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Title of Activity: Communicating Equations with Variables

Reference Section:

[Grade 6 mathematics-patterns and relations: Online resources for each SLO]. (2014).
Retrieved from BGRS - Engaging Students website:

Grade Level: 6

Subject: Mathematics

Brief Description of Activity:

Students will go to a website, in which they will translate equations into English sentences and
translate English sentences into equations. The students will complete the questions on the web
page below the activity. Print off assessment and hand it in. The websites students will visit is, then scroll
down to Using Algebraic Equations Gizmo. If the student completes this activity, they can go
back to and go
to Algebra Puzzle for more difficult, fun, Sudoku like algebra problems.

General Learner Outcome:

Patterns & Relations - Variables & Equations:
Represent algebraic expressions in multiple ways.

Specific Learner Outcomes:

3. Represent generalizations arising from number relationships, using equations with letter
4. Express a given problem as an equation in which a letter variable is used to represent an
unknown number.

ICT Outcomes:

C.1.2.1 access and retrieve appropriate information from the Internet by using a specific
search path or from given uniform resource locations
C.2.2.1 seek responses to inquiries from various authorities through electronic media
C.6.2.1 select and use technology to assist in problem solving
P.5.2.3 navigate the Internet with appropriate software

Rationale for Computer Integration:

In this assignment, computers allow students to work take their time with their work,
experimentation with word relation to mathematics, and receive instant feedback to their
mistakes to correct them. This has the potential to reach students with various learning styles.
Search Strategies Employed:

I typed into the Google search engine, Grade 6 using equations with letter variables gizmos,
after researching Program of Studies. Thus, I used the following search strategies:
- Use a unique phrase. Phrase was directly from the Program of Studies.
- Use of 7 key words which were either nouns, or verbs.
- Avoided redundant terms
- Defined the problem. I needed to make sure I got gizmos and/or activities, so I used the
word gizmos in my search.
- Use persistence. Initially I searched, and did not find a gizmo I was
looking for after quite some time. I then decided to use Google.

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