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Activity 1

1. Define occupational safety and health in accordance with acceptable international

2. Discuss the objective of the OSHA 1994 and !A 19"# respectively.
$. %dentify the sectors that are listed in the OSHA and the related accident in this sector.
4. Discuss historical develop&ent of occupational safety and health internationally and
locally.' 1 local and 1 international(
). Discuss what are the re*uire&ents of %nculcatin+ Safety ,ulture and describe the
i&portance of the docu&ent for drive !alaysia in co&petitive ed+e.
". Discuss the -niversity role to train a safety and health personnel based on
Occupational Safety and Health !alaysian .lan 2/1) 'OSH0!. 1)(
actories 1 !achinery Act 19"# 1 2e+ulations '3atest A&end&ents Au+ust 2//#(. !D,
.ublisher Sdn. 4hd.
!anuele. . A. 2//$. On the Practise Safety. 5ohn 6iley 1 Sons %nc.
Occupational Safety & Health Act 1994 & Regulations !D, .ublisher Sdn. 4hd.
2idley. 5 1 ,hannin+. 5. 2//$. Safety at Work. "
. 7dition. 4utterworth0Heine&ann

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