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Lab 3: Configuring Router

Chandra Prakash, LPU Page 1

Configuring Router and Creating Network
Working with Router Interface , Assigning IP addresses to a network,
viewing and saving configuration
1. Consider 2 computers and configure them with the help of one Router (( Hint: You
need to give gateway to each Host) and save the configuration.

2. Repeat the same scenario by considering 2 routers. Establish a simple serial to serial
connection between Router 1 Serial 0 and Router 2 Serial 0 and save the
configuration. (Hint- you need to set clock rate for serial communication at one side).


4. Create a network having 3 routers, Router A, Router B & Router C. Router A is
connected to Router B and Router C via serial ports & Router B connected to Router
C through a serial port as well forming a triangular relationship. Router A has a /26 &
/27 network attached to it. Router B has a /22 & /23 network attached and C /28 &
/21. Choose IP address ranges of your own and attach 2 computers to each n/w on
each router and ping all networks from one another. Draw the network diagram also
write the commands and description on each interface.

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