Pre-Primary 2014 Term 3 Lucy

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Pre-Primary Term 3 LWLC 2014 L.


TEACHER: Miss Ross and Mrs Pettit YEAR LEVEL: PP TERM: 3 YEAR: 2014
TOPIC: English
UNIT TITLE: Interacting and Predicting

Love Justice Compassion Forgiveness Service Courage Humility Hope Quality Appreciation
Literacy Numeracy ICT
Critical and
Creative thinking
Personal and Social
Indigenous Perspectives Asia and Australias Engagement with Asia Sustainability
Children have a strong
sense of identity
Children are connected to and
contribute to their world
Children have a
strong sense of
Children are confident and involved
Children are effective
Children feel safe, secure
and supported
Children develop a sense of
belonging to groups and
communities and an understanding
of the reciprocal rights and
responsibilities necessary for active
community participation
Children become
strong in their social
and emotional
Children develop dispositions for
learning such as curiosity, co-
operation, confidence, creativity,
commitment, enthusiasm,
persistence, imagination and
Children interact verbally and
non-verbally with others for a
range of purposes
Children develop their
emerging autonomy,
resilience, and sense of
Children respond to diversity with
Children take
responsibility for their
own health and
physical wellbeing
Children develop a range of skills
and processes such as problem
solving, inquiry, experimentation,
hypothesising, researching and
Children engage with a range
of texts and make meaning
from these texts
Children develop
knowledgeable and
confident self-identities
Children become aware of fairness
Children transfer and adapt what
they have learned from one context
to another
Children express ideas and
make meaning using a range
of media
Pre-Primary Term 3, 2014
Pre-Primary Term 3 LWLC 2014 L. Ross


Reading and viewing
By the end of the Pre-primary year, children use predicting and questioning strategies to make meaning from texts. They recall one or two events from texts with
familiar topics. They understand that there are different types of texts and that these can have similar characteristics. They identify connections between texts and their
personal experience. They read short, predictable texts with familiar vocabulary and supportive images, drawing on their developing knowledge of concepts about print
and sounds and letters. They identify the letters of the English alphabet and use the sounds represented by most letters.
Writing and creating
Children understand that their texts can reflect their own experiences. When writing, children use familiar words and phrases and images to convey ideas. Their writing
shows evidence of sound and letter knowledge, beginning writing behaviours and experimentation with capital letters and full stops. They correctly form known upper
and lower-case letters.
Speaking and listening
Children understand that their texts can reflect their own experiences. They identify and describe likes and dislikes about familiar texts, objects, characters and events.
In informal group and whole class settings, children communicate clearly. They retell events and experiences with peers and known adults. They listen for, identify and
use rhyme, letter patterns and sounds in words.


Interacting and predicting.
Students will read short predictable texts with familiar vocabulary and supportive images, drawing on their developing knowledge of concepts about print and
sound and letters. Students will engage in strategies such as questioning and predicting in order to make meaning from texts. After reading and viewing texts
students will be asked to predict, what happens next? and to record their predictions through drawing and writing. Students will be asked to explain the basis
of their predictions.
Throughout this term, students will also be exposed to long and short vowels, digraphs oo, ee, ck and ng as well as being exposed to ing verbs.


Children learn to interact
in relation to others with
care, empathy and
Children become socially
responsible and show respect for
the environment

Children resource their own learning
through connecting with people,
place, technologies and natural and
processed materials
Children begin to understand
how symbols and pattern
systems work

Children use information and
communication technologies
to access information,
investigate ideas and
represent their thinking
Pre-Primary Term 3 LWLC 2014 L. Ross
What is happening in this text? What do you predict will happen next?
How does this text relate to you?
What are some of the features of this text?

Identify Curriculum
Relevant Prior Curriculum Working Towards
Australian Curriculum and the Early Years Learning Framework.
In Kindergarten teachers have promoted all areas of the EYLF with the most
relevant to this unit being that;
Children are effective communicators
Children interact verbally and non-verbally with others for a range of
Children engage with a range of texts and make meaning from these
Children express ideas and make meaning using a range of media
Children begin to understand how symbols and pattern systems work
Children use information and communication technologies to access
information, investigate ideas and represent their thinking
Children resource their own learning through connecting with people,
place, technologies and natural and processed materials

Year 1 Australian Curriculum: English

Literature and context
Discuss how authors create characters using language and images
Responding to literature
Discuss characters and events in a range of literary texts and share
personal responses to these texts, making connections with students'
own experiences (ACELT1582)
Express preferences for specific texts and authors and listen to the
opinions of others (ACELT1583)
Examining literature
Discuss features of plot, character and setting in different types of
literature and explore some features of characters in different texts
Texts in context
Respond to texts drawn from a range of cultures and experiences
Interacting with others
Engage in conversations and discussions, using active listening
behaviours, showing interest, and contributing ideas, information and
questions (ACELY1656)
Use interaction skills including turn-taking, recognising the contributions
of others, speaking clearly and using appropriate volume and pace
Make short presentations using some introduced text structures and
language, for example opening statements (ACELY1657)
Interpreting, analysing, evaluating
Describe some differences between imaginative informative and
Pre-Primary Term 3 LWLC 2014 L. Ross
persuasive texts (ACELY1658)

Links to other learning areas
There are opportunities to connect learning experiences in English to other learning areas.
Australian Curriculum: History
Explore a range of sources about the past (ACHHS018)
Use a range of communication forms (oral, graphic, written, role play) and digital technologies (ACHHS022)
Australian Curriculum: Mathematics
Answer yes/no questions to collect information (ACMSP011)
Australian Curriculum:
Engage in discussions about observations and use methods such as drawing to represent ideas (ACSIS233)
T & E
Construct texts using software including word processing programs (ACELY1654)
The Arts
Using the visual arts to represent to tell a story and to express emotions.

Identify curriculum: English
Content descriptions to be taught- Highlighted yellow (Most of these have already been taught, I will be
touching on them again allowing children to become more familiar with the topic).
Highlighted in Blue: What has previously been learntwill still continue to revisit these areas throughout the
General capabilities and cross-curriculum
Language Literature Literacy
Language variation and change
Understand that English is one of
many languages spoken in Australia
and that different languages may be
spoken by family, classmates and
community (ACELA1426)
Language for interaction
Explore how language is used
differently at home and school
depending on the relationships
Literature and context
Recognise that texts are
created by authors who tell
stories and share experiences
that may be similar or
different to students own
experiences (ACELT1575)
Responding to literature
Respond to texts, identifying
favourite stories, authors and
Texts in context
Identify some familiar texts and
the contexts in which they are
used (ACELY1645)
Interacting with others
Listen to and respond orally to
texts and to the communication
of others in informal and
structured classroom situations
Develop the skills to learn and communicate
confidently in listening, reading and viewing,
writing, speaking and creating print, visual
and digital materials
Develop understanding about how the
numerical system is used in texts within
everyday environments to organise and
communicate meaning
Pre-Primary Term 3 LWLC 2014 L. Ross
between people (ACELA1428)
Understand that language can be
used to explore ways of expressing
needs, likes and dislikes
Text structure and organisation
Understand that texts can take
many forms, can be very short (for
example an exit sign) or quite long
(for example an information book or
film) and that stories and
informative texts have different
purposes (ACELA1430)
Understand that punctuation is a
feature of written text different
from letters; recognise how capital
letters are used for names, and that
capital letters and full stops signal
the beginning and end of sentences
Understand concepts about print
and screen, including how books, film
and simple digital texts work, and
know some features of print, for
example directionality (ACELA1433)
Expressing and developing ideas
Recognise that sentences are key
units for expressing ideas
Recognise that texts are made up of
words and groups of words that
make meaning (ACELA1434)
Explore the different contribution
of words and images to meaning in
stories and informative texts
illustrators (ACELT1577)
Share feelings and thoughts
about the events and
characters in texts
Examining literature
Identify some features of
texts including events and
characters and retell events
from a text (ACELT1578)
Recognise some different
types of literary texts and
identify some characteristic
features of literary texts, for
example beginnings and endings
of traditional texts and rhyme
in poetry (ACELT1785)
Replicate the rhythms and
sound patterns in stories,
rhymes, songs and poems from
a range of cultures

Creating Literature

Retell familiar literacy texts
through performance, use of
illustrations and images
(ACELT 1580)
Use interaction skills including
listening while others speak,
using appropriate voice levels,
articulation and body language,
gestures and eye contact
Deliver short oral presentations
to peers (ACELY1647)
Interpreting, analysing, evaluating
Identify some differences
between imaginative and
informative texts (ACELY1648)
Read predictable texts,
practising phrasing and fluency,
and monitor meaning using
concepts about print and
emerging contextual, semantic,
grammatical and phonic
knowledge (ACELY1649)
Use comprehension strategies to
understand and discuss texts
listened to, viewed or read
independently (ACELY1650)
Creating texts
Create short texts to explore,
record and report ideas and
events using familiar words and
beginning writing knowledge
Participate in shared editing of
students own texts for meaning,
spelling, capital letters and full
stops (ACELY1652)
Produce some lower case and
upper case letters using learned
letter formations (ACELY1653)
ICT capability
Explore how ICTs use symbols and systems
to create and communicate meaning
Critical and creative thinking
Generate, represent and respond to ideas,
experiences and possibilities by
experimenting with materials and processes
in a variety of creative, imaginative and
innovative ways
Personal and social capability
Develop communication skills for
Investigate and communicate positively
about social and cultural practices or people
in their community

Pre-Primary Term 3 LWLC 2014 L. Ross
Understand the use of vocabulary in
familiar contexts related to
everyday experiences, personal
interests and topics taught at school
Know that spoken sounds and words
can be written down using letters of
the alphabet, and how to write some
high-frequency sight words and
known words (ACELA1758)
Know how to use onset and rime to
spell words (ACELA1438)
Sound and letter knowledge
Recognise rhymes, syllables and
sounds (phonemes) in spoken words
Recognise the letters of the
alphabet and know there are lower
and upper case letters (ACELA1440)
Construct texts using software
including word processing
programs (ACELY1654)

Pre-Primary Term 3 LWLC 2014 L. Ross
Weeks Teaching and Learning Experiences

Concept Resources
Introduction of feature author: Julia Donaldson
Students will discuss different authors they know and their favourite books.
Introduce to the students that this term we will be focusing on many texts written by
Julia Donaldson.
For shared reading focus on texts by Julia Donaldson, students are asked to identify
rhyming words and share their thoughts about the meaning of these texts.
Our writing focus this week will focus on a holiday retell and finding 100 things we
have learnt this year in preparation for our 100 days celebrations in week 2.
New Groups
Students will get to work with their new rotation groups. As we will be
welcoming some new students we will do some team building and getting to
know each other activities.
Initial Sounds
Students will revisit their initial sounds through group games and Ipad activities
such as Eggy Alphabet.
Revisit Digraphs

Recognise that texts are created by authors
who tell stories and share experiences that
may be similar or different to students own
experiences (ACELT1575)

Respond to texts, identifying favourite
stories, authors and illustrators

Recognise rhymes, syllables and sounds
(phonemes) in spoken words
Books: One Ted
Falls Out of Bed
and The Gruffalo.

Creating a book review
This week, students will be shown the Julia Donaldson book The Singing Mermaid.
Using the familiar book review activity, students will identify features of a text such as:
Number of Pages
And asked to share their thoughts on the book by talking about their favourite part of
the book and why.
Through shared reading of this book each day, students will identify rhyming words and
familiar digraphs throughout the text.
Guided reading
Levelled Guided Reading using the PM series run by Mrs Bestford twice
weekly with a guided reading session and reading response activity.
Weekly homework continues this week
Initial Sounds
Continue to revise initial sounds through modelled writing
Home Readers
Students will continue with their home readers. New books will be sent home
each day other than Friday. Children will be heard reading each day.
Share feelings and thoughts about the
events and characters in texts

Understanding that texts can take many
forms i.e. lists and cards. (ACELA1430).

Recognise the letters of the alphabet and
Know there are uppercase and lowercase
Letters. (ACELA1440).

Know how to use onset and rime to spell
words. (ACELA1438).

Recognise rhymes, syllables and sounds
(phonemes) in spoken words (ACELA1439).

Identify some familiar texts and the contexts
In which they are used. (ACELY1645).

The Singing

Pre-Primary Term 3 LWLC 2014 L. Ross
Sight words
Students will continue to be differentiated with their words. Testing occurs each
Friday with new words being dependent on demonstration of learning.
Introduction of ing words.
Students will be exposed to a variety of ing words. These words may already have the
ing for example King and Ring or the ing may be added to the end of an existing
word. E.g. Dancing and Playing.
Students will see how many words they can create with ingCreate ing flowers.
3 Prediction of what a story is about...
This week, students will be shown the text Julia Donaldson book The Smartest Giant
in Town. Students will be asked to predict what this text is about and show their
answers through drawing and writing. The story will be read to students, they will
compare their prediction to what really happened in the book. How was it the
same/different to your prediction?
In Shared reading students will identify the ing words that they hear. By Friday
students should be able to retell the story to their class mates.
Guided reading
Levelled Guided Reading using the PM series run by Mrs Bestford twice
weekly with a guided reading session and reading response activity.
Weekly homework continues this week
Initial Sounds
Continue to revise initial sounds through modelled writing
Home Readers
Students will continue with their home readers. New books will be sent home
each day other than Friday. Children will be heard reading each day.
Sight words
Students will continue to be differentiated with their words. Testing occurs each
Friday with new words being dependent on demonstration of learning.
Introduction to vowels
What is a vowel?
Vowel names.
Discuss long and short vowels.

Creating texts:
Create short texts to explore, record and
report ideas and events using familiar
words and beginning writing knowledge
using beginning concepts about print,
soundletter and word knowledge and
punctuation to create short texts

Identify some differences between
imaginative and informative texts.

Recognise rhymes, syllables and sounds
(phonemes) in spoken words.

Read Predictable texts, practising phrasing
and fluency, and monitor meaning using
concepts about print and emergin
contextual, sematic and phonic knowledge.

Book: The
Smartest Giant in
Pre-Primary Term 3 LWLC 2014 L. Ross
Prediction continued
Shared reader this week; What The Ladybird Heard. I will read this book through until
the page But the ladybird had a good idea and she whispered it into each animal ear.
Get the students to predict what happens next?
Guided reading
Levelled Guided Reading using the PM series run by Mrs Bestford twice
weekly with a guided reading session and reading response activity.
Weekly homework continues this week
Initial Sounds
Continue to revise initial sounds through modelled writing
Home Readers
Students will continue with their home readers. New books will be sent home
each day other than Friday. Children will be heard reading each day.
Sight words
Students will continue to be differentiated with their words. Testing occurs each
Friday with new words being dependent on demonstration of learning.
Continue working on vowels. Introduce the Y vowel.
Creating texts:
Create short texts to explore, record and
report ideas and events using familiar
words and beginning writing knowledge
using beginning concepts about print,
soundletter and word knowledge and
punctuation to create short texts

Identify some differences between
imaginative and informative texts.

Recognise rhymes, syllables and sounds
(phonemes) in spoken words.

Read Predictable texts, practising phrasing
and fluency, and monitor meaning using
concepts about print and emergin
contextual, sematic and phonic knowledge.

What The
Ladybird Heard.

5 Retell
This week our feature book will be Julia Donaldsons Tabby McTat. Students will take
care when listening to the story to be able to identify beginning, middle and end.
Using ipads, students will digitally recreate the story.
Extension: change the ending of the story.
Guided reading
Levelled Guided Reading using the PM series run by Mrs Bestford twice
weekly with a guided reading session and reading response activity.
Weekly homework continues this week
Initial Sounds
Continue to revise initial sounds through modelled writing
Home Readers
Students will continue with their home readers. New books will be sent home
each day other than Friday. Children will be heard reading each day.
Sight words
Students will continue to be differentiated with their words. Testing occurs each
Friday with new words being dependent on demonstration of learning.
Know that spoken sounds and words can
be written down using letters of the
alphabet and how to write some high
frequency sight words and known words

Construct texts using software including
word processing programs (ACELY1654).

Identify some features of texts including
events and characters and retell events
from a text (ACELT1578).

Recognise some different types of literary
texts and identify some characteristic
features if literary texts, for example
beginnings and endings of traditional texts
and rhyme poetry (ACELT1785).

Book: Tabby
Pre-Primary Term 3 LWLC 2014 L. Ross
Introduce the bossy e explain how it makes other vowels say their name.
Mad(e), Cam(e), bit(e), Can(e).
6 Retell
Continue to focus on retelling of stories. I would like students to get a clear
understanding of beginning, middle and end and well as discussing the characters,
setting and events. I aim to have children using this particular vocabulary. This Weeks
feature book will be Julia Donaldsons A Squash and a Squeeze.
Some students may still be finishing their Ipad retells this week. There will be a
finishing rotation in literacy block.
Guided reading
Levelled Guided Reading using the PM series run by Mrs Bestford twice
weekly with a guided reading session and reading response activity.
Weekly homework continues this week
Initial Sounds
Continue to revise initial sounds through modelled writing
Home Readers
Students will continue with their home readers. New books will be sent home
each day other than Friday. Children will be heard reading each day.
Sight words
Students will continue to be differentiated with their words. Testing occurs each
Friday with new words being dependent on demonstration of learning.
Introduce vowel digraph oo
Know that spoken sounds and words can
be written down using letters of the
alphabet and how to write some high
frequency sight words and known words

Construct texts using software including
word processing programs (ACELY1654).

Identify some features of texts including
events and characters and retell events
from a text (ACELT1578).

Recognise some different types of literary
texts and identify some characteristic
features if literary texts, for example
beginnings and endings of traditional texts
and rhyme poetry (ACELT1785).

Retell familiar literary texts through
performance, use of illustrations and
images (ACELT1580).
Book: A Squash
and a Squeeze.
7 Writing for a purpose:
This week we will be writing for fathers day. We will steer away from Julia Donaldson
this week and read a book by another familiar author l Love My Daddy- Giles
Andreae This week will consist of card making, letter writing and gift making. All for our
special male (Dads, Grandads, Uncles, etc..).
Guided reading
Levelled Guided Reading using the PM series run by Mrs Bestford twice
weekly with a guided reading session and reading response activity.
Weekly homework continues this week
Initial Sounds
Continue to revise initial sounds through modelled writing
Home Readers
Students will continue with their home readers. New books will be sent home
each day other than Friday. Children will be heard reading each day.
Sight words
Understand the use of vocabulary in
familiar contexts related to everyday
experiences, personal interests and topics
taught at school (ACELA1437).

Understand that punctuation is a feature of
written text different from letters; recognise
how capital letters are used for names, and
that capotal letters and full stops signal the
beginning and end of sentences.

Explore how language is used differently at
home and school depending on the
relationship between people. (ACELA1428).

Books: I Love My
Andreae and
Sheep in a Jeep.

Diana Rigg ee
Pre-Primary Term 3 LWLC 2014 L. Ross
Students will continue to be differentiated with their words. Testing occurs each
Friday with new words being dependent on demonstration of learning.
Introduce vowel digraph ee
This week we will follow our environmental theme and plant some seeds.
Use Dianna Riggs ee activities.
Read Sheep in a Jeep- pick out all of the ee sounds.
8 Creating a portfolio book report.
This week we will read Julia Donaldsons book Zog. We will pay special attention to
this story as we will create a book report for our portfolio.
We will also look into the character Zog.
Guided reading
Levelled Guided Reading using the PM series run by Mrs Bestford twice
weekly with a guided reading session and reading response activity.
Weekly homework continues this week
Initial Sounds
Continue to revise initial sounds through modelled writing
Home Readers
Students will continue with their home readers. New books will be sent home
each day other than Friday. Children will be heard reading each day.
Sight words
Students will continue to be differentiated with their words. Testing occurs each
Friday with new words being dependent on demonstration of learning.
Introduce ck
Read a short story, students pick out the ck words.
Share feelings and thoughts about the
events and characters in texts

Understanding that texts can take many
forms i.e. lists and cards. (ACELA1430).

Identify some familiar texts and the contexts
In which they are used. (ACELY1645).

Understand that language can be used to
explore ways of expressing needs, likes
and dislikes (ACELA1429).

Recognise that sentences are key units for
expressing ideas (ACELA1435).

Book: Zog

to Penguin
My Favourite Book
This week, we will read Julia Donaldsons Charlie Cooks Favourite Book. We will then
discuss what our favourite book for the term was. We will recap on the books we read
and discuss what we liked about them.
Students will write about their favourite book and draw an image showing the book. (All
books read will be displayed at the front of the class to refer back to). Students will
present their favourite book to the class.
Guided reading
Levelled Guided Reading using the PM series run by Mrs Bestford twice
weekly with a guided reading session and reading response activity.
Weekly homework continues this week
Initial Sounds
Continue to revise initial sounds through modelled writing
Home Readers

Use comprehension strategies to undetand
and discuss texts listened to, viewed or read
independently (ACELY1650).

Use interaction skills includuding listening
while others speak, using appropriate voice
levels, articulation and body language,
gestures and eye contact. (ACELY1784)

Deliver short oral presentations to peers

Respond to texts, identifying favourite stories,
authors and illustrators (ACELT1577)

Book: read
Charlie Cooks
Favourite Book.

All Julia
Donaldson books
from the term.
Pre-Primary Term 3 LWLC 2014 L. Ross

Students will continue with their home readers. New books will be sent home
each day other than Friday. Children will be heard reading each day.
Sight words
Students will continue to be differentiated with their words. Testing occurs each
Friday with new words being dependent on demonstration of learning.
Introduce ng
At the end of this week, we will begin to reflect on the term. We will revisit any tricky
concepts and finish any work that is incomplete.
10 Penguin Island Retell:
Students will retell their day at Island.
Students will include things such as:
Who was there, how did they get there, what they did and what their favourite part was.
Reflect on learning.
This week will be based on reflecting on the term and the learning that has occurred.
We will discuss highs and lows of the term and what we are thankful for.

Differentiation Assessment Resources
Daily small group area to focus on remedial or
extensions groups.

Differentiation of difficulty and expectation.

Structured opportunities for those who are
competent to begin task whilst those who require
further instruction can remain on mat.

Extension activities
Rating work samples; against Pre-Primary Judging
Informative Writing Recount
Character Story
Story Retell
Book Report Presentation
Formative Assessment: Dianna Rigg- Sight Words
Dianna Rigg Phonological Awareness Testing
Checklists ie Blending 2 and 3 phonemes.
PM reading levelling.

Digital Retell
On the holidays
On the weekend
Reading/Sight Words
Book report
Speaking and Listening.

Judging Standards- Foundation
Dianna Riggs resources such as formative
Julia Donaldson Picture Books.

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