2008 Annual Report Financials

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Action Against Hunger

2008 Annual Report Financials

Action Against Hunger
The international humanitarian organization Action Against Hunger saves the lives of malnourished
children and families, while providing sustainable access to safe water and long-term solutions to hunger.
In emergency situations of conflict, natural disaster, and chronic food insecurity, Action Against Hunger has
pursued its vision of a world without hunger for three decades.

ACF International’s field staff work in more than 40 countries to carry out innovative, life-saving programs
in nutrition, food security, water and sanitation, health, and advocacy. Our programs reach some five
million people each year, restoring dignity, self-sufficiency, and independence to vulnerable populations
around the world.

Board of trustees – 2008 advisory council – 2008


The Invus Group, LLC Graff USA Actor


InterAudi Bank Hermès, France The Institute of Culinary
Education (ICE)
Writer Longchamp Alice Stock
Lowenstein Sandler PC
Cristina Enriquez-Bocobo SABINE CASSEL
Enriquez-Bocobo Constructs Ronald Waldman
chris davis School of Public Health,
Pierre fay Boomerang Columbia University
Luxottica Group HealthandAge.com
Nina S. Zagat
BURTON K. HAIMES, Chairman Emeritus Robert de Rothschild Zagat Survey
Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP Rothschild, Inc.
Tim Zagat
Yves-André Istel Nicole Douillet Zagat Survey
Rothschild, Inc. Crédit Suisse

Ketty PUCCI-SISTI Maisonrouge Kaïssa Doumbè-Moulongo

Ketty Maisonrouge & Company, Inc. Schejbal
Daniel Py
Medical-Instill Technologies Catherine Dumait-Harper

thilo semmelbauer Lynn Frailey

Event Planner
Argosy Partners Peggy Kerry
US Mission to the United Nations
kara young
James G. Niven

Xavier Noël
Paris Gourmet

Maciek Schejbal
Kaïssa Management—
Makai Productions

Cover photos: ACF-Pakistan, courtesy J. Pomerantz; Plumpy-nut packets used in ACF nutrition programs

action against hunger

3 auditor’s letter

4 statement of financial position

5 statement of activities

6 statement of functional expenses

8 acf international figures

12 donor lists

16 publications & Resources

17 action against hunger staff

2008 Annual Report Financials

Our comprehensive
approach to global
hunger delivers a
range of community-
centered solutions
to populations in
crisis, like this
family’s community
in Pakistan.
Action Against Hunger
receives top marks from
rating agencies like the
Better Business Bureau,
Charity Navigator, the
American Institute for
Philanthropy, and Guidestar. Photo: Photo: ACF-Lebanon, courtesy S. Vera
action against hunger
auditor’s letter




To the Board of Directors

Action Against Hunger – USA
New York, New York

We have audited the accompanying statements of financial position of Action Against Hunger –
USA as of December 31, 2008 and 2007, and the related statements of activities, changes in net assets,
functional expenses and cash flows for the years then ended. These financial statements are the
responsibility of Action Against Hunger – USA’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion
on these financial statements based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United
States of America, and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing
Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. Those standards require that we plan
and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of
material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts
and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles
used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial
statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects,
the financial position of Action Against Hunger – USA as of December 31, 2008 and 2007, and its
changes in net assets and its cash flows for the years then ended in conformity with accounting principles
generally accepted in the United States of America.

In accordance with Government Auditing Standards, we have also issued our report dated
July 24, 2009 on our consideration of Action Against Hunger – USA’s internal control over financial
reporting and on our tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts and
grant agreements and other matters. The purpose of that report is to describe the scope of our testing of
internal control over financial reporting and compliance and the results of that testing, and not to provide
an opinion on the internal control over financial reporting or on compliance. That report is an integral part
of an audit performed in accordance with Government Auditing Standards and should be considered in
assessing the results of our audit.

July 24, 2009


2008 Annual Report Financials
(301) 951-9090 • FAX (301) 951-3570 • WWW.GRFCPA.COM



statements of financial position
as of december 31, 2008 and 2007

2008 2007
Cash (Note 2):
Headquarters $ 5,644,645 $ 4,298,910
Field offices 2,266,381 1,120,657
Total cash 7,911,026 5,419,567
Grants receivable 7,526,878 9,625,446
Travel advances and other receivables 779,580 298,529
Prepaid expenses 23,902 36,254
Program advances to network (Note 3) 296,956 100,197
Total current assets 16,538,342 15,479,993


LEASEHOLD IMPROVEMENTS, NET (Note 8) 280,926 278,617

Deposits 19,620 14,791

TOTAL ASSETS $16,838,888 $15,773,401


Accounts payable and accrued expenses $ 589,227 $ 388,714
Provision for unanticipated losses 253,064 450,000
Due to network (Note 3) 230,291 738,263
Total liabilities 1,072,582 1,576,977
Undesignated 3,849,242 3,267,109
Designated (Note 9) 1,097,912 921,912
Total unrestricted net assets 4,947,154 4,189,021
Temporarily restricted (Note 4) 10,819,152 10,007,403
Total net assets 15,766,306 14,196,424

TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS $16,838,888 $15,773,401

action against hunger
statements of activities for the years
ended december 31, 2008 and 2007
2008 2007
Temporarily Temporarily
Unrestricted Restricted Total Unrestricted Restricted Total
Contributions $ 3,398,231 $ 78,226 $ 3,476,457 $ 2,774,122 $ 26,280 $ 2,800,402
Grants (Notes 5 and 10):
U.S. Government - 1,179,774 1,179,774 - 3,588,709 3,588,709
Non-U.S. Government - 27,667,672 27,667,672 - 21,142,024 21,142,024
In-kind donations 1,908,714 - 1,908,714 2,035,623 - 2,035,623
Interest 89,737 - 89,737 82,566 - 82,566
Other 222,380 - 222,380 83,336 - 83,336
Net assets released from
donor restrictions (Note 6) 27,831,354 (27,831,354) - 24,502,998 (24,502,998) -
Total revenue and support 33,450,416 1,094,318 34,544,734 29,478,645 254,015 29,732,660
Program Services:
Democratic Republic
of Congo Programs 13,025,805 - 13,025,805 10,304,026 - 10,304,026
Kenya Programs 7,056,912 - 7,056,912 4,225,508 - 4,225,508
South Sudan Programs 3,579,019 - 3,579,019 3,744,887 - 3,744,887
Uganda Programs 5,136,119 - 5,136,119 5,273,130 - 5,273,130
Pakistan Programs 209,629 - 209,629 807,644 - 807,644
Tajikistan Programs 45,486 - 45,486 394,451 - 394,451
Sri Lanka Programs - - - 48,640 - 48,640
Mali Programs - - - 413,767 - 413,767
Swaziland 33,016 - 33,016 - - -
Lebanon Programs 50,450 - 50,450 - - -
Myanmar 46,952 - 46,952 - - -
Liberia Programs 13,617 - 13,617 - - -
Other Country Programs 2,928 - 2,928 20,684 - 20,684
Total program services 29,199,933 - 29,199,933 25,232,737 - 25,232,737
Supporting Services: 2008Lorem
Program Support 1,354,072 - 1,354,072 970,788 - 970,788
Management and General 1,744,915 - 1,744,915 1,757,849 - 1,757,849

Fundraising 743,663 - 743,663 460,358 - 460,358

Total supporting services 3,842,650 - 3,842,650 3,188,995 - 3,188,995

Total expenses 33,042,583 - 33,042,583 28,421,732 - 28,421,732

Changes in net assets before other items 407,833 1,094,318 1,502,151 1,056,913 254,015 1,310,928


Provision for unanticipated

Sit Amet 7.5

losses and exceptional items 342,827 - 342,827 158,594 - 158,594

Exchange gain (loss) 7,473 (282,569) (275,096) 3,465 342,535 346,000
CHANGES IN NET ASSETS $ 758,133 $ 811,749 $ 1,569,882 $ 1,218,972 $ 596,550 $ 1,815,522

statement of functional expenses
for the year ended december 31, 2008

Program Services
Democratic Republic of Kenya South Sudan Uganda Pakistan Tajikistan Swaziland
South Congo Programs Programs Programs Programs Programs Programs Programs
U.S. staff $ 239,925 $ 98,693 $ 120,500 $ 108,572 - $ 6,963 -
In-house consultants 844,993 556,237 293,605 373,188 50,663 - -
Fringe benefits 951,487 473,536 460,722 453,437 29,213 5,393 -
National field staff 2,950,532 2,021,616 930,288 1,113,979 66,119 8,572 -
Office running costs and services:
Insurance 5,779 656 4 - - - -
Rent and utilities 278,745 137,886 169,967 106,672 16,636 4,034 -
Professional fees 68,188 7,210 46,661 17,627 233 2,913 -
Travel 299,454 8,465 260,093 37,892 6,916 4,000 -
Telecommunications 175,109 99,597 70,252 74,609 6,362 992 -
Postage and customs fees 8,215 2,914 295 9,313 716 4,606 -
Finance charges 103,916 45,831 93,827 5,167 422 75 -
Meeting expenses 52 - 51 669 22 - -
Human resources - - - - - 1,409 -
Office equipment and supplies :
Office supplies 319,468 140,422 53,430 47,631 1,309 2,739 -
Depreciation and amortization 124,849 73,687 48,248 16,211 - - -
Equipment rental and maintenance 5,459 15,321 8,886 6,721 254 31 -
Public awareness expenses:
Fundraising expense - - - - - - -
Public information and membership dues - - - - - - -
Project logistics:
Vehicles 1,867,491 817,537 172,475 586,978 21,672 3,187 -
Radio 134,228 22,418 3,790 25,728 163 - -
Warehouse 40,664 15,797 77,133 597 722 - -
Electrical systems 109,660 20,734 22,765 13,484 500 299 -
Freight 908,060 30,056 141,484 50,129 3,428 115 -
Security 2,515 6,416 564 1,837 136 - -
Logistics library 4,079 - 49 704 - 60 -
Project expenses:
Food 426,751 294,942 6,719 157,157 16 - -
Nutrition 752,925 258,756 86,062 528,267 33 66 -
Health 170,226 24,921 15,840 74,775 - - -
Food security 573,098 775,187 176,130 727,587 - - -
Non consumables 262,609 539,027 104,090 10,426 - 32 -
Watsan 975,761 365,906 172,000 435,015 3,766 - -
Training 356,281 127,729 27,694 120,169 297 - - Feugait,
Other 62,263 32,130 14,003 31,578 31 - consed
- min
Subcontracts: henibh er
amet prat adio
Subcontracts to network - - - - - - 33,016
ex et acid-
Other 3,023 43,285 1,392 - - - - ip ex er
TOTAL $13,025,805 $7,056,912 $3,579,019 $5,136,119 $209,629 $45,486 aliquamet
$33,016 ad

action against hunger
Supporting Services
Lebanon Myanmar Liberia Other Country Total Program Program Management Fundraising Total Supporting Total
Programs Programs Programs Programs Services Support and General Services Expenses

$- $- $- $- $574,653 $912,931 $759,993 $205,439 $1,878,363 $2,453,016

- - - - 2,118,686 29,120 19,275 36,860 85,255 2,203,941
- - - - 2,373,788 218,982 173,186 46,614 438,782 2,812,570
- - - - 7,091,106 9,904 - - 9,904 7,101,010

- - - - 6,439 - 19,323 - 19,323 25,762

- - - - 713,940 4,843 172,553 - 177,396 891,336
- - - - 142,832 2,859 90,553 51,184 144,596 287,428
- 62 - - 616,882 98,570 37,597 6,486 142,653 759,535
- - - - 426,921 6,750 26,877 20 33,647 460,568
- - - - 26,059 645 11,566 5,859 18,070 44,129
- 50 - (30) 249,258 1,719 15,742 22,512 39,973 289,231
- - - - 794 14,349 6,420 1,630 22,399 23,193
- - - - 1,409 17,910 17,983 130 36,023 37,432

- - - - 564,999 24,701 41,382 2,462 68,545 633,544

- - - - 262,995 - 36,929 - 36,929 299,924
- - - - 36,672 781 45,498 7,350 53,629 90,301
- - - - - - - 357,117 357,117 357,117

- - - - - 6,973 124,689 131,662 131,662

- - - - 3,469,340 902 - - 902 3,470,242

- - - - 186,327 - - - - 186,327
- - - - 134,913 - - - - 134,913
- - - - 167,442 - - - - 167,442
- - - - 1,133,272 1,232 - - 1,232 1,134,504
- - - - 11,468 - - - - 11,468
- - - - 4,892 - - - - 4,892
2008 Annual Report Financials
- - - - 885,585 - - - - 885,585
- - - - 1,626,109 - - - - 1,626,109
- - - - 285,762 - - - - 285,762
- - - - 2,252,002 - - - - 2,252,002
- - - - 916,184 - - - - 916,184
- - - - 1,952,448 - - - - 1,952,448
- - - - 632,170 - - - - 632,170
- - - - 140,005 - - - - 140,005

50,000 46,840 13,617 2,958 146,431 - 144,787 - 144,787 291,218

450 - - - 48,150 901 562 - 1,463 49,613
$50,450 $46,952 $13,617 $2,928 $29,199,933 $1,354,072 $1,744,915 $743,663 $3,842,650 $33,042,583

acf international figures

acf international Named for its founding member, Action contre la Faim (ACF), ACF International was founded in 1979 in Paris. Committed to
principled humanitarian action, the network shares its combined human resources, breadth of experience, and technical expertise in its pursuit of
a world without hunger. Today, the network consists of five independent organizations headquartered in New York (ACF-USA), Paris (ACF-France),
Madrid (ACF-Spain), London (ACF-UK), and Montreal (ACF-Canada).
Thanks to the joint efforts of the five ACF headquarters, ACF International was able to respond in a timely and effective manner to a range of complex
emergencies in 2008, including post-election violence in Kenya, Cyclone Nargis in Myanmar, Typhoon Fengshen in the Philippines, and the ongoing
humanitarian crisis in Darfur.

ACF International Funding

Annual Budgets - Four Year History
n.b. - does not include ACF Canada, which began operations in 2006




$140,000,000 ACF-UK




$40,000,000 ACF-France


2005 2006 2007 2008

action against hunger
acf international figures

ACF International
Revenues by Source for 2007 & 2008


UN & Government $100,945,480 $131,968,960

Individual $35,586,854 $45,535,519

Foundation/Corporate $3,649,544 $4,464,610

Other $2,276,926 $4,328,401

TOTAL REVENUES $142,458,804 $186,297,490

2008 Annual Report Financials

acf international figures

ACF International Funding

Government Donors - 2007

Other Governments United Nations

$10,656,066 $16,691,438
11% 17%

United Kingdom

United States
8% ECHO*


ACF International Field Operations

Funding by Region - 2007

Latin America & Caribbean Europe

$6,989,413 $454,294
7% 0%
southern africa

central africa middle east

$32,495,539 $4,492,420
32% 4%

east africa
west africa 19%

10 * European Community Humanitarian Aid Department

action against hunger
acf international figures

ACF International Funding

Government Donors - 2008

Other Governments
United Nations
United Kingdom
United States
France $40,641,761
$6,687,039 34%

ACF International Field Operations

Funding by Region - 2008

Latin America & Caribbean Europe

$12,018,674 $627,647
9% 0%
southern africa
2008 Annual Report Financials

central africa middle east

$42,292,911 $8,339,085
33% 7%

east africa
west africa 16%

* European Community Humanitarian Aid Department 11

donor lists

Action Against Hunger thanks its generous donors for joining with us in our mission to save lives
by eliminating hunger through the prevention, detection, and treatment of acute malnutrition. We have compiled these lists as comprehensively
as possible, and thank all the many individuals—including those whose names do not appear below—for helping to make our work possible.

Please note listings reflect gifts received between January 1 and December 31, 2008.

MAJOR INSTITUTIONAL Gaiam, Inc. American Express FOUNDATIONS & Global Impact Combined
DONORS IBM Employee Services Foundation Employee ORGANIZATIONS Federal Campaign
Canadian International Center Giving Campaign The Gracie Charitable
Foundation &
Development Agency ImportantGifts, Inc. A-Z Properties Foundation
Organization Donors
(CIDA) BabyMoon Doulas of $25,000 and more Alan C. Greenberg
InterAudi Bank
European Community Calyon Anonymous Philanthropic Fund
Humanitarian Aid Natixis North America Inc.
Cards for Causes, LLC Charity Global, Inc. Jewish Communal Fund
Department (ECHO) Orrick, Herrington,
Sutcliffe Foundation The Carlyle Hotel Richard and Rhoda North Star Foundation
Food and Agriculture
Organization of the Simpson Thacher Cartier Goldman Fund Rexford Fund, Inc.
United Nations (FAO) & Bartlett LLP CME Group Rona Jaffe Foundation The Sam Spiegel
France - Comité Starr International Foundation
Corporate Donors Coolapps
Interministériel de of $5,000 up to $9,999 Foundation Vanguard Charitable
CRU Restaurant Endowment Program
l’Agriculture et de
Czarnowski Display Daniel Foundation &
l’Alimentation (CIAAA) Whispering Bells
Service, Inc. Organization Donors of
Office of U.S. Foreign Defined Health Foundation
EFG Istanbul $10,000 up to $24,999
Disaster Assistance (OFDA) Deutsche Bank Americas
Menkul Degerler Anonymous
Swiss Agency for Foundation INDIVIDUALS & FAMILY
FactSet Research DUO-CFC
Development and Firstgiving, Inc. FOUNDATIONS
Systems Inc.
Cooperation (SDC) International
Google Matching The French Culinary
Monetary Fund Individual Donors of
United Kingdom Institute $25,000 and more
Gifts Program
Department for Summit Foundation
Horizon Media, Inc. Goldman Sachs & Co. Joseph G. & Claude Audi
International Development
Matching Gift Program Foundation & René-Pierre & Alexis Azria
(DFID) HSBC Philanthropic
Programs Insight Designs Web Organization Donors of
United Nations Children’s Estate of Merl Brown
Solutions, LLC $5,000 up to $9,999
Fund (UNICEF) Integration Marketing Raymond Debbane
Integrated Project Anonymous
United Nations World & Communications Pierre & Isabelle Faÿ
Management Eicher Foundation
Food Programme (WFP) Jacques Torres Chocolates
Interior Building Services Ketty & François
GIGA Foundation
L’Olivier Soirées and Maisonrouge
CORPORATIONS Galas, Inc. JustGive.org The Human Fund
John & Wendy Neu
& CORPORATE Microsoft Giving Campaign Lowenstein Sandler PC I Do Foundation
FOUNDATIONS O’Shea Family Fund
Rollerblade USA Madison Bistro Independent Charities
Daniel & Pascale Py
Corporate Donors of Corporation Metacafe of America
$25,000 and more Eric Reeves
Schreiber Foods Newmark Knight Frank Mary and Kathleen
MacHeist LLC Harriman Foundation Robert de Rothschild
Sterling Stamos Capital Odile De S. Inc.
WeightWatchers Management, L.P. US Embassy Sudan- Thilo Semmelbauer
PepsiCo Foundation
International, Inc. Khartoum Shaker Family Charitable
TravelAge West PJ Wine
Vasicek Foundation Foundation
Corporate Donors of Corporate Donors Robert W. Baird & Co. Inc.
$10,000 up to $24,999 Brian J. Smith
of $1,000 up to $4,999 Foundation &
Song & Co. Cody J Smith
Anonymous Anonymous Organization Donors of
Spitfire Communications $1,000 up to $4,999 John A. Weldon
Bloomberg L.P. Aetna Foundation Visual Artists and Galleries The Ark Children’s Center Kara Young & Peter
CNN Alnor Oil Company, Inc. Association, Inc.
Combined Federal Georgiopoulos
Crédit Suisse American Express The Wealth Advantage Campaign of the Natural
Eleven Eleven O’Clock Charitable Fund Group Capital Area
The Ettinger Foundation

action against hunger
Individual Donors of Fribourg Family Foundation Max Azaham & Anna Bernard Del Rey & Carl Haefling
$10,000 up to $24,999 Michael A. Gordon Konopka Marguerite Fiore Del Rey Maria Halmo
Anonymous Burton K. Haimes Joseph & Frances Chu-Yuan Deng Edward Hamlin
Christopher Ahearn & A. Bachman Kathryn Dickman
David Haskell Susan E. Harper
Marla Mayer Geoffrey Baldwin Kay M. Diederich
Martin R. Kaatz Davis Harty
Merri & Sam Alexander Gene & Margaret Bard Michael & Catherine
Kathy Lafreniere William & Aline Haynes
Mohammed Amersi Joseph Baribeau Donovan
Yves Leperlier Kari Heber
Stanley & Marion Bergman Khallil Barrage Nicole Douillet
Family Charitable Fund Richard Louv Renee Hecht
Tony Bartel Allen & Vered Drazen
Yervant Demirjian Marjorie McGahren Michelle Hocking
Laura Baskes & Catherine Dumait-Harper
Thierry Despont Richard & Dorinda Medley Stuart Litwin Robert & Irene Hollweg
Daniel Dunn &
Blair W. & Cheryl Effron Dia C. Metropolis Jason Beaird Amy Gordon Michelle Holmes
Cristina Enriquez-Bocobo Nancy L. Miller Josh Bernstein Brian C. & A. Egnatz Susan E. & Matt Holmes
Sabina Fila Diane Molleson Mary O’Neill Berry Howard Eisenberg Timothy A. Holmes
William T. Hyde III Masoud Motamedi Santokh Bhullar Edgar El Chaar Kristen Hook
John B. Hynes Gilles Pajot Evren & Zeynep Bilimer Alexandre Elias Justin X. Howe
Kathleen Begala & Yves- Richard A. Perdue & Peter Binkow Tyler Ellis Samuel A. Hoyland
André Istel Thomas Porter Richard Hurowitz
George X. Boulton Charles Engelke
Sandra & David Kirchhoff David B. Peterson Susan K. Inchauspe
Foundation Scott & Irene Bouma John Evelyn
Julien Lerique Bobby Braddock Douglas N. Farrar Robert & Patty Isen
Arthur C. Reichstetter
Alison G. Liguori Tomas Brodsky Barrie & Hank Fila Tyler Jennings
Ricardo Rodriguez &
Maurice Meslans & Marjorie Stone Donald E. Brown Luisa Finberg Noble Johnson
Margaret Holyfield Irving & Alwyn Johnson
James & Alice Ross Josh Browning Anne Fisher
Achim & Colette Moeller Family Foundation
Michael Seay Kimberly Bryant Randall Fisher
Andrew D. & Eleni Hisashi & Kuniko Juba
Panzures Bettina Siegel Peter Buffington Daniel C. Fizznoglia
Joseph W. Judd
Mandakini Puri Robert Siegel Deborah Burdett Jody Fleischer
Andrea & Mark Kaplan
Joumana Rizk Isabel Stainow-Wilcox Danny & Christine Busch Christian Flores
Sami Karam
Christopher & Patrice Robert & Sharon Swindler Margaret Barkley Byess Margaret Frankston
Timothy Q. Karcher
Sobecki Matthew Tate Monte & Barbara Campbell Mary & Fabrizio Freda
Paul F. Keaveney
Gene Somoza Daniel D. Toscano Gezim Capani Lesley M. Friedman
Anna-Maria and Stephen
Karim F. Tabet Thomas B. & Dominic & Linda Castriota Dallin Fuchs Kellen Foundation
Wendy Weiler Danielle Walker Kenneth & Shirley Bhargavi Gali Don B. Kendall
& Donald Chappell Individual Donors of Ceradsky Jean-Louis Galliot Bryan Kim
Individual Donors of $1,000 up to $4,999 Robert B. Chavez Harsharan Gambhir Sue Klapholz
$5,000 up to $9,999 Anonymous Sunny Choi John Gavel, Jr. Radford Klotz & Shahnaz
2008 Annual Report Financials
Anonymous Mary Anne Aden Bryan Chu Anne F. Gentry Batmanghelidj-Klotz
Reem Acra Pierre & Mathilde Albouy Francis Ciani-Dausch Edmund G. Glass Kristil & Joshua Knox
Trudy M. & Robert W. Elizabeth A. Alcorn Jochem Clarke William G. Glass Jennifer Kohler
Albrecht Joy Allen John & Jean T. Cleary J. Leslie Glick Stefanos Kordas
Philippe & Robin Amouyal Jean-Pierre & Michèle Altier Lyor Cohen & Judith Mihara Ronald & Linda Kotin
Anne & Guillaume Bebear Crystal Andrus Thomas W. & Kim Cole Marc & Mariannick Gobé Johnny Kreitman
Patrick Briody Jerryl L. Antee II Jack Corwin Family Terence Goggin Ananth Krishnamurty
Tory Burch Fabrizio & Enrica Foundation Jaime Gonzales & Mary Inagami
Olivier Cassegrain Arengi-Bentivoglio Deborah A. Margaret Graff Donald Kulas
Kenneth Cox James Armstrong & Joseph Cowal
Anne M. Grayhack Joseph T. Kushner
Claudio Del Vecchio Edward C. Arredondo Reese Currie
Brian Greenwald John Lamonica
Hester Diamond M. Kaleem Arshad Nan Dale & Dan Franklin
Aflalo S. & Cathy Sam Lang
Jonas & Julie Fajgenbaum Massimo d’Amore Guimaraes Ali Latifi

donor lists

Christopher R. Moyse Family Foundation Jennifer L. Schiff Timothy Tucker Palo Alto High School -
& Cathy Lawrence Leslie & Scott A. Stephen A. & Mary Jennifer Turner Henry M. Gunn Key
Terry Lee Mulligan-McMichael E. Schlangen Club, CA
Bryan Tye
Thomas A. Lee Richard G. Murphy Wolfram Schlenker Parkway Central High
Thomas Ullrich School, MO
Janet & Peter Ley Thomas & Sally Neff Alison Holtzschue Robert Vandelinde
& Douglas Schloss Parsippany - Troy Hills
Phyllis & Barnet Liberman Roy R. and Marie S. Peter & Elizabeth Board of Education, NJ
Judith Lidsky Neuberger Foundation Schultz Family Foundation Vanderslice Pioneer Academy of
Kristin W. Lile Mark Nigro Tony Schwartz Annette B. Vass Science, NJ
Sarita Nori & Deborah Pines
Arlene R. & Andrew Henry J. & Margaret Princeton Day School, NJ
S. Linder Kelli Norman Jodi Schwartzberg M. Vosswinkel Robert L. Craig School, NJ
Patricia Lizarraga Laurel Oger Marshall Scorcio Eileen Wallis Sewanee - The University of
Deborah B. Lo Cascio Amelia Ogunlesi Elizabeth Scott Loren Wallis the South, TN
Michel & Odile de Catherine Orentreich Randy Seeley, MD Michael J. & Sandra Siena Catholic
Schietere Longchampt François Pagès Thomas Segrest M. Wax Academy, NY
Aaron Longnion Chokhalingam Judith Selkowitz Benjamin Weinberger South Plainfield High
Edward A. Lunt Palayamkottai Richard Sexton Stephan Wessels School, NJ
Victoria & Lawrence Jonathan D. Peck Thomas Sheldon Georgiana White West Windsor Plainsboro
F. Lunt High School South, NJ
Wendy & David Peterson Ashma & Jim Shepherd Gary Whitlock
Marvin & Jane Maas Whitney High School, CA
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Meredith Shepherd Ian Worling
Michael Macintire Peterson Ralph A. Siciliano David Wright
Aarti Madan Richard Poach Kathleen Sidenblad Lori Ann Wynter SCHOOLS
William Maier Bernard & Delphine Jane & Andy Sinauer Barbara & Richard Young The Ancona School, IL
Charles-Henri & Poussot
Rabinder P. Singh The Catherine Cook
Marguerite Mangin Leif E. Powers EDUCATIONAL
Joel E. Smilow School, IL
George E. Marin Radhika Puri Charitable Trust INSTITUTIONS Near North Motessori
Daniel Martinelli Anne-Laure Py Brian J. Smith Arcadia University, PA School, IL
Arjuna Martlin Elisabeth Py Christine Smith The Ark Children’s University of Chicago
John McBride Frederic & Maria Ragucci Center, MD Laboratory Schools, IL
Soheil Alex Soleimani
William & Nancy Kanti & Susan Rai Central High School, PA
Christopher W. Solomon
McCachren Lucas Rinehart Davis Junior High DONORS OF IN-KIND
Alix Spiegel School, MI GOODS OR SERVICES
Richard McCarthy Stephen A. Sheila Spradlin Eleanor Roosevelt Asia de Cuba
Robert B. McCue II & Christal Rishton
Sarah Stamboulie High School, NY B.R. Guest Restaurants
Jennifer McGrath Dominic & Michele
T. Rogo Lloyd D. Stansberry III Lawrence Township High Bamboo 52
Tyron McNeal School, NJ
Neil Rollins Ronald & Ivana Starr BLT Prime
Niraj Mehdiratta Liberty High School, CA
Nancy Romero Béatrice Stern Bottino
David Melnik Libertyville High School -
Steven J. Rosandich Alice B. Stock, Esq. Bouley Bakery
Donald & Shelley Meltzer Boy’s Cross Country
Geneviève & Jean John Stucki The Brandy Library
Jacques P. Merab, MD Team, IL
Rosanvallon Richmont Sy Brasserie 8 ½
Eduardo Merille Miami Carol City Senior
Jeanne A. Ross Brook & Ferebee Taube High School, FL Brasserie Les Halles
Forrest A. Mertz
Joel Ross James M. Taylor National Heritage Café Crème
Timothy Messa
Lisa Ruiz Kalpana Telikepali Academies, MI Café Grumpy
Eduardo & Gillian
David Rush Sebastien Thiebault Nederland Independent Café Joul
Shepherd Mestre
School District, TX
Laurence Michaels Olivier Rustat Richard L. Thiel Cercle Rouge
Nute Middle / High School
Dan R. Miller Jean-Marie & Selima Salaun Brenda Tirey Cinnabar Pictures
District, NH
Eric Miller & Brett Saarela Susan Sarandon Jeanne Tomcavage Cipriani Wall Street
Oklahoma University -
Rima Moawad Ann-Marie Sardini Ronald P. Townsend College of Nursing Craftsteak
Ella Saunders-Crivello Andrew Triboletti Faculty, OK Danube
Evelyn M. Morrow
Judith Scherer Richard Trobman Daum Inc. USA

action against hunger
Dawat - Haute Tribeca Grill organizational efficiency
Cuisine of India Trio Restaurant 2008 Data
Desert Moon Grille Triomphe at The
Frederick Wildman Iroquois Hotel
and Sons Vice Versa
Good Restaurant Villa Berulia Fundraising Management &
Google, Inc. Virginie Sommet & Communications Administration
Gramercy Tavern $743,663 $3,098,987
2% 10%
Carole & Geoffrey VOLUNTEERS
Howard & INTERNS
Le Grand Dakar Safeera Alicassim
The James Beard Elise Becart
Foundation Jessica L. Castaldi
Jean-Louis Resturant Katherine Cheng
Kaïssa Management Programs &
Howard De La Rosa Services to Field
L’Absinthe Grace M. DeLuna $29,199,933
L’Ecole at the French Fabian de St. Juery 88%
Culinary Institute
Julian DiIorio
L’Olivier Soirées and
Galas, Inc. Beatriz Fiestas
Clara Lofaro Jarett J. Freedman
Longchamp USA Melissa Furlong
Mad-Mac LLC Daniel Greenberg
Mercadito Stephen Houston
Monsieur Touton Pauline L. Howard
Selections Ltd. Dennis Kai
action against hunger consistently receives top marks
from rating agencies like the Better Business Bureau’s Wise Giving Alliance,
Nice Matin David Keniry
Charity Navigator (receiving their highest 4-star rating), the American Insti-
Novecento Se Young Kim
tute for Philanthropy (receiving an “A” rating), the Independent Charities of
Opia Wouter Klock
America (as a “Best in America” nonprofit), and Guidestar. As an operational
Osteria Gelsi Zoe Lawrence agency that directly oversees the implementation of our own programs,
Pangea Kelsey McCormack we are committed to a policy of transparency and disclosure by ensuring
Paris Gourmet Charlotte Merle that key financial information is publicly available and that our programs
Jacques Pépin Stephanie Musclow undergo external evaluation to assess their impact.
PhilipMarie Ceylan Olcer
PK’s Place Kruti Patel
Poilane Silvia Tatiana Pujol
2008 Annual Report Financials
Reed Exhibitions - Harling Ross
US Office Joyce Swomley
The Ritz Carlton Jessica Tamman
Battery Park
Allison Zucker
Robert de Rothschild
Saks Fifth Avenue
Serafina Restaurant
T Bar - Steak & Lounge
Tela Design Studio
Tour De France
Restaurant Group

Seasons of Hunger: Fighting Cycles Water and HIV: Working for La faim dans les villes The Geopolitics of Hunger:
of Quiet Starvation Among the Positive Solutions Eric Levron, Action Against The Geopolitics of Responsibility
World’s Rural Poor Hunger Watch Report, Hunger, Hermann Editeurs, 2006: (2003-04)
Hunger Watch Report, Action Action Against Hunger, 2007: Paris, France (158 pages) Vendôme Impressions,
Against Hunger, 2008: London, UK London, UK (102 pages) Urban demographics are explosive Groupe Landais, 2004:
(148 pages) Poor water and sanitary conditions and set to grow by 100,000 Paris, France (300 pages)
This publication sheds light on complicate the treatment of people a day for the next 30 years, The Geopolitics of Responsibility
the devastating link between malnutrition for people living with promising an upswing in urban takes a hard look at the actors who
predictable cycles of food insecurity HIV/AIDS, but Action Against hunger, a phenomenon with its contribute to the persistence of
and the prevalence of famine and Hunger’s ongoing research and field own dynamics. This important global hunger—the roles played
asks why so little is done when work offer a range of proven, cost- assessment presents studies of urban by armed groups, government
cyclical hunger is so routine, effective solutions. hunger in the D.R. Congo, Haiti, institutions, the international
predictable, and preventable. Argentina, and Liberia. community, and more.
Women & Hunger:
The Right to Water: Emergence, Regards sur le monde: The Geopolitics of Hunger:
Women Play a Central Role
Definition, Current Situation, and Les visages de la faim Hunger and Power (2001-02)
in the Fight Against Hunger
Stakeholder Positions Action Against Hunger, Lynne
Hunger Watch Report, Action Action Against Hunger,
Action Against Hunger, Moselle Editions Acropole, 2005: Rienner Publishers, 2002:
Against Hunger, 2006-07:
Vieillemard, 2008: Paris, France Paris, France (224 pages) Boulder, CO, USA (354 pages)
Paris, France (41 pages)
(120 pages)
As the principal providers for A group of notable Agence VU Combining the concrete experience
The concept of the “Right to Water” of ACF’s field staff with solid
families around the world, photographers give artful testimony
has emerged over the past few years, academic research, this page-
women are key partners in the to the contexts in which ACF
emphasizing a human-centered turning study and indictment of
struggle to end hunger. Agencies works, documenting the daily
approach to meeting basic needs the status quo is sure to capture
must incorporate such realities struggles for life and dignity that
among vulnerable populations. the imagination of any activist or
into the very design of their confront so many communities
humanitarian programs. around the world. student of world affairs.
The Justice of Eating: The Struggle
for Food and Dignity in Recent Assessment and Treatment
Misère urbaine: la faim cachée Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
Humanitarian Crises of Malnutrition in Emergency
Action Against Hunger, Editions Au for Populations at Risk
Hunger Watch Report, Action Situations
diable vauvert, 2006: Action Against Hunger, Hermann
Against Hunger, Pluto Press, Claudine Prudhon, Action Against
Paris, France (127 pages) Editeurs des Sciences et des Arts,
2007-08: London, UK (102 pages) 2005: Paris, France (801 pages) Hunger, Imprimerie Compedit
Five Agence VU photographers
An assessment of hunger in Beauregard, 2002:
visited ACF’s programs to An instructional manual for both
several African case studies, this Paris, France (317 pages)
give photographic voice to the emergency and development
book weaves personal testimonies settings, this authoritative book Intended for those with significant
phenomenon of urban hunger,

action against hunger publications

ACF International publishes a number of works for a variety of
audiences each year. A sizeable catalogue of more specialized
resources—context analyses, regional assessments, community
surveys, and special field reports—can also be found online at

into a a powerful indictment of condenses ACF’s three decades medical training, this manual
creating a startling companion
the institutions, structures, and of expertise in extending water combines ACF’s proven field
piece to ACF’s study on urban
processes that account for the and sanitation improvements to expertise with the latest scientific
hunger, La faim dans les villes.
persistence of hunger today. populations in need. insights to create an indispensable
guide for the treatment and
prevention of malnutrition.

action against hunger


Executive Director
Financial Director Director of Operations
JAMES STOTZ Marie-Sophie Simon
Geoffrey M. Glick Financial Comptroller Senior Nutrition Advisor
Director of External Relations
Luis Manuel GARCÍA David Doledec
James Phelan Field Financial Comptroller Nutrition Advisor
Senior Officer, Communications
& Advocacy Mauro Cabrera Devrig Velly
Field Financial Manager Senior Food Security & Livelihoods Advisor
Karen Dumonet
Senior Events & Donor MICHAEL GUMBLEY Silke Pietzsch
Relations Officer Field Financial Manager Food Security & Livelihoods Advisor

SHARON HAMETZ Nelger Rios Nicholas Radin

Senior Grant Writer Staff Accountant WASH Advisor

Barbara McKinnon ASMERET GHEBREYESUS Youcef Hammache

External Relations Officer Missions Accountant Desk Officer/Mission Manager & Senior
Technical Advisor
Communications Officer IT Officer Karine Milhorgne
Desk Officer/Mission Manager
Joseph McLaughlin
Online Marketing & HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT Nadia Griffin
Development Coordinator Mission Management Logistician
Philippe Rosen
James R. Dahlman Human Resources Director LAURENT MIRRIONE
Database & Donor Regional Logistics Advisor
Sarah Crawford
Stewardship Manager
Human Resources Officer
Jackie MacLeod
External Relations Associate
2008 Annual Report Financials
Human Resources Officer
Campaign Manager Fellow
Director, Regional Training Center
Rachael Blair
Student Outreach Fellow
Office Manager/
AMEDEO D’AMORE Human Resources Assistant
Social Media & Online
Marketing Assistant
Human Resources Assistant

Action Against Hunger staff as of September 1, 2009

247 West 37th Street, 10th Floor
New York, NY 10018
Tel: +1 212.967.7800
Fax: +1 212.967.5480

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