Presentation of History Box Rubric

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Presentation of History Box & Timeline Rubric

Student Name: ___________________ Date marked: ____/____/____

This was achieved at a
high standard

This was achieved This needs more time/ is

Eye Contact &

Stands up straight, looks
relaxed and confident.
Establishes eye contact
with everyone in the
room during the
Stands up straight
and establishes eye
contact with everyone
in the room during
the presentation.
Sometimes stands up straight
and establishes eye contact.

Speaking clearly

Volume is loud enough
to be heard by all
audience members
throughout the
Volume is loud
enough to be heard by
all audience members
most of the time.
Volume often too soft to be heard
by all audience members.


Demonstrates that they
had a good
understanding of the
purpose of the
Demonstrates that
they understood the
purpose of the
Does not demonstrate that they
understood the purpose of the

Content of speech

Spoke about every item
in history box including
how info was collected,
and the items
story/relevance to their
personal/family history
Spoke about most
items in history box
including how info
was collected, and the
items story/relevance
to their
Spoke about 1-2 items in history
box and did not include how info
was collected, and the items
story/relevance to their
personal/family history

Used appropriate

Student utilised all parts
of their history box
(picked up every item as
they spoke about it)
Student utilised all
parts of their history
box (picked up most
items as they spoke
about it)
Student did not utilise the items
in their history box in their

Stayed on topic

Student remained on
topic throughout the
whole presentation and
was not distracted.
Student remained on
topic throughout
most of the
presentation and was
distracted rarely.
Student went off topic many
times throughout presentation
and was consistently distracted.


Student provided clear
answers to questions
Student provided
answers to questions
most of the time
Student did not answer questions
that reflected a clear answer
(answered without answering
particular question)


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