Bank Account Transfer Letter

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Date: 02/May/2012

The Manager
ABCD Bank Limited
Khatungonj Branch
Chittagong, Bangade!h"
Subject: Transfer of my/our Account No. 2510012450
Dear #ir,
$/%e ha&e the honour to !tate that are ha&e 'een maintaining a
CD/#B/#TD Account 'earing (o"2)10012*)0, Account name + Dr"
Mohammad ,ounu! -ith your 'ranch" Due to my/our .er!ona/'u!ine!!
con&enience, $/-e ike to re/ue!t you to tran!0er the !aid account to your
1u'iee 2oad Branch, Chittagong"
,our kind a!!i!tance in thi! regard i! 'eing !oicited"
,our! 0aith0uy,
A/C (ame: Dr" Mohammad ,ounu!
A/C (o" 2)10012*)0
3re!ent Addre!!:
Contact (o" 444

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