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veloci-Q 101: An Introduction to Quality @ Wipro

ISO is an international standard for quality assurance.
This model lays more emphasis on process quality rather than on product quality.

Processes are created to enable organizations to meet the stated or implied needs of customers.
ISO requires organizations to define processes and then adhere to them.
Improvements are created by constantly monitoring adherence to process and acting on
the findings.
ISO does not define/establish standards.
Its more about testing if the organization adheres to its stated process.

Audits are an important tool used in the ISO framework.
An audit is the verification or inspection of the actual processes and their conformance to stated
processes. An audit examines executed processes and measures to what extent they comply
with the stated process and how effective they are in meeting project and organizational

For instance, in Wipro an audit will check for compliance of a project to what is stated in veloci-

Benefits Wipro achieved by implementing the I SO framework
Formal software engineering techniques were put in place
The changing needs of our customers could be addressed with our software development
lifecycle (SDLC) models
A metrics program was implemented
Process control points were established
A web based quality system was established
Rigor in process established through periodic Internal and External audits
Above all, ISO helped to institutionalize various processes across the organization

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