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Lagna is the sign rising on the Eastern horizon at the time of birth and is occu

pied by a Rasi (Rashi)/ Vedic sign. The average duration of a sign rising in the
Lagna/ Ascendant is two hours and for this reason the twelve Rasis cover the tw
enty-four hours duration of the solar day. (Basic Jyoti?a principles can be acce
ssed by clicking this link)
Lagna imbues a person with individuality and therefore denotes the self and the
personality of the person. It is the first house or Bhava of the chart and is th
e commencement point of any horoscopic study. We cannot forget that in all the d
ivisional charts as well there is a Lagna/ ascendant and these are usually at va
riance with the Lagna rising in the Rasi Cakra (Rashi Chakra). In other words, d
ifferent signs may and do tenant the various divisional charts. If the same Rasi
(Rashi) should occupy the Lagna in the Rasi (Rashi) and the Navamsa Cakras (Nav
amsha Chakras) then the Lagna is said to be Vargottama or occupying an Uttama Va
rga or good division. We must be cautious here since if a planet in Rasi (Rashi)
debility also attains debilitation in the Navamsa (Navamsha) then there is noth
ing Uttama or good about it.
The rising sign or the Lagna and its Lord are extremely crucial as they show the
self of the person. Every rising sign or Lagna has its own characteristics sinc
e it decides a certain Karmic metaphysics due to the positioning and allocation
of matters to various signs and their lords. For this reason even bereft of the
information of placement of Grahas in the Rasi Cakra (Rashi Chakra) we can ventu
re many opinions based on the rising sign or the ascendant or the Lagna.
Affliction to the Lagna Lord or Srapas/ curses imposing themselves on the lord o
f the ascendant can lead to major issues that have to be contended with. An affl
iction by Sani (Shani) for example could lead to an attention deficit disorder a
mongst other things.
The Lagnesa (Lagnesha) of the various Lagnas rising in the Rasi Cakra (Rashi Cha
kra) as well as the Varga Cakra/ divisional charts may also be referred to as th
e 'ruling planet'. The Lord of the Lagna is the lord of the first Bhava and ther
efore rules the chart and the person in question. Whatever else it may do it alw
ays continues to govern and rule the native and never causes harm to the person.
The Ratna of the Lagnesa (Lagnesha) is therefore a safe stone to wear, as a thu
mb rule. It is only a thumb rule as conjunctions and afflictions can tend to com
pletely change the picture and planets tend to impart their own hues to the conj
oined Grahas. Another thumb-rule is never wear a gemstone without authoritative
advice since it touches the body/ Tanu.
The placement of the lord of the Lagna in a specific Bhava (Bhava) from the Lagn
a is also of great relevance. The Graha tends to sap that Bhava (Bhava) of energ
y in order to feed the native with energy and any other mode of sustenance. The
placement of Lagnesa (Lagnesha) in certain Bhavas (Bhavas) is conspicuous and fo
r good reason. Any association of the Lagna and the 5th and 6th Bhavas (Bhavas)
and lords from the Lagna leads to the Dhimantaha (Dhimantah) Yoga which leads to
high levels of intelligence. This is include the placement of the Lagnesa (Lagn
esha) in say the 6th Bhava (Bhava) from the Lagna.
Another quick way to perceive Lagna and what it connotes is to view it as someth
ing 'rising' or bringing to life that precious 'ray of light'. Though Disa (Dish
a) or direction is more important for the Kalacakra (Kalachakra), and in more im
mediate matters, from the Aru?ha Lagna (Arudha Lagna), we would do well to remem
ber that the Disa (Disha) of the Lagna or the direction associated with the Lagn
a is the downward direction and is governed by Brahma (Brahma). Rajas decends in
to the world where it works best while something like Ketu sumbolises the upward
direction because Ketu wants to spiral out of creation into Mok?a (Moksha) or r
Even so, we must always remember that the Lagna Chakra is but one reference poi
nt and others such as the charts reckoned from the Aru?ha Lagna (Arudha Lagna) a
nd the Karaka (Karaka) Lagna are equally important. We have to see where the imp
ortant Arudha (Arudha) Padas such as the A7 or the Darapada (Darapada) are place
d which indicate sustenance, wealth, and relationships, both from the Lagna and
the Arudha (Arudha) Lagna. The Karaka (Karaka) Lagna is actually supreme since t
he Atmakaraka (Atmakaraka) is the KIng of the horoscope according to Mahar?i Par
asara (Maharshi Parashara).
There can be other correlations such as the placement of Cadra (Chandra)/ the Moo
n in the Lagna-this means that the Lagna and the Rasi (Rashi) are identical. Tra
nsits over the Lagna/ Rasi (Rashi) have a far greater impact due to this as two
reference points have come together. As an aside, people with the Moon in the La
gna are sociable and easy to connect with-they mingle a lot and get about. Cadra
(Chandra) is a Lagna in itself and is a very important determinant of how matter
s related to the world will shape up.
Another point to clarify is that while each Lagna will have the various Rasis (R
ashis) / Vedic signs positioned in a particular way and each Graha will be assig
ned different roles, one Lagna cannot simply be preferred over another. Existen
ce has created all of us with different Karmic frameworks which are well elabora
ted by the independent Lagnas rising there. In other words, it is not correct to
say wonder as to which Lagna might be best or indeed if one Lagna is better tha
n the other. Each Lagna/ rising sign will have its own characteristics.
With these points in mind let us proceed to study the various Lagnas or Ascendan
ts in Jyoti?a.
Me?a (Mesha)/ Aries Lagna: The head of the Kalapurusha. The Royal sign. Ruled by
the fiery Mars, lording the 8th House also. Sudden changes in life are implicit
but would also depend on the placement of the 8th co-Lord Ketu. Yes, Ketu also
lords Scorpio. Jupiter is also a good planet, ruling Bhagya and foreign travel.
Red Coral can be worn. So can the Ruby, indicative of Surya, the 5th Lord of the
future of the Jatak. Jupiters Pushyaraga/ Pukhraj can also be worn. Avoid Diamon
d as Shukra is a Maraka for the Lagna and avoid any of these Ratnas given above
if the planets indicated are placed in strength in the 3rd or 6th Houses from th
e Arudha Lagna. Unless you want to give everything up and head to the forest! Em
erald, generally no no, as Budh is a functional malefic, being the 3rd and 6th L
ord for all you fiery, headstrong and ambitious folk. There is a problem in that
without association with saints and Sa?yasis, prayers might not be accepted.
Guru (Guru) shows the Dharma of the Lagna and so the natural inclination would b
e towards eternal wisdom and the esoteric arts shown by Guru (Guru). Bhagwana is
important for the natives governed by Me?a (Mesha) Lagna and Ma?gala (Mangala)
because this is the only way the battle can be won. Bhagwan Bhakta Vatsala, Ma?g
ala (Mangala).
Everything is archetypal for this Lagna since all the planets are the natural lo
rds of the Bhavas they govern. If Sani (Shani) indicates sloggers and slogging t
hen it is all the more so for this Lagna since the Graha rules the 10th Bhava (B
hava) of Karma and the profession. In this manner all the planets, lords of the
Bhavas (Bhavas) are to be understood.
Vri?abha (Vrishabha)/ Taurus Lagna: The pleasure loving. Ruled by Shukra, who al
so rules the 6th House of enemies. Diamond can be worn save for the conditions l
aid down in Aries above. Placement of Sukra in the Lagna can form the celebrated
Malavya (Malavya)Yoga which can give a major knowledge of finance and taste for
rich food. Finance and conservatism will be dominant in the personality. Shani
is the Yogakaraka but also the Badhak Lord. Devi worship might become important
to get over the struggle which appears destined. Blue Sapphire is possible but I
do not recommend this stone ever. If you want to appease Lord Shani, do it diff
erently. Emerald is a good choice as Mercury rules the 2nd and 5th. Eloquence ca
n be aplenty if this Graha is well placed. Quite conservative and focused on fin
ances. The sturdy and powerful Bull. Avoid Pukhraj unless Rahu is placed in the
9th House. Likewise for the pearl as the Moon is the functionally malefic 3rd Lo
rd of the chart.
Great fixity is seen and conservatism since this is a Sthira Rasi (Rashi) and th
e anger of the bull can be tremendous if roused. Be careful with these people es
pecially if planets are placed in the first Drekka?a (Drekkana).
These people have landed property and are the Zamindars of yore. There is a tend
ency to get the most out of peeople they interact with. This is the exaltation s
ign or the Uchcha Rasi of the Moon and so the kingdom of the world resides in th
is Rasi. The Mulat?ko?a Rasi (Moolatrikona Rashi) of the Moon as well and so Vai
sya (Vaishya) interaction is at its highest here (read money-making).
Mithuna/ Gemini Lagna: Communication, writing, information and Mercurial worlds
are dominant. Governed by Mercury. Mercury also rules the 4th House and, please,
it does NOT carry the Kendradhipati Dosha. Just like you cant blame yourself for
owning your personality (at least not usually, I hope), please afford the same
privilege to Budh. Guru is the Badhaka, so if it is not afflicted and is well-pl
aced, obstacles that come from the Badhak shall not come. Fortune will rise afte
r the marriage is Guru is well placed in the radix.
Mars is a bad planet for the Lagna and Red Coral is best avoided. Regarding the
Ratnas we would do well to remember in general that the placement of the Grahas
from the Aru?ha Lagna and from the Lagna in the Somanatha Drekka?a must always b
e seen.
Emerald is safe. Venus is also a good planet, ruling the 5th: a Lakshmi Sthana a
nd the basically neutral 12th House. Diamond is also a fair possibility. Take ca
re of that nervous system. Even if Mars signifies it, it is your own nervous sys
tem and in the Dasha of Budh guard against excessive thought. Shani-Surya Yoga i
n a Dusthana can give an astounding Vipreeta Raja Yoga at times.
There is a rider that comes with Sukra (Shukra) since the inherent attributes or
the Karakattwa of Sukra are liable to take a beating due to the sexual structur
e of Mithuna Rasi (Rashi).
Being the 3rd Bhava from the Lagna in the Bha Chakra of the Kalapuru?a (Kalapuru
sha), this Rasi indicates copulation and the culmination of all sexual activity.
This is the result of the Kama T?kona (Kama Trikona) or the trine relating to s
Karka?a (Karkata)/ Cancer Lagna: Receptive, like Chandra who lords the Lagna. Th
e pearl is a good gem to wear. Mars is a Yogakaraka and can give rise on its own
. It can also give Vipreeta Raja Yoga if placed in a Dusthana or afflicted but t
he significations of conjoining planet will be stressed. Shukra is the Badhak an
d is also a functional malefic. Guru lords the Bhagya but also the 6th House, th
erefore it is a mixed planet for this Lagna.
This status of a mixed planet can be radically altered by a significantly dignif
ied placement of Guru bacause the most benefic planet in the zodiac does not nee
d much in order to shower the person with unlimited bounty.
Rahu is the 8th Lord and can become even more diabolical in this Lagna. Shani is
equally problematic except if it is placed in Lagna where it gives Simhasan Yog
a. It will give rise. As in Lagna it will be in Marana Karaka Sthana and will da
mage the 7th and 8th Houses, which it lords. Therefore, people with this placeme
nt can experience difficulties in marriage or in getting married.
This is also indicative of issues arising even when Sani (Shani) may not be plac
ed in the Lagna Bhava (Bhava) due to its 7th Bhava (Bhava) lordship. Sani (Shani
) is a slow and old planet and gives its results only when the slowness and dela
y has manifested and years have passed. One other facet to remember in this cont
ext is that Sani (Shani) matures at 36 years of age and before that the areas ei
ther lorded or influenced by the planet Saturn will pose considerable problems.
Sani (Shani) has no time for youngsters who according to him do not know anythin
g, are not capable of anything and only when the Graha delivers the Karma will t
hey sit up, take notice, cry a little and finally 'grow up' when they become mor
e tolerable for Sani (Shani).
Some natives born in this sign display an extremely competitive streak and can u
se lesser than the best means to pull others down. This of course is never to be
applied blindly but must be confirmed by the other features of the horoscope.
Note- For the transits of Grahas relative to the various Lagnas and especially i
n context of the ever moving Moon (read moods, emotions and the flow of things)
the following link contains a general daily evaluation of matters astrological-!/2012/02/daily-vedic-astrology-ho
Simha/ Leo Lagna: Another royal sign. Ruled by the Sun itself. Pride, authority,
inability to ask for favours. Ruby can be worn. Jupiter lords the 5th but also
the 8th. The Dasha of Guru can transform life. However, transformation might be
in context of discharging Karmic burden. The results of the Guru Dasa (Guru Dash
a) will be hugely dependent on the dignity and strength of the Graha. Ma?gala/ M
ars is again Yogakaraka but also the Badhaka (Badhaka). As it rules the 9th Hous
e, there may be conflict and struggle at the level of luck. Surya/ Shiva must be
propitiated. This can work for lawyers as they thrive on conflict and litigatio
n. Still, it might be a good idea to ease ones own life path. Even lawyers are en
titled to that. The Moon is the 12th Lord and if afflicted or if it is an Amavas
ya (Amavasya) birth, the mind can become vulnerable to acute suffering. Mercury,
though malefic is like Kubera for the chart and can bring wealth if associated
with the Aru?ha (Arudha) Lagna.
Shani is malefic for the Lagna. This is for the reason that it is the Graha lord
ing the Satru Bhava (Shatru Bhava) and indicates enmity in the horoscope. It can
bring illness, debts, enemies, general nuisances and emotional issues. It also
rules the area of marriage and so some romantic partners may end up showing an i
nimical attitude to the native. Sani rules suffering and delivering of some oner
ous Karma and so if the planet is very strong and finally disposed to relent the
n people may not look to harm the person in relationships but the relationships
may not work out till the heavy Karma (also seen through Bhava lordships of the
Dasa (Dasha) lords) is exhausted. The person may look for pragmatic partners cap
able of doing 'what is required'.
Sani (Shani) will delay marriage and functional relationships, generally speakin
g and a lot of work will be required if growth is expected of the 6th House, wor
k and/ or remedial measures. Work, if the Graha is associated with work or with
Bhavas associated with work by extension; remedial measures if the higher facet
s of Jyoti?a (Jyotisha) indicate the performance of remedial measures.
Though there are other Rasis (Rashis) with the Agni Tattwa, Simha has the highes
t quantum of fire within it. For this reason, people with this Lagna should not
undertake onerous fasts as the Pitta/ bile in the Rasi (Rashi) always needs some
thing to work on. People accuse the natives of this Lagna of being aloof and dis
tant, too royal and unwilling to consider other their equals.
Virgo/ Kanya (Kanya) Lagna: Mercury again. The plea of the whole world is, perfe
ction is alright to strive for, but is not to be found in existence. So, do keep
that in mind. Very finicky. Emerald is again a good idea and Venus is a good pl
anet, so the diamond is also a good gem. Saturn is a mixed planet as it lords th
e 5th and 6th but Rahu, lording Kumbha is the malefic 6th Lord. Mars is the most
malefic planet and can bring adversity in its Dasha unless well placed in Vipre
eta Raja Yoga. In Lagna, it can bring fiery issues. There is this film called An
ger Management.
This sign has some deep complexities and when asked to deal with animal maturity
, it falters since this is the sign of the debilitation of Sukra (Shukra) . No s
ex does not agree with Sukra and this Graha would like to have nothing to do wit
h virgins indicated by Kanya (Kanya) Lagna. If Sukra (Shukra) is not engaged in
sexuality and sensuality and intercourse of that kind it feels fallen and debili
tated. There is a huge sense of purity as an objective because the sign is dual
and has some sort of affinity with sin or ignorance encapsulated in some sort of
belief that -'nobody is watching'. One must remember that Jaganatha has huge ro
und eyes and He is watching all the time. The great imuprity of the Papapuru?a (
Sin-Man), symbolised by all our Karmic falterings by the Graha Sani pose by far
the greatest issues, even more than the abrupt Agni impulse of the malefic Ma?ga
la. There is a reason as to why people with an exalted Sukra (Shukra) in Mina Ra
si (Meena Rashi) have marital issues and that reason is to be found in Kanya Ras
i (Kanya Rashi).
This is the area in the horoscope that harbours unbridled ambition. It compels p
eople to work and to go to work everyday. If breakthroughs in this realm are exp
eriences it can mean relief coming through Kanya or the 6th Bhava and this means
the 6th Bhava is becoming an Upacaya Bhava indicating growth. Illusion and male
fic tendencies can be pronounced in the Kanya (Kanya) experience.
Tula (Tula)/ Libra Lagna: Private sector, social focus, love, attraction and oth
er areas ruled by Shukra. Shukra is also the 8th Lord so the potential for chang
es in life is implicit. Jupiter is a functional malefic so the gemstone should n
ot be lightly worn. Shani is Yogakaraka and can bring rise on its own. In a Dust
hana it can give Vipreeta Raja Yoga. Mercury rules Bhagya so emerald is also a g
ood choice but avoidable for the newly married, always. Avoid the red coral as M
ars is Maraka.
Since this Rasi (Rashi) is the one directly opposite Me?a Rasi (Mesha Rashi)/ Ar
ies it also has a problem that the working intellect can be tainted by the filth
of ignorance and worse so that prayers are not accepted automatically. While Su
kra (Shukra) is himself the greatest ascetic he likes nothing better than to tel
l the person under his prowess that there is nothing more than pleasing the sens
es in this life. For such natives the Dwi-Guru Yoga can come in handy.
The persons born under this sign are sociable and fond of material pleasures. I
t may not be ideal for them to get into power-centric domains and they would do
better instead in realms related to fashion, beauty, luxury and film. The perso
n would be quite competitive in the work application. A logical approach will wo
rk well in matters of religion.
This Rasi (Rashi) is susceptible to disease and serious sexual ailments such as
AIDS come from this Rasi (Rashi). Positive Grahas are required to combat these i
llnesses in the horoscope.
Vri?cika/ Scorpio Lagna: Lorded by both Mars and Ketu. Guru is very auspicious,
ruling the 2nd and the 5th Houses. One cannot term Guru (Guru) as Maraka (Maraka
) and bode evil due to a Rasi (Rashi) placement of Guru (Guru). Guru (Guru) is t
he greatest protection in the nativity and is a representative of Bhagwana. It i
s the only Graha which does good for the native without asking for anything in r
eturn. We must also remember that Parasara has a specific dictum for the placeme
nt of Guru (Guru) in the Lagna in any Rasi (Rashi) whatsoever.
Mercury is a functional malefic. Shani remains a malefic. Venus is a Maraka. Sun
is a good planet, ruling Karma. The Moon is also a benefic for the Lagna, rulin
g luck itself. The pearl, Ruby and Red Coral can be choices for this Lagna. Thes
e people can be pre-disposed to research and occult study and the Guru-Mangal Yo
ga can be especially fruitful.
If I do not mince my words, the Jataka of this Lagna will readily agree that the
y have faced some heavy trials in life. If the Grahas are not very strong in the
nativity then they will often feel that they have had to carry some unseen burd
en. This is a difficult Rasi and the challenge is to keep the heart clean and at
any cost the emotions should not be poisoned. Refer back to the part about Guru
above and this need not be taken literally-it can be any source of wisdom and i
llumination. Some natives can be hirsute.
Dhanu?a or Dhanu/ Sagittarius Lagna: Lorded by Guru (Guru) which is the Lagnesa
(Lagnesha) and the ruling Graha. Pushyaraga/ Pukhraja (Pukhraja) or the yellow s
apphire is an automatic choice since it is the Ratna of the Lagnesa (Lagnesha) o
r the Lagna Lord. The gemstone for Mars/ Ma?gala (Mangala), the red coral or Mu?
ga (Moonga) is also a good choice, being the 5th Lord. The sign rules teachers,
lawyers and finance professionals. It is the Mutat?ko?a (Moolatrikona) of Ketu a
nd the Swak?etra (Swakshetra) or own house of Guru (Guru) nand so it gives expre
ssion to profound religious and spiritual literature with a focus on final emanc
ipation through eternal wisdom or Jana. The Sun rules Bhagya and the Ruby is a go
od choice along with the red coral. Mercury is a Badhak planet and also carries
the Kendradhipati Dosha; if it is afflicted, it can cause trouble. Shukra is als
o a functional malefic lording the 6th and the 11th Houses and can punish. So, n
atives of this Lagna can experience trouble in the area of romance and marriage
unless the Karma is offset by fine placements in the nativity.
Makara/ Capricorn Lagna: Lorded by Shani. Pragmatic and practical people, good w
ith managerial and functional aspects of life. Venus is the Yogakaraka and diamo
nd is a good choice. Jupiter is a malefic for this Lagna. Mercury, though the 6t
h Lord is also the 9th Lord and is a bit of a mixed planet. Mars is not bad as i
t gets exalted in the Lagna and only Ketu can truly pose trouble for the chart.
For this reason red coral or Mu?ga for Ma?gala cannot be ruled out for the Lagna
at the outset. Guru, even if debilitated can give Rajayoga provided Shani is pl
aced in strength. Not everything in life comes without a price, if at all, so th
is placement can pose troubles to siblings if Guru is Neecha in Lagna.
Makara is also known by the name Nakra. It indicates fixity and a certain Karmic
confusion which makes the blessings of Guru (Guru) slightly difficult to receiv
e. Readers should dwell in the pictorial and symbolic representation of this Ras
i (Rashi) for further insights.
Kumbha/ Aquarius Lagna: Kumbha Lagna is lorded by both Sani and Rahu (Shani and
Rahu). Philosophical, linked with groups, democratic. This sign is so expansive,
though malefic, that Guru (Guru), the most benefic planet gives results akin to
exaltation. It is a good thing because there is real need for the illumination
that comes from wisdom for this sign.
Shukra is Yogakaraka (Yogakaraka) and is capable of giving success on its own wi
thut requiring association of any other Graha. It gives excellent results. The d
iamond is a good choice for this Lagna. Mercury is the 5th and 8th Lord is a fav
orable planet but can also bring sudden adversity and requirements of personal t
ransformation which are always vulnerable periods and cannot be said to be auspi
cious from the social point of view.
Jupiter can be a wealth planet for this Lagna as it lords the 2nd and the 11th H
ouses for the chart-it is capable of performing functions akin to Kubera, the lo
rd of wealth. An interesting point to note here is that despite Rahus bad reputat
ion, it can crown the native with success when it transits the trines to the Aru
dha Lagna. It is opposite for the same transit of Ketu.
Natives of this Lagna might do well to look up some thoughts at this website by
clicking this link- 'happy hours'. There is a lot of mood altering going on in t
his sign and intoxication and pharmaceuticals find their roots in this Rasi.
Mina (Meena)/ Pisces Lagna: The sign of release, final emancipation. The Rasi (R
ashi) of the ??is (Rishis). The persons born in this Lagna are ruled by Brihaspa
ti, the Guru (Guru) of the planet Jupiter, the greatest benefic in the zodiac. T
hose with Guru in Lagna have the Hamsa Mahapurusha Yoga. Very pious and spiritua
l people. Such people with Guru (Guru) in Mina (Meena) Lagna have extremely high
levels of intelligence and the benefits of the Lagna come through the Tattwa or
the foundational elements of creation.
Mars is also a very favorable and both Pushyaraga and the Mu?ga (Moonga)/ Red Co
ral is also a good choice. Ma?gala (Mangala) being the 2nd Lord and the 9th Lord
acts almost as a Yogakaraka (Yogakaraka) for the Mina (Meena) Lagna. Shukra/ Ve
nus lords the 3rd and 8th Lord and can bring trials, so the diamond is best avoi
ded, generally speaking. Romance and marriage as too delicate and unfavourable p
lacement of Venus for the Mina Lagna can cause problems.
This Rasi (Rashi) also has some Karmic perplexities associated with it and the f
act that they have a sleepy and dreamy demeanour could have more to it.
The Moon is an auspicious Graha for this Lagna, being the 5th Lord of Purva Puny
a (Poorva Punya) or good deeds done in the past lives. If Budha/ Mercury is invo
lved in auspicious combinations then the Do?a (Dosha) of ownership of the quadra
nts will not manifest.
Glancing at the various Lagnas in this manner is only the tip of the iceberg as
far as predictive Jyoti?a (Jyotisha) is concerned and specific professional pape
rs composed for consulters all over the world such as the Detailed Chart Analysi
s, Customised or Composite Charts Analyses-coalescing various astrological modul
es, Compatibility Analysis, Tithi Pravesa Cakra Analysis/ Annual Chart Analysis
et al serve to demonstrate the manner in which these multifarious Vedic astrolog
ical techniques use the principles in a pragmatic manner so as to address the ne
eds of the clients.
By Yoga is meant 'yoking' or joining and this may not accrue only due to two or
more Grahas, even though this is the most common manner in which Yogas are forme
It might be apposite here to discuss certain Yogas that might obtain with respec
t to the Lagna/ Rasi (Rashi)/ sign/ascendant (s) the characteristics of which ha
ve been enumerated above for the sake of continuity and cohesion of understandin
When core astrological areas such as the characteristics and attributes of the v
arious Lagnas are coalesced with the much discussed Yogas, especially in focusse
d professional consulting work, it becomes possible to understand the potential
of life and what the person has to work with as a given. Free-will and determini
sm are complex theoretical issues and while there are crystal clear expositions
on the subject in Jyoti?a, for the present purposes suffice it to say that when
the combinations formed by the planets in certain signs are analysed, they start
telling a certain story, which is an incredible mirror to what has transpired i
n life, what is happening and of course what may reasonably be expected to occur
at a future time. Other factors such as Dasas make it a picture so rich and rep
lete with realism, that this ancient art becomes irresistible.
Me?a (Mesha) Lagna/ Aries-
The celebrated Guru-Ma?gala (Guru-Mangal) Yoga formed by the association, includ
ing conjunction of Mars and Jupiter is an auspicious Yoga where the Agni is chan
neled well and the knowledge and wisdom attained are expressed well. The placeme
nt of Sani (Shani) in dignity with Guru (Guru) can also make for the Dharmakarma
dhipati (Dharmakarmadhipati) Yoga where the application in work is excellent. Th
e sobering factors come from the 8th House lordship of Ma?gala (Mangal) and the
Badhaka (Badhaka) status of Sani (Shani) as the 11th Lord for the movable Lagna.
V??abha (Vrishabha) Lagna/ Taurus-
Sani (Shani) is the Yogakaraka (Yogakaraka) Graha for the V??abha (Vrishabha) La
gna and as the 9th and 10th Lord of the horoscope it is itself capable of giving
the Rajayoga (Rajayoga).
Readers should refer to my article on Viparita Raja Yoga on this website for fur
ther insight as to the unique position a malefic Yogakaraka enjoys by virtue of
certain placements in the horoscope. (Without accent marks, the Yoga is written
as Vipareeta Raja Yoga).
Budha is an excellent planet for this Lagna and the Yoga of either Lagnesa (Lagn
esha) Sukra (Shukra) with Sani (Shani) (despite other problems that such a combi
nation might create) or the Yoga or Sukra (Shukra) with Budha can be excellent.
Mithuna Lagna/ Gemini-
The auspiciousness of the Yogas is quite similar, and these are statements tarre
d with a very broad brush-since Yogas are a huge subject in Jyoti?a (Jyotisha) a
nd cannot be discussed in snippets, to those obtaining for Taurus Lagna. Gemini/
Mithuna Lagna is governed by Budha and the association of this planet with Sukr
a (Shukra) leads to auspicious results. The association of the Lagnesa (Lagnesha
) Budha with the Pacamesa Sukra (Panchamesha Shukra) leads to excellent results.
Karka?a (Karkata) Lagna/ Cancer-
When we think of either the former Prime Minister Smt. Indira Gandhi or the Chie
f Minister of Orissa Sri Navin Pattanaik, Sani (Shani) in Karka?a (Karkata) Lagn
a is a sure-shot Rajayoga (Rajayoga). This happens only with Mina (Meena) or Kar
ka?a Rasi (Karkata Rashi) in the Simhasana (Simhasana)/ throne Bhavas (Bhavas).
There may be problems associated with the Karakattwa of Sani (Shani) in these pl
acements but the Rajayoga (Rajayoga) accrues to the extent promised by the horos
cope. Other crucial planets should of course not be flushed down the drain in or
der for the benefits to come through properly.
Ma?gala (Mangal) is an excellent planet for this Lagna ruling the 5th Bhava (Bha
va) from the Lagna and the 10th Bhava (Bhava) from the Lagna as well. If well pl
aced both the spiritual and material worlds and their blessings are forthcoming
to the native. We should again remember the Viparita Raja Yoga (Vipareeta Raja Y
oga) that will come from the malefic Yogakaraka (Yogakaraka) but the ideal situa
tion is that such a Graha should not be placed with another beneficial Graha whi
ch the malefic will destroy.
A great Hamsa Mahapuru?a (Mahapurusha) Yoga is formed if Guru (Guru) is placed i
n the Lagna in exaltation. One can pray to the Rasi Cakra (Rashi Chakra) of Bhag
wana Sri Rama (Bhagwana Shri Rama) with exalted Jupiter/ Guru (Guru) in Karka?a
Lagna (Karkata)/ Cancer joined a Swak?etra (Swakshetra)/ own sign Cadra (Chandra)
forming Gajakesari (Gajakesari) Yoga in the Lagna. Any association of Guru (Gur
u) with Karka Rasi (Rashi) in the radix and in the Navamsa Cakra (Navamsha Chakr
a) will bless the native with high spirituality and esoteric wisdom. External be
nefits such as name and fame shall also come.
The impact for the rwelve Lagnas from Me?a (Mesha)/ Aries to Mina (Meena)/ Pisce
s is also largely contingent on the transits of the various planets and this is
applied to the Lagnas for the rising sign or the Ascendant/ Udaya Lagna, the Cadr
a (Chandra) Lagna/ Rasi/ (Rashi) Ja?ma Rasi (Janma Rashi)or just Rasi (Rashi) an
d of course to the Aru?ha Lagna (Arudha Lagna).
The website offers premium monthly Vedic astrology content which is restricted t
o subscribers and is not being published on the website. The content is being se
nt to the subscribers through an elaborate email/ independent PDF attachment foc
ussing on each sign/ Vedic Rasi (rashi) and the movement of the nine planets/ Gr
ahas as it applies to the Lagna, Cadra Lagna (Chandra Lagna) and Aru?ha (Arudha)
Lagna continuum described in the post the link to which is given at the end of
this Note.
The movement of the Grahas is being evaluated from the Lagna, Cadra (Chandra) Lag
na/ Moon Sign, Aru?ha (Arudha) Lagna and advanced findings being recorded based
on correlations of the various astrological entities such as Bhava (Bhava), aspe
cts, conjunctions, signs, intervention/ Argala et al. This will also include the
application of the device of Varga Gochara or divisional transits based on the
Amsas (Amshas) attained by the planets in transit. The subtle picture is reveale
d in this manner making it a composite whole.
More may be read as to this option at- http://planetarytransformation.blogspot.i
Simha Lagna/ Leo-
The ruling planet is Ravi/ the Sun and its placement in a certain Bhava from the
Lagna is key. Since the Surya (Surya) Lagna is a reference in itself and it is
the lord of the Lagna, one must study the placement of the Sun with care.
Budha/ Mercury is a good planet and Guru as the 5th and 8th Lord carries great s
piritual and transforming potential. An association of Guru and Budha apart from
giving excellent communication skills, intelligence, logical ability, rationali
ty and intellectual alacrity and adaptability, also forms the Guru-Si?ya (Guru S
hishya) Yoga where the person stands to learn from esoteric traditions. Budha sp
eacially plays the role of Kubera being the 2nd and the 11th Lord and its involv
ement in any Dhana Yogas are bound to bring great gains to the person born in Si
mha Lagna.
Ma?gala (Mangal)/ Mars is by far the best and most favourable planet for this La
gna being the Yogakaraka (Yogakaraka) for the Lagna and having the power to give
Rajayoga (Rajayoga) on its own. Association of Guru (Guru) with Ma?gala (Mangal
) forms the Guru-Ma?gala (Guru-Mangala) Yoga which is excellent for lawyers, tea
chers, judges, finance professionals and spiritualists alike. If the horoscope i
s otherwise strong, an association of Sukra (Shukra) with Ma?gala (Mangal) can f
orm Dharmakarmadhipati (Dharmakarmadhipati) Yoga and can lead to stupendous achi
evement in the career realm.
In Ravi is placed in the Dasama Bhava (Dasham Bhava) or the 10th House it attain
s 100% Digbala/ directional strength and imparts great leadership skills to the
Kanya (Kanya) Lagna/ Virgo-
Since this Lagna is the exaltation sign for Budha/ Mercury, the placement of Bud
ha in Lagna leads to the Bhadra Mahapuru?a (Mahapurusha) Yoga. Sukra (Shukra) is
the 2nd and the 9th Lord from the Lagna and any association of Budha and Sukra
(Shukra) is likely to generate Lak?mi (Lakshmi) Yoga.
Despite the ownership of the Ke?dra (Kendra) if Guru (Guru) is well placed in th
e Rasi Cakra (Rashi Chakra) fortune can smile after marriage. Sani (Shani) is a
mixed planet being the 6th Lord as well and generally speaking causes notable pr
oblems for this Lagna. Cadra (Chandra) is the 11th Lord and association with the
benefic Budha and Sukra (Shukra) can augment gains and lead to the fulfilment of
desires. Yogas involving these planets will be fortunate for the native of Kany
a (Kanya) or Virgo Lagna.
Tula (Tula) Lagna/ Libra-
For this Lagna, the natural malefic Sani (Shani) is a Yogakaraka (Yogakaraka) an
d is capable of giving Rajayoga (Rajayoga) on its own without assistance from an
other Graha. It is the lord of the 4th and the 5th Houses, a Ke?dra (Kendra) and
T?ko?a (Trikona) both and so Vi??u-Lak?mi (Vishnu-Lakshmi) Yoga is guarantted i
f Sani (Shani) supports.
A unique Yoga is formed when Sani (Shani) is placed in the Du?sthana (Dusthana)
from the Lagna in either the 6th, 8th or the 12th Bhavas from the Lagna where un
expected success accrues to the native. It is ideal if no other Graha is placed
with Sani (Shani) because the malefic Yogakaraka (Yogakaraka) is capable of dama
ging the significations of the other Graha.
Budh strongly indicates foreign lands and works well when participating in Yogas
with the Lagnesa Sukra (Lagnesha Shukra) or with Sani (Shani), though consideri
ng the nature of these Grahas they should not impact certain Bhavas (Bhavas).
V??cika (Vrishchika)/ Scorpio-
Guru (Guru) is an excellent Graha for this Lagna and the blessings are in fact r
equired for the persons born under this rising sign/ Lagna/ Ascendant. Guru (Gur
u)/ Jupiter rules the 2nd and 5th Bhavas from the Lagna and strongly indicates L
ak?mi (Lakshmi). It governs the type of Karma (Karma) that the native shall expe
rience and also the quality of speech, absorption of knowledge, finances, food a
nd drink, intelligence, discrimination, progeny and such areas which have to be
shortlisted based on other factors in the horoscope.
Cadra (Chandra)/ the Moon is also an excellent planet for this Lagna being the Bh
agyesa (Bhagyesha) or the 9th Lord. A Gajakesari (Gajakesari) Yoga would truly m
ake the native a renowned figure as the intelligence and purity would also be su
pported by sheer fortune. Ravi is the 10th Lord as it should be. There are two g
reat blessings by way of ready made Yogas for this Lagna-one they are inherently
blessed in matters of progeny and children and two, Karma and application in wo
rk is excellent since Ravi attains a kind of Karmic Digbala.
Tests are thus reserved in the personal realm only and are mostly directed to li
fe circumstance and personality.
Dhanu?a (Dhanusha) Lagna/ Sagittarius-
Guru (Guru) in the Lagna forms Hamsa Mahapuru?a (Mahapurusha) Yoga and the perso
n will be excellent in his knowledge of finance, spiritualism, esoteric arts, an
d religion. This is an excellent Yoga for this Lagna. Ravi as the lord of the Bh
agya Sthana (Bhagya Sthana) makes divinity all the more manifest in life. The so
ul connects easily with God if the Sun is powerful and well placed in the nativi
Despite the Ke?dradhipati Do?a (Kendradhipati Dosha) attributed to Budha, if thi
s Graha is well placed, the areas of work and marriage will give a lot of happin
ess, especially work awarness will be at a premium. So many other factors such a
s the Karmesa (Karmesha) will play an important role before anything can be vent
ured but then all that is in the realm of predictive-analytical work and here in
this paper Yogas and combinations are being dicsussed.
Makara Lagna/ Capricorn-
This is one of the signs with inherent Karmic (Karmic) confusion. Even so, Sukra
/ Shukra/ Venus is the Yogakaraka (Yogakaraka) Graha for this Lagna as it lords
a Ke?dra (Kendra/ quadrant) and a T?ko?a (Trikona/ trine) from the Lagna both. T
he auspicious placement of Venus for Makar/ Capricorn Lagna can make life vastly
Mercury is a problem planet being the 6th and the 9th lord both for the Lagna. J
ealousy can inhibit real growth but is such problems are addressed then Bhagya c
an flower. The Yoga of Budha with Sukra (Shukra) and with Sani (Shani) though ca
usative of other issues can lead to Lak?mi (Lakshmi) Yoga and such fortunate com
Duryoga or bad things can accrue through artificial ego-aspirations due to the m
alefic lordship of the Sun. Ma?gala (Mangal/ Mars) even though inimical to the L
agnesa Sani (Lagnesha Shani) is not in itself a bad Graha for the Lagna. Firstly
, Ma?gala (Mangal) gets exalted in the Lagna and rules the 4th and 11th Bhavas (
Bhavas/ houses). Secondly, enterprise and aspirations may have been viewed with
circumspection when the Yogas were put down in writing by the sages (??is/ Rishi
s) but in the Kaliyuga and in the birth in Bhuloka (Bhuloka) the quality of init
iative and enterprise aimed at gains and aspirations and their attainment cannot
be viewed with a slanted eye.
In other words the Yogas involving Mars are crucial for this Lagna.
Ku?bha (Kumbha)/ Aquarius Lagna-
For the Kumbha or Aquarius Lagna Rahu and Sani (Rahu and Shani) are crucial plan
ets as they lord the Lagna.
Sukra (Shukra/ Venus) is again the Yogakaraka (Yogakaraka) for the Lagna ruling
the 4th and the 9th Houses. Check the dignity and placement of the Moon/ Cadra (C
handra) for the Karma relating to the mother and for mental peace due to the por
tfolio allocated to Sukra (Shukra) who is not aligned with the Moon.
Due to their own fluidity, they look for a dominant and regal spouse and so marr
iage can impact status and resources considerably. Mars is equally important as
it is for Capricorn Lagna/ Makara/ Nakra due to the 3rd and 10th House lordship.
Budha is a Karmic planet and this factor can never be overlooked, especially in
the Dasa (Dasha) even if this Graha is placed in the 5th Bhava from the Lagna.
Mina/ Meena/ Pisces Lagna-
Once again this sign has some Karmic (Karmic issues) and Guru (Guru/ Jupiter) is
the best planet for the Lagna. Despite the friendship with the Lagnesa (Lagnesh
a), Ravi/ the Sun can be a really problematic planet. I have found people of thi
s Lagna besotted with politics, power and authority figures, all indicated by th
e Sun and they are usually a long way off the mark.
While Ma?gala (Mangala) is a Deva Graha its malefic lordship for the Bhagya Bhav
a (Bhagya Bhava) is not easy and remedial measures are required. Once the fate a
nf fortune decides to smile then Yogas between Guru (Guru) and Budha for instanc
e can create excellent knowledge based environments. The Moon and Jupiter can al
so form excellent Yogas due to their beneficial lordships from the Lagna.
Thus when we see the characteristics of the Lagna and the Yogas that can obtain
to propel the natives of the various Lagnas, with their own characteristics and
life paths, we can begin to understand the basic framework which results for th
e purposes of elaborate astrological analysis. All these factors are then carrie
d over to each divisional chart of interest and studied with the many, countless
tools of esoteric classical Vedic astrology/ Jyoti?a in order to arrive at spec
ific understandings about the person's life. This is crucial. Humanity has advan
ced and nations have advanced as far as empirical and material life is concerned
and such focused and elaborate work must distinguish between the varying charac
teristics of people's lives so as to astutely explain to them the reasons and th
e background and the future propensities about their own lives and not just some
general trends that might broadly apply to anyone with similar Yogas. This sort
of attention to detail and personalised adherence to the horoscope at hand has
to be the hallmark of all consulting.
What do the various types of Analyses and papers described and reproduced on thi
s website do? A lot of classical references and interpretations are route-maps t
ravelled in order to arrive at advisory conclusions and in all my consulting, th
ey are there also for the reading pleasure of advanced Jyoti?a enthusiasts and c
onsulters. This is deep and profound knowledge at its core drawn from the unique
and renowned mystic heritage of India, and a vast number of consulters are also
dedicated Vedic astrology enthusiasts-this elaborate journey in each consulting
paper is also undertaken for their benefit. But the ultimate objective is alway
s to gives reponses that directly and unambiguously address the realities, needs
and requirements of the person approaching me for solutions.
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Posted 18th March by Anurag Sharma
Labels: Arudha Lagna Ascendant Distinction in Planetary Characteristics Gemstone
s Periodicities Ratnas Signs
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Karma of Marriage in Vedic Astrology - A Keynote Presentation
Marriage or Vivaha has always been a crucial aspect of life. There are many high
er dicta in traditional, classical Vedic Astrology of India pertaining to love a
nd marriage. I have prepared a summary presentation on the subject to reveal som
e of the methodologies and relevant criteria which may be accessed here-
One does not need an icloud account to access the presentation.
Saturn Transit in Scorpio on November 2, 2014- Part II/ Shani Gochara to Vrishch
ika Rashi II
About this article-
This paper is Part II (Part I is here if you have not yet read it) of a series o
f articles on the Saturn transit/ Sani Gocara/ Shani Gochara/ Peyarchi in Vedic
Astrology/ Jyotisha/ Jyoti?a to Scorpio/ V??cika Rasi/ Vrishchika Rashi in Novem
ber, 2014.
Saturn Transit in Scorpio on November 2, 2014-Part-I (An Overview)/ Shani Gochar
in Vrishchika Rashi
Saturn transits are viewed by those in the know with great interest, urgency and
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