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7 p.m., Tuesday, October 7, !"#
Co$%ere$ce Room & Adm'$'strat'(e O)ces
"*+" Was,'$-to$ Street
I. Call to Order
A. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Agenda Changes
III. Board Presidents Comments
IV. Visitors Comments
V. Communications
VI. Board and Staf Reports:
A. Personnel Committee eeting! Octo"er #! $%#&.
VII. Items for Consent Agenda:
A. Appro'al of the inutes of the Board of (ducation meetings on
Septem"er $ and $)! $%#&.
B. Appro'al of the onthl* +reasurers Report for August $%#&.
C. Appro'al of the onthl* ,inancial Report for August $%#&.
-. Appro'al of the inutes of the Committee on Pre.School Special
(. Appro'al inutes of the Committee on Special (ducation.
VIII. Items for Board Action:
A. Contract /ith adison.Oneida BOC(S for ulti.*ear Broad"and
+elecommunications Ser'ices
B. Contract /ith adison.Oneida BOC(S for ulti.*ear Broad"and
+elecommunications Ser'ices
C. Inter.unicipal Cooperation Agreement /ith BOC(S
-. Creation of a Senior Cler0 Position.
(. Personnel Report:
o Retirement
o Appointment1s2
Pro"ationar* 1instructional2
Pro"ationar* 1non.instructional2
3inter Coaching 1"o*s2
3inter Coaching 1girls2
Instructional Su"stitutes
4on.Instructional Su"stitutes

I5. Items for -iscussion6Information:
A. Superintendent of Schools Report
5. 7pcoming -ates:
Octo"er 8 13ednesda*2! Pu"lic Relations6+ransportation Committee
eeting! #$ 4oon 9 -.O.
Octo"er : 1+hursda*2! Polic*6;egislation Committee eeting! &:%%
Octo"er #% 1,rida*2! Staf -e'elopment -a* 1No Sc,oo/2
Octo"er #) 1onda*2! Colum"us -a*! A// 0u'/d'$-s C/osed
Octo"er #< 13ednesda*2! One District, One Book Kickof 9 Case
iddle School from =.> p.m.
Octo"er #= 1+hursda*2! ?;SBA -inner at R*ans ;oo0out 9 <:)% p.m.
Octo"er #= 1+hursda*2! @omecoming Aame 9 >:%% p.m.
Octo"er #> 1,rida*2! Star"uc0 ,amil* Bingo 4ight 9 = p.m.
Octo"er #> 1,rida*2! @omecoming -ance! 8:)%.##:)% p.m.
Octo"er $# 1+uesda*2! Board of (ducation eeting! 4orth
(lementar* 9 < p.m.

5I. AdBournment

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