Epistl E: Bradford Congregational Church-United Church of Christ

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The I-91 rest area for the church will be Oct.3rd,4th, &5th.

Food and workers are needed.

all !anice "arabee ###-44$% If &ou
would like to work a shift. It is an
en'o&able ti(e )isitin* with +eo+le
fro( different +laces. ookies, bars,
breads, (uffins, dou*hnuts and a++les
are needed.
It is a *ood (one& raiser for the church,
harlotte -elch
From the diaconate and Pastor Tom Kinder
The interim period can be one of the most dynamic, exciting times in a
congregations life. It is an opportunity to remember and learn from the
past, to redefine the congregations sense of purpose and direction and to
set out on a new stage of its journey.
An Interim Minister needs to get to know a congregation as uickly as
possible in order to help it focus on what is most important for its future.
Bradford Congregational Church-United Church of Christ Bradford, VT
See us on Facebook! (80! -"0#" sub$it ne%s to $#site&charter'net
To that end we are in!iting you to help set our direction and let Tom get
to know us by answering some uestions he is posing. We hope
everyone who cares abot the !tre o! this chrch wi"" respond both
in writing and by attending one of the small group gatherings we will
ha!e in !arious homes this fall "well let you know details about that
next month#. $ere are the uestions Tom is asking%
&. 'hat three things do you appreciate most about this church(
). 'hat three things do you like least about this church(
*. 'hat has changed or happened o!er your time in this congregation
that has made you disappointed, angry or sad(
+. 'hat do you feel is important to change now(
,. 'hat three things do you dream this church will do or become(
-our name "optional#%
-ou may email your responses to brad!ordvtcc#$mai"%com
.aper responses to the uestions may be put in the designated box in the
!estry. Additional paper copies of the uestionnaire will be a!ailable in
both the sanctuary and the !estry. If you can think of anyone in our
church community who might be willing to share their thoughts, please
encourage them to complete a uestionnaire.
Thank you/

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