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Q8. How do I reseed a torrent? What is reseeding?

When there are zero seeds for a given torrent (and not enough peers to have a di
stributed copy), then eventually all the peers will get stuck with an incomplete
file, since no one in the swarm has the missing pieces. When this happens, some
one with a complete file (a seed) must connect to the swarm so that those missin
g pieces can be transferred. This is called reseeding. Usually a request for a r
eseed comes with an implicit promise that the requester will leave his or her cl
ient open for some time period after finishing (to add longevity to the torrent)
in return for the kind soul reseeding the file.
A1: The Easy Way (You have downloaded the torrent before and you haven't renamed
the file(s)
You simply reseed by downloading the torrent again, point the btclient to your c
omplete file(s) if it asks you for a download destination, and it will start see
ding because it is already complete. (For some clients you can just put the file
in your default download folder and the client will find the file(s) by itself.
A2: The Hard Way (You have the file(s) for the torrent but you have them renamed
1. start downloading the torrent again from scratch.
2. stop the btclient as soon as it created an empty folder and/or file(s)
3. choose the files you want to seed if you want to reseed a folder with multipl
e files (a.k.a. batch torrent)
4. replace the empty files with the files you have
5. perform a manual hash check (verify the file(s) of the torrent)
6. restart downloading the torrent again (resume & seed what you have finished)
Note: If you reseed a torrent by resuming previously downloaded files, then your
files will be modified/corrupted/destroyed/deleted if they don't match the file
(s) of the torrent. Thus, it is always recommended to reseed copies of your file
s if unsure.
It is recommended to leave your client open as long as you can, or until the hea
lth status of the torrent is fine.

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