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THIS AGREEMENT MADE ON THIS _____________ day of _____________ BETWEEN
___________________ a company incorporated under the ompanie! Act" #$%& and ha'in( it!
re(i!tered office at ____________ )hereinafter ca**ed the +company, -hich e.pre!!ion !ha**" un*e!!
the conte.t admit! other-i!e" inc*ude! it! repre!entati'e!/ of the one part and ________________ a
partner!hip firm con!i!tin( of Shri _______________________" Shri _____________________ Shri
________________________ and Smt0 ______________________ -1o Shri
________________________ partner!" ha'in( it! main 2u!ine!! p*ace at __________________
and 2ranche! at _______________ and ______________ )Hereinafter ca**ed 3the firm4 -hich
e.pre!!ion !ha**" un*e!! the conte.t admit! other-i!e" inc*ude the partner!" their heir!" e.ecutor!"
admini!trator!" repre!entati'e! and a!!i(n!/ of the other part0
#0 The company manufacturer!, ____________________________________0
50 The firm ha! it! o-n -e**6e!ta2*i!hed mar7etin( net-or7 and i! !e**in( (ood! of 'ariou!
manufacture! and i! de!irou! of !e**in( the (ood! of the company at a ne- !a*e! depot recent*y ta7en
2y it on rent for the purpo!e0
80 The company" after ha'in( con!idered the propo!a* of the firm" ha! a(reed to appoint the firm a! it!
dea*er on the term! and condition! a! hereinafter appearin(0
That the company here2y appoint! the firm a! it! dea*er for !e**in( it! product!" more particu*ar*y
de!cri2ed in the Schedu*e anne.ed hereto0
#0 That the a(reement !ha** remain in force ori(ina**y for three year! commencin( from __________
2ut may 2e rene-ed for !imi*ar period! on the term! and condition! a! may 2e a(reed 2y and
2et-een the partie! hereto0
50 That the firm !ha** 7eep a minimum !toc7 of ___________ piece! each of the company,! product!
de!cri2ed in the Schedu*e to meet the demand of the u*timate u!er!1con!umer!" and !uch 9uantity
!ha** 2e re'ie-ed e'ery 9uarter in the *i(ht of the !a*e! durin( the pre'iou! 9uarter the demand!"
con!umer! *i7in(! and the mar7et trend!0
80 That the company !ha** !upp*y to the firm it! product! on credit for fifteen day! from the date of
the in'oice and !ha** char(e intere!t at the rate of ____________ per cent per annum from the
!i.teenth day of the in'oice ti** payment in fu** if payment! are not made -ithin the period credit
:0 That the company !ha** !upp*y to the firm pu2*icity and ad'erti!ement materia* in !ufficient 9uantity
for di!p*ay at the firm,! !a*e! depot and for the di!tri2ution in it! area of operation0
%0 That the company !ha** 2ear &;< of the co!t of maintainin( the firm,! !a*e! depot inc*udin( rent
thereof !u2=ect to a ma.imum of &< of the in'oice 'a*ue of a** the product! of the company !o*d
to the firm" -hich amount! !ha** 2e credited to the firm,! runnin( account maintained -ith the
company at the end of each 9uarter0
&0 That the account! 2et-een the partie! -i** 2e !ett*ed ha*f6year*y and the credit1de2it 2a*ance !ha** 2e
!9uared up 2y ma7in( nece!!ary payment&! 2y the partie!0
>0 The firm !ha** ma7e a** effort! for the promotion of the !a*e of the company,! product! and in the
e'ent of the company 2ein( of opinion on the 2a!i! of !a*e record! that the firm i! fai*in( in
proper*y performin( it! duty a! dea*er" the company !ha** 2e at *i2erty to terminate thi! a(reement
2y (i'in( the firm one month,! notice in -ritin( and on the e.piry of the notice period" thi!
a(reement !ha** !tand terminated and the partie! !ha** !ett*e their account! -ithin a -ee7 thereafter0
?0 The company here2y a(ree! and underta7e! to !upp*y to the firm it! product! a! per the firm,! order!
and on the company fai*in( to !upp*y the (ood! under the firm,! order!" the firm !ha** 2e at *i2erty to
terminate the a(reement 2y (i'in( the company one month,! notice in -ritin( and after the e.piry of
the notice period" thi! a(reement !ha** !tand terminated and the partie! !ha** !ett*e their account!
-ithin a -ee7 thereafter
$0 The firm !ha** at no time !e** any product of the company at a price hi(her than that fi.ed 2y
the company from time to time
#;0 The firm !ha** 2e free and entit*ed to appoint !u26dea*er!" !a*e!men" commi!!ion a(ent! or other
!a*e! per!onne* on !a*ary" commi!!ion or any other 2a!i!" 2ut -ith the condition that they -i**
function in accordance -ith the pro'i!ion! of thi! a(reement and not do anythin( -hich i!
detrimenta* to the intere!t of the company" or the firm and the co**ecti'e intere!t! of 2oth0

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