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Year 1/2 Curriculum Overview Cycle 1

Aut 1 Aut 2 Spr 1 Spr 2 Sum 1 Sum 2

Prime Learning
Why Dont tigers or
polar bears live in
How do you build a
What was ritain
li!e when the
"ueen came to the
throne in 1#$%?
Whole School
&heme '&(
What would an
e*plorer +nd
e*citing about my
Why ,h Why was
there such a big
istory (hanges beyond
living memory that
are signi+cant
-vents beyond
living memory that
are signi+cant
Weather patterns in
./ and cold areas o0
the world
1ocabulary around
!ey human and
physical 0eatures
#rt &o develop a wide
range o0 art
&o use a range o0
materials to
design a product
&o use sculpture to
develop and share
Art o0 +re 3 artist
$% Design4 ma!e4
evaluate technical
&ea party 3
understand where
0ood comes 0rom
Select and use a
range o0
&O& Starter
#ny visits
'isitors / lin(s to
the wi)er worl)
Manchester museum
3 5iving worlds
M,S6 transport
Drama 3
(oronation Day
5ocal Wal! and
town visit
Drama wor!shops8
9ellow ric!
Local / Manchester
Lin(s *nclu)ing
museums an)
Manchester museum
3 5iving worlds
M,S6 transport
:ohn ;ylands 5ocal area visits
and library
#""lication of
6n0ormation te*t
<otes4 lists4
;ecount notes ;eport
#""lication of
com"uting an)
Searching and
e8boo! 3
guideboo! to
Animation =
digital art
#ny other
curriculum lin(s
Dance Dance School lin! Drama
%hematic $ays
$iscrete curriculum
Science 9ear 1> Animals
9ear 2> Animals
9ear 1> -veryday
9ear 2> -veryday
9ear 1> Seasonal
9ear 2> Habitats
9ear 1= 9ear 2>
lin!ed to whole8
school theme
9ear 1> ?lants 'iology)
9ear 2> ?lants 'iology)
,- 6slam (hrisianity Hinduism
PSC- <ew eginnings
How do rules and
laws affect me?
Rules and
Road safety
@etting on and
0alling out
Taking part
Say no to
@oing 0or goals
Drugs Education
including Drugs
awareness week
@ood to be me
Healthy choices
Aeelings and
(hanges B
eople who help
us ! the local
Com"uting Programming 3
on a screen
%hin(ing 3
e*plore how
games wor!
Creativity 3
selecting4 and
editing digital
networ(s 3
researching a
g /
collaboration .
Pro)uctivity .
recording bug
hunt data
-nglish / writing
?lace value and rounding
Addition and subtraction
Multiplication and division 'year 2)
Measurement 'including money and time)
?roperties o0 shapes
?osition and Direction
Statistics 'year 2)
Year 1/2 Prime Learning Challenge> Why Dont tigers or polar bears live in Manchester?
0ational Curriculum Coverage1
Identify seasonal and daily weather patterns in the United Kingdom and the location of hot and cold areas of the world in relation to the Equator
and the North and South Poles
AfL Statements:
I can explain the clothes I would wear in a hot and cold. (Y1)
I can keep a weather chart and answer questions about the weather. (Y1)
I can explain some of the main things that are in hot and cold places. (Y1)
I can explain why an area has been spoiled or improved. (Y)
I can name the continents of the world and locate them on a map. (Y)
I can describe a place outside !urope using geographical words. (Y)
Art - To develop a wide range of art techniques to use drawing painting and sculpture to develop and share their ideas e!periences and
to develop a wide range of art and design techniques in using colour pattern te!ture line shape form and space"
AfL Statements:
I can create tones with paint. (Y)
I can create art work using clay. (Y)
Science (some links to topic) #
Identify and name a variety of common animals including fish amphi$ians reptiles $irds % mammals &'()
Identify and name a variety of common animals that are carnivores her$ivores and omnivores" &'()
*escri$e and compare the structure of a variety of common animals &fish amphi$ians reptiles $irds %mammals including pets) &'()
Notice that animals including humans have offspring which grow into adults &'+)
,ind out and descri$e the $asic needs of animals including humans for survival &water food and air) &'+)
AfL Statements-
I can name a variety of animals including fish" amphibians" reptiles birds and mammals (Y1)
I can classify and name animals by what they eat (carnivore" herbivore" omnivore) (Y1)
I can sort animals into categories including fish" amphibians" reptiles" birds and mammals (Y1)
I can sort living and non#living things (Y1)
I can link the correct part of the human body to each sense (Y1)
I can explain the basic stages in a life cycle for animals" including humans (Y)
I can describe what animals and humans need to survive (Y)
I can describe why exercise" a balanced diet and good hygiene are important for humans (Y)
Year 1/2 Prime Learning Challenge1 ow )o you buil) a car2
0ational Curriculum Coverage1
DT - Through a variety of creative and practical activities pupils should $e taught the .nowledge understanding and s.ills needed to engage in
an iterative process of designing and" They should wor. in a range of relevant conte!ts /for e!ample the home and school gardens
and playgrounds the local community industry and the wider environment0"
design purposeful functional appealing products for themselves and other users $ased on design criteria
generate develop model and communicate their ideas through drawing templates moc.-ups and where appropriate information and
communication technology
e!plore and use mechanisms /for e!ample levers sliders wheels and a!les0 in their products"
AfL Statements:
I can make a product that moves. (Y1)
I can explain what went well with my work. (Y)
I can make my model stronger. (Y1)
I can explain to someone how I make my product. (Y1)
I can measure materials to use in a model structure. (Y)
Science (linked to topic) $ *istinguish $etween an o$1ect and the material from which it is made &'()
Identify and name a variety of everyday materials including wood plastic glass metal water and roc. &'()
*escri$e the physical properties of a variety of everyday materials &'()
2ompare and group together a variety of everyday materials on the $asis of their simple physical properties &'()
Identify and compare the suita$ility of a variety of everyday materials including wood metal plastic glass $ric. roc. paper and
card$oard for particular uses &'+)
,ind out how the shape of solid o$1ects made from some materials can $e changed $y squashing $ending twisting % stretching" &'+)
AfL statements-
I can distinguish $etween an o$1ect and the material it is made from &'()
I can e!plain the material that an o$1ect is made from &'()
I can name wood plastic glass metal water and roc. &'() % paper and card$oard &'+)
I can group o$1ects $ased on the materials they are made from &'()
I can suggest why a material might or might not $e used for a specific 1o$ &'+)
I can e!plore how shapes can $e changed $y squashing $ending twisting and stretching &'+)
Year 1/2 Prime Learning Challenge1 What was ritain li!e when the "ueen came to the
throne in 1#$%?
0ational Curriculum Coverage1
istory 8 (hanges beyond living memory that are signi+cant
understand historical concepts such as continuity and change similarity difference and significance and use them to ma.e connections draw
contrasts analyse trends frame historically-valid questions and create their own structured accounts including written narratives and
analyses Pupils should develop an awareness of the past using common words and phrases relating to the passing of time" They should
.now where the people and events they study fit within a chronological framewor. and identify similarities and differences $etween ways of
life in different periods" They should use a wide voca$ulary of everyday historical terms" They should as. and answer questions choosing
and using parts of stories and other sources to show that they .now and understand .ey features of events" They should understand some
of the ways in which we find out a$out the past and identify different ways in which it is represented"
AfL statements1
I can explain how I have changed since I was born. (Y1)
I can recount the life of a famous person. (Y2)
I can explain how the life of someone has helped us. (Y1)
I can research the life of the famous person from the past. (Y2)
I can use words and phrases like> old4 new and long time ago7 '91)
I can use words and phrases like: before after past present then and now. (Y2)
I can recognise that some ob!ects belong in the past. (Y1)
I can give examples of things that were di"erent when m# grandparents were children. (Y2)
I can ask and answer $uestions about old and new ob!ects. (Y1)
$% 8 &ea party 3 understand where 0ood comes 0rom
develop the creative4 technical and practical e*pertise needed to per0orm
AfL statements1
I can describe the ingredients I am using.
Science (not linked to topic)
3$serve changes across the four seasons &'()
3$serve and descri$e weather associated with the seasons and how day length varies &'()
E!plore and compare the differences $etween things that are living dead and things that have never $een alive &'+)
Identify that most living things live in ha$itats to which they are suited and descri$e how different ha$itats provide for the $asic needs of
different .inds of animals and plants and how they depend on each other &'+)
Identify and name a variety of plants and animals in their ha$itats &'+)
*escri$e how animals o$tain their food from pants and other animals using the idea of a simple food chain and identify and name
different sources of food &'+)
AfL Statements:
I can observe and comment on changes in the seasons (Y1)
I can name the seasons and suggest the type of weather in each season (Y1)
I can identify things that are living" dead and never lived (Y)
I can describe how a specific habitat provides for the basic needs of things livings there (Y)
I can match living things to their habitats (Y)
I can identify and name plants and animals in a range of habitats (Y)
I can describe how animals find their food (Y)
I can name some different sources of food for animals (Y)
I can explain a simple food chain (Y)
Year 1/2 Prime Learning Challenge1 &hat woul) an e3"lorer 4n) e3citing about my city2
0ational Curriculum Coverage1
!eogra"hy 8
Use $asic geographical voca$ulary to refer to- .ey human features including- city town village factory farm house office port har$our and shop"
AfL statements:
I can name some of the main towns and cities In the %nited &ingdom. (Y1)
I can locate the capital cities of 'ngland (ales )cotland and Ireland. (Y2)
I can explain where I live and tell someone m# address. (Y1)
I can sa# what I like and do not like about the place I live in. (Y2)
I can describe ke# features of an area. (Y2)
I can sa# what I like and do not like about an area. (Y2)
I can *nd where I live on a map in the %&. (Y2)
produce creative wor. e!ploring their ideas and recording their e!periences
$ecome proficient in sculpture techniques
evaluate and analyse creative wor.s using the language of design
.now a$out great artists and designers and understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms"
AfL Statements
I can create moods in artwork. (Y1)
I can create repeating patterns. (Y1)
I can cut roll and coil materials. (Y1)
I can create tones with paint. (Y2)
I can create a piece of artwork in response to the work of another artist. (Y2)
Science 5not lin(e) to to"ic . Summer terms 1627
6denti0y and name a variety o0 common wild and garden plants4 including deciduous and evergreen trees '91)
6denti0y and describe the basic structure o0 a variety o0 common Eowering plants4 including trees '91)
,bserve and describe how seeds and bulbs grow into mature plants '92)
Aind out and describe how plants need water4 light and a suitable temperature to grow and stay healthy '92)
#fL statements
I can name a variet# of common wild and garden plants (Y1)
I can name the petals stem leaf and root of the plant (Y1)
I can name the roots trunk branches and leaves of a tree (Y1)
I can describe how seeds and bulbs grow into plants (Y2)
I can describe what plants need in order to grow and sta# health# (water light and suitable temperature) (Y2)
Year 1/2 Prime Learning Challenge1 &hy Oh &hy was there such a big 4re2
0ational Curriculum Coverage1
istory 8 -vents beyond living memory that are signi+cant
understand historical concepts such as continuity and change cause and consequence similarity difference and significance and use them to
ma.e connections draw contrasts analyse trends frame historically-valid questions and create their own structured accounts including written
narratives and analyses
They should as. and answer questions choosing and using parts of stories and other sources to show that they .now and understand .ey
features of events" They should understand some of the ways in which we find out a$out the past and identify different ways in which it is
AfL Statements:
I can explain how I have changed since I was born. (Y1)
I can recount a famous event. (Y2)
I can explain how the event of something has helped us. (Y1)
I can research an event from the past. (Y2)
I can use words and phrases like: old new and long time ago. (Y1)
I can use words and phrases like: before after past present then and now. (Y2)
I can recognise that some ob!ects belong in the past. (Y1)
I can give examples of things that were di"erent when m# grandparents were children. (Y2)
I can ask and answer $uestions about old and new ob!ects. (Y1)
produce creative wor. e!ploring their ideas and recording their e!periences
$ecome proficient in drawing painting and other art craft and design techniques
evaluate and analyse creative wor.s using the language of art craft and design
.now a$out great artists craft ma.ers and designers and understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms"
?upils should be taught>
to use a range of materials creatively to design and ma.e products
to use drawing painting to develop and share their ideas e!periences and imagination
to develop a wide range of art and design techniques in using colour pattern te!ture line shape form and space
a$out the wor. of a range of artists craft ma.ers and designers descri$ing the differences and similarities $etween different practices and
disciplines and lin.s to their own wor."
AfL Statements:
I can create tones with charcoal. (Y1)
I can create artwork using structures. (Y)
I can use pencils of different thickness in drawing. (Y1)
I can chooses and use three different grades of pencil when drawing" &'+)

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