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Intertextuality Name: Ruby Zaveri

Identify one example of a media text which contains references to or elements of

other texts in it. This text might be a television show, a music video, a film, a
commercial, a song, or any other media text. Identify the intertextual references
and designate these references as allusion, mimicry, parody, pastiche, or homage.
Explain your labels. Also, discuss the benefits of and rationale for such
intertextual references for the producers of media texts. Please include a link or
copy of the media to which you are referring.
all !ut "oy#s song$ %enturies$ pays homage to &u'anne (ega#s )*+, hit
$Tom#s -iner$. The song utili'es the melody of Tom#s diner to open the piece. As
with many of all !ut "oy#s songs this a cappella rift is short lived with an
enormous chorus, and Patrick stump#s roof raising vocals taking over after a few
short bars. Tom#s -iner was used by the inventor of .P/ 01arlhein' "randenburg2
to nail down the compression algorithm behind the technology. 3hen .P/
developers refined the technology to the point that (ega#s tune sounded true to the
original they had made a ma4or breakthrough. all !ut "oy naming their song
#%enturies# and interpolating the melody of a timeless song is a comment on the
cyclical nature of music and sampling#s ability to recontextuali'e a song. The
groups mimicry of (ega#s song also re5in4ects the melody into pop culture, and re5
populari'es the catchy tune. all !ut "oy have also paid homage to their home city
of %hicago in the #hyperlapse edition# of their music video. or about four minutes,
a camera 'ooms through the 3indy %ity, displaying it in black and white 6with red
and blue tinges7. The sharpness of the photographs imitate the rough
accompanying lyrics. The song sounds like edgy5alternative5rock music however
the mellow (ega tune sets it up to be a slower less sharp harmony. This pastiche of
a slow +8s tune and a rock riff emulates their past work #The Phoenix.# 3hich also
combines slow rhythms with fast choppy ones. Their use of both eliminates draws
upon the groups original sound and proves for a promising album following this
9ink "elow.

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