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Deep Awareness and Contemplation

Some Alarming Fats
!"ased On Intensi#e Glo$al S%r#e&s'
() Rate of depression in USA in 2007 was (* times +ig+er than in 1960, and the
onset of depression was (, &ears instead on -. &ears of age.
-) Saddest people of Australia live in its ri+est it& S&dne&)
/) Eonomi "oom in prosperous S. Korea is leading to a s+arp inrease in suiide
,) S%iides are 0illing !ore people worldwide than m%rders and wars.
1) S+arpl& inreasing n%m$ers of depression, divore, " suiide ases in #$
%apital "engal%r% and other large Ind%strial H%$s o2 India)
3) Li2est&le diseases to ost #ndia -/4 $illion Dollars &' 201()
Some F%ndamental 5%estions 6 Contemplation
1. Despite re#ol%tionar& ad#anements in Siene, $ehnolog', )duation, "
)ono!', wh' is soiet' s%22ering 2rom inreasing stress " stress*related
diseases, orruption, hatred, " violene+
2. #n a world whih is in +aos Politiall&7 Soiall& 6 En#ironmentall&7 how an
the hu!an rae &e sustained for the ne,t hundred 'ears+
-Step+en Haw0ing8s .pen /uestion on #nternet0
1. 9+o are responsi$le for reating this grave situation of soiet', and its
2. T+e $asi p%rpose o2 li2e is to &e happ' and !a3ing others happ'. -Indian
Sages0. 4hat are we doing to ahieve this purpose+

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