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Year 5/6 2013/14 Curriculum Overview Cycle 2

Aut 1 Aut 2 Spr 1 Spr 2 Sum 1 Sum 2

Were the Anglo-
Saxons nice
neighbours ?
Do you see
what I see?
Why was the
around AD !!
"nown as the
#$olden Age%?
D& pro'ect Why and when
did (horlton
become so
Why should
)ra*il and the
rain+orest be
important to us
settlement by
Anglo-Saxons and
A non-,uropean
society that
contrasts with
)ritish history
.ocal history
study o+ a site
dating +rom
beyond 1!//
s"ills and 0eld
wor" - maps
and place
+O+ S!ar!er
(ny vi$i!$
,i$i!#r$ /
lin-$ !# !he w#rl.
2ellow )ric" 1oad
Drama Wor"shop
3isit to the
.owry $allery
and Art
.ocal wal" Samba dance
or drumming
L#cal /
.owry museum 4ohn 1ylands 5
Wal" around
the locality and
to the river
(''lica!i#n #"
7antasy Stories
1ecount 8on-
(''lica!i#n #"
Animation Digital Art 6resenting
int:6re*i etc-
)logging 5 lin"s
to other schools
(ny #!her
Dance 9usic
)i$cre!e curriculum
2ear ;<
6roperties and
changes in
2ear /< Animals
2ear ;<
6roperties and
changes in
2ear /< .iving
things and
2ear ;< ,arth
and space
2ear /< .ight
2ear ;: /<
2ear ;< 7orces
2ear /<
2ear ;< .iving
things and
2ear /<
,volution and
4udaism Islam ?induism
8ew beginnings
1ules and
1oad sa+ety
Say no to
bullying =S,A.>
$etting on and
+alling out
$oing +or goals
including Drugs
?ealthy choices
$ood to be me
S1, scheme
years @A ; and /
2ear / 9oving
(hanges =S,A.>
networ"s 5
planning the
creation o+ an
thin"ing 5
6roductivity 5
researching the
App mar"et-
(ollaboration 5
designing the
6rogramming 5
Developing the
(reativity 5
creating video
and web copy
+or a mobile
phone App-
0ngli$h 1 wri!ing
7ablesA 9yths and .egends =2;>
6layscripts =2;>
Stories told +rom another viewpoint =2;>
?orror : mystery =2/>
(lassic stories =2/>
8on-chronological report
4ournalistic writing
6oems to per+orm-
6lace value and rounding
Addition and subtraction
9ultiplication and division
9easurement =including money and time>
6roperties o+ shapes
6osition and Direction
Algebra =2/>
Year 5/6 Prime Learning Challenge2 +ere !he (ngl#1Sa3#n$ nice neighb#ur$ 4
5a!i#nal Curriculum C#verage2
%i$!#ry< Bnderstand historical concepts such as continuity and changeA cause and conseCuenceA similarityA diDerence and signi0canceA and use them
to ma"e connectionsA draw contrastsA analyse trendsA +rame historically-valid Cuestions and create their own structured accountsA including written
narratives and analyses
("L S!a!emen!$
E I can draw a timeline with diDerent historical periods showing "ey historical events or lives o+ signi0cant people- =2;>
E I can compare two or more historical periodsF explaining things which changed and things which stayed the same- =2;>
E I can test out a hypothesis in order to answer Cuestions- =2;>
E I can place +eatures o+ historical events and people +rom the past societies and periods in a chronological +ramewor"- =2/>
E I can summarise the main events +rom a period in historyA explaining the order o+ events and what happened- =2/>
E I can summarise how )ritain may have learnt +rom other countries and civili*ations- =2/>
E I can identi+y and explain diDerencesA similarities and changes between diDerent periods o+ history- =2/>
E I can describe a "ey event +rom )ritain%s past using a range o+ evidence +rom diDerent sources- =2/>
E I can describe the +eatures o+ historical events and way o+ li+e +rom periods I have studiedAF presenting to an audience-=2/>
(r!2 &extiles< to use a range o+ materials creatively to design and ma"e productsA evaluate and analyse creative wor"s using the language design
("L S!a!emen!$
I can create an accurate print design +ollowing criteria- =2;>
I can over print to create diDerent patterns- =2/>
)*2 Design< design purpose+ulA +unctionalA appealing products +or themselves and other users based on design criteria
$enerateA developA model and communicate their ideas through tal"ingA drawingA templatesA moc"-ups andA where appropriateA in+ormation and
communication technology
9a"e< Select +rom and use a range o+ tools and eCuipment to per+orm practical tas"s G+or exampleA cuttingA shapingA 'oining and 0nishingH
Select +rom and use a wide range o+ materials and componentsA including construction materialsA textiles and ingredientsA according to their
,valuate< ,xplore and evaluate a range o+ existing products
,valuate their ideas and products against design criteria
("L S!a!emen!$
6 can c#me u' wi!h a range #" i.ea$ a"!er c#llec!ing in"#rma!i#n "r#m .i7eren! $#urce$8 9Y5:
6 can $h#w !ha! 6 c#n$ cul!ure an. $#cie!y in my 'lan$ an. .e$ign$8 9Y6:
Science 9n#! lin-e. !# !#'ic ; Y0(/ 5:
(ompare and group together everyday materials on the basis o+ their propertiesA including their hardnessA solubilityA transparencyA conductivity
=electrical and thermal>A and response to magnets =2;>
Inow that some materials will dissolve in liCuid to +orm a solutionA and describe how to recover a substance +rom a solution =2;>
Bse "nowledge o+ solidsA liCuids and gases to decide how mixtures might be separatedA including through 0lteringA sieving and evaporating =2;>
$ive reasonsA based on evidence +rom comparative and +air testsA +or the particular uses o+ everyday materialsA including metalsA woodA and
plastic =2;>
Demonstrate that dissolvingA mixing and changes o+ state are reversible change =2;>
,xplain that some changes result in the +ormation o+ new materialsA and that this "ind o+ change is not usually reversibleA including changes
associated with burning and the action o+ acid on bicarbonate o+ soda =2;>
("L S!a!emen!$
I can compare and group materials based on their properties (e.g. hardness, solubility, transparency, conductivity and response to magnets)
I can describe how a material dissolves to form a solution; explaining the process of dissolving. (Y5)
I can describe and show how to recover a substance from a solution (Y5)
I can describe how materials can be separated (e.g. through ltering, sieving and evaporating) (Y5)
I !now and can demonstrate that some changes are reversible and some are not (Y5)
I can explain how some changes result in the formation of a new material and that this is usually irreversible (Y5)
I can give evidenced reasons why materials should be used for specic purposes (Y5)
Science 9n#! lin-e. !# !#'ic ; Y0(/ 6:
Describe the ways in which nutrients and water are transported within animalsA including humans =2/>
("L S!a!emen!$
I can identify and name the main parts of the human circulatory system (Y")
I can describe the function of the heart, blood vessels and blood (Y")
I can discuss the impact of diet, exercise, drugs and life style on health (Y")
I can describe the ways in which nutrients and water are transported in animals, including humans (Y")
Year 5/6 Prime Learning Challenge2 )# y#u $ee wha! 6 $ee 4
5a!i#nal Curriculum C#verage2
produce creative wor"A exploring their ideas and recording their experiences
become pro0cient in drawingA paintingA techniCues
evaluate and analyse creative wor"s using the language o+ artA
"now about great artistsA and understand the historical and cultural development o+ their art +orms-
to create s"etch boo"s to record their observations and use them to review and revisit ideas
to improve their mastery o+ art and design techniCuesA including drawingA painting with a range o+ materials G+or exampleA pencilA charcoalA paintA clayH
about great artistsA in history-
("L S!a!emen!$
I can identi+y and draw ob'ects and use mar"s and lines to produce texture- =2;>
I can success+ully use shading to create mood and +eeling- =2;>
I can organise lineA toneA shape and colour to represent 0gures and +orms in movement- =2;>
I can express emotion in my art- =2;>
I can use imagesA which I have createdA scanned and +oundAF altering them where necessary to create art- =2;>
I can research the wor" o+ an artist and use their wor" to replicate a style- =2;>
I can explain why I have used diDerent tools and techniCues to create art- =2/>
I can explain the style o+ my wor" and how it has been inKuenced by a +amous artist- =2/>
I can use +eedbac" to ma"e amendments and improvement to my art- =2/>
I can use a range o+ e-resources to create art- =2/>
Science 9n#! lin-e. !# !#'ic ; Y0(/ 5:
(ompare and group together everyday materials on the basis o+ their propertiesA including their hardnessA solubilityA transparencyA conductivity
=electrical and thermal>A and response to magnets =2;>
Inow that some materials will dissolve in liCuid to +orm a solutionA and describe how to recover a substance +rom a solution =2;>
Bse "nowledge o+ solidsA liCuids and gases to decide how mixtures might be separatedA including through 0lteringA sieving and evaporating =2;>
$ive reasonsA based on evidence +rom comparative and +air testsA +or the particular uses o+ everyday materialsA including metalsA woodA and
plastic =2;>
Demonstrate that dissolvingA mixing and changes o+ state are reversible change =2;>
,xplain that some changes result in the +ormation o+ new materialsA and that this "ind o+ change is not usually reversibleA including changes
associated with burning and the action o+ acid on bicarbonate o+ soda =2;>
("L S!a!emen!$
I can compare and group materials based on their properties (e.g. hardness, solubility, transparency, conductivity and response to magnets) (Y5)
I can describe how a material dissolves to form a solution; explaining the process of dissolving. (Y5)
I can describe and show how to recover a substance from a solution (Y5)
I can describe how materials can be separated (e.g. through ltering, sieving and evaporating) (Y5)
I !now and can demonstrate that some changes are reversible and some are not (Y5)
I can explain how some changes result in the formation of a new material and that this is usually irreversible (Y5)
I can give evidenced reasons why materials should be used for specic purposes (Y5)
Science 95#! lin-e. !# !#'ic ; Y0(/ 6:
Describe how living things are classi0ed into broad groups according to common observable characteristics and based on similarities and
diDerencesA including microorganismsA plants and animals =2/>
$ive reasons +or classi+ying plants and animals based on speci0c characteristics =2/>
("L S!a!emen!$
I can classify things into broad groups according to observable characteristics and based on similarities #di$erences (Y")
I can describe how living things have been classied (Y")
I can give reasons for classifying plants and animals in a specic way (Y")
Year 5/6 Prime Learning Challenge2 +hy wa$ !he 6$lamic civili$a!i#n ar#un. () <00 -n#wn a$
!he =&#l.en (ge>4
5a!i#nal Curriculum C#verage2
"now and understand signi0cant aspects o+ the history o+ the wider world< civilisationsF the expansion and dissolution o+ empiresF the nature o+
ancient civilisationsF characteristic +eatures o+ past non-,uropean societiesF achievements and +ollies o+ man"ind
understand the methods o+ historical enCuiryA including how evidence is used rigorously to ma"e historical claimsA and discern how and why
contrasting arguments and interpretations o+ the past have been constructed
gain and deploy a historically grounded understanding o+ abstract terms such as #empire%A #civilisation%
("L S!a!emen!$
E I can draw a timeline with diDerent historical periods showing "ey historical events or lives o+ signi0cant people- =2;>
E I can compare two or more historical periodsF explaining things which changed and things which stayed the same- =2;>
E I can test out a hypothesis in order to answer Cuestions- =2;>
E I can place +eatures o+ historical events and people +rom the past societies and periods in a chronological +ramewor"- =2/>
E I can summarise the main events +rom a period in historyA explaining the order o+ events and what happened- =2/>
E I can summarise how )ritain may have learnt +rom other countries and civili*ations- =2/>
E I can identi+y and explain diDerencesA similarities and changes between diDerent periods o+ history- =2/>
E I can describe the +eatures o+ historical events and way o+ li+e +rom periods I have studiedAF presenting to an audience-=2/>
Science 9n#! lin-e. !# !#'ic ;Y0(/ 5:
Describe the movement o+ the ,arthA and other planetsA relative to the Sun and solar system =2;>
Describe the movement o+ the 9oon relative to the earth =2;>
Describe the SunA ,arth and 9oon as approximately spherical bodies =2;>
Bse the idea o+ the ,arth%s rotation to explain day and night and the apparent movement o+ the sun across the s"y =2;>
("L S!a!emen!$
I can describe the movement of the %arth, and other planets, relative to the &un and solar system (Y5)
I can describe the movement of the 'oon relative to the earth (Y5)
I can describe how day and night are created (Y5)
I can describe the sun and moon using the term spherical (Y5)
Science 9n#! lin-e. !# !#'ic ; Y0(/ 6:
1ecognise that light appears to travel in straight lines =2/>
Bse the idea that light travels in straight lines to explain that ob'ects are seen because they give out or reKect light into the eye =2/>
,xplain that we see things because light travels +rom light sources to our eyes =2/>
Bse the idea that light travels in explain why shadows have the same shape as the ob'ects that cast them =2/>
("L S!a!emen!$
I can explain how light travels (Y")
I can explain and demonstrate how we see ob(ects (Y")
I can explain why shadows have the sane shape as as the ob(ect that casts them (Y")
I can explain how simple optical instruments wor!, e.g. periscope, telescope, binoculars, mirror, magnifying glass etc. (Y")
Year 5/6 Prime Learning Challenge2 )* Pr#ec!
5a!i#nal Curriculum C#verage2
)* When designing and ma"ingA pupils should be taught to<
use research and develop design criteria to in+orm the design o+ innovativeA +unctionalA appealing products that are 0t +or purposeA aimed at
particular individuals or groups
generateA developA model and communicate their ideas through discussionA annotated s"etchesA cross-sectional and exploded diagramsA
prototypesA pattern pieces and computer-aided design
select +rom and use a wider range o+ tools and eCuipment to per+orm practical tas"s G+or exampleA cuttingA shapingA 'oining and 0nishingHA
select +rom and use a wider range o+ materials and componentsA including construction materialsA textiles and ingredientsA according to their
+unctional properties and aesthetic Cualities
investigate and analyse a range o+ existing products
evaluate their ideas and products against their own design criteria and consider the views o+ others to improve their wor"
understand how "ey events and individuals in design and technology have helped shape the world
apply their understanding o+ how to strengthenA stiDen and rein+orce more complex structures
understand and use mechanical systems in their products G+or exampleA gearsA pulleysA camsA levers and lin"agesH
understand and use electrical systems in their products G+or exampleA series circuits incorporating switchesA bulbsA bu**ers and motorsH
apply their understanding o+ computing to programA monitor and control their products-
("L S!a!emen!$
6 can c#me u' wi!h a range #" i.ea$ a"!er c#llec!ing in"#rma!i#n "r#m .i7eren! $#urce$8 9Y5:
6 can 'r#.uce a .e!aile.? $!e'1by1$!e' 'lan8 9Y5:
6 can $ugge$! al!erna!ive 'lan$@ #u!lining !he '#$i!ive "ea!ure$ an. .raw bac-$8 9Y5:
6 can e3'lain h#w a 'r#.uc! will a''eal !# a $'eciAc au.ience8 9Y5:
6 can evalua!e a''earance an. "unc!i#n again$! #riginal cri!eria8 9Y5:
6 can u$e a range #" !##l$ an. eBui'men! c#m'e!en!ly8 9Y5:
6 can ma-e a 'r#!#!y'e be"#re ma-e a Anal ver$i#n8 9Y5:
6 $h#w !ha! 6 can be b#!h hygienic an. $a"e in !he -i!chen8 9Y5:
6 can u$e mar-e! re$earch !# in"#rm my 'lan$ an. i.ea$8 9Y6:
6 can "#ll#w an. reAne my 'lan$8 9Y6:
6 can u$!i"y my 'lan$ in a c#nvincing way8 9Y6:
6 $h#w !ha! 6 can !e$! an. evalua!e my 'r#.uc!$8 9Y6:
6 can e3'lain h#w 'r#.uc!$ $h#ul. be $!#re. an. give rea$#n$8 9Y6:
6 can w#r- wi!hin a! 9Y6:
6 can evalua!e my 'r#.uc! again$! clear cri!eria8 9Y6:
Year 5/6 Prime Learning Challenge2 +hy an. when .i. Ch#rl!#n bec#me $# '#'ular4
5a!i#nal Curriculum C#verage2
understand historical concepts such as continuity and changeA cause and conseCuenceA similarityA diDerence and signi0canceA and use them to ma"e connectionsA
draw contrastsA analyse trendsA
("L S!a!emen!$
I can compare two or more historical periodsF explaining things which changed and things which stayed the same- =2;>
I can explain how our locality has changed over time- =2;>
I can identi+y and explain diDerencesA similarities and changes between diDerent periods o+ history- =2/>
locate the world%s countriesA using maps to +ocus on ,urope and 8orth and South AmericaA concentrating on their environmental regionsA countriesA and ma'or cities
name and locate counties and cities o+ the Bnited Iingdom and land-use patternsF and understand how some o+ these aspects have changed over time
understand geographical similarities and diDerences through the study o+ human and physical geography o+ a region o+ the Bnited IingdomA
communicate geographical in+ormation in a variety o+ waysA including through mapsA
%uman an. 'hy$ical ge#gra'hy
human geographyA including< types o+ settlement and land useA
&e#gra'hical $-ill$ an. Ael.w#r-
use mapsA atlasesA globes and digital:computer mapping to locate countries and describe +eatures studied
use the eight points o+ a compassA +our and six-0gure grid re+erencesA symbols and "ey =including the use o+ Lrdnance Survey maps> to build their "nowledge o+ the
Bnited Iingdom and the wider world
use 0eldwor" to observeA measureA record and present the human and physical +eatures in the local area using a range o+ methodsA including s"etch mapsA plans
and graphsA and digital technologies-
("L S!a!emen!$
6 can e3'lain why many ci!ie$ are $i!ua!e. #n #r cl#$e !# river$8 9Y5:
6 can e3'lain h#w a l#ca!i#n A!$ in!# i!$ ge#gra'hical l#ca!i#n wi!h re"erence !# human an. ec#n#mical "ea!ure$8 9Y5:
6 can u$e OS $ymb#l$ an. 6 Agure gri. re"erence$8 9Y6:
6 can an$wer Bue$!i#n$ by u$ing a ma'8 9Y6:
6 can u$e ma'$? aerial 'h#!#gra'h$? 'lan$ an. e1re$#urce$ !# .e$cribe wha! a l#cali!y migh! be li-e8 9Y6:
6 can .e$cribe h#w $#me 'lace$ are $imilar an. .i$$imilar in rela!i#n !# !heir human an. 'hy$ical "ea!ure$8 9Y6:
Science 9n#! lin-e. !# !#'ic ; Y0(/ 5:
,xplain that unsupported ob'ects +all towards the ,arth because o+ the +orce o+ gravity acting between the earth and the +alling ob'ect =2;>
Identi+y the eDects o+ air resistanceA water resistance and +riction that act between moving sur+aces =2;>
1ecognise that some mechanismsA including leversA pulleysA and gearsA allow a smaller +orce to have greater aDect =2;>
(C S!a!emen!$
I can explain what gravity is and its impact on our lives (Y5)
I can identify and explain the e$ect of air resistance (Y5)
I can identify and explain the e$ect of water resistance (Y5)
I can identify and explain the e$ect of friction (Y5)
I can explain how levers, pulleys and gears allow a smaller force to have a greater e$ect (Y5)
Science 9n#! lin-e. !# !#'ic ;Y0(/ 6:
Associate the brightness o+ a lamp or the volume o+ a bu**er with the number and voltage o+ cells used in the circuit =2/>
(ompare and give reasons +or variations in how components +unctionA including the brightness o+ bulbsA the loudness o+ bu**ersA and the on:oD position o+
switches =2/>
Bse recognised symbols when representing a simple circuit in a diagram =2/>
("L S!a!emen!$
I can explain how the number # voltage of cells in a circuit lin!s to the brightness of a lamp or the volume of a bu))er (Y")
I can compare and give reasons for why components wor! and do not wor! in a circuit (Y")
I can draw circuit diagrams using correct symbols (Y")
Year 5/6 Prime Learning Challenge2 +hy $h#ul. DraEil an. !he (maE#n rain"#re$! be im'#r!an!
!# u$ all4
5a!i#nal Curriculum C#verage2
locate the world%s countriesA using maps to +ocus on South AmericaA concentrating on their environmental regionsA "ey physical and human
characteristicsA countriesA and ma'or cities
identi+y the position and signi0cance o+ latitudeA longitudeA ,CuatorA 8orthern ?emisphereA Southern ?emisphereA the &ropics o+ (ancer and
(apricornA Arctic and Antarctic (ircleA the 6rime:$reenwich 9eridian and time *ones =including day and night>
understand geographical similarities and diDerences through the study o+ human and physical geography o+ a region within South America
%uman an. 'hy$ical ge#gra'hy
describe and understand "ey aspects o+<
physical geographyA including< climate *onesA biomes and vegetation beltsA riversA and the water cycle
human geographyA including< types o+ settlement and land useA economic activity including trade lin"sA and the distribution o+ natural
resources including energyA +oodA minerals and water
&e#gra'hical $-ill$ an. Ael.w#r-
use mapsA atlasesA globes and digital:computer mapping to locate countries and describe +eatures studied
("L S!a!emen!$
6 can 'lan a #urney !# a 'lace in an#!her 'ar! #" !he w#rl.? !a-ing acc#un! #" .i$!ance an. !ime8 9Y5:
6 can e3'lain why 'e#'le are a!!rac!e. !# live by river$8 9Y5:
6 can e3'lain !he c#ur$e #" a river8 9Y5:
6 can name an. l#ca!e many #" !he w#rl.>$ m#$! "am#u$ river$ in an a!la$8 9Y5:
6 can an$wer Bue$!i#n$ by u$ing a ma'8 9Y6:
6 can u$e ma'$? aerial 'h#!#gra'h$? 'lan$ an. e1re$#urce$ !# .e$cribe wha! a l#cali!y migh! be li-e8 9Y6:
6 can .e$cribe h#w $#me 'lace$ are $imilar an. .i$$imilar in rela!i#n !# !heir human an. 'hy$ical "ea!ure$8 9Y6:
6 can i.en!i"y an. name !he *r#'ic$ #" Cancer an. Ca'ric#rn a$ well a$ !he (rc!ic an. (n!arc!ic Circle$8 9Y6:
6 can e3'lain h#w !ime E#ne$ w#r- an. calcula!e !ime .i7erence$ ar#un. !he w#rl.8 9Y6:
Science 9n#! lin-e. !# !#'ic ; Y0(/ 5:
Describe the diDerences in the li+e cycles o+ a mammalA amphibianA an insect a bird =2;>
Describe the li+e process o+ reproduction in some plants and animals =2;>
Describe the changes as humans develop +rom birth to old age =2;>
("L S!a!emen!$
I can describe the life cycle of di$erent living things, e.g. mammal, amphibian, insect, bird (Y5)
I can describe the di$erences between di$erent life cycles (Y5)
I can describe the process of reproduction in plants (Y5)
I can describe the process of reproduction in animals (Y5)
I can create a timeline to indicate stages of growth in humans (Y5)
Science (not linked to topic YEAR 6)
1ecognise that living things have changed over time and that +ossils provide in+ormation about living things that%s inhabited the ,arth millions
o+ years ago =2/>
1ecognise that living things produce oDspring o+ the same "indA but normally oDspring vary and are not identical to their parents =2/>
Identi+y how animals and plants are adapted to suit their environment in diDerent ways and that adaptation may lead to evolution =2/>
("L S!a!emen!$
I can describe how the %arth and living things have changed over time (Y")
I can explain how fossils can be used to nd out about the past (Y")
I can explain about reproduction and o$spring (recogni)ing that o$spring normally vary and are not identical to their parents.) (Y")
I can explain how animals and plants are adapted to suit their environment (Y")
I can lin! adaptation over time to evolution (Y")
I can explain evolution (Y")

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