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1. Why did you ask these questions?

I asked these questions e!ause I "ant to kno" #o$e aout #y dis!i%&ine' aout the
(a!to$s that !an #ake #e a su!!ess(u& student in this #a)o$ and "hat "i&& #y
dis!i%&ine #ean in #y (utu$e.
*. Do you think these questions "i&& #o+e you$ %$o)e!t (o$"a$d?
I think these questions "i&& #o+e #y %$o)e!t (o$"a$d' e!ause to kno" ho" to e
su!!ess(u& in so#ethin, is $ea&&y i#%o$tant' and to kno" "hat a$e you doin, and "hat
is it ,oin, to #ean too.
-. A$e these questions that "i&& he&% a ,$aduatin, hi,h s!hoo& senio$ #ake an
in(o$#ed de!ision aout you$ dis!i%&ine?
In #i o%inion these questions "i&& he&% a ,$aduatin, student hi,h s!hoo& to #ake his
o$ he$ de!ision aout the dis!i%&ine he o$ she "ants to study e!ause they a$e
questions $ea&&y ,ene$a&. A&so they a$e questions that e+e$yody "ants to kno" and
they a$e use(u&.

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