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Write a paragraph on the following topic.

How does Kurt Vonnegut develop the theme in Harrison Bergeron?

1. Decide if the evidence you have written down is mostly
Setting and Description
Character Actions
2. Based on your analysis of the evidence, you can create a thesis statement. This should be the first
sentence of your paragraph.

Kurt Vonnegut develops the theme _______________________________in Harrison Bergeron

3. Follow your normal paragraph writing structure. Today, you will need just TWO pieces of evidence to
support your thesis statement.
Thesis statement (Refer to the Thesis Statement page of your notebook.)
Evidence (Don't forget to introduce your evidence. This can be found on the Written Analysis page of your notebook)
In-Text Citation (This can be found on the In-Text Citation page of your notebook.)
Explanation. (Explain how your evidence supports your thesis. Why is this piece of evidence significant?)
Evidence (Don't forget to introduce your evidence. This can be found on the Written Analysis page of your notebook)
In-Text Citation (This can be found on the In-Text Citation page of your notebook.)
Explanation. (Explain how your evidence supports your thesis. Why is this piece of evidence significant?)
Conclusion (This is the "so-what?" Why should people care about what you wrote, or why is this information important?)

Ways to introduce your evidence:
As Vonnegut writes,
In the story it states,
According to the text,
On page ____, it reveals,
For example,
The author illustrates this point when she

Ways to introduce your explanation:
This implies
The evidence suggests
The quote demonstrates
This maintains
This reveals
This explains

This will be events/setting and description/character actions.
Write the theme you already have written in you
notebook here.

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