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Secrets in the Attic

Chapter 1
By Hala Romero
Violet rushed to get ready. If she got her room cleaned
(hich as a disaster!" her friend #lisa ould $e a$le to come
o%er for the night. &he only reason her mom ould let her friend
come o%er on a school night as $ecause they needed to 'nish
some posters ad%ertising a $oo( fair for their school.
Violet did a )uic( *o$ of sho%ing items under her $ed" into
her closet" and into random crates. She is neat li(e that. She then
pulled out poster $oards and tried to 'nd some mar(ers. She as
still loo(ing hen #lisa arri%ed.
#lisa has $een her friend since 'fth grade. She is short" and
has light $ron hair. She is A+A,I-." $ut she tends to ha%e $ad
self/esteem and self/con'dence. As for Violet" she has dar( $ron"
a%y hair. She does not usually care hat people thin( a$out her.
She is shy" $ut can $e cra0y once you get to (no ell. Violet and
#lisa $oth ha%e that in common.
1+om" here are some mar(ers23
1I thin( some of your sister4s old supplies are in the attic.3
Violets sister" Summer" is an artist" $ut she li%es in the country.
Alays near the horses" she is. +a(es sense" though. Horses are
15("3 Violet sighed. She4s only $een in the attic one or to
times" it gi%es her the creeps.3 If I4m going" you4re coming ith
me"3 Violet told her friend. #lisa groaned.
Violet pulled don the attic stairs. &hey groaned and crea(ed
as they loered" not ma(ing it any less scary.
1Is it e%en sturdy23 #lisa as(ed. Violet stepped on the 'rst
step. It crea(ed and groaned some more" $ut it did not $udge.
1It seems o(ay.3 She reluctantly clim$ed higher. 5nce they
ere up" Violet pulled on the chain for the attic light. -othing.
1I guess e are searching in the dar("3 #lisa stated.
Please watch for chapter 2 of The Secrets in the Attic

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