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Inflorescence ( anthotaxy)

1. Raceme: Unbranched inflorescence with flowers on pedicels.

2. Spike: Unbranched inflorescence with sessile flowers (no pedicels).

3. Ament (Catkin): A spike-like inflorescence of unisexual, apetalous flowers, often
pendent and falling as a unit.

4. Corymb: Flat-topped inflorescence with youngest flowers at the end of main axis or rachis.

5. Cyme: Flat-topped inflorescence with oldest flowers at the end of main axis. [Includes simple,
compound and scorpioid cymes.]

6. Head(Capitate): a raceme in which the peduncle is flattened and the flowers are
attached directly to it

7. Spadix: A thick, fleshy spike of unisexual, apetalous flowers, often surrounded by a vase-shaped
or funnel-like modified leaf or spathe which is often brightly colored

8. Umbel: Flat-topped inflorescence with all the pedicels arising from a common point. [Includes
simple and compound umbels.]

9. Fascicle: appears to be a cluster of flowers in an axil of a single bract of the main inflorescence
(head with bract)

10. Panicle: group of raceme

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