4 Post Lab

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Raphael Sevilla

1. Diagram the life cycle of a moss. Your answer must include sperm, egg, spore,
sporangium, embryo, fertilization, gametophyte, water, antheridia, archegonia, meiosis,
mitosis, egg, sporophyte.

Haploid sperm are released from the antheridia on the male gametophytes. The sperm need water
to travel to the bottom of the archegonia and fertilize the eggs. The eggs develop into a zygote.
The zygote undergoes mitosis to develop into a diploid sporophyte which grows out of the
archegonium and differentiates into a slender seta with a swollen capsule at its apex. The
sporophyte grows on the gametophyte and produces spores through meiosis. The spores
germinate, which make way for gametophytes. The gametophytes grow along the ground and
buds produce leafy gametophytes.

2. What structures and features do ferns possess that bryophytes do not that may have
contributed to their success in a broader range of environments?

Ferns have an independent sporophyte. In addition they have an independent stomata
which are pores that open and close on leaves which regulate gas exchange.

3. Compare and contrast alternation of generations in ferns and pines.
The alternation of generations of ferns and pines is existent. In addition the sporophyte
generation is mostly important. Ferns need water for fertilization because the gametes
contain flagella. Pines do not need water for fertilization because of the pollen grain and
the female gametophytes is nutritionally dependent on the sporophyte.

4. Diagram the life cycle of an angiosperm. Your answer must include sperm, egg,
microspore, megaspore, megasporangium, microsporangium, embryo, fertilization,
pollen, embryo sac, ovule, meiosis, mitosis, egg, sporophyte, double fertilization.

Eggs form within the embryo sac inside the ovules. The pollen grains meanwhile form within the
sporangia of the anthers and are shed. Fertilization is a double process, a zygote is produced
through the coming together of the sperm and the egg. Another sperm fuses with the polar nuclei
to form the endosperm. Through mitosis the zygote forms into the seed. As the seed germinates it
develops into the adult sporophyte. The megaspore through creates a megaspore and pollen grain
is released from the anther.

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