For Innovative Group

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Dear Charu sir,

This is how the program (Proposed) will look.

Story line-:
The enemy is suppose to attack on the town to capture treasure ater ! hours"#
hours $ing has ordered to %uilt un-%reach a%le security to guard treasure,it is up
to responsi%le citi&ens to make Check posts on all corners o %oundary to guard
Task is to %uild '%ser(ation Points on all # corners o rectangle and connect all
# shelters with solid %oundary to guard the treasure kept at the center o
*. '%ser(ation points must consist good shelter, water storage
point(+inimum ,- liters o water) .ating plates made up o natural
resources, spoons, * entry point, , sentry" guarding points, enough
sheltered place to sleep or / people during night etc.
,. 'nly natural resources may %e used.
!. 0lso teams can use resources pro(ided %y us.
#. The distance %etween each campsite should %e minimum !-- t
1. The shelter or" check post that is to %e prepared should %e minimum *--
s2 t- ma3 can %e anything
/. There should %e irm %oundary line or check post with only * entrance.
4. The entire !-- s2 t area around treasure should %e guarded %y irm
5. 6o cutting o trees allowed,only leas and a%andoned %ranches o tree
may %e used.
7. There should %e constant communication %etween all # posts ('ther than
mo%ile phn or any electronic gadget.)
)esources pro(ided-:
*-. $athya-strings *-
**. Small knie
*,. # plastic %ags ,t 8 ,.1 t
*!. * tarp- plastic sheet / t 8 *- t
*#. +easuring tape

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