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1. Motions and orders are numbered and have their causes of action usually
stated after the terms 'MOTION FOR SUMMR! "U#$M%NT& etc'. So& ma(e
sure that before you match )ith the orders& the cause of action& *arties and
the numbers *ertained to are the same.
+. STI,U-TION for dismissal by both *arties .#/,0 can only be considered
as a non1voluntary dismissal if it )as dismissed 2IT3 ,R%"U#I4%. Other)ise&
it is not a MOI.
5. If an order states that the case has been transferred to another state& do
not leave it *endin6 even if the date is not yet )ithin the +1year limit. ll
*endin6 motions in this case shall be mar(ed& UN7NO2N.
8. 4-IFORNI& ,%NNS!-9NNI& T%:S& 4O-OR#O& F-ORI# ; I--INOIS
may have entries that loo( li(e orders. 3o)ever& you may notice a note at
the last *ortion of the entry that says& ,RO,OS%# OR#%R 1 #O NOT use this.
If you'll notice order entries that say ,RO,OS-S and "U#$M%NTS 1 #O NOT
use them also. If the order is )orded FIN#IN$S or 4ON4-USIONS and
"U#$M%NTS 1 !ou M! use them.
<. Names of *arties =lin6 a "OIN#%R to an earlier doc(eted motion are
IN4-U#%# in that %R-I%R motion and NOT 6iven a se*arate relationshi*.
>. I--INOIS NORT3 is (no)n to have misleadin6 motion entries. Usually& they
are )orded as NOTI4% OF ,R%S%NTM%NT& but these are not the actual MOI.
The number that these ty*es of entries refer to contain the R%- MOI. For
this& you must 6o into the 'bro)se doc(et entries' *a6e and recover the
latter. The real MOI are not hi6hli6hted since they have more than =ve .<0
)ords in bet)een the (ey )ords .i.e. Motion of #efendant ?umbo 4ru@ for
the #ismissal& etc0. 3ence& the tool is not able to reco6ni@e the MOI.
>. The notoriously diAcult "URIS#I4TIONS to *rocess areB 4-IFORNI
,%NNS!-9NNI %ST ; MI#& and T%:S SOUT3.

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