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Writing is one of four basic skills of English that has to be mastered by the
students. However, it is not easy as it seems. There are some stages to make a
good writing. Therefore, some teachers introduced many aids or techniques of
teaching to help their students easy to compose a good writing. One of the
interesting techniques of teaching is make a match technique. This research
focuses on the influence of make a match technique toward student writing ability
on procedure text. The objectives of this research is to find out whether make a
match technique can improve students ability in writing procedure text.
This research used quantitative approach with true experimental design as a
method of the research. The population of this research was all of the students of
ninth grade at SMPN 11 Kota Serang, and the sample that was used in this
research was the students of IX B as experimental group and IX A as the control
group. The classes were chosen randomly from the six classes. By using this
method, the researcher conducted the experimental in order to find out the
significant improvement in experimental group after treatment. The instrument
that used by the researcher were writing test and interview. After collecting the
data, the researcher analyzed them by using t-test. The result of this research
shows the significant influence of students procedure writing skill on
experimental group was significant. It can be seen from the result of t-test. The
researcher got the result from significance test or t
is 4.26, while, the t
2.02. It shown that t
is higher than t
(4.26 > 2.02).
Therefore, the null hypothesis is refused and the alternative hypothesis is
received. So, it can be concluded that there is a significant influence of students
procedure writing skill by using make a match technique at the ninth grade
students of SMPN 11 Kota Serang.

Key words: make a match, procedur text, writing

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