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Cindy Saltzman

Complementary Medicine Study Guide

Complementary and alternative medicines are health care practices
and products that are not considered as part of the conventional
mainstream medical practice. These include acupuncture and herbal
remedies. The most frequently used CAM therapies are non-vitamin,
non-mineral natural products; chiropractor care; deep breathin
e!ercises; meditation, massae and yoa.
Self-Care requires bein a ood "self" observer and vvaluate your body
and symptoms. #t is important to monitor your body$s vital sins, blood
pressure, blood suar, prenancy detection such as temperature and
heart rate. #t is important to %no& &hen to see a doctor, if symptoms
are severe, or intense, medical assistance is advised. #f the symptoms
are unusual, persistent, or recurrent it is also important to see a doctor.
A sinle symptom may not be a cause for concern, but if symptoms are
follo&ed by other symptoms, the problem may be serious.
There are many Self Treatment drus and techniques that are
ine!pensive and safe. '!amples include( massae, ice pac%s, and nec%
e!ercises may be more helpful in relievin the symptoms of headaches
than drus. Self-treatment &ith prescription and over the counter
medication that are approved by the )*A and do not require a
physician$s prescription may also be helpful as a treatment. There are
many drus that have ris%s and side e+ects, so it is important to read
and follo& the directions.
,rofessional Care is important &hen self-treatment doesn$t &or% or is
not appropriate, such as( the hospital '-, schedulin a doctor$s
appointment or by accessin some other conventional health care.
Conventional Medicine ./estern medicine0 sho&s us that there are
di+erences bet&een the medical symptoms that have been developed
in China, 1apan, #ndia, etc. 23iomedicine4 re5ects conventional
medicine$s foundation in the bioloical and physical sciences.
,harmaceutical and ,lacebo '+ect- A placebo is a chemically inactive
substance that a patient believes is an e+ective therapy for his6her
o&n condition. A placebo e+ect occurs &hen a patient improves are
receivin the placebo.
Complementary and alternative medicine refers to focusin on the
mind, body and spirit, this is also referred as holistic health care and
considerin the &hole person as a body spirit entity &hen dianosin a
Alternative Medical systems is a culture based medical philosophy,
theory and has been practiced even before the &estern bio medical
approach &as developed.
Most traditional medical systems, such as in Chinese medicine,
thouhts of disease is a disturbance in 2qi4 or 2chi4, &hich is referred
to as an imbalance, not 7ust physically, but also the forces of enery
&ithin the mind, body and spirit. The treatment and oal is to establish
an equilibrium .balance0. #n traditional Chinese medicine, the
harmonious 5o& if 2qi4 de8nes health. The Chinese use herbs, plant
products, animal parts and minerals may be used. The t&o primary
treatment methods are herbal remedies and acupuncture. Acupuncture
is used to correct disturbances in the 5o& of 2qi4 usin needles to
appropriate places on the s%in.
9ealth insurance protects losses incurred for medical e!penses. /hen
chososin a primary care physician it is important to ma%e sure that
the physician accepts your plan.
Traditional fee for service plans. #n a fee for service plan you may
choose any doctor or hospital that you choose. The provider send bill
to insurance company &hich pays a portion of it.
Manaed care plans have areements &ith net&or%s or speci8ed
doctors and hospitals at a reduced cost.
:ver the counter medicine- A medicine that can be purchased by a
customer &ithout a prescription.
;eneric dru < An alternative to the dru of choice and does not have
a brand name.
Complementary and alternative medicine < =ot a part of the
convention mainstream practice. These medicines include acupuncture
and herbal remedies.
Conventional medicine .bio medicine or standardized &estern
medicine0 < A system of medicine based on the application of scienti8c
Complementary medicine < unconventional medical practices that are
sued toether &ith conventional ones.
Alternative medicine < unconventional medical practices that are used
instead of conventional methods.
#nterative Medicine - Conventional health care practice that is
sometimes aumented by unconventional modalities.
,harmaceuticals < Medical drus, both prescription and over the
Medical *octor- An independent practitioner &ho has a M*.
*octor of :steopathic Medicine < A doctor &ho incorporates the
theories and practices of scienti8c medicine.
,odiatrist < Specializes in medical and surical care of the feet.
:ptometrist < A doctor &ho specializes in eyes, detects eye diseases,
and prescribe corrective lenses.
*entist < Specializes in prevention and treatment of diseases and
in7uries of the teeth, mouth and 7a&s.
Allied 9ealth Care ,roviders < 9ealth care professionals &ho provide
services &ith supervision of independent practitioners.
'ndoscopy < A medical procedure, &hich a vie&in instrument is
inserted into a body cavity.
)alse ,ositive < A test result that incorrectly detects a disorder or
)alse =eative < A test result that fails to correctly detect disease or
'lective Surery < A nonemerency operation.
:utpatient < A person receivin medical attention &ithout bein
admitted to the hospital.
9olistic 9ealth Care < ,ractices that ta%e into account( mind, body and
Traditional Chinese Medicine < >sin 2?i4 as a &ay to treat disease in
China. Therapies include acupuncture and herbal medicine.
9erbal remedy < A medicine prepared from plants.
Acupuncture < #nsertion of needles in certain areas to help the 5o& of
9omeopathy < Administerin small doses of remedies.
=aturopathy < Supportin the body$s ability to heal itself by removin
barriers and creatin healin, internally and e!ternally.
9ypnotherapy < ,ractitioner induces a state of rela!ation, commonly
used for manain pain, phobias, and addictions.
=atural products < CAM therapies include herbal remedies, e!tract
from animal tissue and dietary supplements.
,harmacopoeia < A collection of descriptions and formulas for drus
and medicinal preparations.
Chiropractic < Manual healin, and is used to treat musclos%elatal
problems. Treatment is manipulation of the spine and other 7oints.
'nery Therapies < CAM treatments that use enery 8elds, oriinatin
in the body or from other sources to promote healin.
?ion < A part of Chinese medicine that combines movement,
mediation, reulation of breathin to enhance "qi". #mproves bood
circulation and enhances immune function.
Therapeutic Touch < 9ealers identify and correct enery imbalances by
passin thier hands over patients body.
-ei%i < Correct disturbances in 5o& of life enery and enhance the
bodys healin po&er throuh the use of di+erent hand positions on the
3io electromanetic based therapies < 'lectromanetic 8elds used to
promote healin and manae pain.
Manaed Care ,lan - )inancin and delivery of services by usin
desinated providers for follo&in the plans 9M:@s, ,,:@s, and ,:S.
9ealth Maintenance :ranization - :+ers heath care from desinated
,referred ,rovider :ranization < ,roviders aree to deliver serives for
discounted fees.
,oint of Service < Manaed care plan that covers treatment by an 9M:
physician. Allo&s patients to loo% else&here &ith a hiher copayment.
Medicare - )ederal health insurance proram for people AB years old or
older and for youner peple &ith certain disabilities.
Medicaid - )ederally subsidized state run plan of health care for people
&ith lo& income.

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