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Phrasal Verb s

The following is a mini-tutorial on PHRASAL VERBS. Once you have completed the tutorial, you are
ready to do the practice exercises.

PH!"!# $%&" are ver's which are followed 'y particles (adver's or prepositions). *or example, look

Look up any words you dont understand in the dictionary

+hile look up can have a literal meaning, as in Look up! Theres a bird in the sky, in this sentence, it
means to find information. This a'ility to have a literal meaning in some cases and a special meaning (as
in the sentence a'ove) is what ma,es phrasal ver's so difficult.

There are four different types of phrasal ver's. There are phrasal ver's with two particles. *or example:

Ill get round to that project when I have time
I dont know why you put up with her rude behaviour
We look forward to seeing you next week

There are phrasal ver's with one particle. This particle is followed 'y an o'-ect and the particle is
insepara'le. *or example:

I asked after Johns mother

(.ou /!01T "!. I asked Johns mother after. sked and after must go together followed 'y the o'-ect2 in
this case, Johns mother)

!he came into a small fortune when her grandfather died

(.ou /!01T "!. !he came a small fortune into when her grandfather died. "ame and into must go
together followed 'y the o'-ect2 in this case, a small fortune)

We ran into #ary when we were in town

(.ou /!01T "!. We ran #ary into when we were in town. $an and into must go together followed 'y
the o'-ect2 in this case, #ary)

There are phrasal ver's with one particle. This particle is followed 'y an o'-ect and the particle can 'e
separated from the ver'. 0ote that when a pronoun is used, it must go 'etween the ver' and the
particle. *or example:

They give away a lot of money to charity
They give a lot of money away to charity
They give it away to charity

%ur company is taking over &'( )nterprises
%ur company is taking &'( )nterprises over
%ur company is taking it over

*e turned down the job offer
*e turned the job offer down
*e turned it down

Phrasal Verb s
There are phrasal ver's with one particle and no o'-ect. *or example:

#y car broke down on the way to work
#y sister and I have fallen out again
*is new novel is coming out in January

Here is a list of phrasal ver's which you will see in the practice exercise, along with the meaning as it is
used in the exercise sentences. 3t should 'e noted that in those cases where a second meaning is
possi'le, the structure of the ver' may change. *or example, when we use fill in to mean complete 'y
writing, the ver' and the particle can 'e separated:

I filled in the form
I filled the form in

However, when we use fill in to mean to take someones place, the ver' and the particle cannot 'e

#y teacher was ill and #r Jones filled in

There is an asteris, next to the ver's where a change in structure is possi'le if there is a change in

Phrasal ver's with one particle followed 'y an insepara'le o'-ect:

!"4 !*T% as, for news of
/!## *O go to someone1s house and collect them
/!## O0 visit for a short time
/O5% !/O"" find 'y chance
/O5% 30TO inherit
/O60T O0 depend on
7%!# +3TH ta,e action to solve a pro'lem
7O +3THO6T manage without having
8%T !T suggest
8%T O$% recover from
8O O$% review
9O30 30 ta,e part in
#3$% O0 have as income
#OO4 30TO investigate
#OO4 O607 loo, at everything
5!4% *O go in the direction of
P3/4 O0 choose a person to punish
60 30TO meet 'y chance
"%% !&O6T ma,e arrangements
"%% TO ta,e care of
"T!07 *O tolerate
"T!07 *O 'e a candidate for
T!4% !*T% have the same characteristics as

Phrasal Verb s
Phrasal ver's with one particle followed 'y an o'-ect. The particle can 'e separated from the ver':

&308 6P to care for a child until adulthood
/!. O6T act upon
/!## O** cancel
/#%! 6P: ma,e tidy, improve
*3## 30: complete 'y writing, ta,e someone1s place
*307 O6T discover
83$% !+!. ma,e a gift of, tell something
83$% 6P: stop doing something, stop trying to do
HO#7 6P ro'
40O/4 O6T ma,e unconscious
#%!$% O6T omit
#OO4 6P: find information, appear 'etter
5!4% 6P: invent, 'ecome friends again
P3/4 6P collect
P6T !"37% save
P6T O** postpone
P6T O** ma,e someone not want to do something
P6T 6P provide accommodation
"HO+ !O607 give a guided tour
T!4% O$%: 'uy a company, ta,e someone1s place
T!4% 6P start a ho''y
T%! 6P tear into pieces
TH304 O$% consider
T. O6T use for the first time
T60 7O+0 refuse
+%! O6T ma,e tired
+O4 O6T find a solution

Phrasal ver's with one particle and no o'-ect:

&%!4 7O+0 stop wor,ing
&%!4 O6T 'egin suddenly
/O5% O6T 'e pu'lished
7!+ 6P: come to a stop (vehicle),
write a legal document
*!## O6T argue
8%T !+!. escape
83$% 30 stop fighting against
8O O** explode
#OO4 O6T 'e careful
"%T 30 arrive and stay
"HO+ O** 'ehave to attract attention
T!4% O** leave the ground
T60 6P: arrive, in some cases, unexpectedly,
+%! O** 'ecome less strong or disappear

Phrasal Verb s
Phrasal ver's with two particles:

/6T 7O+0 O0: reduce the amount of
/!T/H 6P +3TH: reach the same place as
/O5% 6P !8!30"T meet, find
/O5% 6P +3TH thin, of
7OP 30 O0: visit unexpectedly for a short time
*!/% 6P TO accept, deal with
*%%# 6P TO have the strength and energy to do
8%T !+!. +3TH do something 'ad and not 'e punished
8%T O0 +3TH continue doing something
8%T !#O08 /O0 +3TH: have good relations with
8%T O6T O* avoid a responsi'ility
8%T O607 TO find time to do
8%T 6P TO do something 'ad
8O 30 *O en-oy as a ho''y
8O+ O6T O* 'ecome too old or too 'ig for
4%%P 6P +3TH: stay in the same place as
#OO4 7O+0 O0 feel superior to
#OO4 *O+!7 TO thin, you will en-oy
#OO4 6P TO respect
5!4% 6P *O compensate for
P6T 6P +3TH tolerate
60 O6T O*: have no more of
"T!07 6P *O defend

.ou are now ready to put into practice what you have learned in this tutorial. 8o directly to the practice

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