Llama Reporter - Fall 2009

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Llama Reporter

News from the Ministries of kids alive international Peru

Fall 2009

Give Me Words to Speak—by Shannon Eaton

Hector* arrived to our Home last September

along with his older brother. Though 2 1/2 years
old, he arrived not knowing how to talk or even
communicate his needs very well. In order to
communicate his needs, he used animal like ges-
tures and noises. He was also very shy, timid, and
insecure and even isolated himself from others.
Doctors suggested he lacked early stimulation as
a baby and needs speech therapy. Hector* began
speech therapy in March and meets with the
therapist weekly. Although this little toddler has
a long ways to go to catch up with kids his own age
he is not only talking now, but is so much more so-
cial as well. It is an amazing transformation to
see and we are still only at the beginning.

Moms Helping Moms Graduation

15 women from the inaugural class of Moms Helping Moms at the Manchay Oasis Care
Center graduated this past June. Many gave testimony to the positive changes they had
made during that time such as growth in their relationship with Christ, with their hus-
bands (those who have them) and with their children. The teachers also noticed a big
difference throughout the year in the moms’ children. They were more stable and more
care had been taken in their appearance and hygiene. Besides discipleship and parenting
classes the women learned many skills like sewing, jewellery making, budgeting and how
to start a small business.

*names of minors have been changed to protect privacy.

The Gift of Sight Culturally
by Shannon Eaton Curious?
Milagros* had such a problem
seeing that she would have to On July 28th
bend her head extremely close Peruvians celebrate their In-
and squint to see anything. dependence Day. By law, all
That all changed with a trip to buildings must display a Peru-
the eye doctor and a new pair vian flag. Families and
of glasses. She didn’t talk friends get together to cele-
much on the car ride to buy brate by eating traditional
her glasses, but a whole new food from the coast, the
world opened up before her on mountains, and the rainfor-
the car ride home. Milagros* est. Often participants dress
didn’t stop talking on the 30 for each region as they serve
minute trip back home and the food. Many streets are
kept pointing at things that blocked off for parades.
she could now see more clearly Looking to buy a new digital
than before. SLR camera? Why not donate
your old one to us? We would
love to be able to take better

pictures of the kids. Please

let us know if you would be
willing to donate a new or
used digital SLR camera.

One of our new, future Children’s Homes is in the jungle city of Pucullpa. Land is being do-
nated by a former missionary who is also building the first family unit. Although the pa-
perwork to register with the government is usually slow we are excited about this new op-
portunity to rescue children at risk in the Peruvian Amazon.
In January, we began managing the Friends of Peru Children’s Home in the highlands of
Andahuaylas. The 1st family unit is done and construction has started on the second floor
of what will be the 2nd and 3rd family units. We need to finish enough construction ASAP
to be able to regis-
ter the new Home
with the government
so that the kids can
move onto the new
site. Currently there
are 18 children.
Construction Update—by Tyler Foss

The new site in Pachacamac for the Lima Children’s Home

2009 has been a productive year here in Peru thanks to some large donations and many
service teams that have come to bless us. Here’s a quick overview of accomplishments:
Manchay Oasis Care Center
Service Team Completed new office building
Testimonial Completed new sewing workshop for Moms
Helping Moms (MHM)
―There are not words to
Nearly completed new boardroom
describe how this trip has
Laid over 100 square yards of sod
changed me! I grew to Planted trees and flowers
appreciate all the little Added 23 yards of concrete driveway
things I neglect at home. New Children’s Home in Pachacamac
I could not have enjoyed Finished the 1st and 2nd housing units
this trip more and am so Finished the shells of 3rd and 4th housing units (now starting #5!)
glad I am able to be here. Constructed ecologically-friendly sewage treatment plant
The children and families Began landscaping with sod
and gravel Older boys living in 1st House
we’ve seen taught me so
Built duck pen
much about God and the
Began kids’ gardens
incandescent happiness In the Community
that they exude, even Built a retaining wall at the house of one of our Oasis teachers
with what little they Excavated land, poured a concrete floor, and built a house addition
have.‖ for a MHM grad.

Graduate Update—by Nancy Miller

Javier Gutierrez has become quite the world traveler -- he has
worked for cruise lines in the Caribbean, Alaska, and in the Medi-
terranean. Recently he returned to us from a visit to Canada.
There he reconnected with a number of people who have been to
the Home on service teams, including a couple that he calls his
―Canadian parents.‖ Javier was also able to build relationships with
migrant workers by playing soccer and then shared the Gospel. He
was also able to visit the Bartels family (founders of the Lima Chil-
dren’s Home) and share his testimony at their church. He has since
returned home and left for a third cruise ship tour. Please pray
for him and his continued spiritual growth in the worldly environ-
ment of working on a cruise ship.
Director’s Deliberations
Recently our house was broken into and
many items were stolen. Although it has
been a huge frustration we are thankful
for many things, one being, as Matthew CONTACT US!
Field Address:
Henry once said, that, ‖I was the one
Lima Children’s Home
Mike & Diane who was robbed, not I who robbed.‖ Casilla 50, La Molina,
Lima 12, Peru
What kind of people go into someone else’s house to take
phone: 011 (511) 479–1341
that which is not theirs? Typically, former ―children at
Kids Alive Int’l Addresses:
risk‖! There are still millions of children here in Peru in
In the US: 1(800) KIDS-330
extreme poverty, without loving parents to guide them,
2507 Cumberland Drive
who are forced at a very young age into working or steal- Valparaiso, IN 46383
ing in order to survive. e-mail: kidsalive@kidsalive.org
Obviously we still have a lot of work ahead of us as our
In Canada: (519) 624-9406
break-in attests. Thank you for your part in helping us do
55 Fleming Dr., Unit 2
that here in Peru.
Cambridge, ON N1T 2A9
e-mail: admin@kidsalive.ca
We are always amazed at the blessings we receive from
service teams that come to work with us. Thank
you so much those of you that gave up a chunk of
their summer to visit and serve with us: People’s
Bible Church (Goshen, IN), First Church
(Highland, IN), People’s Church (Wyoming, ON),
and Bethel Church (Crown Point, IN). We also
hosted a vision team from MVPC (Moraga, CA)
that has begun a partnership with our Home in
Field Directors
WISH LIST Mike and Diane Fietje
Individual Child sponsorship $35/month Maintenance & Construction
Home/Classroom sponsorship $100/month Tyler Foss
MHM Coordinator
Giving has decreased for our Lima ministries and we Brenda Foss
need more sponsors to keep them running properly! Nurse
Please prayerfully consider sponsorship, encourage Shannon Eaton
Work Team Coordinator
friends and church small groups to sponsor or give a
Jon Chadwick
one-time gift towards our operational costs. Child Sponsorship Coordinator
Elise Chadwick
Help us save printing/postage costs—receive this newsletter by Alumni Support
email. Contact Jon at jonchadwick@gmail.com Nancy Miller (non-KAI)

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