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Latihan Metoda Pemisahan DNA

1. The picture of the gel showing electrophoretic separation of DNA size
standards and DNA fragments produced by cutting of the plasmid pX with the
restriction enzymes A, C, dan D !ig. "#.
$. %ize of the plasmid pX is & '"( bp base pairs# and each restriction enzyme
A, C, D#, cuts the pX DNA at one site one time# only.
'. The restriction site of enzyme A is ta)en as the starting point for restriction
map of this plasmid.
&. *ength of the DNA fragments in the bands of the DNA size standard *ane 1,
!ig. ".#+
' (((, $ (((, 1 -((, 1 $((, 1 ('1, .((, /((, 0((, "((, -((, &((, '((, $((, 1(( in
bp# . 1and of -(( bp fragments has ele2ated width is dar)er# in respect to
neighbour bands. 1ands of short DNA fragments under -(( bp# may be wea) or
lost from the gel.
Lakukan hal dibawah ini!
1. 3)ur 4ara) tempuh setiap band yang terbentu) pada 5ambar diatas dan
Tabulasi hasilnya dengan u)uran fragmen DNA yang ditandai dengan ang)a
6omawi 7 8 97, untu) )eperluan pembuatan )ur2a standard:
$. ;onstru)si restriction site dari enzyme yang dipa)ai untu) memotong plasmid

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