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Tionna Hairston

CTSI 101
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Assignment 1: Information Technology

"Users Frustrated By Apple IOS Update" Created September 18th 2014
Mobile Technology

2) Apple iPhone & ipad users are frustrated over the new IOS 8 software update; it takes up to
5.8 GB of storage alone to have the update, which is causing users to have to delete photos,
music & apps off their phone.
3) Search: Apple users frustrated by IOS 8 update
Search Engines; Google & Bing
Both search engines, had the same speed, same website links. Although I prefer Google, better
lay out.
"IOS 8 update download problems; Apple & I pad Users Frustrated by Errors"
a. September 18th 2014; No.
b. Yes.
C. Anthony Cuthbertson; IPhone user.
d. Yes.
e. To inform; No.
5) No journal articles were found on the CCBC library data bases.
6) There were no journal articles found to compare too.
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