. Also
abbreviated to Taff.
+ag Noun. A !seudony or other identifying ar3 used as a signature by a graffitti artist.
+agnu+s Noun. 1aecal renants that adhere to anal hairs.
+ailor.4a*, Noun. A factory !roduced cigarette, as o!!osed to a hand/rolled cigarette.
+ain+ Noun. The !erineu. &oething of a !un, because it aint the anus$ and it aint
+a3, a *iv, Vrb phrs. To feign a foul or 3noc3do'n in s!orts.
+a3, a han* +o so4,on, Vrb phrs. To tease, ridicule. Also make a hand. [#rish use]
+a3, a hi3, Vrb phrs. To de!art. -sually a deand by soeone.
+a3, a /o/ a+ 1so4,on,2 Vrb phrs. To verbally or !hysically attac3 :soeone;. Also !hrased as $have a !o! at :soeone;$.
+a3, a running ;u4/- Exclam. A disissive rebuff.
+a3, i+ ,asy Vrb phrs. 1. Koodbye, a !arting salutation.
>. 9ela), don$t get stressed.
+a3, i+ u/ +h, ars,0ass Vrb phrs. To be on the receiving end of anal se). *.g."@e too3 it u! the arse and couldn$t sit do'n for three days
+a3, 5iv, Verb. @ave a brief rest or res!ite fro one$s current activities.
+a3, +h, biscui+ Vrb phrs. To beat all co!etition, to ta3e all the honours, usually said ironically or 'ith sur!rise. 6#nforal7
+a3, +h, Micha,l 1ou+ o5
Vrb phrs. To a3e fun, tease, satiri=e. 1ro $ta3e the ic3ey$. *.g."# dont li3e Fohn, he$s al'ays ta3ing the 0ichael
out of e."
+a3, +h, 4ic3,y 1ou+ o5
Vrb phrs. To tease, to ridicule. Also shortened to take the mick. An abbreviated for of the 2oc3ney rhying slang
take the mickey bliss, eaning $ta3e the !iss$. *.g."&to! ta3ing the ic3ey out of (illy, he$s very sensitive and
you$re u!setting hi." 2f. $ta3e the 0ichael$ and $e)tract the 0ichael$. [19H0s]
+a3, +h, /iss Vrb phrs. 1. To ridicule, to tease, to a3e fun off. 2f. $e)tract the urine$.
>. To ta3e advantage of, to e)!loit. *.g."Fust because they li3e loo3ing after their grand children, doesn$t ean you
can du! the 3ids on the every 'ee3end 'hilst you go out clubbing. That$s just ta3ing the !iss."
+al,n+ Noun. An attractive !erson or !ersons.
+al3 ou+ o5 on,7s ars, Vrb phrs. To tal3 nonsense.
+al3 +h, hin* l,g o55 a
Vrb phrs. To tal3 incessantly. 6#nforal7
+ally.ho- Exclam. Koodbye, a cheerful !arting salutation.
+ally6hac3,r Noun. Cenis.
+an*oori +6o.s+,/ Noun. @aving diarrhoea and an u!set stoach.
+an3 Verb. To travel ra!idly, to charge at great s!eed. *.g."?e tan3ed it u! fro +ondon, just in tie to 'atch the
football atch."
+an3,* u/ Adj. ,run3 and in a state ro'diness. [*arly 1900s]
+a/ o55 Verb. To seduce a se)ually desirable !erson.
+a//,* Adj. #nsane or a entally unstable. 1ro doolally tap. 2f. $doolally$.
+a.ra- Exclam. Koodbye% 2f. $ta/ta$. [?elshD0idlandsD5orthern use, 19L0s] 6#nforal7 Exclam. Koodbye% Also tra a bit and other !ossible s!elling variations. [(iringhaD?est 0idlands use]
+ar+ Noun. 1. A !rostitute or !roiscuous 'oan. The often unise)ual nature of conte!orary slang ensures the !hrase
is no' a!!lied to !roiscuous ales. ,erog.
>. ,erog. and offensive ter for 'oen. ,erived fro the 2oc3ney rhying slang
H. An objectionable !ersonB often used affectionately or !layfully.
1+h,2 #ar+an Ar4y Noun. 2ollectively, the su!!orters of the &cottish national football tea.
+ar+ 5u,l Noun. &'eet, ready/i)ed fruit drin3s containing alcohol. 2oonly believed to be ainly consued by 'oen
'ho 'ould becoe orally loose after an e)cessive consu!tion, conseAuently becoing $tarts$. 2f. $alco!o!$ and
$bitch !iss$.
+ar+ u/ Verb. To sarten u!. 6#nforal7
+ash Noun. Abb. of oustache. 6#nforal7
<<<+as+ic &uffix. Added to 'ords to ibue a sense of une)!ected e)cellence. *.g."&he too3 e bac3 to her roo and 'e had
a se)tastic night."
+as+y Adj. Attractive.
+a+ Noun. 1. 9ubbish, jun3. Abb. of tatty. *.g."<ou can$t 'ear that old cardigan, it$s tat." 6#nforal7
>. Abb. of tattoo.
+a.+a- Exclam. Koodbye% 2f. $ta/ra$. [*arly 1900s] 6#nforal7
+a+,rs Noun. Cotatoes. A corru!tion of the 'ord !otatoes. 6#nforal7
Adj. 2old. 1ro the 2oc3ney rhying slang taters in the mould :!otatoes in the ould;. *.g."#t$s a bit taters in
hear. &hall # light the fire4"
+a8 Verb. To rob a !erson in !ublic by the use of, or threat of aggression, to e)tort, to ug. A eu!heis atte!ting to
obscure the aggressive nature of such an assault. 2ae to !roinence during the early 1990s.
+7* o55 Adj. Angry, annoyed.
+,a.bagging Noun. The oral ani!ulation and suc3ing of testicles during se)B a tea/bagger being a !erson 'ho indulges in said
+,al,a5 Noun. Thief. 2oc3ney rhying slang.
+,ar.ars, abou+ 0 aroun* Verb. To hurry about, hinting at frantic haste. *.g."#$ve been tear/arsing about fro one eeting to the ne)t and
'ithout a brea3 all day."
+,ar.;,r3,r Noun. A fil or story li3ely to be over sentiental and !roote tearful eotions. 6#nforal7
+,chnicolour ya6n Noun. An act of voiting. Focular usage. [Orig Aust. 19.0s]
+,chno Noun. A ty!e of electronically created dance usic.
+,,n+h Noun. ,rug !arlance for a sixteenth of an ounce.
+,l,/hon, nu4b,rs Noun. Jery large aounts, usually a!!lied to oney. *.g."&o 'hat !rice are you going to charge for the full
service4 Are you tal3ing tele!hone nubers4"
+,ll so4,on, 6h,r, +o g,+
Vrb phrs. An angry rebu3e at soeone$s interference. *.g."#f she entions y acne once ore #$ll tell her 'here to
get off.$
+,lly Noun. Television. 6#nforal7
+,n.5oo+ 5oun. A narro' alley'ay behind a ro' of hoes. 1ro its 'idth being 10 feet in diaeter. [*ast <or3sD@ull use]
+,nn,r Noun. A ten/!ound :sterling; onetary note. 6#nforal7
+hang Noun. Thing.
+han3s a bunch- Exclam. An ironic thank you very much.
+han3s 5or no+hing- Exclam. An e)claation of annoyance at soeone$s unhel!fulness.
+ha+ch Noun. Cubic hair.
+ha+7s +h, s+u55 Phrs. &aid as an a!!roval of a thing done or said. 6#nforal7
+hic3 as a bric3 Phrs. Jery stu!id.
+hic3 as /igshi+ Phrs. Jery stu!id.
+hic3 as shi+ in +h, n,c3 o5 a
Chrs. Jery stu!id
+hic3 as +6o shor+ /lan3s Phrs. Jery stu!id.
+hic3 ,ar Noun. A sla! around the head, often used as an idle threat. *.g. "#f you don$t coe do'n here and do the 'ashing
u!, #$ll give you a thic3 ear." 6#nforal7
+hic3o Noun. An stu!id, unintelligent !erson. ,erog.
+hingy.4a.bob Noun. A soething 'hose nae esca!es one. Also a thing)ma)jig. 2f. $oojah$. 6#nforal7
+his arvo Phrs. This afternoon. [Orig. Aust.]
+his avvy Phrs. This afternoon. *.g."#$ off u! to'n this avvy. ,o you fancy coing along4"
+hra/ Verb. To asturbate
Noun. An act of asturbation. *.g."@e$s in his bedroo, having a good long thra! over a ne' !orn ag."
+hrash Noun. A ty!e of fast ra' roc3 usic derived fro $!un3$.
+hrash 4,+al Noun. &iilar to $thrash$ but having a ore $heavy/etal$ slant.
+hr,a*s Noun. 2lothes.
+hr,,/,nny bi+s Noun. ?oen$s breasts. 9hying slang on $tits$. Also thrupenny bits. 2f. $thru!s$
+hr,, sh,,+s +o +h, 6in* Phrs. ,run3.
+hr,,so4, Noun. A se)ual congress bet'een three !eo!le, a menage a trois.
+hron, Noun. The lavatory.
+hro6 Verb. 1. To voit. A shortening of $thro' u!$.
>. To intentionally or by one$s o'n foolishness, lose a gae. 6#nforal7
+hro6 an ,//y Vrb phrs. @ave a fit of anger. ,erived fro epilectic fit. &ee $e!!y$. *.g."After losing the final gae of the season
he thre' an e!!y and resigned fro the tea anageent."
+hro6 a sic3i, Vrb phrs. 1alsely clai to be ill, usually to avoid 'or3.
+hro6 a 6hi+,y Vrb phrs. To feel li3e voiting, derived fro the action of losing all the colour in one$s face !rior to being sic3.
+hro6 a 6obbly Vrb phrs. (ecoe very angry. Also heard as throw a wobbler. *.g." @e thre' a 'obbly 'hen he found her having
se) 'ith the !luber on the 3itchen floor."
+hro6 u/ Verb. To voit. 6#nforal7
+hru/,nny bi+s Noun. &ee $three!enny bits$
+hru/s Noun. ?oen$s breasts. &hortening of thrupenny bits, rhying slang on $tits$. &ee $three!enny bits$.
+hru+ch Verb. To fidget, to be restless. *.g."# got no slee! at all 'ith you thrutching about all night." [5orthern use
+hun*,r+highs Noun. 1. A !erson 'ith fat or very bul3y legs, usually a!!lied to 'oen.
>. 1at or large legs.
+hun*,rbo8 Noun. A toilet.
+ic3 Noun. 2redit. Often heard in the !hrase on tick. *.g."# can never save oney, so al'ays buy electrical goods on
tic3." 6#nforal7
+ic3l,* /in3 Adj. Jery !leased.
+ic3 o55 Verb. To re!riand, to tell off. *.g."#f you 3ee! tic3ing e off then #$ll go hoe early and then you$ll be sorry."
+ic3,* o55 Adj. Angry, annoyed.
+ic3, Adj. 1ine, all right, in order. *.g."<es indeed, everything is just tic3ety/boo, #$ve never felt better."
+ic3ing o55 Noun. A re!riand. *.g."# got a right tic3ing off fro the headaster, and he$s going to tell y u as'ell." &ee
$tic3 off$ :verb;
+i**ly Adj. 1. A little drun3. 6#nforal7
>. &all. 6#nforal7
+i*y Adj. Kood, satisfactory. 2oon use in ?ales. *.g."#t 'as a tidy !arty, but #$ve got a terrible hangover no'."
+igh+ Adj. 1. To be frugal or not generous. 6#nforal7
>. ,run3. 6#nforal7
+igh+.ars, Noun. A ean, selfishly frugal !erson.
+igh+.ars,* Adj. 0ean, stingy.
+igh+ as a *uc37s ars, Phrs. 0iserly, very ean. 2f. $tight as a gnat$s chuff$.
+igh+ as a gna+7s chu55 Phrs. *)treely frugal, very iserly. &ee $chuff$.
+igh+6a* Noun. A iserly !erson, a ean !erson.
+i4, Noun. A !rison sentence. &erving ones time, or doing time.
1+h,2 +i4, o5 +h, 4on+h Noun. A eu!heis for a 'oan$s enstrual cycle.
+in ba+h Noun. A laugh, often in the sense of ridiculing, hence often heard as "youre having a tin bath mate+=$
=youre having me on and cant be serious". 2oc3ney rhying slang, fro 2oc3ney$s !ronunciation of
so rhying 'ith laugh :!ronounced larf;. [+ondon use]
+in3l, Noun. 1. An act of urination. 0uch acce!ted e)!ression, less vulgar than $'iddle.$ [Orig. -.&.]
>. A !hone/call. *.g."#$ll give you a tin3le at the 'ee3end." 6#nforal7.
+inni, Noun. A can of beer. [Orig. Aust.]
+i/ Noun. 1. A style, anner. *.g."That tune 'as very uch on an o!eratic ti!."
>. An untidy !lace, a ess. *.g."?ill you tidy your bedroo !lease, it$s a right ti! and there$s dirty clothes still on
the floor fro t'o 'ee3s ago."
+i/ i+ *o6n Verb. To rain heavily. *.g."#t$s been ti!!ing it do'n for 40 days and nights."
+i/ o55 Verb. To give inforation secretly.
Noun. An act of revealing secret inforation.
+i+ Noun. 1. A 'oan$s breast, usually a!!lied in the !lural, as tits.
>. An ibecile, an objectionable !erson.
H. A !ush/button. *.g."2oe on, hurry% Cush the tit, 'e$re running out of tie / fire evrything 'e$ve got at the%"
[Orig. 0ilitary use]
+i+ abou+ 0 aroun* Verb. To 'aste tie, to ess about. *.g."&to! titting around and get on 'ith your 'or3."
+i+ boring Adj. Jery boring, tedious.
+i+ch Noun. A lighthearted nic3nae for a sall !erson .
+i+chy Adj. Tiny. 6#nforal7.
+i+5,r Noun. A hat. 2oc3ney rhying slang fro tit for tat.
+i+.h,a* Noun. An idiot, a des!icable !erson.
+i+s.u/ Adj. &ee $go tits/u!$.
+i+ 6an3 Noun. A for of asturbation 'hereby the !enis is sand'iched and rubbed bet'een a feale$s breasts :&ee $tit$;.
2f. $soa!y tit 'an3$.
+i::y Noun. A confused, flustered state. *.g."&he 'as all eotional and in a ti==y." 6#nforal7.
+oas+ Verb. To sing one$s o'n lyrics over a vocaless bac3ing trac3. 1ro reggae and originating in the ?est #ndies.
+o* Noun. &ee $on one$s tod$.
+o**l, o55 Verb. To casually leave. 6#nforal7.
+o*g,r Noun. A !enis. A variation on $tadger$.
+o*g,r *o*g,r Noun. A lesbian. 1ro, avoiding :dodges; contact 'ith the !enis :todger;. &ee $todger$.
+o *o Noun. A fuss, a fracas. 6#nforal7.
+o,.;a4 Noun. The dirt that collects bet'een one$s toes.
+o,.;ob Noun. An act of lic3ingDsuc3ing a !erson$s toes, usually for se)ual gratification.
+o,.rag Noun. A conte!tible or 'orthless !erson. 1ro the cloth that 'as 'orn around one$s feet as a soc3, usually by
vagrants. [0id 1G00s]
+o55 Noun. A eber of the 'ealthy u!!er classes.
+o55,,.nos,* Adj. &nobbish. ,erog.
+ogg,r Noun. 1ootball. Kenerally adolescentDjuvenile use.
+ogs Noun. 2lothes. 6#nforal7
+oil,+ Noun. A !lace that is considered dirty, sAualid or un3e!t. *.g."@ave you seen the state of Cete$s 3itchen4 #$ not
going to his for dinner, his !lace is a toilet."
+o3, Verb. To so3e a $joint$.
Noun. A drag on a cigarette.
+ol,y Noun. A lu! of e)creent. Also s!elt toly and tolli. [Orig. &cottish]
+o4 Noun. 1. A !rostitute. A +ondon ter nationally 3no'n due to its use on !olice draas such as
>. Fe'ellery. 1ro the rhying slang, 4om "oolery.
Verb. To 'or3 as a !rostitute.
#o4 an* Dic3 Noun. &ic3. 9hying slang.
#o4B Dic3 an* Harry Noun. Anybody, any !erson regardless of s!ecifics. *.g."5e)t tie loc3 the door% Any To, ,ic3 and @arry could
have 'al3ed in here and stolen y oney."
+o44i,s Noun. Toatoes.
Noun. 1. Out see3ing se), being se)ually !roiscuous.
>. ?or3ing as a !rostitute.
+o44y Noun. 1. Toato. *.g."<ou 3no' 'hat this salad is lac3ing4 Toies% "
>. A (ritish soldier, usually a !rivate. 6#nforal7
+o44y K Noun. Toato 3etchu!. Noun. 5onsense, rubbish. *.g.",on$t believe a thing he says, he$s tal3ing absolute toy/rot%"
+o44y sauc, Noun. Toato 3etchu!.
+o44y 1+an32 Noun. An act of asturbation. 9hying slang on $'an3$.
+o4+i+ Noun. An act of defecation. 1ro the rhying slang for $shit$.
+on Noun. The figure of one hundred, usually a!!lied to the s!eed of 100 !h or a su of E100.
+ongu, Verb. To !erfor cunnilingus.
Verb. 1. To hit or 3ic3 hard. *.g."@e ton3ed the football into the o!!osition$s half of the !itch."
>. To have se)ual intercourse.
H. To travel 'ith s!eed and !o'er. *.g."#$ going to ton3 it u! the otor'ay tonight so that # can get to 5e'castle
before orning."
Adj. (ig, large. [0ainly +ondon use]
+onsil hoc3,y Noun. Cassionate, dee! 3issing. 2f. $tonsil tennis$.
+onsil +,nnis Noun. Cassionate, dee! 3issing. 2f. $tonsil hoc3ey$.
+oo*l,.oo - Exclam. Koodbye% 6#nforal7
+ool Noun. 1. A !enis, i!lying its su!!osed usefulness. [1>00s]
>. An idiot, a conte!tible !erson.
+ool.u/ Verb. To ar oneself, usually 'ith a gun.
+ool,* u/ Adj. Ared, carrying 'ea!ons.
#oon Ar4y Noun. 2ollectively the su!!orters of 5e'castle -nited 1ootball 2lub. 4oon eaning
&ee $Keordie$.
+oo righ+- Exclam. # agree% An e)claation of aggreeent.
+oo+ Verb. Originally to snort drugs but no' also so3ing.
Noun. 1. A inhalation of an illicit !o'dered drug, such as cocaine, via the nose.
>. A so3e.
+oo+si,s Noun. Toes.
+o/ Verb. To 3ill. *.g."@e too3 a full bottle of !ain/3illers and to!!ed hiself."
Adj. *)cellent, $sorted$. [Orig. 0anchester use]
+o/ banana Noun. The leading !erson, the boss. [Orig. -.&.]
+o/ bolloc3s Noun. A 'oan$s breasts.
+o/ *og Noun. The leader, boss.
+o/ on, Adj. *)cellent, e)!ressing that soething is the best.
+o//,r Noun. An e)ce!tional thing or !erson. ,ated e)!ression.
+o/ +o++y Noun. Jery attractive 'oan, or 'oen.
+o/ 6hac3 Phrs. The a)iu !rice or rate. 2f.$full 'hac3$. 6#nforal7
+orch Verb. To set alight.
+or+ois, Noun. &ee $have a tortoise$.
+osh Adj. 9ubbish, nonsense. 6#nforal7.
+oss Noun. 1. 9ubbish, nonsense. *.g."That !lay 'as toss, 'e should have gone to the cinea instead."
>. An act of asturbation.
Verb. To asturbate.
+ossbag Noun. A conte!tible or 'orthless !erson.
+oss,r Noun. An idiot, a conte!tible !erson. Also, occasionally s!elt tossa.
+ossing Adj. An intensifier. *.g."#$ not doing the tossing 'ashing u!, it$s your turn%"
+oss o55 Verb. To asturbate. Ter a!!lied to ales. *.g."@e$s been tossing hiself off for last > hours, 'hilst 'atching
0iss ?orld." [1N00s]
+oss./o+ Noun. 0ildly offensive nae for an idiot or conte!tible !erson. Often heard used affectionately.
+o+al Verb. To 'rec3, usually 'ith reference to a vehicle. *.g."That$s the third car #$ve totalled this year, and # 'asn$t
s!eeding this tie." [Orig. -.&.]
+o +h, 4a8 Phrs. Totally, co!letely, to the liit.
+o++y Noun. &e)ually alluring feale or feales, also a!!lied, these days, to ales. Originally a ter for a !rostitute in
late 1G00s. *.g."There 'as !lenty of totty at the !arty."
+ouching clo+h Phrs. @ave an urgent need defecate.
+ouch u/ Verb. To se)ually olest, to gro!e. *.g."The !riest has been touching u! the choir boys again."
+ough- Adj. &hort for tough luck+, a sarcastic and bitter e)claation.
+ough coo3i, Noun. A strong unyielding !erson.
+ough guy Noun. A !articularly hard and unyielding ale, scared of little and acting so.
+ough nu+ Noun. A difficult or obstinate !erson.
+ough shi+- Exclam. @ard luc3% Often e)!ressed 'ith irony. 2f. $hard/shit$.
+ough +i++y- Exclam. @ard luc3% 2f. $tough shit$.
+o6,l.h,a* Noun. An Arab, fro the head'ear 'orn by Arabs in the 0iddle *ast. Also towelhead
+o6n bi3, Noun. A !roiscuous 'oan fro the local district. 2f. $bi3e$. ,erog.
+o6ni, Noun. A !erson, usually young, 'ho ty!ically 'ears casual, brand/nae s!orts'ear, such as 5i3e, Addidas and
9eebo3 etc -sually associated 'ith to'nDcity d'ellers. Also to'ny. 0ainly derog.
+oyboy Noun. A 'oan$s evidently younger ale lover.
+rac3y Noun. Trac3suit. *.g."2an # borro' your trac3y bottos4 0ine are in the 'ash." 6#nforal7
#racy Noun. A dis!araging nae for a feale considered to be 'or3ing class, unintelligent, vulgarly dressed and
generally belo' the social standards acce!table to the user of the !hrase. 1reAuently heard used in conjunction 'ith
$&haron$. &ee $&haron and Tracy$. ,erog.
+ra*, Noun. 1. A se)ual !artner or collective ter for such. [Kay use]
>. A !rostitutes ter for their se)ual !artners as business.
+ra*,s4an7s ,n+ranc, Noun. The anus, the bac3 !assage. Traditionally tradesan delivered their goods or services via the bac3door, not
the ain entrance as used by !aying custoers.
+rains/o++,r Noun. Kenerally a usually intelligent but !articularly anally retentive !ersonB the !erson ay be obsessed 'ith
trivia or have a 3een interest in collecting !articular objects or data, such as trains!otting, sta! collecting etc.
Originates fro the uch ridiculed hobby of rail enthusiasts, trains!otting, the vie'ing and ta3ing note of trains
fro station !latfors. The e)!ression 'as !o!ular on the club scene at 'hich a
,F$s, s!otting 'hich trac3s are !layed and gleaning 3no'ledge on the usic for future reference. ,erog. 2f $anora3$
and $nerd$.
+ra4lin,s Noun. The scars created by the constant injection of illicit drugs.
+ranni, Noun. 1. A cross/dresser, usually ale 'earing feale attire, and ado!ting feinine characteristics. Abb. of
transvestite. 2f. $tv$.
>. A transe)ual.
H. A transistor radio. [19.0s]
+ran3s Noun. TranAuilli=ers.
+ra/ o55 Verb. To attain a liason 'ith a se)ually desirable !erson. Also just !hrased as
+ra/ Noun. The outh. *.g."&hut your tra! you noisy bugger."
+rash,* Adj. 1. ?orn/out.
>. Jery into)icated by drin3 or drugs and conseAuently 'orse for 'ear. [Orig. -.&.]
+r,acl, Noun. An affectionate ter of address, ore !revalent in +ondon.
+r,, hugg,r Noun. An environentalist, a green activist.
+ribal Noun. A ty!e of $house$ usic 'hich is very rhythic and dee!. [Orig. -.&.]
+ric3 Noun. 1. A !rostitutes client.
>. A casual se)ual encounter. [0ainly gay use]
+ric3 cyclis+ Noun. A !un on !sychiatrist.
+ri55ic - Exclam. *)cellent% A contraction of terrific.
+ri55i* Noun. Any large or s!ra'ling !lant, usually a house !lant. 1ro 4he 6ay of the 4riffids
+ri/ Noun. 1. The tie s!ent under the influence of a hallucinatory drug such as +&,. 6#nforal7.
>. A $tab$ of +&,.
Verb. To hallucinate on +&, or other hallucinogen.
+ri/ho/ Noun. Jariety of dance usic that dra's its influences fro $hi!/ho!$ and $house$, but being
orientated to'ards listening.
+ri//y Adj. Of or li3e the e)!eriences and Aualities felt under the influence of hallucinogens.
+rog Noun. An ugly, uncouth !erson. ,erived fro troglodyte.
+roll Noun. An ugly !erson, usually referring to a 'oan.
+roll,y *olly Noun. An airline flight attendant, ainly a!!lied to feales. 0ainly derog.
+roll,y,* Adj. Jery into)icated by drin3 or drugs. An e)tension of $off one$s trolley$.
+roll,ys Noun. -nder'ear, s!ecifically 3nic3ers and under!ants. [19L0s]
+ro4/ Verb. To trudge, to 'al3. *.g."#$ 'orn out, having tro!ed around the sho!s for the last . hours."
+ro+s Noun. @aving diarrhoea. The origins are Auite a!!arent, the need to hurry to the toilet 'ith sic3ness. 2f. Rruns$.
+roubl, an* s+ri5, Noun. ?ife. 2oc3ney rhying slang.
+rough Verb. To eat. The iagery is of eating li3e an anial.
+rous,r Verb. To !oc3et. *.g."2hris trousered all his 'innings and left the casino 'ith no chance to 'in bac3 their losses."
1+h,2 +rous,r *,/ar+4,n+ Noun. The ale genitals.
+rous,r,* Adj. ,run3, or very into)icated.
+rous,rs Adj. 5onsense, rubbish.
+rous,r sna3, Noun. *u!heis for the !enis. A shortening of $one/eyed trouser/sna3e$.
+rou+ Noun. An unattractive 'oan, often !refi)ed 'ith old. ,erog.
+ru4/ Verb. To brea3 'ind fro the anus, to $fart$. *.g."There$s a disgusting sell in here. @as soeone tru!ed4"
Noun. 1. An act of brea3ing 'ind.
>. The resulting sell of having bro3e 'ind fro the anus, a $fart$.
+ru4/+on Noun. The fire brigade. After the children$s -8 television !rograe of the sae nae, circa 19.0s. [Colice use]
#<#<F<N< Abb. Ta ta for no'. Koodbye for no'. &ee $ta/ta$.
+ubby Noun. A fat !erson, often of short stature. 5ot necessarily derogatory.
+ub, Noun. A conte!tible or idiotic !erson. [&cottish use]
+ub o5 lar* Noun. A fat !erson. 2f. $lardarse$. ,erog.
+uc3 Noun. 1ood. 6#nforal7
+uc3 in Verb. To eat, usually 'ith enthusias. *.g."To start the day # love tuc3ing into a full *nglish brea3fast." 6#nforal7
+uc3 sho/ Noun. A confectioners, a s'eet sho!. 2hildren$s e)!ression.
+ug Noun. An act of ale asturbation.
+u44y banana Noun. A !enis. Fuvenile e)!ression.
+u4shi, Noun. A turni!. [&cottish use]
+u/ Verb. To headbutt. *.g."@e said y girlfriend loo3ed li3e Muasiodo, so # tu!!ed hi." [?igan use]
+ur* Noun. 1. A lu! of faeces. ,erived fro the Anglo/&a)on tord. [1000s]
>. A conte!tible !erson. *.g."That ne' blo3e in accounts is a right turd, fa'ning all over the rece!tionist."
+ur* burglar Noun. A hoose)ual ale. ,erog.DOffens.
+ur5 Noun. The area felt to belong to a !erson or gang.
+ur5 ou+ Verb. To e)!el a thing or a !erson, to thro' out. *.g."@aven$t you turfed out that bro3en chair yet4" 6#nforal7
+ur3,y Noun. A stu!id or idiotic !erson. [Orig. -.&. 1940s]
+urni/ Noun. 1. An idiot.
>. The head.
+urn.o55 Verb. To disgust.
Noun. A thing that is disgusting.
+urn.on Verb. To e)cite, often se)ually.
Noun. &oething that e)cites.
+urn ov,r Verb. To rob by ransac3ing a !reises. *.g."The library got turned over at the 'ee3end and three co!uters got
+ur+l,7s h,a* Noun. &ee $have a turtle$s head$.
+u+ Noun. 9ubbish, nonsense. *.g."?hatever he told you about e is just a load of tut." or "# thin3 'e need to clear u!
all this tut before your !arents arrive."
#% Noun. Abb. of transvestite. 2f. $trannie$.
+6ag Verb. To !lay traunt. *.g."5o 'onder he failed his e)as, he$s been t'agging for ost of the last year."
[@ullD+incolnshire use]
+6annoc3 Noun. An idiot, an objectionable !erson. [<or3shire use]
+6a+ Noun. 1. The feale genitals. [1.00s]
>. A conte!tible !erson, an idiot.
Verb. To hit, to thu!. *.g."# t'atted hi before he had chance to t'at e."
+6a+ 5ac, Noun. A conte!tible !erson.
+6a+5ac,* Adj. #nto)icated 'ith alcohol or drugs.
+6a++,* Adj. Jery into)icated due to alcohol or drugs.
+6a++ing Adj.%Adv. A general intensifier. *.g."<ou 'ouldn$t t'atting believe the colour of her car, it$s !in3 and it atches her
+6,n+y5our.s,v,n Noun. All the tie. >4 hours a day, N days a 'ee3.
+6,r/ Noun. An ibecile, a fool. 1airly inoffensive ter. Also twirp.
+6ig Verb. To understand, to realise. *.g."Once # sa' the loo3 on her face # t'igged it 'as a jo3e." 6#nforal7
+6iligh+ :on, Noun. The ter !hrased in recognition of a bi=arre occurrence. Ta3en fro the title of the -.&. television ystery
sci/fi series of the sae nae. Often used in conjunction 'ith a vocal rendition of the thee tune, to add e!hasis.
+6in, on Verb. To rant, tal3 incessantly. *.g."&to! t'ining on and get on 'ith your job, 'e$ve a deadline to a3e."
+6in3l, Noun. A ter of endearent or for of address.
+6irly Noun. A senior citi=en, or OAC :old age !ensioner;. Originally bus driver$s slang, fro su!!osed senior citi=en$s
regular atte!ts at using their chea! off/!ea3 journey !asses before the !eritted off/!ea3 hour, and therefore
being "too early" :a verbal corru!tion of;. *.g."@o' can # 3ee! the bus on schedule 'hen at every bus sto! # have
to refuse all the t'irlies." Also twearly, twearlies.
+6is+ing Noun. A telling off, a scolding, a re!riand.
+6i+ Noun. An idiot. Catronising and derogatory but often jocular.
+6i+ch,ll Noun. A narro' alley'ay. [5ottinghashire use]
+6i+ch,r Noun. A bird 'atcher, an ornithologist.
+6o an* ,igh+ Noun. &tate, or condition. 2oc3ney rhying slang. *.g."@e 'as in a right t'o and eight, having drun3 1> !ints of
lager in H hours."
+6o bob bi+ Noun. An act of defecation. 9hying slang on $shit$. A t'o shilling !iece in !re/decial currency, see $bob$ :noun;.
#&OC Acronym. Ta3ing ?ithOut 2onsent. Originally and usually a!!lied to the stealing of vehicles. Originates fro the
!roliferation of car theft in the -8 during the 1990s.
+6o cans shor+ o5 a /icnic Phrs. Of a !erson, eccentric, insane.
+6oc3,r Noun. A !erson 'ho steals vehicles. Also s!elt twoc)er. &ee $T?O2$.
+6o 5ing,r salu+, Noun. The insulting hand gesture 'hich involves raising the hand 'ith t'o fingers e)tended vertically. &ee $t'o
+6o 5ing,rs Noun. The insulting gesture of the J/sign using t'o fingers. 2f. $finger$ :noun >;.
+6on3 Noun. A fool, idiot.
+6o san*6ich,s shor+ o5 a
Phrs. *ccentric, insane, odd. Also !hrased as one sandwich short of a picnic.
+6o7s u/ - Exclam. &aid to !ut clai on a share of soething, often a drin3 or cigarette.
+6o.+i4, Verb. To be unfaithful to one$s !artner. *.g."@e$s been t'o/tiing on his girlfriend for the last . onths."
+6un+ Noun. An idiot, a fool. A cobination of the 'ords $t'at$ and $cunt$. [1990s]
+y3, Noun. 1. A !erson fro <or3shire, *ngland.
>. A ischevious !erson, used in good huour.

u.,, Noun. A u/turn. A ter used by drivers.
ugly as sin Phrs. Jery ugly.
u4/+,,n Adj. 0any, a lot of. *.g."There 'as u!teen colours to
choose fro."
$ncl, Dic3 Adj. &ic3, un'ell. 9hying slang.
$ncl, N,* Noun. 1. The head. 9hying slang.
>. (ed. 9hying slang.
un*,rcrac3,rs Noun. -nder!ants.
un*,r3,c3s Noun. -nder!ants.
un*,r +h, 6,a+h,r Phrs. Out of sorts, not currently in good health. 6#nforal7
unhing,* Adj. #nsane, entally unstable and un!redictable.
uni Noun. Abb. of university.
un4,n+ionabl,s Noun. 1. A coy eu!heis for undergarents. [1900s]
>. A coy eu!heis for genitals.
unr,al Adj. 1antastic, e)cellent, 'onderful. An e)!ression of
a!!roval. [Orig. -.&.]
u/ Adj. #nto)icated by drugs, high.
u/ an* *o6n li3, a
6hor,7s *ra6,rs
Phrs. &aid of a !erson 'ho is unsettled and is unable reain
seated and still. 5uerous variations e)ist, i.e. whore ay be
re!laced by prostitute or tart, and drawers 'ith knickers.
u/chuc3 9 Noun. Joit.
Verb. To voit.
I 1ro $chuc3 u!$, eaning to voit.
u/ 5or i+ Phrs. Chrase enco!assing the enthusias of a !erson for an
event. Carticularly evident 'ithin the (ritish club scene in the
1990s 'ith the cro'd being $u! for it$.
u/hill gar*,n,r Noun. A hoose)ual ale.
u/ on bloc3s Phrs. Of a 'oan, enstruating and therefore unavailable
for se). 1ro being out of service and unusable, li3e a
vehicle in for re!air.
u//,r Noun. A stiulant drug, usually a!hetaine sul!hate.
u/ shi+ cr,,3 Phrs. #n serious trouble. An ada!tation of the saying $u! the
cree3 'ithout a !addle$, eaning the sae.
u/ s+ic3s Verb. To ove on, to settle or live else'here. 6#nforal7
u/ +h, *u55 Phrs. Cregnant.
u/ +h, s/ou+ Phrs. Cregnant.
u/ +h, su55 Phrs. 1. ,o'n the drain. [?. 0idlands use]
>. ?asted, bro3en. [?. 0idlands use]
u/ +h, s6anny Phrs. #n a ho!eless situation. 0eaning the sae as $u! shit
u/ +h, 6rong 7un Phrs. -! the anus. 1ro up the wrong one.
u/+igh+ Adj. 1rigid, conventional, stressed. [Orig. -.&.] 6#nforal7
u/ your bu4- Exclam. 1. An angry and disissive e)claation.
>. 2heers%
u/ your clung,s- Exclam. A disissive and angry e)claation. &ee $clunge$.
u/ yours- Exclam. *)claation of anger or defiance, usually directed at
us, on,7s loa5 Vrb phrs. To thin3, to use one$s ingenuity, to use one$s head.
0oaf >of bread? being rhying slang for head.
us, on,7s noggin Vrb phrs. 0eaning the sae as $use one$s loaf$.

va*g, Noun. Jagina.
vagi+arian Noun. +esbian. A !un on vegetarian.
vanilla Adj. 1. Kay e)!ression for conventional se) 'ithout any 3in3y e)tras such as bondage or sado/asochis. -sually
used in a !erjorative sense.
>. Orthodo), conventional.
var*a Verb. To loo3 at. 0ainly gay use and originating fro Colari. Also varder, vardy
v,ggi, Noun. Abb. of vegetarian. 6#nforal7
v,g.ou+ Verb. To vegetate, chill/out.
%,ra 1Lynn2 9
Noun. 1. Kin.
>. 2hin.
H. A s3in, a cigarette !a!er. *.g."(uy e soe veras and 10 0arlboro +ight 'hen you !ass the ne'sagents."
I All senses fro coc3ney rhying slang. Jera +ynn, !o!ular (ritish singer best reebered for her songs during
v,rbal *iarrho,a Noun. #ncessant and ailess tal3.
v,r+ical bacon san*6ich Noun. The feale genitals, !articularly 'ith res!ect to the visible labia.
vib, Noun. The atos!here or feelings in a situation. *.g."?hat 'as the vibe li3e at the atch4 +ast tie they et there
'as a riot."
vic3y.v,r3y Adv. Jice versa. A huourous and deliberate is!ronunciation.
villag, Noun. -seless, of no value, !oor Auality, not u! to one$s e)!ected standards.
<<<vill, &uffix. ,erived fro the 1rench ville eaning to'n and added to nouns and adjectives to intensify a certain Auality,
such as shitsville :a !articularly a'ful situation;, cheeseville :very trite;. The origins of such cobinations occurred
during the beatni3 and hi!!y counterculture years of the late 19L0s and 19.0s in the -.&. *.g."#t 'as a club full of
gorgeous !eo!le, sheer se)ville."
vin,gar s+ro3,s Noun. The last thrusts of se)ual intercourse, just !rior to reaching orgas.
vino Noun. 2hea! inferior 'ine.
vinyl Noun. Krao!hone records, not 2,s.
vo**y Noun. Jod3a.

6ac3 Noun. A ter of address. 2f. $la$. [+iver!ool use]
6ac3o Adj. 2ra=y, insane. [Orig. -.&.]
6ac3.o55 Verb. To asturbate, of ales.
6ac3y Adj. 2ra=y, =any.
6ac3y bac3y Noun. A eu!heis for arijuana or cannabis. The ter is jocular and often used by older generations as an
atte!t to tune in and be acce!ted by a younger generation. &ee $bac3y$.
6a* Noun. 1. A large aount of oney.
>. &een. 2f. $shoot one$s 'ad$.
6a**,* Adj. @aving large aounts of oney, 'ealthy.
6a55l, Verb. To tal3 ailessly. 6#nforal7
Noun. Ailess tal3, nonsense. 6#nforal7
6a5+y cran3 Noun. An act of asturbation, !erha!s i!lying one done at a !articularly o!!ortunist oent. A s!ooneris on
crafty wank. &ee $'an3$. *.g."# 3no' she 'as se)y, but having a 'afty cran3 under the table is disgusting."
6ag i+ 0o55 Verb. To !lay truant. 0ainly adolescent use.
6ag6an - Exclam. A for of greeting. A contraction of 8hat go on9 :?hat is ha!!ening4;
whagwan. [?#D(lac3 use]
6alli,s Noun. 1alse teeth. [&cottish use]
6al3ing *isas+,r Noun. A !erson 'ho is !rone to having accidents or isha!s. Occasionally e)tended to
6ally Noun. 1. An idiot or ibecile. Crolific use during the early 19G0s. 6#nforal7
>. A !ic3led cucuber, a gher3in.
6annab, Noun. A !erson 'ho as!ires to be soeone else, usually a celebrity and conseAuently iitates their life or iage.
6ang Verb. To thro'.
6ang,r Noun. A !enis. Also s!elt whanger.
6angl, Verb. To obtain by scheing. *.g."# even 'angled yself a bac3stage !ass and et 8ylie after the sho'."
6an3 1-2 Verb. To asturbate. Also !hrased as wank off.
Noun. 1. An act of asturbation.
>. 9ubbish, useless, nonsense. *.g."# 'ish # hadn$t brought that ne' 2,, it$s 'an3%"
Exclam. *)claation of annoyance or e)!ressing disbelief.
6an3 ban3 Noun. 0eory, 'ith res!ect to se)ually stiulating thoughts and recalled 'hen asturbating. *.g.",id you see
that girl dancing on the !odiu4 #$ve !ut her in y 'an3 ban3."
6an3,r Noun. 1. A asturbator.
>. A conte!tible !erson.
H. An idiot, an inco!etent !erson.
6an3,r,* Adj. Jery into)icated.
6an3 4ag Noun. A !ornogra!hic aga=ine.
6an3s+ain Noun. A conte!tible !erson.
6an3y Adj. 9ubbish.
6a/ Noun. A 'as!. Also wappy.
6ar /ain+ Noun. 1acial cosetics, a3e/u!. *.g."&he$s in the bathroo !utting on her 'ar !aint for tonight$s !arty."
6assoc3 Noun. An idiot, ibecile. Also $'a==oc3$.
6ass.u/ Exclam. A for of greeting. [Orig. -&]
6as+, Verb. To 3ill, to thoroughly beat u!. *.g."0y u 'ill 'aste e for failing y e)as for a third tie."
6as+,* Adj. ,escribing being thoroughly into)icated to a !oint of uselessness.
6as+, o5 s/ac, Noun. A useless and conte!tible !erson. *.g."That la=y brother of yours is a total 'aste of s!aceB can$t he go out
and get a job."
6as+, o5 s/,r4 Noun. A useless and conte!tible !erson.
6a+,rs/or+s Noun. The act of urinating on another for the se)ual !leasure of both !arties involved.
6a+,r6or3s Noun. 1. The act of crying. *.g."As e)!ected y u turned on the old 'ater'or3s 'hen she heard the bad ne's."
>. The urinary syste. 6#nforal7
6ay.ou+ Adj. -nusual, unconventional, avant garde.
6a:oo Noun. The botto, the anus, the rear end. Also, occasionally s!elt wa//oo. [Orig. -.&.]
6a:: Verb. 1. To urinate. Cossibly onoato!oeic in origin.
>. To hurry. *.g."?ill you 'a== round to the chi!!y and get your dad$s tea."
H. To !ass or thro'. *.g."?a== that boo3 over here 'ill you4"
Noun. An act of urination.
6a::oc3 Noun. An idiot, ibecile. Also $'assoc3$.
6,an Noun. A child or baby. 1ro wee ane :'ee one;. 2f. $'ee un$. [#rishD&cottish use]
6,ar +h, +rous,rs Vrb phrs. To be the doinant and controlling !artner in a relationshi!, usually said of a 'oan.
6,as,l Noun. A des!icable, usually sly and deceitful !erson.
6,as,l 1an* s+oa+2 Noun. 2oat, or jac3et. 2oc3ney rhying slang.
6,as,l.6a+,r Noun. A drin3 that is 'ea3 and insi!id, often used 'ith reference to tea.
6,**ing +ac3l, Noun. A eu!heis fo the ale genitals.
6,*g, Noun. 0oney, usually i!lying a large aount.
6,*gi, Noun. An adolescents !ran3 'hereby a victi$s under'ear is !ulled vigorously u!'ards bet'een their buttoc3s,
thus causing great discofort to the 'earer, but uch hilarity for the !ran3ster.
6,, Verb. To urinate. Kenerally inoffensive and ainly regarded as a children$s e)!ression. Also !hrased as
Adj. &all, tiny. [0ainly &cottish use] 6#nforal7
6,,* Noun. 1. 0arijuana, but no' a!!lied to cannabis also. #n the 5orth/'est of *ngland 'eed is not al'ays used in the
!lural, for e)a!le in the Auestion "have you got a 'eed4"
>. A cigarette. [0anchester use4]
6,,/y Noun. A fil that is sentiental and eotional.
6,, 7un Noun. A child or baby. 2f. $'ean$. [&cottishD#rish use]
&,gi, 0&,,gi, Noun. A Klas'egian, a !erson fro Klasgo'. [&cottish use, ainly *dinburgh.]
6,igh in+o Verb. 1. To tac3le soething forcefully and enthusiastically. 6#nforal7.
>. To attac3 verbally or !hysically.
6,ll Adv. A general intensifier, very, e)treely, definitely. *.g."#$ 'ell u!set about -nited losing in the cu!."
6,ll gon, Adj. Jery into)icated by alcohol or drugs.
6,ll hung Adj. @aving a large !enis.
6,lli,* Adj. ,run3, into)icated.
6,lly Verb. To 3ic3 forcefully.
Noun. 1. A hard 3ic3.
>. Acceleration. *.g."Muic3% Turn left here and give it soe 'elly."
H. A 'ellington boot. Also s!elt wellie. 6#nforal7.
6,llybobs Noun. ?ellington boots. 2f. $'elly/gogs$.
6,lly.gogs Noun. ?ellington boots. 2f. $'ellybobs$. [5orthD0idlands use]
6,lly.+o/ Noun. ,escri!tive of a large vagina. &u!!osedly having the rooiness and a!!earance of the to! of a 'ellington
boot. *.g."Thoas 'as horrified to hear she had a vagina li3e a 'elly/to!."
6,+ Adj. 1eeble, eotional, effeinate. ,erog. 6#nforal7.
6,+ blan3,+ Noun. A iserable !erson un'illing to !artici!ate in an enjoyable event or oent. ,erog.
6,+ n,lli, Noun. A feebleinded !erson. ,erog.
6,+ on,s,l5 Verb. To laugh heartily, to find soething !articularly au=ing. A shortening of
yself 'hen # sa' ho' ridiculous she loo3ed in that hat." 2f. $!iss oneself laughing$.
6,+ +h, baby7s h,a* Vrb phrs. To celebrate the birth of a baby 'ith a drin3 of alcohol or ore usually an e)cuse for a drin3ing s!ree.
*.g."2ongratulations (ill% @o' about 'e go out tonight to 'et the baby$s head4"
6hac3 Verb. 1. To !ro!tly insert or !lace :soething;. *.g."?hac3 the contract in an envelo!e and send it off first !ost."
>. @it or stri3e. 6#nforal7
Noun. 1. A hard blo'. 6#nforal7
>. ?hen in the e)!ressions $full 'hac3$ or $to! 'hac3$, eaning a)iu !rice or rate. 6#nforal7
6hac3,* Adj. Tired, 'orn out. 6#nforal7
6hac3ing Adj. An intensifier such as $steaing$ or $ad$. *.g."#t 'as a 'hac3ing great s!ot the si=e of 0ount Jesuvius."
6ha7g6an &ee $'ag'an%$
6ha+cha4acalli+ Noun. &oething 'hose nae esca!es one.
6ha+.5or Pron. &ee $give soeone 'hat for$.
6ha+7s coo3ingA Phrs. ?hat$s ha!!ening4 Also used as a for of greeting.
6ha+7s h, 0sh, li3,A Phrs. A rhetorical Auestion in res!onse to unusual or e)tree behaviour.
6ha+7s.his.5ac, Noun. A reference to anyone 'hose nae one has forgotten.
6ha+7s +h, crac3A Phrs. ?hat$s ha!!ening4 ?hat$s the ne's4 &ee $crac3$ :noun 4;.
6ha+7s +h, *a4ag,A Phrs. ?hat$s the cost4
6ha+7s +h, scor,A Phrs. 0eaning the sae as $'hat$s the crac34$.
6ha+7s +h, "PA Phrs. ?hat$s the situation4 1ro the horse racing and betting ter, &C being an abbreviation of
&ha+ +h, *ic3,ns- Exclam. An e)claation of sur!rise or annoyance. 6#nforal7.
6h,,ls Noun. A otor vehicle or bicycle.
6h,,ls o5 s+,,l Noun. A ,F$s record dec3s. [1990s.]
6h,n +h, shi+ hi+s +h, 5an Phrs. ?hen the truth is discovered the conseAuences 'ill be felt. *.g."<ou$re in big trouble 'hen the shit hits the
6hi55y Adj. &elling un!leasant. 6#nforal7
6hing, Verb. To !ersistently co!lain, in an irritating anner. 6#nforal7
Noun. To act in the anner of the verb. 6#nforal7.
6hing,r Noun. A !erson 'ho co!lains incessently. &ee $'hinge$. 6#nforal7
6hing,y Adj. #n the anner of a $'hinger$, see above. 6#nforal7
6hi/ Verb. To steal. *.g."# had y 'allet 'hi!!ed last night."
6hi//ing Noun. A thorough beating or defeat.
6hi/.roun* Noun. 2ontributions collected fro a grou! of !eo!le for a s!ecific !ur!ose. *.g."+et$s have a 'hi!/round for 2ath
and 9ob, so at least they can have a good honeyoon." 6#nforal7
6hirli,s Noun. ,i==iness induced by e)cessive into)ication, usually alcoholic.
6his+l, 1an* 5lu+,2 Noun. A suit. 2oc3ney rhying slang.
6hi+, van 4an Noun. An ill/annered and aggressive driver of coercial delivery vehicles, such as 'hite transits. [0id 1990s]
6hi+,y Noun. A short !eriod of feeling sic3, or AueasyB often a reaction to e)cessive consu!tion of alcohol or drugs.
1ro the !allid s3in of soeone feeling sic3. 2f. $thro' a 'hitey$. *.g."Fohn$s just had a 'hitey and had to go
hoe early."
6hi:: Noun. A!hetaine sul!hate. Cossibly derived fro 'illy 8hi//, see $billy$. [19.0/N0s]
1+h,2 6hol, hog Noun. The co!lete aount. 6#nforal7
1+h,2 6hol, 3i+ an*
Noun. The co!lete aount.
6hoo/.*i.*o- Exclam. An e)!ression of joy, ho'ever is often used sarcastically. [Orig. -.&.]
6hoo/si, Noun. *)creent, a de!osit of faeces. A generally !uerile e)!ression.
6ho//,r Noun. 1. &oething very large. *.g."@e had a 'ho!!er of a s!ot on his nose."
>. A lie. ,erived fro the use of the adjective for in the !hrase a whopping lie
6ho//ing Adj. Jery large.
Adv. An intensifier. *.g."&he had a 'ho!!ing great glob of crea, then !roceeded to oan about being fat."
6hy ay,- Exclam. Of course% <es% [5orth/east use]
6ic3,* Adj. 1. 1antastic, e)cellent. [Orig. -.&.]
>. Jery, really. *.g."# got 'ic3ed drun3 last night."
6i**l, Verb. To urinate. Cossibly a cobination of the 'ords $'ee$ and $!iddle$. 2f. $riddle$ and $!iddle$.
Noun. 1. -rine. +ess coarse and offensive than $!iss.$
>. An act of urination.
6i*, Adj. &elf/assured, clever, shar!.
6i*,.boy Noun. A ale characteri=ed by his coc3y char, !etty illicit dealings, and !erceived stylish dress sense. -sually
having a 'or3ing class u!bringing the $'ide boy$ has re!laced the no' obsolete
6i*,.o Noun. An insensitive and objectionable !erson. [&cottish use]
6i,r*o 06i,r*y Noun. A !erson !erceived as objectionably unusual, an eccentric. ,erog. 6#nforal7
6i5,.b,a+,r Noun. &tella Artois lager.
6igga Noun. A 'hite !erson 'ho so adires (lac3 culture, lifestyle and fashions, that they ado!t as!ects of it for
theselves. Also wigger. [Orig. -.&.]
6il*i,s Noun. ,iarrhoea, a bout of diarrhoea. [0erseyside use]
&illia4 1Pi++2 Noun. 1. An act of defecation.
>. *)creent.
I (oth uses are fro rhying slang for $shit$. ?illia Citt :1NL9/1G0.;, the youngest Crie 0inister of *ngland on
6illi,s Noun. 5erves, 'orries, frights. 6#nforal7
6illy Noun. The !enis. Kenerally huorous or affectionate usage.
6illy 6ar4,r Noun. An jo3ey ite of clothing intended to 3ee! the !enis 'ar.
6illy.6oo5+,r Noun. A hoose)ual ale. 2f. $'oofter$ and $'oolly/'oofter$. ,erog.
6i4/ Noun. A feeble or ineffectual !erson. ,erog. 6#nforal7
6i4/ ou+ Verb. To lose courage. *.g."#f you 'i! out no', you$ll lose all the oney you invested."
6i4/y Adj. 1eeble, 'ea3. Also a!!lied to objects or !laces, e.g."The furnishings 'ere a little 'i!y for such bold decor."
6in*bag Noun. &oeone 'ho tal3s incessantly. ,erog.
6in*o6 lic3,r Noun. A entally handica!!ed !erson. ,erog.
6in*.u/ Verb. 1. To infuriate. Cronounced as in wind up a clock.
>. To tell lies or jo3e at the e)!ense of the reci!ient.
Noun. An act of lying or jo3ing.
6in*.u/ 4,rchan+ Noun. A !erson 'ho $'inds/u!$ regularly.
6in*y/o/s Noun. 1latulence.
6ing Verb. 1. To thro' a'ay. *.g."2oe on, it$s old fashioned, 'hy don$t you 'ing it and buy a ne' one."
>. To i!rovise, ta3e things as they ha!!en.
6in3l, Noun. Affectionate nae for a !enis.
6inn,+s Noun. 1aecal renants that adhere to the anal hairs.
6ino Noun. A habitual and often destitute drun3ard. ,erog. [19>0s]
6i/,* ou+ Adj. *)hausted.
6ir,* Adj. &tressed, nervy or an)ious. Often 'ith res!ect to having ibibed stiulants, such as cocaine or a!hetaine.
6is,.u/ Verb. To becoe a'are. [Orig. -.&.]
6i+ch Noun. A des!icable, nasty, or s!iteful 'oan.
6i++,r on Verb. To tal3 incessantly and su!erficially. 6#nforal7
6i:ar* - Exclam. *)cellent% Kreat% ,ated e)!ression.
6i:ar*7s sl,,v, Noun. A large or s!acious vagina.
6og Noun. A blac3Dasian !erson. Offens.
6ol5 Verb. To eat greedily or Auic3ly. *.g."#t$s no 'onder you have indigestion, 'olfing your food that fast%"
6o4,n7s +roubl, Noun. A eu!heis for enstruation and its associated !robles.
6onga Noun. 0oney. [Orig. 9oany]
6on3y Adj. -nstable or isalligned. *.g."?atchout for that rear 'heel, it$s 'on3y."
6oo*6or3 Noun. The goal!osts in football :soccer;.
6oo* Noun. An erect !enis. 2f. $'oody$.
6oo*y Noun. An erect !enis. 2f. $'ood$.
6oo5+,r Noun. A hoose)ual, a variation on $!oofter$. ,erog. 2f. $'oolly/'oofter$.
&ooli,s Noun. ?ool'orths, the store.
6oolly Noun. A 'oollen ju!er or cardigan.
6oollybac3 Noun. 1. A !erson fro the !rovinces of +iver!ool, but not fro the city itself. 2onseAuently covering a broad ill/
defined area including such !laces as (ir3enhead and ?idnes.
>. A yo3el, bu!3in.
6oolly.6oo5+,r Noun. A hoose)ual. ,erog. 2f. $'oofter$ and $'illy 'oofter$.
6o/ Noun. An #talian, or of #taly. OffensD,erog.
6or3i, +ic3,+ Noun. A trouble a3er. [Tyneside use]
6or34an7s bu4
Noun. The area of the buttoc3s :bu; ade visible 'hen trousers sli! do'n, usually 'hen bending over or
crouching. Often seen on 'or3en or builders. 2f. $builders bu$.
6or3 on,7s ars,0ass0bu++ o55 Vrb phrs. To 'or3 hard. *.g."&he 'or3ed her butt off for H years and still failed her e)as."
6or3s Noun. The eAui!ent necessary for an addict to inject drugs.
1+h,2 &orl* &i*, &ai+ Noun. A jocular ter for the ?orld ?ide ?eb, due to the often slo' and faltering 'eb site connections e)!erienced
by users.
6or4 ou+ o5 Verb. To evade or esca!e an un!leasant situation by undignified behaviour. *.g."&he atte!ted to 'or out of the
arrangeent by saying she had to 'ash her hair."
6orshi/ a+ +h, /orc,lain
Vrb phrs. To voit, in the toilet bo'l :the !orcelain altar;. 2f. $!ray to the !orcelain god$
6or+h a s=uir+ Phrs. ?orthy of having se)ual intercourse 'ith. A favourable announceent on the se)ual Aualities of a 'oan.
[+ondon use D late 1990s]
6o+cha- Exclam. A greeting. A shortening of what cheer+ Also s!elt wotcher. [0ainly +ondon use]
6o6 Verb. To i!ress or e)cite. *.g."#$ve ade u! y ind to 'o' her 'ith a bunch of flo'ers and an e)!ensive
6ra/ Noun. A tiny !a!er envelo!e for holding a Auantity of illicit !o'dered drug.
6r,c3 Verb. To hurt. *.g."0y ar$s 'rec3ing / # thin3 # fell badly last night 'hen 'e 'ere drun3 and dancing." [5orth/
'est use]
6r,c3,* Adj. Jery into)icated 'ith alcohol or drugs.
6rin3ly Noun. An elderly !erson. 2f. $crin3ly$.
6rong7un 9 Noun. 1. A bad !erson.
>. The anus, usually in the e)!ression $u! the 'rong$un$.
I 1ro wrong one.
6u// Verb. To thoroughly beat. *.g."#$ going to 'u!! his ass if he tries that again."
6uss Noun. An inneffectual, feeble !erson. #t has been suggested that this is a derivative of $'i!$ and $!ussy$. The ter
becoe very fashionable in (ritain during the id 1990s. [Orig. -.&.]

'.ra+,* Adj. +e'd, obscene, !ornogra!hic. Ta3en fro the no' obsolete fil classification rating. 6#nforal7.
'.ray ,y,s Noun. @aving the a!!arent ability to see through things.
'#C Noun. Abb. of ecstasy :the !ronunciation of;, the drug 0,0A. &ee $ecstasy$.

yac3 1-2 Exclam. An e)claation of disgust. A variation on $yuc3%$.
Verb. To tal3 incessantly and boringly. Also s!elt yak and often e)tended to yack on
yac3 u/ Verb. To voit. *.g."That 'as the 'orst eal everB # feel li3e yac3ing u!."
yac3y Adj. ,isgusting, vile.
ya4 Noun. @oe. Also $ye$. [5orth/eastD2ubrian use. ,ialect4]
ya4/y Adj. 2ra=y, ad, insane. [(iringhaD ?. 0idlands use]
ya4 ya4 Noun. A !erson fro the (lac3 2ountry, an area of *ngland enco!assing ?olverha!ton, ,udley, and
&tourbridge. 1ro the 'ay in 'hich !eo!le fro this locality s!ea3. ,erog. [(iringha use]
yan3 Noun. An act of asturbation. 0ale usage. *.g."Oh Kod% # just 'al3ed in on 0artin having a yan3."
Verb. To asturbate. *.g."@e loo3s li3e he$s been u! all night yan3ing."
ya/ Verb. To tal3 incessantly. 6#nforal7
yar* Noun. One$s hoe. [+ondon use]
yar*i, Noun. A eber of a Faaican criinal gang. -sually o!erating internationally and in the distribution of illicit
drugs. [Faaica]
ya6n Noun. &oething that is very boring. *.g."That boyfriend of Aanda$s obsessed 'ith football, he$s such a ya'n."
y.bon, s+,a3 Noun. The feale genitals.
y,4 Noun. &ee $ya$.
yi3,s- Exclam. An e)!ression of sur!rise or astonishent.
yo- Exclam. A greeting or an attention see3ing call. [Orig. -.&.]
yob Noun. A lout or hooligan. ,erived fro the bac3slang of boy.
yobbo Noun. 0eaning the sae as $yob$.
yo4/ Verb. To 'al3 hard and 'ith vigour. [1900s]
yon3s Noun. An age, a long tie.
you7r, having a laugh 1-2 Phrs.%Exclam. &ee $having a laugh$.
yours,n Pron. <ourself. [5orthern useD,ialect]
yuc3 1-2 Noun. A thing that is vile or distasteful. *.g.",on$t eat that, it$s yuc3 and tastes ouldy."
Exclam. *)!ressing e)tree distaste.
yuc3y Adj. Jery un!leasant or distasteful.

:a//,r Noun. A TJ reote control unit.
:ilch Noun. 5othing, =ero. [Orig. -.&.]
:i/ i+ Verb. &to! tal3ing, shut u!. -sually in the i!erative. [Orig. -.&.]
:i+ Noun. A s!ot, !i!le or boil on the s3in. [Orig. -.&.]
:on3,* Adj. ?orn out, tired. Also follo'ed by out. *.g."Any chance 'e can have a rest4 # can$t go any further, #$ totally
:oo+ 5oun. A arijuanaDcannabis cigarette, a $joint$.
)7s Noun. &lee!, a na!. Cronounced =eds. *.g."# thin3 #$ll get soe =$s before 'e leave."

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