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Kelly Thompson
CSIT 101
September 22, 2014

Assignment 1

Target customers have been targeted. If any shoppers have shopped at Target recently, it
is recommended for you to check your bank account statements. This is one of the biggest data
breaches on record, almost 40 million Target shoppers could have been affected by this. This
happened by thieves intercepting the machines that the shoppers used to swipe their cards. This
allowed the thieves to create counterfeit cards because the interception captured the card number,
the 3-digit security code on the back and the expiration date. Luckily for the online shoppers,
they werent able to get attacked by this, only in-store shoppers were affected.

I think that was a better website than because had a lot more information and had a video along with it whereas
only had a couple of short paragraphs. Also, is more recent which means it
has updated information. When this occurred, people were making assumptions and wrote
articles and stories about it. provides the newer, accurate information.


The article that is posted on, was written on March 13, 2014 and
has not been updated since its been published. This article does relate to my topic because it
thoroughly explains what actually happened when Target was attacked. This article was written
by Michael Riley, Ben Elgin, Dune Lawrence, and Carol Matlack. They are qualified to write
about this because when I searched their names, it shows other article that theyve written about
and it shows other theft articles such as the breach at Home Depot. This information is accurate
because these writers interviewed the Target Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer
named Gregg Steinhafel. This isnt a biased based article because it is strictly factual information
from the Chairman, President and Chief Executive of Target.

The key words that I used to find these articles are: Target, credit card, theft, and
shopping. The database that I used is Business Source Premier. I used this because it is a reliable
source that the librarians chose knowing that it is a helpful and useful source of information.
Both the website and journal articles were easy to locate. The website was maybe a little
bit harder because I had to find a website that actually looked accurate enough for me to read
about. The website article is more recently posted rather than the journal article. The website
article was posted on March 13, 2014 and the journal article was posted January 13, 2014. I think
the website article has more authority because they had writers who have written about credit
card theft before and they had a reliable source. On the other hand, the journal source did not
interview the Target Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer like the website article
writers did.


Work Cited (MLA)

Elise, Hu, and Greene David. "Target Warns Customers After Card Security Breach." Morning
Edition (NPR) (2013): Points of View Reference Center. Web. 22 Sept. 2014.

Osborne, Charlie. "How Hackers Stole Millions of Credit Card Records from Target | ZDNet."
ZDNet. N.p., 13 Feb. 2014. Web. 22 Sept. 2014.

Riley, Michael, Ben Elgin, Dune Lawrence, and Carol Matlack. "Missed Alarms and 40 Million
Stolen Credit Card Numbers: How Target Blew It." Bloomberg Business Week.
Bloomberg, 13 Mar. 2014. Web. 22 Sept. 2014.

Reisinger, Don. "Target's Massive Data Breach: 10 Things You Need To Know." Eweek (2014):
8. Business Source Premier. Web. 22 Sept. 2014.

Tuttle, Brad. "Target Shoppers Shrug Off Massive Credit Card Data Breach." Time.Com (2014):
1. Business Source Premier. Web. 22 Sept. 2014.

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